コード例 #1
ファイル: utils.py プロジェクト: BakethemPie/tendenci
def directory_set_inv_payment(user, directory, **kwargs): 
    if get_setting('module', 'directories', 'directoriesrequirespayment'):
        if not directory.invoice:
            inv = Invoice()
            inv.object_type = ContentType.objects.get(app_label=directory._meta.app_label, 
            inv.object_id = directory.id
            profile = user.get_profile()
            inv.title = "Directory Add Invoice"
            inv.bill_to = '%s %s' % (user.first_name, user.last_name)
            inv.bill_to_first_name = user.first_name
            inv.bill_to_last_name = user.last_name
            inv.bill_to_company = profile.company
            inv.bill_to_address = profile.address
            inv.bill_to_city = profile.city
            inv.bill_to_state = profile.state
            inv.bill_to_zip_code = profile.zipcode
            inv.bill_to_country = profile.country
            inv.bill_to_phone = profile.phone
            inv.bill_to_fax = profile.fax
            inv.bill_to_email = profile.email
            inv.ship_to = inv.bill_to
            inv.ship_to_first_name = user.first_name
            inv.ship_to_last_name = user.last_name
            inv.ship_to_company = profile.company
            inv.ship_to_address = profile.address
            inv.ship_to_city = profile.city
            inv.ship_to_state = profile.state
            inv.ship_to_zip_code = profile.zipcode
            inv.ship_to_country = profile.country
            inv.ship_to_phone = profile.phone
            inv.ship_to_fax = profile.fax
            inv.ship_to_email = profile.email
            inv.terms = "Due on Receipt"
            inv.due_date = datetime.now()
            inv.ship_date = datetime.now()
            inv.message = 'Thank You.'
            inv.status = True
            inv.total = get_directory_price(user, directory)
            inv.subtotal = inv.total
            inv.balance = inv.total
            inv.estimate = 1
            inv.status_detail = 'estimate'
            # update job
            directory.invoice = inv
            if is_admin(user):
                if directory.payment_method in ['paid - cc', 'paid - check', 'paid - wire transfer']:
                    boo_inv = inv.tender(user) 
                    # payment
                    payment = Payment()
                    boo = payment.payments_pop_by_invoice_user(user, inv, inv.guid)
                    payment.method = directory.payment_method
                    # this will make accounting entry
                    inv.make_payment(user, payment.amount)
コード例 #2
ファイル: utils.py プロジェクト: BakethemPie/tendenci
def corp_memb_inv_add(user, corp_memb, **kwargs): 
    Add an invoice for this corporate membership
    renewal = kwargs.get('renewal', False)
    renewal_total = kwargs.get('renewal_total', 0)
    renew_entry = kwargs.get('renew_entry', None)
    if not corp_memb.invoice or renewal:
        inv = Invoice()
        if renew_entry:
            inv.object_type = ContentType.objects.get(app_label=renew_entry._meta.app_label, 
            inv.object_id = renew_entry.id
            inv.object_type = ContentType.objects.get(app_label=corp_memb._meta.app_label, 
            inv.object_id = corp_memb.id
        inv.title = "Corporate Membership Invoice"
        inv.bill_to = corp_memb.name
        inv.bill_to_company = corp_memb.name
        inv.bill_to_address = corp_memb.address
        inv.bill_to_city = corp_memb.city
        inv.bill_to_state = corp_memb.state
        inv.bill_to_zip_code = corp_memb.zip
        inv.bill_to_country = corp_memb.country
        inv.bill_to_phone = corp_memb.phone
        inv.bill_to_email = corp_memb.email
        inv.ship_to = corp_memb.name
        inv.ship_to_company = corp_memb.name
        inv.ship_to_address = corp_memb.address
        inv.ship_to_city = corp_memb.city
        inv.ship_to_state = corp_memb.state
        inv.ship_to_zip_code = corp_memb.zip
        inv.ship_to_country = corp_memb.country
        inv.ship_to_phone = corp_memb.phone
        inv.ship_to_email =corp_memb.email
        inv.terms = "Due on Receipt"
        inv.due_date = datetime.now()
        inv.ship_date = datetime.now()
        inv.message = 'Thank You.'
        inv.status = True
        if not renewal:
            inv.total = corp_memb.corporate_membership_type.price
            inv.total = renewal_total
        inv.subtotal = inv.total
        inv.balance = inv.total
        inv.estimate = 1
        inv.status_detail = 'estimate'

        if is_admin(user):
            # if offline payment method
            if not corp_memb.get_payment_method().is_online:
                inv.tender(user) # tendered the invoice for admin if offline

                # mark payment as made
                payment = Payment()
                payment.payments_pop_by_invoice_user(user, inv, inv.guid)
                payment.method = corp_memb.get_payment_method()

                # this will make accounting entry
                inv.make_payment(user, payment.amount)
        return inv
    return None
コード例 #3
ファイル: utils.py プロジェクト: BakethemPie/tendenci
def job_set_inv_payment(user, job, pricing):
    if get_setting('module', 'jobs', 'jobsrequirespayment'):
        if not job.invoice:
            inv = Invoice()
            inv.object_type = ContentType.objects.get(app_label=job._meta.app_label, 
            inv.object_id = job.id
            inv.title = "Job Add Invoice"
            inv.bill_to = job.contact_name
            first_name = ''
            last_name = ''
            if job.contact_name:
                name_list = job.contact_name.split(' ')
                if len(name_list) >= 2:
                    first_name = name_list[0]
                    last_name = ' '.join(name_list[1:])
            inv.bill_to_first_name = first_name
            inv.bill_to_last_name = last_name
            inv.bill_to_company = job.contact_company
            inv.bill_to_address = job.contact_address
            inv.bill_to_city = job.contact_city
            inv.bill_to_state = job.contact_state
            inv.bill_to_zip_code = job.contact_zip_code
            inv.bill_to_country = job.contact_country
            inv.bill_to_phone = job.contact_phone
            inv.bill_to_fax = job.contact_fax
            inv.bill_to_email = job.contact_email
            inv.ship_to = job.contact_name
            inv.ship_to_first_name = first_name
            inv.ship_to_last_name = last_name
            inv.ship_to_company = job.contact_company
            inv.ship_to_address = job.contact_address
            inv.ship_to_city = job.contact_city
            inv.ship_to_state = job.contact_state
            inv.ship_to_zip_code = job.contact_zip_code
            inv.ship_to_country = job.contact_country
            inv.ship_to_phone = job.contact_phone
            inv.ship_to_fax = job.contact_fax
            inv.ship_to_email =job.contact_email
            inv.terms = "Due on Receipt"
            inv.due_date = datetime.now()
            inv.ship_date = datetime.now()
            inv.message = 'Thank You.'
            inv.status = True
            inv.total = get_job_price(user, job, pricing)
            inv.subtotal = inv.total
            inv.balance = inv.total
            inv.estimate = 1
            inv.status_detail = 'estimate'
            # update job
            job.invoice = inv
            if is_admin(user):
                if job.payment_method in ['paid - cc', 'paid - check', 'paid - wire transfer']:
                    boo_inv = inv.tender(user) 
                    # payment
                    payment = Payment()
                    boo = payment.payments_pop_by_invoice_user(user, inv, inv.guid)
                    payment.method = job.payment_method
                    # this will make accounting entry
                    inv.make_payment(user, payment.amount)
コード例 #4
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: BakethemPie/tendenci
def pay_online(request, invoice_id, guid="", template_name="payments/pay_online.html"):
    # check if they have the right to view the invoice
    invoice = get_object_or_404(Invoice, pk=invoice_id)
    if not invoice.allow_view_by(request.user, guid): raise Http403
    # tender the invoice
    if not invoice.is_tendered:
        # log an event for invoice edit
        log_defaults = {
            'event_id' : 312000,
            'event_data': '%s (%d) edited by %s' % (invoice._meta.object_name, invoice.pk, request.user),
            'description': '%s edited' % invoice._meta.object_name,
            'user': request.user,
            'request': request,
            'instance': invoice,
    # generate the payment
    payment = Payment()
    boo = payment.payments_pop_by_invoice_user(request.user, invoice, guid)
    # log an event for payment add
    log_defaults = {
        'event_id' : 281000,
        'event_data': '%s (%d) added by %s' % (payment._meta.object_name, payment.pk, request.user),
        'description': '%s added' % payment._meta.object_name,
        'user': request.user,
        'request': request,
        'instance': payment,
    # post payment form to gateway and redirect to the vendor so customer can pay from there
    if boo:
        merchant_account = (get_setting("site", "global", "merchantaccount")).lower()
        if merchant_account == 'stripe':
            return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('stripe.payonline', args=[payment.id]))    

            if merchant_account == "authorizenet":
                form = prepare_authorizenet_sim_form(request, payment)
                post_url = settings.AUTHNET_POST_URL
            elif merchant_account == 'firstdata':
                from payments.firstdata.utils import prepare_firstdata_form
                form = prepare_firstdata_form(request, payment)
                post_url = settings.FIRSTDATA_POST_URL
            elif merchant_account == 'paypalpayflowlink':
                from payments.payflowlink.utils import prepare_payflowlink_form
                form = prepare_payflowlink_form(request, payment)
                post_url = settings.PAYFLOWLINK_POST_URL
            else:   # more vendors 
                form = None
                post_url = ""
        form = None
        post_url = ""
    return render_to_response(template_name, 
                              {'form':form, 'post_url':post_url}, 