def run(event, context): load_dependency('pydot') channel = event.get('channel') data = event.get('dot') #slack_message("in dot to svg: {0}".format(event), [], channel) log_to_elk("in dot to svg: {0}".format(event)) import dot_parser try: (fd, tmp_file) = tempfile.mkstemp('dot)') dot_static = '/tmp/lambdas-dependencies/pydot/dot_static'"chmod", ['+x', dot_static]) data = data.replace('<', '<').replace('>','>') # this solved a really nasty bug caused by the fact that Slack will html encode the < and > # graph = pydot.graph_from_dot_data(data).pop() # <from pydot> use code below (instead of above) to get a better error message from dot parser graphparser = dot_parser.graph_definition() graphparser.parseWithTabs() tokens = graphparser.parseString(data) graph = list(tokens).pop() # </from pydot> graph.write_svg(tmp_file, prog=dot_static) svg_raw = Files.contents(tmp_file) return base64.b64encode(svg_raw.encode()).decode() except Exception as error: slack_message("[dot_to_svg] Error: {0} ".format(error), [], channel) return None
def invoke(self, team_id=None, channel=None, params=None): if params is None: params = [] attachments = [] if len(params) == 0: (text, attachments) = else: original_params = list(params) command = params.pop(0) # extract first element from the array if command in self.available_methods(): method = getattr(, command) try: start = time() result = method(team_id, channel, params) if type(result).__name__ == 'tuple': text, attachments = result else: text, attachments = result, [] if text is None and self._show_duration: duration = time() - start text = 'completed execution in `{0:.0f}` secs'.format( duration) except Exception as error: text = ':red_circle: Error processing params `{0}`: _{1}_'.format( original_params, pprint.pformat(error)) log_to_elk( "Error in Lambda_Graph.handle_lambda_event :{0}". format(text), level='error') else: (text, attachments) = ':red_circle: command not found `{0}`\n\n'.format(command)) if channel and text is not None: # if there is a text value, then send it as a slack message slack_message(text, attachments, channel, team_id) return text, attachments
def process_slash_command(self, data): try: log_to_elk('process_slash_command', data) command = data.get('command') attachments = [] #if command =='/cst': # (text, attachments) = Slash_Cst().process_command(data) if command == '/jira': result = Lambda('gs.jira_dialog').invoke({ 'type': 'jira_slash_command', 'data': data }) if (result is not None and \ type(result) is not str and \ result.get('text') is not None and \ result.get('attachments') is not None ): text = result.get('text') attachments = result.get('attachments') else: text = result else: text = ':point_right: unrecongnised Slash Command: {0}'.format( command) return {'text': text, 'attachments': attachments} except Exception as error: error_message = 'Error in API_Slack_Integration.process slash command: {0}'.format( error) log_to_elk(error_message, level='error') return {'text': error_message, 'attachments': []}
def process_dialog_suggestion(self, data, field_name): response = {"options": []} callback_id = data.get("callback_id") if callback_id == "issue-suggestion" or callback_id == 'issue-search-dialog': log_to_elk("data received: {0}".format(data)) max = 50 payload = { "action": "search", "data": { "text": data.get('value').strip(), "field": "Summary", "size": max } } results = Lambda('gs.elastic_search').invoke(payload) log_to_elk('Got {0} results from elk'.format(len(results))) try: for item in results: key = item.get("Key") summary = item.get("Summary") if field_name == "label": if len(summary) > 42: summary = summary[0:42] + "..." label_text = "{0:12} {1}".format(key, summary) else: label_text = summary response['options'].append({ field_name: label_text, "value": key }) if len(response['options']) == max: response['options'].append({ field_name: ".... note: max search limit reached: {0}".format(max), "value": "EEEE-1111" }) except Exception as error: response['options'].append({ field_name: "Error : {0}".format(error), "value": "AAAAA-1111" }) else: response['options'].append({ field_name: "... unsupported suggestion callback_id: {0}".format( callback_id), "value": "UUUU-1111" }) #response['options'] = response['options'] return response
def handle_request(self, event): try: body = event.get('body') raw_json = urllib.parse.unquote(body).split('payload=').pop( ) # convert the data back to json (need to pick the 2nd parameter data = json.loads(raw_json) # load into Python object log_to_elk('osbot.lambdas.slack_callback_handle_request', data=data, index='slack_interaction', category='API_Slack_Interaction') return Lambda('osbot_jira.lambdas.slack_actions').invoke(data) # if body: # if 'type%22%3A%22interactive_message' in body: return self.process_action (self.decode_body_with_payload(body)) # this is an interactive_message response # elif 'type%22%3A%22dialog_submission' in body: return self.process_dialog_submission (self.decode_body_with_payload(body)) # elif 'type%22%3A%22message_action' in body: return self.process_interactive_action(self.decode_body_with_payload(body)) # elif 'type%22%3A%22dialog_suggestion' in body: return self.process_dialog_suggestion (self.decode_body_with_payload(body), "label") # else : return self.process_slash_command (self.decode_body_form_encoded(body)) except Exception as error: message = 'Sorry could not process request, the error was: {0}'.format( error) log_to_elk('Error in osbot.lambdas.slack_callback_handle_request', data=message, level='error', index='slack_integrations', category='API_Slack_Interaction') log_to_elk(message) return message return 'Sorry could not process the request'