コード例 #1
ファイル: kdtree.py プロジェクト: leithw2/Bebop_DDR2
def main():
    points_1 = np.array([[0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0]],
    points_2 = np.array([[0, 0, 0.2], [1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [1.1, 1, 0.5]],

    pc_1 = pcl.PointCloud()
    pc_2 = pcl.PointCloud()
    kd = pcl.KdTreeFLANN(pc_1)


    pc_1 = pcl.PointCloud(points_1)
    pc_2 = pcl.PointCloud(points_2)
    kd = pc_1.make_kdtree_flann()

    # find the single closest points to each point in point cloud 2
    # (and the sqr distances)
    indices, sqr_distances = kd.nearest_k_search_for_cloud(pc_2, 1)
    for i in range(pc_1.size):
        print('index of the closest point in pc_1 to point %d in pc_2 is %d' %
              (i, indices[i, 0]))
        print('the squared distance between these two points is %f' %
              sqr_distances[i, 0])
コード例 #2
ファイル: test.py プロジェクト: leontius/python-pointcloud
    def setUp(self):
        rng = np.random.RandomState(42)
        # Define two dense sets of points of sizes 30 and 170, resp.
        a = rng.randn(100, 3).astype(np.float32)
        a[:30] -= 42

        self.pc = pcl.PointCloud(a)
        self.kd = pcl.KdTreeFLANN(self.pc)
コード例 #3
    def cloud_callback(self, data):
        """process the cloud"""
        # get points from the subscribed pointcloud
        # for some reason storing pc into Pcam is working with point cloud that is voxel filtered. Investigate!!
        pc = ros_numpy.numpify(data)
        Pcam = np.zeros((pc.shape[0], 3))
        Pcam[:, 0] = pc['x']
        Pcam[:, 1] = pc['y']
        Pcam[:, 2] = pc['z']

        # make a cloud of points on the max z face of the camera

        xx, yy = np.meshgrid(self.x, self.y)
        xvalues = xx.ravel()
        yvalues = yy.ravel()
        zvalues = np.ones(len(xvalues)) * self.SensorRange

        Pgrid = np.zeros((len(xvalues), 3))
        Pgrid[:, 0] = xvalues
        Pgrid[:, 1] = yvalues
        Pgrid[:, 2] = zvalues

        # project existing points to the plane containing new points
        header = std_msgs.msg.Header()
        header.stamp = data.header.stamp  #rospy.Time.now()
        header.frame_id = 'world'
        #header.frame_id = 'camera_color_optical_frame'

        #total_points = np.concatenate((Pcam, Pgrid), 0)
        #p = pc2.create_cloud_xyz32(header, total_points)

        if len(Pcam) != 0:
            Pprojected = self.camera_location + np.array(
                [(Pcam[i] - self.camera_location) * self.SensorRange /
                 Pcam[i, 2] for i in range(len(Pcam))])
            #projected_points = self.camera_location + map(lambda i, j : (i-self.camera_location)*self.SensorRange/j, points, points[:,2])

            PCprojected = pcl_cloud(np.array(Pprojected, dtype=np.float32))
            PCgrid = pcl_cloud(np.array(Pgrid, dtype=np.float32))
            kdt = pcl.KdTreeFLANN(PCgrid)

            indices, sqr_distances = kdt.nearest_k_search_for_cloud(
                PCprojected, 10)
            Pgrid_modified = np.delete(Pgrid, indices, axis=0)

            total_points = np.concatenate((Pcam, Pgrid_modified), 0)
            p = pc2.create_cloud_xyz32(header, total_points)

            #total_points = np.concatenate((Pcam, Pgrid), 0)
            p = pc2.create_cloud_xyz32(header, Pgrid)

コード例 #4
def puntos_mas_cercanos(nube, numpuntos):
    c = nube.to_array()
    o = np.zeros((c.shape), dtype=np.float32)
    origen = pcl.PointCloud()
    origen.from_array(o)  #nube
    #el punto mas cercano de p1 al primero elemetno de p2 es
    kd = pcl.KdTreeFLANN(nube)
    indices, sqr_distances = kd.nearest_k_search_for_cloud(origen, numpuntos)
    #guarda los puntos mas cercannos
    cercanos = np.zeros((numpuntos, 3), dtype=np.float32)
    for i in range(numpuntos):
        cercanos[i] = nube[indices[0, i]]
    pcercanos = pcl.PointCloud()
    pcercanos.from_array(cercanos)  #nube
    return pcercanos
コード例 #5
ファイル: kdtree.py プロジェクト: zhou745/python-pcl
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import print_function

import numpy as np
import pcl

points_1 = np.array([[0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0]],
points_2 = np.array([[0, 0, 0.2], [1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [1.1, 1, 0.5]],

pc_1 = pcl.PointCloud()
pc_2 = pcl.PointCloud()
kd = pcl.KdTreeFLANN(pc_1)


pc_1 = pcl.PointCloud(points_1)
pc_2 = pcl.PointCloud(points_2)
kd = pc_1.make_kdtree_flann()

# find the single closest points to each point in point cloud 2
# (and the sqr distances)
indices, sqr_distances = kd.nearest_k_search_for_cloud(pc_2, 1)
for i in range(pc_1.size):
コード例 #6
    def callback(self, data):

        header = std_msgs.msg.Header()
        header.stamp = data.header.stamp  #rospy.Time.now()
        header.frame_id = 'camera_color_optical_frame'
        # make a cloud of points on the mfar end of the camera 
        xx, yy = np.meshgrid(self.x_farend, self.y_farend)
        xf = xx.ravel(); yf = yy.ravel()
        zf = np.ones(len(xf))* self.SensorRangeMax

        # make a cloud of points on the near end of the camera 
        xxx, yyy = np.meshgrid(self.x_nearend, self.y_nearend)
        xn = xxx.ravel(); yn = yyy.ravel()
        zn = np.ones(len(xn))* self.SensorRangeMin
        total_points = np.concatenate((Pgrid_farend, Pgrid_nearend), 0)
        #print 'time1:',time.time()-self.start_time
        for i in range(len(Pgrid_farend)): 
            xyz = np.linspace(Pgrid_nearend[i], Pgrid_farend[i], int(np.linalg.norm(Pgrid_farend[i]-Pgrid_nearend[i])/self.resolution)+1)
            total_points = np.concatenate((total_points, xyz), 0)
        # get points from the subscribed pointcloud
        print 'time0:', time.time() - self.start_time
        pc = ros_numpy.numpify(data)
        Pcam = np.zeros((pc.shape[0], 3))
        Pcam[:, 0] = pc['x']
        Pcam[:, 1] = pc['y']
        Pcam[:, 2] = pc['z']
        PCcam = pcl_cloud(np.array(Pcam, dtype=np.float32))

        final_grid = np.zeros((0, 3))
        G = nx.Graph()
        for k in range(len(self.z)):
            xmax = self.z[k] * np.tan(self.xFOV * np.pi / 180)
            ymax = self.z[k] * np.tan(self.yFOV * np.pi / 180)

            NumberOfPointsX = int(2 * xmax / self.resolution) + 1
            NumberOfPointsY = int(2 * ymax / self.resolution) + 1

            x = np.linspace(-xmax, xmax, NumberOfPointsX)
            y = np.linspace(-ymax, ymax, NumberOfPointsY)
            xx, yy = np.meshgrid(x, y)
            xface = xx.ravel()
            yface = yy.ravel()
            zface = np.ones(len(xface)) * self.z[k]

            Pgrid = np.zeros((len(xface), 3))
            Pgrid[:, 0] = xface
            Pgrid[:, 1] = yface
            Pgrid[:, 2] = zface
            final_grid = np.concatenate((final_grid, Pgrid), 0)

            #if k == 0:
            #    G.add_nodes_from(Pgrid)
            #    G.add_nodes_from(Pgrid)
            #    PC_one_faces = pcl_cloud(np.array(Pgrid, dtype=np.float32))
            #    P_two_faces = np.concatenate((self.points_on_previous_face, Pgrid), 0)
            #    PC_two_faces = pcl_cloud(np.array(P_two_faces, dtype=np.float32))
            #    kdt_two_faces = pcl.KdTreeFLANN(PC_two_faces)
            #    i, d = kdt_two_faces.nearest_k_search_for_cloud(PC_one_faces, 10)
            #self.points_on_previous_face = Pgrid

        PCgrid = pcl_cloud(np.array(final_grid, dtype=np.float32))
        kdt = pcl.KdTreeFLANN(PCgrid)

        indices, sqr_distances = kdt.nearest_k_search_for_cloud(PCcam, 10)
        Pgrid_modified = np.delete(final_grid, indices, axis=0)
        p = pc2.create_cloud_xyz32(header, Pgrid_modified)

        print 'time4:', time.time() - self.start_time
コード例 #7
 def get_edges(self, grid1, grid2):
     combined_grid = np.concatenate((grid1, grid2), 0)
     c1 = pcl_cloud(np.array(grid1, dtype=np.float32))
     c_combined = pcl_cloud(np.array(combined_grid, dtype=np.float32))
     kdt = pcl.KdTreeFLANN(c_combined)
     indices, sqr_distances = kdt.nearest_k_search_for_cloud(c_combined, 8)
コード例 #8
    def calculate_features(self,
                           feature_type=1):  ##input tensor = NxNx3

        inputData = self.prefix + '/' + input
        label = self.labels[input.split('/')[-3]]
        cloud = pcl.load(inputData)
        #stolen from ECC code, drops out random points
        #if aug:
        #Probability a point is dropped
        p = 0.1
        cloudArray = cloud.to_array()
        keptIndices = random.choice(range(cloudArray.shape[0]),
                                            (1 - p) * cloudArray.shape[0])),
        cloudArray = cloudArray[keptIndices, :]

        xyz = cloud.to_array()[:, :3]

        #Stolen from ECC code
        if aug:
            M = np.eye(3)
            s = random.uniform(1 / 1.1, 1.1)
            M = np.dot(transforms3d.zooms.zfdir2mat(s), M)
            #angle = random.uniform(0, 2*math.pi)
            #M = np.dot(transforms3d.axangles.axangle2mat([0,0,1], angle), M) # z=upright assumption
            if random.random() < 0.5 / 2:
                M = np.dot(transforms3d.zooms.zfdir2mat(-1, [1, 0, 0]), M)
            if random.random() < 0.5 / 2:
                M = np.dot(transforms3d.zooms.zfdir2mat(-1, [0, 1, 0]), M)
            xyz = np.dot(xyz, M.T)
        if feature_type == 1:
            kd = pcl.KdTreeFLANN(cloud)
            #if aug:
            #    currentK = random.randint(np.maximum(1,K-2),K+2)
            #    indices, sqr_distances = kd.nearest_k_search_for_cloud(cloud, currentK)
            indices, sqr_distances = kd.nearest_k_search_for_cloud(
                cloud, K
            )  # K = 2 gives itself and other point from cloud which is closest

            vertexMean = np.mean(xyz, axis=0)
            vertexStd = np.std(xyz, axis=0)
            #Jiggle the model a little bit if it is perfectly aligned with the axes
            if not vertexStd.all():
                M = np.eye(3)
                angle = random.uniform(0.01, 0.1, size=3)
                sign = random.choice([-1, 1], size=3, replace=True)
                M = np.dot(
                    transforms3d.axangles.axangle2mat([0, 0, 1],
                                                      sign[0] * angle[0]), M)
                M = np.dot(
                    transforms3d.axangles.axangle2mat([0, 1, 0],
                                                      sign[1] * angle[1]), M)
                M = np.dot(
                    transforms3d.axangles.axangle2mat([1, 0, 0],
                                                      sign[2] * angle[2]), M)
                xyz = np.dot(xyz, M.T)
                vertexMean = np.mean(xyz, axis=0)
                vertexStd = np.std(xyz, axis=0)
            xyz = (xyz - vertexMean) / vertexStd

            num_nodes = xyz.shape[0]

            sqr_distances[:, 0] += 1  #includes self-loops
            valid = np.logical_or(indices > 0, sqr_distances > 1e-10)
            rowi, coli = np.nonzero(valid)
            idx = indices[(rowi, coli)]

            #print("XYZ Shape {0}".format(xyz.shape))
            edges = np.vstack([idx, rowi]).transpose()
            #print("Edge Shape {0}".format(edges.shape))
            A = np.zeros(shape=(MAX_SIZE, 8, MAX_SIZE))
            zindices = np.dot([4, 2, 1],
                              np.greater((xyz[edges[:, 0], :] -
                                          xyz[edges[:, 1], :]).transpose(),
                                         np.zeros((3, edges.shape[0]))))
            edgeLen = 1
            # print('From {0} to {1}: Len {2}',i,j,edgeLen)
            A[edges[:, 0], zindices, edges[:, 1]] = edgeLen
            A[edges[:, 1], zindices, edges[:, 0]] = edgeLen

        elif feature_type == 0:
            RADIUS = 0.5
            vertexMean = np.mean(xyz, axis=0)
            vertexStd = np.std(xyz, axis=0)
            #Jiggle the model a little bit if it is perfectly aligned with the axes
            if not vertexStd.all():
                M = np.eye(3)
                angle = np.random.uniform(0.01, 0.1, size=3)
                sign = np.random.choice([-1, 1], size=3, replace=True)
                M = np.dot(
                    transforms3d.axangles.axangle2mat([0, 0, 1],
                                                      sign[0] * angle[0]), M)
                M = np.dot(
                    transforms3d.axangles.axangle2mat([0, 1, 0],
                                                      sign[1] * angle[1]), M)
                M = np.dot(
                    transforms3d.axangles.axangle2mat([1, 0, 0],
                                                      sign[2] * angle[2]), M)
                V = np.dot(V, M.T)
                vertexMean = np.mean(V, axis=0)
                vertexStd = np.std(V, axis=0)
            V = (V - vertexMean) / vertexStd
            #V = np.pad(V,pad_width=((0,MAX_SIZE - V.shape[0]),(0,0)),mode='constant')
            kdtree = scipy.spatial.KDTree(V)
            knns = kdtree.query_ball_tree(kdtree, r=RADIUS)
            A = np.zeros(shape=(MAX_SIZE, 8, MAX_SIZE))
            numNeighbors = [len(x) for x in knns]
            v1 = np.repeat(np.arange(V.shape[0]), numNeighbors)
            knnsStack = np.concatenate(knns)
            zindex = np.dot([4, 2, 1],
                            np.greater((V[v1] - V[knnsStack]).transpose(),
                                       np.zeros((3, len(knnsStack)))))
            edgeLen = 1
            A[v1, zindex, knnsStack] = edgeLen
            A[knnsStack, zindex, v1] = edgeLen

        return xyz.astype(np.float32), A.astype(np.float32), label
コード例 #9
def calculate_features(input, K=3, MAX_SIZE=500, aug=False,feature_type=1):##input tensor = NxNx3

    #inputData = prefix + '/' + input
   # label = self.labels[input.split('/')[-3]]
    cloud = pcl.load(input)
    basename,ext = os.path.splitext(input)
    featureData = np.load(basename + '.npy')
    #stolen from ECC code, drops out random points
    #if aug:
        #Probability a point is dropped
    p = 0.1

    cloudArray = cloud.to_array()
    if cloudArray.shape[0] > MAX_SIZE:
        keptIndices = np.random.choice(range(cloudArray.shape[0]), size=int(MAX_SIZE), replace=False)
        cloudArray = cloudArray[keptIndices, :]
        featureData = featureData[keptIndices, :]
    keptIndices = random.choice(range(cloudArray.shape[0]), size=int(math.ceil((1-p)*cloudArray.shape[0])),replace=False)
    cloudArray = cloudArray[keptIndices,:]
    featureData = featureData[keptIndices,:]
    featureData = np.concatenate((featureData, np.zeros((MAX_SIZE - featureData.shape[0],10))))

    xyz = cloud.to_array()[:,:3]
    kd = pcl.KdTreeFLANN(cloud)
    indices, sqr_distances = kd.nearest_k_search_for_cloud(cloud,
                                                           K)  # K = 2 gives itself and other point from cloud which is closest
    sqr_distances[:, 0] += 1  # includes self-loops
    valid = np.logical_or(indices > 0, sqr_distances > 1e-10)
    rowi, coli = np.nonzero(valid)
    idx = indices[(rowi, coli)]
    #Stolen from ECC code
    if aug:
        angle = np.random.uniform(0,2*np.pi,size=3)
        scale = np.random.uniform(1,1.2,size=3)
        #M = np.eye(3)
        #M = np.dot(transforms3d.axangles.axangle2mat([0,0,1], angle[0]), M)
        #M = np.dot(transforms3d.axangles.axangle2mat([0,1,0], angle[1]), M)
        #M = np.dot(transforms3d.axangles.axangle2mat([1,0,0], angle[2]), M)
        #M = np.dot(transforms3d.zooms.zfdir2mat(scale[0], [1,0,0]), M)
        #M = np.dot(transforms3d.zooms.zfdir2mat(scale[1], [0,1,0]), M)
        #M = np.dot(transforms3d.zooms.zfdir2mat(scale[2], [0,0,2]), M)

        #xyz = np.dot(xyz,M.T)
        M = np.eye(3)
        s = random.uniform(1/1.1, 1.1)
        M = np.dot(transforms3d.zooms.zfdir2mat(s), M)
        #angle = random.uniform(0, 2*math.pi)
        #M = np.dot(transforms3d.axangles.axangle2mat([0,0,1], angle), M) # z=upright assumption
        if random.random() < 0.5/2:
            M = np.dot(transforms3d.zooms.zfdir2mat(-1, [1,0,0]), M)
        if random.random() < 0.5/2:
            M = np.dot(transforms3d.zooms.zfdir2mat(-1, [0,1,0]), M)
        xyz = np.dot(xyz,M.T)
    if feature_type == 1:

        vertexMean = np.mean(xyz, axis=0)
        vertexStd = np.std(xyz, axis=0)
        #Jiggle the model a little bit if it is perfectly aligned with the axes
        if not vertexStd.all():
            M = np.eye(3)
            angle = random.uniform(0.01,0.1,size=3)
            sign = random.choice([-1,1],size=3,replace=True)
            M = np.dot(transforms3d.axangles.axangle2mat([0,0,1], sign[0] * angle[0]), M)
            M = np.dot(transforms3d.axangles.axangle2mat([0,1,0], sign[1] * angle[1]), M)
            M = np.dot(transforms3d.axangles.axangle2mat([1,0,0], sign[2] * angle[2]), M)
            xyz = np.dot(xyz,M.T)
            vertexMean = np.mean(xyz, axis=0)
            vertexStd = np.std(xyz, axis=0)
        xyz = (xyz - vertexMean)/vertexStd

        num_nodes = xyz.shape[0]

        Aindices, Avalues, Adenseshape = geometricSplit(xyz, rowi, idx, MAX_SIZE)

    elif feature_type == 0:
        RADIUS = 0.5
        vertexMean = np.mean(xyz, axis=0)
        vertexStd = np.std(xyz, axis=0)
        #Jiggle the model a little bit if it is perfectly aligned with the axes
        if not vertexStd.all():
            M = np.eye(3)
            angle = np.random.uniform(0.01,0.1,size=3)
            sign = np.random.choice([-1,1],size=3,replace=True)
            M = np.dot(transforms3d.axangles.axangle2mat([0,0,1], sign[0] * angle[0]), M)
            M = np.dot(transforms3d.axangles.axangle2mat([0,1,0], sign[1] * angle[1]), M)
            M = np.dot(transforms3d.axangles.axangle2mat([1,0,0], sign[2] * angle[2]), M)
            xyz = np.dot(xyz,M.T)
            vertexMean = np.mean(xyz, axis=0)
            vertexStd = np.std(xyz, axis=0)
        xyz = (xyz - vertexMean)/vertexStd
        #V = np.pad(V,pad_width=((0,MAX_SIZE - V.shape[0]),(0,0)),mode='constant')
        #kdtree = scipy.spatial.KDTree(xyz)
        #knns = kdtree.query_ball_tree(kdtree,r=RADIUS)
        #A = np.zeros(shape=(MAX_SIZE,self.theta*self.phi, MAX_SIZE))
        #numNeighbors = [len(x) for x in knns]
        #v1 = np.repeat(np.arange(xyz.shape[0]),numNeighbors)
        #knnsStack = np.concatenate(knns)

        Aindices, Avalues, Adenseshape = sphericalSplit(xyz,rowi, idx,MAX_SIZE,THETA,PHI,THETA_KEYS,PHI_KEYS)
    #Final step, add eigenvectors and curvature features. Smallest eigenvector feature is surface normal
    #features = np.zeros((xyz.shape[0], 10))
    #for i in range(xyz.shape[0]):
    #    X = xyz[indices[i, :], :]
    #    pca = sklearn.decomposition.PCA()
    #    pca.fit(X)
    #    features[i, 0:9] = np.ravel(pca.components_)
    #    curvature = np.amin(pca.explained_variance_) / np.sum(pca.explained_variance_)
    #    if np.isnan(curvature):
    #        curvature = 0
    #    features[i, 9] = curvature
    xyz = np.concatenate((xyz,featureData),axis=1)

    return xyz.astype(np.float32), Aindices.astype(np.int64), Avalues.astype(np.float32)