def snaptomap(points, mmap): """ Snap the points in _points_ to nearest non missing values in _mmap_. Can be used to move gauge locations to the nearest rivers. Input: - points - map with points to move - mmap - map with points to move to Return: - map with shifted points """ points = pcr.cover(points, 0) # Create unique id map of mmap cells unq = pcr.nominal(pcr.cover(pcr.uniqueid(pcr.defined(mmap)), pcr.scalar(0.0))) # Now fill holes in mmap map with lues indicating the closes mmap cell. dist_cellid = pcr.scalar(pcr.spreadzone(unq, 0, 1)) # Get map with values at location in points with closes mmap cell dist_cellid = pcr.ifthenelse(points > 0, dist_cellid, 0) # Spread this out dist_fill = pcr.spreadzone(pcr.nominal(dist_cellid), 0, 1) # Find the new (moved) locations npt = pcr.uniqueid(pcr.boolean(pcr.ifthen(dist_fill == unq, unq))) # Now recreate the original value in the points maps ptcover = pcr.spreadzone(pcr.cover(points, 0), 0, 1) # Now get the org point value in the pt map nptorg = pcr.ifthen(npt > 0, ptcover) return nptorg
def __init__(self, netcdffile, logging): """ First try to setup a class read netcdf files (converted with netcdffile: file to read the forcing data from logging: python logging object vars: list of variables to get from file """ if os.path.exists(netcdffile): self.dataset = netCDF4.Dataset(netcdffile, mode="r") else: msg = os.path.abspath(netcdffile) + " not found!" logging.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) try: self.x = self.dataset.variables["x"][:] except: self.x = self.dataset.variables["lon"][:] # Now check Y values to see if we must flip the data try: self.y = self.dataset.variables["y"][:] except: self.y = self.dataset.variables["lat"][:] x = pcr.pcr2numpy(pcr.xcoordinate(pcr.boolean(pcr.cover(1.0))), np.nan)[0, :] y = pcr.pcr2numpy(pcr.ycoordinate(pcr.boolean(pcr.cover(1.0))), np.nan)[:, 0] (self.latidx,) = np.logical_and(self.x >= x.min(), self.x < x.max()).nonzero() (self.lonidx,) = np.logical_and(self.y >= x.min(), self.y < y.max()).nonzero()"Reading static input from netCDF file: " + netcdffile)
def subcatch_order_a(ldd, oorder): """ Determines subcatchments using the catchment order This version uses the last cell BELOW order to derive the catchments. In general you want the _b version Input: - ldd - order - order to use Output: - map with catchment for the given streamorder """ outl = find_outlet(ldd) large = pcr.subcatchment(ldd, pcr.boolean(outl)) stt = pcr.streamorder(ldd) sttd = pcr.downstream(ldd, stt) pts = pcr.ifthen((pcr.scalar(sttd) - pcr.scalar(stt)) > 0.0, sttd) dif = pcr.upstream( ldd, pcr.cover( pcr.ifthen( large, pcr.uniqueid(pcr.boolean(pcr.ifthen(stt == pcr.ordinal(oorder), pts))), ), 0, ), ) dif = pcr.cover(pcr.scalar(outl), dif) # Add catchment outlet dif = pcr.ordinal(pcr.uniqueid(pcr.boolean(dif))) sc = pcr.subcatchment(ldd, dif) return sc, dif, stt
def getLakeOutflow( self, avgChannelDischarge, length_of_time_step=vos.secondsPerDay() ): # waterHeight (m): temporary variable, a function of storage: minWaterHeight = ( 0.001 ) # (m) Rens used 0.001 m as the limit # this is to make sure there is always lake outflow, # but it will be still limited by available self.waterBodyStorage waterHeight = pcr.cover( pcr.max( minWaterHeight, (self.waterBodyStorage - pcr.cover(self.waterBodyCap, 0.0)) / self.waterBodyArea, ), 0.0, ) # weirWidth (m) : # - estimated from avgOutflow (m3/s) using the bankfull discharge formula # avgOutflow = self.avgOutflow avgOutflow = pcr.ifthenelse( avgOutflow > 0.0, avgOutflow, pcr.max(avgChannelDischarge, self.avgInflow, 0.001), ) # This is needed when new lakes/reservoirs introduced (its avgOutflow is still zero). avgOutflow = pcr.areamaximum(avgOutflow, self.waterBodyIds) # bankfullWidth = pcr.cover(pcr.scalar(4.8) * ((avgOutflow) ** (0.5)), 0.0) weirWidthUsed = bankfullWidth weirWidthUsed = pcr.max( weirWidthUsed, self.minWeirWidth ) # TODO: minWeirWidth based on the GRanD database weirWidthUsed = pcr.cover( pcr.ifthen(pcr.scalar(self.waterBodyIds) > 0.0, weirWidthUsed), 0.0 ) # avgInflow <= lakeOutflow (weirFormula) <= waterBodyStorage lakeOutflowInM3PerSec = pcr.max( self.weirFormula(waterHeight, weirWidthUsed), self.avgInflow ) # unit: m3/s # estimate volume of water relased by lakes lakeOutflow = lakeOutflowInM3PerSec * length_of_time_step # unit: m3 lakeOutflow = pcr.min(self.waterBodyStorage, lakeOutflow) # lakeOutflow = pcr.ifthen(pcr.scalar(self.waterBodyIds) > 0.0, lakeOutflow) lakeOutflow = pcr.ifthen(pcr.scalar(self.waterBodyTyp) == 1, lakeOutflow) # TODO: Consider endorheic lake/basin. No outflow for endorheic lake/basin! return lakeOutflow
def derive_HAND(dem, ldd, accuThreshold, rivers=None, basin=None, up_area=None, neg_HAND=None): """ Function derives Height-Above-Nearest-Drain. See Input: dem -- pcraster object float32, elevation data ldd -- pcraster object direction, local drain directions accuThreshold -- upstream amount of cells as threshold for river delineation rivers=None -- you can provide a rivers layer here. Pixels that are identified as river should have a value > 0, other pixels a value of zero. basin=None -- set a boolean pcraster map where areas with True are estimated using the nearest drain in ldd distance and areas with False by means of the nearest friction distance. Friction distance estimated using the upstream area as weight (i.e. drains with a bigger upstream area have a lower friction) the spreadzone operator is used in this case. up_area=None -- provide the upstream area (if not assigned a guesstimate is prepared, assuming the LDD covers a full catchment area) neg_HAND=None -- if set to 1, HAND maps can have negative values when elevation outside of stream is lower than stream (for example when there are natural embankments) Output: hand -- pcraster bject float32, height, normalised to nearest stream dist -- distance to nearest stream measured in cell lengths according to D8 directions """ if rivers is None: # prepare stream from a strahler threshold stream = pcr.ifthenelse(pcr.accuflux(ldd, 1) >= accuThreshold, pcr.boolean(1), pcr.boolean(0)) else: # convert stream network to boolean stream = pcr.boolean(pcr.cover(rivers, 0)) # determine height in river (in DEM*100 unit as ordinal) height_river = pcr.ifthenelse(stream, pcr.ordinal(dem*100), 0) if basin is None: up_elevation = pcr.scalar(pcr.subcatchment(ldd, height_river)) else: # use basin to allocate areas outside basin to the nearest stream. Nearest is weighted by upstream area if up_area is None: up_area = pcr.accuflux(ldd, 1) up_area = pcr.ifthen(stream, up_area) # mask areas outside streams friction = 1./pcr.scalar(pcr.spreadzone(pcr.cover(pcr.ordinal(up_area), 0), 0, 0)) # if basin, use nearest river within subcatchment, if outside basin, use weighted-nearest river up_elevation = pcr.ifthenelse(basin, pcr.scalar(pcr.subcatchment(ldd, height_river)), pcr.scalar(pcr.spreadzone(height_river, 0, friction))) # replace areas outside of basin by a spread zone calculation. # make negative HANDS also possible if neg_HAND == 1: hand = (pcr.scalar(pcr.ordinal(dem*100))-up_elevation)/100 # convert back to float in DEM units else: hand = pcr.max(pcr.scalar(pcr.ordinal(dem*100))-up_elevation, 0)/100 # convert back to float in DEM units dist = pcr.ldddist(ldd, stream, 1) # compute horizontal distance estimate return hand, dist
def sum_list_cover(list_of_maps, covermap): """ Sums a list of pcrastermap using cover to fill in missing values :param list_of_maps: list of maps to sum :param covermap: maps/ value to use fro cover :return: sum of list of maps (single map) """ sum_ = pcr.cover(0.0) for map in list_of_maps: sum_ = sum_ + pcr.cover(map, covermap) return sum_
def classify( inmap, lower=[0, 10, 20, 30], upper=[10, 20, 30, 40], classes=[2, 2, 3, 4] ): """ classify a scaler maps accroding to the boundaries given in classes. """ result = pcr.ordinal(pcr.cover(-1)) for l, u, c in zip(lower, upper, classes): result = pcr.cover( pcr.ifthen(inmap >= l, pcr.ifthen(inmap < u, pcr.ordinal(c))), result ) return pcr.ifthen(result >= 0, result)
def pt_flow_in_river(ldd, river): """ Returns all points (True) that flow into the mak river (boolean map with river set to True) :param ldd: Drainage network :param river: Map of river (True River, False non-river) :return ifmap: map with infrlo points into the river (True) :return ctach: catchment of each of the inflow points """ dspts = pcr.downstream(ldd, pcr.cover(river, 0)) dspts = pcr.ifthenelse(pcr.cover(river, 0) == 1, 0, dspts) catch = pcr.subcatchment(ldd, pcr.nominal(pcr.uniqueid(dspts))) return dspts, catch
def readPCRmapClone(v,cloneMapFileName,tmpDir,absolutePath=None,isLddMap=False,cover=None,isNomMap=False): # v: inputMapFileName or floating values # cloneMapFileName: If the inputMap and cloneMap have different clones, # resampling will be done. print(v) if v == "None": PCRmap = str("None") elif not re.match(r"[0-9.-]*$",v): if absolutePath != None: v = getFullPath(v,absolutePath) # print(v) sameClone = isSameClone(v,cloneMapFileName) if sameClone == True: PCRmap = pcr.readmap(v) else: # resample using GDAL: output = tmpDir+'' warp = gdalwarpPCR(v,output,cloneMapFileName,tmpDir,isLddMap,isNomMap) # read from temporary file and delete the temporary file: PCRmap = pcr.readmap(output) if isLddMap == True: PCRmap = pcr.ifthen(pcr.scalar(PCRmap) < 10., PCRmap) if isLddMap == True: PCRmap = pcr.ldd(PCRmap) if isNomMap == True: PCRmap = pcr.ifthen(pcr.scalar(PCRmap) > 0., PCRmap) if isNomMap == True: PCRmap = pcr.nominal(PCRmap) co = 'rm '+str(tmpDir)+'*.*' cOut,err = subprocess.Popen(co, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=open('/dev/null'),shell=True).communicate() else: PCRmap = pcr.scalar(float(v)) if cover != None: PCRmap = pcr.cover(PCRmap, cover) co = None; cOut = None; err = None; warp = None del co; del cOut; del err; del warp stdout = None; del stdout stderr = None; del stderr return PCRmap
def subcatch_stream(ldd, stream, threshold): """ Derive catchments based upon strahler threshold Input: ldd -- pcraster object direction, local drain directions stream -- pcraster object direction, streamorder threshold -- integer, strahler threshold, subcatchments ge threshold are derived output: stream_ge -- pcraster object, streams of strahler order ge threshold subcatch -- pcraster object, subcatchments of strahler order ge threshold """ # derive stream order # stream = pcr.streamorder(ldd) stream_ge = pcr.ifthen(stream >= threshold, stream) stream_up_sum = pcr.ordinal(pcr.upstream(ldd, pcr.cover(pcr.scalar(stream_ge), 0))) # detect any transfer of strahler order, to a higher strahler order. transition_strahler = pcr.ifthenelse(pcr.downstream(ldd, stream_ge) != stream_ge, pcr.boolean(1), pcr.ifthenelse(pcr.nominal(ldd) == 5, pcr.boolean(1), pcr.ifthenelse(pcr.downstream(ldd, pcr.scalar(stream_up_sum)) > pcr.scalar(stream_ge), pcr.boolean(1), pcr.boolean(0)))) # make unique ids (write to file) transition_unique = pcr.ordinal(pcr.uniqueid(transition_strahler)) # derive upstream catchment areas (write to file) subcatch = pcr.nominal(pcr.subcatchment(ldd, transition_unique)) return stream_ge, subcatch
def update( self, newStorageAtLakeAndReservoirs, timestepsToAvgDischarge, maxTimestepsToAvgDischargeShort, maxTimestepsToAvgDischargeLong, currTimeStep, avgChannelDischarge, length_of_time_step=vos.secondsPerDay(), downstreamDemand=None, ): if self.debugWaterBalance: preStorage = self.waterBodyStorage # unit: m self.timestepsToAvgDischarge = ( timestepsToAvgDischarge ) # TODO: include this one in "currTimeStep" # obtain inflow (and update storage) self.moveFromChannelToWaterBody( newStorageAtLakeAndReservoirs, timestepsToAvgDischarge, maxTimestepsToAvgDischargeShort, length_of_time_step, ) # calculate outflow (and update storage) self.getWaterBodyOutflow( maxTimestepsToAvgDischargeLong, avgChannelDischarge, length_of_time_step, downstreamDemand, ) if self.debugWaterBalance: vos.waterBalanceCheck( [pcr.cover(self.inflow / self.waterBodyArea, 0.0)], [pcr.cover(self.waterBodyOutflow / self.waterBodyArea, 0.0)], [pcr.cover(preStorage / self.waterBodyArea, 0.0)], [pcr.cover(self.waterBodyStorage / self.waterBodyArea, 0.0)], "WaterBodyStorage (unit: m)", True, currTimeStep.fulldate, threshold=5e-3, )
def derive_HAND(dem, ldd, accuThreshold, rivers=None, basin=None): """ Function derives Height-Above-Nearest-Drain. See Input: dem -- pcraster object float32, elevation data ldd -- pcraster object direction, local drain directions accuThreshold -- upstream amount of cells as threshold for river delineation rivers=None -- you can provide a rivers layer here. Pixels that are identified as river should have a value > 0, other pixels a value of zero. basin=None -- set a boolean pcraster map where areas with True are estimated using the nearest drain in ldd distance and areas with False by means of the nearest friction distance. Friction distance estimated using the upstream area as weight (i.e. drains with a bigger upstream area have a lower friction) the spreadzone operator is used in this case. Output: hand -- pcraster bject float32, height, normalised to nearest stream dist -- distance to nearest stream measured in cell lengths according to D8 directions """ if rivers is None: stream = pcr.ifthenelse( pcr.accuflux(ldd, 1) >= accuThreshold, pcr.boolean(1), pcr.boolean(0) ) else: stream = pcr.boolean(pcr.cover(rivers, 0)) height_river = pcr.ifthenelse(stream, pcr.ordinal(dem * 100), 0) if basin is None: up_elevation = pcr.scalar(pcr.subcatchment(ldd, height_river)) else: drainage_surf = pcr.ifthen(rivers, pcr.accuflux(ldd, 1)) weight = 1.0 / pcr.scalar( pcr.spreadzone(pcr.cover(pcr.ordinal(drainage_surf), 0), 0, 0) ) up_elevation = pcr.ifthenelse( basin, pcr.scalar(pcr.subcatchment(ldd, height_river)), pcr.scalar(pcr.spreadzone(height_river, 0, weight)), ) # replace areas outside of basin by a spread zone calculation. hand = pcr.max(pcr.scalar(pcr.ordinal(dem * 100)) - up_elevation, 0) / 100 dist = pcr.ldddist(ldd, stream, 1) return hand, dist
def agriZone_Ep_Sa_cropG(self, k): """ - Potential evaporation is decreased by energy used for interception evaporation - Formula for evaporation based on LP - Outgoing fluxes are determined based on (value in previous timestep + inflow) and if this leads to negative storage, the outgoing fluxes are corrected to rato --> Eu is no longer taken into account for this correction - Qa u is determined from overflow from Sa - Fa is based on storage in Sa - Code for ini-file: 4 """ JarvisCoefficients.calcEp(self, k) self.PotEvaporation = pcr.cover(pcr.ifthenelse(self.EpHour >= 0, self.EpHour, 0), 0) self.samax2 = self.samax[k] * self.cropG self.Qaadd = pcr.max(self.Sa_t[k] - self.samax2, 0) self.Qa = pcr.max(self.Pe - (self.samax2 - self.Sa_t[k]), 0) + self.Qaadd self.Sa[k] = self.Sa_t[k] + (self.Pe - self.Qa) self.SaN = pcr.min(self.Sa[k] / self.samax2, 1) self.SuN = self.Su[k] / self.sumax[k] self.Ea1 = pcr.max((self.PotEvaporation - self.Ei), 0) * pcr.min( self.Sa[k] / (self.samax2 * self.LP[k]), 1 ) self.Fa1 = pcr.ifthenelse( self.SaN > 0, self.Fmin[k] + (self.Fmax[k] - self.Fmin[k]) * e ** (-self.decF[k] * (1 - self.SaN)), 0, ) self.Sa[k] = self.Sa_t[k] + (self.Pe - self.Qa) - self.Fa1 - self.Ea1 self.Sa_diff = pcr.ifthenelse(self.Sa[k] < 0, self.Sa[k], 0) self.Fa = ( self.Fa1 + (self.Fa1 / pcr.ifthenelse(self.Fa1 + self.Ea1 > 0, self.Fa1 + self.Ea1, 1)) * self.Sa_diff ) self.Ea = ( self.Ea1 + (self.Ea1 / pcr.ifthenelse(self.Fa1 + self.Ea1 > 0, self.Fa1 + self.Ea1, 1)) * self.Sa_diff ) self.Sa[k] = self.Sa_t[k] + (self.Pe - self.Qa) - self.Ea - self.Fa self.Sa[k] = pcr.ifthenelse(self.Sa[k] < 0, 0, self.Sa[k]) self.Sa_diff2 = pcr.ifthen(self.Sa[k] < 0, self.Sa[k]) self.wbSa_[k] = self.Pe - self.Ea - self.Qa - self.Fa - self.Sa[k] + self.Sa_t[k] self.Ea_[k] = self.Ea self.Qa_[k] = self.Qa self.Fa_[k] = self.Fa
def glacierHBV(GlacierFrac, GlacierStore, Snow, Temperature, TT, Cfmax, G_SIfrac, timestepsecs, basetimestep): """ Run Glacier module and add the snowpack on-top of it. First, a fraction of the snowpack is converted into ice using the HBV-light model (fraction between 0.001-0.005 per day). Glacier melting is modelled using a Temperature degree factor and only occurs if the snow cover < 10 mm. :ivar GlacierFrac: Fraction of wflow cell covered by glaciers :ivar GlacierStore: Volume of the galcier in the cell in mm w.e. :ivar Snow: Snow pack on top of Glacier :ivar Temperature: Air temperature :ivar TT: Temperature threshold for ice melting :ivar Cfmax: Ice degree-day factor in mm/(°C/day) :ivar G_SIfrac: Fraction of the snow part turned into ice each timestep :ivar timestepsecs: Model timestep in seconds :ivar basetimestep: Model base timestep (86 400 seconds) :returns: Snow,Snow2Glacier,GlacierStore,GlacierMelt, """ #Fraction of the snow transformed into ice (HBV-light model) Snow2Glacier = G_SIfrac * Snow Snow2Glacier = pcr.ifthenelse( GlacierFrac > 0.0, Snow2Glacier, pcr.scalar(0.0) ) # Max conversion to 8mm/day Snow2Glacier = ( pcr.min(Snow2Glacier, 8.0) * timestepsecs / basetimestep ) Snow = Snow - (Snow2Glacier * GlacierFrac) GlacierStore = GlacierStore + Snow2Glacier PotMelt = pcr.ifthenelse( Temperature > TT, Cfmax * (Temperature - TT), pcr.scalar(0.0) ) # Potential snow melt, based on temperature GlacierMelt = pcr.ifthenelse( Snow < 10.0, pcr.min(PotMelt, GlacierStore), pcr.cover(0.0) ) # actual Glacier melt GlacierStore = GlacierStore - GlacierMelt # dry snow content return Snow, Snow2Glacier, GlacierStore, GlacierMelt
def rainfall_interception_gash( Cmax, EoverR, CanopyGapFraction, Precipitation, CanopyStorage, maxevap=9999 ): """ Interception according to the Gash model (For daily timesteps). """ # TODO: add other rainfall interception method (lui) # TODO: Include subdaily Gash model # TODO: add LAI variation in year # Hack for stemflow pt = 0.1 * CanopyGapFraction P_sat = pcr.max( pcr.scalar(0.0), pcr.cover( (-Cmax / EoverR) * pcr.ln(1.0 - (EoverR / (1.0 - CanopyGapFraction - pt))), pcr.scalar(0.0), ), ) # large storms P > P_sat largestorms = Precipitation > P_sat Iwet = pcr.ifthenelse( largestorms, ((1 - CanopyGapFraction - pt) * P_sat) - Cmax, Precipitation * (1 - CanopyGapFraction - pt), ) Isat = pcr.ifthenelse(largestorms, (EoverR) * (Precipitation - P_sat), 0.0) Idry = pcr.ifthenelse(largestorms, Cmax, 0.0) Itrunc = 0 StemFlow = pt * Precipitation ThroughFall = Precipitation - Iwet - Idry - Isat - Itrunc - StemFlow Interception = Iwet + Idry + Isat + Itrunc # Non corect for area without any Interception (say open water Cmax -- zero) CmaxZero = Cmax <= 0.0 ThroughFall = pcr.ifthenelse(CmaxZero, Precipitation, ThroughFall) Interception = pcr.ifthenelse(CmaxZero, pcr.scalar(0.0), Interception) StemFlow = pcr.ifthenelse(CmaxZero, pcr.scalar(0.0), StemFlow) # Now corect for maximum potential evap OverEstimate = pcr.ifthenelse( Interception > maxevap, Interception - maxevap, pcr.scalar(0.0) ) Interception = pcr.min(Interception, maxevap) # Add surpluss to the thoughdfall ThroughFall = ThroughFall + OverEstimate return ThroughFall, Interception, StemFlow, CanopyStorage
def dynamic(self): # update model time using the current pcraster timestep value self.modelTime.update(self.currentTimeStep()) # reading gross and netto values: if self.modelTime.isLastDayOfMonth(): gross_value = vos.netcdf2PCRobjClone(ncFile = self.input_netcdf['gross_file_name'], varName = self.input_netcdf['gross_variable_name'], dateInput = str(self.modelTime.fulldate)) netto_value = vos.netcdf2PCRobjClone(ncFile = self.input_netcdf['netto_file_name'], varName = self.input_netcdf['netto_variable_name'], dateInput = str(self.modelTime.fulldate)) # covering with zero and convert the unit to gross_value = pcr.cover(gross_value, 0.0)/self.cell_area netto_value = pcr.cover(netto_value, 0.0)/self.cell_area # reporting if self.modelTime.isLastDayOfMonth(): # put the output in a dictionary output = {} output[self.output_netcdf['gross_variable_name']] = pcr.pcr2numpy(gross_value, vos.MV) output[self.output_netcdf['netto_variable_name']] = pcr.pcr2numpy(netto_value, vos.MV) # time stamp timeStamp = datetime.datetime(self.modelTime.year,\ self.modelTime.month,\,0) # to netcdf self.output.dataList2NetCDF(self.output_netcdf['file_name'],\ [self.output_netcdf['gross_variable_name'], self.output_netcdf['netto_variable_name']],\ output,\ timeStamp) # closing the file at the end of if self.modelTime.isLastTimeStep(): self.output.close(self.output_netcdf['file_name'])
def getICs(self, initial_condition): avgInflow = initial_condition["avgLakeReservoirInflowShort"] avgOutflow = initial_condition["avgLakeReservoirOutflowLong"] # if not isinstance(initial_condition["waterBodyStorage"], type(None)): # read directly waterBodyStorage = initial_condition["waterBodyStorage"] else: # calculate waterBodyStorage at cells where lakes and/or reservoirs are defined # storageAtLakeAndReservoirs = pcr.cover( pcr.ifthen( pcr.scalar(self.waterBodyIds) > 0.0, initial_condition["channelStorage"], ), 0.0, ) # # - move only non negative values and use rounddown values storageAtLakeAndReservoirs = pcr.max( 0.00, pcr.rounddown(storageAtLakeAndReservoirs) ) # # lake and reservoir storages = waterBodyStorage (m3) ; values are given for the entire lake / reservoir cells waterBodyStorage = pcr.ifthen( pcr.scalar(self.waterBodyIds) > 0.0, pcr.areatotal(storageAtLakeAndReservoirs, self.waterBodyIds), ) self.avgInflow = pcr.cover(avgInflow, 0.0) # unit: m3/s self.avgOutflow = pcr.cover(avgOutflow, 0.0) # unit: m3/s self.waterBodyStorage = pcr.cover(waterBodyStorage, 0.0) # unit: m3 self.avgInflow = pcr.ifthen(self.landmask, self.avgInflow) self.avgOutflow = pcr.ifthen(self.landmask, self.avgOutflow) self.waterBodyStorage = pcr.ifthen(self.landmask, self.waterBodyStorage)
def volume_spread(ldd, hand, subcatch, volume, volume_thres=0., area_multiplier=1., iterations=15): """ Estimate 2D flooding from a 1D simulation per subcatchment reach Input: ldd -- pcraster object direction, local drain directions hand -- pcraster object float32, elevation data normalised to nearest drain subcatch -- pcraster object ordinal, subcatchments with IDs volume -- pcraster object float32, scalar flood volume (i.e. m3 volume outside the river bank within subcatchment) volume_thres=0. -- scalar threshold, at least this amount of m3 of volume should be present in a catchment area_multiplier=1. -- in case the maps are not in m2, set a multiplier other than 1. to convert iterations=15 -- number of iterations to use Output: inundation -- pcraster object float32, scalar inundation estimate """ #initial values pcr.setglobaloption("unittrue") dem_min = pcr.areaminimum(hand, subcatch) # minimum elevation in subcatchments #, '') dem_norm = hand - dem_min #, '') # surface of each subcatchment surface = pcr.areaarea(subcatch)*area_multiplier, '') error_abs = pcr.scalar(1e10) # initial error (very high) volume_catch = pcr.areatotal(volume, subcatch) #, '') depth_catch = volume_catch/surface, '') dem_max = pcr.ifthenelse(volume_catch > volume_thres, pcr.scalar(32.), pcr.scalar(0)) # bizarre high inundation depth dem_min = pcr.scalar(0.) for n in range(iterations): print('Iteration: {:02d}'.format(n + 1)) #####while np.logical_and(error_abs > error_thres, dem_min < dem_max): dem_av = (dem_min + dem_max)/2 #, 'dem_av00.{:03d}'.format(n + 1)) # compute value at dem_av average_depth_catch = pcr.areaaverage(pcr.max(dem_av - dem_norm, 0), subcatch) #, 'depth_c0.{:03d}'.format(n + 1)) error = pcr.cover((depth_catch-average_depth_catch)/depth_catch, depth_catch*0) #, 'error000.{:03d}'.format(n + 1)) dem_min = pcr.ifthenelse(error > 0, dem_av, dem_min) dem_max = pcr.ifthenelse(error <= 0, dem_av, dem_max) # error_abs = np.abs(error) # TODO: not needed probably, remove inundation = pcr.max(dem_av - dem_norm, 0) return inundation
def interpolategauges(inputmap, method): """" Interpolate time series gauge data onto a grid using different methods inputmap: map with points data for a single timestep method: string indicating the method inv pol input: inputmap, method returns: interpolated map """ if method == "inv": result = pcr.inversedistance(1, inputmap, 3, 0, 0) elif method == "pol": Unq = pcr.uniqueid(pcr.boolean(inputmap + 1)) result = pcr.spreadzone(pcr.ordinal(pcr.cover(Unq, 0)), 0, 1) result = pcr.areaaverage(inputmap, result) else: Unq = pcr.uniqueid(pcr.boolean(inputmap + 1)) result = pcr.spreadzone(pcr.ordinal(pcr.cover(Unq, 0)), 0, 1) result = pcr.areaaverage(inputmap, result) return result
def stackAverage(path,Root,StackStart,StackEnd): #calculates the average from a stack of maps, missing maps are skipped #Initialization MV= pcr.scalar(-999) NCount= pcr.scalar(0) SumStack= pcr.scalar(0) for StackNumber in range(StackStart,StackEnd): try: InMap= pcr.readmap(generateNameT(os.path.join(path,Root),StackNumber)) except: InMap= MV; InMap= pcr.cover(InMap,MV) SumStack= SumStack+InMap NCount= NCount+pcr.ifthenelse(InMap <> MV,pcr.scalar(1),pcr.scalar(0)) AvgStack= pcr.ifthenelse(NCount>0,SumStack/NCount,MV) return AvgStack
def volume_spread(ldd, hand, subcatch, volume, volume_thres=0., cell_surface=1., iterations=15, logging=logging, order=0, neg_HAND=None): """ Estimate 2D flooding from a 1D simulation per subcatchment reach Input: ldd -- pcraster object direction, local drain directions hand -- pcraster object float32, elevation data normalised to nearest drain subcatch -- pcraster object ordinal, subcatchments with IDs volume -- pcraster object float32, scalar flood volume (i.e. m3 volume outside the river bank within subcatchment) volume_thres=0. -- scalar threshold, at least this amount of m3 of volume should be present in a catchment area_multiplier=1. -- in case the maps are not in m2, set a multiplier other than 1. to convert iterations=15 -- number of iterations to use neg_HAND -- if set to 1, HAND maps can have negative values when elevation outside of stream is lower than stream (for example when there are natural embankments) Output: inundation -- pcraster object float32, scalar inundation estimate """ #initial values pcr.setglobaloption("unitcell") dem_min = pcr.areaminimum(hand, subcatch) # minimum elevation in subcatchments dem_norm = hand - dem_min # surface of each subcatchment surface = pcr.areaarea(subcatch)*pcr.areaaverage(cell_surface, subcatch) # area_multiplier error_abs = pcr.scalar(1e10) # initial error (very high) volume_catch = pcr.areatotal(volume, subcatch) depth_catch = volume_catch/surface # meters water disc averaged over subcatchment # ilt(depth_catch, 'depth_catch_{:02d}.map'.format(order)) #, 'volume_{:02d}.map'.format(order)) if neg_HAND == 1: dem_max = pcr.ifthenelse(volume_catch > volume_thres, pcr.scalar(32.), pcr.scalar(-32.)) # bizarre high inundation depth☻ dem_min = pcr.scalar(-32.) else: dem_max = pcr.ifthenelse(volume_catch > volume_thres, pcr.scalar(32.), pcr.scalar(0.)) # bizarre high inundation depth☻ dem_min = pcr.scalar(0.) for n in range(iterations): logging.debug('Iteration: {:02d}'.format(n + 1)) #####while np.logical_and(error_abs > error_thres, dem_min < dem_max): dem_av = (dem_min + dem_max)/2 # compute value at dem_av average_depth_catch = pcr.areaaverage(pcr.max(dem_av - dem_norm, 0), subcatch) error = pcr.cover((depth_catch-average_depth_catch)/depth_catch, depth_catch*0) dem_min = pcr.ifthenelse(error > 0, dem_av, dem_min) dem_max = pcr.ifthenelse(error <= 0, dem_av, dem_max) inundation = pcr.max(dem_av - dem_norm, 0) pcr.setglobaloption('unittrue') return inundation
def riverlength(ldd, order): """ Determines the length of a river using the ldd. only determined for order and higher. Input: - ldd, order (streamorder) Returns: - totallength,lengthpercell, streamorder """ strorder = pcr.streamorder(ldd) strorder = pcr.ifthen(strorder >= pcr.ordinal(order), strorder) dist = pcr.max( pcr.celllength(), pcr.ifthen(pcr.boolean(strorder), pcr.downstreamdist(ldd)) ) return pcr.catchmenttotal(pcr.cover(dist, 0), ldd), dist, strorder
def gettimestep(self, timestep, logging, var="P"): """ Gets a map for a single timestep. reads data in blocks assuming sequential access timestep: framework timestep (1-based) logging: python logging object var: variable to get from the file """ if var in self.dataset.variables: np_step = self.alldat[var][ timestep - 1, self.latidx.min() : self.latidx.max() + 1, self.lonidx.min() : self.lonidx.max() + 1, ] miss = float(self.dataset.variables[var]._FillValue) return pcr.numpy2pcr(pcr.Scalar, np_step, miss), True else: logging.debug("Var (" + var + ") not found returning map with 0.0") return pcr.cover(pcr.scalar(0.0)), False
def detRealCellLength(ZeroMap, sizeinmetres): """ Determine cellength. Always returns the length in meters. """ if sizeinmetres: reallength = pcr.celllength() xl = pcr.celllength() yl = pcr.celllength() else: aa = pcr.ycoordinate(pcr.boolean(pcr.cover(ZeroMap + 1, 1))) yl, xl = lattometres(aa) xl = xl * pcr.celllength() yl = yl * pcr.celllength() # Average length for surface area calculations. reallength = (xl + yl) * 0.5 return xl, yl, reallength
def moveFromChannelToWaterBody( self, newStorageAtLakeAndReservoirs, timestepsToAvgDischarge, maxTimestepsToAvgDischargeShort, length_of_time_step=vos.secondsPerDay(), ): # new lake and/or reservoir storages (m3) newStorageAtLakeAndReservoirs = pcr.cover( pcr.areatotal(newStorageAtLakeAndReservoirs, self.waterBodyIds), 0.0 ) # incoming volume (m3) self.inflow = newStorageAtLakeAndReservoirs - self.waterBodyStorage # inflowInM3PerSec (m3/s) inflowInM3PerSec = self.inflow / length_of_time_step # updating (short term) average inflow (m3/s) ; # - needed to constrain lake outflow: # temp = pcr.max( 1.0, pcr.min( maxTimestepsToAvgDischargeShort, self.timestepsToAvgDischarge - 1.0 + length_of_time_step / vos.secondsPerDay(), ), ) deltaInflow = inflowInM3PerSec - self.avgInflow R = deltaInflow * (length_of_time_step / vos.secondsPerDay()) / temp self.avgInflow = self.avgInflow + R self.avgInflow = pcr.max(0.0, self.avgInflow) # # for the reference, see the "weighted incremental algorithm" in # updating waterBodyStorage (m3) self.waterBodyStorage = newStorageAtLakeAndReservoirs
def readPCRmapClone(v,cloneMapFileName,tmpDir,absolutePath=None,isLddMap=False,cover=None,isNomMap=False,inputEPSG="EPSG:4326",outputEPSG="EPSG:4326",method="near"): # v: inputMapFileName or floating values # cloneMapFileName: If the inputMap and cloneMap have different clones, # resampling will be done. logger.debug('read file/values: '+str(v)) if v == "None": PCRmap = str("None") elif not re.match(r"[0-9.-]*$",v): if absolutePath != None: v = getFullPath(v,absolutePath) # print(v) sameClone = isSameClone(v,cloneMapFileName) if sameClone == True: PCRmap = pcr.readmap(v) else: # resample using GDAL: output = tmpDir+'' # if no re-projection needed: if inputEPSG == outputEPSG or outputEPSG == None: warp = gdalwarpPCR(v,output,cloneMapFileName,tmpDir,isLddMap,isNomMap) else: warp = gdalwarpPCR(v,output,cloneMapFileName,tmpDir,isLddMap,isNomMap,inputEPSG,outputEPSG,method) # read from temporary file and delete the temporary file: PCRmap = pcr.readmap(output) if isLddMap == True: PCRmap = pcr.ifthen(pcr.scalar(PCRmap) < 10., PCRmap) if isLddMap == True: PCRmap = pcr.ldd(PCRmap) if isNomMap == True: PCRmap = pcr.ifthen(pcr.scalar(PCRmap) > 0., PCRmap) if isNomMap == True: PCRmap = pcr.nominal(PCRmap) if os.path.isdir(tmpDir): shutil.rmtree(tmpDir) os.makedirs(tmpDir) else: PCRmap = pcr.scalar(float(v)) if cover != None: PCRmap = pcr.cover(PCRmap, cover) co = None; cOut = None; err = None; warp = None del co; del cOut; del err; del warp stdout = None; del stdout stderr = None; del stderr return PCRmap
def inverse_gumbel(p_zero, loc, scale, return_period): """ This function computes values for a given return period using the zero probability, location and shape parameters given. """ p = pcr.scalar(1. - 1./return_period) # p_residual is the probability density function of the population consisting of any values above zero p_residual = pcr.min(pcr.max((p - p_zero) / (1.0 - p_zero), 0.0), 1.0) #~ # - alternative equation found on: (see the method inv_gumbel) #~ p_residual = np.minimum(np.maximum((p-p_zero)/(1-p_zero), 0), np.float64(1-1./1e9)) # I think this is the correct equation""" reduced_variate = -pcr.ln(-pcr.ln(p_residual)) flvol = reduced_variate * scale + loc # infinite numbers can occur. reduce these to zero! # if any values become negative due to the statistical extrapolation, fix them to zero (may occur if the sample size for fitting was small and a small return period is requested) flvol = pcr.max(0.0, pcr.cover(flvol, 0.0)) return flvol
def gettimestep(self, timestep, logging, var="P", tsdatetime=None): """ Gets a map for a single timestep. reads data in blocks assuming sequential access timestep: framework timestep (1-based) logging: python logging object var: variable to get from the file """ ncindex = timestep - 1 if var in self.dataset.variables: if tsdatetime != None: if tsdatetime.replace(tzinfo=None) != self.datetimelist[ ncindex ].replace(tzinfo=None): logging.warning( "Date/time of state (" + var + " in " + self.fname + ")does not match. Wanted " + str(tsdatetime) + " got " + str(self.datetimelist[ncindex]) ) np_step = self.dataset.variables[var][ ncindex, self.latidx.min() : self.latidx.max() + 1, self.lonidx.min() : self.lonidx.max() + 1, ] miss = float(self.dataset.variables[var]._FillValue) return pcr.numpy2pcr(pcr.Scalar, np_step, miss), True else: # logging.debug("Var (" + var + ") not found returning map with 0.0") return pcr.cover(pcr.scalar(0.0)), False
def upscale_riverlength(ldd, order, factor): """ Upscales the riverlength using 'factor' The resulting maps can be resampled (e.g. using resample.exe) by factor and should include the accurate length as determined with the original higher resolution maps. This function is **depricated**, use are_riverlength instead as this version is very slow for large maps Input: - ldd - minimum streamorder to include Output: - distance per factor cells """ strorder = pcr.streamorder(ldd) strorder = pcr.ifthen(strorder >= order, strorder) dist = pcr.cover( pcr.max( pcr.celllength(), pcr.ifthen(pcr.boolean(strorder), pcr.downstreamdist(ldd)) ), 0, ) totdist = pcr.max( pcr.ifthen( pcr.boolean(strorder), pcr.windowtotal( pcr.ifthen(pcr.boolean(strorder), dist), pcr.celllength() * factor ), ), dist, ) return totdist
def simplereservoir( storage, inflow, ResArea, maxstorage, target_perc_full, maximum_Q, demand, minimum_full_perc, ReserVoirLocs, precip, pet, ReservoirSimpleAreas, timestepsecs=86400, ): """ :param storage: initial storage m^3 :param inflow: inflow m^3/s :param maxstorage: maximum storage (above which water is spilled) m^3 :param target_perc_full: target fraction full (of max storage) - :param maximum_Q: maximum Q to release m^3/s if below spillway :param demand: water demand (all combined) m^3/s :param minimum_full_perc: target minimum full fraction (of max storage) - :param ReserVoirLocs: map with reservoir locations :param timestepsecs: timestep of the model in seconds (default = 86400) :return: storage (m^3), outflow (m^3/s), PercentageFull (0-1), Release (m^3/sec) """ inflow = pcr.ifthen(pcr.boolean(ReserVoirLocs), inflow) prec_av = pcr.cover( pcr.ifthen(pcr.boolean(ReserVoirLocs), pcr.areaaverage(precip, ReservoirSimpleAreas)), pcr.scalar(0.0), ) pet_av = pcr.cover( pcr.ifthen(pcr.boolean(ReserVoirLocs), pcr.areaaverage(pet, ReservoirSimpleAreas)), pcr.scalar(0.0), ) _outflow = 0 _demandRelease = 0 nr_loop = np.max([int(timestepsecs / 21600), 1]) for n in range(0, nr_loop): fl_nr_loop = float(nr_loop) storage = (storage + (inflow * timestepsecs / fl_nr_loop) + (prec_av / fl_nr_loop / 1000.0) * ResArea - (pet_av / fl_nr_loop / 1000.0) * ResArea) percfull = storage / maxstorage # first determine minimum (environmental) flow using a simple sigmoid curve to scale for target level fac = sCurve(percfull, a=minimum_full_perc, c=30.0) demandRelease = pcr.min(fac * demand * timestepsecs / fl_nr_loop, storage) storage = storage - demandRelease wantrel = pcr.max(0.0, storage - (maxstorage * target_perc_full)) # Assume extra maximum Q if spilling overflowQ = pcr.max((storage - maxstorage), 0.0) torelease = pcr.min( wantrel, overflowQ + maximum_Q * timestepsecs / fl_nr_loop - demandRelease) storage = storage - torelease outflow = torelease + demandRelease percfull = storage / maxstorage _outflow = _outflow + outflow _demandRelease = _demandRelease + demandRelease return storage, _outflow / timestepsecs, percfull, prec_av, pet_av, _demandRelease / timestepsecs
def main(): """ :ivar masterdem: digital elevation model :ivar dem: digital elevation model :ivar river: optional river map """ # Default values strRiver = 8 masterdem = "" step1dir = "step1" step2dir = "step2" workdir = "." inifile = "wflow_prepare.ini" recreate = False snapgaugestoriver = False try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "W:hI:f",['version']) except getopt.error as msg: usage(msg) for o, a in opts: if o == "-W": workdir = a if o == "-I": inifile = a if o == "-h": usage() if o == "-f": recreate = True if o == "--version": import wflow print("wflow version: ", wflow.__version__) sys.exit(0) pcr.setglobaloption("unitcell") os.chdir(workdir) config = OpenConf(workdir + "/" + inifile) masterdem = configget(config, "files", "masterdem", "") pcr.setclone(masterdem) strRiver = int(configget(config, "settings", "riverorder", "4")) try: gauges_x = config.get("settings", "gauges_x") gauges_y = config.get("settings", "gauges_y") except: print("gauges_x and gauges_y are required entries in the ini file") sys.exit(1) step1dir = configget(config, "directories", "step1dir", "step1") step2dir = configget(config, "directories", "step2dir", "step2") # upscalefactor = float(config.get("settings","upscalefactor")) corevolume = float(configget(config, "settings", "corevolume", "1E35")) catchmentprecipitation = float( configget(config, "settings", "catchmentprecipitation", "1E35") ) corearea = float(configget(config, "settings", "corearea", "1E35")) outflowdepth = float(configget(config, "settings", "lddoutflowdepth", "1E35")) initialscale = int(configget(config, "settings", "initialscale", "1")) csize = float(configget(config, "settings", "cellsize", "1")) snapgaugestoriver = bool( int(configget(config, "settings", "snapgaugestoriver", "1")) ) lddglobaloption = configget(config, "settings", "lddglobaloption", "lddout") pcr.setglobaloption(lddglobaloption) lu_water = configget(config, "files", "lu_water", "") lu_paved = configget(config, "files", "lu_paved", "") # X/Y coordinates of the gauges the system X = np.fromstring(gauges_x, sep=',') Y = np.fromstring(gauges_y, sep=',') tr.Verbose = 1 # make the directories to save results in if not os.path.isdir(step1dir + "/"): os.makedirs(step1dir) if not os.path.isdir(step2dir): os.makedirs(step2dir) if initialscale > 1: print("Initial scaling of DEM...") os.system( "resample -r " + str(initialscale) + " " + masterdem + " " + step1dir + "/" ) print("Reading dem...") dem = pcr.readmap(step1dir + "/") ldddem = dem else: print ("Reading dem...") dem = pcr.readmap(masterdem) ldddem = dem try: catchmask = config.get("files", "catchment_mask") except: print("No catchment mask...") else: print("clipping DEM with mask.....") mask = pcr.readmap(catchmask) ldddem = pcr.ifthen(pcr.boolean(mask), ldddem) dem = pcr.ifthen(pcr.boolean(mask), dem) # See if there is a shape file of the river to burn in try: rivshp = config.get("files", "river") except: print("no river file specified") outletpointX = float(configget(config, "settings", "outflowpointX", "0.0")) outletpointY = float(configget(config, "settings", "outflowpointY", "0.0")) else: print("river file specified.....") try: outletpointX = float(configget(config, "settings", "outflowpointX", "0.0")) outletpointY = float(configget(config, "settings", "outflowpointY", "0.0")) except: print( "Need to specify the river outletpoint (a point at the end of the river within the current map)" ) exit(1) outletpointmap = tr.points_to_map(dem, outletpointX, outletpointY, 0.5), step1dir + "/") # rivshpattr = config.get("files","riverattr") * 0.0, step1dir + "/") thestr = ( "gdal_translate -of GTiff " + step1dir + "/ " + step1dir + "/riverburn.tif" ) os.system(thestr) rivshpattr = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(rivshp))[0] os.system( "gdal_rasterize -burn 1 -l " + rivshpattr + " " + rivshp + " " + step1dir + "/riverburn.tif" ) thestr = ( "gdal_translate -of PCRaster " + step1dir + "/riverburn.tif " + step1dir + "/" ) os.system(thestr) riverburn = pcr.readmap(step1dir + "/") # Determine regional slope assuming that is the way the river should run # Determine regional slope assuming that is the way the river should run # pcr.setglobaloption("unitcell") # demregional=pcr.windowaverage(dem,100) ldddem = pcr.ifthenelse(riverburn >= 1.0, dem - 1000, dem) pcr.setglobaloption("unittrue") upscalefactor = int(csize / pcr.celllength()) print("Creating ldd...") ldd = tr.lddcreate_save( step1dir + "/", ldddem, recreate, outflowdepth=outflowdepth, corevolume=corevolume, catchmentprecipitation=catchmentprecipitation, corearea=corearea, ) print("Determining streamorder...") stro = pcr.streamorder(ldd), step1dir + "/") strdir = pcr.ifthen(stro >= strRiver, stro), step1dir + "/") >= strRiver, stro)), step1dir + "/") pcr.setglobaloption("unittrue") # outlet (and other gauges if given) # TODO: check is x/y set if not skip this print("Outlet...") outlmap = tr.points_to_map(dem, X, Y, 0.5) if snapgaugestoriver: print("Snapping gauges to nearest river cells..."), step1dir + "/") outlmap = tr.snaptomap(outlmap, strdir) # noutletmap = tr.points_to_map(dem,XX,YY,0.5) #,''), step1dir + "/") # check if there is a pre-define catchment map try: catchmask = config.get("files", "catchment_mask") except: print("No catchment mask, finding outlet") # Find catchment (overall) outlet = tr.find_outlet(ldd) sub = tr.subcatch(ldd, outlet), step1dir + "/") else: print("reading and converting catchment mask.....") os.system( "resample -r " + str(initialscale) + " " + catchmask + " " + step1dir + "/" ) sub = pcr.readmap(step1dir + "/") print("Scatch...") sd = tr.subcatch(ldd, pcr.ifthen(outlmap > 0, outlmap)), step1dir + "/") pcr.setglobaloption("unitcell") print("Upscalefactor: " + str(upscalefactor)) if upscalefactor > 1: gc.collect() print("upscale river length1 (checkerboard map)...") ck = tr.checkerboard(dem, upscalefactor), step1dir + "/"), step1dir + "/") print("upscale river length2...") fact = tr.area_riverlength_factor(ldd, ck, upscalefactor), step1dir + "/") # print("make dem statistics...") dem_ = pcr.areaaverage(dem, ck), step1dir + "/") print("Create DEM statistics...") dem_ = pcr.areaminimum(dem, ck), step1dir + "/") dem_ = pcr.areamaximum(dem, ck), step1dir + "/") # calculate percentiles order = pcr.areaorder(dem, ck) n = pcr.areatotal(pcr.spatial(pcr.scalar(1.0)), ck) #: calculate 25 percentile perc = tr.area_percentile(dem, ck, n, order, 25.0), step1dir + "/") perc = tr.area_percentile(dem, ck, n, order, 10.0), step1dir + "/") perc = tr.area_percentile(dem, ck, n, order, 50.0), step1dir + "/") perc = tr.area_percentile(dem, ck, n, order, 33.0), step1dir + "/") perc = tr.area_percentile(dem, ck, n, order, 66.0), step1dir + "/") perc = tr.area_percentile(dem, ck, n, order, 75.0), step1dir + "/") perc = tr.area_percentile(dem, ck, n, order, 90.0), step1dir + "/") else: print("No fancy scaling done. Going strait to step2...."), step1dir + "/") Xul = float(config.get("settings", "Xul")) Yul = float(config.get("settings", "Yul")) Xlr = float(config.get("settings", "Xlr")) Ylr = float(config.get("settings", "Ylr")) gdalstr = ( "gdal_translate -projwin " + str(Xul) + " " + str(Yul) + " " + str(Xlr) + " " + str(Ylr) + " -of PCRaster " ) # gdalstr = "gdal_translate -a_ullr " + str(Xul) + " " + str(Yul) + " " +str(Xlr) + " " +str(Ylr) + " -of PCRaster " print(gdalstr), step1dir + "/") # Now us gdat tp convert the maps os.system( gdalstr + step1dir + "/" + " " + step2dir + "/" ) os.system( gdalstr + step1dir + "/" + " " + step2dir + "/" ) os.system( gdalstr + step1dir + "/" + " " + step2dir + "/" ) os.system( gdalstr + step1dir + "/" + " " + step2dir + "/" ) os.system( gdalstr + step1dir + "/" + " " + step2dir + "/" ) os.system( gdalstr + step1dir + "/" + " " + step2dir + "/" ) os.system( gdalstr + step1dir + "/" + " " + step2dir + "/" ) os.system( gdalstr + step1dir + "/" + " " + step2dir + "/" ) os.system( gdalstr + step1dir + "/" + " " + step2dir + "/" ) os.system(gdalstr + step1dir + "/" + " " + step2dir + "/") os.system( gdalstr + step1dir + "/" + " " + step2dir + "/" ) if lu_water: os.system(gdalstr + lu_water + " " + step2dir + "/") if lu_paved: os.system(gdalstr + lu_paved + " " + step2dir + "/") try: lumap = config.get("files", "landuse") except: print("no landuse map...creating uniform map") # clone=pcr.readmap(step2dir + "/") pcr.setclone(step2dir + "/"), step2dir + "/") else: os.system( "resample --clone " + step2dir + "/ " + lumap + " " + step2dir + "/" ) try: soilmap = config.get("files", "soil") except: print("no soil map..., creating uniform map") pcr.setclone(step2dir + "/"), step2dir + "/") else: os.system( "resample --clone " + step2dir + "/ " + soilmap + " " + step2dir + "/" )
def adusting_parameters(self, configuration, system_argument): # global pre-multipliers given in the argument: if len(system_argument) > 4: "Adjusting some model parameters based on given values in the system argument." ) # pre-multipliers for minSoilDepthFrac, kSat, recessionCoeff, storCap and degreeDayFactor multiplier_for_minSoilDepthFrac = float( system_argument[4] ) # linear scale # Note that this one does NOT work for the changing WMIN or Joyce land cover options. multiplier_for_kSat = float(system_argument[5]) # log scale multiplier_for_recessionCoeff = float( system_argument[6]) # log scale multiplier_for_storCap = float(system_argument[7]) # linear scale multiplier_for_degreeDayFactor = float( system_argument[8]) # linear scale # pre-multiplier for the reference potential ET self.multiplier_for_refPotET = float( system_argument[9]) # linear scale # it is also possible to define prefactors via the ini/configuration file: # - this will be overwrite any previous given pre-multipliers if 'prefactorOptions' in configuration.allSections: "Adjusting some model parameters based on given values in the ini/configuration file." ) self.multiplier_for_refPotET = float( configuration. prefactorOptions['linear_multiplier_for_refPotET'] ) # linear scale # Note that this one does NOT work for the changing WMIN or Joyce land cover options. multiplier_for_degreeDayFactor = float( configuration.prefactorOptions[ 'linear_multiplier_for_degreeDayFactor']) # linear scale multiplier_for_minSoilDepthFrac = float( configuration.prefactorOptions[ 'linear_multiplier_for_minSoilDepthFrac']) # linear scale multiplier_for_kSat = float( configuration.prefactorOptions['log_10_multiplier_for_kSat'] ) # log scale multiplier_for_storCap = float( configuration.prefactorOptions['linear_multiplier_for_storCap'] ) # linear scale multiplier_for_recessionCoeff = float( configuration.prefactorOptions[ 'log_10_multiplier_for_recessionCoeff']) # log scale # saving global pre-multipliers to the log file: msg = "\n" msg += "\n" msg += "Multiplier values used: " + "\n" msg += "For minSoilDepthFrac : " + str( multiplier_for_minSoilDepthFrac) + "\n" msg += "For kSat (log-scale) : " + str( multiplier_for_kSat) + "\n" msg += "For recessionCoeff (log-scale) : " + str( multiplier_for_recessionCoeff) + "\n" msg += "For storCap : " + str( multiplier_for_storCap) + "\n" msg += "For degreeDayFactor : " + str( multiplier_for_degreeDayFactor) + "\n" msg += "For refPotET : " + str( self.multiplier_for_refPotET) + "\n" # - also to a txt file f = open( "multiplier.txt", "w" ) # this will be stored in the "map" folder of the 'outputDir' (as we set the current working directory to this "map" folder, see f.write(msg) f.close() # set parameter "recessionCoeff" based on the given pre-multiplier # - also saving the adjusted parameter maps to pcraster files # - these will be stored in the "map" folder of the 'outputDir' (as we set the current working directory to this "map" folder, see # "recessionCoeff" # minimum value is zero and using log-scale self.model.groundwater.recessionCoeff = pcr.max( 0.0, (10**(multiplier_for_recessionCoeff)) * self.model.groundwater.recessionCoeff) self.model.groundwater.recessionCoeff = pcr.min( 1.0, self.model.groundwater.recessionCoeff) # report the map, "") # set parameters "kSat", "storCap", "minSoilDepthFrac", and "degreeDayFactor" based on the given pre-multipliers for coverType in self.model.landSurface.coverTypes: # "degreeDayFactor" self.model.landSurface.landCoverObj[coverType].degreeDayFactor = pcr.max(0.0, multiplier_for_degreeDayFactor *\ self.model.landSurface.landCoverObj[coverType].degreeDayFactor) # report the map pcraster_filename = "degreeDayFactor" + "_" + coverType + ".map" self.model.landSurface.landCoverObj[coverType].degreeDayFactor, pcraster_filename) # "kSat" and "storCap" for 2 layer model if self.model.landSurface.numberOfSoilLayers == 2: # "kSat" # minimum value is zero and using-log-scale self.model.landSurface.landCoverObj[coverType].parameters.kSatUpp = \ pcr.max(0.0, (10**(multiplier_for_kSat)) * self.model.landSurface.landCoverObj[coverType].parameters.kSatUpp) self.model.landSurface.landCoverObj[coverType].parameters.kSatLow = \ pcr.max(0.0, (10**(multiplier_for_kSat)) * self.model.landSurface.landCoverObj[coverType].parameters.kSatLow) # report the maps pcraster_filename = "kSatUpp" + "_" + coverType + ".map" self.model.landSurface.landCoverObj[coverType].parameters. kSatUpp, pcraster_filename) pcraster_filename = "kSatLow" + "_" + coverType + ".map" self.model.landSurface.landCoverObj[coverType].parameters. kSatLow, pcraster_filename) # "storCap" # minimum value is zero self.model.landSurface.landCoverObj[coverType].parameters.storCapUpp = pcr.max(0.0, multiplier_for_storCap*\ self.model.landSurface.landCoverObj[coverType].parameters.storCapUpp) self.model.landSurface.landCoverObj[coverType].parameters.storCapLow = pcr.max(0.0, multiplier_for_storCap*\ self.model.landSurface.landCoverObj[coverType].parameters.storCapLow) # report the maps pcraster_filename = "storCapUpp" + "_" + coverType + ".map" self.model.landSurface.landCoverObj[coverType].parameters. storCapUpp, pcraster_filename) pcraster_filename = "storCapLow" + "_" + coverType + ".map" self.model.landSurface.landCoverObj[coverType].parameters. storCapLow, pcraster_filename) # "kSat" and "storCap" for 3 layer model if self.model.landSurface.numberOfSoilLayers == 3: # "kSat" # minimum value is zero and using-log-scale self.model.landSurface.landCoverObj[coverType].parameters.kSatUpp000005 = \ pcr.max(0.0, (10**(multiplier_for_kSat)) * self.model.landSurface.landCoverObj[coverType].parameters.kSatUpp000005) self.model.landSurface.landCoverObj[coverType].parameters.kSatUpp005030 = \ pcr.max(0.0, (10**(multiplier_for_kSat)) * self.model.landSurface.landCoverObj[coverType].parameters.kSatUpp005030) self.model.landSurface.landCoverObj[coverType].parameters.kSatLow030150 = \ pcr.max(0.0, (10**(multiplier_for_kSat)) * self.model.landSurface.landCoverObj[coverType].parameters.kSatLow030150) # report the maps pcraster_filename = "kSatUpp000005" + "_" + coverType + ".map" self.model.landSurface.landCoverObj[coverType].parameters. kSatUpp000005, pcraster_filename) pcraster_filename = "kSatUpp005030" + "_" + coverType + ".map" self.model.landSurface.landCoverObj[coverType].parameters. kSatUpp005030, pcraster_filename) pcraster_filename = "kSatLow030150" + "_" + coverType + ".map" self.model.landSurface.landCoverObj[coverType].parameters. kSatLow030150, pcraster_filename) # "storCap" # minimum value is zero self.model.landSurface.landCoverObj[coverType].parameters.storCapUpp000005 = pcr.max(0.0, multiplier_for_storCap*\ self.model.landSurface.landCoverObj[coverType].parameters.storCapUpp000005) self.model.landSurface.landCoverObj[coverType].parameters.storCapUpp005030 = pcr.max(0.0, multiplier_for_storCap*\ self.model.landSurface.landCoverObj[coverType].parameters.storCapUpp005030) self.model.landSurface.landCoverObj[coverType].parameters.storCapLow030150 = pcr.max(0.0, multiplier_for_storCap*\ self.model.landSurface.landCoverObj[coverType].parameters.storCapLow030150) # report the maps pcraster_filename = "storCapUpp000005" + "_" + coverType + ".map" self.model.landSurface.landCoverObj[coverType].parameters. storCapUpp000005, pcraster_filename) pcraster_filename = "storCapUpp005030" + "_" + coverType + ".map" self.model.landSurface.landCoverObj[coverType].parameters. storCapUpp005030, pcraster_filename) pcraster_filename = "storCapLow030150" + "_" + coverType + ".map" self.model.landSurface.landCoverObj[coverType].parameters. storCapLow030150, pcraster_filename) # re-calculate rootZoneWaterStorageCap as the consequence of the modification of "storCap" # This is WMAX in the oldcalc script. if self.model.landSurface.numberOfSoilLayers == 2: self.model.landSurface.landCoverObj[coverType].parameters.rootZoneWaterStorageCap = self.model.landSurface.landCoverObj[coverType].parameters.storCapUpp +\ self.model.landSurface.landCoverObj[coverType].parameters.storCapLow if self.model.landSurface.numberOfSoilLayers == 3: self.model.landSurface.landCoverObj[coverType].parameters.rootZoneWaterStorageCap = self.model.landSurface.landCoverObj[coverType].parameters.storCapUpp000005 +\ self.model.landSurface.landCoverObj[coverType].parameters.storCapUpp005030 +\ self.model.landSurface.landCoverObj[coverType].parameters.storCapLow030150 # report the map pcraster_filename = "rootZoneWaterStorageCap" + "_" + coverType + ".map" self.model.landSurface.landCoverObj[coverType].parameters. rootZoneWaterStorageCap, pcraster_filename) # "minSoilDepthFrac" if multiplier_for_minSoilDepthFrac != 1.0: # minimum value is zero self.model.landSurface.landCoverObj[coverType].minSoilDepthFrac = pcr.max(0.0, multiplier_for_minSoilDepthFrac*\ self.model.landSurface.landCoverObj[coverType].minSoilDepthFrac) # for minSoilDepthFrac - values will be limited by maxSoilDepthFrac self.model.landSurface.landCoverObj[coverType].minSoilDepthFrac = pcr.min(\ self.model.landSurface.landCoverObj[coverType].minSoilDepthFrac,\ self.model.landSurface.landCoverObj[coverType].maxSoilDepthFrac) # maximum value is 1.0 self.model.landSurface.landCoverObj[ coverType].minSoilDepthFrac = pcr.min( 1.0, self.model.landSurface.landCoverObj[coverType]. minSoilDepthFrac) # report the map pcraster_filename = "minSoilDepthFrac" + "_" + coverType + ".map" self.model.landSurface.landCoverObj[coverType]. minSoilDepthFrac, pcraster_filename) # re-calculate arnoBeta (as the consequence of the modification of minSoilDepthFrac) self.model.landSurface.landCoverObj[coverType].arnoBeta = pcr.max(0.001,\ (self.model.landSurface.landCoverObj[coverType].maxSoilDepthFrac-1.)/(1.-self.model.landSurface.landCoverObj[coverType].minSoilDepthFrac)+\ self.model.landSurface.landCoverObj[coverType].parameters.orographyBeta-0.01) self.model.landSurface.landCoverObj[coverType].arnoBeta = pcr.cover(pcr.max(0.001,\ self.model.landSurface.landCoverObj[coverType].arnoBeta), 0.001) # report the map pcraster_filename = "arnoBeta" + "_" + coverType + ".map" self.model.landSurface.landCoverObj[coverType].arnoBeta, pcraster_filename) # re-calculate rootZoneWaterStorageMin (as the consequence of the modification of minSoilDepthFrac) # This is WMIN in the oldcalc script. # WMIN (unit: m): minimum local soil water capacity within the grid-cell self.model.landSurface.landCoverObj[coverType].rootZoneWaterStorageMin = self.model.landSurface.landCoverObj[coverType].minSoilDepthFrac *\ self.model.landSurface.landCoverObj[coverType].parameters.rootZoneWaterStorageCap # report the map pcraster_filename = "rootZoneWaterStorageMin" + "_" + coverType + ".map" self.model.landSurface.landCoverObj[coverType]. rootZoneWaterStorageMin, pcraster_filename) # re-calculate rootZoneWaterStorageRange (as the consequence of the modification of rootZoneWaterStorageRange and minSoilDepthFrac) # WMAX - WMIN (unit: m) self.model.landSurface.landCoverObj[coverType].rootZoneWaterStorageRange = self.model.landSurface.landCoverObj[coverType].parameters.rootZoneWaterStorageCap -\ self.model.landSurface.landCoverObj[coverType].rootZoneWaterStorageMin # report the map pcraster_filename = "rootZoneWaterStorageRange" + "_" + coverType + ".map" self.model.landSurface.landCoverObj[coverType]. rootZoneWaterStorageRange, pcraster_filename)
def naturalLake( waterlevel, LakeLocs, LinkedLakeLocs, LakeArea, LakeThreshold, LakeStorFunc, LakeOutflowFunc, sh, hq, lake_b, lake_e, inflow, precip, pet, LakeAreasMap, JDOY, timestepsecs=86400, ): """ Run Natural Lake module to compute the new waterlevel and outflow. Solves lake water balance with linearisation and iteration procedure, for any rating and storage curve. For the case where storage curve is S = AH and Q=b(H-Ho)^2, uses the direct solution from the Modified Puls Approach (LISFLOOD). :ivar waterlevel: water level H in the lake :ivar LakeLocs: location of lake's outlet :ivar LinkedLakeLocs: ID of linked lakes :ivar LakeArea: total lake area :ivar LakeThreshold: water level threshold Ho under which outflow is zero :ivar LakeStorFunc: type of lake storage curve 1: S = AH 2: S = f(H) from lake data and interpolation :ivar LakeOutflowFunc: type of lake rating curve 1: Q = f(H) from lake data and interpolation 2: General Q = b(H - Ho)^e 3: Case of Puls Approach Q = b(H - Ho)^2 :ivar sh: data for storage curve :ivar hq: data for rating curve :ivar lake_b: rating curve coefficient :ivar lake_e: rating curve exponent :ivar inflow: inflow to the lake (surface runoff + river discharge + seepage) :ivar precip: precipitation map :ivar pet: PET map :ivar LakeAreasMap: lake extent map (for filtering P and PET) :ivar JDOY: Julian Day of Year to read storage/rating curve from data :ivar timestepsecs: model timestep in seconds :returns: waterlevel, outflow, prec_av, pet_av, storage """ mv = -999.0 LakeZeros = LakeArea * 0.0 waterlevel_start = waterlevel inflow = pcr.ifthen(pcr.boolean(LakeLocs), inflow) prec_av = pcr.ifthen(pcr.boolean(LakeLocs), pcr.areaaverage(precip, LakeAreasMap)) pet_av = pcr.ifthen(pcr.boolean(LakeLocs), pcr.areaaverage(pet, LakeAreasMap)) ### Modified Puls Approach (Burek et al., 2013, LISFLOOD) ### #ResOutflowFunc = 3 #Calculate lake factor and SI parameter LakeFactor = pcr.ifthenelse(LakeOutflowFunc == 3, LakeArea / (timestepsecs * (lake_b)**0.5), mv) storage_start = pcr.ifthenelse( LakeStorFunc == 1, LakeArea * waterlevel_start, lookupResFunc(LakeLocs, waterlevel_start, sh, "0-1"), ) SIFactor = pcr.ifthenelse( LakeOutflowFunc == 3, ((storage_start + (prec_av - pet_av) * LakeArea / 1000.0) / timestepsecs + inflow), mv) #Adjust SIFactor for ResThreshold != 0 SIFactorAdj = SIFactor - LakeArea * LakeThreshold / timestepsecs #Calculate the new lake outflow/waterlevel/storage outflow = pcr.ifthenelse( LakeOutflowFunc == 3, pcr.ifthenelse(SIFactorAdj > 0.0, (-LakeFactor + (LakeFactor**2 + 2 * SIFactorAdj)**0.5)**2, 0.0), LakeZeros) storage = pcr.ifthenelse(LakeOutflowFunc == 3, (SIFactor - outflow) * timestepsecs, LakeZeros) waterlevel = pcr.ifthenelse(LakeOutflowFunc == 3, storage / LakeArea, LakeZeros) ### Linearisation and iteration for specific storage/rating curves ### np_lakeoutflowfunc = pcr.pcr2numpy(LakeOutflowFunc, 0.0) if ((bool(np.isin(1, np.unique(np_lakeoutflowfunc)))) or (bool(np.isin(2, np.unique(np_lakeoutflowfunc))))): np_lakelocs = pcr.pcr2numpy(LakeLocs, 0.0) np_linkedlakelocs = pcr.pcr2numpy(LinkedLakeLocs, 0.0) waterlevel_loop = waterlevel_start _outflow = [] nr_loop = np.max([int(timestepsecs / 21600), 1]) for n in range(0, nr_loop): np_waterlevel = pcr.pcr2numpy(waterlevel_loop, np.nan) np_waterlevel_lower = np_waterlevel.copy() for val in np.unique(np_linkedlakelocs): if val > 0: np_waterlevel_lower[np_linkedlakelocs == val] = np_waterlevel[np.where( np_lakelocs == val)] diff_wl = np_waterlevel - np_waterlevel_lower diff_wl[np.isnan(diff_wl)] = mv np_waterlevel_lower[np.isnan(np_waterlevel_lower)] = mv pcr_diff_wl = pcr.numpy2pcr(pcr.Scalar, diff_wl, mv) pcr_wl_lower = pcr.numpy2pcr(pcr.Scalar, np_waterlevel_lower, mv) storage_start_loop = pcr.ifthenelse( LakeStorFunc == 1, LakeArea * waterlevel_loop, lookupResFunc(LakeLocs, waterlevel_loop, sh, "0-1"), ) outflow_loop = pcr.ifthenelse( LakeOutflowFunc == 1, lookupResRegMatr(LakeLocs, waterlevel_loop, hq, JDOY), pcr.ifthenelse( pcr_diff_wl >= 0, pcr.max(lake_b * (waterlevel_loop - LakeThreshold)**lake_e, 0), pcr.min( -1 * lake_b * (pcr_wl_lower - LakeThreshold)**lake_e, 0), ), ) np_outflow = pcr.pcr2numpy(outflow_loop, np.nan) np_outflow_linked = np_lakelocs * 0.0 with np.errstate(invalid="ignore"): if np_outflow[np_outflow < 0] is not None: np_outflow_linked[np.in1d( np_lakelocs, np_linkedlakelocs[np_outflow < 0]).reshape( np_linkedlakelocs.shape)] = np_outflow[ np_outflow < 0] outflow_linked = pcr.numpy2pcr(pcr.Scalar, np_outflow_linked, 0.0) fl_nr_loop = float(nr_loop) storage_loop = ( storage_start_loop + (inflow * timestepsecs / fl_nr_loop) + (prec_av / fl_nr_loop / 1000.0) * LakeArea - (pet_av / fl_nr_loop / 1000.0) * LakeArea - (pcr.cover(outflow_loop, 0.0) * timestepsecs / fl_nr_loop) + (pcr.cover(outflow_linked, 0.0) * timestepsecs / fl_nr_loop)) waterlevel_loop = pcr.ifthenelse( LakeStorFunc == 1, waterlevel_loop + (storage_loop - storage_start_loop) / LakeArea, lookupResFunc(LakeLocs, storage_loop, sh, "1-0"), ) np_outflow_nz = np_outflow * 0.0 with np.errstate(invalid="ignore"): np_outflow_nz[np_outflow > 0] = np_outflow[np_outflow > 0] _outflow.append(np_outflow_nz) outflow_av_temp = np.average(_outflow, 0) outflow_av_temp[np.isnan(outflow_av_temp)] = mv outflow_av = pcr.numpy2pcr(pcr.Scalar, outflow_av_temp, mv) #Add the discharge/waterlevel/storage from the loop to the one from puls approach outflow = pcr.ifthenelse(LakeOutflowFunc == 3, outflow, outflow_av) waterlevel = pcr.ifthenelse(LakeOutflowFunc == 3, waterlevel, waterlevel_loop) storage = pcr.ifthenelse(LakeOutflowFunc == 3, storage, storage_loop) return waterlevel, outflow, prec_av, pet_av, storage
def __init__(self, clone_map_file,\ input_thickness_netcdf_file,\ input_thickness_var_name ,\ margat_aquifers,\ tmp_directory, landmask = None, arcdegree = True): object.__init__(self) # aquifer table from Margat and van der Gun self.margat_aquifers = margat_aquifers # clone map self.clone_map_file = clone_map_file self.clone_map_attr = vos.getMapAttributesALL(self.clone_map_file) if arcdegree == True: self.clone_map_attr['cellsize'] = round(self.clone_map_attr['cellsize'] * 360000.)/360000. xmin = self.clone_map_attr['xUL'] xmax = xmin + self.clone_map_attr['cols'] * self.clone_map_attr['cellsize'] ymax = self.clone_map_attr['yUL'] ymin = ymax - self.clone_map_attr['rows'] * self.clone_map_attr['cellsize'] pcr.setclone(self.clone_map_file) # temporary directory self.tmp_directory = tmp_directory # thickness approximation (unit: m, file in netcdf with variable name = average self.approx_thick = vos.netcdf2PCRobjCloneWithoutTime(input_thickness_netcdf_file,\ input_thickness_var_name,\ self.clone_map_file) # set minimum value to 0.1 mm self.approx_thick = pcr.max(0.0001, self.approx_thick) # rasterize the shape file # - # save current directory and move to temporary directory current_dir = str(os.getcwd()+"/") os.chdir(str(self.tmp_directory)) # cmd_line = 'gdal_rasterize -a MARGAT ' # layer name = MARGAT cmd_line += '-te '+str(xmin)+' '+str(ymin)+' '+str(xmax)+' '+str(ymax)+ ' ' cmd_line += '-tr '+str(self.clone_map_attr['cellsize'])+' '+str(self.clone_map_attr['cellsize'])+' ' cmd_line += str(margat_aquifers['shapefile'])+' ' cmd_line += 'tmp.tif' print(cmd_line); os.system(cmd_line) # # make it nomial cmd_line = 'pcrcalc = "nominal(tmp.tif)"' print(cmd_line); os.system(cmd_line) # # make sure that the clone map is correct cmd_line = 'mapattr -c '+str(self.clone_map_file)+'' print(cmd_line); os.system(cmd_line) # # read the map self.margat_aquifer_map = pcr.nominal(pcr.readmap("")) # # clean temporary directory and return to the original directory vos.clean_tmp_dir(self.tmp_directory) os.chdir(current_dir) # extend the extent of each aquifer self.margat_aquifer_map = pcr.cover(self.margat_aquifer_map, pcr.windowmajority(self.margat_aquifer_map, 1.25)) # assign aquifer thickness, unit: m (lookuptable operation) self.margat_aquifer_thickness = pcr.lookupscalar(margat_aquifers['txt_table'], self.margat_aquifer_map) self.margat_aquifer_thickness = pcr.ifthen(self.margat_aquifer_thickness > 0., \ self.margat_aquifer_thickness) #~,""); os.system("aguila") # aquifer map self.margat_aquifer_map = pcr.ifthen(self.margat_aquifer_thickness > 0., self.margat_aquifer_map) # looping per aquifer: cirrecting or rescaling aquifer_ids = np.unique(pcr.pcr2numpy(pcr.scalar(self.margat_aquifer_map), vos.MV)) aquifer_ids = aquifer_ids[aquifer_ids > 0] aquifer_ids = aquifer_ids[aquifer_ids < 10000] self.rescaled_thickness = None for id in aquifer_ids: rescaled_thickness = self.correction_per_aquifer(id) try: self.rescaled_thickness = pcr.cover(self.rescaled_thickness, rescaled_thickness) except: self.rescaled_thickness = rescaled_thickness # integrating ln_aquifer_thickness = self.mapFilling( pcr.ln(self.rescaled_thickness), pcr.ln(self.approx_thick) ) self.aquifer_thickness = pcr.exp(ln_aquifer_thickness) #~,""); os.system("aguila") # cropping only in the landmask region if landmask == None: landmask = self.clone_map_file self.landmask = pcr.defined(vos.readPCRmapClone(landmask,self.clone_map_file,self.tmp_directory)) #~,""); os.system("aguila") self.aquifer_thickness = pcr.ifthen(self.landmask, self.aquifer_thickness)
def readPCRmapClone(v, cloneMapFileName, tmpDir, absolutePath=None, isLddMap=False, cover=None, isNomMap=False, inputEPSG="EPSG:4326", outputEPSG="EPSG:4326", method="near"): # v: inputMapFileName or floating values # cloneMapFileName: If the inputMap and cloneMap have different clones, # resampling will be done. logger.debug('read file/values: ' + str(v)) if v == "None": PCRmap = str("None") elif not re.match(r"[0-9.-]*$", v): if absolutePath != None: v = getFullPath(v, absolutePath) # print(v) sameClone = isSameClone(v, cloneMapFileName) if sameClone == True: PCRmap = pcr.readmap(v) else: # resample using GDAL: output = tmpDir + '' # if no re-projection needed: if inputEPSG == outputEPSG or outputEPSG == None: warp = gdalwarpPCR(v, output, cloneMapFileName, tmpDir, isLddMap, isNomMap) else: warp = gdalwarpPCR(v, output, cloneMapFileName, tmpDir, isLddMap, isNomMap, inputEPSG, outputEPSG, method) # read from temporary file and delete the temporary file: PCRmap = pcr.readmap(output) if isLddMap == True: PCRmap = pcr.ifthen(pcr.scalar(PCRmap) < 10., PCRmap) if isLddMap == True: PCRmap = pcr.ldd(PCRmap) if isNomMap == True: PCRmap = pcr.ifthen(pcr.scalar(PCRmap) > 0., PCRmap) if isNomMap == True: PCRmap = pcr.nominal(PCRmap) if os.path.isdir(tmpDir): shutil.rmtree(tmpDir) os.makedirs(tmpDir) else: PCRmap = pcr.scalar(float(v)) if cover != None: PCRmap = pcr.cover(PCRmap, cover) co = None cOut = None err = None warp = None del co del cOut del err del warp stdout = None del stdout stderr = None del stderr return PCRmap
def read_forcings(self, currTimeStep): # reading precipitation: self.precipitation = vos.netcdf2PCRobjClone(\ self.preFileNC,'precipitation',\ str(currTimeStep.fulldate), useDoy = None, cloneMapFileName=self.cloneMap,\ LatitudeLongitude = True) precipitationCorrectionFactor = pcr.scalar( 1.0 ) # Since 19 Feb 2014, Edwin removed the support for correcting precipitation. self.precipitation = pcr.max(0.,self.precipitation*\ precipitationCorrectionFactor) self.precipitation = pcr.cover(self.precipitation, 0.0) # ignore very small values of precipitation (less than 0.00001 m/day or less than 0.01 ) if self.usingDailyTimeStepForcingData: self.precipitation = pcr.rounddown( self.precipitation * 100000.) / 100000. # reading temperature self.temperature = vos.netcdf2PCRobjClone(\ self.tmpFileNC,'temperature',\ str(currTimeStep.fulldate), useDoy = None, cloneMapFileName=self.cloneMap,\ LatitudeLongitude = True) # Downscaling precipitation and temperature if self.downscalePrecipitationOption: self.downscalePrecipitation(currTimeStep) if self.downscaleTemperatureOption: self.downscaleTemperature(currTimeStep) # calculate or obtain referencePotET if self.refETPotMethod == 'Hamon': self.referencePotET = \ refPotET.HamonPotET(self.temperature,\ currTimeStep.doy,\ self.latitudes) if self.refETPotMethod == 'Input': self.referencePotET = vos.netcdf2PCRobjClone(\ self.etpFileNC,'evapotranspiration',\ str(currTimeStep.fulldate), useDoy = None, cloneMapFileName=self.cloneMap,\ LatitudeLongitude = True) # Downscaling referenceETPot (based on temperature) if self.downscaleReferenceETPotOption: self.downscaleReferenceETPot() # smoothing: if self.forcingSmoothing == True:"Forcing data are smoothed.") self.precipitation = pcr.windowaverage(self.precipitation, self.smoothingWindowsLength) self.temperature = pcr.windowaverage(self.temperature, self.smoothingWindowsLength) self.referencePotET = pcr.windowaverage( self.referencePotET, self.smoothingWindowsLength) # define precipitation, temperature and referencePotET ONLY at landmask area (for reporting): self.precipitation = pcr.ifthen(self.landmask, self.precipitation) self.temperature = pcr.ifthen(self.landmask, self.temperature) self.referencePotET = pcr.ifthen(self.landmask, self.referencePotET) if == True: timeStamp = datetime.datetime(currTimeStep.year,\ currTimeStep.month,\,\ 0) # writing daily output to netcdf files timestepPCR = currTimeStep.timeStepPCR if self.outDailyTotNC[0] != "None": for var in self.outDailyTotNC: self.netcdfObj.data2NetCDF(str(self.outNCDir)+"/"+ \ str(var)+"",\ var,\ pcr2numpy(self.__getattribute__(var),vos.MV),\ timeStamp,timestepPCR-1) # writing monthly output to netcdf files # -cummulative if self.outMonthTotNC[0] != "None": for var in self.outMonthTotNC: # introduce variables at the beginning of simulation or # reset variables at the beginning of the month if currTimeStep.timeStepPCR == 1 or \ == 1: \ vars(self)[var+'MonthTot'] = pcr.scalar(0.0) # accumulating vars(self)[var + 'MonthTot'] += vars(self)[var] # reporting at the end of the month: if currTimeStep.endMonth == True: self.netcdfObj.data2NetCDF(str(self.outNCDir)+"/"+ \ str(var)+"",\ var,\ pcr2numpy(self.__getattribute__(var+'MonthTot'),\ vos.MV),timeStamp,currTimeStep.monthIdx-1) # -average if self.outMonthAvgNC[0] != "None": for var in self.outMonthAvgNC: # only if a accumulator variable has not been defined: if var not in self.outMonthTotNC: # introduce accumulator at the beginning of simulation or # reset accumulator at the beginning of the month if currTimeStep.timeStepPCR == 1 or \ == 1: \ vars(self)[var+'MonthTot'] = pcr.scalar(0.0) # accumulating vars(self)[var + 'MonthTot'] += vars(self)[var] # calculating average & reporting at the end of the month: if currTimeStep.endMonth == True: vars(self)[var+'MonthAvg'] = vars(self)[var+'MonthTot']/\ self.netcdfObj.data2NetCDF(str(self.outNCDir)+"/"+ \ str(var)+"",\ var,\ pcr2numpy(self.__getattribute__(var+'MonthAvg'),\ vos.MV),timeStamp,currTimeStep.monthIdx-1) # # -last day of the month if self.outMonthEndNC[0] != "None": for var in self.outMonthEndNC: # reporting at the end of the month: if currTimeStep.endMonth == True: self.netcdfObj.data2NetCDF(str(self.outNCDir)+"/"+ \ str(var)+"",\ var,\ pcr2numpy(self.__getattribute__(var),vos.MV),\ timeStamp,currTimeStep.monthIdx-1) # writing yearly output to netcdf files # -cummulative if self.outAnnuaTotNC[0] != "None": for var in self.outAnnuaTotNC: # introduce variables at the beginning of simulation or # reset variables at the beginning of the month if currTimeStep.timeStepPCR == 1 or \ currTimeStep.doy == 1: \ vars(self)[var+'AnnuaTot'] = pcr.scalar(0.0) # accumulating vars(self)[var + 'AnnuaTot'] += vars(self)[var] # reporting at the end of the year: if currTimeStep.endYear == True: self.netcdfObj.data2NetCDF(str(self.outNCDir)+"/"+ \ str(var)+"",\ var,\ pcr2numpy(self.__getattribute__(var+'AnnuaTot'),\ vos.MV),timeStamp,currTimeStep.annuaIdx-1) # -average if self.outAnnuaAvgNC[0] != "None": for var in self.outAnnuaAvgNC: # only if a accumulator variable has not been defined: if var not in self.outAnnuaTotNC: # introduce accumulator at the beginning of simulation or # reset accumulator at the beginning of the year if currTimeStep.timeStepPCR == 1 or \ currTimeStep.doy == 1: \ vars(self)[var+'AnnuaTot'] = pcr.scalar(0.0) # accumulating vars(self)[var + 'AnnuaTot'] += vars(self)[var] # # calculating average & reporting at the end of the year: if currTimeStep.endYear == True: vars(self)[var+'AnnuaAvg'] = vars(self)[var+'AnnuaTot']/\ currTimeStep.doy self.netcdfObj.data2NetCDF(str(self.outNCDir)+"/"+ \ str(var)+"",\ var,\ pcr2numpy(self.__getattribute__(var+'AnnuaAvg'),\ vos.MV),timeStamp,currTimeStep.annuaIdx-1) # # -last day of the year if self.outAnnuaEndNC[0] != "None": for var in self.outAnnuaEndNC: # reporting at the end of the year: if currTimeStep.endYear == True: self.netcdfObj.data2NetCDF(str(self.outNCDir)+"/"+ \ str(var)+"",\ var,\ pcr2numpy(self.__getattribute__(var),vos.MV),\ timeStamp,currTimeStep.annuaIdx-1)
def getParameterFiles(self,currTimeStep,cellArea,ldd,\ initial_condition_dictionary = None): # parameters for Water Bodies: fracWat # waterBodyIds # waterBodyOut # waterBodyArea # waterBodyTyp # waterBodyCap # cell surface area (m2) and ldd self.cellArea = cellArea ldd = pcr.ifthen(self.landmask, ldd) # date used for accessing/extracting water body information date_used = currTimeStep.fulldate year_used = currTimeStep.year if self.onlyNaturalWaterBodies == True: date_used = self.dateForNaturalCondition year_used = self.dateForNaturalCondition[0:4] # fracWat = fraction of surface water bodies (dimensionless) self.fracWat = pcr.scalar(0.0) if self.useNetCDF: self.fracWat = vos.netcdf2PCRobjClone(self.ncFileInp,'fracWaterInp', \ date_used, useDoy = 'yearly',\ cloneMapFileName = self.cloneMap) else: self.fracWat = vos.readPCRmapClone(\ self.fracWaterInp+str(year_used)+".map", self.cloneMap,self.tmpDir,self.inputDir) self.fracWat = pcr.cover(self.fracWat, 0.0) self.fracWat = pcr.max(0.0,self.fracWat) self.fracWat = pcr.min(1.0,self.fracWat) self.waterBodyIds = pcr.nominal(0) # waterBody ids self.waterBodyOut = pcr.boolean(0) # waterBody outlets self.waterBodyArea = pcr.scalar(0.) # waterBody surface areas # water body ids if self.useNetCDF: self.waterBodyIds = vos.netcdf2PCRobjClone(self.ncFileInp,'waterBodyIds', \ date_used, useDoy = 'yearly',\ cloneMapFileName = self.cloneMap) else: self.waterBodyIds = vos.readPCRmapClone(\ self.waterBodyIdsInp+str(year_used)+".map",\ self.cloneMap,self.tmpDir,self.inputDir,False,None,True) # self.waterBodyIds = pcr.ifthen(\ pcr.scalar(self.waterBodyIds) > 0.,\ pcr.nominal(self.waterBodyIds)) # water body outlets (correcting outlet positions) wbCatchment = pcr.catchmenttotal(pcr.scalar(1),ldd) self.waterBodyOut = pcr.ifthen(wbCatchment ==\ pcr.areamaximum(wbCatchment, \ self.waterBodyIds),\ self.waterBodyIds) # = outlet ids self.waterBodyOut = pcr.ifthen(\ pcr.scalar(self.waterBodyIds) > 0.,\ self.waterBodyOut) # TODO: Please also consider endorheic lakes! # correcting water body ids self.waterBodyIds = pcr.ifthen(\ pcr.scalar(self.waterBodyIds) > 0.,\ pcr.subcatchment(ldd,self.waterBodyOut)) # boolean map for water body outlets: self.waterBodyOut = pcr.ifthen(\ pcr.scalar(self.waterBodyOut) > 0.,\ pcr.boolean(1)) # reservoir surface area (m2): if self.useNetCDF: resSfArea = 1000. * 1000. * \ vos.netcdf2PCRobjClone(self.ncFileInp,'resSfAreaInp', \ date_used, useDoy = 'yearly',\ cloneMapFileName = self.cloneMap) else: resSfArea = 1000. * 1000. * vos.readPCRmapClone( self.resSfAreaInp+str(year_used)+".map",\ self.cloneMap,self.tmpDir,self.inputDir) resSfArea = pcr.areaaverage(resSfArea,self.waterBodyIds) resSfArea = pcr.cover(resSfArea,0.) # water body surface area (m2): (lakes and reservoirs) self.waterBodyArea = pcr.max(pcr.areatotal(\ pcr.cover(\ self.fracWat*self.cellArea, 0.0), self.waterBodyIds), pcr.areaaverage(\ pcr.cover(resSfArea, 0.0) , self.waterBodyIds)) self.waterBodyArea = pcr.ifthen(self.waterBodyArea > 0.,\ self.waterBodyArea) # correcting water body ids and outlets (exclude all water bodies with surfaceArea = 0) self.waterBodyIds = pcr.ifthen(self.waterBodyArea > 0., self.waterBodyIds) self.waterBodyOut = pcr.ifthen(pcr.boolean(self.waterBodyIds), self.waterBodyOut) # water body types: # - 2 = reservoirs (regulated discharge) # - 1 = lakes (weirFormula) # - 0 = non lakes or reservoirs (e.g. wetland) self.waterBodyTyp = pcr.nominal(0) if self.useNetCDF: self.waterBodyTyp = vos.netcdf2PCRobjClone(self.ncFileInp,'waterBodyTyp', \ date_used, useDoy = 'yearly',\ cloneMapFileName = self.cloneMap) else: self.waterBodyTyp = vos.readPCRmapClone( self.waterBodyTypInp+str(year_used)+".map",\ self.cloneMap,self.tmpDir,self.inputDir,False,None,True) # excluding wetlands (waterBodyTyp = 0) in all functions related to lakes/reservoirs # self.waterBodyTyp = pcr.ifthen(\ pcr.scalar(self.waterBodyTyp) > 0,\ pcr.nominal(self.waterBodyTyp)) self.waterBodyTyp = pcr.ifthen(\ pcr.scalar(self.waterBodyIds) > 0,\ pcr.nominal(self.waterBodyTyp)) self.waterBodyTyp = pcr.areamajority(self.waterBodyTyp,\ self.waterBodyIds) # choose only one type: either lake or reservoir self.waterBodyTyp = pcr.ifthen(\ pcr.scalar(self.waterBodyTyp) > 0,\ pcr.nominal(self.waterBodyTyp)) self.waterBodyTyp = pcr.ifthen(pcr.boolean(self.waterBodyIds), self.waterBodyTyp) # correcting lakes and reservoirs ids and outlets self.waterBodyIds = pcr.ifthen(pcr.scalar(self.waterBodyTyp) > 0, self.waterBodyIds) self.waterBodyOut = pcr.ifthen(pcr.scalar(self.waterBodyIds) > 0, self.waterBodyOut) # reservoir maximum capacity (m3): self.resMaxCap = pcr.scalar(0.0) self.waterBodyCap = pcr.scalar(0.0) if self.useNetCDF: self.resMaxCap = 1000. * 1000. * \ vos.netcdf2PCRobjClone(self.ncFileInp,'resMaxCapInp', \ date_used, useDoy = 'yearly',\ cloneMapFileName = self.cloneMap) else: self.resMaxCap = 1000. * 1000. * vos.readPCRmapClone(\ self.resMaxCapInp+str(year_used)+".map", \ self.cloneMap,self.tmpDir,self.inputDir) self.resMaxCap = pcr.ifthen(self.resMaxCap > 0,\ self.resMaxCap) self.resMaxCap = pcr.areaaverage(self.resMaxCap,\ self.waterBodyIds) # water body capacity (m3): (lakes and reservoirs) self.waterBodyCap = pcr.cover(self.resMaxCap,0.0) # Note: Most of lakes have capacities > 0. self.waterBodyCap = pcr.ifthen(pcr.boolean(self.waterBodyIds), self.waterBodyCap) # correcting water body types: # Reservoirs that have zero capacities will be assumed as lakes. self.waterBodyTyp = \ pcr.ifthen(pcr.scalar(self.waterBodyTyp) > 0.,\ self.waterBodyTyp) self.waterBodyTyp = pcr.ifthenelse(self.waterBodyCap > 0.,\ self.waterBodyTyp,\ pcr.ifthenelse(pcr.scalar(self.waterBodyTyp) == 2,\ pcr.nominal(1),\ self.waterBodyTyp)) # final corrections: self.waterBodyTyp = pcr.ifthen(self.waterBodyArea > 0.,\ self.waterBodyTyp) # make sure that all lakes and/or reservoirs have surface areas self.waterBodyTyp = \ pcr.ifthen(pcr.scalar(self.waterBodyTyp) > 0.,\ self.waterBodyTyp) # make sure that only types 1 and 2 will be considered in lake/reservoir functions self.waterBodyIds = pcr.ifthen(pcr.scalar(self.waterBodyTyp) > 0.,\ self.waterBodyIds) # make sure that all lakes and/or reservoirs have ids self.waterBodyOut = pcr.ifthen(pcr.scalar(self.waterBodyIds) > 0.,\ self.waterBodyOut) # make sure that all lakes and/or reservoirs have outlets # for a natural run (self.onlyNaturalWaterBodies == True) # which uses only the year 1900, assume all reservoirs are lakes if self.onlyNaturalWaterBodies == True and date_used == self.dateForNaturalCondition:"Using only natural water bodies identified in the year 1900. All reservoirs in 1900 are assumed as lakes.") self.waterBodyTyp = \ pcr.ifthen(pcr.scalar(self.waterBodyTyp) > 0.,\ pcr.nominal(1)) # check that all lakes and/or reservoirs have types, ids, surface areas and outlets: test = pcr.defined(self.waterBodyTyp) & pcr.defined(self.waterBodyArea) &\ pcr.defined(self.waterBodyIds) & pcr.boolean(pcr.areamaximum(pcr.scalar(self.waterBodyOut), self.waterBodyIds)) a,b,c = vos.getMinMaxMean(pcr.cover(pcr.scalar(test), 1.0) - pcr.scalar(1.0)) threshold = 1e-3 if abs(a) > threshold or abs(b) > threshold: logger.warning("Missing information in some lakes and/or reservoirs.") # at the beginning of simulation period (timeStepPCR = 1) # - we have to define/get the initial conditions # if currTimeStep.timeStepPCR == 1: self.getICs(initial_condition_dictionary) # For each new reservoir (introduced at the beginning of the year) # initiating storage, average inflow and outflow # self.waterBodyStorage = pcr.cover(self.waterBodyStorage,0.0) self.avgInflow = pcr.cover(self.avgInflow ,0.0) self.avgOutflow = pcr.cover(self.avgOutflow,0.0) # cropping only in the landmask region: self.fracWat = pcr.ifthen(self.landmask, self.fracWat ) self.waterBodyIds = pcr.ifthen(self.landmask, self.waterBodyIds ) self.waterBodyOut = pcr.ifthen(self.landmask, self.waterBodyOut ) self.waterBodyArea = pcr.ifthen(self.landmask, self.waterBodyArea ) self.waterBodyTyp = pcr.ifthen(self.landmask, self.waterBodyTyp ) self.waterBodyCap = pcr.ifthen(self.landmask, self.waterBodyCap ) self.waterBodyStorage = pcr.ifthen(self.landmask, self.waterBodyStorage) self.avgInflow = pcr.ifthen(self.landmask, self.avgInflow ) self.avgOutflow = pcr.ifthen(self.landmask, self.avgOutflow )
def checkWaterBalance(self, storesAtBeginning, storesAtEnd): # for the entire modules: snow + interception + soil + groundwater + waterDemand # except: river/routing irrGrossDemand = pcr.ifthen(self.landmask, self.landSurface.irrGrossDemand) # unit: m nonIrrGrossDemand = \ pcr.ifthen(self.landmask, self.landSurface.nonIrrGrossDemand) # unit: m precipitation = pcr.ifthen(self.landmask, self.meteo.precipitation) # unit: m surfaceWaterInf = pcr.ifthen(self.landmask, self.groundwater.surfaceWaterInf) surfaceWaterAbstraction = \ pcr.ifthen(self.landmask, self.landSurface.actSurfaceWaterAbstract) nonFossilGroundwaterAbs = pcr.ifthen( self.landmask, self.groundwater.nonFossilGroundwaterAbs) unmetDemand = pcr.ifthen( self.landmask, self.groundwater.unmetDemand ) # PS: We assume that unmetDemand is extracted (only) to satisfy local demand. runoff = pcr.ifthen(self.landmask, self.routing.runoff) actualET = pcr.ifthen(self.landmask, self.landSurface.actualET) vos.waterBalanceCheck( [precipitation, surfaceWaterInf, irrGrossDemand], [actualET, runoff, nonFossilGroundwaterAbs], [storesAtBeginning], [storesAtEnd], 'all modules (including water demand), but except river/routing', True, self._modelTime.fulldate, threshold=1e-3) if self.landSurface.usingAllocSegments: allocSurfaceWaterAbstract = \ pcr.ifthen(self.landmask, self.landSurface.allocSurfaceWaterAbstract) allocNonFossilGroundwaterAbs = \ pcr.ifthen(self.landmask, self.groundwater.allocNonFossilGroundwater) # PS: We assume that unmetDemand is extracted (only) to satisfy local demand. allocUnmetDemand = unmetDemand segTotalDemand = pcr.areatotal( pcr.cover((irrGrossDemand + nonIrrGrossDemand) * self.routing.cellArea, 0.0), self.landSurface.allocSegments) / self.landSurface.segmentArea segAllocSurfaceWaterAbstract = pcr.areatotal( pcr.cover(allocSurfaceWaterAbstract * self.routing.cellArea, 0.0), self.landSurface.allocSegments) / self.landSurface.segmentArea segAllocNonFossilGroundwaterAbs = pcr.areatotal( pcr.cover(allocNonFossilGroundwaterAbs * self.routing.cellArea, 0.0), self.landSurface.allocSegments) / self.landSurface.segmentArea segAllocUnmetDemand = pcr.areatotal( pcr.cover(allocUnmetDemand * self.routing.cellArea, 0.0), self.landSurface.allocSegments) / self.landSurface.segmentArea vos.waterBalanceCheck( [segTotalDemand], [ segAllocSurfaceWaterAbstract, segAllocNonFossilGroundwaterAbs, segAllocUnmetDemand ], [pcr.scalar(0.0)], [pcr.scalar(0.0)], 'Water balance error in water allocation (per zone). Note that error here is most likely due to rounding error (32 bit implementation of pcraster)', True, self._modelTime.fulldate, threshold=5e-3) else: vos.waterBalanceCheck([irrGrossDemand, nonIrrGrossDemand], [ surfaceWaterAbstraction, nonFossilGroundwaterAbs, unmetDemand ], [pcr.scalar(0.0)], [pcr.scalar(0.0)], 'Water balance error in water allocation.', True, self._modelTime.fulldate, threshold=1e-3)
def main( source, destination, inifile, dem_in, rivshp, catchshp, gaugeshp=None, landuse=None, soil=None, lai=None, other_maps=None, logfilename="wtools_static_maps.log", verbose=True, clean=True, alltouch=False, outlets=([], []), ): # parse other maps into an array if not other_maps == None: if type(other_maps) == str: print other_maps other_maps = (other_maps.replace(" ", "").replace("[", "").replace( "]", "").split(",")) source = os.path.abspath(source) clone_map = os.path.join(source, "") clone_shp = os.path.join(source, "mask.shp") clone_prj = os.path.join(source, "mask.prj") if None in (rivshp, catchshp, dem_in): msg = """The following files are compulsory: - DEM (raster) - river (shape) - catchment (shape) """ print(msg) parser.print_help() sys.exit(1) if (inifile is not None) and (not os.path.exists(inifile)): print "path to ini file cannot be found" sys.exit(1) if not os.path.exists(rivshp): print "path to river shape cannot be found" sys.exit(1) if not os.path.exists(catchshp): print "path to catchment shape cannot be found" sys.exit(1) if not os.path.exists(dem_in): print "path to DEM cannot be found" sys.exit(1) # open a logger, dependent on verbose print to screen or not logger, ch = wt.setlogger(logfilename, "WTOOLS", verbose) # create directories # TODO: check if workdir is still necessary, try to # keep in memory as much as possible # delete old files (when the source and destination folder are different) if np.logical_and(os.path.isdir(destination), destination is not source): shutil.rmtree(destination) if destination is not source: os.makedirs(destination) # Read mask if not (os.path.exists(clone_map)): logger.error( "Clone file {:s} not found. Please run create_grid first.".format( clone_map)) sys.exit(1) else: # set clone pcr.setclone(clone_map) # get the extent from clone.tif xax, yax, clone, fill_value = wt.gdal_readmap(clone_map, "GTiff") trans = wt.get_geotransform(clone_map) extent = wt.get_extent(clone_map) xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = extent zeros = np.zeros(clone.shape) ones = pcr.numpy2pcr(pcr.Scalar, np.ones(clone.shape), -9999) # get the projection from clone.tif srs = wt.get_projection(clone_map) unit_clone = srs.GetAttrValue("UNIT").lower() # READ CONFIG FILE # open config-file if inifile is None: config = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser() config.optionxform = str else: config = wt.OpenConf(inifile) # read settings snapgaugestoriver = wt.configget(config, "settings", "snapgaugestoriver", True, datatype="boolean") burnalltouching = wt.configget(config, "settings", "burncatchalltouching", True, datatype="boolean") burninorder = wt.configget(config, "settings", "burncatchalltouching", False, datatype="boolean") verticetollerance = wt.configget(config, "settings", "vertice_tollerance", 0.0001, datatype="float") """ read parameters """ burn_outlets = wt.configget(config, "parameters", "burn_outlets", 10000, datatype="int") burn_rivers = wt.configget(config, "parameters", "burn_rivers", 200, datatype="int") burn_connections = wt.configget(config, "parameters", "burn_connections", 100, datatype="int") burn_gauges = wt.configget(config, "parameters", "burn_gauges", 100, datatype="int") minorder = wt.configget(config, "parameters", "riverorder_min", 3, datatype="int") try: percentiles = np.array( config.get("parameters", "statisticmaps", "0, 100").replace(" ", "").split(","), dtype="float", ) except ConfigParser.NoOptionError: percentiles = [0.0, 100.0] # read the parameters for generating a temporary very high resolution grid if unit_clone == "degree": cellsize_hr = wt.configget(config, "parameters", "highres_degree", 0.0005, datatype="float") elif (unit_clone == "metre") or (unit_clone == "meter"): cellsize_hr = wt.configget(config, "parameters", "highres_metre", 50, datatype="float") cols_hr = int((float(xmax) - float(xmin)) / cellsize_hr + 2) rows_hr = int((float(ymax) - float(ymin)) / cellsize_hr + 2) hr_trans = (float(xmin), cellsize_hr, float(0), float(ymax), 0, -cellsize_hr) clone_hr = os.path.join(destination, "clone_highres.tif") # make a highres clone as well! wt.CreateTif(clone_hr, rows_hr, cols_hr, hr_trans, srs, 0) # read staticmap locations catchment_map = wt.configget(config, "staticmaps", "catchment", "") dem_map = wt.configget(config, "staticmaps", "dem", "") demmax_map = wt.configget(config, "staticmaps", "demmax", "") demmin_map = wt.configget(config, "staticmaps", "demmin", "") gauges_map = wt.configget(config, "staticmaps", "gauges", "") landuse_map = wt.configget(config, "staticmaps", "landuse", "") ldd_map = wt.configget(config, "staticmaps", "ldd", "") river_map = wt.configget(config, "staticmaps", "river", "") outlet_map = wt.configget(config, "staticmaps", "outlet", "") riverlength_fact_map = wt.configget(config, "staticmaps", "riverlength_fact", "") soil_map = wt.configget(config, "staticmaps", "soil", "") streamorder_map = wt.configget(config, "staticmaps", "streamorder", "") subcatch_map = wt.configget(config, "staticmaps", "subcatch", "") # read mask location (optional) masklayer = wt.configget(config, "mask", "masklayer", catchshp) # ???? empty = pcr.ifthen(ones == 0, pcr.scalar(0)) # TODO: check if extents are correct this way # TODO: check what the role of missing values is in zeros and ones (l. 123 # in old code) # first add a missing value to dem_in ds = gdal.Open(dem_in, gdal.GA_Update) RasterBand = ds.GetRasterBand(1) fill_val = RasterBand.GetNoDataValue() if fill_val is None: RasterBand.SetNoDataValue(-9999) ds = None # reproject to clone map: see # resample DEM"Resampling dem from {:s} to {:s}".format( os.path.abspath(dem_in), os.path.join(destination, dem_map))) wt.gdal_warp( dem_in, clone_map, os.path.join(destination, dem_map), format="PCRaster", gdal_interp=gdalconst.GRA_Average, ) # retrieve amount of rows and columns from clone # TODO: make windowstats applicable to source/target with different projections. This does not work yet. # retrieve srs from DEM try: srs_dem = wt.get_projection(dem_in) except: logger.warning( "No projection found in DEM, assuming WGS 1984 lat long") srs_dem = osr.SpatialReference() srs_dem.ImportFromEPSG(4326) clone2dem_transform = osr.CoordinateTransformation(srs, srs_dem) # if srs.ExportToProj4() == srs_dem.ExportToProj4(): wt.windowstats( dem_in, len(yax), len(xax), trans, srs, destination, percentiles, transform=clone2dem_transform, logger=logger, ) ## read catchment shape-file to create catchment map src = shapefile =, "r") catchment_shapes = [feature["geometry"] for feature in shapefile] image = features.rasterize(catchment_shapes, out_shape=src.shape, all_touched=True, transform=src.transform) catchment_domain = pcr.numpy2pcr(pcr.Ordinal, image.copy(), 0) ## read river shape-file and create burn layer shapefile =, "r") river_shapes = [feature["geometry"] for feature in shapefile] image = features.rasterize(river_shapes, out_shape=src.shape, all_touched=False, transform=src.transform) rivers = pcr.numpy2pcr(pcr.Nominal, image.copy(), 0) riverdem = pcr.scalar(rivers) * pcr.readmap( os.path.join(destination, dem_map)) pcr.setglobaloption("lddin") riverldd = pcr.lddcreate(riverdem, 1e35, 1e35, 1e35, 1e35) riveroutlet = pcr.cover( pcr.ifthen(pcr.scalar(riverldd) == 5, pcr.scalar(1000)), 0) burn_layer = pcr.cover( (pcr.scalar( pcr.ifthen( pcr.streamorder(riverldd) > 1, pcr.streamorder(riverldd))) - 1) * 1000 + riveroutlet, 0, ) outlets_x, outlets_y = outlets n_outlets = len(outlets_x)"Number of outlets: {}".format(n_outlets)) if n_outlets >= 1: outlets_map_numbered = tr.points_to_map(pcr.scalar(0), outlets_x, outlets_y, 0.5) outlets_map = pcr.boolean(outlets_map_numbered) # snap outlets to closest river (max 1 cell closer to river) outlets_map = pcr.boolean( pcr.cover(tr.snaptomap(pcr.ordinal(outlets_map), rivers), 0)) ## create ldd per catchment"Calculating ldd") ldddem = pcr.scalar(clone_map) # per subcatchment, burn dem, then create modified dem that fits the ldd of the subcatchment # this ldd dem is merged over catchments, to create a global ldd that abides to the subcatchment boundaries for idx, shape in enumerate(catchment_shapes):"Computing ldd for catchment " + str(idx + 1) + "/" + str(len(catchment_shapes))) image = features.rasterize([shape], out_shape=src.shape, all_touched=True, transform=src.transform) catchment = pcr.numpy2pcr(pcr.Scalar, image.copy(), 0) dem_burned_catchment = ( pcr.readmap(os.path.join(destination, dem_map)) * pcr.scalar(catchment_domain) * catchment) - burn_layer # ldddem_catchment = pcr.lddcreatedem( # dem_burned_catchment, 1e35, 1e35, 1e35, 1e35) ldddem = pcr.cover(ldddem, dem_burned_catchment), os.path.join(destination, "")) wflow_ldd = pcr.lddcreate(ldddem, 1e35, 1e35, 1e35, 1e35) if n_outlets >= 1: # set outlets to pit wflow_ldd = pcr.ifthenelse(outlets_map, pcr.ldd(5), wflow_ldd) wflow_ldd = pcr.lddrepair(wflow_ldd), os.path.join(destination, "")) # compute stream order, identify river cells streamorder = pcr.ordinal(pcr.streamorder(wflow_ldd)) river = pcr.ifthen(streamorder >= pcr.ordinal(minorder), pcr.boolean(1)) # find the minimum value in the DEM and cover missing values with a river with this value. Effect is none!! so now left out! # mindem = int(np.min(pcr.pcr2numpy(pcr.ordinal(os.path.join(destination, dem_map)),9999999))) # dem_resample_map = pcr.cover(os.path.join(destination, dem_map), pcr.scalar(river)*0+mindem) #, os.path.join(destination, dem_map)), os.path.join(destination, streamorder_map)), os.path.join(destination, river_map)) # deal with your catchments if gaugeshp == None:"No gauges defined, using outlets instead") gauges = pcr.ordinal( pcr.uniqueid( pcr.boolean( pcr.ifthen(pcr.scalar(wflow_ldd) == 5, pcr.boolean(1))))), os.path.join(destination, gauges_map)) # TODO: Add the gauge shape code from (line 454-489) # TODO: add river length map (see, line 492-499) # since the products here (river length fraction) are not yet used # this is disabled for now, as it also takes a lot of computation time if False: # report river length # make a high resolution empty map dem_hr_file = os.path.join(destination, "dem_highres.tif") burn_hr_file = os.path.join(destination, "burn_highres.tif") demburn_hr_file = os.path.join(destination, "") riv_hr_file = os.path.join(destination, "") wt.gdal_warp(dem_in, clone_hr, dem_hr_file) # wt.CreateTif(riv_hr, rows_hr, cols_hr, hr_trans, srs, 0) # open the shape layer ds = ogr.Open(rivshp) lyr = ds.GetLayer(0) wt.ogr_burn( lyr, clone_hr, -100, file_out=burn_hr_file, format="GTiff", gdal_type=gdal.GDT_Float32, fill_value=0, ) # read dem and burn values and add xax_hr, yax_hr, burn_hr, fill = wt.gdal_readmap(burn_hr_file, "GTiff") burn_hr[burn_hr == fill] = 0 xax_hr, yax_hr, dem_hr, fill = wt.gdal_readmap(dem_hr_file, "GTiff") dem_hr[dem_hr == fill] = np.nan demburn_hr = dem_hr + burn_hr demburn_hr[np.isnan(demburn_hr)] = -9999 wt.gdal_writemap(demburn_hr_file, "PCRaster", xax_hr, yax_hr, demburn_hr, -9999.) pcr.setclone(demburn_hr_file) demburn_hr = pcr.readmap(demburn_hr_file)"Calculating ldd to determine river length") ldd_hr = pcr.lddcreate(demburn_hr, 1e35, 1e35, 1e35, 1e35), os.path.join(destination, "")) pcr.setglobaloption("unitcell") riv_hr = pcr.scalar( pcr.streamorder(ldd_hr) >= minorder) * pcr.downstreamdist(ldd_hr), riv_hr_file) pcr.setglobaloption("unittrue") pcr.setclone(clone_map)"Computing river length") wt.windowstats( riv_hr_file, len(yax), len(xax), trans, srs, destination, stat="fact", transform=False, logger=logger, ) # TODO: nothing happens with the river lengths yet. Need to decide how to use these # report outlet map pcr.ifthen(pcr.ordinal(wflow_ldd) == 5, pcr.ordinal(1)), os.path.join(destination, outlet_map), ) # report subcatchment map subcatchment = pcr.subcatchment(wflow_ldd, gauges), os.path.join(destination, subcatch_map)) # Report land use map if landuse == None: "No land use map used. Preparing {:s} with only ones.".format( os.path.join(destination, landuse_map))), os.path.join(destination, landuse_map)) else:"Resampling land use from {:s} to {:s}".format( os.path.abspath(landuse), os.path.join(destination, os.path.abspath(landuse_map)), )) wt.gdal_warp( landuse, clone_map, os.path.join(destination, landuse_map), format="PCRaster", gdal_interp=gdalconst.GRA_Mode, gdal_type=gdalconst.GDT_Int32, ) # report soil map if soil == None:"No soil map used. Preparing {:s} with only ones.".format( os.path.join(destination, soil_map))), os.path.join(destination, soil_map)) else:"Resampling soil from {:s} to {:s}".format( os.path.abspath(soil), os.path.join(destination, os.path.abspath(soil_map)), )) wt.gdal_warp( soil, clone_map, os.path.join(destination, soil_map), format="PCRaster", gdal_interp=gdalconst.GRA_Mode, gdal_type=gdalconst.GDT_Int32, ) if lai == None: "No vegetation LAI maps used. Preparing default maps {:s} with only ones." .format(os.path.join(destination, soil_map))), os.path.join(destination, soil_map)) else: dest_lai = os.path.join(destination, "clim") os.makedirs(dest_lai) for month in range(12): lai_in = os.path.join(lai, "LAI00000.{:03d}".format(month + 1)) lai_out = os.path.join(dest_lai, "LAI00000.{:03d}".format(month + 1))"Resampling vegetation LAI from {:s} to {:s}".format( os.path.abspath(lai_in), os.path.abspath(lai_out))) wt.gdal_warp( lai_in, clone_map, lai_out, format="PCRaster", gdal_interp=gdalconst.GRA_Bilinear, gdal_type=gdalconst.GDT_Float32, ) # report soil map if other_maps == None:"No other maps used. Skipping other maps.") else:"Resampling list of other maps...") for map_file in other_maps: map_name = os.path.split(map_file)[1]"Resampling a map from {:s} to {:s}".format( os.path.abspath(map_file), os.path.join( destination, os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(map_file))[0] + ".map", ), )) wt.gdal_warp( map_file, clone_map, os.path.join( destination, os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(map_file))[0] + ".map", ), format="PCRaster", gdal_interp=gdalconst.GRA_Mode, gdal_type=gdalconst.GDT_Float32, ) if clean: wt.DeleteList(glob.glob(os.path.join(destination, "*.xml")), logger=logger) wt.DeleteList(glob.glob(os.path.join(destination, "clim", "*.xml")), logger=logger) wt.DeleteList(glob.glob(os.path.join(destination, "*highres*")), logger=logger)
def main(): clone_map = "mask\" clone_shp = "mask\mask.shp" clone_prj = "mask\mask.prj" workdir = "work\\" resultdir = "staticmaps\\" ''' read commandline arguments ''' argv = sys.argv clone_EPSG = False try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv[1:], 'i:g:p:r:c:d:l:s:CA') except getopt.error: print 'fout' Usage() sys.exit(1) inifile = None rivshp = None catchshp = None dem_in = None landuse = None soiltype = None clean = False gaugeshp = None alltouching = False for o, a in opts: if o == '-i': inifile = a if o == '-p': clone_EPSG = 'EPSG:' + a if o == '-r': rivshp = a if o == '-c': catchshp = a if o == '-d': dem_in = a if o == '-l': landuse = a if o == '-s': soiltype = a if o == '-C': clean = True if o == '-g': gaugeshp = a if o == '-A': alltouching = True if inifile == None or rivshp == None or catchshp == None or dem_in == None: print 'the following files are compulsory:' print ' - ini-file' print ' - DEM (raster)' print ' - river (shape)' print ' - catchment (shape)' Usage() sys.exit(1) if landuse == None: print 'no raster with landuse classifications is specified. 1 class will be applied for the entire domain' if soiltype == None: print 'no raster with soil classifications is specified. 1 class will be applied for the entire domain' ''' read mask ''' if not os.path.exists(clone_map): print 'Mask not found. Make sure the file mask\ exists' print 'This file is usually created with the CreateGrid script' sys.exit(1) else: pcr.setclone(clone_map) ds = gdal.Open(clone_map, GA_ReadOnly) clone_trans = ds.GetGeoTransform() cellsize = clone_trans[1] clone_rows = ds.RasterYSize clone_columns = ds.RasterXSize extent_mask = [ clone_trans[0], clone_trans[3] - ds.RasterYSize * cellsize, clone_trans[0] + ds.RasterXSize * cellsize, clone_trans[3] ] xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = map(str, extent_mask) ds = None ones = pcr.scalar(pcr.readmap(clone_map)) zeros = ones * 0 empty = pcr.ifthen(ones == 0, pcr.scalar(0)) ''' read projection from mask.shp ''' # TODO: check how to deal with projections (add .prj to mask.shp in creategrid) if not os.path.exists(clone_prj): print 'please add prj-file to mask.shp' sys.exit(1) if os.path.exists(clone_shp): ds = ogr.Open(clone_shp) file_att = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(clone_shp))[0] lyr = ds.GetLayerByName(file_att) spatialref = lyr.GetSpatialRef() if not spatialref == None: srs_clone = osr.SpatialReference() srs_clone.ImportFromWkt(spatialref.ExportToWkt()) srs_clone.AutoIdentifyEPSG() unit_clone = False unit_clone = srs_clone.GetAttrValue('UNIT').lower() #clone_EPSG = 'EPSG:'+srs_clone.GetAttrValue("AUTHORITY",1) # TODO: fix hard EPSG code below clone_EPSG = 'EPSG:' + '4167' print 'EPSG-code is read from mask.shp: ' + clone_EPSG spatialref == None if not clone_EPSG: print 'EPSG-code cannot be read from mask.shp' print 'please add prj-file to mask.shp or specify on command line' print 'e.g. -p EPSG:4326 (for WGS84 lat lon projection)' ds = None clone_EPSG_int = int(clone_EPSG[5:len(clone_EPSG)]) ''' open config-file ''' config = wt.OpenConf(inifile) ''' read settings ''' snapgaugestoriver = bool( int(wt.configget(config, "settings", "snapgaugestoriver", "1"))) burnalltouching = bool( int(wt.configget(config, "settings", "burncatchalltouching", "1"))) burninorder = bool( int(wt.configget(config, "settings", "burncatchalltouching", "0"))) verticetollerance = float( wt.configget(config, "settings", "vertice_tollerance", "0.0001")) ''' read parameters ''' burn_outlets = int( wt.configget(config, "parameters", "burn_outlets", 10000)) burn_rivers = int(wt.configget(config, "parameters", "burn_rivers", 200)) burn_connections = int( wt.configget(config, "parameters", "burn_connections", 100)) burn_gauges = int(wt.configget(config, "parameters", "burn_gauges", 100)) minorder = int(wt.configget(config, "parameters", "riverorder_min", 3)) exec "percentile=tr.array(" + wt.configget(config, "parameters", "statisticmaps", [0, 100]) + ")" if not unit_clone: print 'failed to read unit (meter or degree) from mask projection' unit_clone = str(wt.configget(config, "settings", "unit", 'meter')) print 'unit read from settings: ' + unit_clone if unit_clone == 'degree': cellsize_hr = float( wt.configget(config, "parameters", "highres_degree", 0.0005)) elif (unit_clone == 'metre') or (unit_clone == 'meter'): cellsize_hr = float( wt.configget(config, "parameters", "highres_metre", 50)) cols_hr = int((float(xmax) - float(xmin)) / cellsize_hr + 2) rows_hr = int((float(ymax) - float(ymin)) / cellsize_hr + 2) hr_trans = (float(xmin), cellsize_hr, float(0), float(ymax), 0, -cellsize_hr) ''' read staticmap locations ''' catchment_map = wt.configget(config, "staticmaps", "catchment", "") dem_map = wt.configget(config, "staticmaps", "dem", "") demmax_map = wt.configget(config, "staticmaps", "demmax", "") demmin_map = wt.configget(config, "staticmaps", "demmin", "") gauges_map = wt.configget(config, "staticmaps", "gauges", "") landuse_map = wt.configget(config, "staticmaps", "landuse", "") ldd_map = wt.configget(config, "staticmaps", "ldd", "") river_map = wt.configget(config, "staticmaps", "river", "") outlet_map = wt.configget(config, "staticmaps", "outlet", "") riverlength_fact_map = wt.configget(config, "staticmaps", "riverlength_fact", "") soil_map = wt.configget(config, "staticmaps", "soil", "") streamorder_map = wt.configget(config, "staticmaps", "streamorder", "") subcatch_map = wt.configget(config, "staticmaps", "subcatch", "") ''' read mask location (optional) ''' masklayer = wt.configget(config, "mask", "masklayer", catchshp) ''' create directories ''' if os.path.isdir(workdir): shutil.rmtree(workdir) os.makedirs(workdir) if os.path.isdir(resultdir): shutil.rmtree(resultdir) os.makedirs(resultdir) ''' Preperation steps ''' zero_map = workdir + "" zero_tif = workdir + "zero.tif", zero_map) # TODO: replace gdal_translate call call(('gdal_translate', '-of', 'GTiff', '-a_srs', clone_EPSG, '-ot', 'Float32', zero_map, zero_tif)) pcr.setglobaloption("lddin") ''' resample DEM ''' dem_resample = workdir + "dem_resampled.tif" ds = gdal.Open(dem_in, GA_ReadOnly) band = ds.GetRasterBand(1) nodata = band.GetNoDataValue() proj = ds.GetGeoTransform() cellsize_dem = proj[1] ''' read DEM projection ''' spatialref == None spatialref = ds.GetProjection() if not spatialref == None: srs = osr.SpatialReference() srs.ImportFromWkt(spatialref) srs.AutoIdentifyEPSG() dem_EPSG = 'EPSG:' + srs.GetAttrValue("AUTHORITY", 1) print 'EPSG-code is read from ' + os.path.basename( dem_in) + ': ' + dem_EPSG spatialref == None dem_EPSG_int = int(dem_EPSG[5:len(dem_EPSG)]) srs_DEM = osr.SpatialReference() srs_DEM.ImportFromEPSG(dem_EPSG_int) clone2dem_transform = osr.CoordinateTransformation(srs_clone, srs_DEM) else: dem_EPSG = clone_EPSG print 'No projection defined for ' + os.path.basename(dem_in) print 'Assumed to be the same as model projection (' + clone_EPSG + ')' ds = None print 'Resampling DEM...' if nodata == None: call(('gdalwarp', '-overwrite', '-t_srs', clone_prj, '-te', xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, '-tr', str(cellsize), str(-cellsize), '-dstnodata', str(-9999), '-r', 'cubic', dem_in, dem_resample)) else: call(('gdalwarp', '-overwrite', '-t_srs', clone_prj, '-te', xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, '-tr', str(cellsize), str(-cellsize), '-srcnodata', str(nodata), '-dstnodata', str(nodata), '-r', 'cubic', dem_in, dem_resample)) ''' create and statistic maps ''' dem_resample_map = resultdir + dem_map call(('gdal_translate', '-of', 'PCRaster', '-a_srs', clone_EPSG, '-ot', 'Float32', dem_resample, dem_resample_map)) print 'Computing DEM statistics ....' stats = wt.windowstats(dem_in, clone_rows, clone_columns, clone_trans, srs_clone, resultdir, percentile) ''' burn DEM ''' ds = ogr.Open(rivshp) file_att = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(rivshp))[0] lyr = ds.GetLayerByName(file_att) spatialref = lyr.GetSpatialRef() # if not spatialref == None: # srs = osr.SpatialReference() # srs.ImportFromWkt(spatialref.ExportToWkt()) # srs.AutoIdentifyEPSG() # rivshp_EPSG = 'EPSG:'+srs.GetAttrValue("AUTHORITY",1) # spatialref == None # else: rivshp_EPSG = clone_EPSG print 'No projection defined for ' + file_att + '.shp' print 'Assumed to be the same as model projection (' + clone_EPSG + ')' # strip rivers to nodes xminc = str(float(xmin) + 0.5 * cellsize) yminc = str(float(ymin) + 0.5 * cellsize) xmaxc = str(float(xmax) - 0.5 * cellsize) ymaxc = str(float(ymax) - 0.5 * cellsize) if rivshp_EPSG == clone_EPSG: rivclipshp = workdir + 'rivshape_clip.shp' call(('ogr2ogr', '-s_srs', clone_EPSG, '-t_srs', clone_EPSG, '-spat', xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, '-clipsrc', xminc, yminc, xmaxc, ymaxc, rivclipshp, rivshp)) else: rivprojshp = workdir + 'rivshape_proj.shp' rivclipshp = workdir + 'rivshape_clip.shp' call(('ogr2ogr', '-s_srs', rivshp_EPSG, '-t_srs', clone_EPSG, '-spat', xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, rivprojshp, rivshp)) call(('ogr2ogr', '-s_srs', clone_EPSG, '-t_srs', clone_EPSG, '-spat', xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, '-clipsrc', xminc, yminc, xmaxc, ymaxc, rivclipshp, rivprojshp)) rivshp = rivclipshp #### BURNING BELOW #### # TODO: check if extraction can be done within memory and retun a burn layer shapes = wt.Reach2Nodes(rivclipshp, clone_EPSG_int, cellsize * verticetollerance, workdir) outlets = shapes[1] connections = shapes[2] outlets_att = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(outlets))[0] connections_att = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(connections))[0] dem_resample_att = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(dem_resample))[0] connections_tif = workdir + connections_att + ".tif" outlets_tif = workdir + outlets_att + ".tif" # TODO: make the burning in memory call(('gdal_translate', '-of', 'GTiff', '-a_srs', clone_EPSG, '-ot', 'Float32', zero_map, connections_tif)) call(('gdal_translate', '-of', 'GTiff', '-a_srs', clone_EPSG, '-ot', 'Float32', zero_map, outlets_tif)) call(('gdal_rasterize', '-burn', '1', '-l', outlets_att, outlets, outlets_tif)) call(('gdal_rasterize', '-burn', '1', '-l', connections_att, connections, connections_tif)) # convert rivers to order rivshp_att = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(rivshp))[0] rivers_tif = workdir + rivshp_att + ".tif" call(('gdal_translate', '-of', 'GTiff', '-a_srs', clone_EPSG, '-ot', 'Float32', zero_map, rivers_tif)) if burninorder: # make river shape with an order attribute OrderSHPs = wt.ReachOrder(rivshp, clone_EPSG_int, cellsize * verticetollerance, workdir) wt.Burn2Tif(OrderSHPs, 'order', rivers_tif) else: call(('gdal_rasterize', '-burn', '1', '-l', rivshp_att, rivshp, rivers_tif)) # convert 2 maps connections_map = workdir + connections_att + ".map" rivers_map = workdir + rivshp_att + ".map" outlets_map = workdir + outlets_att + ".map" call(('gdal_translate', '-of', 'PCRaster', '-a_srs', clone_EPSG, '-ot', 'Float32', connections_tif, connections_map)) call(('gdal_translate', '-of', 'PCRaster', '-a_srs', clone_EPSG, '-ot', 'Float32', rivers_tif, rivers_map)) call(('gdal_translate', '-of', 'PCRaster', '-a_srs', clone_EPSG, '-ot', 'Float32', outlets_tif, outlets_map)) # burn the layers in DEM outletsburn = pcr.scalar( pcr.readmap(outlets_map)) * pcr.scalar(burn_outlets) connectionsburn = pcr.scalar( pcr.readmap(connections_map)) * pcr.scalar(burn_connections) riverburn = pcr.scalar(pcr.readmap(rivers_map)) * pcr.scalar(burn_rivers) ldddem = pcr.cover(dem_resample_map, pcr.ifthen(riverburn > 0, pcr.scalar(0))) ldddem = ldddem - outletsburn - connectionsburn - riverburn ldddem = pcr.cover(ldddem, pcr.scalar(0)), workdir + "") ''' create ldd for multi-catchments ''' ldd = pcr.ldd(empty) # reproject catchment shape-file ds = ogr.Open(catchshp) file_att = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(catchshp))[0] lyr = ds.GetLayerByName(file_att) spatialref = lyr.GetSpatialRef() # if not spatialref == None: # srs = osr.SpatialReference() # srs.ImportFromWkt(spatialref.ExportToWkt()) # srs.AutoIdentifyEPSG() # catchshp_EPSG = 'EPSG:'+srs.GetAttrValue("AUTHORITY",1) # spatialref == None # else: catchshp_EPSG = clone_EPSG print 'No projection defined for ' + file_att + '.shp' print 'Assumed to be the same as model projection (' + clone_EPSG + ')' if not rivshp_EPSG == clone_EPSG: catchprojshp = workdir + 'catchshape_proj.shp' call(('ogr2ogr', '-s_srs', catchshp_EPSG, '-t_srs', clone_ESPG, catchprojshp, catchshp)) catchshp = catchprojshp ds.Destroy() ds = ogr.Open(catchshp) file_att = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(catchshp))[0] lyr = ds.GetLayerByName(file_att) fieldDef = ogr.FieldDefn("ID", ogr.OFTString) fieldDef.SetWidth(12) TEMP_out = Driver.CreateDataSource(workdir + "temp.shp") if not srs == None: TEMP_LYR = TEMP_out.CreateLayer("temp", srs, geom_type=ogr.wkbMultiPolygon) else: TEMP_LYR = TEMP_out.CreateLayer("temp", geom_type=ogr.wkbMultiPolygon) TEMP_LYR.CreateField(fieldDef) for i in range(lyr.GetFeatureCount()): orgfeature = lyr.GetFeature(i) geometry = orgfeature.geometry() feature = ogr.Feature(TEMP_LYR.GetLayerDefn()) feature.SetGeometry(geometry) feature.SetField("ID", str(i + 1)) TEMP_LYR.CreateFeature(feature) TEMP_out.Destroy() ds.Destroy # rasterize catchment map catchments_tif = workdir + "catchments.tif" catchments_map = workdir + "" call(('gdal_translate', '-of', 'GTiff', '-a_srs', clone_EPSG, zero_map, catchments_tif)) if alltouching: call(('gdal_rasterize', '-at', '-a', 'ID', '-l', "temp", workdir + 'temp.shp', catchments_tif)) else: call(('gdal_rasterize', '-a', 'ID', '-l', "temp", workdir + 'temp.shp', catchments_tif)) call(('gdal_translate', '-of', 'PCRaster', '-a_srs', clone_EPSG, catchments_tif, catchments_map)) catchments = pcr.readmap(catchments_map) riverunique = pcr.clump(pcr.nominal(pcr.ifthen(riverburn > 0, riverburn))) rivercatch = pcr.areamajority(pcr.ordinal(catchments), riverunique) #catchments = pcr.cover(pcr.ordinal(rivercatch),pcr.ordinal(pcr.ifthen(catchments > 0, catchments)),pcr.ordinal(0)) catchments = pcr.cover( pcr.ifthen(catchments > 0, pcr.ordinal(catchments)), pcr.ifthen( riverburn > 0, pcr.ordinal( pcr.spreadzone(pcr.nominal(catchments), pcr.ifthen(riverburn > 0, pcr.scalar(1)), 1)))) rivercatch_map = workdir + "" catchclip_map = workdir + "", rivercatch_map), catchclip_map) ds = ogr.Open(workdir + "temp.shp") lyr = ds.GetLayerByName("temp") print 'calculating ldd' for i in range(lyr.GetFeatureCount()): feature = lyr.GetFeature(i) catch = int(feature.GetField("ID")) print "calculating ldd for catchment: " + str(i + 1) + "/" + str( lyr.GetFeatureCount()) + "...." ldddem_select = pcr.scalar(pcr.ifthen(catchments == catch, catchments)) * 0 + 1 * ldddem ldd_select = pcr.lddcreate(ldddem_select, float("1E35"), float("1E35"), float("1E35"), float("1E35")) ldd = pcr.cover(ldd, ldd_select), resultdir + ldd_map) ds.Destroy() ''' report stream order, river and dem ''' streamorder = pcr.ordinal(pcr.streamorder(ldd)) river = pcr.ifthen(streamorder >= pcr.ordinal(minorder), pcr.boolean(1)) mindem = int(np.min(pcr.pcr2numpy(pcr.ordinal(dem_resample_map), 9999999))) dem_resample_map = pcr.cover(dem_resample_map, pcr.scalar(river) * 0 + mindem), resultdir + dem_map), resultdir + streamorder_map), resultdir + river_map) ''' deal with your catchments ''' if gaugeshp == None: print 'No gauges defined, using outlets instead' gauges = pcr.ordinal( pcr.uniqueid( pcr.boolean(pcr.ifthen(pcr.scalar(ldd) == 5, pcr.boolean(1))))), resultdir + gauges_map) # ds = ogr.Open(gaugeshp) # file_att = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(gaugeshp))[0] # lyr = ds.GetLayerByName(file_att) # spatialref = lyr.GetSpatialRef() ## if not spatialref == None: ## srs = osr.SpatialReference() ## srs.ImportFromWkt(spatialref.ExportToWkt()) ## srs.AutoIdentifyEPSG() ## gaugeshp_EPSG = 'EPSG:'+srs.GetAttrValue("AUTHORITY",1) ## spatialref == None # #else: # gaugeshp_EPSG = clone_EPSG # print 'No projection defined for ' + file_att + '.shp' # print 'Assumed to be the same as model projection (' + clone_EPSG + ')' # # # reproject gauge shape if necesarry # if not gaugeshp_EPSG == clone_EPSG: # gaugeprojshp = workdir + 'gaugeshape_proj.shp' # call(('ogr2ogr','-s_srs',rivshp_EPSG,'-t_srs',clone_ESPG,gaugeprojshp,gaugeshp)) # gaugeshp = gaugeprojshp # # file_att = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(gaugeshp))[0] # gaugestif = workdir + file_att + '.tif' # gaugesmap = workdir + file_att + '.map' # call(('gdal_translate','-of','GTiff','-a_srs',clone_EPSG,zero_map,gaugestif)) # call(('gdal_rasterize','-burn','1','-l',file_att,gaugeshp,gaugestif)) # call(('gdal_translate','-of','PCRaster','-a_srs',clone_EPSG,gaugestif,gaugesmap)) # gaugelocs = pcr.readmap(gaugesmap) # snapgaugestoriver = True # # if snapgaugestoriver: # print "Snapping gauges to river" # gauges = pcr.uniqueid(pcr.boolean(gaugelocs)) # gauges= wt.snaptomap(pcr.ordinal(gauges),river) # # gaugesmap = pcr.ifthen(gauges > 0, gauges) ''' report riverlengthfrac ''' riv_hr = workdir + 'river_highres.tif' wt.CreateTif(riv_hr, rows_hr, cols_hr, hr_trans, srs_clone, 0) file_att = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(rivshp))[0] call(('gdal_rasterize', '-burn', '1', '-l', file_att, rivshp, riv_hr)) print 'Computing river length...' #riverlength = wt.windowstats(riv_hr,clone_rows,clone_columns,clone_trans,srs_clone,resultdir,'frac',clone2dem_transform) riverlength = wt.windowstats(riv_hr, clone_rows, clone_columns, clone_trans, srs_clone, resultdir, 'frac') ''' report outlet map ''' == 5, pcr.ordinal(1)), resultdir + outlet_map) ''' report map ''' catchment = pcr.ifthen(catchments > 0, pcr.ordinal(1)), resultdir + catchment_map) ''' report subcatchment map ''' subcatchment = pcr.subcatchment(ldd, gauges), resultdir + subcatch_map) ''' report landuse map ''' if landuse == None:, resultdir + landuse_map) else: landuse_resample = workdir + 'landuse.tif' landuse_map = resultdir + landuse_map transform = wt.GetRasterTranform(landuse, srs_clone) if not transform[0]: call(('gdalwarp', '-overwrite', '-s_srs', clone_EPSG, '-t_srs', clone_EPSG, '-te', xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, '-tr', str(cellsize), str(-cellsize), '-r', 'mode', landuse, landuse_resample)) else: call(('gdalwarp', '-overwrite', '-s_srs', transform[1], '-t_srs', clone_EPSG, '-te', xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, '-tr', str(cellsize), str(-cellsize), '-r', 'mode', landuse, landuse_resample)) call(('gdal_translate', '-of', 'PCRaster', '-ot', 'Float32', landuse_resample, landuse_map)) landuse_work = pcr.readmap(landuse_map), landuse_map) ''' report soil map ''' if soiltype == None:, resultdir + soil_map) else: soiltype_resample = workdir + 'soiltype.tif' soil_map = resultdir + soil_map #transform = wt.GetRasterTranform(soiltype,srs_clone) # if not transform[0]: call(('gdalwarp', '-overwrite', '-s_srs', clone_EPSG, '-t_srs', clone_EPSG, '-te', xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, '-tr', str(cellsize), str(-cellsize), '-r', 'mode', soiltype, soiltype_resample)) # else: # call(('gdalwarp','-overwrite','-s_srs',transform[1],'-t_srs',clone_EPSG,'-te', xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax,'-tr',str(cellsize),str(-cellsize),'-r','mode',soiltype, soiltype_resample)) call(('gdal_translate', '-of', 'PCRaster', '-ot', 'Float32', soiltype_resample, soil_map)) soiltype_work = pcr.readmap(soil_map), soil_map) if clean: wt.DeleteList(glob.glob(os.getcwd() + '\\' + resultdir + '/*.xml'))
def read_forcings(self, currTimeStep): # reading precipitation: if self.precipitation_set_per_year: #~ print currTimeStep.year nc_file_per_year = self.preFileNC % (float( currTimeStep.year), float(currTimeStep.year)) self.precipitation = vos.netcdf2PCRobjClone(\ nc_file_per_year, 'precipitation',\ str(currTimeStep.fulldate), useDoy = None, cloneMapFileName = self.cloneMap,\ LatitudeLongitude = True) else: #self.precipitation = vos.netcdf2PCRobjClone(\ # self.preFileNC, 'precipitation',\ # str(currTimeStep.fulldate), # useDoy = None, # cloneMapFileName = self.cloneMap,\ # LatitudeLongitude = True) # reading precip when ISI-MIP is used precipitation = vos.netcdf2PCRobjClone(\ self.preFileNC, 'pr',\ str(currTimeStep.fulldate), useDoy = None, cloneMapFileName = self.cloneMap,\ LatitudeLongitude = True) # unit original km m-2 s-1 to m d-1 # soortelijk gewicht water = 998 km/m3 self.precipitation = (precipitation / 998.0) * (60. * 60. * 24) precipitationCorrectionFactor = pcr.scalar( 1.0 ) # Since 19 Feb 2014, Edwin removed the support for correcting precipitation. self.precipitation = pcr.max(0.,self.precipitation*\ precipitationCorrectionFactor) self.precipitation = pcr.cover(self.precipitation, 0.0) # ignore very small values of precipitation (less than 0.00001 m/day or less than 0.01 ) if self.usingDailyTimeStepForcingData: self.precipitation = pcr.rounddown( self.precipitation * 100000.) / 100000. # reading temperature if self.temperature_set_per_year: nc_file_per_year = self.tmpFileNC % (int( currTimeStep.year), int(currTimeStep.year)) self.temperature = vos.netcdf2PCRobjClone(\ nc_file_per_year, 'temperature',\ str(currTimeStep.fulldate), useDoy = None, cloneMapFileName = self.cloneMap,\ LatitudeLongitude = True) else: # updated to temp when using ISI-MIP projection temperature = vos.netcdf2PCRobjClone(\ self.tmpFileNC,'tas',\ str(currTimeStep.fulldate), useDoy = None, cloneMapFileName=self.cloneMap,\ LatitudeLongitude = True) # unit K to C self.temperature = temperature - 273.15 # Downscaling precipitation and temperature if self.downscalePrecipitationOption: self.downscalePrecipitation(currTimeStep) if self.downscaleTemperatureOption: self.downscaleTemperature(currTimeStep) # calculate or obtain referencePotET if self.refETPotMethod == 'Hamon': self.referencePotET = \ refPotET.HamonPotET(self.temperature,\ currTimeStep.doy,\ self.latitudes) if self.refETPotMethod == 'Input': if self.refETPotFileNC_set_per_year: nc_file_per_year = self.etpFileNC % (int( currTimeStep.year), int(currTimeStep.year)) self.referencePotET = vos.netcdf2PCRobjClone(\ nc_file_per_year, 'evapotranspiration',\ str(currTimeStep.fulldate), useDoy = None, cloneMapFileName = self.cloneMap,\ LatitudeLongitude = True) else: self.referencePotET = vos.netcdf2PCRobjClone(\ self.etpFileNC,'evapotranspiration',\ str(currTimeStep.fulldate), useDoy = None, cloneMapFileName=self.cloneMap,\ LatitudeLongitude = True) # Downscaling referenceETPot (based on temperature) if self.downscaleReferenceETPotOption: self.downscaleReferenceETPot() # smoothing: if self.forcingSmoothing == True: logger.debug("Forcing data are smoothed.") self.precipitation = pcr.windowaverage(self.precipitation, self.smoothingWindowsLength) self.temperature = pcr.windowaverage(self.temperature, self.smoothingWindowsLength) self.referencePotET = pcr.windowaverage( self.referencePotET, self.smoothingWindowsLength) # make sure precipitation is always positive: self.precipitation = pcr.max(0.0, self.precipitation) # rounding temperature values to minimize numerical errors (note only to minimize, not remove) self.temperature = pcr.roundoff(self.temperature * 1000.) / 1000. # ignore snow by setting temperature to 25 deg C if self.ignore_snow: self.temperature = pcr.spatial(pcr.scalar(25.)) # define precipitation, temperature and referencePotET ONLY at landmask area (for reporting): self.precipitation = pcr.ifthen(self.landmask, self.precipitation) self.temperature = pcr.ifthen(self.landmask, self.temperature) self.referencePotET = pcr.ifthen(self.landmask, self.referencePotET) if == True: timeStamp = datetime.datetime(currTimeStep.year,\ currTimeStep.month,\,\ 0) # writing daily output to netcdf files timestepPCR = currTimeStep.timeStepPCR if self.outDailyTotNC[0] != "None": for var in self.outDailyTotNC: self.netcdfObj.data2NetCDF(str(self.outNCDir)+"/"+ \ str(var)+"",\ var,\ pcr2numpy(self.__getattribute__(var),vos.MV),\ timeStamp,timestepPCR-1) # writing monthly output to netcdf files # -cummulative if self.outMonthTotNC[0] != "None": for var in self.outMonthTotNC: # introduce variables at the beginning of simulation or # reset variables at the beginning of the month if currTimeStep.timeStepPCR == 1 or \ == 1: \ vars(self)[var+'MonthTot'] = pcr.scalar(0.0) # accumulating vars(self)[var + 'MonthTot'] += vars(self)[var] # reporting at the end of the month: if currTimeStep.endMonth == True: self.netcdfObj.data2NetCDF(str(self.outNCDir)+"/"+ \ str(var)+"",\ var,\ pcr2numpy(self.__getattribute__(var+'MonthTot'),\ vos.MV),timeStamp,currTimeStep.monthIdx-1) # -average if self.outMonthAvgNC[0] != "None": for var in self.outMonthAvgNC: # only if a accumulator variable has not been defined: if var not in self.outMonthTotNC: # introduce accumulator at the beginning of simulation or # reset accumulator at the beginning of the month if currTimeStep.timeStepPCR == 1 or \ == 1: \ vars(self)[var+'MonthTot'] = pcr.scalar(0.0) # accumulating vars(self)[var + 'MonthTot'] += vars(self)[var] # calculating average & reporting at the end of the month: if currTimeStep.endMonth == True: vars(self)[var+'MonthAvg'] = vars(self)[var+'MonthTot']/\ self.netcdfObj.data2NetCDF(str(self.outNCDir)+"/"+ \ str(var)+"",\ var,\ pcr2numpy(self.__getattribute__(var+'MonthAvg'),\ vos.MV),timeStamp,currTimeStep.monthIdx-1) # # -last day of the month if self.outMonthEndNC[0] != "None": for var in self.outMonthEndNC: # reporting at the end of the month: if currTimeStep.endMonth == True: self.netcdfObj.data2NetCDF(str(self.outNCDir)+"/"+ \ str(var)+"",\ var,\ pcr2numpy(self.__getattribute__(var),vos.MV),\ timeStamp,currTimeStep.monthIdx-1) # writing yearly output to netcdf files # -cummulative if self.outAnnuaTotNC[0] != "None": for var in self.outAnnuaTotNC: # introduce variables at the beginning of simulation or # reset variables at the beginning of the month if currTimeStep.timeStepPCR == 1 or \ currTimeStep.doy == 1: \ vars(self)[var+'AnnuaTot'] = pcr.scalar(0.0) # accumulating vars(self)[var + 'AnnuaTot'] += vars(self)[var] # reporting at the end of the year: if currTimeStep.endYear == True: self.netcdfObj.data2NetCDF(str(self.outNCDir)+"/"+ \ str(var)+"",\ var,\ pcr2numpy(self.__getattribute__(var+'AnnuaTot'),\ vos.MV),timeStamp,currTimeStep.annuaIdx-1) # -average if self.outAnnuaAvgNC[0] != "None": for var in self.outAnnuaAvgNC: # only if a accumulator variable has not been defined: if var not in self.outAnnuaTotNC: # introduce accumulator at the beginning of simulation or # reset accumulator at the beginning of the year if currTimeStep.timeStepPCR == 1 or \ currTimeStep.doy == 1: \ vars(self)[var+'AnnuaTot'] = pcr.scalar(0.0) # accumulating vars(self)[var + 'AnnuaTot'] += vars(self)[var] # # calculating average & reporting at the end of the year: if currTimeStep.endYear == True: vars(self)[var+'AnnuaAvg'] = vars(self)[var+'AnnuaTot']/\ currTimeStep.doy self.netcdfObj.data2NetCDF(str(self.outNCDir)+"/"+ \ str(var)+"",\ var,\ pcr2numpy(self.__getattribute__(var+'AnnuaAvg'),\ vos.MV),timeStamp,currTimeStep.annuaIdx-1) # # -last day of the year if self.outAnnuaEndNC[0] != "None": for var in self.outAnnuaEndNC: # reporting at the end of the year: if currTimeStep.endYear == True: self.netcdfObj.data2NetCDF(str(self.outNCDir)+"/"+ \ str(var)+"",\ var,\ pcr2numpy(self.__getattribute__(var),vos.MV),\ timeStamp,currTimeStep.annuaIdx-1)
def __init__(self, iniItems, landmask, spinUp): object.__init__(self) self.cloneMap = iniItems.cloneMap self.tmpDir = iniItems.tmpDir self.inputDir = iniItems.globalOptions['inputDir'] self.landmask = landmask # option to activate water balance check self.debugWaterBalance = True if iniItems.routingOptions['debugWaterBalance'] == "False": self.debugWaterBalance = False if iniItems.groundwaterOptions['groundwaterPropertiesNC'] == str(None): # assign the recession coefficient parameter(s) self.recessionCoeff = vos.readPCRmapClone( iniItems.groundwaterOptions['recessionCoeff'], self.cloneMap, self.tmpDir, self.inputDir) else: groundwaterPropertiesNC = vos.getFullPath( iniItems.groundwaterOptions[ 'groundwaterPropertiesNC'], self.inputDir) self.recessionCoeff = vos.netcdf2PCRobjCloneWithoutTime( groundwaterPropertiesNC, 'recessionCoeff', cloneMapFileName=self.cloneMap) # groundwater recession coefficient (day-1_ self.recessionCoeff = pcr.cover(self.recessionCoeff, 0.00) self.recessionCoeff = pcr.min(1.0000, self.recessionCoeff) # if 'minRecessionCoeff' in iniItems.groundwaterOptions.keys(): minRecessionCoeff = float( iniItems.groundwaterOptions['minRecessionCoeff']) else: # This is the minimum value used in Van Beek et al. (2011). minRecessionCoeff = 1.0e-4 self.recessionCoeff = pcr.max(minRecessionCoeff, self.recessionCoeff) if iniItems.groundwaterOptions['groundwaterPropertiesNC'] == str(None): # assign aquifer specific yield self.specificYield = vos.readPCRmapClone( iniItems.groundwaterOptions['specificYield'], self.cloneMap, self.tmpDir, self.inputDir) else: self.specificYield = vos.netcdf2PCRobjCloneWithoutTime( groundwaterPropertiesNC, 'specificYield', cloneMapFileName=self.cloneMap) self.specificYield = pcr.cover(self.specificYield, 0.0) # TODO: TO BE CHECKED: The resample process of specificYield self.specificYield = pcr.max(0.010, self.specificYield) self.specificYield = pcr.min(1.000, self.specificYield) if iniItems.groundwaterOptions['groundwaterPropertiesNC'] == str(None): # assign aquifer saturated conductivity self.kSatAquifer = vos.readPCRmapClone( iniItems.groundwaterOptions['kSatAquifer'], self.cloneMap, self.tmpDir, self.inputDir) else: self.kSatAquifer = vos.netcdf2PCRobjCloneWithoutTime( groundwaterPropertiesNC, 'kSatAquifer', cloneMapFileName=self.cloneMap) self.kSatAquifer = pcr.cover(self.kSatAquifer, 0.0) self.kSatAquifer = pcr.max(0.010, self.kSatAquifer) # limitAbstraction options self.limitAbstraction = False if iniItems.landSurfaceOptions['limitAbstraction'] == "True": self.limitAbstraction = True # option for limitting fossil groundwater abstractions - This option is only defined for IWMI project self.limitFossilGroundwaterAbstraction = False if self.limitAbstraction == False and\ "extraOptionsforProjectWithIWMI" in iniItems.allSections and\ iniItems.extraOptionsforProjectWithIWMI['limitFossilGroundWaterAbstraction'] == "True":'Fossil groundwater abstraction limit is used (IWMI project).') self.limitFossilGroundwaterAbstraction = True # estimate of thickness (unit: mm) of aceesible groundwater: shallow and deep totalGroundwaterThickness = vos.readPCRmapClone( iniItems.extraOptionsforProjectWithIWMI['estimateOfTotalGroundwaterThickness'], self.cloneMap, self.tmpDir, self.inputDir) totalGroundwaterThickness = pcr.cover(totalGroundwaterThickness, pcr.windowaverage(totalGroundwaterThickness, 1.0)) totalGroundwaterThickness = pcr.cover(totalGroundwaterThickness, pcr.windowaverage(totalGroundwaterThickness, 1.5)) totalGroundwaterThickness = pcr.cover(totalGroundwaterThickness, pcr.windowaverage(totalGroundwaterThickness, 2.5)) totalGroundwaterThickness = pcr.cover(totalGroundwaterThickness, pcr.windowaverage(totalGroundwaterThickness, 5.0)) totalGroundwaterThickness = pcr.cover(totalGroundwaterThickness, pcr.windowaverage(totalGroundwaterThickness, 7.5)) totalGroundwaterThickness = pcr.cover(totalGroundwaterThickness, pcr.mapmaximum(totalGroundwaterThickness)) # set minimum thickness to 50 m: totalGroundwaterThickness = pcr.max( 50.0, totalGroundwaterThickness) # estimate of capacity (unit: m) of renewable groundwater (shallow) storGroundwaterCap = pcr.cover( vos.readPCRmapClone( iniItems.extraOptionsforProjectWithIWMI['estimateOfRenewableGroundwaterCapacity'], self.cloneMap, self.tmpDir, self.inputDir), 0.0) # fossil groundwater capacity (unit: m) self.fossilWaterCap = pcr.max(0.0, totalGroundwaterThickness*self.specificYield - storGroundwaterCap) # option for limitting regional groundwater abstractions - This option is only defined self.limitRegionalAnnualGroundwaterAbstraction = False if "extraOptionsforProjectWithIWMI" in iniItems.allSections and\ iniItems.extraOptionsforProjectWithIWMI['limitRegionalAnnualGroundwaterAbstraction'] == "True":'Limit for regional groundwater abstraction is used (IWMI project).') self.limitRegionalAnnualGroundwaterAbstraction = True region_ids = vos.readPCRmapClone( iniItems.extraOptionsforProjectWithIWMI['regionIds'], self.cloneMap, self.tmpDir, self.inputDir) self.region_ids = pcr.nominal(region_ids) self.region_ids = pcr.ifthen(self.landmask, self.region_ids) self.regionalAnnualGroundwaterAbstractionLimit = vos.readPCRmapClone( iniItems.extraOptionsforProjectWithIWMI['pumpingCapacity'], self.cloneMap, self.tmpDir, self.inputDir) self.regionalAnnualGroundwaterAbstractionLimit = pcr.roundup( self.regionalAnnualGroundwaterAbstractionLimit*1000.)/1000. self.regionalAnnualGroundwaterAbstractionLimit = pcr.cover( self.regionalAnnualGroundwaterAbstractionLimit, 0.0) self.regionalAnnualGroundwaterAbstractionLimit *= 1000. * \ 1000. * 1000. # unit: m3/year self.regionalAnnualGroundwaterAbstractionLimit = pcr.ifthen(self.landmask, self.regionalAnnualGroundwaterAbstractionLimit) # zones at which water allocation (surface and groundwater allocation) is determined self.usingAllocSegments = False if iniItems.landSurfaceOptions['allocationSegmentsForGroundSurfaceWater'] != "None": self.usingAllocSegments = True # incorporating groundwater distribution network: if self.usingAllocSegments and self.limitAbstraction == False: self.allocSegments = vos.readPCRmapClone( iniItems.landSurfaceOptions['allocationSegmentsForGroundSurfaceWater'], self.cloneMap, self.tmpDir, self.inputDir, isLddMap=False, cover=None, isNomMap=True) self.allocSegments = pcr.ifthen(self.landmask, self.allocSegments) cellArea = vos.readPCRmapClone( iniItems.routingOptions['cellAreaMap'], self.cloneMap, self.tmpDir, self.inputDir) # TODO: integrate this one with the one coming from the routing module cellArea = pcr.ifthen(self.landmask, cellArea) self.segmentArea = pcr.areatotal( pcr.cover(cellArea, 0.0), self.allocSegments) self.segmentArea = pcr.ifthen(self.landmask, self.segmentArea) = True try: self.outDailyTotNC = iniItems.groundwaterOptions['outDailyTotNC'].split( ",") self.outMonthTotNC = iniItems.groundwaterOptions['outMonthTotNC'].split( ",") self.outMonthAvgNC = iniItems.groundwaterOptions['outMonthAvgNC'].split( ",") self.outMonthEndNC = iniItems.groundwaterOptions['outMonthEndNC'].split( ",") self.outAnnuaTotNC = iniItems.groundwaterOptions['outAnnuaTotNC'].split( ",") self.outAnnuaAvgNC = iniItems.groundwaterOptions['outAnnuaAvgNC'].split( ",") self.outAnnuaEndNC = iniItems.groundwaterOptions['outAnnuaEndNC'].split( ",") except: = False if == True: self.outNCDir = iniItems.outNCDir self.netcdfObj = PCR2netCDF(iniItems) # # daily output in netCDF files: if self.outDailyTotNC[0] != "None": for var in self.outDailyTotNC: # creating the netCDF files: self.netcdfObj.createNetCDF(str(self.outNCDir)+"/" + str(var)+"", var, "undefined") # MONTHly output in netCDF files: # - cummulative if self.outMonthTotNC[0] != "None": for var in self.outMonthTotNC: # initiating monthlyVarTot (accumulator variable): vars(self)[var+'MonthTot'] = None # creating the netCDF files: self.netcdfObj.createNetCDF(str(self.outNCDir)+"/" + str(var)+"", var, "undefined") # - average if self.outMonthAvgNC[0] != "None": for var in self.outMonthAvgNC: # initiating monthlyTotAvg (accumulator variable) vars(self)[var+'MonthTot'] = None # initiating monthlyVarAvg: vars(self)[var+'MonthAvg'] = None # creating the netCDF files: self.netcdfObj.createNetCDF(str(self.outNCDir)+"/" + str(var)+"", var, "undefined") # - last day of the month if self.outMonthEndNC[0] != "None": for var in self.outMonthEndNC: # creating the netCDF files: self.netcdfObj.createNetCDF(str(self.outNCDir)+"/" + str(var)+"", var, "undefined") # YEARly output in netCDF files: # - cummulative if self.outAnnuaTotNC[0] != "None": for var in self.outAnnuaTotNC: # initiating yearly accumulator variable: vars(self)[var+'AnnuaTot'] = None # creating the netCDF files: self.netcdfObj.createNetCDF(str(self.outNCDir)+"/" + str(var)+"", var, "undefined") # - average if self.outAnnuaAvgNC[0] != "None": for var in self.outAnnuaAvgNC: # initiating annualyVarAvg: vars(self)[var+'AnnuaAvg'] = None # initiating annualyTotAvg (accumulator variable) vars(self)[var+'AnnuaTot'] = None # creating the netCDF files: self.netcdfObj.createNetCDF(str(self.outNCDir)+"/" + str(var)+"", var, "undefined") # - last day of the year if self.outAnnuaEndNC[0] != "None": for var in self.outAnnuaEndNC: # creating the netCDF files: self.netcdfObj.createNetCDF(str(self.outNCDir)+"/" + str(var)+"", var, "undefined") # get initial conditions self.getICs(iniItems, spinUp)
def forcingDownscalingOptions(self, iniItems): self.downscalePrecipitationOption = False self.downscaleTemperatureOption = False self.downscaleReferenceETPotOption = False if 'meteoDownscalingOptions' in iniItems.allSections: # downscaling options if iniItems.meteoDownscalingOptions[ 'downscalePrecipitation'] == "True": self.downscalePrecipitationOption = True "Precipitation forcing will be downscaled to the cloneMap resolution." ) if iniItems.meteoDownscalingOptions[ 'downscaleTemperature'] == "True": self.downscaleTemperatureOption = True "Temperature forcing will be downscaled to the cloneMap resolution." ) if iniItems.meteoDownscalingOptions[ 'downscaleReferenceETPot'] == "True" and self.refETPotMethod != 'Hamon': self.downscaleReferenceETPotOption = True "Reference potential evaporation will be downscaled to the cloneMap resolution." ) # Note that for the Hamon method: referencePotET will be calculated based on temperature, # therefore, we do not have to downscale it (particularly if temperature is already provided at high resolution). if self.downscalePrecipitationOption or\ self.downscaleTemperatureOption or\ self.downscaleReferenceETPotOption: # creating anomaly DEM highResolutionDEM = vos.readPCRmapClone(\ iniItems.meteoDownscalingOptions['highResolutionDEM'], self.cloneMap,self.tmpDir,self.inputDir) highResolutionDEM = pcr.cover(highResolutionDEM, 0.0) highResolutionDEM = pcr.max(highResolutionDEM, 0.0) self.meteoDownscaleIds = vos.readPCRmapClone(\ iniItems.meteoDownscalingOptions['meteoDownscaleIds'], self.cloneMap,self.tmpDir,self.inputDir,isLddMap=False,cover=None,isNomMap=True) self.cellArea = vos.readPCRmapClone(\ iniItems.routingOptions['cellAreaMap'], self.cloneMap,self.tmpDir,self.inputDir) loweResolutionDEM = pcr.areatotal(pcr.cover(highResolutionDEM*self.cellArea, 0.0),\ self.meteoDownscaleIds)/\ pcr.areatotal(pcr.cover(self.cellArea, 0.0),\ self.meteoDownscaleIds) self.anomalyDEM = highResolutionDEM - loweResolutionDEM # unit: meter # temperature lapse rate (netCDF) file self.temperLapseRateNC = vos.getFullPath(iniItems.meteoDownscalingOptions[\ 'temperLapseRateNC'],self.inputDir) self.temperatCorrelNC = vos.getFullPath(iniItems.meteoDownscalingOptions[\ 'temperatCorrelNC'],self.inputDir) # TODO: Remove this criteria. # precipitation lapse rate (netCDF) file self.precipLapseRateNC = vos.getFullPath(iniItems.meteoDownscalingOptions[\ 'precipLapseRateNC'],self.inputDir) self.precipitCorrelNC = vos.getFullPath(iniItems.meteoDownscalingOptions[\ 'precipitCorrelNC'],self.inputDir) # TODO: Remove this criteria. else:"No forcing downscaling is implemented.") # forcing smoothing options: - THIS is still experimental. PS: MUST BE TESTED. self.forcingSmoothing = False if 'meteoDownscalingOptions' in iniItems.allSections and \ 'smoothingWindowsLength' in iniItems.meteoDownscalingOptions.keys(): if float(iniItems.meteoDownscalingOptions['smoothingWindowsLength'] ) > 0.0: self.forcingSmoothing = True self.smoothingWindowsLength = vos.readPCRmapClone(\ iniItems.meteoDownscalingOptions['smoothingWindowsLength'], self.cloneMap,self.tmpDir,self.inputDir) msg = "Forcing data are smoothed with 'windowaverage' using the window length:" + str( iniItems.meteoDownscalingOptions['smoothingWindowsLength'])
def build_model(geojson_path, cellsize, model, timestep, name, case_template, case_path, fews, fews_config_path, dem_path, river_path, region_filter): """Prepare a simple WFlow model, anywhere, based on global datasets.""" # lists below need to stay synchronized, not sure of a better way [ geojson_path, model, timestep, name, case_template, case_path, fews_config_path, dem_path, river_path, region_filter ] = [ encode_utf8(p) for p in [ geojson_path, model, timestep, name, case_template, case_path, fews_config_path, dem_path, river_path, region_filter ] ] # fill in the dependent defaults if name is None: name = 'wflow_{}_case'.format(model) if case_template is None: case_template = 'wflow_{}_template'.format(model) if model == 'hbv': if timestep == 'hourly': case_template = 'wflow_{}_hourly_template'.format(model) else: case_template = 'wflow_{}_daily_template'.format(model) # assumes it is in decimal degrees, see Geod case = os.path.join(case_path, name) path_catchment = os.path.join(case, 'data/catchments/catchments.geojson') region = hydro_engine_geometry(geojson_path, region_filter) # get the centroid of the region, such that we have a point for unit conversion centroid = sg.shape(region).centroid x, y = centroid.x, centroid.y filter_upstream_gt = 1000 crs = 'EPSG:4326' g = Geod(ellps='WGS84') # convert to meters in the center of the grid # Earth Engine expects meters _, _, crossdist_m = g.inv(x, y, x + cellsize, y + cellsize) cellsize_m = sqrt(0.5 * crossdist_m**2) # start by making case an exact copy of the template copycase(case_template, case) # create folder structure for data folder for d in ['catchments', 'dem', 'rivers']: dir_data = os.path.join(case, 'data', d) ensure_dir_exists(dir_data) # create grid path_log = 'wtools_create_grid.log' dir_mask = os.path.join(case, 'mask') projection = 'EPSG:4326' download_catchments(region, path_catchment, geojson_path, region_filter=region_filter) cg_extent = path_catchment cg.main(path_log, dir_mask, cg_extent, projection, cellsize, locationid=name, snap=True) mask_tif = os.path.join(dir_mask, 'mask.tif') with as ds: bbox = ds.bounds # create static maps dir_dest = os.path.join(case, 'staticmaps') # use custom inifile, default high res ldd takes too long path_inifile = os.path.join(case, 'data/staticmaps.ini') path_dem_in = os.path.join(case, 'data/dem/dem.tif') dir_lai = os.path.join(case, 'data/parameters/clim') if river_path is None: # download the global dataset river_data_path = os.path.join(case, 'data/rivers/rivers.geojson') # raise ValueError("User must supply river_path for now, see hydro-engine#14") download_rivers(region, river_data_path, filter_upstream_gt, region_filter=region_filter) else: # take the local dataset, reproject and clip # command line equivalent of # ogr2ogr -t_srs EPSG:4326 -f GPKG -overwrite -clipdst xmin ymin xmax ymax rivers.gpkg rivers.shp river_data_path = os.path.join(case, 'data/rivers/rivers.gpkg') ogr2ogr.main([ '', '-t_srs', 'EPSG:4326', '-f', 'GPKG', '-overwrite', '-clipdst', str(bbox.left), str(bbox.bottom), str(bbox.right), str(, river_data_path, river_path ]) if dem_path is None: # download the global dem download_raster(region, path_dem_in, 'dem', cellsize_m, crs, region_filter=region_filter) else: # warp the local dem onto model grid wt.warp_like(dem_path, path_dem_in, mask_tif, format='GTiff', co={'dtype': 'float32'}, other_maps = { 'sbm': [ 'FirstZoneCapacity', 'FirstZoneKsatVer', 'FirstZoneMinCapacity', 'InfiltCapSoil', 'M', 'PathFrac', 'WaterFrac', 'thetaS', 'soil_type', 'landuse' ], 'hbv': [ 'BetaSeepage', 'Cfmax', 'CFR', 'FC', 'K0', 'LP', 'Pcorr', 'PERC', 'SFCF', 'TT', 'WHC' ] } # TODO rename these in hydro-engine newnames = { 'FirstZoneKsatVer': 'KsatVer', 'FirstZoneMinCapacity': 'SoilMinThickness', 'FirstZoneCapacity': 'SoilThickness', # 'landuse': 'wflow_landuse', # restore after issues caused by values in this map are fixed 'soil_type': 'wflow_soil' } # destination paths path_other_maps = [] for param in other_maps[model]: path = os.path.join(case, 'data/parameters', newnames.get(param, param) + '.tif') path_other_maps.append(path) for param, path in zip(other_maps[model], path_other_maps): if model == 'sbm': download_raster(region, path, param, cellsize_m, crs, region_filter=region_filter) elif model == 'hbv': # these are not yet in the earth engine, use local paths if timestep == 'hourly': path_staticmaps_global = r'p:\1209286-earth2observe\HBV-GLOBAL\staticmaps_hourly' else: path_staticmaps_global = r'p:\1209286-earth2observe\HBV-GLOBAL\staticmaps' path_in = os.path.join(path_staticmaps_global, param + '.tif') # warp the local staticmaps onto model grid wt.warp_like(path_in, path, mask_tif, format='GTiff', co={'dtype': 'float32'}, if model == 'sbm': ensure_dir_exists(dir_lai) for m in range(1, 13): mm = str(m).zfill(2) path = os.path.join(dir_lai, 'LAI00000.0{}'.format(mm)) download_raster(region, path, 'LAI{}'.format(mm), cellsize_m, crs, region_filter=region_filter) else: # TODO this creates defaults in static_maps, disable this behavior? # or otherwise adapt static_maps for the other models dir_lai = None # create default folder structure for running wflow dir_inmaps = os.path.join(case, 'inmaps') ensure_dir_exists(dir_inmaps) dir_instate = os.path.join(case, 'instate') ensure_dir_exists(dir_instate) for d in [ 'instate', 'intbl', 'intss', 'outmaps', 'outstate', 'outsum', 'runinfo' ]: dir_run = os.path.join(case, 'run_default', d) ensure_dir_exists(dir_run) # this is for coastal catchments only, if it is not coastal and no outlets # are found, then it will just be the pit of the ldd outlets = outlets_coords(path_catchment, river_data_path) sm.main(dir_mask, dir_dest, path_inifile, path_dem_in, river_data_path, path_catchment, lai=dir_lai, other_maps=path_other_maps, outlets=outlets) if fews: # save default state-files in FEWS-config dir_state = os.path.join(case, 'outstate') ensure_dir_exists(dir_state) if model == 'sbm': state_files = [ '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '' ] elif model == 'hbv': state_files = [ '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '' ] zip_name = name + '_GA_Historical' zip_loc = os.path.join(fews_config_path, 'ColdStateFiles', zip_name) path_csf = os.path.dirname(zip_loc) ensure_dir_exists(path_csf) mask = pcr.readmap(os.path.join(dir_mask, '')) with zipfile.ZipFile(zip_loc, mode='w') as zf: for state_file in state_files: state_path = os.path.join(dir_state, state_file), pcr.scalar(0)), state_path) zf.write(state_path, state_file, compress_type=zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED)
def getReservoirOutflow(self,\ avgChannelDischarge,length_of_time_step,downstreamDemand): # avgOutflow (m3/s) avgOutflow = self.avgOutflow avgOutflow = pcr.ifthenelse(\ avgOutflow > 0.,\ avgOutflow, pcr.max(avgChannelDischarge,self.avgInflow,0.001)) # This is needed when new lakes/reservoirs introduced (its avgOutflow is still zero). avgOutflow = pcr.areamaximum(avgOutflow,self.waterBodyIds) # calculate resvOutflow (m2/s) (based on reservoir storage and avgDischarge): # - using reductionFactor in such a way that: # - if relativeCapacity < minResvrFrac : release is terminated # - if relativeCapacity > maxResvrFrac : longterm average reductionFactor = \ pcr.cover(\ pcr.min(1., pcr.max(0., \ self.waterBodyStorage - self.minResvrFrac*self.waterBodyCap)/\ (self.maxResvrFrac - self.minResvrFrac)*self.waterBodyCap),0.0) # resvOutflow = reductionFactor * avgOutflow * length_of_time_step # unit: m3 # maximum release <= average inflow (especially during dry condition) resvOutflow = pcr.max(0, pcr.min(resvOutflow, self.avgInflow * length_of_time_step)) # unit: m3 # downstream demand (m3/s) # reduce demand if storage < lower limit reductionFactor = vos.getValDivZero(downstreamDemand, self.minResvrFrac*self.waterBodyCap, vos.smallNumber) reductionFactor = pcr.cover(reductionFactor, 0.0) downstreamDemand = pcr.min( downstreamDemand, downstreamDemand*reductionFactor) # resvOutflow > downstreamDemand resvOutflow = pcr.max(resvOutflow, downstreamDemand * length_of_time_step) # unit: m3 # floodOutflow: additional release if storage > upper limit ratioQBankfull = 2.3 estmStorage = pcr.max(0.,self.waterBodyStorage - resvOutflow) floodOutflow = \ pcr.max(0.0, estmStorage - self.waterBodyCap) +\ pcr.cover(\ pcr.max(0.0, estmStorage - self.maxResvrFrac*\ self.waterBodyCap)/\ ((1.-self.maxResvrFrac)*self.waterBodyCap),0.0)*\ pcr.max(0.0,ratioQBankfull*avgOutflow* vos.secondsPerDay()-\ resvOutflow) floodOutflow = pcr.max(0.0, pcr.min(floodOutflow,\ estmStorage - self.maxResvrFrac*\ self.waterBodyCap*0.75)) # maximum limit of floodOutflow: bring the reservoir storages only to 3/4 of upper limit capacities # update resvOutflow after floodOutflow resvOutflow = pcr.cover(resvOutflow , 0.0) +\ pcr.cover(floodOutflow, 0.0) # maximum release if storage > upper limit : bring the reservoir storages only to 3/4 of upper limit capacities resvOutflow = pcr.ifthenelse(self.waterBodyStorage > self.maxResvrFrac*self.waterBodyCap,\ pcr.min(resvOutflow,\ pcr.max(0,self.waterBodyStorage - \ self.maxResvrFrac*self.waterBodyCap*0.75)), resvOutflow) # if storage > upper limit : resvOutflow > avgInflow resvOutflow = pcr.ifthenelse(self.waterBodyStorage > self.maxResvrFrac*self.waterBodyCap,\ pcr.max(0.0, resvOutflow, self.avgInflow), resvOutflow) # resvOutflow < waterBodyStorage resvOutflow = pcr.min(self.waterBodyStorage, resvOutflow) resvOutflow = pcr.ifthen(pcr.scalar(self.waterBodyIds) > 0., resvOutflow) resvOutflow = pcr.ifthen(pcr.scalar(self.waterBodyTyp) == 2, resvOutflow) return (resvOutflow) # unit: m3
def readSoilMapOfFAO(self, iniItems, optionDict=None): # a dictionary/section of options that will be used if optionDict == None: optionDict = iniItems.landSurfaceOptions # soil variable names given either in the ini or netCDF file: soilParameters = [ 'airEntryValue1', 'airEntryValue2', 'poreSizeBeta1', 'poreSizeBeta2', 'resVolWC1', 'resVolWC2', 'satVolWC1', 'satVolWC2', 'KSat1', 'KSat2', 'percolationImp' ] if optionDict['soilPropertiesNC'] == str(None): for var in soilParameters: input = optionDict[str(var)] vars(self)[var] = \ vos.readPCRmapClone(input,self.cloneMap,\ self.tmpDir,self.inputDir) vars(self)[var] = pcr.scalar(vars(self)[var]) if input == "percolationImp": vars(self)[var] = pcr.cover(vars(self)[var], 0.0) # extrapolation # - TODO: Make a general extrapolation option as a function in the vars(self)[var] = pcr.cover( vars(self)[var], pcr.windowaverage(vars(self)[var], 0.75)) vars(self)[var] = pcr.cover( vars(self)[var], pcr.windowaverage(vars(self)[var], 1.00)) vars(self)[var] = pcr.cover( vars(self)[var], pcr.windowaverage(vars(self)[var], 1.00)) vars(self)[var] = pcr.cover( vars(self)[var], pcr.windowaverage(vars(self)[var], 1.00)) vars(self)[var] = pcr.cover( vars(self)[var], pcr.windowaverage(vars(self)[var], 1.00)) vars(self)[var] = pcr.cover( vars(self)[var], pcr.windowaverage(vars(self)[var], 1.00)) vars(self)[var] = pcr.cover(vars(self)[var], 0.0) else: soilPropertiesNC = vos.getFullPath(\ optionDict['soilPropertiesNC'], self.inputDir) for var in soilParameters: vars(self)[var] = vos.netcdf2PCRobjCloneWithoutTime(\ soilPropertiesNC,var, \ cloneMapFileName = self.cloneMap) if var == "percolationImp": vars(self)[var] = pcr.cover(vars(self)[var], 0.0) # extrapolation # - TODO: Make a general extrapolation option as a function in the vars(self)[var] = pcr.cover( vars(self)[var], pcr.windowaverage(vars(self)[var], 0.75)) vars(self)[var] = pcr.cover( vars(self)[var], pcr.windowaverage(vars(self)[var], 1.00)) vars(self)[var] = pcr.cover( vars(self)[var], pcr.windowaverage(vars(self)[var], 1.00)) vars(self)[var] = pcr.cover( vars(self)[var], pcr.windowaverage(vars(self)[var], 1.00)) vars(self)[var] = pcr.cover( vars(self)[var], pcr.windowaverage(vars(self)[var], 1.00)) vars(self)[var] = pcr.cover( vars(self)[var], pcr.windowaverage(vars(self)[var], 1.00)) vars(self)[var] = pcr.cover(vars(self)[var], 0.01) # make sure that resVolWC1 <= satVolWC1 self.resVolWC1 = pcr.min(self.resVolWC1, self.satVolWC1) self.resVolWC2 = pcr.min(self.resVolWC2, self.satVolWC2) if self.numberOfLayers == 2: self.satVolMoistContUpp = self.satVolWC1 # saturated volumetric moisture content (m3.m-3) self.satVolMoistContLow = self.satVolWC2 self.resVolMoistContUpp = self.resVolWC1 # residual volumetric moisture content (m3.m-3) self.resVolMoistContLow = self.resVolWC2 self.airEntryValueUpp = self.airEntryValue1 # air entry value (m) according to soil water retention curve of Clapp & Hornberger (1978) self.airEntryValueLow = self.airEntryValue2 self.poreSizeBetaUpp = self.poreSizeBeta1 # pore size distribution parameter according to Clapp & Hornberger (1978) self.poreSizeBetaLow = self.poreSizeBeta2 self.kSatUpp = self.KSat1 # saturated hydraulic conductivity ( self.kSatLow = self.KSat2 if self.numberOfLayers == 3: self.satVolMoistContUpp000005 = self.satVolWC1 self.satVolMoistContUpp005030 = self.satVolWC1 self.satVolMoistContLow030150 = self.satVolWC2 self.resVolMoistContUpp000005 = self.resVolWC1 self.resVolMoistContUpp005030 = self.resVolWC1 self.resVolMoistContLow030150 = self.resVolWC2 self.airEntryValueUpp000005 = self.airEntryValue1 self.airEntryValueUpp005030 = self.airEntryValue1 self.airEntryValueLow030150 = self.airEntryValue2 self.poreSizeBetaUpp000005 = self.poreSizeBeta1 self.poreSizeBetaUpp005030 = self.poreSizeBeta1 self.poreSizeBetaLow030150 = self.poreSizeBeta2 self.kSatUpp000005 = self.KSat1 self.kSatUpp005030 = self.KSat1 self.kSatLow030150 = self.KSat2 self.percolationImp = pcr.cover( self.percolationImp, 0.0 ) # fractional area where percolation to groundwater store is impeded (dimensionless) # soil thickness and storage variable names # as given either in the ini or netCDF file: soilStorages = [ 'firstStorDepth', 'secondStorDepth', 'soilWaterStorageCap1', 'soilWaterStorageCap2' ] if optionDict['soilPropertiesNC'] == str(None): for var in soilStorages: input = optionDict[str(var)] temp = str(var) + 'Inp' vars(self)[temp] = vos.readPCRmapClone(input,\ self.cloneMap, self.tmpDir,self.inputDir) # extrapolation # - TODO: Make a general extrapolation option as a function in the vars(self)[temp] = pcr.cover( vars(self)[temp], pcr.windowaverage(vars(self)[temp], 0.75)) vars(self)[temp] = pcr.cover( vars(self)[temp], pcr.windowaverage(vars(self)[temp], 1.05)) vars(self)[temp] = pcr.cover( vars(self)[temp], pcr.windowaverage(vars(self)[temp], 1.05)) vars(self)[temp] = pcr.cover( vars(self)[temp], pcr.windowaverage(vars(self)[temp], 1.05)) vars(self)[temp] = pcr.cover( vars(self)[temp], pcr.windowaverage(vars(self)[temp], 1.05)) vars(self)[temp] = pcr.cover( vars(self)[temp], pcr.windowaverage(vars(self)[temp], 1.05)) vars(self)[temp] = pcr.cover(vars(self)[temp], 0.0) else: soilPropertiesNC = vos.getFullPath(\ optionDict['soilPropertiesNC'], self.inputDir) for var in soilStorages: temp = str(var) + 'Inp' vars(self)[temp] = vos.netcdf2PCRobjCloneWithoutTime(\ soilPropertiesNC,var, \ cloneMapFileName = self.cloneMap) # extrapolation # - TODO: Make a general extrapolation option as a function in the vars(self)[temp] = pcr.cover( vars(self)[temp], pcr.windowaverage(vars(self)[temp], 0.75)) vars(self)[temp] = pcr.cover( vars(self)[temp], pcr.windowaverage(vars(self)[temp], 1.05)) vars(self)[temp] = pcr.cover( vars(self)[temp], pcr.windowaverage(vars(self)[temp], 1.05)) vars(self)[temp] = pcr.cover( vars(self)[temp], pcr.windowaverage(vars(self)[temp], 1.05)) vars(self)[temp] = pcr.cover( vars(self)[temp], pcr.windowaverage(vars(self)[temp], 1.05)) vars(self)[temp] = pcr.cover( vars(self)[temp], pcr.windowaverage(vars(self)[temp], 1.05)) vars(self)[temp] = pcr.cover(vars(self)[temp], 0.0) # layer thickness if self.numberOfLayers == 2: self.thickUpp = (0.30 / 0.30) * self.firstStorDepthInp self.thickLow = (1.20 / 1.20) * self.secondStorDepthInp if self.numberOfLayers == 3: self.thickUpp000005 = (0.05 / 0.30) * self.firstStorDepthInp self.thickUpp005030 = (0.25 / 0.30) * self.firstStorDepthInp self.thickLow030150 = (1.20 / 1.20) * self.secondStorDepthInp # soil storage if self.numberOfLayers == 2: #~ self.storCapUpp = (0.30/0.30)*self.soilWaterStorageCap1Inp #~ self.storCapLow = (1.20/1.20)*self.soilWaterStorageCap2Inp # 22 Feb 2014: We can calculate this based on thickness and porosity. self.storCapUpp = self.thickUpp * \ (self.satVolMoistContUpp - self.resVolMoistContUpp) self.storCapLow = self.thickLow * \ (self.satVolMoistContLow - self.resVolMoistContLow) self.rootZoneWaterStorageCap = self.storCapUpp + \ self.storCapLow # This is called as WMAX in the original pcrcalc script. if self.numberOfLayers == 3: self.storCapUpp000005 = self.thickUpp000005 * \ (self.satVolMoistContUpp000005 - self.resVolMoistContUpp000005) self.storCapUpp005030 = self.thickUpp005030 * \ (self.satVolMoistContUpp005030 - self.resVolMoistContUpp005030) self.storCapLow030150 = self.thickLow030150 * \ (self.satVolMoistContLow030150 - self.resVolMoistContLow030150) self.rootZoneWaterStorageCap = self.storCapUpp000005 + \ self.storCapUpp005030 + \ self.storCapLow030150
file_names = [ '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '' ] front_name = "" if type_of_files != "normal": front_name = type_of_files + "_" for i_file in range(0, len(file_names)): #~ for i_file in range(0, 1): file_name = file_names[i_file] complete_file_name = input_folder + "/" + front_name + file_name extreme_value_map = pcr.cover( vos.readPCRmapClone(complete_file_name, \ clone_map_file, \ tmp_folder, \ None, False, None, False), 0.0) # - focus only to the landmask area. We have to do this so that only flood in the landmask that will be downscaled/routed. extreme_value_map = pcr.ifthen(landmask, extreme_value_map) # # - masking out reservoir storage if masking_out_reservoirs: cell_area = pcr.ifthen(landmask, \ pcr.cover(\ vos.readPCRmapClone(cell_area_file, \ clone_map_file, \ tmp_folder, \ None, False, None, False), 0.0)) # read the properties of permanent water bodies fracwat = pcr.ifthen(landmask, \
def readTopo(self, iniItems, optionDict): # a dictionary/section of options that will be used if optionDict == None: optionDict = iniItems.landSurfaceOptions # maps of elevation attributes: topoParams = ['tanslope', 'slopeLength', 'orographyBeta'] if optionDict['topographyNC'] == str(None): for var in topoParams: input = iniItems.landSurfaceOptions[str(var)] vars(self)[var] = vos.readPCRmapClone(input, self.cloneMap, self.tmpDir, self.inputDir) if var != "slopeLength": vars(self)[var] = pcr.cover(vars(self)[var], 0.0) else: topoPropertiesNC = vos.getFullPath(\ optionDict['topographyNC'], self.inputDir) for var in topoParams: vars(self)[var] = vos.netcdf2PCRobjCloneWithoutTime(\ topoPropertiesNC,var, \ cloneMapFileName = self.cloneMap) if var != "slopeLength": vars(self)[var] = pcr.cover(vars(self)[var], 0.0) #~ self.tanslope = pcr.max(self.tanslope, 0.00001) # In principle, tanslope can be zero. Zero tanslope will provide zero TCL (no interflow) # covering slopeLength with its maximum value self.slopeLength = pcr.cover(self.slopeLength, pcr.mapmaximum(self.slopeLength)) # maps of relative elevation above flood plains dzRel = [ 'dzRel0001', 'dzRel0005', 'dzRel0010', 'dzRel0020', 'dzRel0030', 'dzRel0040', 'dzRel0050', 'dzRel0060', 'dzRel0070', 'dzRel0080', 'dzRel0090', 'dzRel0100' ] if optionDict['topographyNC'] == str(None): for i in range(0, len(dzRel)): var = dzRel[i] input = optionDict[str(var)] vars(self)[var] = vos.readPCRmapClone(input, self.cloneMap, self.tmpDir, self.inputDir) vars(self)[var] = pcr.cover(vars(self)[var], 0.0) if i > 0: vars(self)[var] = pcr.max( vars(self)[var], vars(self)[dzRel[i - 1]]) else: for i in range(0, len(dzRel)): var = dzRel[i] vars(self)[var] = vos.netcdf2PCRobjCloneWithoutTime(\ topoPropertiesNC,var, \ cloneMapFileName = self.cloneMap) vars(self)[var] = pcr.cover(vars(self)[var], 0.0) if i > 0: vars(self)[var] = pcr.max( vars(self)[var], vars(self)[dzRel[i - 1]])
def waterAbstractionAndAllocation(water_demand_volume,available_water_volume,allocation_zones,\ zone_area = None, high_volume_treshold = 1000000., debug_water_balance = True,\ extra_info_for_water_balance_reporting = "", ignore_small_values = True): logger.debug("Allocation of abstraction.") # demand volume in each cell (unit: m3) if ignore_small_values: # ignore small values to avoid runding error cellVolDemand = pcr.rounddown(pcr.max(0.0, water_demand_volume)) else: cellVolDemand = pcr.max(0.0, water_demand_volume) # total demand volume in each zone/segment (unit: m3) zoneVolDemand = pcr.areatotal(cellVolDemand, allocation_zones) # total available water volume in each cell if ignore_small_values: # ignore small values to avoid runding error cellAvlWater = pcr.rounddown(pcr.max(0.00, available_water_volume)) else: cellAvlWater = pcr.max(0.00, available_water_volume) # total available water volume in each zone/segment (unit: m3) # - to minimize numerical errors, separating cellAvlWater if not isinstance(high_volume_treshold, types.NoneType): # mask: 0 for small volumes ; 1 for large volumes (e.g. in lakes and reservoirs) mask = pcr.cover(\ pcr.ifthen(cellAvlWater > high_volume_treshold, pcr.boolean(1)), pcr.boolean(0)) zoneAvlWater = pcr.areatotal(pcr.ifthenelse(mask, 0.0, cellAvlWater), allocation_zones) zoneAvlWater += pcr.areatotal(pcr.ifthenelse(mask, cellAvlWater, 0.0), allocation_zones) else: zoneAvlWater = pcr.areatotal(cellAvlWater, allocation_zones) # total actual water abstraction volume in each zone/segment (unit: m3) # - limited to available water zoneAbstraction = pcr.min(zoneAvlWater, zoneVolDemand) # actual water abstraction volume in each cell (unit: m3) cellAbstraction = getValDivZero(\ cellAvlWater, zoneAvlWater, smallNumber)*zoneAbstraction cellAbstraction = pcr.min(cellAbstraction, cellAvlWater) if ignore_small_values: # ignore small values to avoid runding error cellAbstraction = pcr.rounddown(pcr.max(0.00, cellAbstraction)) # to minimize numerical errors, separating cellAbstraction if not isinstance(high_volume_treshold, types.NoneType): # mask: 0 for small volumes ; 1 for large volumes (e.g. in lakes and reservoirs) mask = pcr.cover(\ pcr.ifthen(cellAbstraction > high_volume_treshold, pcr.boolean(1)), pcr.boolean(0)) zoneAbstraction = pcr.areatotal( pcr.ifthenelse(mask, 0.0, cellAbstraction), allocation_zones) zoneAbstraction += pcr.areatotal( pcr.ifthenelse(mask, cellAbstraction, 0.0), allocation_zones) else: zoneAbstraction = pcr.areatotal(cellAbstraction, allocation_zones) # allocation water to meet water demand (unit: m3) cellAllocation = getValDivZero(\ cellVolDemand, zoneVolDemand, smallNumber)*zoneAbstraction #~ # extraAbstraction to minimize numerical errors: #~ zoneDeficitAbstraction = pcr.max(0.0,\ #~ pcr.areatotal(cellAllocation , allocation_zones) -\ #~ pcr.areatotal(cellAbstraction, allocation_zones)) #~ remainingCellAvlWater = pcr.max(0.0, cellAvlWater - cellAbstraction) #~ cellAbstraction += zoneDeficitAbstraction * getValDivZero(\ #~ remainingCellAvlWater, #~ pcr.areatotal(remainingCellAvlWater, allocation_zones), #~ smallNumber) #~ # #~ # extraAllocation to minimize numerical errors: #~ zoneDeficitAllocation = pcr.max(0.0,\ #~ pcr.areatotal(cellAbstraction, allocation_zones) -\ #~ pcr.areatotal(cellAllocation , allocation_zones)) #~ remainingCellDemand = pcr.max(0.0, cellVolDemand - cellAllocation) #~ cellAllocation += zoneDeficitAllocation * getValDivZero(\ #~ remainingCellDemand, #~ pcr.areatotal(remainingCellDemand, allocation_zones), #~ smallNumber) if debug_water_balance and not isinstance(zone_area, types.NoneType): zoneAbstraction = pcr.cover( pcr.areatotal(cellAbstraction, allocation_zones) / zone_area, 0.0) zoneAllocation = pcr.cover( pcr.areatotal(cellAllocation, allocation_zones) / zone_area, 0.0) waterBalanceCheck([zoneAbstraction],\ [zoneAllocation],\ [pcr.scalar(0.0)],\ [pcr.scalar(0.0)],\ 'abstraction - allocation per zone/segment (PS: Error here may be caused by rounding error.)' ,\ True,\ extra_info_for_water_balance_reporting,threshold=1e-4) return cellAbstraction, cellAllocation
def agriZone_Ep_Sa_beta_frostSamax(self, k): """ - Potential evaporation is decreased by energy used for interception evaporation - Formula for evaporation based on LP - Outgoing fluxes are determined based on (value in previous timestep + inflow) and if this leads to negative storage, the outgoing fluxes are corrected to rato --> Eu is no longer taken into account for this correction - Qa u is determined from overflow from Sa --> incorporation of beta function - Fa is based on storage in Sa - Fa is decreased in case of frozen soil - Code for ini-file: 12 """ JarvisCoefficients.calcEp(self, k) self.PotEvaporation = pcr.cover( pcr.ifthenelse(self.EpHour >= 0, self.EpHour, 0), 0) self.FrDur[k] = pcr.min( self.FrDur[k] + pcr.ifthenelse(self.Temperature > 0, self.ratFT[k] * self.Temperature, self.Temperature) * self.dayDeg[k], 0, ) self.Ft = pcr.min( pcr.max( self.FrDur[k] / (self.FrDur1[k] - self.FrDur0[k]) - self.FrDur0[k] / (self.FrDur1[k] - self.FrDur0[k]), self.samin[k], ), 1, ) self.samax2 = self.samax[k] * pcr.scalar(self.catchArea) * self.Ft self.Qaadd = pcr.max(self.Sa_t[k] + self.Pe - self.samax2, 0) self.Sa[k] = self.Sa_t[k] + (self.Pe - self.Qaadd) self.SaN = pcr.min(self.Sa[k] / self.samax2, 1) self.SuN = self.Su[k] / self.sumax[k] self.Ea1 = pcr.max((self.PotEvaporation - self.Ei), 0) * pcr.min( self.Sa[k] / (self.samax2 * self.LP[k]), 1) self.Qa1 = (self.Pe - self.Qaadd) * (1 - (1 - self.SaN)**self.beta[k]) self.Fa1 = pcr.ifthenelse( self.SaN > 0, self.Fmin[k] + (self.Fmax[k] - self.Fmin[k]) * e**(-self.decF[k] * (1 - self.SaN)), 0, ) self.Sa[k] = self.Sa_t[k] + (self.Pe - self.Qaadd) - self.Qa1 - self.Fa1 - self.Ea1 self.Sa_diff = pcr.ifthenelse(self.Sa[k] < 0, self.Sa[k], 0) self.Qa = (self.Qa1 + (self.Qa1 / pcr.ifthenelse(self.Fa1 + self.Ea1 + self.Qa1 > 0, self.Fa1 + self.Ea1 + self.Qa1, 1)) * self.Sa_diff) self.Fa = (self.Fa1 + (self.Fa1 / pcr.ifthenelse(self.Fa1 + self.Ea1 + self.Qa1 > 0, self.Fa1 + self.Ea1 + self.Qa1, 1)) * self.Sa_diff) self.Ea = (self.Ea1 + (self.Ea1 / pcr.ifthenelse(self.Fa1 + self.Ea1 + self.Qa1 > 0, self.Fa1 + self.Ea1 + self.Qa1, 1)) * self.Sa_diff) self.Sa[k] = self.Sa_t[k] + (self.Pe - self.Qaadd) - self.Ea - self.Fa - self.Qa self.Sa[k] = pcr.ifthenelse(self.Sa[k] < 0, 0, self.Sa[k]) self.Sa_diff2 = pcr.ifthen(self.Sa[k] < 0, self.Sa[k]) self.wbSa_[k] = (self.Pe - self.Ea - self.Qa - self.Qaadd - self.Fa - self.Sa[k] + self.Sa_t[k]) self.Ea_[k] = self.Ea self.Qa_[k] = self.Qa + self.Qaadd self.Fa_[k] = self.Fa self.Ft_[k] = self.Ft
def readSoil(self, iniItems, optionDict=None): # a dictionary/section of options that will be used if optionDict == None: optionDict = iniItems.landSurfaceOptions # default values of soil parameters that are constant/uniform for the entire domain: self.clappAddCoeff = pcr.scalar(3.0) # dimensionless self.matricSuctionFC = pcr.scalar(1.0) # unit: m #~ self.matricSuction50 = pcr.scalar(10./3.) # unit: m self.matricSuction50 = pcr.scalar(3.33) # unit: m self.matricSuctionWP = pcr.scalar(156.0) # unit: m self.maxGWCapRise = pcr.scalar(5.0) # unit: m # # values defined in the ini/configuration file: soilParameterConstants = [ 'clappAddCoeff', 'matricSuctionFC', 'matricSuction50', 'matricSuctionWP', 'maxGWCapRise' ] for var in soilParameterConstants: if var in list(iniItems.landSurfaceOptions.keys()): input = iniItems.landSurfaceOptions[str(var)] vars(self)[var] = vos.readPCRmapClone(input,self.cloneMap,\ self.tmpDir,self.inputDir) # read soil parameter based on the FAO soil map: self.readSoilMapOfFAO(iniItems, optionDict) # assign Campbell's (1974) beta coefficient, as well as degree # of saturation at field capacity and corresponding unsaturated hydraulic conductivity # if self.numberOfLayers == 2: self.campbellBetaUpp = self.poreSizeBetaUpp*2.0 + \ self.clappAddCoeff # Campbell's (1974) coefficient ; Rens's line: BCB = 2*BCH + BCH_ADD self.campbellBetaLow = self.poreSizeBetaLow*2.0 + \ self.clappAddCoeff self.effSatAtFieldCapUpp = \ (self.matricSuctionFC / self.airEntryValueUpp)**\ (-1.0/ self.poreSizeBetaUpp ) # saturation degree at field capacity : THEFF_FC = (PSI_FC/PSI_A)**(-1/BCH) self.effSatAtFieldCapUpp = pcr.cover(self.effSatAtFieldCapUpp, 1.0) self.effSatAtFieldCapLow = \ (self.matricSuctionFC / self.airEntryValueLow)**\ (-1.0/ self.poreSizeBetaLow ) self.effSatAtFieldCapLow = pcr.cover(self.effSatAtFieldCapLow, 1.0) self.kUnsatAtFieldCapUpp = pcr.max(0., \ (self.effSatAtFieldCapUpp ** self.campbellBetaUpp) * self.kSatUpp) # unsaturated conductivity at field capacity: KTHEFF_FC = max(0,THEFF_FC[TYPE]**BCB*KS1) self.kUnsatAtFieldCapLow = pcr.max(0., \ (self.effSatAtFieldCapLow ** self.campbellBetaLow) * self.kSatLow) # if self.numberOfLayers == 3: self.campbellBetaUpp000005 = self.poreSizeBetaUpp000005*2.0 + \ self.clappAddCoeff self.campbellBetaUpp005030 = self.poreSizeBetaUpp005030*2.0 + \ self.clappAddCoeff self.campbellBetaLow030150 = self.poreSizeBetaLow030150*2.0 + \ self.clappAddCoeff self.effSatAtFieldCapUpp000005 = \ (self.matricSuctionFC / self.airEntryValueUpp000005)**\ (-1.0/ self.poreSizeBetaUpp000005) self.effSatAtFieldCapUpp005030 = \ (self.matricSuctionFC / self.airEntryValueUpp005030)**\ (-1.0/ self.poreSizeBetaUpp005030) self.effSatAtFieldCapLow030150 = \ (self.matricSuctionFC / self.airEntryValueLow030150)**\ (-1.0/ self.poreSizeBetaLow030150) self.kUnsatAtFieldCapUpp000005 = pcr.max(0., \ (self.effSatAtFieldCapUpp000005 ** self.campbellBetaUpp000005) * self.kSatUpp000005) self.kUnsatAtFieldCapUpp005030 = pcr.max(0., \ (self.effSatAtFieldCapUpp005030 ** self.campbellBetaUpp005030) * self.kSatUpp005030) self.kUnsatAtFieldCapLow030150 = pcr.max(0., \ (self.effSatAtFieldCapLow030150 ** self.campbellBetaLow030150) * self.kSatLow030150) # calculate degree of saturation at which transpiration is halved (50) # and at wilting point # if self.numberOfLayers == 2: self.effSatAt50Upp = (self.matricSuction50/self.airEntryValueUpp)**\ (-1.0/self.poreSizeBetaUpp) self.effSatAt50Upp = pcr.cover(self.effSatAt50Upp, 1.0) self.effSatAt50Low = (self.matricSuction50/self.airEntryValueLow)**\ (-1.0/self.poreSizeBetaLow) self.effSatAt50Low = pcr.cover(self.effSatAt50Low, 1.0) self.effSatAtWiltPointUpp = pcr.cover(\ (self.matricSuctionWP/self.airEntryValueUpp)**\ (-1.0/self.poreSizeBetaUpp), 1.0) self.effSatAtWiltPointLow = pcr.cover(\ (self.matricSuctionWP/self.airEntryValueLow)**\ (-1.0/self.poreSizeBetaLow), 1.0) if self.numberOfLayers == 3: self.effSatAt50Upp000005 = (self.matricSuction50/self.airEntryValueUpp000005)**\ (-1.0/self.poreSizeBetaUpp000005) self.effSatAt50Upp005030 = (self.matricSuction50/self.airEntryValueUpp005030)**\ (-1.0/self.poreSizeBetaUpp005030) self.effSatAt50Low030150 = (self.matricSuction50/self.airEntryValueLow030150)**\ (-1.0/self.poreSizeBetaLow030150) self.effSatAtWiltPointUpp000005 = \ (self.matricSuctionWP/self.airEntryValueUpp000005)**\ (-1.0/self.poreSizeBetaUpp000005) self.effSatAtWiltPointUpp005030 = \ (self.matricSuctionWP/self.airEntryValueUpp005030)**\ (-1.0/self.poreSizeBetaUpp005030) self.effSatAtWiltPointLow030150 = \ (self.matricSuctionWP/self.airEntryValueLow030150)**\ (-1.0/self.poreSizeBetaLow030150) # calculate interflow parameter (TCL): # if self.numberOfLayers == 2: self.interflowConcTime = (self.kSatLow * self.tanslope*2.0) / \ (self.slopeLength * (1.- self.effSatAtFieldCapLow) * \ (self.satVolMoistContLow - self.resVolMoistContLow)) # TCL = Duration*(2*KS2*TANSLOPE)/(LSLOPE*(1-THEFF2_FC)*(THETASAT2-THETARES2)) # if self.numberOfLayers == 3: self.interflowConcTime = (self.kSatLow030150 * self.tanslope*2.0) / \ (self.slopeLength * (1.-self.effSatAtFieldCapLow030150) * \ (self.satVolMoistContLow030150 - self.resVolMoistContLow030150)) self.interflowConcTime = pcr.max( 0.0, pcr.cover(self.interflowConcTime, 0.0))
def initial(self): """ initial part of the lakes module """ # ************************************************************ # ***** LAKES # ************************************************************ settings = LisSettings.instance() option = settings.options binding = settings.binding maskinfo = MaskInfo.instance() if option['simulateLakes']: LakeSitesC = loadmap('LakeSites') LakeSitesC[LakeSitesC < 1] = 0 LakeSitesC[self.var.IsChannel == 0] = 0 # Get rid of any lakes that are not part of the channel network # mask lakes sites when using sub-catchments mask self.var.LakeSitesCC = np.compress(LakeSitesC > 0, LakeSitesC) self.var.LakeIndex = np.nonzero(LakeSitesC)[0] if self.var.LakeSitesCC.size == 0: warnings.warn( LisfloodWarning( 'There are no lakes. Lakes simulation won\'t run')) option['simulateLakes'] = False option['repsimulateLakes'] = False return # break if no lakes self.var.IsStructureKinematic = np.where( LakeSitesC > 0, np.bool8(1), self.var.IsStructureKinematic) # Add lake locations to structures map (used to modify LddKinematic # and to calculate LddStructuresKinematic) # PCRaster part # ----------------------- LakeSitePcr = loadmap('LakeSites', pcr=True) LakeSitePcr = pcraster.ifthen( (pcraster.defined(LakeSitePcr) & pcraster.boolean(decompress(self.var.IsChannel))), LakeSitePcr) IsStructureLake = pcraster.boolean(LakeSitePcr) # additional structure map only for lakes to calculate water balance self.var.IsUpsOfStructureLake = pcraster.downstream( self.var.LddKinematic, pcraster.cover(IsStructureLake, 0)) # Get all pixels just upstream of lakes # ----------------------- self.var.LakeInflowOldCC = np.bincount( self.var.downstruct, weights=self.var.ChanQ)[self.var.LakeIndex] # for Modified Puls Method the Q(inflow)1 has to be used. # It is assumed that this is the same as Q(inflow)2 for the first timestep # has to be checked if this works in forecasting mode! LakeArea = pcraster.lookupscalar(str(binding['TabLakeArea']), LakeSitePcr) LakeAreaC = compressArray(LakeArea) self.var.LakeAreaCC = np.compress(LakeSitesC > 0, LakeAreaC) # Surface area of each lake [m2] LakeA = pcraster.lookupscalar(str(binding['TabLakeA']), LakeSitePcr) LakeAC = compressArray(LakeA) * loadmap('LakeMultiplier') self.var.LakeACC = np.compress(LakeSitesC > 0, LakeAC) # Lake parameter A (suggested value equal to outflow width in [m]) # multiplied with the calibration parameter LakeMultiplier LakeInitialLevelValue = loadmap('LakeInitialLevelValue') if np.max(LakeInitialLevelValue) == -9999: LakeAvNetInflowEstimate = pcraster.lookupscalar( str(binding['TabLakeAvNetInflowEstimate']), LakeSitePcr) LakeAvNetC = compressArray(LakeAvNetInflowEstimate) self.var.LakeAvNetCC = np.compress(LakeSitesC > 0, LakeAvNetC) LakeStorageIniM3CC = self.var.LakeAreaCC * np.sqrt( self.var.LakeAvNetCC / self.var.LakeACC) # Initial lake storage [m3] based on: S = LakeArea * H = LakeArea # * sqrt(Q/a) self.var.LakeLevelCC = LakeStorageIniM3CC / self.var.LakeAreaCC else: self.var.LakeLevelCC = np.compress(LakeSitesC > 0, LakeInitialLevelValue) LakeStorageIniM3CC = self.var.LakeAreaCC * self.var.LakeLevelCC # Initial lake storage [m3] based on: S = LakeArea * H self.var.LakeAvNetCC = np.compress(LakeSitesC > 0, loadmap('PrevDischarge')) LakePrevInflowValue = loadmap('LakePrevInflowValue') if np.max(LakeInitialLevelValue) == -9999: self.var.LakeInflowOldCC = np.bincount( self.var.downstruct, weights=self.var.ChanQ)[self.var.LakeIndex] else: self.var.LakeInflowOldCC = np.compress(LakeSitesC > 0, LakePrevInflowValue) # Repeatedly used expressions in lake routine # NEW Lake Routine using Modified Puls Method (see Maniak, p.331ff) # (Qin1 + Qin2)/2 - (Qout1 + Qout2)/2 = (S2 - S1)/dtime # changed into: # (S2/dtime + Qout2/2) = (S1/dtime + Qout1/2) - Qout1 + (Qin1 + Qin2)/2 # outgoing discharge (Qout) are linked to storage (S) by elevation. # Now some assumption to make life easier: # 1.) storage volume is increase proportional to elevation: S = A * H # H: elevation, A: area of lake # 2.) outgoing discharge = c * b * H **2.0 (c: weir constant, b: width) # 2.0 because it fits to a parabolic cross section see Aigner 2008 # (and it is much easier to calculate (that's the main reason) # c for a perfect weir with mu=0.577 and Poleni: 2/3 mu * sqrt(2*g) = 1.7 # c for a parabolic weir: around 1.8 # because it is a imperfect weir: C = c* 0.85 = 1.5 # results in a formular : Q = 1.5 * b * H ** 2 = a*H**2 -> H = # sqrt(Q/a) self.var.LakeFactor = self.var.LakeAreaCC / ( self.var.DtRouting * np.sqrt(self.var.LakeACC)) # solving the equation (S2/dtime + Qout2/2) = (S1/dtime + Qout1/2) - Qout1 + (Qin1 + Qin2)/2 # SI = (S2/dtime + Qout2/2) = (A*H)/DtRouting + Q/2 = A/(DtRouting*sqrt(a) * sqrt(Q) + Q/2 # -> replacement: A/(DtRouting*sqrt(a)) = Lakefactor, Y = sqrt(Q) # Y**2 + 2*Lakefactor*Y-2*SI=0 # solution of this quadratic equation: # Q=sqr(-LakeFactor+sqrt(sqr(LakeFactor)+2*SI)) self.var.LakeFactorSqr = np.square(self.var.LakeFactor) # for faster calculation inside dynamic section LakeStorageIndicator = LakeStorageIniM3CC / self.var.DtRouting + self.var.LakeAvNetCC / 2 # SI = S/dt + Q/2 LakePrevOutflowValue = loadmap('LakePrevOutflowValue') if np.max(LakePrevOutflowValue) == -9999: self.var.LakeOutflowCC = np.square( -self.var.LakeFactor + np.sqrt(self.var.LakeFactorSqr + 2 * LakeStorageIndicator)) # solution of quadratic equation # it is as easy as this because: # 1. storage volume is increase proportional to elevation # 2. Q= a *H **2.0 (if you choose Q= a *H **1.5 you have to solve # the formula of Cardano) else: self.var.LakeOutflowCC = np.compress(LakeSitesC > 0, LakePrevOutflowValue) self.var.LakeStorageM3CC = LakeStorageIniM3CC.copy() self.var.LakeStorageM3BalanceCC = LakeStorageIniM3CC.copy() self.var.LakeStorageIniM3 = maskinfo.in_zero() self.var.LakeLevel = maskinfo.in_zero() self.var.LakeInflowOld = maskinfo.in_zero() self.var.LakeOutflow = maskinfo.in_zero() np.put(self.var.LakeStorageIniM3, self.var.LakeIndex, LakeStorageIniM3CC) self.var.LakeStorageM3 = self.var.LakeStorageIniM3.copy() np.put(self.var.LakeLevel, self.var.LakeIndex, self.var.LakeLevelCC) np.put(self.var.LakeInflowOld, self.var.LakeIndex, self.var.LakeInflowOldCC) np.put(self.var.LakeOutflow, self.var.LakeIndex, self.var.LakeOutflowCC) self.var.EWLakeCUMM3 = maskinfo.in_zero()
os.remove(tempCloneMap) msg = ' all done' print print # set the global clone maps clone_map_file = "/projects/0/dfguu/users/edwinhs/data/HydroSHEDS/hydro_basin_without_lakes/integrating_ldd/version_9_december_2016/" pcr.setclone(clone_map_file) # boolean maps to mask out permanent water bodies (lakes and reservoirs): reservoirs_30sec_file = "/scratch/shared/edwinsut/reservoirs_and_lakes_30sec/" msg = "Set the (high resolution) reservoirs based on the file: " + str( reservoirs_30sec_file) reservoirs_30sec = pcr.cover(pcr.readmap(reservoirs_30sec_file), pcr.boolean(0.0)) lakes_30sec_file = "/scratch/shared/edwinsut/reservoirs_and_lakes_30sec/" msg = "Set the (high resolution) lakes based on the file: " + str( lakes_30sec_file) lakes_30sec = pcr.cover(pcr.readmap(lakes_30sec_file), pcr.boolean(0.0)) # cells that do not belong lakes and reservoirs non_permanent_water_bodies = pcr.ifthenelse(reservoirs_30sec, pcr.boolean(0.0), pcr.boolean(1.0)) non_permanent_water_bodies = pcr.ifthenelse(lakes_30sec, pcr.boolean(0.0), non_permanent_water_bodies) #~ pcr.aguila(non_permanent_water_bodies) # Convert pcraster files to a netcdt file: msg = "Convert pcraster maps to a netcdf file."
def main(): ### Read input arguments ##### parser = OptionParser() usage = "usage: %prog [options]" parser = OptionParser(usage=usage) parser.add_option('-q', '--quiet', dest='verbose', default=True, action='store_false', help='do not print status messages to stdout') parser.add_option('-i', '--ini', dest='inifile', default='hand_contour_inun.ini', nargs=1, help='ini configuration file') parser.add_option('-f', '--flood_map', nargs=1, dest='flood_map', help='Flood map file (NetCDF point time series file') parser.add_option('-v', '--flood_variable', nargs=1, dest='flood_variable', default='water_level', help='variable name of flood water level') parser.add_option('-b', '--bankfull_map', dest='bankfull_map', default='', help='Map containing bank full level (is subtracted from flood map, in NetCDF)') parser.add_option('-c', '--catchment', dest='catchment_strahler', default=7, type='int', help='Strahler order threshold >= are selected as catchment boundaries') parser.add_option('-t', '--time', dest='time', default='', help='time in YYYYMMDDHHMMSS, overrides time in NetCDF input if set') # parser.add_option('-s', '--hand_strahler', # dest='hand_strahler', default=7, type='int', # help='Strahler order threshold >= selected as riverine') parser.add_option('-m', '--max_strahler', dest = 'max_strahler', default=1000, type='int', help='Maximum Strahler order to loop over') parser.add_option('-d', '--destination', dest='dest_path', default='inun', help='Destination path') parser.add_option('-H', '--hand_file_prefix', dest='hand_file_prefix', default='', help='optional HAND file prefix of already generated HAND files') (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if not os.path.exists(options.inifile): print 'path to ini file cannot be found' sys.exit(1) options.dest_path = os.path.abspath(options.dest_path) if not(os.path.isdir(options.dest_path)): os.makedirs(options.dest_path) # set up the logger flood_name = os.path.split(options.flood_map)[1].split('.')[0] # case_name = 'inun_{:s}_hand_{:02d}_catch_{:02d}'.format(flood_name, options.hand_strahler, options.catchment_strahler) case_name = 'inun_{:s}_catch_{:02d}'.format(flood_name, options.catchment_strahler) logfilename = os.path.join(options.dest_path, 'hand_contour_inun.log') logger, ch = inun_lib.setlogger(logfilename, 'HAND_INUN', options.verbose)'$Id: $')'Flood map: {:s}'.format(options.flood_map))'Bank full map: {:s}'.format(options.bankfull_map))'Destination path: {:s}'.format(options.dest_path)) # read out ini file ### READ CONFIG FILE # open config-file config = inun_lib.open_conf(options.inifile) # read settings options.dem_file = inun_lib.configget(config, 'HighResMaps', 'dem_file', True) options.ldd_file = inun_lib.configget(config, 'HighResMaps', 'ldd_file', True) options.stream_file = inun_lib.configget(config, 'HighResMaps', 'stream_file', True) options.riv_length_fact_file = inun_lib.configget(config, 'wflowResMaps', 'riv_length_fact_file', True) options.ldd_wflow = inun_lib.configget(config, 'wflowResMaps', 'ldd_wflow', True) options.riv_width_file = inun_lib.configget(config, 'wflowResMaps', 'riv_width_file', True) options.file_format = inun_lib.configget(config, 'file_settings', 'file_format', 0, datatype='int') options.out_format = inun_lib.configget(config, 'file_settings', 'out_format', 0, datatype='int') options.latlon = inun_lib.configget(config, 'file_settings', 'latlon', 0, datatype='int') options.x_tile = inun_lib.configget(config, 'tiling', 'x_tile', 10000, datatype='int') options.y_tile = inun_lib.configget(config, 'tiling', 'y_tile', 10000, datatype='int') options.x_overlap = inun_lib.configget(config, 'tiling', 'x_overlap', 1000, datatype='int') options.y_overlap = inun_lib.configget(config, 'tiling', 'y_overlap', 1000, datatype='int') options.iterations = inun_lib.configget(config, 'inundation', 'iterations', 20, datatype='int') options.initial_level = inun_lib.configget(config, 'inundation', 'initial_level', 32., datatype='float') options.flood_volume_type = inun_lib.configget(config, 'inundation', 'flood_volume_type', 0, datatype='int') # options.area_multiplier = inun_lib.configget(config, 'inundation', # 'area_multiplier', 1., datatype='float')'DEM file: {:s}'.format(options.dem_file))'LDD file: {:s}'.format(options.ldd_file))'Columns per tile: {:d}'.format(options.x_tile))'Rows per tile: {:d}'.format(options.y_tile))'Columns overlap: {:d}'.format(options.x_overlap))'Rows overlap: {:d}'.format(options.y_overlap)) metadata_global = {} # add metadata from the section [metadata] meta_keys = config.options('metadata_global') for key in meta_keys: metadata_global[key] = config.get('metadata_global', key) # add a number of metadata variables that are mandatory metadata_global['config_file'] = os.path.abspath(options.inifile) metadata_var = {} metadata_var['units'] = 'm' metadata_var['standard_name'] = 'water_surface_height_above_reference_datum' metadata_var['long_name'] = 'flooding' metadata_var['comment'] = 'water_surface_reference_datum_altitude is given in file {:s}'.format(options.dem_file) if not os.path.exists(options.dem_file): logger.error('path to dem file {:s} cannot be found'.format(options.dem_file)) sys.exit(1) if not os.path.exists(options.ldd_file): logger.error('path to ldd file {:s} cannot be found'.format(options.ldd_file)) sys.exit(1) # Read extent from a GDAL compatible file try: extent = inun_lib.get_gdal_extent(options.dem_file) except: msg = 'Input file {:s} not a gdal compatible file'.format(options.dem_file) inun_lib.close_with_error(logger, ch, msg) sys.exit(1) try: x, y = inun_lib.get_gdal_axes(options.dem_file, logging=logger) srs = inun_lib.get_gdal_projection(options.dem_file, logging=logger) except: msg = 'Input file {:s} not a gdal compatible file'.format(options.dem_file) inun_lib.close_with_error(logger, ch, msg) sys.exit(1) # read history from flood file if options.file_format == 0: a = nc.Dataset(options.flood_map, 'r') metadata_global['history'] = 'Created by: $Id: $, boundary conditions from {:s},\nhistory: {:s}'.format(os.path.abspath(options.flood_map), a.history) a.close() else: metadata_global['history'] = 'Created by: $Id: $, boundary conditions from {:s},\nhistory: {:s}'.format(os.path.abspath(options.flood_map), 'PCRaster file, no history') # first write subcatch maps and hand maps ############### TODO ###### # setup a HAND file for each strahler order max_s = inun_lib.define_max_strahler(options.stream_file, logging=logger) stream_max = np.minimum(max_s, options.max_strahler) for hand_strahler in range(options.catchment_strahler, stream_max + 1, 1): dem_name = os.path.split(options.dem_file)[1].split('.')[0] if os.path.isfile('{:s}_{:02d}.tif'.format(options.hand_file_prefix, hand_strahler)): hand_file = '{:s}_{:02d}.tif'.format(options.hand_file_prefix, hand_strahler) else:'No HAND files with HAND prefix were found, checking {:s}_hand_strahler_{:02d}.tif'.format(dem_name, hand_strahler)) hand_file = os.path.join(options.dest_path, '{:s}_hand_strahler_{:02d}.tif'.format(dem_name, hand_strahler)) if not(os.path.isfile(hand_file)): # hand file does not exist yet! Generate it, otherwise skip!'HAND file {:s} not found, start setting up...please wait...'.format(hand_file)) hand_file_tmp = os.path.join(options.dest_path, '{:s}_hand_strahler_{:02d}.tif.tmp'.format(dem_name, hand_strahler)) ds_hand, band_hand = inun_lib.prepare_gdal(hand_file_tmp, x, y, logging=logger, srs=srs) # band_hand = ds_hand.GetRasterBand(1) # Open terrain data for reading ds_dem, rasterband_dem = inun_lib.get_gdal_rasterband(options.dem_file) ds_ldd, rasterband_ldd = inun_lib.get_gdal_rasterband(options.ldd_file) ds_stream, rasterband_stream = inun_lib.get_gdal_rasterband(options.stream_file) n = 0 for x_loop in range(0, len(x), options.x_tile): x_start = np.maximum(x_loop, 0) x_end = np.minimum(x_loop + options.x_tile, len(x)) # determine actual overlap for cutting for y_loop in range(0, len(y), options.y_tile): x_overlap_min = x_start - np.maximum(x_start - options.x_overlap, 0) x_overlap_max = np.minimum(x_end + options.x_overlap, len(x)) - x_end n += 1 # print('tile {:001d}:'.format(n)) y_start = np.maximum(y_loop, 0) y_end = np.minimum(y_loop + options.y_tile, len(y)) y_overlap_min = y_start - np.maximum(y_start - options.y_overlap, 0) y_overlap_max = np.minimum(y_end + options.y_overlap, len(y)) - y_end # cut out DEM logger.debug('Computing HAND for xmin: {:d} xmax: {:d} ymin {:d} ymax {:d}'.format(x_start, x_end,y_start, y_end)) terrain = rasterband_dem.ReadAsArray(x_start - x_overlap_min, y_start - y_overlap_min, (x_end + x_overlap_max) - (x_start - x_overlap_min), (y_end + y_overlap_max) - (y_start - y_overlap_min) ) drainage = rasterband_ldd.ReadAsArray(x_start - x_overlap_min, y_start - y_overlap_min, (x_end + x_overlap_max) - (x_start - x_overlap_min), (y_end + y_overlap_max) - (y_start - y_overlap_min) ) stream = rasterband_stream.ReadAsArray(x_start - x_overlap_min, y_start - y_overlap_min, (x_end + x_overlap_max) - (x_start - x_overlap_min), (y_end + y_overlap_max) - (y_start - y_overlap_min) ) # write to temporary file terrain_temp_file = os.path.join(options.dest_path, '') drainage_temp_file = os.path.join(options.dest_path, '') stream_temp_file = os.path.join(options.dest_path, '') if rasterband_dem.GetNoDataValue() is not None: inun_lib.gdal_writemap(terrain_temp_file, 'PCRaster', np.arange(0, terrain.shape[1]), np.arange(0, terrain.shape[0]), terrain, rasterband_dem.GetNoDataValue(), gdal_type=gdal.GDT_Float32, logging=logger) else: # in case no nodata value is found logger.warning('No nodata value found in {:s}. assuming -9999'.format(options.dem_file)) inun_lib.gdal_writemap(terrain_temp_file, 'PCRaster', np.arange(0, terrain.shape[1]), np.arange(0, terrain.shape[0]), terrain, -9999., gdal_type=gdal.GDT_Float32, logging=logger) inun_lib.gdal_writemap(drainage_temp_file, 'PCRaster', np.arange(0, terrain.shape[1]), np.arange(0, terrain.shape[0]), drainage, rasterband_ldd.GetNoDataValue(), gdal_type=gdal.GDT_Int32, logging=logger) inun_lib.gdal_writemap(stream_temp_file, 'PCRaster', np.arange(0, terrain.shape[1]), np.arange(0, terrain.shape[0]), stream, rasterband_ldd.GetNoDataValue(), gdal_type=gdal.GDT_Int32, logging=logger) # read as pcr objects pcr.setclone(terrain_temp_file) terrain_pcr = pcr.readmap(terrain_temp_file) drainage_pcr = pcr.lddrepair(pcr.ldd(pcr.readmap(drainage_temp_file))) # convert to ldd type map stream_pcr = pcr.scalar(pcr.readmap(stream_temp_file)) # convert to ldd type map #check if the highest stream order of the tile is below the hand_strahler # if the highest stream order of the tile is smaller than hand_strahler, than DEM values are taken instead of HAND values. max_stream_tile = inun_lib.define_max_strahler(stream_temp_file, logging=logger) if max_stream_tile < hand_strahler: hand_pcr = terrain_pcr'For this tile, DEM values are used instead of HAND because there is no stream order larger than {:02d}'.format(hand_strahler)) else: # compute streams stream_ge, subcatch = inun_lib.subcatch_stream(drainage_pcr, hand_strahler, stream=stream_pcr) # generate streams # compute basins stream_ge_dummy, subcatch = inun_lib.subcatch_stream(drainage_pcr, options.catchment_strahler, stream=stream_pcr) # generate streams basin = pcr.boolean(subcatch) hand_pcr, dist_pcr = inun_lib.derive_HAND(terrain_pcr, drainage_pcr, 3000, rivers=pcr.boolean(stream_ge), basin=basin) # convert to numpy hand = pcr.pcr2numpy(hand_pcr, -9999.) # cut relevant part if y_overlap_max == 0: y_overlap_max = -hand.shape[0] if x_overlap_max == 0: x_overlap_max = -hand.shape[1] hand_cut = hand[0+y_overlap_min:-y_overlap_max, 0+x_overlap_min:-x_overlap_max] band_hand.WriteArray(hand_cut, x_start, y_start) os.unlink(terrain_temp_file) os.unlink(drainage_temp_file) os.unlink(stream_temp_file) band_hand.FlushCache() ds_dem = None ds_ldd = None ds_stream = None band_hand.SetNoDataValue(-9999.) ds_hand = None'Finalizing {:s}'.format(hand_file)) # rename temporary file to final hand file os.rename(hand_file_tmp, hand_file) else:'HAND file {:s} already exists...skipping...'.format(hand_file)) ##################################################################################### # HAND file has now been prepared, moving to flood mapping part # ##################################################################################### # set the clone pcr.setclone(options.ldd_wflow) # read wflow ldd as pcraster object ldd_pcr = pcr.readmap(options.ldd_wflow) xax, yax, riv_width, fill_value = inun_lib.gdal_readmap(options.riv_width_file, 'GTiff', logging=logger) # determine cell length in meters using ldd_pcr as clone (if latlon=True, values are converted to m2 x_res, y_res, reallength_wflow = pcrut.detRealCellLength(pcr.scalar(ldd_pcr), not(bool(options.latlon))) cell_surface_wflow = pcr.pcr2numpy(x_res * y_res, 0) if options.flood_volume_type == 0: # load the staticmaps needed to estimate volumes across all # xax, yax, riv_length, fill_value = inun_lib.gdal_readmap(options.riv_length_file, 'GTiff', logging=logger) # riv_length =, riv_length) xax, yax, riv_width, fill_value = inun_lib.gdal_readmap(options.riv_width_file, 'GTiff', logging=logger) riv_width[riv_width == fill_value] = 0 # read river length factor file (multiplier) xax, yax, riv_length_fact, fill_value = inun_lib.gdal_readmap(options.riv_length_fact_file, 'GTiff', logging=logger) riv_length_fact =, riv_length_fact) drain_length = wflow_lib.detdrainlength(ldd_pcr, x_res, y_res) # compute river length in each cell riv_length = pcr.pcr2numpy(drain_length, 0) * riv_length_fact # riv_length_pcr = pcr.numpy2pcr(pcr.Scalar, riv_length, 0) flood_folder = os.path.join(options.dest_path, case_name) flood_vol_map = os.path.join(flood_folder, '{:s}_vol.tif'.format(os.path.split(options.flood_map)[1].split('.')[0])) if not(os.path.isdir(flood_folder)): os.makedirs(flood_folder) if options.out_format == 0: inun_file_tmp = os.path.join(flood_folder, '{:s}.tif.tmp'.format(case_name)) inun_file = os.path.join(flood_folder, '{:s}.tif'.format(case_name)) else: inun_file_tmp = os.path.join(flood_folder, '{:s}.nc.tmp'.format(case_name)) inun_file = os.path.join(flood_folder, '{:s}.nc'.format(case_name)) hand_temp_file = os.path.join(flood_folder, '') drainage_temp_file = os.path.join(flood_folder, '') stream_temp_file = os.path.join(flood_folder, '') flood_vol_temp_file = os.path.join(flood_folder, 'flood_warp_temp.tif') # load the data with river levels and compute the volumes if options.file_format == 0: # assume we need the maximum value in a NetCDF time series grid'Reading flood from {:s} NetCDF file'.format(options.flood_map)) a = nc.Dataset(options.flood_map, 'r') if options.latlon == 0: xax = a.variables['x'][:] yax = a.variables['y'][:] else: xax = a.variables['lon'][:] yax = a.variables['lat'][:] if options.time == '': time_list = nc.num2date(a.variables['time'][:], units = a.variables['time'].units, calendar=a.variables['time'].calendar) time = [time_list[len(time_list)/2]] else: time = [dt.datetime.strptime(options.time, '%Y%m%d%H%M%S')] flood_series = a.variables[options.flood_variable][:] flood_data = flood_series.max(axis=0) if flood = flood[flood_data.mask] = 0 if yax[-1] > yax[0]: yax = np.flipud(yax) flood = np.flipud(flood) a.close() elif options.file_format == 1:'Reading flood from {:s} PCRaster file'.format(options.flood_map)) xax, yax, flood, flood_fill_value = inun_lib.gdal_readmap(options.flood_map, 'PCRaster', logging=logger) flood =, flood_fill_value) if options.time == '': options.time = '20000101000000' time = [dt.datetime.strptime(options.time, '%Y%m%d%H%M%S')] flood[flood==flood_fill_value] = 0. # load the bankfull depths if options.bankfull_map == '': bankfull = np.zeros(flood.shape) else: if options.file_format == 0:'Reading bankfull from {:s} NetCDF file'.format(options.bankfull_map)) a = nc.Dataset(options.bankfull_map, 'r') xax = a.variables['x'][:] yax = a.variables['y'][:] bankfull_series = a.variables[options.flood_variable][:] bankfull_data = bankfull_series.max(axis=0) if bankfull = bankfull[bankfull_data.mask] = 0 if yax[-1] > yax[0]: yax = np.flipud(yax) bankfull = np.flipud(bankfull) a.close() elif options.file_format == 1:'Reading bankfull from {:s} PCRaster file'.format(options.bankfull_map)) xax, yax, bankfull, bankfull_fill_value = inun_lib.gdal_readmap(options.bankfull_map, 'PCRaster', logging=logger) bankfull =, bankfull_fill_value) # flood = bankfull*2 # res_x = 2000 # res_y = 2000 # subtract the bankfull water level to get flood levels (above bankfull) flood_vol = np.maximum(flood-bankfull, 0) if options.flood_volume_type == 0: flood_vol_m = riv_length*riv_width*flood_vol/cell_surface_wflow # volume expressed in meters water disc flood_vol_m_pcr = pcr.numpy2pcr(pcr.Scalar, flood_vol_m, 0) else: flood_vol_m = flood_vol/cell_surface_wflow flood_vol_m_data = flood_vol_m_data[flood_vol_m.mask] = -999.'Saving water layer map to {:s}'.format(flood_vol_map)) # write to a tiff file inun_lib.gdal_writemap(flood_vol_map, 'GTiff', xax, yax, np.maximum(flood_vol_m_data, 0), -999., logging=logger) # this is placed later in the hand loop # ds_hand, rasterband_hand = inun_lib.get_gdal_rasterband(hand_file) ds_ldd, rasterband_ldd = inun_lib.get_gdal_rasterband(options.ldd_file) ds_stream, rasterband_stream = inun_lib.get_gdal_rasterband(options.stream_file)'Preparing flood map in {:s} ...please wait...'.format(inun_file)) if options.out_format == 0: ds_inun, band_inun = inun_lib.prepare_gdal(inun_file_tmp, x, y, logging=logger, srs=srs) # band_inun = ds_inun.GetRasterBand(1) else: ds_inun, band_inun = inun_lib.prepare_nc(inun_file_tmp, time, x, np.flipud(y), metadata=metadata_global, metadata_var=metadata_var, logging=logger) # loop over all the tiles n = 0 for x_loop in range(0, len(x), options.x_tile): x_start = np.maximum(x_loop, 0) x_end = np.minimum(x_loop + options.x_tile, len(x)) # determine actual overlap for cutting for y_loop in range(0, len(y), options.y_tile): x_overlap_min = x_start - np.maximum(x_start - options.x_overlap, 0) x_overlap_max = np.minimum(x_end + options.x_overlap, len(x)) - x_end n += 1 # print('tile {:001d}:'.format(n)) y_start = np.maximum(y_loop, 0) y_end = np.minimum(y_loop + options.y_tile, len(y)) y_overlap_min = y_start - np.maximum(y_start - options.y_overlap, 0) y_overlap_max = np.minimum(y_end + options.y_overlap, len(y)) - y_end x_tile_ax = x[x_start - x_overlap_min:x_end + x_overlap_max] y_tile_ax = y[y_start - y_overlap_min:y_end + y_overlap_max] # cut out DEM logger.debug('handling xmin: {:d} xmax: {:d} ymin {:d} ymax {:d}'.format(x_start, x_end, y_start, y_end)) drainage = rasterband_ldd.ReadAsArray(x_start - x_overlap_min, y_start - y_overlap_min, (x_end + x_overlap_max) - (x_start - x_overlap_min), (y_end + y_overlap_max) - (y_start - y_overlap_min) ) stream = rasterband_stream.ReadAsArray(x_start - x_overlap_min, y_start - y_overlap_min, (x_end + x_overlap_max) - (x_start - x_overlap_min), (y_end + y_overlap_max) - (y_start - y_overlap_min) ) # stream_max = np.minimum(stream.max(), options.max_strahler) inun_lib.gdal_writemap(drainage_temp_file, 'PCRaster', x_tile_ax, y_tile_ax, drainage, rasterband_ldd.GetNoDataValue(), gdal_type=gdal.GDT_Int32, logging=logger) inun_lib.gdal_writemap(stream_temp_file, 'PCRaster', x_tile_ax, y_tile_ax, stream, rasterband_stream.GetNoDataValue(), gdal_type=gdal.GDT_Int32, logging=logger) # read as pcr objects pcr.setclone(stream_temp_file) drainage_pcr = pcr.lddrepair(pcr.ldd(pcr.readmap(drainage_temp_file))) # convert to ldd type map stream_pcr = pcr.scalar(pcr.readmap(stream_temp_file)) # convert to ldd type map # warp of flood volume to inundation resolution inun_lib.gdal_warp(flood_vol_map, stream_temp_file, flood_vol_temp_file, gdal_interp=gdalconst.GRA_NearestNeighbour) # , x_tile_ax, y_tile_ax, flood_meter, fill_value = inun_lib.gdal_readmap(flood_vol_temp_file, 'GTiff', logging=logger) # make sure that the option unittrue is on !! (if unitcell was is used in another function) x_res_tile, y_res_tile, reallength = pcrut.detRealCellLength(pcr.scalar(stream_pcr), not(bool(options.latlon))) cell_surface_tile = pcr.pcr2numpy(x_res_tile * y_res_tile, 0) # convert meter depth to volume [m3] flood_vol = pcr.numpy2pcr(pcr.Scalar, flood_meter*cell_surface_tile, fill_value) # first prepare a basin map, belonging to the lowest order we are looking at inundation_pcr = pcr.scalar(stream_pcr) * 0 for hand_strahler in range(options.catchment_strahler, stream_max + 1, 1): # hand_temp_file = os.path.join(flood_folder, '') if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(options.dest_path, '{:s}_hand_strahler_{:02d}.tif'.format(dem_name, hand_strahler))): hand_file = os.path.join(options.dest_path, '{:s}_hand_strahler_{:02d}.tif'.format(dem_name, hand_strahler)) else: hand_file = '{:s}_{:02d}.tif'.format(options.hand_file_prefix, hand_strahler) ds_hand, rasterband_hand = inun_lib.get_gdal_rasterband(hand_file) hand = rasterband_hand.ReadAsArray(x_start - x_overlap_min, y_start - y_overlap_min, (x_end + x_overlap_max) - (x_start - x_overlap_min), (y_end + y_overlap_max) - (y_start - y_overlap_min) ) print('len x-ax: {:d} len y-ax {:d} x-shape {:d} y-shape {:d}'.format(len(x_tile_ax), len(y_tile_ax), hand.shape[1], hand.shape[0])) inun_lib.gdal_writemap(hand_temp_file, 'PCRaster', x_tile_ax, y_tile_ax, hand, rasterband_hand.GetNoDataValue(), gdal_type=gdal.GDT_Float32, logging=logger) hand_pcr = pcr.readmap(hand_temp_file) stream_ge_hand, subcatch_hand = inun_lib.subcatch_stream(drainage_pcr, options.catchment_strahler, stream=stream_pcr) # stream_ge_hand, subcatch_hand = inun_lib.subcatch_stream(drainage_pcr, hand_strahler, stream=stream_pcr) stream_ge, subcatch = inun_lib.subcatch_stream(drainage_pcr, options.catchment_strahler, stream=stream_pcr, basin=pcr.boolean(pcr.cover(subcatch_hand, 0)), assign_existing=True, min_strahler=hand_strahler, max_strahler=hand_strahler) # generate subcatchments, only within basin for HAND flood_vol_strahler = pcr.ifthenelse(pcr.boolean(pcr.cover(subcatch, 0)), flood_vol, 0) # mask the flood volume map with the created subcatch map for strahler order = hand_strahler inundation_pcr_step = inun_lib.volume_spread(drainage_pcr, hand_pcr, pcr.subcatchment(drainage_pcr, subcatch), # to make sure backwater effects can occur from higher order rivers to lower order rivers flood_vol_strahler, volume_thres=0., iterations=options.iterations, cell_surface=pcr.numpy2pcr(pcr.Scalar, cell_surface_tile, -9999), logging=logger, order=hand_strahler) # 1166400000. # use maximum value of inundation_pcr_step and new inundation for higher strahler order inundation_pcr = pcr.max(inundation_pcr, inundation_pcr_step) inundation = pcr.pcr2numpy(inundation_pcr, -9999.) # cut relevant part if y_overlap_max == 0: y_overlap_max = -inundation.shape[0] if x_overlap_max == 0: x_overlap_max = -inundation.shape[1] inundation_cut = inundation[0+y_overlap_min:-y_overlap_max, 0+x_overlap_min:-x_overlap_max] # inundation_cut if options.out_format == 0: band_inun.WriteArray(inundation_cut, x_start, y_start) band_inun.FlushCache() else: # with netCDF, data is up-side-down. inun_lib.write_tile_nc(band_inun, inundation_cut, x_start, y_start) # clean up os.unlink(flood_vol_temp_file) os.unlink(drainage_temp_file) os.unlink(hand_temp_file) os.unlink(stream_temp_file) #also remove temp stream file from output folder # if n == 35: # band_inun.SetNoDataValue(-9999.) # ds_inun = None # sys.exit(0) # os.unlink(flood_vol_map)'Finalizing {:s}'.format(inun_file)) # add the metadata to the file and band # band_inun.SetNoDataValue(-9999.) # ds_inun.SetMetadata(metadata_global) # band_inun.SetMetadata(metadata_var) if options.out_format == 0: ds_inun = None ds_hand = None else: ds_inun.close() ds_ldd = None # rename temporary file to final hand file if os.path.isfile(inun_file): # remove an old result if available os.unlink(inun_file) os.rename(inun_file_tmp, inun_file)'Done! Thank you for using') logger, ch = inun_lib.closeLogger(logger, ch) del logger, ch sys.exit(0)
def main(): # output folder clean_out_folder = True if os.path.exists(out_folder): if clean_out_folder: shutil.rmtree(out_folder) os.makedirs(out_folder) else: os.makedirs(out_folder) os.chdir(out_folder) os.system("pwd") # tmp folder tmp_folder = out_folder + "/tmp/" if os.path.exists(tmp_folder): shutil.rmtree(tmp_folder) os.makedirs(tmp_folder) # set the clone map print("set the clone map") pcr.setclone(global_clone_map_file) # read ldd map print("define the ldd") # ~ ldd_map = pcr.readmap(global_ldd_inp_file) ldd_map = pcr.lddrepair(pcr.lddrepair(pcr.ldd(vos.readPCRmapClone(v = global_ldd_inp_file, \ cloneMapFileName = global_clone_map_file, \ tmpDir = tmp_folder, \ absolutePath = None, \ isLddMap = True, \ cover = None, \ isNomMap = False)))) # ~ # - extend ldd (not needed) # ~ ldd_map = pcr.ifthen(landmask, pcr.cover(ldd_map, pcr.ldd(5))) # define the landmask print("define the landmask based on the ldd input") # ~ landmask = pcr.defined(pcr.readmap(global_ldd_inp_file)) landmask = pcr.defined(ldd_map) landmask = pcr.ifthen(landmask, landmask) # save ldd files used # - global ldd cmd = "cp " + str(global_ldd_inp_file) + " ." print(cmd) os.system(cmd) # - ldd map that is used, "") # make catchment map print("make catchment map") catchment_map = pcr.catchment(ldd_map, pcr.pit(ldd_map)) # read global subdomain file print("read global subdomain file") global_subdomain_map = vos.readPCRmapClone( v=global_subdomain_file, cloneMapFileName=global_clone_map_file, tmpDir=tmp_folder, absolutePath=None, isLddMap=False, cover=None, isNomMap=True) # set initial subdomain print("assign subdomains to all catchments") subdomains_initial = pcr.areamajority(global_subdomain_map, catchment_map) subdomains_initial = pcr.ifthen(landmask, subdomains_initial) pcr.aguila(subdomains_initial), "") print(str(int(vos.getMinMaxMean(pcr.scalar(subdomains_initial))[0]))) print(str(int(vos.getMinMaxMean(pcr.scalar(subdomains_initial))[1]))) print("Checking all subdomains, avoid too large subdomains") num_of_masks = int(vos.getMinMaxMean(pcr.scalar(subdomains_initial))[1]) # clone code that will be assigned assigned_number = 0 subdomains_final = pcr.ifthen( pcr.scalar(subdomains_initial) < -7777, pcr.nominal(0)) for nr in range(1, num_of_masks + 1, 1): msg = "Processing the landmask %s" % (str(nr)) print(msg) mask_selected_boolean = pcr.ifthen(subdomains_initial == nr, pcr.boolean(1.0)) process_this_clone = False if pcr.cellvalue(pcr.mapmaximum(pcr.scalar(mask_selected_boolean)), 1, 1)[0] > 0: process_this_clone = True # ~ if nr == 1: pcr.aguila(mask_selected_boolean) # - initial check value check_ok = True if process_this_clone: xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = boundingBox(mask_selected_boolean) area_in_degree2 = (xmax - xmin) * (ymax - ymin) # ~ print(str(area_in_degree2)) # check whether the size of bounding box is ok reference_area_in_degree2 = 2500. if area_in_degree2 > 1.50 * reference_area_in_degree2: check_ok = False if (xmax - xmin) > 10 * (ymax - ymin): check_ok = False if check_ok == True and process_this_clone == True: msg = "Clump is not needed." msg = "\n\n" + str(msg) + "\n\n" print(msg) # assign the clone code assigned_number = assigned_number + 1 # update global landmask for river and land mask_selected_nominal = pcr.ifthen(mask_selected_boolean, pcr.nominal(assigned_number)) subdomains_final = pcr.cover(subdomains_final, mask_selected_nominal) if check_ok == False and process_this_clone == True: msg = "Clump is needed." msg = "\n\n" + str(msg) + "\n\n" print(msg) # make clump clump_ids = pcr.nominal(pcr.clump(mask_selected_boolean)) # merge clumps that are close together clump_ids_window_majority = pcr.windowmajority(clump_ids, 10.0) clump_ids = pcr.areamajority(clump_ids_window_majority, clump_ids) # ~ pcr.aguila(clump_ids) # minimimum and maximum values min_clump_id = int( pcr.cellvalue(pcr.mapminimum(pcr.scalar(clump_ids)), 1)[0]) max_clump_id = int( pcr.cellvalue(pcr.mapmaximum(pcr.scalar(clump_ids)), 1)[0]) for clump_id in range(min_clump_id, max_clump_id + 1, 1): msg = "Processing the clump %s of %s from the landmask %s" % ( str(clump_id), str(max_clump_id), str(nr)) msg = "\n\n" + str(msg) + "\n\n" print(msg) # identify mask based on the clump mask_selected_boolean_from_clump = pcr.ifthen( clump_ids == pcr.nominal(clump_id), mask_selected_boolean) mask_selected_boolean_from_clump = pcr.ifthen( mask_selected_boolean_from_clump, mask_selected_boolean_from_clump) # check whether the clump is empty check_mask_selected_boolean_from_clump = pcr.ifthen( mask_selected_boolean, mask_selected_boolean_from_clump) check_if_empty = float( pcr.cellvalue( pcr.mapmaximum( pcr.scalar( pcr.defined( check_mask_selected_boolean_from_clump))), 1)[0]) if check_if_empty == 0.0: msg = "Map is empty !" msg = "\n\n" + str(msg) + "\n\n" print(msg) else: msg = "Map is NOT empty !" msg = "\n\n" + str(msg) + "\n\n" print(msg) # assign the clone code assigned_number = assigned_number + 1 # update global landmask for river and land mask_selected_nominal = pcr.ifthen( mask_selected_boolean_from_clump, pcr.nominal(assigned_number)) subdomains_final = pcr.cover(subdomains_final, mask_selected_nominal) # ~ # kill all aguila processes if exist # ~ os.system('killall aguila') pcr.aguila(subdomains_final) print("") print("") print("") print("The subdomain map is READY."), "") num_of_masks = int(vos.getMinMaxMean(pcr.scalar(subdomains_final))[1]) print(num_of_masks) print("") print("") print("") print("Making the clone and landmask maps for all subdomains") num_of_masks = int(vos.getMinMaxMean(pcr.scalar(subdomains_final))[1]) # clone and mask folders clone_folder = out_folder + "/clone/" if os.path.exists(clone_folder): shutil.rmtree(clone_folder) os.makedirs(clone_folder) mask_folder = out_folder + "/mask/" if os.path.exists(mask_folder): shutil.rmtree(mask_folder) os.makedirs(mask_folder) print("") print("") for nr in range(1, num_of_masks + 1, 1): msg = "Processing the subdomain %s" % (str(nr)) print(msg) # set the global clone pcr.setclone(global_clone_map_file) mask_selected_boolean = pcr.ifthen(subdomains_final == nr, pcr.boolean(1.0)) mask_selected_nominal = pcr.ifthen(subdomains_final == nr, pcr.nominal(nr)) mask_file = "mask/" % (str(nr)), mask_file) xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = boundingBox(mask_selected_boolean) area_in_degree2 = (xmax - xmin) * (ymax - ymin) print( str(nr) + " ; " + str(area_in_degree2) + " ; " + str((xmax - xmin)) + " ; " + str((ymax - ymin))) # cellsize in arcdegree cellsize = cellsize_in_arcmin / 60. # number of rows and cols num_rows = int(round(ymax - ymin) / cellsize) num_cols = int(round(xmax - xmin) / cellsize) # make the clone map using mapattr clonemap_mask_file = "clone/" % (str(nr)) cmd = "mapattr -s -R %s -C %s -B -P yb2t -x %s -y %s -l %s %s" % ( str(num_rows), str(num_cols), str(xmin), str(ymax), str(cellsize), clonemap_mask_file) print(cmd) os.system(cmd) # set the local landmask for the clump pcr.setclone(clonemap_mask_file) local_mask = vos.readPCRmapClone(v = mask_file, \ cloneMapFileName = clonemap_mask_file, tmpDir = tmp_folder, \ absolutePath = None, isLddMap = False, cover = None, isNomMap = True) local_mask_boolean = pcr.defined(local_mask) local_mask_boolean = pcr.ifthen(local_mask_boolean, local_mask_boolean), mask_file) print("") print("") print("") print(num_of_masks)
def dynamic(self): ##################### # * dynamic section # ##################### #-evaluation of the current date: return current month and the time step used #-reading in fluxes over land and water area for current time step [m/d] # and read in reservoir demand and surface water extraction [m3] try: self.landSurfaceQ = clippedRead.get( pcrm.generateNameT(landSurfaceQFileName, self.currentTimeStep())) except: pass try: self.potWaterSurfaceQ = clippedRead.get( pcrm.generateNameT(waterSurfaceQFileName, self.currentTimeStep())) except: pass #-surface water extraction and reservoir demand currently set to zero, should # be computed automatically and updated to reservoirs self.potSurfaceWaterExtraction = pcr.spatial(pcr.scalar(0.)) #self.waterBodies.demand= #self.reservoirDemandTSS.assignID(self.waterBodies.ID,self.currentTimeStep(),0.)*self.timeSec #-initialization of cumulative values of actual water extractions self.actWaterSurfaceQ = pcr.spatial(pcr.scalar(0.)) self.actSurfaceWaterExtraction = pcr.spatial(pcr.scalar(0.)) #-definition of sub-loop for routing scheme - explicit scheme has to satisfy Courant condition timeLimit= pcr.cellvalue(pcr.mapminimum((pcr.cover(pcr.ifthen(self.waterBodies.distribution == 0,\ self.channelLength/self.flowVelocity),\ self.timeSec/self.nrIterDefault)*self.timeSec/self.nrIterDefault)**0.5),1)[0] nrIter = int(self.timeSec / timeLimit) nrIter = min(nrIter, int(self.timeSec / 300.)) while float(self.timeSec / nrIter) % 1 <> 0: nrIter += 1 deltaTime = self.timeSec / nrIter #-sub-loop for current time step if == 1 or nrIter >= 24: print '\n*\tprocessing %s, currently using %d substeps of %d seconds\n' % \ (,nrIter,deltaTime) #-update discharge and storage for nrICur in range(nrIter): #-initializing discharge for the current sub-timestep and fill in values # for channels and at outlets of waterbodies # * channels * estQ= pcr.ifthenelse((self.actualStorage > 0.) & (self.waterBodies.distribution == 0) ,\ (self.wettedArea/self.alphaQ)**(1./self.betaQ),0.) #estQ= pcr.ifthenelse((self.actualStorage > 0.) & (self.waterBodies.distribution == 0) ,\ #0.5*(self.Q+(self.wettedArea/self.alphaQ)**(1./self.betaQ)),0.) #estQ= pcr.min(estQ,self.actualStorage/deltaTime), 'results/qest') self.Q = pcr.spatial(pcr.scalar(0.)) self.Q= pcr.ifthenelse(self.waterBodies.distribution == 0,\ pcr.kinematic(self.channelLDD,estQ,0.,self.alphaQ,\ self.betaQ,1,deltaTime,self.channelLength),self.Q) # * water bodies * self.waterBodies.dischargeUpdate() self.Q = self.waterBodies.returnMapValue(self.Q, self.waterBodies.actualQ) #-fluxes and resulting change in storage: first the local fluxes are evaluated # and aggregated over the water bodies where applicable; this includes the specific runoff [m/day/m2] # from input and the estimated extraction from surface water as volume per day [m3/day]; # specific runoff from the land surface is always positive whereas the fluxes over the water surface # are potential, including discharge, and are adjusted to match the availabe storage; to this end, # surface water storage and fluxes over water bodies are totalized and assigned to the outlet; # discharge is updated in a separate step, after vertical fluxes are compared to the actual storage deltaActualStorage= ((self.landFraction*self.landSurfaceQ+\ self.waterFraction*self.potWaterSurfaceQ)*self.cellArea-\ self.potSurfaceWaterExtraction)*float(self.duration)/nrIter deltaActualStorage= pcr.ifthenelse(self.waterBodies.distribution != 0,\ pcr.ifthenelse(self.waterBodies.location != 0,\ pcr.areatotal(deltaActualStorage,self.waterBodies.distribution),0),\ deltaActualStorage) adjustmentRatio= pcr.ifthenelse(deltaActualStorage < 0.,\ pcr.min(1.,-self.actualStorage/deltaActualStorage),1.) self.actWaterSurfaceQ += adjustmentRatio * self.potWaterSurfaceQ self.actSurfaceWaterExtraction += adjustmentRatio * self.actSurfaceWaterExtraction deltaActualStorage *= adjustmentRatio #-local water balance check if testLocalWaterBalance: differenceActualStorage = self.actualStorage differenceActualStorage += deltaActualStorage #-overall water balance check: net input self.cumulativeDeltaStorage += pcr.catchmenttotal( deltaActualStorage, self.LDD) #-update storage first with local changes, then balance discharge with storage and update storage # with lateral flow and return value to water bodies self.actualStorage += deltaActualStorage self.actualStorage = pcr.max(0., self.actualStorage) self.Q = pcr.min(self.Q, self.actualStorage / deltaTime) deltaActualStorage = (-self.Q + pcr.upstream(self.LDD, self.Q)) * deltaTime deltaActualStorage= pcr.ifthenelse(self.waterBodies.distribution != 0,\ pcr.ifthenelse(self.waterBodies.location != 0,\ pcr.areatotal(deltaActualStorage,self.waterBodies.distribution),0),\ deltaActualStorage) self.actualStorage += deltaActualStorage self.actualStorage = pcr.max(0., self.actualStorage) self.waterBodies.actualStorage = self.waterBodies.retrieveMapValue( self.actualStorage) #-flooded fraction returned floodedFraction,floodedDepth,\ self.wettedArea,self.alphaQ= self.kinAlphaComposite(self.actualStorage,self.floodplainMask) self.wettedArea= self.waterBodies.returnMapValue(self.wettedArea,\ self.waterBodies.channelWidth+2.*self.waterBodies.updateWaterHeight()) self.waterFraction= pcr.ifthenelse(self.waterBodies.distribution == 0,\ pcr.max(self.waterFractionMask,floodedFraction),self.waterFractionMask) self.landFraction = pcr.max(0., 1. - self.waterFraction) self.flowVelocity = pcr.ifthenelse(self.wettedArea > 0, self.Q / self.wettedArea, 0.) #-local water balance check if testLocalWaterBalance: differenceActualStorage += deltaActualStorage differenceActualStorage -= self.actualStorage totalDifference = pcr.cellvalue( pcr.maptotal(differenceActualStorage), 1)[0] minimumDifference = pcr.cellvalue( pcr.mapminimum(differenceActualStorage), 1)[0] maximumDifference = pcr.cellvalue( pcr.mapmaximum(differenceActualStorage), 1)[0] if abs(totalDifference) > 1.e-3: print 'water balance error: total %e; min %e; max %e' %\ (totalDifference,minimumDifference,maximumDifference) if reportLocalWaterBalance:, '' % #-overall water balance check: updating cumulative discharge and total storage [m3] self.totalDischarge += self.Q * deltaTime self.totalStorage = pcr.catchmenttotal(self.actualStorage, self.LDD) #-check on occurrence of last day and report mass balance if self.currentDate == self.endDate: #-report initial maps, self.QIniMap), self.actualStorageIniMap) #-return relative and absolute water balance error per cell and # as total at basin outlets self.totalDischarge= pcr.ifthen((self.waterBodies.distribution == 0) | \ (self.waterBodies.location != 0),self.totalDischarge) self.cumulativeDeltaStorage= pcr.ifthen((self.waterBodies.distribution == 0) | \ (self.waterBodies.location != 0),self.cumulativeDeltaStorage) massBalanceError= self.totalStorage+self.totalDischarge-\ self.cumulativeDeltaStorage relMassBalanceError = 1. + pcr.ifthenelse( self.cumulativeDeltaStorage <> 0., massBalanceError / self.cumulativeDeltaStorage, 0.) totalMassBalanceError= pcr.cellvalue(pcr.maptotal(pcr.ifthen(self.basinOutlet,\ massBalanceError)),1)[0] totalCumulativeDeltaStorage= pcr.cellvalue(pcr.maptotal(pcr.ifthen(self.basinOutlet,\ self.cumulativeDeltaStorage)),1)[0] if totalCumulativeDeltaStorage > 0: totalRelativeMassBalanceError = 1. + totalMassBalanceError / totalCumulativeDeltaStorage else: totalRelativeMassBalanceError = 1. #-report maps and echo value, mbeFileName), mbrFileName) print '\n*\ttotal global mass balance error [m3]: %8.3g' % totalMassBalanceError print '\n*\trelative global mass balance error [-]: %5.3f' % totalRelativeMassBalanceError #-echo to screen: total mass balance error and completion of run print '\trun completed' #-end of day: return states and fluxes #-get surface water attributes? if getSurfaceWaterAttributes: #-compute the following secondary variables: # surface water area [m2]: area given dynamic surface water fraction # residence time [days]: volume over discharge, assigned -1 in case discharge is zero # surface water depth [m], weighed by channel and floodplain volume surfaceWaterArea = self.waterFraction * self.cellArea surfaceWaterArea= pcr.ifthenelse(self.waterBodies.distribution != 0,\ pcr.ifthenelse(self.waterBodies.location != 0,\ pcr.areatotal(surfaceWaterArea,self.waterBodies.distribution),0),\ surfaceWaterArea) surfaceWaterResidenceTime = pcr.ifthenelse( self.Q > 0., self.actualStorage / (self.Q * self.timeSec), -1) surfaceWaterDepth= pcr.ifthenelse(self.actualStorage > 0.,\ pcr.max(0.,self.actualStorage-self.channelStorageCapacity)**2/\ (self.actualStorage*surfaceWaterArea),0.) surfaceWaterDepth+= pcr.ifthenelse(self.actualStorage > 0.,\ pcr.min(self.channelStorageCapacity,self.actualStorage)**2/(self.waterFractionMask*\ self.cellArea*self.actualStorage),0.) #-reports: values at outlet of lakes or reservoirs are assigned to their full extent != 0,\ pcr.areamaximum(surfaceWaterArea,self.waterBodies.distribution),surfaceWaterArea),\ surfaceWaterAreaFileName) != 0,\ pcr.areamaximum(surfaceWaterResidenceTime,self.waterBodies.distribution),surfaceWaterResidenceTime),\ surfaceWaterResidenceTimeFileName) != 0,\ pcr.areamaximum(surfaceWaterDepth,self.waterBodies.distribution),surfaceWaterDepth),\ surfaceWaterDepthFileName) #-reports on standard output: values at outlet of lakes or reservoirs are assigned to their full extent pcr.ifthenelse( self.waterBodies.distribution != 0, pcr.areamaximum(self.flowVelocity, self.waterBodies.distribution), self.flowVelocity), flowVelocityFileName) pcr.ifthenelse( self.waterBodies.distribution != 0, pcr.areamaximum(self.Q, self.waterBodies.distribution), self.Q), QFileName) == 0,\ floodedFraction,0.),floodedFractionFileName) == 0,\ floodedDepth,0.),floodedDepthFileName), actualStorageFileName) #-update date for time step and report relevant daily output self.currentDate = self.currentDate + datetime.timedelta(self.duration)
def update(self, landSurface, routing, currTimeStep): if self.debugWaterBalance: preStorGroundwater = self.storGroundwater preStorGroundwaterFossil = self.storGroundwaterFossil # get riverbed infiltration from the previous time step (from routing) self.surfaceWaterInf = routing.riverbedExchange/routing.cellArea # m self.storGroundwater += self.surfaceWaterInf # get net recharge (percolation-capRise) and update storage: self.storGroundwater = pcr.max(0., self.storGroundwater + landSurface.gwRecharge) # potential groundwater abstraction (unit: m) potGroundwaterAbstract = landSurface.totalPotentialGrossDemand -\ landSurface.allocSurfaceWaterAbstract if self.usingAllocSegments == False or self.limitAbstraction: # Note: For simplicity, no network for a run with limitAbstraction."Groundwater abstraction is only to satisfy local demand. No network for distributing groundwater.") # nonFossil groundwater abstraction (unit: m) to fulfill water demand # - assumption: Groundwater is only abstracted to satisfy local demand. self.nonFossilGroundwaterAbs = \ pcr.max(0.0, pcr.min(self.storGroundwater, potGroundwaterAbstract)) # self.allocNonFossilGroundwater = self.nonFossilGroundwaterAbs if self.usingAllocSegments and self.limitAbstraction == False: # Note: Incorporating distribution network of groundwater source is possible only if limitAbstraction = False."Using groundwater source allocation.") # gross/potential demand volume in each cell (unit: m3) cellVolGrossDemand = potGroundwaterAbstract*routing.cellArea # total gross demand volume in each segment/zone (unit: m3) segTtlGrossDemand = pcr.areatotal( cellVolGrossDemand, self.allocSegments) # total available groundwater water volume in each cell - ignore small values (less than 1 m3) cellAvlGroundwater = pcr.max( 0.00, self.storGroundwater * routing.cellArea) cellAvlGroundwater = pcr.rounddown(cellAvlGroundwater/1.)*1. # total available surface water volume in each segment/zone (unit: m3) segAvlGroundwater = pcr.areatotal( cellAvlGroundwater, self.allocSegments) segAvlGroundwater = pcr.max(0.00, segAvlGroundwater) # total actual surface water abstraction volume in each segment/zone (unit: m3) # # - not limited to available water - ignore small values (less than 1 m3) segActGroundwaterAbs = pcr.max(0.0, pcr.rounddown(segTtlGrossDemand)) # # - limited to available water segActGroundwaterAbs = pcr.min( segAvlGroundwater, segActGroundwaterAbs) # actual surface water abstraction volume in each cell (unit: m3) volActGroundwaterAbstract = vos.getValDivZero( cellAvlGroundwater, segAvlGroundwater, vos.smallNumber) * \ segActGroundwaterAbs volActGroundwaterAbstract = pcr.min( cellAvlGroundwater, volActGroundwaterAbstract) # unit: m3 # actual non fossil groundwater abstraction volume in meter (unit: m) self.nonFossilGroundwaterAbs = pcr.ifthen(self.landmask, volActGroundwaterAbstract) /\ routing.cellArea # unit: m # allocation non fossil groundwater abstraction volume to each cell (unit: m3) self.volAllocGroundwaterAbstract = vos.getValDivZero( cellVolGrossDemand, segTtlGrossDemand, vos.smallNumber) *\ segActGroundwaterAbs # unit: m3 # allocation surface water abstraction in meter (unit: m) self.allocNonFossilGroundwater = pcr.ifthen(self.landmask, self.volAllocGroundwaterAbstract) /\ routing.cellArea # unit: m if self.debugWaterBalance == str('True'): abstraction = pcr.cover(pcr.areatotal( self.nonFossilGroundwaterAbs * routing.cellArea, self.allocSegments)/self.segmentArea, 0.0) allocation = pcr.cover(pcr.areatotal( self.allocNonFossilGroundwater*routing.cellArea, self.allocSegments)/self.segmentArea, 0.0) vos.waterBalanceCheck([abstraction], [allocation], [pcr.scalar(0.0)], [pcr.scalar(0.0)], 'non fossil groundwater abstraction - allocation per zone/segment (PS: Error here may be caused by rounding error.)', True, "", threshold=5e-4) # update storGoundwater after self.nonFossilGroundwaterAbs self.storGroundwater = pcr.max( 0., self.storGroundwater - self.nonFossilGroundwaterAbs) # unmetDemand (m), satisfied by fossil gwAbstractions # TODO: Include desalinization self.unmetDemand = pcr.max(0.0, potGroundwaterAbstract - self.allocNonFossilGroundwater) # m (equal to zero if limitAbstraction = True) if self.limitAbstraction: pass"No fossil groundwater abstraction is allowed") # TODO: check that self.unmetDemand = 0.0 # correcting unmetDemand with available fossil groundwater # Note: For simplicity, limitFossilGroundwaterAbstraction can only be combined with local source assumption if self.usingAllocSegments == False and self.limitFossilGroundwaterAbstraction: self.unmetDemand = pcr.min( pcr.max(0.0, self.storGroundwaterFossil), self.unmetDemand) # calculate the average groundwater abstraction (m/day) from the last 365 days: totalAbstraction = self.unmetDemand + self.nonFossilGroundwaterAbs deltaAbstraction = totalAbstraction - self.avgAbstraction self.avgAbstraction = self.avgAbstraction +\ deltaAbstraction /\ pcr.min(365., pcr.max(1.0, routing.timestepsToAvgDischarge)) self.avgAbstraction = pcr.max(0.0, self.avgAbstraction) # update storGroundwaterFossil after unmetDemand self.storGroundwaterFossil -= self.unmetDemand # calculate baseflow and update storage: self.baseflow = pcr.max(0., pcr.min(self.storGroundwater, self.recessionCoeff * self.storGroundwater)) self.storGroundwater = pcr.max(0., self.storGroundwater - self.baseflow) # PS: baseflow must be calculated at the end (to ensure the availability of storGroundwater to support nonFossilGroundwaterAbs) if self.debugWaterBalance: vos.waterBalanceCheck([self.surfaceWaterInf, landSurface.gwRecharge], [self.baseflow, self.nonFossilGroundwaterAbs], [preStorGroundwater], [self.storGroundwater], 'storGroundwater', True, currTimeStep.fulldate, threshold=1e-4) if self.debugWaterBalance: vos.waterBalanceCheck([pcr.scalar(0.0)], [self.unmetDemand], [preStorGroundwaterFossil], [self.storGroundwaterFossil], 'storGroundwaterFossil', True, currTimeStep.fulldate, threshold=1e-3) if self.debugWaterBalance and self.limitFossilGroundwaterAbstraction: vos.waterBalanceCheck([pcr.scalar(0.0)], [self.unmetDemand], [pcr.max(0.0, preStorGroundwaterFossil)], [pcr.max(0.0, self.storGroundwaterFossil)], 'storGroundwaterFossil (with limitFossilGroundwaterAbstraction)', True, currTimeStep.fulldate, threshold=1e-3) if self.debugWaterBalance and landSurface.limitAbstraction: vos.waterBalanceCheck([potGroundwaterAbstract], [self.nonFossilGroundwaterAbs], [pcr.scalar(0.)], [pcr.scalar(0.)], 'non fossil groundwater abstraction', True, currTimeStep.fulldate, threshold=1e-4) if self.debugWaterBalance: vos.waterBalanceCheck([self.unmetDemand, self.allocNonFossilGroundwater, landSurface.allocSurfaceWaterAbstract], [landSurface.totalPotentialGrossDemand], [pcr.scalar(0.)], [pcr.scalar(0.)], 'water demand allocation (from surface water, groundwater and unmetDemand)', True, currTimeStep.fulldate, threshold=1e-4) if == True: timeStamp = datetime.datetime(currTimeStep.year, currTimeStep.month,, 0) # writing daily output to netcdf files timestepPCR = currTimeStep.timeStepPCR if self.outDailyTotNC[0] != "None": for var in self.outDailyTotNC: self.netcdfObj.data2NetCDF(str(self.outNCDir)+"/" + str(var)+"", var, pcr2numpy( self.__getattribute__(var), vos.MV), timeStamp, timestepPCR-1) # writing monthly output to netcdf files # -cummulative if self.outMonthTotNC[0] != "None": for var in self.outMonthTotNC: # introduce variables at the beginning of simulation or # reset variables at the beginning of the month if currTimeStep.timeStepPCR == 1 or \ == 1: vars(self)[var+'MonthTot'] = pcr.scalar(0.0) # accumulating vars(self)[var+'MonthTot'] += vars(self)[var] # reporting at the end of the month: if currTimeStep.endMonth == True: self.netcdfObj.data2NetCDF(str(self.outNCDir)+"/" + str(var)+"", var, pcr2numpy(self.__getattribute__(var+'MonthTot'), vos.MV), timeStamp, currTimeStep.monthIdx-1) # -average if self.outMonthAvgNC[0] != "None": for var in self.outMonthAvgNC: # only if a accumulator variable has not been defined: if var not in self.outMonthTotNC: # introduce accumulator at the beginning of simulation or # reset accumulator at the beginning of the month if currTimeStep.timeStepPCR == 1 or \ == 1: vars(self)[var+'MonthTot'] = pcr.scalar(0.0) # accumulating vars(self)[var+'MonthTot'] += vars(self)[var] # calculating average & reporting at the end of the month: if currTimeStep.endMonth == True: vars(self)[var+'MonthAvg'] = vars(self)[var+'MonthTot'] /\ self.netcdfObj.data2NetCDF(str(self.outNCDir)+"/" + str(var)+"", var, pcr2numpy(self.__getattribute__(var+'MonthAvg'), vos.MV), timeStamp, currTimeStep.monthIdx-1) # # -last day of the month if self.outMonthEndNC[0] != "None": for var in self.outMonthEndNC: # reporting at the end of the month: if currTimeStep.endMonth == True: self.netcdfObj.data2NetCDF(str(self.outNCDir)+"/" + str(var)+"", var, pcr2numpy( self.__getattribute__(var), vos.MV), timeStamp, currTimeStep.monthIdx-1) # writing yearly output to netcdf files # -cummulative if self.outAnnuaTotNC[0] != "None": for var in self.outAnnuaTotNC: # introduce variables at the beginning of simulation or # reset variables at the beginning of the month if currTimeStep.timeStepPCR == 1 or \ currTimeStep.doy == 1: vars(self)[var+'AnnuaTot'] = pcr.scalar(0.0) # accumulating vars(self)[var+'AnnuaTot'] += vars(self)[var] # reporting at the end of the year: if currTimeStep.endYear == True: self.netcdfObj.data2NetCDF(str(self.outNCDir)+"/" + str(var)+"", var, pcr2numpy(self.__getattribute__(var+'AnnuaTot'), vos.MV), timeStamp, currTimeStep.annuaIdx-1) # -average if self.outAnnuaAvgNC[0] != "None": for var in self.outAnnuaAvgNC: # only if a accumulator variable has not been defined: if var not in self.outAnnuaTotNC: # introduce accumulator at the beginning of simulation or # reset accumulator at the beginning of the year if currTimeStep.timeStepPCR == 1 or \ currTimeStep.doy == 1: vars(self)[var+'AnnuaTot'] = pcr.scalar(0.0) # accumulating vars(self)[var+'AnnuaTot'] += vars(self)[var] # # calculating average & reporting at the end of the year: if currTimeStep.endYear == True: vars(self)[var+'AnnuaAvg'] = vars(self)[var+'AnnuaTot'] /\ currTimeStep.doy self.netcdfObj.data2NetCDF(str(self.outNCDir)+"/" + str(var)+"", var, pcr2numpy(self.__getattribute__(var+'AnnuaAvg'), vos.MV), timeStamp, currTimeStep.annuaIdx-1) # # -last day of the year if self.outAnnuaEndNC[0] != "None": for var in self.outAnnuaEndNC: # reporting at the end of the year: if currTimeStep.endYear == True: self.netcdfObj.data2NetCDF(str(self.outNCDir)+"/" + str(var)+"", var, pcr2numpy( self.__getattribute__(var), vos.MV), timeStamp, currTimeStep.annuaIdx-1)
def read_forcings(self, currTimeStep): #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # NOTE: RvB 13/07/2016 hard-coded reference to the variable names # preciptiation, temperature and evapotranspiration have been replaced # by the variable names used in the netCDF and passed from the ini file #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # method for finding time indexes in the precipitation netdf file: # - the default one method_for_time_index = None # - based on the ini/configuration file (if given) if 'time_index_method_for_precipitation_netcdf' in list(self.iniItems.meteoOptions.keys()) and\ self.iniItems.meteoOptions['time_index_method_for_precipitation_netcdf'] != "None": method_for_time_index = self.iniItems.meteoOptions[ 'time_index_method_for_precipitation_netcdf'] # reading precipitation: if self.precipitation_set_per_year: #~ print currTimeStep.year nc_file_per_year = self.preFileNC % (float( currTimeStep.year), float(currTimeStep.year)) self.precipitation = vos.netcdf2PCRobjClone(\ nc_file_per_year, self.preVarName,\ str(currTimeStep.fulldate), useDoy = method_for_time_index, cloneMapFileName = self.cloneMap,\ LatitudeLongitude = True) else: self.precipitation = vos.netcdf2PCRobjClone(\ self.preFileNC, self.preVarName,\ str(currTimeStep.fulldate), useDoy = method_for_time_index, cloneMapFileName = self.cloneMap,\ LatitudeLongitude = True) #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # NOTE: RvB 13/07/2016 added to automatically update precipitation self.precipitation = self.preConst + self.preFactor * pcr.ifthen( self.landmask, self.precipitation) #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # make sure that precipitation is always positive self.precipitation = pcr.max(0., self.precipitation) self.precipitation = pcr.cover(self.precipitation, 0.0) # ignore very small values of precipitation (less than 0.00001 m/day or less than 0.01 ) if self.usingDailyTimeStepForcingData: self.precipitation = pcr.rounddown( self.precipitation * 100000.) / 100000. # method for finding time index in the temperature netdf file: # - the default one method_for_time_index = None # - based on the ini/configuration file (if given) if 'time_index_method_for_temperature_netcdf' in list(self.iniItems.meteoOptions.keys()) and\ self.iniItems.meteoOptions['time_index_method_for_temperature_netcdf'] != "None": method_for_time_index = self.iniItems.meteoOptions[ 'time_index_method_for_temperature_netcdf'] # reading temperature if self.temperature_set_per_year: nc_file_per_year = self.tmpFileNC % (int( currTimeStep.year), int(currTimeStep.year)) self.temperature = vos.netcdf2PCRobjClone(\ nc_file_per_year, self.tmpVarName,\ str(currTimeStep.fulldate), useDoy = method_for_time_index, cloneMapFileName = self.cloneMap,\ LatitudeLongitude = True) else: self.temperature = vos.netcdf2PCRobjClone(\ self.tmpFileNC,self.tmpVarName,\ str(currTimeStep.fulldate), useDoy = method_for_time_index, cloneMapFileName=self.cloneMap,\ LatitudeLongitude = True) #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # NOTE: RvB 13/07/2016 added to automatically update temperature self.temperature = self.tmpConst + self.tmpFactor * pcr.ifthen( self.landmask, self.temperature) #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Downscaling precipitation and temperature if self.downscalePrecipitationOption: self.downscalePrecipitation(currTimeStep) if self.downscaleTemperatureOption: self.downscaleTemperature(currTimeStep) # calculate or obtain referencePotET if self.refETPotMethod == 'Hamon': self.referencePotET = \ refPotET.HamonPotET(self.temperature,\ currTimeStep.doy,\ self.latitudes) if self.refETPotMethod == 'Input': # method for finding time indexes in the precipitation netdf file: # - the default one method_for_time_index = None # - based on the ini/configuration file (if given) if 'time_index_method_for_ref_pot_et_netcdf' in list(self.iniItems.meteoOptions.keys()) and\ self.iniItems.meteoOptions['time_index_method_for_ref_pot_et_netcdf'] != "None": method_for_time_index = self.iniItems.meteoOptions[ 'time_index_method_for_ref_pot_et_netcdf'] if self.refETPotFileNC_set_per_year: nc_file_per_year = self.etpFileNC % (int( currTimeStep.year), int(currTimeStep.year)) self.referencePotET = vos.netcdf2PCRobjClone(\ nc_file_per_year, self.refETPotVarName,\ str(currTimeStep.fulldate), useDoy = method_for_time_index, cloneMapFileName = self.cloneMap,\ LatitudeLongitude = True) else: self.referencePotET = vos.netcdf2PCRobjClone(\ self.etpFileNC,self.refETPotVarName,\ str(currTimeStep.fulldate), useDoy = method_for_time_index, cloneMapFileName=self.cloneMap,\ LatitudeLongitude = True) #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # NOTE: RvB 13/07/2016 added to automatically update reference potential evapotranspiration self.referencePotET = self.refETPotConst + self.refETPotFactor * pcr.ifthen( self.landmask, self.referencePotET) #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Downscaling referenceETPot (based on temperature) if self.downscaleReferenceETPotOption: self.downscaleReferenceETPot() # smoothing: if self.forcingSmoothing == True: logger.debug("Forcing data are smoothed.") self.precipitation = pcr.windowaverage(self.precipitation, self.smoothingWindowsLength) self.temperature = pcr.windowaverage(self.temperature, self.smoothingWindowsLength) self.referencePotET = pcr.windowaverage( self.referencePotET, self.smoothingWindowsLength) # rounding temperature values to minimize numerical errors (note only to minimize, not remove) self.temperature = pcr.roundoff(self.temperature * 1000.) / 1000. # ignore snow by setting temperature to 25 deg C if self.ignore_snow: self.temperature = pcr.spatial(pcr.scalar(25.)) # define precipitation, temperature and referencePotET ONLY at landmask area (for reporting): self.precipitation = pcr.ifthen(self.landmask, self.precipitation) self.temperature = pcr.ifthen(self.landmask, self.temperature) self.referencePotET = pcr.ifthen(self.landmask, self.referencePotET) # make sure precipitation and referencePotET are always positive: self.precipitation = pcr.max(0.0, self.precipitation) self.referencePotET = pcr.max(0.0, self.referencePotET) if == True: timeStamp = datetime.datetime(currTimeStep.year,\ currTimeStep.month,\,\ 0) # writing daily output to netcdf files timestepPCR = currTimeStep.timeStepPCR if self.outDailyTotNC[0] != "None": for var in self.outDailyTotNC: self.netcdfObj.data2NetCDF(str(self.outNCDir)+"/"+ \ str(var)+"",\ var,\ pcr2numpy(self.__getattribute__(var),vos.MV),\ timeStamp,timestepPCR-1) # writing monthly output to netcdf files # -cummulative if self.outMonthTotNC[0] != "None": for var in self.outMonthTotNC: # introduce variables at the beginning of simulation or # reset variables at the beginning of the month if currTimeStep.timeStepPCR == 1 or \ == 1: \ vars(self)[var+'MonthTot'] = pcr.scalar(0.0) # accumulating vars(self)[var + 'MonthTot'] += vars(self)[var] # reporting at the end of the month: if currTimeStep.endMonth == True: self.netcdfObj.data2NetCDF(str(self.outNCDir)+"/"+ \ str(var)+"",\ var,\ pcr2numpy(self.__getattribute__(var+'MonthTot'),\ vos.MV),timeStamp,currTimeStep.monthIdx-1) # -average if self.outMonthAvgNC[0] != "None": for var in self.outMonthAvgNC: # only if a accumulator variable has not been defined: if var not in self.outMonthTotNC: # introduce accumulator at the beginning of simulation or # reset accumulator at the beginning of the month if currTimeStep.timeStepPCR == 1 or \ == 1: \ vars(self)[var+'MonthTot'] = pcr.scalar(0.0) # accumulating vars(self)[var + 'MonthTot'] += vars(self)[var] # calculating average & reporting at the end of the month: if currTimeStep.endMonth == True: vars(self)[var+'MonthAvg'] = vars(self)[var+'MonthTot']/\ self.netcdfObj.data2NetCDF(str(self.outNCDir)+"/"+ \ str(var)+"",\ var,\ pcr2numpy(self.__getattribute__(var+'MonthAvg'),\ vos.MV),timeStamp,currTimeStep.monthIdx-1) # # -last day of the month if self.outMonthEndNC[0] != "None": for var in self.outMonthEndNC: # reporting at the end of the month: if currTimeStep.endMonth == True: self.netcdfObj.data2NetCDF(str(self.outNCDir)+"/"+ \ str(var)+"",\ var,\ pcr2numpy(self.__getattribute__(var),vos.MV),\ timeStamp,currTimeStep.monthIdx-1) # writing yearly output to netcdf files # -cummulative if self.outAnnuaTotNC[0] != "None": for var in self.outAnnuaTotNC: # introduce variables at the beginning of simulation or # reset variables at the beginning of the month if currTimeStep.timeStepPCR == 1 or \ currTimeStep.doy == 1: \ vars(self)[var+'AnnuaTot'] = pcr.scalar(0.0) # accumulating vars(self)[var + 'AnnuaTot'] += vars(self)[var] # reporting at the end of the year: if currTimeStep.endYear == True: self.netcdfObj.data2NetCDF(str(self.outNCDir)+"/"+ \ str(var)+"",\ var,\ pcr2numpy(self.__getattribute__(var+'AnnuaTot'),\ vos.MV),timeStamp,currTimeStep.annuaIdx-1) # -average if self.outAnnuaAvgNC[0] != "None": for var in self.outAnnuaAvgNC: # only if a accumulator variable has not been defined: if var not in self.outAnnuaTotNC: # introduce accumulator at the beginning of simulation or # reset accumulator at the beginning of the year if currTimeStep.timeStepPCR == 1 or \ currTimeStep.doy == 1: \ vars(self)[var+'AnnuaTot'] = pcr.scalar(0.0) # accumulating vars(self)[var + 'AnnuaTot'] += vars(self)[var] # # calculating average & reporting at the end of the year: if currTimeStep.endYear == True: vars(self)[var+'AnnuaAvg'] = vars(self)[var+'AnnuaTot']/\ currTimeStep.doy self.netcdfObj.data2NetCDF(str(self.outNCDir)+"/"+ \ str(var)+"",\ var,\ pcr2numpy(self.__getattribute__(var+'AnnuaAvg'),\ vos.MV),timeStamp,currTimeStep.annuaIdx-1) # # -last day of the year if self.outAnnuaEndNC[0] != "None": for var in self.outAnnuaEndNC: # reporting at the end of the year: if currTimeStep.endYear == True: self.netcdfObj.data2NetCDF(str(self.outNCDir)+"/"+ \ str(var)+"",\ var,\ pcr2numpy(self.__getattribute__(var),vos.MV),\ timeStamp,currTimeStep.annuaIdx-1)
landmask = pcr.ifthen(pcr.defined(ldd), pcr.boolean(1.0)) # - cell area cell_area = vos.readPCRmapClone(input_files['cell_area_05min'], clone_map_file, output_files['tmp_folder']) # read the hydrological year msg = "Reading the hydrological year types" + ":" hydro_year_type = pcr.nominal(\ vos.readPCRmapClone(input_files['hydro_year_05min'], input_files['clone_map_05min'], output_files['tmp_folder'], None, False, None, True)) hydro_year_type = pcr.cover(hydro_year_type, pcr.nominal(1.0)) # loop through every year msg = "Merging two hydrologyical years for the following variables:" # for i_year in range(str_year, end_year + 1): for var in variable_names: msg = "Merging for the variable " + str(var) + " for the year " + str(i_year)
owners_lut = pd.DataFrame(data=data) # succession restrictions veg_friction = lookup_scalar(veg_class, veg_lut[['nr', 'friction']]) flow_path_friction = pcr.ifthenelse(flow_path == 1, pcr.scalar(3), pcr.scalar(1)) # implementation restrictions hwat_free_friction = 10 * pcr.scalar(pcr.boolean(hwat_free)) buildings_friction = 20 * pcr.scalar(pcr.boolean(building_area)) directives_friction = 5 * pcr.ifthenelse(pcr.scalar(directives) < 2.5, pcr.scalar(1), pcr.scalar(2)) waste_friction = 20 * pcr.scalar(waste_area) owner_friction = lookup_scalar(owner_type, owners_lut[['owner_type', 'friction']]) msr_friction = pcr.cover(hwat_free_friction, 0) +\ pcr.cover(buildings_friction, 0) +\ pcr.cover(waste_friction, 0) +\ pcr.cover(directives_friction, 0) +\ pcr.cover(owner_friction, 0) msr_friction = pcr.ifthen(pcr.defined(outline), msr_friction), ''), ''), ''), ''), ''), ''), '') pcr.aguila(msr_friction)