コード例 #1
ファイル: utils.py プロジェクト: zeromtmu/openmm_orion
def hydrate(system, opt):
    This function solvates the system by using PDBFixer

    system: OEMol molecule
        The system to solvate
    opt: python dictionary
        The parameters used to solvate the system

    oe_mol: OEMol
        The solvated system
    def BoundingBox(molecule):
        This function calculates the Bounding Box of the passed

        molecule: OEMol

        return: bb (numpy array)
            the calculated bounding box is returned as numpy array:
            [(xmin,ymin,zmin), (xmax,ymax,zmax)]
        coords = [v for k, v in molecule.GetCoords().items()]
        np_coords = np.array(coords)
        min_coord = np_coords.min(axis=0)
        max_coord = np_coords.max(axis=0)
        bb = np.array([min_coord, max_coord])
        return bb

    # Create a system copy
    sol_system = system.CreateCopy()

    # Calculate system BoundingBox (Angstrom units)
    BB = BoundingBox(sol_system)

    # Estimation of the box cube length in A
    box_edge = 2.0 * opt['solvent_padding'] + np.max(BB[1] - BB[0])

    # BB center
    xc = (BB[0][0]+BB[1][0])/2.
    yc = (BB[0][1]+BB[1][1])/2.
    zc = (BB[0][2]+BB[1][2])/2.

    delta = np.array([box_edge/2., box_edge/2., box_edge/2.]) - np.array([xc, yc, zc])

    sys_coord_dic = {k: (v+delta) for k, v in sol_system.GetCoords().items()}


    # Load a fake system to initialize PDBfixer
    filename = resource_filename('pdbfixer', 'tests/data/test.pdb')
    fixer = PDBFixer(filename=filename)

    # Convert between OE and OpenMM topology
    omm_top, omm_pos = oeommutils.oemol_to_openmmTop(sol_system)

    chain_names = []

    for chain in omm_top.chains():

    # Set the correct topology to the fake system
    fixer.topology = omm_top
    fixer.positions = omm_pos

    # Solvate the system
    fixer.addSolvent(padding=unit.Quantity(opt['solvent_padding'], unit.angstroms),
                     ionicStrength=unit.Quantity(opt['salt_concentration'], unit.millimolar))

    # The OpenMM topology produced by the solvation fixer has missing bond
    # orders and aromaticity. The following section is creating a new openmm
    # topology made of just water molecules and ions. The new topology is then
    # converted in an OEMol and added to the passed molecule to produce the
    # solvated system

    wat_ion_top = app.Topology()

    # Atom dictionary between the the PDBfixer topology and the water_ion topology
    fixer_atom_to_wat_ion_atom = {}

    for chain in fixer.topology.chains():
        if chain.id not in chain_names:
            n_chain = wat_ion_top.addChain(chain.id)
            for res in chain.residues():
                n_res = wat_ion_top.addResidue(res.name, n_chain)
                for at in res.atoms():
                    n_at = wat_ion_top.addAtom(at.name, at.element, n_res)
                    fixer_atom_to_wat_ion_atom[at] = n_at

    for bond in fixer.topology.bonds():
        at0 = bond[0]
        at1 = bond[1]
                                fixer_atom_to_wat_ion_atom[at1], type=None, order=1)

    wat_ion_pos = fixer.positions[len(omm_pos):]

    oe_mol = oeommutils.openmmTop_to_oemol(wat_ion_top, wat_ion_pos)

    # Setting the box vectors
    omm_box_vectors = fixer.topology.getPeriodicBoxVectors()
    box_vectors = utils.PackageOEMol.encodePyObj(omm_box_vectors)
    oe_mol.SetData(oechem.OEGetTag('box_vectors'), box_vectors)

    oechem.OEAddMols(oe_mol, sol_system)

    return oe_mol
コード例 #2
# This is basically the pdbfixer code, but without the amber lines.
modeller = Modeller(fixer.topology, fixer.positions)
forcefield = ForceField('amber99sb.xml', 'tip5p.xml')
system = forcefield.createSystem(fixer.topology,
                                 nonbondedCutoff=0.05 * nanometer,
                    padding=0.05 * nanometer,
#modeller.addSolvent(forcefield, padding=0.4*nanometer, boxSize, boxVectors=boxVectors, model='tip5p')
# modeller.addSolvent(forcefield, padding=padding, boxSize=boxSize, boxVectors=boxVectors, positiveIon=positiveIon, negativeIon=negativeIon, ionicStrength=ionicStrength)
fixer.topology = modeller.topology
fixer.positions = modeller.positions

proatoms = [atom.element._symbol for atom in modeller.topology.atoms()]
procoords = np.array(
    [fixer.positions[atom.index]._value for atom in modeller.topology.atoms()])

def WriteXYZfile(atoms, coords, nm_="out.xyz"):
    natom = len(atoms)
    f = open(nm_, "w")
    f.write(str(natom) + "\n" + "\n")
    for i in range(natom):
        f.write(atoms[i] + " " + str(coords[i][0]) + " " + str(coords[i][1]) +
                " " + str(coords[i][2]) + "\n")
コード例 #3
ファイル: utils.py プロジェクト: xianqiangsun/openmm_orion
def solvate(system, opt):
    This function solvates the system by using PDBFixer

    system: OEMol molecule
        The system to solvate
    opt: python dictionary
        The parameters used to solvate the system

    oe_mol: OEMol
        The solvated system

    # Load a fake system to initialize PDBfixer
    filename = resource_filename('pdbfixer', 'tests/data/test.pdb')
    fixer = PDBFixer(filename=filename)

    # Convert between OE and OpenMM topology
    omm_top, omm_pos = oeommutils.oemol_to_openmmTop(system)

    chain_names = []

    for chain in omm_top.chains():

    # Set the correct topology to the fake system
    fixer.topology = omm_top
    fixer.positions = omm_pos

    # Solvate the system
    fixer.addSolvent(padding=unit.Quantity(opt['solvent_padding'], unit.angstroms),
                     ionicStrength=unit.Quantity(opt['salt_concentration'], unit.millimolar))

    # The OpenMM topology produced by the solvation fixer has missing bond
    # orders and aromaticity. The following section is creating a new openmm
    # topology made of just water molecules and ions. The new topology is then
    # converted in an OEMol and added to the passed molecule to produce the
    # solvated system

    wat_ion_top = app.Topology()

    # Atom dictionary between the the PDBfixer topology and the water_ion topology
    fixer_atom_to_wat_ion_atom = {}

    for chain in fixer.topology.chains():
        if chain.id not in chain_names:
            n_chain = wat_ion_top.addChain(chain.id)
            for res in chain.residues():
                n_res = wat_ion_top.addResidue(res.name, n_chain)
                for at in res.atoms():
                    n_at = wat_ion_top.addAtom(at.name, at.element, n_res)
                    fixer_atom_to_wat_ion_atom[at] = n_at

    for bond in fixer.topology.bonds():
        at0 = bond[0]
        at1 = bond[1]
                                fixer_atom_to_wat_ion_atom[at1], type=None, order=1)

    wat_ion_pos = fixer.positions[len(omm_pos):]

    oe_mol = oeommutils.openmmTop_to_oemol(wat_ion_top, wat_ion_pos)

    # Setting the box vectors
    omm_box_vectors = fixer.topology.getPeriodicBoxVectors()
    box_vectors = utils.PackageOEMol.encodePyObj(omm_box_vectors)
    oe_mol.SetData(oechem.OEGetTag('box_vectors'), box_vectors)

    oechem.OEAddMols(oe_mol, system)

    return oe_mol