def test_append_result(self, tmp_path, complete_df): result_path = tmp_path / 'result.parquet.gzip' extract(SAMPLES_DIR, result_path, saving_interval=1, features='all') # Small 'chunk_df_size' to append to result multiple times df = pd.read_parquet(result_path, engine=PARQUET_ENGINE) check_and_compare(df, complete_df)
def test_extraction_big(self, tmp_path, is_ocr, complete_df): result_path = tmp_path / 'result.parquet.gzip' extract(SAMPLES_DIR, result_path, ocr_lang='eng', ocr=is_ocr, features='all') df = pd.read_parquet(result_path, engine=PARQUET_ENGINE) if is_ocr: df['text'] = df['text'].str.strip() check_and_compare(df, complete_df, is_ocr=is_ocr)
def test_extraction_small(self, is_ocr, complete_df): df = extract(SAMPLES_DIR, small=True, ocr_lang='eng', ocr=is_ocr) if is_ocr: df['text'] = df['text'].str.strip() check_and_compare(df, complete_df, is_ocr=is_ocr)
def test_image_format(self, format_): df = extract(SAMPLES_DIR, image_format=format_, small=True, features='image') img_bytes = df['image'].dropna().iloc[0] img = assert img.format.upper() == format_.upper()
def test_exclude_feature(self, excluded, complete_df): features = PdfExtractTask.list_features() features.remove(excluded) df = extract(SAMPLES_DIR, small=True, features=features) columns = list(complete_df.columns) columns.remove(excluded) check_and_compare(df, complete_df[columns])
def test_passing_paths_list(self, tmp_path, complete_df): result_path = tmp_path / 'result.parquet.gzip' files_list = Path(SAMPLES_DIR).rglob('*.pdf') # Test the support for paths as strings files_list = [str(f) for f in files_list] df = extract(files_list, result_path, small=True) # Paths will be relative to pwd, so adapting complete_df complete_df['path'] = complete_df['path'].apply( lambda p: str(SAMPLES_DIR / p)) check_and_compare(df, complete_df)
def test_image_resize(self, size): df = extract(SAMPLES_DIR, image_size=size, small=True, features='image') img_bytes = df['image'].dropna().iloc[0] img = size = size.lower() width, height = map(int, size.split('x')) assert img.size == (width, height)
def test_filter_processed(self, tmp_path): with open(SAMPLES_DIR / 'single_page1.pdf', 'rb') as f: single = with open(SAMPLES_DIR / 'multi_page1.pdf', 'rb') as f: multi = with open(SAMPLES_DIR / 'invalid1.pdf', 'rb') as f: invalid = total_tasks = [ ('single1.pdf', single), ('multi1.pdf', multi, 2), ('hey/multi2.pdf', multi, 1), ('multi1.pdf', multi, 1), ('my_dir/single3.pdf', single), ('/opt/invalid.pdf', invalid), ('multi1.pdf', multi, 3), ('single2.pdf', single), ('/tmp/single3.pdf', single), ('/tmp/invalid.pdf', invalid), ] result_path = tmp_path / 'result.parquet.gzip' for counter, task in enumerate(total_tasks): extraction = ExtractionFromMemory(total_tasks, out_file=result_path, features='text') tasks = extraction.gen_tasks() tasks = extraction.filter_processed_tasks(tasks) assert len(tasks) == len(total_tasks) - counter extract([task], result_path, features='text')
def test_return_list(self): def sort(doc): try: first_page_idx, text_idx = 0, 1 return len(doc[first_page_idx][text_idx]) except TypeError: return -1 # For None values def hash_images(doc): for page_idx, page in enumerate(doc): image, text = page image = md5(image).hexdigest() if image is not None else None doc[page_idx] = [image, text] return doc list_ = extract(SAMPLES_DIR, return_list=True) list_ = [hash_images(doc) for doc in list_] # Expected structure: # expected: list[doc], # doc: list[page], # page: list[feature] # # list[feature] is sorted by feature name (not value!) expected = [ # invalid1.pdf [[None, None]], # single_page.pdf [['975f5049aac2d0b0e85e0083657182fd', 'My beautiful sample!']], # sub2/copy_single_page.pdf [['975f5049aac2d0b0e85e0083657182fd', 'My beautiful sample!']], # multi_page.pdf [['5f005131323536c524e0fffa7ab42d0f', 'First page'], ['fce06f79de9ca575212152873cb161ea', 'Second page'], ['6dacd3629627df0d99ebc5da97b310b2', 'Third page']], # sub1/copy_multi_page.pdf [['5f005131323536c524e0fffa7ab42d0f', 'First page'], ['fce06f79de9ca575212152873cb161ea', 'Second page'], ['6dacd3629627df0d99ebc5da97b310b2', 'Third page']], ] assert sorted(list_, key=sort) == sorted(expected, key=sort)
def test_error_recorded(): df = extract('tests/samples', small=True, task_class=MyCustomTask) error_feature, error_msg = 'wrong', 'There was a problem' assert error_msg in df.iloc[0].error assert f'{error_feature}:' in df.iloc[0].error
def test_columns_present(): df = extract('tests/samples', small=True, task_class=MyCustomTask) assert set(MyCustomTask.list_features()) < set(df.columns)
def test_saving_to_disk(tmp_path): out_file = tmp_path / 'my_df.parquet.gzip' extract(SAMPLES_DIR, out_file, task_class=MyCustomTask) assert Path(out_file).exists()
def test_empty_feature(self, complete_df): df = extract(SAMPLES_DIR, small=True, features='') columns = list(PdfExtractTask.fixed_featues) + ['error_bool'] check_and_compare(df, complete_df[columns])
def test_features_as_list(self, complete_df): df = extract(SAMPLES_DIR, small=True, features=['text', 'image']) check_and_compare(df, complete_df)