def multiply(self, other: 'Polynomial') -> 'Polynomial': """ Multiply two polynomials """ if (self.is_zero or other.is_zero): return ZERO result = list([0] * (self.length + other.length - 1)) for i in range(self.length): coeff = self.coefficients[i] for j in range(other.length): result[i+j] = Modulus.add(result[i+j], Modulus.multiply(coeff, other.coefficients[j])) return Polynomial(0, 0, result)
def euclidean_algorithm( error_correction_length: int, poly_r: Polynomial) -> Tuple[bool, Polynomial, Polynomial]: """ Runs the euclidean algorithm (Greatest Common Divisor) until r's degree is less than R/2 """ poly_r_last = Polynomial(error_correction_length, 1) poly_t_last = ZERO poly_t = ONE # Run Euclidean algorithm until r's degree is less than R/2 while ( >= (error_correction_length / 2)): poly_r_last2 = poly_r_last poly_t_last2 = poly_t_last poly_r_last = poly_r poly_t_last = poly_t if (poly_r_last.is_zero): return (False, None, None) # Divide rLastLast by PolyRLast, with quotient in q and remainder in r poly_r = poly_r_last2 # initial quotient polynomial quotient = ZERO dlt_inverse = Modulus.invert(poly_r_last.leading_coefficient()) while ( >= and not poly_r.is_zero): # divide polyR and polyRLast leading coefficients scale = Modulus.multiply(poly_r.leading_coefficient(), dlt_inverse) # degree difference between polyR and polyRLast degree_diff = - quotient = quotient.add(Polynomial(degree_diff, scale)) poly_r = poly_r.subtract( poly_r_last.multiply_by_monomial(degree_diff, scale)) poly_t = quotient.multiply(poly_t_last).subtract( poly_t_last2).make_negative() sigma_tilde_at_zero = poly_t.last_coefficient() if (sigma_tilde_at_zero == 0): return (False, None, None) inverse = Modulus.invert(sigma_tilde_at_zero) error_locator = poly_t.multiply_by_constant(inverse) error_evaluator = poly_r.multiply_by_constant(inverse) return (True, error_locator, error_evaluator)
def add(self, other: 'Polynomial') -> 'Polynomial': if (self.is_zero): return other if (other.is_zero): return self # Assume this polynomial is smaller than the other one smaller = self.coefficients larger = other.coefficients # Assumption is wrong. exchange the two arrays if (len(smaller) > len(larger)): smaller = other.coefficients larger = self.coefficients result = list([0] * len(larger)) delta = len(larger) - len(smaller) # Copy high-order terms only found in higher-degree polynomial's coefficients # Array.Copy(Larger, 0, Result, 0, Delta); for i in range(len(larger)): result[i] = larger[i] # Add the coefficients of the two polynomials # for(int Index = Delta; Index < Larger.Length; Index++) for i in range(delta, len(larger)): # Result[Index] = Modulus.Add(Smaller[Index - Delta], Larger[Index]); result[i] = Modulus.add(smaller[i - delta], larger[i]) return Polynomial(0, 0, result)
def make_negative(self) -> 'Polynomial': """ Returns a Negative version of this instance """ result = list([0] * self.length) for i in range(self.length): result[i] = Modulus.negate(self.coefficients[i]) return Polynomial(0, 0, result)
def evaluate_at(self, x) -> int: """ Evaluation of this polynomial at a given point """ if (x == 0): return self.coefficients[0] result = 0 # Return the x^1 coefficient if (x == 1): # Return the sum of the coefficients for coefficient in self.coefficients: result = Modulus.add(result, coefficient) else: result = self.coefficients[0] for i in range (1, self.length): multiply_result = Modulus.multiply(x, result) add_result = Modulus.add(multiply_result, self.coefficients[i]) result = add_result return result
def multiply_by_monomial(self, degree: int, constant: int) -> 'Polynomial': """ Multipies by a Monomial """ if (constant == 0): return ZERO result = list([0] * (self.length + degree)) for i in range(self.length): result[i] = Modulus.multiply(self.coefficients[i], constant) return Polynomial(0, 0, result)
def find_formal_derivatives(error_locator: Polynomial) -> Polynomial: """ Finds the error magnitudes by directly applying Forney's Formula """ locator_degree = derivative_coefficients = list([0] * locator_degree) for i in range(1, locator_degree + 1): derivative_coefficients[locator_degree - i] = Modulus.multiply( i, error_locator.get_coefficient(i)) return Polynomial(0, 0, derivative_coefficients)
def multiply_by_constant(self, constant: int) -> 'Polynomial': """ Multiply by an integer constant """ if (constant == 0): return ZERO if (constant == 1): return self result = list([0] * self.length) for i in range(self.length): result[i] = Modulus.multiply(self.coefficients[i], constant) return Polynomial(0, 0, result)
def test_codewords(codewords: list, error_correction_length: int) -> tuple: """ Decode the received codewords """ poly_codewords = Polynomial(0, 0, codewords) # create syndrom coefficients array syndrome = list([0] * error_correction_length) # assume new errors error = False # test for errors # if the syndrom array is all zeros, there is no error for i in range(error_correction_length, 0, -1): # TODO: This may have been translated incorrectly! Confirm it's not broken. # Original Code: if((Syndrome[ErrorCorrectionLength - Index] = PolyCodewords.EvaluateAt(Modulus.ExpTable[Index])) != 0) Error = true; mod_exp_table_result = Modulus.exp_table[i] evaluate_result = poly_codewords.evaluate_at(mod_exp_table_result) syndrome_index = error_correction_length - i syndrome[syndrome_index] = evaluate_result if (syndrome[syndrome_index] != 0): error = True if (not error): return (0, codewords) # convert syndrom array to polynomial poly_syndrome = Polynomial(0, 0, syndrome) # Greatest Common Divisor (return -1 if error cannot be corrected) result = euclidean_algorithm(error_correction_length, poly_syndrome) if (not result[0]): return (-1, codewords) error_locator = result[1] error_evaluator = result[2] error_locations = find_error_locations(error_locator) if (error_locations is None): return (-1, codewords) formal_derivative = find_formal_derivatives(error_locator) errors = len(error_locations) # This is directly applying Forney's Formula for i in range(errors): error_location = error_locations[i] error_position = len(codewords) - 1 - Modulus.log_table[Modulus.invert( error_location)] if (error_position < 0): return (-1, codewords) error_magnitude = Modulus.divide( Modulus.negate(error_evaluator.evaluate_at(error_location)), formal_derivative.evaluate_at(error_location)) corrected_codeword = Modulus.subtract(codewords[error_position], error_magnitude) codewords[error_position] = corrected_codeword error_locations[i] = error_position return (errors, codewords)