コード例 #1
  def __init__(self, filename='Doku/Erhebungsbogen.pdf', participant=None, prevent_exceptions=False):

    self.participant = participant

    self.datum = strftime("%d.%m.%Y")
    name_str = u'für {0} '.format(self.participant.name) if self.participant else ''
    self.title = u'Erhebungsbogen {0}Stand {1}'.format(name_str, self.datum)

    self.prv_excps = prevent_exceptions
    self.anchors = []
    pageFrame = Frame(  12*mm, 10*mm, 18.6*cm, 26.5*cm, showBoundary=0 )

    pageT = PageTemplate(	id = 'seite',
                                frames = [ pageFrame ],
                                onPage = self.headRoutine,

    self.doc = DokuTemplate( filename,
                                pagesize = A4,
                                pageTemplates = [ pageT ],
                                showBoundary = 0,
                                leftMargin = cm,
                                rightMargin = cm,
                                topMargin = cm,
                                bottomMargin = cm,
                                allowSplitting = 1,
                                title = self.title,
                                author = "schweesni",
                                subject = "Erhebungsbogen",
                                creator = "https://github.com/the-lo-ni-us/bagrpk-summenbogen",
                                producer = "Produzent",
                                keywords = u"Schlüsselwörter",
                                _pageBreakQuick = 0 )

    # pdfencrypt.encryptDocTemplate(self.doc,userPassword='******',ownerPassword='******', 
    #                               canPrint=1, canModify=1, canCopy=1, canAnnotate=1,	
    #                               strength=40) 
    # self.bm_ables = {1: [], 2: []}
    self.bm_ables = ([],[],[])
    self.doc.bm_ables = self.bm_ables
    self.story = []
コード例 #2
class PdfWriter():

  def __init__(self, filename='Doku/Tech-Dok.pdf', prevent_exceptions=False):

    self.prv_excps = prevent_exceptions
    self.datum = strftime("%d.%m.%Y")
    self.anchors = []
    pageFrame = Frame(  12*mm, 10*mm, 18.6*cm, 26.5*cm, showBoundary=0 )

    pageT = PageTemplate(	id = 'seite',
                                frames = [ pageFrame ],
                                onPage = self.headRoutine,

    self.doc = DokuTemplate( filename,
                                pagesize = A4,
                                pageTemplates = [ pageT ],
                                showBoundary = 0,
                                leftMargin = cm,
                                rightMargin = cm,
                                topMargin = cm,
                                bottomMargin = cm,
                                allowSplitting = 1,
                                title = DOC_TITLE % self.datum,
                                author = "schweesni",
                                subject = "Subjekt",
                                creator = "https://github.com/the-lo-ni-us/bagrpk-summenbogen",
                                producer = "Produzent",
                                keywords = u"Schlüsselwörter",
                                _pageBreakQuick = 0 )

    # pdfencrypt.encryptDocTemplate(self.doc,userPassword='******',ownerPassword='******', 
    #                               canPrint=1, canModify=1, canCopy=1, canAnnotate=1,	
    #                               strength=40) 
    # self.bm_ables = {1: [], 2: []}
    self.bm_ables = ([],[],[])
    self.doc.bm_ables = self.bm_ables
    self.story = []

  def write_pdf(self):

    fmts = {'multi_int': DB_FMT_MI, 'multi_bool': DB_FMT_MB, 'multi_select': DB_FMT_MS, 'multi_numeric': DB_FMT_MN}

    n = 'DOC_TITLE'
    p =  Paragraph( self.indexed(DOC_TITLE % self.datum, n), styleH )
    p.bm_title = DOC_TITLE % self.datum
    p.bm_name = n
    self.bm_ables[0].append( n )
    self.story.append( p )
    self.story.append( Spacer(1,0.4*cm) )

    together_with_next = None

    for field in STRUCTURE.doc_items:
      fn = str(field.get('fieldname'))

      to_append  = None

      if field['typ'] == 'heading':
        n = str(random.randint(1000, 1000000))
        p = Paragraph( self.indexed(field['title'], n), styleH )
        p.bm_title = field['title']
        p.bm_name = n
        together_with_next =  p
        # self.story.append( p )
        self.bm_ables[1].append( n )
      elif field['typ'] == 'doc_paragraph':
        self.story.append( Paragraph( field['content'], styleText ))
      elif field['typ'] == 'pagebreak':
        self.story.append( PageBreak())
      elif field['typ'] == 'int':
        to_append = Table( [ [ Paragraph( self.indexed(field['title'], fn), styleN ), 'numerisch'] ], spaltenAllInTwo, None, styleAllInTwo, 0, 0 )
      elif field['typ'] == 'str':
        to_append = Table( [ [Paragraph(self.indexed(field['title'], fn), styleN), 'string'] ], spaltenAllInTwo, None, styleAllInTwo, 0, 0 )
      elif field['typ'] in ('multi_int','multi_bool'):
        p = Paragraph( self.indexed(field['title'], fn), styleN )
        table = []
        for n, item in enumerate(field['allowance']):
          table.append( [ '',  fmts[field['typ']] % (fn,n), Paragraph(item, styleMult), {'multi_int': 'integer','multi_bool': 'bool'}[field['typ']] ] )
          # table.append( [ '', item ] + [ data[fmts[field['typ']] % (fn,n)][m] for m in range(4) ] )
        table[0][0] = p
        to_append = Table( table, spaltenAllInFour, None, styleAllInFour, splitByRow=1 )
      elif field['typ'] in ('multi_select','multi_numeric'):
        p = Paragraph( self.indexed(field['title'], fn), styleN )
        table = []
        for n, item in field['allowance']:
          table.append( [ '',  fmts[field['typ']] % (fn,n), Paragraph(item, styleMult), {'multi_select': '-1, 0 oder 1','multi_numeric': '-1 bis ∞'}[field['typ']] ] )
        table[0][0] = p
        to_append = Table( table, spaltenAllInFour, None, styleAllInFour, splitByRow=1 )
      elif field['typ'] == 'dropdown': 
        p = Paragraph( self.indexed(field['title'], fn), styleN )
        table = [ [ '', Paragraph(item + (n==field['default'] and ' *' or ''), styleMult), n - 1  ] for n, item in enumerate(field['allowance']) ]
        table[0][0] = p
        to_append = Table( table, spaltenAllInThree, None, styleAllInThree, splitByRow=1 )
      elif field['typ'] == 'enumber': 
        p = Paragraph( self.indexed(field['title'], str(fn)), styleN )
        table = [ [ '', Paragraph(item + (value==field['default'] and ' *' or ''), styleMult), value  ] for value, item in field['allowance'] ]
        table[0][0] = p
        to_append = Table( table, spaltenAllInThree, None, styleAllInThree, splitByRow=1 )
      elif field['typ'] == 'enum': 
        p = Paragraph( self.indexed(field['title'], fn), styleN )
        table = [ [ '', Paragraph(item + (value==field['default'] and ' *' or ''), styleMult), value  ] for value, item in field['allowance'] ]
        table[0][0] = p
        to_append = Table( table, spaltenAllInThree, None, styleAllInThree, splitByRow=1 )
        # print repr(to_append._content)
      elif field['typ'] == 'typ_specification': 
        t = [ [ Paragraph(u'<font face="courier"><b>%s</b></font><br/><font size="-2">(Häufigkeit: %d)</font>' % (field['title'],
                STRUCTURE.frequency.get(field['title'], 0)), styleText), 
                Paragraph(u'<a name="typ_%s" />%s' % (field['title'], field['purpose']), styleText) ] ] 
        self.story.append( Table(t, typSpecWidths, None, styleTypSpec, splitByRow=1) )
        self.story.append( Spacer(1,0.3*cm) )
        print('nicht berücksichtigter Typ %s' % field['typ'])

      if to_append:
        # fl = self._get_child_of_keeptogether(to_append)
        fl = to_append
        # if field['typ'] == 'dropdown': 
        #   print('dropdown: {0}'.format(inspect.getmro(fl.__class__)))
        fl.bm_title = str('%s - %s' % (field.get('number',''), fn))
        fl.bm_name = str(fn)
        self.bm_ables[2].append( fn )
        t = [ [ Paragraph(u'Typ: <font name="courier-bold"><a color="blue" href="#typ_%s">%s</a></font>' % (field['typ'], field['typ']), styleMult), 'Variablenname: %s' % fn, '' ], 
              ['Datentyp: %s' % field['default'].__class__.__name__, field.get('longname')], 
              ['Vorgabe: %s' % str(field['default']), field['typ'] in ('multi_int','multi_bool') and 'mehrspaltig' or ''] ]
        # t = [ [ '', fn, '' ], [type(field['default']), field.get('longname')], [str(field['default']), field['typ'] in ('multi_int','multi_bool') and 'mehrspaltig'] ]
        if 'remark' in field:
          t[0][2] = Paragraph(field['remark'], styleN)
        table = Table(t, commonWidths, None, styleCommon, splitByRow=1)
        pre = [ together_with_next ] if together_with_next else []
        self.story.append( KeepTogether( pre + [ to_append, table ] ) )
        self.story.append( Spacer(1,0.3*cm) )
        together_with_next = None

    self.story.append( Spacer(1,0.4*cm) )

    anchors = ''.join(['<a href="#%s">%s</a><br />' % (a,a) for a in self.anchors ])

    # self.story.append( Paragraph(anchors, styleText) )

    # index = SimpleIndex(dot=' ') #, headers=headers)
    # self.story.append(index)
    if self.prv_excps:
        r_val = True
        r_val = False
        return r_val
      # self.doc.build(self.story, canvasmaker=canvas.Canvas) #, canvasmaker=index.getCanvasMaker())
      self.doc.multiBuild(self.story) #, canvasmaker=index.getCanvasMaker())

  def _get_child_of_keeptogether(self, fl):
    while fl.__class__ == KeepTogether:
      fl = fl._content[0]
    return fl
  def indexed(self, words, index_text):
    # return index_text
    return '<a name="%s" />%s' % (index_text, words)
    # return '<index item="%s" />%s' % (index_text, words)

  def headRoutine (self, c, doc):
    if c.getPageNumber() == 1:
    c.setFont( 'Helvetica', 10 )
    c.drawString( 1.5*cm, 28*cm, DOC_TITLE  % self.datum)
    c.drawString( 18.4*cm, 28*cm, "Seite %d" % c.getPageNumber() )
コード例 #3
class PdfRaising():

  def __init__(self, filename='Doku/Erhebungsbogen.pdf', participant=None, prevent_exceptions=False):

    self.participant = participant

    self.datum = strftime("%d.%m.%Y")
    name_str = u'für {0} '.format(self.participant.name) if self.participant else ''
    self.title = u'Erhebungsbogen {0}Stand {1}'.format(name_str, self.datum)

    self.prv_excps = prevent_exceptions
    self.anchors = []
    pageFrame = Frame(  12*mm, 10*mm, 18.6*cm, 26.5*cm, showBoundary=0 )

    pageT = PageTemplate(	id = 'seite',
                                frames = [ pageFrame ],
                                onPage = self.headRoutine,

    self.doc = DokuTemplate( filename,
                                pagesize = A4,
                                pageTemplates = [ pageT ],
                                showBoundary = 0,
                                leftMargin = cm,
                                rightMargin = cm,
                                topMargin = cm,
                                bottomMargin = cm,
                                allowSplitting = 1,
                                title = self.title,
                                author = "schweesni",
                                subject = "Erhebungsbogen",
                                creator = "https://github.com/the-lo-ni-us/bagrpk-summenbogen",
                                producer = "Produzent",
                                keywords = u"Schlüsselwörter",
                                _pageBreakQuick = 0 )

    # pdfencrypt.encryptDocTemplate(self.doc,userPassword='******',ownerPassword='******', 
    #                               canPrint=1, canModify=1, canCopy=1, canAnnotate=1,	
    #                               strength=40) 
    # self.bm_ables = {1: [], 2: []}
    self.bm_ables = ([],[],[])
    self.doc.bm_ables = self.bm_ables
    self.story = []

  def write_pdf(self):

    fmts = {'multi_int': DB_FMT_MI, 'multi_bool': DB_FMT_MB, 'multi_select': DB_FMT_MS, 'multi_numeric': DB_FMT_MN}

    p =  Paragraph( 'Erhebungsbogen', styleH )
    self.story.append( p )
    self.story.append( Spacer(1,0.4*cm) )

    together_with_next = None

    for field in STRUCTURE.cap_items:
      fn = str(field.get('fieldname', '')) 
      if self.participant and hasattr(self.participant, fn):
        value = getattr(self.participant, fn)
        value = ''

      to_append  = None

      if field['typ'] == 'heading':
        n = str(random.randint(1000, 1000000))
        p = Paragraph( self.indexed(field['title'], n), styleH )
        p.bm_title = field['title']
        p.bm_name = n
        together_with_next =  p
        # self.story.append( p )
        self.bm_ables[0].append( n )
      elif field['typ'] == 'pagebreak':
        self.story.append( PageBreak())
        first3 = [ str(field.get('number', '')), 
                   Paragraph(self.indexed(field['title'], fn), styleText)

        if field['typ'] == 'int':
          to_append = Table( [ first3 + [ '', value >= 0 and value or '' ] ], spaltenRaise, None, styleRaise_int, 0, 0 )
        elif field['typ'] == 'str':
          to_append = Table( [ first3 + [ value, '' ] ], spaltenRaise, None, styleRaise_str, 0, 0 )
        elif field['typ'] in fmts:
          if field['typ'] in ('multi_bool', 'multi_int'):
            fl = field['allowance'] 
            fl = [ v for k,v in field['allowance']]
          if value:
            if field['typ'] in ('multi_bool'):
              vl = [ v and 'x' or '' for v in value ] 
            elif field['typ'] in ('multi_select'):
              vl = [ v > 0 and 'x' or '' for v in value ] 
              vl = [ v > 0 and v or '' for v in value ]
            vl = ['' for n in range(len(field['allowance']))]
          # print('{2}; {0},{1}'.format(len(vl),len(fl), fn))
          table = [ first3 + [ Paragraph(item, styleMult), vl[n] ] for n, item in enumerate(fl) ] 
          to_append = Table( table, spaltenRaise, None, styleRaise, splitByRow=1 )
        elif field['typ'] == 'dropdown': 
          table = [ first3 + [ Paragraph(item, styleMult), (n-1 == value and 'x' or '') ] for n, item in enumerate(field['allowance']) ] 
          to_append = Table( table, spaltenRaise, None, styleRaise, splitByRow=1 )
        elif field['typ'] in ('enumber', 'enum'): 
          table = [ first3 + [ Paragraph(item, styleMult), (v == value and 'x' or '') ] for v, item in field['allowance'] ] 
          to_append = Table( table, spaltenRaise, None, styleRaise, splitByRow=1 )
          # print('nicht berücksichtigter Typ %s' % field['typ'])

      if to_append:
        fl = to_append
        fl.bm_title = str(fn)
        fl.bm_name = str(fn)
        self.bm_ables[1].append( fn )
        pre = [ together_with_next ] if together_with_next else []
        self.story.append( KeepTogether( pre + [ to_append] ) )
        # self.story.append( KeepTogether( pre + [ to_append, table ] ) )
        self.story.append( Spacer(1,0.3*cm) )
        together_with_next = None

    self.story.append( Spacer(1,0.4*cm) )

    anchors = ''.join(['<a href="#%s">%s</a><br />' % (a,a) for a in self.anchors ])

    # self.story.append( Paragraph(anchors, styleText) )

    # index = SimpleIndex(dot=' ') #, headers=headers)
    # self.story.append(index)
    if self.prv_excps:
        r_val = True
        r_val = False
        return r_val
      # self.doc.build(self.story, canvasmaker=canvas.Canvas) #, canvasmaker=index.getCanvasMaker())
      self.doc.multiBuild(self.story) #, canvasmaker=index.getCanvasMaker())

  def _get_child_of_keeptogether(self, fl):
    while fl.__class__ == KeepTogether:
      fl = fl._content[0]
    return fl
  def indexed(self, words, index_text):
    # return index_text
    return '<a name="%s" />%s' % (index_text, words)
    # return '<index item="%s" />%s' % (index_text, words)

  def headRoutine (self, c, doc):
    if c.getPageNumber() == 1:
    c.setFont( 'Helvetica', 10 )
    c.drawString( 1.5*cm, 28*cm, self.title)
    c.drawString( 18.4*cm, 28*cm, "Seite %d" % c.getPageNumber() )