コード例 #1
    def scrub(cls, content, verbose=0):
        evil_ids = []

        # parse the pdf into a pdfminer document
        pdf = parse_content(content)

        # get a list of all object ids
        xref = pdf.xrefs[0]
        objids = xref.get_objids()

        # check each object in the pdf
        for objid in objids:
            # get an object by id
            obj = pdf.getobj(objid)

            if hasattr(obj, "attrs"):
                # watermarks tend to be in FlateDecode elements
                if "Filter" in obj.attrs and str(obj.attrs["Filter"]) == "/FlateDecode":
                    #length = obj.attrs["Length"]
                    #rawdata = copy(obj.rawdata)
                    data = copy(obj.get_data())

                    phrase= "Authorized licensed use limited to: "
                    if phrase in str(data):
                        if verbose >= 2:
                            sys.stderr.write("%s: Found object %s with %r: %r; omitting..." % (cls.__name__, objid, phrase, data[data.index(phrase):data.index(phrase)+1000]))
                        elif verbose >= 1:
                            sys.stderr.write("%s: Found object %s with %r; omitting..." % (cls.__name__, objid, phrase,))


        for objid in evil_ids:
            content = remove_object_by_id(content, objid)

        return content
コード例 #2
    def scrub(cls, content, verbose=0):
        evil_ids = []

        # parse the pdf into a pdfminer document
        pdf = parse_content(content)

        # get a list of all object ids
        xref = pdf.xrefs[0]
        objids = xref.get_objids()

        # check each object in the pdf
        for objid in objids:
            # get an object by id
            obj = pdf.getobj(objid)

            if hasattr(obj, "attrs"):
                if ("Width" in obj.attrs) and str(obj.attrs["Width"]) == "432":
                    if "Height" in obj.attrs and str(obj.attrs["Height"]) == "230":

        if len(evil_ids) > 1:
            raise Exception("too many ads detected on the page, please double check?")

        for objid in evil_ids:
            content = remove_object_by_id(content, objid)

        return content
コード例 #3
    def test_remove_object_by_id(self):
        content = ""
        output = remove_object_by_id(content, 1)
        self.assertEqual(content, output)

        content = ""
        output = remove_object_by_id(content, 2)
        self.assertEqual(content, output)

        content = ""
        output = remove_object_by_id(content, 100)
        self.assertEqual(content, output)

        content = "1 0 obj\nthings\nendobj\nleftovers"
        output = remove_object_by_id(content, 2)
        self.assertEqual(content, output)

        content = "1 0 obj\nthings\nendobj\nleftovers"
        output = remove_object_by_id(content, 1)
        self.assertEqual("leftovers", output)
コード例 #4
    def scrub(cls, content, verbose=0):
        evil_ids = []

        # parse the pdf into a pdfminer document
        pdf = parse_content(content)

        # get a list of all object ids
        xref = pdf.xrefs[0]
        objids = xref.get_objids()

        # check each object in the pdf
        for objid in objids:
            # get an object by id
            obj = pdf.getobj(objid)

            if hasattr(obj, "attrs"):
                # watermarks tend to be in FlateDecode elements
                if "Filter" in obj.attrs and str(obj.attrs["Filter"]) == "/FlateDecode":
                    length = obj.attrs["Length"]

                    # the watermark is never very long
                    if length < 1000:
                        #rawdata = copy(obj.rawdata)
                        data = copy(obj.get_data())

                        phrase="Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright"
                        if phrase in str(data):
                            if verbose >= 2:
                                sys.stderr.write("%s: Found object %s with %r: %r; omitting..." % (cls.__name__, objid, phrase, data))
                            elif verbose >= 1:
                                sys.stderr.write("%s: Found object %s with %r; omitting..." % (cls.__name__, objid, phrase,))


        for objid in evil_ids:
            content = remove_object_by_id(content, objid)

        return content