def aptCreateChroot(self, chroot_dir, use_rootstrap, callback = None): """Create chroot in chroot_dir for using APT tools""" if not os.path.exists(chroot_dir): os.makedirs(chroot_dir) target_os = self.target_os var_dir = mic_cfg.config.get('general', 'var_dir') rootstrap_file = os.path.join(var_dir, "rootstraps", "apt", target_os,, "rootstrap.tgz") if not os.path.exists(rootstrap_file): if self.__aptCreateRootstrap(chroot_dir, rootstrap_file, use_rootstrap, callback = callback) == False: return False else: cmd = "tar -jxvf %s -C %s" % (rootstrap_file, chroot_dir) output = [] result = pdk_utils.execCommand(cmd, output = output, callback = callback) if result != 0: print >> sys.stderr, _("ERROR: Unable to rootstrap %s from %s!") % (rootstrap_file, pdk_utils.rmtree(chroot_dir, callback = callback) # FIXME: Better exception here raise ValueError(" ".join(output)) # Setup copies of some useful files from the host into the chroot for filename in [ 'hosts', 'resolv.conf' ]: source_file = os.path.join("/etc", filename) target_file = os.path.join(chroot_dir, 'etc', filename) pdk_utils.safeTextFileCopy(source_file, target_file, force = True) return True
def delete_project(self, project_name): # first delete all contained targets proj = self.projects[project_name] for target in proj.targets: self.progress_callback(None) proj.delete_target(target, False, callback = self.progress_callback) proj.targets.clear() # and then deal with the project directory_set = proj.umount() if directory_set: raise pdk_utils.ImageCreatorUmountError, directory_set pdk_utils.rmtree(proj.path, callback = self.progress_callback) os.unlink(proj.config_info.filename)
def create_project(self, parent_path, name, desc, platform, use_rootstrap = True): """ Create a new project by specifying an install path, a name, a short description, and a platform object. Example: # By 'creating' a project, the class will: # - create a new directory (i.e. path) # - create the initial directory structure # - setup the project configuration files both inside the project # directory, and also 'create the project config' in # /usr/share/pdk/projects/ proj = SDK().create_project(self, '~/projects/myproject', 'My Project', 'This is a test, only a test', 'donley') # after creating the project, you still need to install the platform # specific packages to enable the project to be used as a jailroot proj.install() """ if not parent_path or not name or not desc or not platform: raise ValueError(_("Empty argument passed in")) if name in self.projects: raise ValueError(_("Project: %s already exists") % name) install_path = os.path.realpath(os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(parent_path))) self.status_label_callback(_("Creating the project chroot environment")) if platform.createChroot(install_path, use_rootstrap, callback = self.progress_callback) == False: pdk_utils.rmtree(install_path, callback = self.progress_callback) raise ValueError(_("Rootstrap Creating cancelled")) # create the config file self.status_label_callback(_("Creating Config file")) config_path = os.path.join(self.config_path, "%s.proj" % name) config_file = open(config_path, 'w') config_file.write("NAME=%s\n" % (name)) config_file.write("PATH=%s\n" % (install_path)) config_file.write("DESC=%s\n" % (desc)) config_file.write("PLATFORM=%s\n" % ( config_file.close() # instantiate the project self.status_label_callback(_("Initiating the project")) config = PackageConfig(config_path) try: self.projects[name] = Project.Project(config, platform, self.progress_callback) except: pdk_utils.rmtree(install_path, callback = self.progress_callback) os.unlink(config_path) raise ValueError("%s" % (sys.exc_value)) self.projects[name].mount() return self.projects[name]
def clear_rootstraps(self): print _("Deleting rootstraps...") for key in self.platforms.iterkeys(): path = self.platforms[key].path for prefix in [ "build", "target" ]: root_strap_path = os.path.join(path, "%s-rootstrap.tar.bz2" % prefix) if os.path.exists(root_strap_path): print _("Deleting: %s") % root_strap_path os.unlink(root_strap_path) var_dir = mic_cfg.config.get('general', 'var_dir') rootstrap_dir = os.path.join(var_dir, "rootstraps") if os.path.exists(rootstrap_dir): print _("Deleting rootstrap directory: %s") % rootstrap_dir pdk_utils.rmtree(rootstrap_dir, callback = self.progress_callback)
def load_project(self, project_name, project_path, filename, progressCallback = None): """Load the specified filename as project_name and store it in project_path""" tar_filename = filename if not filename.endswith(".mic.tar.bz2"): raise ValueError(_("Specified project restore file: %s, does not end in .mic.tar.bz2")) config_file = os.path.join(self.config_path, "%s.proj" % project_name) if os.path.exists(config_file): raise ValueError(_("A project already exists with that name: %s") % config_file) if project_path.find(' ') != -1: raise ValueError(_("Specified project path contains a space character, not allowed: %s") % project_path) if os.path.exists(project_path): if os.path.isdir(project_path): if len(os.listdir(project_path)): raise ValueError(_("Specified project-path, is a directory, but it is NOT empty: %s") % project_path) else: os.rmdir(project_path) else: raise ValueError(_("Specified project-path, exists, but it is not a directory")) tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() cwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(tempdir) print _("Extracting: %s to temporary directory: %s/") % (filename, tempdir) time.sleep(2) if self.isVerboseProjectTar(): tar_options = "xfjv" else: tar_options = "xfj" pdk_utils.execCommand("tar %s %s --numeric-owner" % (tar_options, filename), callback = progressCallback) os.chdir(cwd) source_config_file = os.path.join(tempdir, "config", "save.proj") if not os.path.isfile(source_config_file): raise ValueError(_("Project config file did not exist in project tarfile. Could not find: %s") % source_config_file) source_project = os.path.join(tempdir, "project") if not os.path.isdir(source_project): raise ValueError(_("Project directory did not exist in project tarfile. Could not find: %s") % source_project) print _("Writing new config file: %s") % config_file self.copyProjectConfigFile(source_config_file, config_file, project_name, project_path) print _("Moving project directory into place at: %s") % project_path cmd_line = "mv -v %s %s" % (source_project, project_path) print cmd_line result = pdk_utils.execCommand(cmd_line) if result: print _("Error doing 'mv' cmd") sys.exit(1) print _("Removing temporary directory: %s") % tempdir pdk_utils.rmtree(tempdir, callback = self.progress_callback) print _("Project: %s restored to: %s") % (project_name, project_path)
def create_initramfs(self, initrd_file, kernel_version): print _("Creating initramfs for kernel version: %s") % kernel_version # copy the platform initramfs stuff into /etc/initramfs-tools/ in the target src_path = os.path.join(paths.PKGDATADIR + '/platforms',, 'initramfs') dst_path = os.path.join(, 'etc', 'initramfs-tools', ) pdk_utils.rmtree(dst_path, True, callback = self.progress_callback) shutil.copytree(src_path, dst_path, True) # Create our config file that is used by our scripts during the running # of initramfs. The initramfs/hooks/mobile script in each platform # takes care of putting this file into place into the initramfs image. cfg_filename = os.path.join(dst_path, "moblin-initramfs.cfg") self.writeShellConfigFile(cfg_filename) print _("moblin-initramfs.cfg file created") kernel_mod_path = os.path.join('/lib/modules', kernel_version) cmd = "mkinitramfs -o %s %s" % (initrd_file , kernel_mod_path) print _("Executing: %s") % cmd
def yumCreateChroot(self, chroot_dir, use_rootstrap, callback = None): if not os.path.exists(chroot_dir): os.makedirs(chroot_dir) target_os = self.target_os var_dir = mic_cfg.config.get('general', 'var_dir') rootstrap_file = os.path.join(var_dir, "rootstraps", "yum", target_os,, "rootstrap.tgz") if not os.path.exists(rootstrap_file): self.__yumCreateRootstrap(chroot_dir, rootstrap_file, use_rootstrap, callback = callback) else: cmd = "tar -jxvf %s -C %s" % (rootstrap_file, chroot_dir) output = [] result = pdk_utils.execCommand(cmd, output = output, callback = callback) if result != 0: print >> sys.stderr, _("ERROR: Unable to rootstrap %s from %s!") % (rootstrap_file, name) pdk_utils.rmtree(chroot_dir, callback = callback) # FIXME: Better exception here raise ValueError(" ".join(output))
def delete_target(self, name, do_pop=True, callback = None): target = self.targets[name] self.umountTarget(target) seen_paths = [] while True: try: pdk_utils.rmtree(os.path.join(self.path, 'targets', name), callback = callback) break except OSError, e: # See if we get a resource busy error, if so we think it is a # mounted filesystem issue if e.errno == errno.EBUSY: if e.filename in seen_paths: raise OSError, e else: seen_paths.append(e.filename) pdk_utils.umount(e.filename) else: raise OSError, e