def test_checker_nlimits(sdf=SDF_LIMIT_ATOMS): try: ch.check_limit_number_atoms(sdf, 100) except ce.LigandSizeExceed: assert True else: assert False
def _prepare_input_file(self, logger=None): from rdkit import Chem import rdkit.Chem.rdmolops as rd self.parameters.input = "input.conf" params = self.parameters # Check input file limit_atoms_ligand = 100 ch.check_limit_number_atoms(params.ligands, limit_atoms_ligand) # Get core of the ligand mol = Chem.MolFromPDBFile(params.core) try: ligand_core = rd.SplitMolByPDBResidues(mol)[params.residue] except KeyError: raise ce.MissResidueFlag("Missing residue flag to specify " + "the ligand core residue name. " + "i.e resname: 'LIG'") # Get sdf full grown ligands ligands_grown = Chem.SDMolSupplier(params.ligands, removeHs=False) fragment_files = [] # For each full grown ligand create neutral fragment with open(params.input, "w") as fout: pass for ligand in ligands_grown: Chem.AssignAtomChiralTagsFromStructure(ligand) try: line, fragment = \ self._create_fragment_from_ligand(ligand, ligand_core) except Exception as e: try: line, fragment = \ self._create_fragment_from_ligand(ligand, ligand_core, substructure=False) except Exception as e: try: # Try to fix symmetry line, fragment = \ self._create_fragment_from_ligand(ligand, ligand_core, symmetry=True) except Exception as e: # Try with second substructure search line, fragment = \ self._create_fragment_from_ligand( ligand, ligand_core, result=1, substructure=False)"Ligand {fragment.file} preprocessed") fragment_files.append(fragment.file) with open(params.input, "a") as fout: fout.write(line + "\n") return fragment_files
def _prepare_input_file(self): from rdkit import Chem import rdkit.Chem.rdmolops as rd import rdkit.Chem.rdchem as rc import rdkit.Chem.AllChem as rp self.input = "input.conf" #Check input file limit_atoms_ligand = 100 ch.check_limit_number_atoms(self.ligands, limit_atoms_ligand) #Get core of the ligand mol = Chem.MolFromPDBFile(self.core) try: ligand_core = rd.SplitMolByPDBResidues(mol)[self.residue] except KeyError: raise ce.MissResidueFlag( "Missing residue flag to specify the ligand core residue name. i.e resname: 'LIG'" ) #Get sdf full grown ligands ligands_grown = Chem.SDMolSupplier(self.ligands, removeHs=False) #For each full grown ligand create neutral fragment self.fragments = [] lines = [] for ligand in ligands_grown: try: line, fragment = self._create_fragment_from_ligand( ligand, ligand_core) except Exception as e: try: # Try to fix simmetry line, fragment = self._create_fragment_from_ligand( ligand, ligand_core, simmetry=True) except Exception as e: try: # Try with second substructure search line, fragment = self._create_fragment_from_ligand( ligand, ligand_core, result=1, substructure=False) except Exception as e: #Skip the ligand print("Ligand Skipped") print(e) continue lines.append(line) self.fragments.append(fragment) print(f"Ligand {fragment.file} preprocessed") with open(self.input, "w") as fout: fout.write(("\n").join(lines))