コード例 #1
def test_prepare_structure():

    protein_file = os.path.join(test_path, "PPI/1tnf_prep.pdb")
    new_protein_file = "1tnf_prep_prep.pdb"
    ligand_pdb = os.path.join(test_path, "PPI/1tnf_ligand.pdb")
    chain = ["A", "B"]

    prepare_structure(protein_file, ligand_pdb, chain, remove_water=True)

    with open(new_protein_file, "r") as file:
        lines = file.readlines()
        chains = []
        no_water = True
        for line in lines:
            if "HOH" in line:
                no_water = False
            if line.startswith("HETATM") or line.startswith("ATOM"):
    assert "C" not in chains
    assert no_water
    for f in glob.glob("*_prep.pdb"):
コード例 #2
def run_ppi(parsed_yaml: dict) -> (pv.ParametersBuilder, pv.ParametersBuilder):

    # Let user choose working folder
    original_dir = os.path.abspath(os.getcwd())
    working_folder = os.path.abspath("{}_Pele".format(parsed_yaml.residue))
    if not parsed_yaml.folder:
        working_folder = is_repeated(
            working_folder) if not parsed_yaml.adaptive_restart else is_last(
        working_folder = os.path.abspath(parsed_yaml.folder)

    # Set main folder
    parsed_yaml.folder = os.path.join(working_folder,

    # Check n_waters before launching the simulation

    # get arguments from input.yaml
    n_waters = parsed_yaml.n_waters
    parsed_yaml.n_waters = None
    protein_file = parsed_yaml.system
    chain = parsed_yaml.protein
    ligand_pdb = parsed_yaml.ligand_pdb

    # no waters in the first simulation
    parsed_yaml.water_arg = None

    # remove chains except for "protein" flag
    protein_file = prepare_structure(protein_file, ligand_pdb, chain, True)
    parsed_yaml.system = protein_file

    # start simulation 1 - induced fit
    parsed_yaml.induced_fit_exhaustive = True
    simulation1 = si.run_adaptive(parsed_yaml)
    simulation1_path = os.path.join(simulation1.pele_dir, simulation1.output)

    # cluster best structures
    if not parsed_yaml.debug:
        with cd(simulation1_path):

    # adjust original input.yaml
    if not parsed_yaml.skip_refinement:
        parsed_yaml.system = os.path.join(working_folder,
        parsed_yaml.folder = os.path.join(working_folder,
        parsed_yaml.induced_fit_exhaustive = None
        parsed_yaml.ppi = None
        parsed_yaml.poses = None
        parsed_yaml.rescoring = True
        del parsed_yaml.water_arg
        # Set waters ony if specified by user
        if n_waters != 0:
            parsed_yaml.waters = "all_waters"
            parsed_yaml.n_waters = n_waters
            parsed_yaml.waters = None
            parsed_yaml.n_waters = n_waters
        parsed_yaml.adaptive_restart = False
        if not parsed_yaml.test:
            parsed_yaml.iterations = 1
            parsed_yaml.steps = 100
        parsed_yaml.box_center = simulation1.box_center
        parsed_yaml.box_radius = 100  # We should have a look at how to set no box but at the moment super big

        # start simulation 2 - minimisation
        with cd(original_dir):
            if not parsed_yaml.debug:
                simulation2 = launch_simulation(parsed_yaml)
                simulation2 = None
        simulation2 = None
    return simulation1, simulation2
コード例 #3
def run_ppi(parsed_yaml: dict) -> (pv.ParametersBuilder, pv.ParametersBuilder):
    # Let user choose working folder
    original_dir = os.path.abspath(os.getcwd())
    working_folder = os.path.abspath("{}_Pele".format(parsed_yaml.residue))
    if not parsed_yaml.folder:
        working_folder = get_next_peledir(working_folder) if not parsed_yaml.adaptive_restart else get_latest_peledir(
        working_folder = os.path.abspath(parsed_yaml.folder)

    # Set main folder
    parsed_yaml.folder = os.path.join(working_folder, "1_interface_exploration")

    # get arguments from input.yaml
    n_waters = parsed_yaml.n_waters
    parsed_yaml.n_waters = None
    protein_file = parsed_yaml.system
    chain = parsed_yaml.protein
    ligand_pdb = parsed_yaml.ligand_pdb

    # Parametrize hetero molecules before merging PDBs, if using peleffy. Otherwise they will go through Plop in
    # Adaptive.simulation.
    if parsed_yaml.use_peleffy:
        templates, rotamers, to_skip = parametrize_hetero_ppi(parsed_yaml)

        parsed_yaml.template = parsed_yaml.template.extend(templates) if parsed_yaml.template else templates
        parsed_yaml.rotamers = parsed_yaml.rotamers.extend(rotamers) if parsed_yaml.rotamers else rotamers
        parsed_yaml.skip_ligand_prep = parsed_yaml.skip_ligand_prep.extend(to_skip) if parsed_yaml.skip_ligand_prep else to_skip

    # no waters in the first simulation
    parsed_yaml.water_arg = None
    parsed_yaml.use_peleffy = parsed_yaml.use_peleffy if parsed_yaml.use_peleffy is not None else False

    # remove chains except for "protein" flag
    protein_file = prepare_structure(protein_file, ligand_pdb, chain, True, peleffy=parsed_yaml.use_peleffy)
    parsed_yaml.system = protein_file

    # start simulation 1 - induced fit
    parsed_yaml.induced_fit_long = True
    simulation1 = si.run_adaptive(parsed_yaml)
    simulation1_path = os.path.join(simulation1.pele_dir, simulation1.output)

    # cluster best structures
    if not parsed_yaml.debug:
        with cd(simulation1_path):
            cluster_best_structures("5", n_components=simulation1.n_components,
                                    residue=simulation1.residue, topology=simulation1.topology,
                                    directory=working_folder, logger=simulation1.logger)

    # adjust original input.yaml
    if not parsed_yaml.skip_refinement:
        parsed_yaml.system = os.path.join(working_folder, "refinement_input/*.pdb")
        parsed_yaml.folder = os.path.join(working_folder, "2_refinement_simulation")
        parsed_yaml.induced_fit_long = None
        parsed_yaml.ppi = None
        parsed_yaml.poses = None
        parsed_yaml.rescoring = True
        del parsed_yaml.water_arg

        # Set waters only if specified by user
        if n_waters != 0:
            parsed_yaml.waters = "all_waters"
            parsed_yaml.n_waters = n_waters
            parsed_yaml.waters = None
            parsed_yaml.n_waters = n_waters
        parsed_yaml.adaptive_restart = False
        if not parsed_yaml.test:
            parsed_yaml.iterations = 1
            parsed_yaml.steps = 100
        parsed_yaml.box_center = simulation1.box_center
        parsed_yaml.box_radius = 100  # We should have a look at how to set no box but at the moment super big

        # start simulation 2 - minimisation
        with cd(original_dir):
            if not parsed_yaml.debug:
                simulation2 = launch_simulation(parsed_yaml)
                simulation2 = None
        simulation2 = None
    return simulation1, simulation2