コード例 #1
    def compile(self, cleanall=True, fast=False, verbose=False, hostfile=None):
        """Compiles the simulation. Per default the linking is done before the
        compiling process is called. This method will use your settings as
        defined in your .bashrc-file.

            cleanall:     before calling pc_build, pc_build --cleanall is called
            verbose:      activate for verbosity
            fast:         set True for fast compilation
        from pencil import io
        from os.path import join

        timestamp = io.timestamp()

        command = []

        if cleanall: command.append(' --cleanall')
        if fast == True: command.append(' --fast')
        if hostfile: command.append(' -f ' + hostfile)
        if verbose != False: print('! Compiling ' + self.path)

        return self.bash(command=' '.join(command),
                         logfile=join(self.pc_dir, 'compilelog_' + timestamp))
コード例 #2
    def bash(self, command, verbose="last100", logfile=False):
        """Executes command in simulation directory.
        This method will use your settings as defined in your .bashrc-file.
        A log file will be produced within 'self.path/pc'-folder

        command : string
            Command to be executed, can be a list of commands.

        verbose : bool
            lastN = show last N lines of output afterwards
             False = no output
             True = all output

        import subprocess
        from pencil import io
        from os.path import join

        timestamp = io.timestamp()
        if not type(logfile) == type("string"):
            logfile = join(self.pc_dir, "bash_log_" + timestamp)

        commands = ["cd " + realpath(self.path)]
        # commands.append('source ~/.bashrc')
        # commands.append('shopt -s expand_aliases')

        if type(command) == type(["list"]):
            for c in command:
        elif type(command) == type("string"):
            print("! ERROR: Couldnt understand the command parameter: " +

        with open(logfile, "w") as f:
            rc = subprocess.call(["/bin/bash", "-i", "-c", ";".join(commands)],

        if type(verbose) == type("string"):
            outputlength = -int(verbose.split("last")[-1])
            with open(logfile, "r") as f:
                strList = f.read().split("\n")[outputlength:]
                print("\n".join([s for s in strList if not s == ""]))
        elif verbose == True:
            with open(logfile, "r") as f:

        if rc == 0:
            return True
            print("! ERROR: Execution ended with error code " + str(rc) +
                  "!\n! Please check log file in")
            print("! " + logfile)
            return rc
コード例 #3
    def bash(self, command, verbose='last100', logfile=False):
        """Executes command in simulation directory.
        This method will use your settings as defined in your .bashrc-file.
        A log file will be produced within 'self.path/pc'-folder

            - command:     command to be executed, can be a list of commands
            - verbose:     lastN = show last N lines of output afterwards
                           False = no output
                           True = all output
        import subprocess
        from pencil import io
        from os.path import join, realpath

        timestamp = io.timestamp()
        if not type(logfile) == type('string'):
            logfile = join(self.pc_dir, 'bash_log_' + timestamp)

        commands = ['cd ' + realpath(self.path)]
        #commands.append('source ~/.bashrc')
        #commands.append('shopt -s expand_aliases')

        if type(command) == type(['list']):
            for c in command:
        elif type(command) == type('string'):
            print('! ERROR: Couldnt understand the command parameter: ' +

        with open(logfile, 'w') as f:
            rc = subprocess.call(['/bin/bash', '-i', '-c', ';'.join(commands)],

        if type(verbose) == type('string'):
            outputlength = -int(verbose.split('last')[-1])
            with open(logfile, 'r') as f:
                strList = f.read().split('\n')[outputlength:]
                print('\n'.join([s for s in strList if not s == '']))
        elif verbose == True:
            with open(logfile, 'r') as f:

        if rc == 0:
            return True
            print('! ERROR: Execution ended with error code ' + str(rc) +
                  '!\n! Please check log file in')
            print('! ' + logfile)
            return rc
コード例 #4
    def compile(self, cleanall=True, fast=False, verbose=False, hostfile=None):
        """Compiles the simulation. Per default the linking is done before the
        compiling process is called. This method will use your settings as
        defined in your .bashrc-file.

        cleanall : bool
            Before calling pc_build, pc_build --cleanall is called.

        verbose : bool
            Activate for verbosity.

        fast : bool
            Set True for fast compilation.

        from pencil import io
        from os.path import join

        timestamp = io.timestamp()

        command = []

        if cleanall:
            command.append(" --cleanall")
        if fast == True:
            command.append(" --fast")
        if hostfile:
            command.append(" -f " + hostfile)
        if verbose != False:
            print("! Compiling " + self.path)

        return self.bash(
            command=" ".join(command),
            logfile=join(self.pc_dir, "compilelog_" + timestamp),
コード例 #5
def get_value_from_file(
    """Use to read in a quantity from
        - *.in
        - *.local
        - submit*, i.e. submit.sh, submit.csh, files, only works if computer is readily specified in pc.io.get_systemid

    Please add further functionallity by yourself!

        filename:   can be "run.in", "start.in", "cparam.local", path to that file is extraced from filepath or sim object
        quantity:   variable to read in from file
        sim:        put simulation object here, file will be found by filename automatically
        filepath:   normally not needed, specify here where to find the file with filename, can be a list of paths if unshure
        DEBUG:      make dry run, tell me what you would do but dont change anything!
        silent:     suppress certain output by setting True

        Returns None if not successful

    import os
    import numpy as np
    from os.path import join, abspath, exists, split, isfile
    from pencil import get_sim
    from pencil.math import is_number, is_float, is_int
    from pencil.io import timestamp, debug_breakpoint, mkdir
    import re
    import copy

    def string_to_tuple(s):
        q = s.split(",")

        if is_number(q[0]):
            q = np.array([float(t) for t in q])
            q_type = "TUPLE_FLOAT"
            return q, q_type

        if q[0] == "T" or q[0] == "F":
            q = np.array([bool(t == "T") for t in q])
            q_type = "TUPLE_BOOL"
            return q, q_type

        if type(q[0]) == type("string"):
            q = [t.replace('"', "").replace("'", "") for t in q]
            q_type = "TUPLE_STRING"
            return q, q_type

        print("! ERROR: Could not parse string " + s + " into a tuple!")
            "! DEBUG_BREAKPOINT AKTIVATED - check out the following variables: string s, tuple q, first entry in tuple q[0]"
        return None, None

    def tuple_to_string(t, q_type):
        return ",".join([str(a) for a in t])

    ######## prepare filename and quantity
    filename = filename.strip()  # get rid of whitespaces
    quantity = quantity.strip()
    q_type = False  # q_type will store the type of the quantity value once found and identified

    split_filename = split(filename)
    if sim == False and split_filename[0] != "" and filepath == False:
        filepath = split_filename[0]
        filename = split_filename[1]

    ######## find correct file
    # prepare search_path list to search filename in
    if filepath == False:
        if sim == False:
            sim = get_sim()
            filepath = sim.path
        search_paths = [
            join(sim.path, "src"),
        ]  # add other search paths here!!

    elif type(filepath) == type("string"):
        if filepath.endswith(filename):
            filepath = filepath[:-len(
            )]  # clean filepath if filename occures to be in there at the end
        search_paths = [abspath(filepath.strip())]  # correct path format

    elif type(filepath) == type(["list"]):
        search_paths = filepath

        print("! ERROR: Filename " + str(filename) +
              " could not be interprated or found!")
        return None

    absolute_filepath = None
    for search_path in search_paths:
        tmp_path = join(search_path, filename)
        if os.path.isfile(tmp_path):
            absolute_filepath = tmp_path

    # Traps the case of not being able to find the file
    if absolute_filepath is None:
        if DEBUG:
            print("~ DEBUG: File {0} not found in {1}!".format(
                filename, search_paths))
        return None

    ######## open file
    # now having absolute filepath to file, lets check that file and find quantity inside!
    if DEBUG:
        print("~ DEBUG: Found file {0} in {1}".format(filename, filepath))

    with open(absolute_filepath, "r") as f:
        data_raw = f.readlines()

    ######## find line in file which quantity in
    line_matches = []
    # scan through file for differently for different files
    if filename.endswith(
            ".in") or "cparam.local" or "Makefile.local" in filename:
        FILE_IS = "IN_LOCAL"
        SYM_COMMENT = "!"
        SYM_ASSIGN = "="
        SYM_SEPARATOR = ","

        for ii, line in enumerate(data_raw):
            if line.strip().startswith("&"):
                continue  # filter out lines with &something, e.g. &density_run_pars
            quantity_match_tmp = re.search(
            # Check if this substring occurs as a string.
            if quantity_match_tmp:
                quantity_match = quantity_match_tmp
                if (str.count(line[0:quantity_match.start()], "'") % 2 == 0
                        and str.count(line[0:quantity_match.start()], '"') % 2
                        == 0):
                    if ("run" in filename or "start" in filename
                            or ".local" in filename or "print" in filename):
                        if ("=" in quantity_match_tmp.
                                string[quantity_match_tmp.start() +
                            if line_matches:
                                line_matches[0] = ii
                        quantity_match = quantity_match_tmp

    elif filename.startswith("submit") and filename.split(".")[-1] in [
            "csh", "sh"
        FILE_IS = "SUBMIT"
        SYM_COMMENT = False
        SYM_ASSIGN = "="
        SYM_SEPARATOR = ","

        for ii, line in enumerate(data_raw):
            if line.replace(" ", "").startswith("#@") and quantity in line:
                quantity_match_tmp = re.search(
                if quantity_match_tmp:
                    quantity_match = quantity_match_tmp
                    if line_matches:
                        line_matches[0] = ii
            "! ERROR: Filename unknown! No parsing possible! Please enhance this function to work with "
            + filename)

    if len(line_matches) > 1:
        print('! ERROR: Found more than one line with keyword "' + quantity +
              '" inside!')
        return None
    if len(line_matches) == 0:
        if silent == False:
            print('! ERROR: Found no line with keyword "' + quantity +
                  '" inside ' + join(filepath, filename) + "!")
        return None

    filename = os.path.basename(filename)

    ######## get line with quantity inside
    line = data_raw[line_matches[0]]
    ######## do separation of quantity from rest of line, i.e. get rid of comments and other quantities defined in this line
    comment = ""
        tmp = line.partition(SYM_COMMENT)  # strip away comment
        line = tmp[0]
        if tmp[-1] != "":
            comment = SYM_COMMENT + tmp[-1]  # and store for later

    #    line = line.replace(' ','').replace('\n', '')                               # do cleanup in this line

    # Find the position where the quantity is stored.
    pos_equal_sign_left = quantity_match.end() + str.find(
        line[quantity_match.end() - 1:], "=")
    #    pos_equal_sign_right = pos_equal_sign_left + str.find(line[pos_equal_sign_left:], ', *[0-9a-zA-Z][0-9a-zA-Z]* *= *[0-9a-zA-Z][0-9a-zA-Z]*')
    pos_equal_sign_right = pos_equal_sign_left + str.find(
        line[pos_equal_sign_left:], "=")
    if pos_equal_sign_right < pos_equal_sign_left:
        pos_equal_sign_right = -1
        pos_right_comma = -1
        pos_right_comma = str.rfind(line[:pos_equal_sign_right], ",")

    # Change the quantity in the line string.
    q = copy.copy(line[pos_equal_sign_left:pos_right_comma])
    #    qs = line.partition(quantity+SYM_ASSIGN)
    #    if SYM_ASSIGN in qs[-1]:
    #        qs = qs[:2]+qs[-1].partition(SYM_ASSIGN)
    #        #qs = qs[:2]+qs[-1].partition(SYM_ASSIGN)
    #        qs = qs[:2]+qs[2].rpartition(',')+qs[3:]
    #    qs = list(qs)
    #    q = qs[2]

    while q.endswith("\t"):
        q = q[:-1]
        comment = "\t" + comment  # take care of trailing tabulator
    while q.endswith(","):
        q = q[:-1]  # remove trailing ,

    ######## do a cleanup of quantity value q and convert into string, float, int or array, also remember data type of q
    if q.startswith("'") and q.endswith(
            "'"):  # quantity q is string in form of 'STRING'
        q = q[1:-1]
        q_type = "STRING"

    elif q.startswith('"') and q.endswith(
            '"'):  # quantity q is string in form of "STRING"
        q = q[1:-1]
        q_type = "STRING"

    elif not is_number(
            q[0]):  # quantity q is string in form of not beeing a number
        q = q.strip().replace('"', "").replace("'", "")
        q_type = "STRING"

        q_type = "FLOAT"
        if is_int(q):
            q = int(q)
            q_type = "INT"
        if type(q) == type("string") and "," in q:
            q, q_type = string_to_tuple(q)  # q is a TULPE_something
            print("q = {0}, q_type = {1}".format(q, q_type))

        if type(q) == type("string") and q in ["F", "f"]:  # q is BOOL
            q = False
            q_type = "BOOL"

        if type(q) == type("string") and q in ["T", "t"]:
            q = True
            q_type = "BOOL"

        if type(q) == type("string"):
            if is_number(q[0]):
                q_type = "STRING"

    if q_type == False:  # catch if type of q was not recognized
            "! ERROR: Couldnt identify the data type of the quantity value: " +
        DEBUG = True
    elif DEBUG:
        print("~ DEBUG: q_type = " + q_type)
    if q_type == "FLOAT":
        q = float(q)
    elif q_type == "INT":
        q = int(q)

    ######## if value of quantity has to be changed do:
    if change_quantity_to != None:

        ####### prepare change_quantity_to for string injection
        if q_type == "STRING":
            if not FILE_IS == "SUBMIT":
                if type(change_quantity_to) == list:
                    tmp = ""
                    for a in change_quantity_to:
                        tmp += "'" + a + "',"
                    change_quantity_to = tmp[:-1]
                elif type(change_quantity_to) == int:
                    change_quantity_to = str(change_quantity_to)
                    change_quantity_to = "'" + change_quantity_to + "'"

        elif q_type == "BOOL":
            change_quantity_to = bool(change_quantity_to in ["T", "t", True])
            if change_quantity_to == True:
                change_quantity_to = "T"
            elif change_quantity_to == False:
                change_quantity_to = "F"
                print("! ERROR: There is something deeply wrong here!" +
                      " change_quantity_to should be bool...")
                return None

        elif q_type == "FLOAT":
            if type(change_quantity_to) == str:
                change_quantity_to = float(change_quantity_to)
            change_quantity_to = "%e" % change_quantity_to

        elif q_type == "INT":
            if type(change_quantity_to) == str:
                change_quantity_to = int(change_quantity_to)
            change_quantity_to = "%i" % change_quantity_to

        elif q_type.startswith("TUPLE"):
            if q_type.endswith("BOOL"):
                if type(change_quantity_to) == type(
                    ["list", "of", "bool", "or", "strings"]):
                    for ii, val in enumerate(change_quantity_to):
                        if val in ["T", "t", True]:
                            change_quantity_to[ii] = "T"
                        elif val in ["F", "f", False]:
                            change_quantity_to[ii] = "F"
                                "! ERROR: There is something deeply wrong here! change_quantity_to["
                                + str(ii) +
                                "] should be bool or string representation, but it is "
                                + str(change_quantity_to[ii]))
                            return None
                change_quantity_to = ",".join(
                    [str(t) for t in change_quantity_to])
            if q_type.endswith("FLOAT"):
                change_quantity_to = str(list(change_quantity_to))[1:-1]
            if q_type.endswith("STRING"):
                change_quantity_to = str(list(change_quantity_to))[1:-1]

        if DEBUG:
            print("~ DEBUG: Would change quantity " + quantity + " from " +
                  str(q) + " to " + str(change_quantity_to))
        q = str(change_quantity_to)

        ######## further formatting
        new_line = (line[:pos_equal_sign_left] + q + line[pos_right_comma:] +
                    "\t" + comment
                    )  # create new line and add comment stripped away before
        #        new_line = ''.join(qs).replace(SYM_SEPARATOR, SYM_SEPARATOR+' ')+'\t'+comment    # create new line and add comment stripped away before
        new_line = (new_line.rstrip()
                    )  # clean empty spaces on the right, no one needs that...
        if new_line[-1] != "\n":
            new_line = new_line + "\n"
        if FILE_IS == "SUBMIT":
            new_line = new_line.replace("#@", "#@ ").replace(
                "=", " = ")  # optimizing format of submit script

        if DEBUG:
            print("~ DEBUG: old line: " + str(data_raw[line_matches[0]])[:-1])
            print("~ DEBUG: new line: " + str(new_line)[:-1])

        if not DEBUG:
            ####### do backup of file before changing it
            if sim:
                from shutil import copyfile

                target = join(sim.path, "pc/backups/" + timestamp())
                target = join(target, filename)
                copyfile(absolute_filepath, target)

            # replace line in raw data
            data_raw[line_matches[0]] = new_line

            # save on drive
            with open(absolute_filepath, "w") as f:
                for l in data_raw:

    ######## DONE!
    return q
コード例 #6
def rename_in_submit_script(new_name,
    import os
    from os.path import exists, join, abspath, dirname
    from pencil.io import timestamp, get_systemid, mkdir

    if submit_script_path != False:
        path = dirname(abspath(submit_script_path))
        filename = basename(abspath(submit_script_path))

    # locate submit script file if not given
    if submit_script_path == False:
        # get path of simulation folder where submit script should be around
        if sim == False:
            path = "."
            path = sim.path

        list_of_possible_submit_scripts = [
            f for f in os.listdir(path)
            if f.startswith("submit") and f.split(".")[-1] in ["sh", "csh"]

        # only works if a single submit script could be identified, else prompt error and let the user do it manually
        if len(list_of_possible_submit_scripts) == 0:
            print("!! ERROR: Could not find a submit script in " + str(path))
            return False
        elif len(list_of_possible_submit_scripts) > 1:
                "!! ERROR: Could not identify submit script, please specify manually:"
                + str(list_of_possible_submit_scripts))
            return False
            filename = list_of_possible_submit_scripts[0]

    # path to submit script should now be clear, but better check its a string
    if type(path) != type("STRING"):
            "!! ERROR: Could not identify submit script path, please check manually: "
            + str(path))

    path_filename = join(path, filename)

    # open submit script as f and read content into s
    with open(path_filename) as f:
        s = f.read()

    # if the old name is known, we can simply replace that string with the new name
    if old_name != False and type(old_name) == type("STRING"):
        with open(path_filename) as f:
            s = f.read()
            if old_name in s:
                s = s.replace(old_name, new_name)
                print("?? ERROR: Could not find old_name " + str(old_name) +
                      " in submit script " + str(path_filename))
                return False

    # else we need to look for specific identifiers, that differ from queue system and cluster
        # get submit name line identifier
        identify = get_systemid()[2]
        if identify == False:
                "!! ERROR: Could not identify an submit script name identifier, please update pc.io.get_systemid.py by adding your machine."
        if identify in s:
            if s.count(identify) > 1:
                    "ERROR: Job name identifier has multiple appearences in submit script!"
                return False
            s = s.split("\n")
            for ii, line in enumerate(s):
                if identify in line:
            s[ii] = identify + " " + new_name

            s = "\n".join(s)

                "!! ERROR: Could not find name identifier in submit script, identifier is "
                + str(identify))

    # s should now be updated, we can save it in now in the file submit_script_path, but let us backup the old one
    # backup
    from shutil import copyfile

    target_dir = join(path, "pc/backups/")
             join(target_dir, filename + ".BAK" + str(timestamp())))

    # save new submit script
    with open(path_filename, "w") as f:

    # done
    return True