コード例 #1
ファイル: simulation.py プロジェクト: yangjian615/pencil-code
    def update(self, quiet=True):
        """Update simulation object:
                - read param.nml
                - read grid and ghost grid
        from os.path import exists
        from os.path import join
        from pencilnew.read import param
        from pencilnew.read import grid

        if self.param == False or self.param != param(quiet=quiet,
                if exists(join(self.datadir, 'param.nml')):
                    param = param(quiet=quiet, datadir=self.datadir)
                    self.param = {}  # read params into Simulation object
                    for key in dir(param):
                        if key.startswith('__'): continue
                        self.param[key] = getattr(param, key)
                    if not quiet:
                            '? WARNING: for ' + self.path +
                            '\n? Simulation has not run yet! Meaning: No param.nml found!'
                print('! ERROR: while reading param.nml for ' + self.path)
                self.param = False

        if self.param != False and (self.grid == False
                                    or self.ghost_grid == False):
            try:  # read grid only if param is not False
                #import pencilnew as pcn; pcn.io.debug_breakpoint()
                self.grid = grid(datadir=self.datadir, trim=True, quiet=True)
                self.ghost_grid = grid(datadir=self.datadir,
                if not quiet:
                    print('# Updating grid and ghost_grid succesfull')
                if not quiet:
                        '? WARNING: Updating grid and ghost_grid was not succesfull, since reading grid had an error'
                if self.started() or (not quiet):
                    print('? WARNING: Couldnt load grid for ' + self.path)
                self.grid = False
                self.ghost_grid = False
        elif self.param == False:
            if not quiet:
                    '? WARNING: Updating grid and ghost_grid was not succesfull, since run did is not started yet.'
            self.grid = False
            self.ghost_grid = False

        #import pencilnew as pcn; pcn.io.debug_breakpoint()
        return self
コード例 #2
    def read(self, data_dir='data', param=None, dim=None):
        Read Pencil Code index data from index.pro.

        call signature:

        read(self, data_dir='data/', param=None, dim=None)

        Keyword arguments:

          Directory where the data is stored.

          Parameter object.

          Dimension object.

        import os
        import pencilnew.read as read

        if param is None:
            param = read.param(data_dir=data_dir, quiet=True)
        if dim is None:
            dim = read.dim(data_dir=data_dir)

        if param.lwrite_aux:
            totalvars = dim.mvar + dim.maux
            totalvars = dim.mvar

        index_file = open(os.path.join(data_dir, 'index.pro'))
        for line in index_file.readlines():
            clean = line.strip()
            name = clean.split('=')[0].strip().replace('[',
                                                       '').replace(']', '')
            if (clean.split('=')[1].strip().startswith('intarr(370)')):
            val = int(clean.split('=')[1].strip())

            if (val != 0  and val <= totalvars \
                and not name.startswith('i_') and name.startswith('i')):
                name = name.lstrip('i')
                if (name == 'lnTT' and param.ltemperature_nolog):
                    name = 'tt'
                setattr(self, name, val)
コード例 #3
    def update(self, hard=False, quiet=True):
        """Update simulation object:
            if not read in:
                - read param.nml
                - read grid and ghost grid

            Set hard=True to force update.
        from os.path import exists
        from os.path import join
        from pencilnew.read import param, grid, dim

        REEXPORT = False

        if hard == True:
            self.param = False
            self.grid = False
            self.ghost_grid = False
            self.dim = False
            REEXPORT = True

        if self.param == False:
                if exists(join(self.datadir, 'param.nml')):
                    print('~ Reading param.nml.. ')
                    param = param(quiet=quiet, datadir=self.datadir)
                    self.param = {}  # read params into Simulation object
                    for key in dir(param):
                        if key.startswith('_') or key == 'read': continue
                        self.param[key] = getattr(param, key)
                    REEXPORT = True
                    if not quiet:
                            '? WARNING: for ' + self.path +
                            '\n? Simulation has not run yet! Meaning: No param.nml found!'
                    REEXPORT = True
                print('! ERROR: while reading param.nml for ' + self.path)
                self.param = False
                REEXPORT = True

        if self.param != False and (self.grid == False
                                    or self.ghost_grid == False):
            try:  # read grid only if param is not False
                #import pencilnew as pcn; pcn.io.debug_breakpoint()
                print('~ Reading grid.. ')
                self.grid = grid(datadir=self.datadir, trim=True, quiet=True)
                print('~ Reading ghost_grid.. ')
                self.ghost_grid = grid(datadir=self.datadir,
                print('~ Reading dim.. ')
                self.dim = dim(datadir=self.datadir)
                if not quiet:
                    print('# Updating grid and ghost_grid succesfull')
                REEXPORT = True
                # adding lx, dx etc to params
                self.param['Lx'] = self.grid.Lx
                self.param['Ly'] = self.grid.Ly
                self.param['Lz'] = self.grid.Lz
                self.param['lx'] = self.grid.Lx
                self.param['ly'] = self.grid.Ly
                self.param['lz'] = self.grid.Lz
                self.param['dx'] = self.grid.dx
                self.param['dy'] = self.grid.dy
                self.param['dz'] = self.grid.dz
                if not quiet:
                        '? WARNING: Updating grid and ghost_grid was not succesfull, since reading grid had an error'
                if self.started() or (not quiet):
                    print('? WARNING: Couldnt load grid for ' + self.path)
                self.grid = False
                self.ghost_grid = False
                self.dim = False
                REEXPORT = True
        elif self.param == False:
            if not quiet:
                    '? WARNING: Updating grid and ghost_grid was not succesfull, since run did is not started yet.'
            self.grid = False
            self.ghost_grid = False
            self.dim = False
            REEXPORT = True

        if REEXPORT == True: self.export()
        #import pencilnew as pcn; pcn.io.debug_breakpoint()
        return self
コード例 #4
    def read(self,
        Read VAR files from pencil code. If proc < 0, then load all data
        and assemble. otherwise, load VAR file from specified processor.

        The file format written by output() (and used, e.g. in var.dat)
        consists of the followinig Fortran records:
        1. data(mx, my, mz, nvar)
        2. t(1), x(mx), y(my), z(mz), dx(1), dy(1), dz(1), deltay(1)
        Here nvar denotes the number of slots, i.e. 1 for one scalar field, 3
        for one vector field, 8 for var.dat in the case of MHD with entropy.
        but, deltay(1) is only there if lshear is on! need to know parameters.

        call signature:

        read(var_file='', datadir='data/', proc=-1, ivar=-1,
            quiet=True, trimall=False,
            magic=None, sim=None)

        Keyword arguments:
            var_file:   Name of the VAR file.
            sim:        Simulation sim object.
            magic:      Values to be computed from the data, e.g. B = curl(A).
            trimall:    Trim the data cube to exclude ghost zones.
            quiet:      Flag for switching off output.

            datadir:    Directory where the data is stored.
            proc:       Processor to be read. If -1 read all and assemble to one array.
            ivar:       Index of the VAR file, if var_file is not specified.

        import numpy as np
        import os
        from scipy.io import FortranFile
        from pencilnew.math.derivatives import curl, curl2
        from pencilnew import read

        if sim is not None:
            datadir = os.path.expanduser(sim.datadir)
            dim = sim.dim
            param = read.param(datadir=sim.datadir, quiet=True)
            index = read.index(datadir=sim.datadir)
            datadir = os.path.expanduser(datadir)
            if dim is None:
                dim = read.dim(datadir, proc)
            if param is None:
                param = read.param(datadir=datadir, quiet=quiet)
            if index is None:
                index = read.index(datadir=datadir)

        run2D = param.lwrite_2d

        if dim.precision == 'D':
            precision = 'd'
            precision = 'f'

        if param.lwrite_aux:
            total_vars = dim.mvar + dim.maux
            total_vars = dim.mvar

        if not var_file:
            if ivar < 0:
                var_file = 'var.dat'
                var_file = 'VAR' + str(ivar)

        if proc < 0:
            proc_dirs = self.__natural_sort(
                filter(lambda s: s.startswith('proc'), os.listdir(datadir)))
            proc_dirs = ['proc' + str(proc)]

        if trimall != False: trim_all = trimall

        # Set up the global array.
        if not run2D:
            f = np.zeros((total_vars, dim.mz, dim.my, dim.mx), dtype=precision)
            if dim.ny == 1:
                f = np.zeros((total_vars, dim.mz, dim.mx), dtype=precision)
                f = np.zeros((total_vars, dim.my, dim.mx), dtype=precision)

        x = np.zeros(dim.mx, dtype=precision)
        y = np.zeros(dim.my, dtype=precision)
        z = np.zeros(dim.mz, dtype=precision)

        for directory in proc_dirs:
            proc = int(directory[4:])
            procdim = read.dim(datadir, proc)
            if not quiet:
                print("Reading data from processor {0} of {1} ...".format( \
                      proc, len(proc_dirs)))

            mxloc = procdim.mx
            myloc = procdim.my
            mzloc = procdim.mz

            # Read the data.
            file_name = os.path.join(datadir, directory, var_file)
            infile = FortranFile(file_name)
            if not run2D:
                f_loc = infile.read_record(dtype=precision)
                f_loc = f_loc.reshape((-1, mzloc, myloc, mxloc))
                if dim.ny == 1:
                    f_loc = infile.read_record(dtype=precision)
                    f_loc = f_loc.reshape((-1, mzloc, mxloc))
                    f_loc = infile.read_record(dtype=precision)
                    f_loc = f_loc.reshape((-1, myloc, mxloc))
            raw_etc = infile.read_record(precision)

            t = raw_etc[0]
            x_loc = raw_etc[1:mxloc + 1]
            y_loc = raw_etc[mxloc + 1:mxloc + myloc + 1]
            z_loc = raw_etc[mxloc + myloc + 1:mxloc + myloc + mzloc + 1]
            if param.lshear:
                shear_offset = 1
                deltay = raw_etc[-1]
                shear_offset = 0

            dx = raw_etc[-3 - shear_offset]
            dy = raw_etc[-2 - shear_offset]
            dz = raw_etc[-1 - shear_offset]

            if len(proc_dirs) > 1:
                # Calculate where the local processor will go in
                # the global array.
                # Don't overwrite ghost zones of processor to the left (and
                # accordingly in y and z direction -- makes a difference on the
                # diagonals)
                # Recall that in NumPy, slicing is NON-INCLUSIVE on the right end
                # ie, x[0:4] will slice all of a 4-digit array, not produce
                # an error like in idl.

                if procdim.ipx == 0:
                    i0x = 0
                    i1x = i0x + procdim.mx
                    i0xloc = 0
                    i1xloc = procdim.mx
                    i0x = procdim.ipx * procdim.nx + procdim.nghostx
                    i1x = i0x + procdim.mx - procdim.nghostx
                    i0xloc = procdim.nghostx
                    i1xloc = procdim.mx

                if procdim.ipy == 0:
                    i0y = 0
                    i1y = i0y + procdim.my
                    i0yloc = 0
                    i1yloc = procdim.my
                    i0y = procdim.ipy * procdim.ny + procdim.nghosty
                    i1y = i0y + procdim.my - procdim.nghosty
                    i0yloc = procdim.nghosty
                    i1yloc = procdim.my

                if procdim.ipz == 0:
                    i0z = 0
                    i1z = i0z + procdim.mz
                    i0zloc = 0
                    i1zloc = procdim.mz
                    i0z = procdim.ipz * procdim.nz + procdim.nghostz
                    i1z = i0z + procdim.mz - procdim.nghostz
                    i0zloc = procdim.nghostz
                    i1zloc = procdim.mz

                x[i0x:i1x] = x_loc[i0xloc:i1xloc]
                y[i0y:i1y] = y_loc[i0yloc:i1yloc]
                z[i0z:i1z] = z_loc[i0zloc:i1zloc]

                if not run2D:
                    f[:, i0z:i1z, i0y:i1y, i0x:i1x] = \
                        f_loc[:, i0zloc:i1zloc, i0yloc:i1yloc, i0xloc:i1xloc]
                    if dim.ny == 1:
                        f[:, i0z:i1z, i0x:i1x] = \
                              f_loc[:, i0zloc:i1zloc, i0xloc:i1xloc]
                        f[:, i0y:i1y, i0x:i1x] = \
                              f_loc[:, i0yloc:i1yloc, i0xloc:i1xloc]
                f = f_loc
                x = x_loc
                y = y_loc
                z = z_loc

        if magic is not None:
            if 'bb' in magic:
                # Compute the magnetic field before doing trim_all.
                aa = f[index.ax - 1:index.az, ...]
                self.bb = curl(aa, dx, dy, dz, run2D=run2D)
                if trim_all:
                    self.bb = self.bb[:, dim.n1:dim.n2 + 1, dim.m1:dim.m2 + 1,
                                      dim.l1:dim.l2 + 1]
            if 'jj' in magic:
                # Compute the electric current field before doing trim_all.
                aa = f[index.ax - 1:index.az, ...]
                self.jj = curl2(aa, dx, dy, dz)
                if trim_all:
                    self.jj = self.jj[:, dim.n1:dim.n2 + 1, dim.m1:dim.m2 + 1,
                                      dim.l1:dim.l2 + 1]
            if 'vort' in magic:
                # Compute the vorticity field before doing trim_all.
                uu = f[index.ux - 1:index.uz, ...]
                self.vort = curl(uu, dx, dy, dz, run2D=run2D)
                if trim_all:
                    if run2D:
                        if dim.nz == 1:
                            self.vort = self.vort[:, dim.m1:dim.m2 + 1,
                                                  dim.l1:dim.l2 + 1]
                            self.vort = self.vort[:, dim.n1:dim.n2 + 1,
                                                  dim.l1:dim.l2 + 1]
                        self.vort = self.vort[:, dim.n1:dim.n2 + 1,
                                              dim.m1:dim.m2 + 1,
                                              dim.l1:dim.l2 + 1]

        # Trim the ghost zones of the global f-array if asked.
        if trim_all:
            self.x = x[dim.l1:dim.l2 + 1]
            self.y = y[dim.m1:dim.m2 + 1]
            self.z = z[dim.n1:dim.n2 + 1]
            if not run2D:
                self.f = f[:, dim.n1:dim.n2 + 1, dim.m1:dim.m2 + 1,
                           dim.l1:dim.l2 + 1]
                if dim.ny == 1:
                    self.f = f[:, dim.n1:dim.n2 + 1, dim.l1:dim.l2 + 1]
                    self.f = f[:, dim.m1:dim.m2 + 1, dim.l1:dim.l2 + 1]
            self.x = x
            self.y = y
            self.z = z
            self.f = f
            self.l1 = dim.l1
            self.l2 = dim.l2 + 1
            self.m1 = dim.m1
            self.m2 = dim.m2 + 1
            self.n1 = dim.n1
            self.n2 = dim.n2 + 1

        # Assign an attribute to self for each variable defined in
        # 'data/index.pro' so that e.g. self.ux is the x-velocity
        for key in index.__dict__.keys():
            if key != 'global_gg' and key != 'keys':
                value = index.__dict__[key]
                setattr(self, key, self.f[value - 1, ...])
        # Special treatment for vector quantities.
        if hasattr(index, 'uu'):
            self.uu = self.f[index.ux - 1:index.uz, ...]
        if hasattr(index, 'aa'):
            self.aa = self.f[index.ax - 1:index.az, ...]

        self.t = t
        self.dx = dx
        self.dy = dy
        self.dz = dz
        if param.lshear:
            self.deltay = deltay

        # Do the rest of magic after the trim_all (i.e. no additional curl...).
        self.magic = magic
        if self.magic is not None:
コード例 #5
ファイル: simulation.py プロジェクト: pencil-code/pencil-code
    def update(self, hard=False, quiet=True):
        """Update simulation object:
            if not read in:
                - read param.nml
                - read grid and ghost grid

            Set hard=True to force update.
        from os.path import exists
        from os.path import join
        from pencilnew.read import param, grid, dim

        REEXPORT = False

        if hard == True:
            self.param = False
            self.grid = False
            self.ghost_grid = False
            self.dim = False
            REEXPORT = True

        if self.param == False:
                if exists(join(self.datadir,'param.nml')):
                    print('~ Reading param.nml.. ')
                    param = param(quiet=quiet, datadir=self.datadir)
                    self.param = {}                     # read params into Simulation object
                    for key in dir(param):
                        if key.startswith('_') or key == 'read': continue
                        self.param[key] = getattr(param, key)
                    REEXPORT = True
                    if not quiet: print('? WARNING: for '+self.path+'\n? Simulation has not run yet! Meaning: No param.nml found!')
                    REEXPORT = True
                print('! ERROR: while reading param.nml for '+self.path)
                self.param = False
                REEXPORT = True

        if self.param != False and (self.grid == False or self.ghost_grid == False):
            try:                                # read grid only if param is not False
                #import pencilnew as pcn; pcn.io.debug_breakpoint()
                print('~ Reading grid.. ')
                self.grid = grid(datadir=self.datadir, trim=True, quiet=True)
                print('~ Reading ghost_grid.. ')
                self.ghost_grid = grid(datadir=self.datadir, trim=False, quiet=True)
                print('~ Reading dim.. ')
                self.dim = dim(datadir=self.datadir)
                if not quiet: print('# Updating grid and ghost_grid succesfull')
                REEXPORT = True
                # adding lx, dx etc to params
                self.param['Lx'] = self.grid.Lx; self.param['Ly'] = self.grid.Ly; self.param['Lz'] = self.grid.Lz
                self.param['lx'] = self.grid.Lx; self.param['ly'] = self.grid.Ly; self.param['lz'] = self.grid.Lz
                self.param['dx'] = self.grid.dx; self.param['dy'] = self.grid.dy; self.param['dz'] = self.grid.dz
                if not quiet: print('? WARNING: Updating grid and ghost_grid was not succesfull, since reading grid had an error')
                if self.started() or (not quiet): print('? WARNING: Couldnt load grid for '+self.path)
                self.grid = False
                self.ghost_grid = False
                self.dim = False
                REEXPORT = True
        elif self.param == False:
            if not quiet: print('? WARNING: Updating grid and ghost_grid was not succesfull, since run did is not started yet.')
            self.grid = False
            self.ghost_grid = False
            self.dim = False
            REEXPORT = True

        if REEXPORT == True: self.export()
        #import pencilnew as pcn; pcn.io.debug_breakpoint()
        return self