コード例 #1
def tree_prune(G: nx.DiGraph, leaves_at_depth_d: dict, d: int,
               prune_rate: float):
    """Remove nodes from the tree based on the set prune rate and the total cost of the path from root to leaf.

      G: NetworkX DiGraph object that represents our tree.
      leaves_at_depth_d: Dictonary that keeps track of all the leaves at level d
      d: the depth that we are pruning at
      prune_rate: The percentage of leaves to be removed


    cost_at_leaf = []
    # loop over the leaves at depth d
    for leaf in leaves_at_depth_d[d - 1]:
        cost_at_leaf.append(tree_cost_of_path(G, leaf))
    # Sort both leaves and cost according to cost, ascendingly
    leaves_sorted = [
        x for _, x in sorted(zip(cost_at_leaf, leaves_at_depth_d[d - 1]))
    leaves_kept = leaves_sorted[int(np.ceil(prune_rate * len(cost_at_leaf))):]
    leaves_removed = leaves_sorted[:int(np.ceil(prune_rate *
    leaves_at_depth_d[d - 1] = leaves_kept
コード例 #2
ファイル: amp_hqc.py プロジェクト: adjs/dcsp
def config(X):
    n = int(np.ceil(np.log2(len(X[0]))))             # pylint: disable=no-member
    n = 2**int(np.ceil(np.log2(n)))                  # n tem que ser potência de 2. # pylint: disable=no-member
    N = n                                            # número total de qubits no circuito.
    w = 2*n - 1                                      # número de parâmetros do circuito (weights)
    X = np.c_[X, np.zeros((len(X), 2**n-len(X[0])))] # o número de qubits necessários para codificar os dados (log_2(N)) precisa ser uma potencia de 2. # pylint: disable=no-member
    return n, N, w, X
コード例 #3
def config(X):
    n = int(np.ceil(np.log2(len(X[0]))))  # pylint: disable=no-member
    n = 2**int(np.ceil(np.log2(n)))  # n tem que ser potência de 2. # pylint: disable=no-member
    N = 2**n - 1  # len(X[0])-1 # N precisa ser tal que n seja potência de 2 mais próxima de log_2(X[0]). O hierarchical exige que n seja dessa maneira.
    w = 2 * n - 1  # número de parâmetros do circuito (weights)
    X = np.c_[X, np.zeros((len(X), 2**n - len(X[0])))]  # o número de qubits necessários para codificar os dados (log_2(N)) precisa ser uma potencia de 2. # pylint: disable=no-member

    return n, N, w, X
コード例 #4
def tree_prune(G, leaves_at_depth_d, d):
    cost_at_leaf = []
    for leaf in leaves_at_depth_d[d - 1]:
        cost_at_leaf.append(tree_cost_of_path(G, leaf))

    leaves_sorted = [
        x for _, x in sorted(zip(cost_at_leaf, leaves_at_depth_d[d - 1]))
    leaves_kept = leaves_sorted[int(np.ceil(PRUNE_RATE * len(cost_at_leaf))):]
    leaves_removed = leaves_sorted[:int(np.ceil(PRUNE_RATE *
    leaves_at_depth_d[d - 1] = leaves_kept
コード例 #5
def config(X):
    n = 2**int(np.ceil(np.log2(len(X[0]))))  # len(X[0]) # número de qubits necessário para armazenar o dado codificado. # pylint: disable=no-member
    N = n  # número total de qubits no circuito.
    w = 2 * n - 1  # número de parâmetros do circuito (weights)
    X = np.c_[X, np.zeros((len(X), n - len(X[0])))]  # pylint: disable=no-member

    return n, N, w, X
コード例 #6
    def __init__(self, feature_dim, n_layers, n_qubits, n_features_per_qubit=1, n_latent_qubits=0, wires=None):
        self.__feature_dim = self.__type_checker(feature_dim, int, 'feature_dim')
        self.__n_layers = self.__type_checker(n_layers, int, 'n_layers')
        self.__n_qubits = self.__type_checker(n_qubits, int, 'n_qubits')
        self.__n_features_per_qubit = self.__type_checker(n_features_per_qubit, int, 'n_qubits')
        self.__n_latent_qubits = self.__type_checker(n_latent_qubits, int, 'n_latent_qubits')

        if wires is None:
            self.__wires = list(range(self.n_total_qubits))
        elif isinstance(wires, int):
            self.__wires = list(range(wires))
        elif isinstance(wires, list):
            self.__wires = wires
        elif isinstance(wires, range):
            self.__wires = list(wires)
            raise ValueError('Wires argument needs to be None, a list, range-object or an integer')

        if len(self.__wires) != self.n_total_qubits:
            raise ValueError('Number of wires must match number of total qubits!')

        self.__n_sub_layers = int(np.ceil(self.feature_dim / (self.n_qubits * self.n_features_per_qubit)))

        if self.n_sub_layers > 1:
            self.__n_repeats_per_layer = 1
            self.__padding_width = self.n_features_per_qubit * self.n_qubits * self.n_sub_layers - self.feature_dim
            self.__n_repeats_per_layer = int(np.floor(self.n_features_per_qubit * self.n_qubits / self.feature_dim))
            self.__padding_width = (self.n_features_per_qubit * self.n_qubits) % self.feature_dim
コード例 #7
def shadow_bound(error, observables, failure_rate=0.01):
    Calculate the shadow bound for the Pauli measurement scheme.

    Implements Eq. (S13) from https://arxiv.org/pdf/2002.08953.pdf

        error (float): The error on the estimator.
        observables (list) : List of matrices corresponding to the observables we intend to
        failure_rate (float): Rate of failure for the bound to hold.

        An integer that gives the number of samples required to satisfy the shadow bound and
        the chunk size required attaining the specified failure rate.
    M = len(observables)
    K = 2 * np.log(2 * M / failure_rate)
    shadow_norm = (
        lambda op: np.linalg.norm(
            op - np.trace(op) / 2 ** int(np.log2(op.shape[0])), ord=np.inf
        ** 2
    N = 34 * max(shadow_norm(o) for o in observables) / error ** 2
    return int(np.ceil(N * K)), int(K)
コード例 #8
ファイル: utils.py プロジェクト: JonasLandman/qhack_project
def Words_Entangler_circuit(params_, wires):
    """Apply many controled-rotation between words
    'params_' is a matrix of different angles of size (num_words/2) x qbits_per_word """

    mask = np.zeros_like(params_)
    #EVEN number of qubits
    if num_words % 2 == 0:
        for bit in range(qbits_per_word):
            for i in range(int(np.ceil(num_words / 2))):
                if bit % 2 != 0:
                    i_ = i * qbits_per_word * 2 + qbits_per_word
                    if i_ + bit + qbits_per_word > len(wires) - 1:
                                wires=[wires[i_ + bit], wires[bit]])
                        mask[bit][i] = 1
                                    wires[i_ + bit],
                                    wires[i_ + bit + qbits_per_word]
                        mask[bit][i] = 1
                    i_ = i * qbits_per_word * 2
                                wires[i_ + bit],
                                wires[i_ + bit + qbits_per_word]
                    mask[bit][i] = 1

    #ODD number of qubits
    elif num_words % 2 == 1:
        for bit in range(qbits_per_word):
            if bit % 2 == 0:  #even bits: need to loop back the last CRot
                for i in range(int(np.ceil(num_words / 2))):
                    i_ = i * qbits_per_word * 2
                    if i_ + bit + qbits_per_word > len(wires) - 1:
                        if bit == qbits_per_word - 1:  #last layer
                                    wires=[wires[i_ + bit], wires[bit]])
                            mask[bit][i] = 1
                                    wires=[wires[i_ + bit], wires[bit + 1]])
                            mask[bit][i] = 1
                                    wires[i_ + bit],
                                    wires[i_ + bit + qbits_per_word]
                        mask[bit][i] = 1
            else:  #odd bits
                for i in range(int(np.floor(num_words / 2))):
                    i_ = i * qbits_per_word * 2 + qbits_per_word
                                wires[i_ + bit],
                                wires[i_ + bit + qbits_per_word]
                    mask[bit][i] = 1
コード例 #9
    def step(self, objective_fn, *args, **kwargs):
        """Update trainable arguments with one step of the optimizer.

            objective_fn (function): the objective function for optimization
            *args: variable length argument list for objective function
            **kwargs: variable length of keyword arguments for the objective function

            list[array]: The new variable values :math:`x^{(t+1)}`.
            If single arg is provided, list[array] is replaced by array.

        self.trainable_args = set()

        for index, arg in enumerate(args):
            if getattr(arg, "requires_grad", True):
                self.trainable_args |= {index}

        if self.s is None:
            # Number of shots per parameter
            self.s = [
                np.zeros_like(a, dtype=np.int64) + self.min_shots
                for i, a in enumerate(args)
                if i in self.trainable_args

        # keep track of the number of shots run
        s = np.concatenate([i.flatten() for i in self.s])
        self.max_shots = max(s)
        self.shots_used = int(2 * np.sum(s))
        self.total_shots_used += self.shots_used

        # compute the gradient, as well as the variance in the gradient,
        # using the number of shots determined by the array s.
        grads, grad_variances = self.compute_grad(objective_fn, args, kwargs)
        new_args = self.apply_grad(grads, args)

        if self.xi is None:
            self.chi = [np.zeros_like(g, dtype=np.float64) for g in grads]
            self.xi = [np.zeros_like(g, dtype=np.float64) for g in grads]

        # running average of the gradient
        self.chi = [self.mu * c + (1 - self.mu) * g for c, g in zip(self.chi, grads)]

        # running average of the gradient variance
        self.xi = [self.mu * x + (1 - self.mu) * v for x, v in zip(self.xi, grad_variances)]

        for idx, (c, x) in enumerate(zip(self.chi, self.xi)):
            xi = x / (1 - self.mu ** (self.k + 1))
            chi = c / (1 - self.mu ** (self.k + 1))

            # determine the new optimum shots distribution for the next
            # iteration of the optimizer
            s = np.ceil(
                (2 * self.lipschitz * self.stepsize * xi)
                / ((2 - self.lipschitz * self.stepsize) * (chi ** 2 + self.b * (self.mu ** self.k)))

            # apply an upper and lower bound on the new shot distributions,
            # to avoid the number of shots reducing below min(2, min_shots),
            # or growing too significantly.
            gamma = (
                (self.stepsize - self.lipschitz * self.stepsize ** 2 / 2) * chi ** 2
                - xi * self.lipschitz * self.stepsize ** 2 / (2 * s)
            ) / s

            argmax_gamma = np.unravel_index(np.argmax(gamma), gamma.shape)
            smax = max(s[argmax_gamma], 2)
            self.s[idx] = np.squeeze(np.int64(np.clip(s, min(2, self.min_shots), smax)))

        self.k += 1

        # unwrap from list if one argument, cleaner return
        if len(new_args) == 1:
            return new_args[0]

        return new_args