def get_lightcurve_alerts(username, password, list_names): """Query the light curve for a list of candidates""" k = Kowalski(username=username, password=password, verbose=False) q = { "query_type": "find", "query": { "catalog": "ZTF_alerts", "filter": { 'objectId': { '$in': list(list_names) } }, "projection": { "objectId": 1, "candidate.jd": 1, "candidate.ra": 1, "candidate.dec": 1, "candidate.magpsf": 1, "candidate.isdiffpos": 1, "candidate.fid": 1, "candidate.sigmapsf": 1, "candidate.programid": 1, "candidate.magzpsci": 1, "candidate.magzpsciunc": 1, "candidate.sgscore1": 1, "candidate.sgscore2": 1, "candidate.sgscore3": 1, "candidate.distpsnr1": 1, "candidate.distpsnr2": 1, "candidate.distpsnr3": 1, "candidate.field": 1, "candidate.rcid": 1, "": 1 } }, "kwargs": { "hint": "objectId_1" } } r = k.query(query=q) try: if r['data'] == []: print("No candidates to be checked?") return None except KeyError: #Try the query one more time r = k.query(query=q) try: if r['data'] == []: print("No candidates to be checked?") return None except KeyError: return None return r['data']
def check_history(list_sources, radius=1.): '''Query ZTF and ZUDS alerts and select only those sources without a negative detection. ''' # Get the coordinates of the candidates sources = query_kowalski_coords(username, password, list_sources, catalog='ZUDS_alerts') coords_arr = list((c['ra'], c['dec']) for c in sources) k = Kowalski(username=username, password=password, verbose=False) q = { "query_type": "cone_search", "object_coordinates": { "radec": f"{coords_arr}", "cone_search_radius": f"{radius}", "cone_search_unit": "arcsec" }, "catalogs": { "ZTF_alerts": { "filter": { 'candidate.isdiffpos': { '$in': ['f', 0] } }, "projection": { "objectId": 1, "candidate.ra": 1, "candidate.dec": 1 } }, "ZUDS_alerts": { "filter": { 'candidate.isdiffpos': { '$in': ['f', 0] } }, "projection": { "objectId": 1, "candidate.ra": 1, "candidate.dec": 1 } } } } r = k.query(query=q) with_neg_sub = [] for s, i in zip(sources, r['result_data']['ZTF_alerts'].keys()): if len(r['result_data']['ZTF_alerts'][i]) != 0 or len( r['result_data']['ZUDS_alerts'][i]) != 0: with_neg_sub.append(s['name']) selected_list = list(s['name'] for s in sources if not (s['name'] in with_neg_sub)) return selected_list
def get_jdstarthist_kowalski(source_names, username, password): '''Query kowalski, look for one alert and return a list of candidate.jdstarthist ''' k = Kowalski(username=username, password=password, verbose=False) q = { "query_type": "find", "query": { "catalog": "ZTF_alerts", "filter": { "objectId": { "$in": list(source_names) } }, "projection": { "_id": 0, "objectId": 1, "candidate.jdstarthist": 1 } } } r = k.query(query=q) jdstarthist_tuples = set( list((s['objectId'], s['candidate']['jdstarthist']) for s in r['result_data']['query_result'])) #re-output both lists to avoid mixed sorting names_out = list(x[0] for x in jdstarthist_tuples) jdstarthist_list = list(x[1] for x in jdstarthist_tuples) return names_out, jdstarthist_list
def get_lightcurve_alerts_aux(username, password, list_names): """Query the light curve for a list of candidates""" k = Kowalski(username=username, password=password, verbose=False) q = { "query_type": "find", "query": { "catalog": "ZTF_alerts_aux", "filter": { '_id': { '$in': list(list_names) } }, "projection": {} }, "kwargs": { "hint": "_id_" } } r = k.query(query=q) if r['result_data']['query_result'] == []: print("No candidates to be checked?") return None out = [] for l in r['result_data']['query_result']: with_det = list({ 'objectId': l['_id'], 'candidate': s } for s in l['prv_candidates'] if 'magpsf' in s.keys()) out = out + with_det return out
def query_kowalski_coords(username, password, names): '''Query kowalski to get the coordinates of given ZTF sources.''' names = list(names) k = Kowalski(username=username, password=password, verbose=False) q = {"query_type": "find", "query": { "catalog": "ZTF_alerts", "filter": {"objectId": {"$in": names}}, "projection": {"_id": 0, "candid": 1, "objectId": 1, "candidate.ra": 1, "candidate.dec": 1 }, } } results_all = k.query(query=q) results = results_all.get('data') sources = [] for n in names: source = {} source["name"] = n source["ra"] = list(r["candidate"]["ra"] for r in results if r["objectId"] == n)[0] source["dec"] = list(r["candidate"]["dec"] for r in results if r["objectId"] == n)[0] source["candid"] = list(r["candid"] for r in results if r["objectId"] == n)[0] sources.append(source) return sources
def match_kowalski_clu(username, password, list_in, catalog='ZUDS_alerts_aux'): '''Query kowalski and apply the CLU filter''' k = Kowalski(username=username, password=password, verbose=False) q = { "query_type": "find", "query": { "catalog": catalog, "filter": { "_id": { '$in': list(list_in) } }, "projection": { "objectId": 1, "cross_matches.CLU_20190625": 1 } } } r = k.query(query=q) query_results = r['result_data']['query_result'] list_out = list(t['_id'] for t in query_results if len(t['cross_matches']['CLU_20190625']) != 0) return list_out
def check_lightcurve_alerts(username, password, list_names, min_days, max_days): """Re-query light curve info for a list of candidates\ and check that their full/updated duration is consistent\ with the time limits provided""" k = Kowalski(username=username, password=password, verbose=False) q = { "query_type": "find", "query": { "catalog": "ZTF_alerts", "filter": { 'objectId': { '$in': list(list_names) } }, "projection": { "objectId": 1, "candidate.jd": 1, "candidate.ndethist": 1, "candidate.jdstarthist": 1, "candidate.jdendhist": 1, "candidate.jdendhist": 1, "candidate.magpsf": 1, "candidate.sigmapsf": 1, "candidate.programid": 1, } }, "kwargs": { "hint": "objectId_1" } } r = k.query(query=q) if r['data'] == []: print("No candidates to be checked?") return None old = [] objectid_list = [] for info in r['data']: if info['objectId'] in old: continue if (info['candidate']['jdendhist'] - info['candidate']['jdstarthist']) < min_days: continue if (info['candidate']['jdendhist'] - info['candidate']['jdstarthist']) > max_days: old.append(info['objectId']) objectid_list.append(info['objectId']) clean_set = set(objectid_list) #Remove those objects considered old for n in set(old): try: clean_set.remove(n) except: pass return clean_set
def query_kowalski_clu(username, password, clu): '''Query kowalski to get a table of CLU galaxies.''' k = Kowalski(username=username, password=password, verbose=False) q = {"query_type": "general_search", "query": "db['CLU_20180513'].find({},{'distmpc': 1})" } r = k.query(query=q) return r
def xmatch(_radecs, batch_size: int = 100, verbose: int = 0): k = Kowalski(username='******', password='******', verbose=False) num_obj = len(_radecs) if verbose: print(f'Total entries: {num_obj}') num_batches = int(np.ceil(num_obj / batch_size)) times = [] # ids = set() for nb in range(num_batches): # print(_radecs[nb * batch_size: (nb + 1) * batch_size]) q = { "query_type": "cone_search", "object_coordinates": { "radec": f"{_radecs[nb * batch_size: (nb + 1) * batch_size]}", "cone_search_radius": "1", "cone_search_unit": "arcsec" }, "catalogs": { "Gaia_DR2": { "filter": {}, "projection": { "_id": 1 } } } } tic = time() r = k.query(query=q) toc = time() times.append(toc - tic) if verbose: print( f'Fetching batch {nb + 1}/{num_batches} with {batch_size} sources/LCs took: {toc - tic:.3f} seconds' ) # Data are here: data = r['result_data'] # TODO: your magic here if verbose == 2: print(data) # for sc, sources in data['Gaia_DR2'].items(): # ids = ids.union([s['_id'] for s in sources]) # print(len(ids)) if verbose: print(f'min: {np.min(times)}') print(f'median: {np.median(times)}') print(f'max: {np.max(times)}')
def query_db(coords, r=3.): """ given a set of coordinates, get the matchIDs from the database Note that everything that is in the aperture is returned. Parameters ---------- coords : 2d-array 2d-array with Ra,dec in degrees r : float matching radius coords : str catalog name Returns ------- matchIDs : 1d-array an array with matchIDs (int64) """ k = Kowalski(username='******', password='******', verbose=False) # cone search radius must be in radians: cone_search_radius = r * np.pi / 180.0 / 3600. # construct query: RA and Dec's must be in degrees; RA must c (-180, 180] query = {'$or': []} for ra, dec in coords: # convert #_ra, _dec = radec_str2geojson(*obj_crd) obj_query = { 'coordinates.radec_geojson': { '$geoWithin': { '$centerSphere': [[ra - 180., dec], cone_search_radius] } } } query['$or'].append(obj_query) q = { "query_type": "general_search", "query": "db['ZTF_20181220'].find(%s)" % (query) } # execute query output = k.query(query=q) # get matchids matchIDs = [str(l['_id']) for l in output['result_data']['query_result']] return (matchIDs)
def query_kowalski_coords(username, password, names): '''Query kowalski to get the coordinates of given ZTF sources. ''' k = Kowalski(username=username, password=password, verbose=False) q = { "query_type": "general_search", "query": "db['CLU_20180513'].find({},{'distmpc': 1})" } r = k.query(query=q) q = { "query_type": "find", "query": { "catalog": "ZTF_alerts", "filter": { "objectId": { "$in": names } }, "projection": { "_id": 0, "candid": 1, "objectId": 1, "candidate.ra": 1, "candidate.dec": 1 }, } } results_all = k.query(query=q) results = results_all['result_data']['query_result'] sources = [] for n in names: source = {} source["name"] = n source["ra"] = list(r["candidate"]["ra"] for r in results if r["objectId"] == n)[0] source["dec"] = list(r["candidate"]["dec"] for r in results if r["objectId"] == n)[0] sources.append(source) return sources
def get_cutouts(name, username, password): """Query kowalski to get the candidate stamps""" from penquins import Kowalski k = Kowalski(username=username, password=password, verbose=False) if type(name) == str: list_names = [name] elif type(name) == list: list_names = name else: print(f"{name} must be a list or a string") return None q = { "query_type": "find", "query": { "catalog": "ZTF_alerts", "filter": { 'objectId': { '$in': list(list_names) } }, "projection": { "objectId": 1, "candidate.jd": 1, "candidate.ra": 1, "candidate.dec": 1, "candidate.magpsf": 1, "candidate.fid": 1, "candidate.sigmapsf": 1, "candidate.programid": 1, "candidate.field": 1, "candidate.rcid": 1, "cutoutScience": 1, "cutoutTemplate": 1, "cutoutDifference": 1, } }, "kwargs": { "hint": "objectId_1" } } r = k.query(query=q) if r['data'] == []: print("No candidates to be checked?") return None else: alerts = r['data'] return alerts
def get_index_info(catalog): """List which indexes are available on Kowalski to query a catalog more quickly""" q = { "query_type": "info", "query": { "command": "index_info", "catalog": catalog } } k = Kowalski(username=username, password=password, verbose=False) r = k.query(query=q) indexes = r['result_data']['query_result'] for ii, (kk, vv) in enumerate(indexes.items()): print(f'index #{ii+1}: "{kk}"\n{vv["key"]}\n')
def get_ztf(filename, name, username, password): k = Kowalski(username=username, password=password, verbose=True) q = {"query_type": "general_search", "query": "db['ZTF_alerts'].find({'objectId': {'$eq': '"+name+"'}})" } r = k.query(query=q,timeout=10) if len(r['result_data']['query_result']) >0: candidate = r['result_data']['query_result'][0] prevcandidates= r['result_data']['query_result'][0]['prv_candidates'] jd = [candidate['candidate']['jd']] mag = [candidate['candidate']['magpsf']] magerr = [candidate['candidate']['sigmapsf']] filt = [candidate['candidate']['fid']] for candidate in prevcandidates: jd.append(candidate['jd']) if not candidate['magpsf'] == None: mag.append(candidate['magpsf']) else: mag.append(candidate['diffmaglim']) if not candidate['sigmapsf'] == None: magerr.append(candidate['sigmapsf']) else: magerr.append(np.inf) filt.append(candidate['fid']) filtname = [] for f in filt: if f == 1: filtname.append('g') elif f == 2: filtname.append('r') elif f == 3: filtname.append('i') idx = np.argsort(jd) fid = open(filename,'w') for ii in idx: t = Time(jd[ii], format='jd').isot fid.write('%s %s %.5f %.5f\n'%(t,filtname[ii],mag[ii],magerr[ii])) fid.close()
def get_lightcurve_alerts_aux(username, password, list_names): """Query the light curve for a list of candidates""" k = Kowalski(username=username, password=password, verbose=False) q = { "query_type": "find", "query": { "catalog": "ZTF_alerts_aux", "filter": { '_id': { '$in': list(list_names) } }, "projection": {} }, "kwargs": { "hint": "_id_" } } ''' q = {"query_type": "info", "query": { "command": "index_info", "catalog": "ZTF_alerts" } } # ZTF19acdpipl ''' r = k.query(query=q) #indexes = r['result_data']['query_result'] #for ii, (kk, vv) in enumerate(indexes.items()): # print(f'index #{ii+1}: "{kk}"\n{vv["key"]}\n') if r['result_data']['query_result'] == []: print("No candidates to be checked?") return None out = [] for l in r['result_data']['query_result']: with_det = list({ 'objectId': l['_id'], 'candidate': s } for s in l['prv_candidates'] if 'magpsf' in s.keys()) out = out + with_det return out
ra_header_.append(hdu[0].header['CRVAL1']) dec_header_.append(hdu[0].header['CRVAL2']) #filt_.append(hdu[0].header['filter']) filt_.append(opts.filter) date = Time(hdu[0].header['DATE-OBS'], format='isot', scale='utc') date_.append(date) date_jd_.append(date.jd) name_.append(opts.transient) if opts.doKowalski: q = { "query_type": "general_search", "query": "db['ZTF_alerts'].find({'objectId': {'$eq': '" + ID + "'}})" } r = ko.query(query=q, timeout=30) if len(r['result_data']['query_result']) > 0: # getting metadata candidate = r['result_data']['query_result'][0] ra, dec = candidate['candidate']['ra'], candidate['candidate'][ 'dec'] ra_all_tran.append(ra) dec_all_tran.append(dec) # print("query worked") # print('solve-field '+files[i][:-5]+'_red.fits --ra '+str(ra)+' --dec '+str(dec)+' --dir /home/roboao/Tomas/output --scale-units arcsecperpix --scale-low 0.255 --scale-high 0.26 --radius 0.04 --overwrite') else: ra_all_tran.append(np.nan) dec_all_tran.append(np.nan) else: idx = np.where(opts.transient == transients["name"])[0]
def query_kowalski_frb(args, t): """Query kowalski with cone searches centered at given locations""" # Prepare a dictionary for each source dict_sources = {} for s in t: if args.frb_names is not None and not (s['frb_name'] in args.frb_names): continue try: coords = SkyCoord(ra=s["rop_raj"], dec=s["rop_decj"], unit=(u.hourangle, u.deg), frame='icrs') except ValueError: pdb.set_trace() id_ra = f"{str(coords.ra.deg).replace('.','_')}" id_dec = f"{str(coords.dec.deg).replace('.','_')}" id_coords = f"({id_ra}, {id_dec})" date = Time(s['utc'].replace('/', '-'), format='iso') dict_sources[s['frb_name']] = { 'ra': coords.ra.deg, 'dec': coords.dec.deg, 'id_coords': id_coords, 'jd': date.jd, 'candidates': [] } # Check that there is at least one source if len(dict_sources.keys()) == 0: print("No FRBs correspond to the given input.") if args.frb_names is not None: print( f"No FRB among {args.frb_names} are present in {args.cat_name}" ) return None # coords_arr.append((coords.ra.deg,coords.dec.deg)) coords_arr = list((dict_sources[k]['ra'], dict_sources[k]['dec']) for k in dict_sources.keys()) k = Kowalski(username=username, password=password, verbose=False) q = { "query_type": "cone_search", "object_coordinates": { "radec": f"{coords_arr}", "cone_search_radius": args.search_radius, "cone_search_unit": "arcmin" }, "catalogs": { "ZTF_alerts": { "filter": { "candidate.drb": { '$gt': 0.5 }, "candidate.ndethist": { '$gte': args.ndethist }, "classifications.braai": { '$gt': 0.5 }, "candidate.ssdistnr": { '$gt': 10 }, "candidate.magpsf": { '$gt': 10 } }, "projection": { "objectId": 1, "candidate.rcid": 1, "candidate.drb": 1, "candidate.ra": 1, "candidate.dec": 1, "candidate.jd": 1, "candidate.magpsf": 1, "candidate.sigmapsf": 1, "candidate.fid": 1, "candidate.sgscore1": 1, "candidate.distpsnr1": 1, "candidate.sgscore2": 1, "candidate.distpsnr2": 1, "candidate.sgscore3": 1, "candidate.distpsnr3": 1, "candidate.ssdistnr": 1, "candidate.isdiffpos": 1 } } }, "kwargs": { "hint": "gw01" } } r = k.query(query=q) for idcoords in r['result_data']['ZTF_alerts'].keys(): #Identify 'candid' for all relevant candidates objectId_list = [] with_neg_sub = [] stellar_list = [] # No sources if len(r['result_data']['ZTF_alerts'][idcoords]) == 0: key = list(k for k in dict_sources.keys() if dict_sources[k]['id_coords'] == idcoords)[0] dict_sources[key]['candidates'] = [] print(f"No candidates for {key}") continue for i in np.arange(len(r['result_data']['ZTF_alerts'][idcoords])): info = r['result_data']['ZTF_alerts'][idcoords][i] if info['objectId'] in stellar_list or (info['objectId'] in with_neg_sub): continue if info['candidate']['isdiffpos'] in ['f', 0]: with_neg_sub.append(info['objectId']) try: if (np.abs(info['candidate']['distpsnr1']) < 2. and info['candidate']['sgscore1'] >= 0.5): stellar_list.append(info['objectId']) except: pass try: if (np.abs(info['candidate']['distpsnr1']) < 15. and info['candidate']['srmag1'] < 15. and info['candidate']['srmag1'] > 0. and info['candidate']['sgscore1'] >= 0.5): continue except: pass try: if (np.abs(info['candidate']['distpsnr2']) < 15. and info['candidate']['srmag2'] < 15. and info['candidate']['srmag2'] > 0. and info['candidate']['sgscore2'] >= 0.5): continue except: pass try: if (np.abs(info['candidate']['distpsnr3']) < 15. and info['candidate']['srmag3'] < 15. and info['candidate']['srmag3'] > 0. and info['candidate']['sgscore3'] >= 0.5): continue except: pass objectId_list.append(info['objectId']) set_objectId = set(objectId_list) # Remove objects with negative subtraction if args.reject_neg: for n in set(with_neg_sub): try: set_objectId.remove(n) except: pass # Remove stellar objects for n in set(stellar_list): try: set_objectId.remove(n) except: pass # Add the list of ZTF candidates to the FRB list key = list(k for k in dict_sources.keys() if dict_sources[k]['id_coords'] == idcoords)[0] dict_sources[key]['candidates'] = list(set(set_objectId)) tot_sources = len(r['result_data']['ZTF_alerts'][idcoords]) print( f"{len(set_objectId)}/{tot_sources} candidates selected for {key}") return dict_sources
# num_batches = 100 times = [] for nb in range(num_batches): qu = { "query_type": "general_search", "query": "db['ZTF_sources_20190412'].find({}, " + "{'_id': 1, 'data.programid': 1, 'data.hjd': 1, " + f"'data.mag': 1, 'data.magerr': 1}}).skip({nb*batch_size}).limit({batch_size})" } # print(qu) tic = time() r = k.query(query=qu) toc = time() times.append(toc - tic) print( f'Fetching batch {nb+1}/{num_batches} with {batch_size} sources/LCs took: {toc-tic:.3f} seconds' ) # Light curves are here: # print(r['result_data']['query_result']) # Must filter out data.programid == 1 data print(f'min: {np.min(times)}') print(f'median: {np.median(times)}') print(f'max: {np.max(times)}')
def query_kowalski(username, password, list_fields, min_days, max_days, ndethist_min, jd, jd_gap=50.): '''Query kowalski and apply the selection criteria''' k = Kowalski(username=username, password=password, verbose=False) # Correct the minimum number of detections ndethist_min_corrected = int(ndethist_min - 1) jd_start = jd jd_end = jd + jd_gap #Initialize a set for the results set_objectId_all = set([]) for field in list_fields: set_objectId_field = set([]) q = {"query_type": "find", "query": { "catalog": "ZTF_alerts", "filter": { 'candidate.jd': {'$gt': jd_start, '$lt': jd_end}, 'candidate.field': int(field), 'candidate.drb': {'$gt': 0.9}, 'classifications.braai': {'$gt': 0.8}, 'candidate.ndethist': {'$gt': ndethist_min_corrected}, 'candidate.magpsf': {'$gt': 12} #'candidate.isdiffpos': 't' }, "projection": { "objectId": 1, "candidate.rcid": 1, "candidate.ra": 1, "candidate.dec": 1, "candidate.jd": 1, "candidate.ndethist": 1, "candidate.jdstarthist": 1, "candidate.jdendhist": 1, "candidate.jdendhist": 1, "candidate.magpsf": 1, "candidate.sigmapsf": 1, "candidate.fid": 1, "candidate.programid": 1, "candidate.isdiffpos": 1, "candidate.ndethist": 1, "candidate.ssdistnr": 1, "candidate.rb": 1, "candidate.drb": 1, "candidate.distpsnr1": 1, "candidate.sgscore1": 1, "candidate.srmag1": 1, "candidate.distpsnr2": 1, "candidate.sgscore2": 1, "candidate.srmag2": 1, "candidate.distpsnr3": 1, "candidate.sgscore3": 1, "candidate.srmag3": 1 } }, "kwargs": {"hint": "jd_field_rb_drb_braai_ndethhist_magpsf_isdiffpos"} } #Perform the query r = k.query(query=q) print(f"Search completed for field {field}, \ {Time(jd, format='jd').iso} + {jd_gap:.1f} days.") #Identify 'candid' for all relevant candidates objectId_list = [] with_neg_sub = [] old = [] out_of_time_window = [] stellar_list = [] try: if r['result_data']['query_result'] == []: print("No candidates") continue except KeyError: print(f"ERROR! jd={jd}, field={field}" ) #pdb.set_trace() continue for info in r['result_data']['query_result']: #if info['objectId'] == 'ZTF19abyfbii': # pdb.set_trace() if info['objectId'] in old: continue if info['objectId'] in stellar_list: continue if np.abs(info['candidate']['ssdistnr']) < 10: continue try: if info['candidate']['drb'] < 0.5: continue except KeyError: pass if info['candidate']['isdiffpos'] in ['f',0]: with_neg_sub.append(info['objectId']) if (info['candidate']['jdendhist'] - info['candidate']['jdstarthist']) < min_days: continue if (info['candidate']['jdendhist'] - info['candidate']['jdstarthist']) > max_days: old.append(info['objectId']) try: if (np.abs(info['candidate']['distpsnr1']) < 2. and info['candidate']['sgscore1'] >= 0.5): stellar_list.append(info['objectId']) except: pass try: if (np.abs(info['candidate']['distpsnr1']) < 15. and info['candidate']['srmag1'] < 15. and info['candidate']['srmag1'] > 0. and info['candidate']['sgscore1'] >= 0.5): continue except: pass try: if (np.abs(info['candidate']['distpsnr2']) < 15. and info['candidate']['srmag2'] < 15. and info['candidate']['srmag2'] > 0. and info['candidate']['sgscore2'] >= 0.5): continue except: pass try: if (np.abs(info['candidate']['distpsnr3']) < 15. and info['candidate']['srmag3'] < 15. and info['candidate']['srmag3'] > 0. and info['candidate']['sgscore3'] >= 0.5): continue except: pass objectId_list.append(info['objectId']) set_objectId = set(objectId_list) #Remove those objects with negative subtraction for n in set(with_neg_sub): try: set_objectId.remove(n) except: do = 'do nothing' #Remove stellar objects for n in set(stellar_list): try: set_objectId.remove(n) except: do = 'do nothing' #Remove those objects considered old for n in set(old): try: set_objectId.remove(n) except: do = 'do nothing' #Remove those objects whole alerts go bejond jd_trigger+max_days for n in set(out_of_time_window): try: set_objectId.remove(n) except: do = 'do nothing' #print(set_objectId) set_objectId_all = set_objectId_all | set_objectId #print("Cumulative:", set_objectId_all) print("Field", field, len(set_objectId_all)) return set_objectId_all
def run( cleanup: str = "none", checkpoint: str = "../models/tails-20210107/tails", config: str = "../config.yaml", date: Optional[str] = None, nthreads: int = N_CPU, output_base_path: str = "./", score_threshold: float = 0.6, twilight: bool = False, single_image: Optional[str] = None, ): """🚀 Run Tails on ZTF data :param cleanup: Delete raw data: ref|sci|all|none :param checkpoint: Pre-trained model weights :param config: Path to yaml file with configs and secrets :param date: UTC date string YYYYMMDD :param nthreads: Number of threads for image re-projecting :param output_base_path: Base path for output :param score_threshold: score threshold for declaring a candidate plausible (0 <= score_threshold <= 1) :param single_image: Run on single ccd-quad image, feed id in format ztf_20200810193681_000635_zr_c09_o_q2 :param twilight: Run on the Twilight survey data only :return: """ p_base = pathlib.Path(output_base_path) config = load_config(config) # build model and load weights model = Tails() model.load_weights(checkpoint).expect_partial() if not (0 <= score_threshold <= 1): raise ValueError("score_threshold must be (0 <= score_threshold <=1)") if not (1 <= nthreads <= N_CPU): raise ValueError(f"nthreads must be (1 <= nthreads <={N_CPU})") cleanup = cleanup.lower() if cleanup not in ("all", "none", "ref", "sci"): raise ValueError("cleanup value not in ('all', 'none', 'ref', 'sci')") if single_image: datestr = single_image[4:12] date = datetime.datetime.strptime(datestr, "%Y%m%d") print(date) p_date = p_base / "runs" / datestr if not p_date.exists(): p_date.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) names = [single_image] else: if date: datestr = date else: datestr = datetime.datetime.utcnow().strftime("%Y%m%d") date = datetime.datetime.strptime(datestr, "%Y%m%d") print(date) p_date = p_base / "runs" / datestr if not p_date.exists(): p_date.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # setup kowalski = Kowalski( username=config["kowalski"]["username"], password=config["kowalski"]["password"], ) q = { "query_type": "find", "query": { "catalog": "ZTF_ops", "filter": { "jd_start": {"$gt": Time(date).jd, "$lt": Time(date).jd + 1} }, "projection": {"_id": 0, "fileroot": 1}, }, } if twilight: q["query"]["filter"]["qcomment"] = {"$regex": "Twilight"} r = kowalski.query(q).get("data", dict()) fileroots = sorted([e["fileroot"] for e in r]) names = [ f"{fileroot}_c{ccd:02d}_o_q{quad:1d}" for fileroot in fileroots for ccd in range(1, 17) for quad in range(1, 5) ] # fetch data first nsp = [(name, config, p_base) for name in names] with mp.Pool(processes=N_CPU) as pool: list(tqdm(pool.imap(fetch_data, nsp), total=len(nsp))) for name in tqdm(names): process_ccd_quad( name=name, p_date=p_date, checkpoint=checkpoint, model=model, config=config, nthreads=nthreads, score_threshold=score_threshold, cleanup=cleanup, )
# fields = k.query(q_get_fields)['result_data']['query_result'] fields = [245, 246, 744] rcids = list(range(0, 64)) # print(rcids) # field, rcid = 245, 7 for field in fields: for rcid in rcids: q_count = { "query_type": "general_search", "query": f"db['ZTF_alerts'].count_documents({{'candidate.field': {field}, 'candidate.rcid': {rcid}}})" } num_alerts = k.query(q_count)['result_data']['query_result'] print(f'field: {field}, rcid: {rcid}, num_alerts: {num_alerts}') q = { "query_type": "general_search", "query": f"db['ZTF_alerts'].find({{'candidate.field': {field}, 'candidate.rcid': {rcid}}}, " "{'candidate.jd': 1, 'candidate.magpsf': 1, 'candidate.sigmapsf': 1, '_id': 0})" } # print(q) data = k.query(q)['result_data']['query_result'] data = [d['candidate'] for d in data] df = pd.DataFrame(data) print(df)
class Scope: def __init__(self): # check configuration with status("Checking configuration"): check_configs(config_wildcards=["config.*yaml"]) self.config = load_config( pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.absolute() / "config.yaml") # use token specified as env var (if exists) kowalski_token_env = os.environ.get("KOWALSKI_TOKEN") if kowalski_token_env is not None: self.config["kowalski"]["token"] = kowalski_token_env # try setting up K connection if token is available if self.config["kowalski"]["token"] is not None: with status("Setting up Kowalski connection"): self.kowalski = Kowalski( token=self.config["kowalski"]["token"], protocol=self.config["kowalski"]["protocol"], host=self.config["kowalski"]["host"], port=self.config["kowalski"]["port"], ) else: self.kowalski = None # raise ConnectionError("Could not connect to Kowalski.") print("Kowalski not available") def _get_features( self, positions: Sequence[Sequence[float]], catalog: str = "ZTF_source_features_20210401", max_distance: Union[float, int] = 5.0, distance_units: str = "arcsec", ) -> pd.DataFrame: """Get nearest source in feature set for a set of given positions :param positions: R.A./Decl. [deg] :param catalog: feature catalog to query :param max_distance: :param distance_units: arcsec | arcmin | deg | rad :return: """ if self.kowalski is None: raise ConnectionError("Kowalski connection not established.") if catalog is None: catalog = self.config["kowalski"]["collections"]["features"] query = { "query_type": "near", "query": { "max_distance": max_distance, "distance_units": distance_units, "radec": positions, "catalogs": { catalog: { "filter": {}, "projection": { "period": 1, "ra": 1, "dec": 1, }, } }, }, } response = self.kowalski.query(query=query) features_nearest = [ v[0] for k, v in response.get("data").get(catalog).items() if len(v) > 0 ] df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(features_nearest) return df def _get_nearest_gaia( self, positions: Sequence[Sequence[float]], catalog: str = None, max_distance: Union[float, int] = 5.0, distance_units: str = "arcsec", ) -> pd.DataFrame: """Get nearest Gaia source for a set of given positions :param positions: R.A./Decl. [deg] :param catalog: Gaia catalog to query :param max_distance: :param distance_units: arcsec | arcmin | deg | rad :return: """ if self.kowalski is None: raise ConnectionError("Kowalski connection not established.") if catalog is None: catalog = self.config["kowalski"]["collections"]["gaia"] query = { "query_type": "near", "query": { "max_distance": max_distance, "distance_units": distance_units, "radec": positions, "catalogs": { catalog: { "filter": {}, "projection": { "parallax": 1, "parallax_error": 1, "pmra": 1, "pmra_error": 1, "pmdec": 1, "pmdec_error": 1, "phot_g_mean_mag": 1, "phot_bp_mean_mag": 1, "phot_rp_mean_mag": 1, "ra": 1, "dec": 1, }, } }, }, "kwargs": { "limit": 1 }, } response = self.kowalski.query(query=query) gaia_nearest = [ v[0] for k, v in response.get("data").get(catalog).items() if len(v) > 0 ] df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(gaia_nearest) df["M"] = df["phot_g_mean_mag"] + 5 * np.log10( df["parallax"] * 0.001) + 5 df["Ml"] = (df["phot_g_mean_mag"] + 5 * np.log10( (df["parallax"] + df["parallax_error"]) * 0.001) + 5) df["BP-RP"] = df["phot_bp_mean_mag"] - df["phot_rp_mean_mag"] return df def _get_light_curve_data( self, ra: float, dec: float, catalog: str = "ZTF_sources_20201201", cone_search_radius: Union[float, int] = 2, cone_search_unit: str = "arcsec", filter_flagged_data: bool = True, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """Get light curve data from Kowalski :param ra: R.A. in deg :param dec: Decl. in deg :param catalog: collection name on Kowalski :param cone_search_radius: :param cone_search_unit: arcsec | arcmin | deg | rad :param filter_flagged_data: remove flagged/bad data? :return: flattened light curve data as pd.DataFrame """ if self.kowalski is None: raise ConnectionError("Kowalski connection not established.") query = { "query_type": "cone_search", "query": { "object_coordinates": { "cone_search_radius": cone_search_radius, "cone_search_unit": cone_search_unit, "radec": { "target": [ra, dec] }, }, "catalogs": { catalog: { "filter": {}, "projection": { "_id": 1, "filter": 1, "field": 1, "data.hjd": 1, "data.fid": 1, "data.mag": 1, "data.magerr": 1, "data.ra": 1, "data.dec": 1, "data.programid": 1, "data.catflags": 1, }, } }, }, } response = self.kowalski.query(query=query) light_curves_raw = response.get("data").get(catalog).get("target") light_curves = [] for light_curve in light_curves_raw: df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(light_curve["data"]) # broadcast to all data points: df["_id"] = light_curve["_id"] df["filter"] = light_curve["filter"] df["field"] = light_curve["field"] light_curves.append(df) df = pd.concat(light_curves, ignore_index=True) if filter_flagged_data: mask_flagged_data = df["catflags"] != 0 df = df.loc[~mask_flagged_data] return df @staticmethod def develop(): """Install developer tools"""["pre-commit", "install"]) @classmethod def lint(cls): """Lint sources""" try: import pre_commit # noqa: F401 except ImportError: cls.develop() try:["pre-commit", "run", "--all-files"], check=True) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: sys.exit(1) def doc(self): """Build docs""" from scope.utils import ( make_tdtax_taxonomy, plot_gaia_density, plot_gaia_hr, plot_light_curve_data, plot_periods, ) # generate taxonomy.html with status("Generating taxonomy visualization"): path_static = pathlib.Path( __file__).parent.absolute() / "doc" / "_static" if not path_static.exists(): path_static.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) tdtax.write_viz( make_tdtax_taxonomy(self.config["taxonomy"]), outname=path_static / "taxonomy.html", ) # generate images for the Field Guide if (self.kowalski is None) or (not print("Kowalski connection not established, cannot generate docs.") return period_limits = { "cepheid": [1.0, 100.0], "delta_scuti": [0.03, 0.3], "beta_lyr": [0.3, 25], "rr_lyr": [0.2, 1.0], "w_uma": [0.2, 0.8], } period_loglimits = { "cepheid": True, "delta_scuti": False, "beta_lyr": True, "rr_lyr": False, "w_uma": False, } # example periods with status("Generating example period histograms"): path_doc_data = pathlib.Path( __file__).parent.absolute() / "doc" / "data" # stored as ra/decs in csv format under /data/golden golden_sets = pathlib.Path( __file__).parent.absolute() / "data" / "golden" for golden_set in golden_sets.glob("*.csv"): golden_set_name = golden_set.stem positions = pd.read_csv(golden_set).to_numpy().tolist() features = self._get_features(positions=positions) if len(features) == 0: print(f"No features for {golden_set_name}") continue limits = period_limits.get(golden_set_name) loglimits = period_loglimits.get(golden_set_name) plot_periods( features=features, limits=limits, loglimits=loglimits, save=path_doc_data / f"period__{golden_set_name}", ) # example skymaps for all Golden sets with status("Generating skymaps diagrams for Golden sets"): path_doc_data = pathlib.Path( __file__).parent.absolute() / "doc" / "data" path_gaia_density = (pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.absolute() / "data" / "Gaia_hp8_densitymap.fits") # stored as ra/decs in csv format under /data/golden golden_sets = pathlib.Path( __file__).parent.absolute() / "data" / "golden" for golden_set in golden_sets.glob("*.csv"): golden_set_name = golden_set.stem positions = pd.read_csv(golden_set).to_numpy().tolist() plot_gaia_density( positions=positions, path_gaia_density=path_gaia_density, save=path_doc_data / f"radec__{golden_set_name}", ) # example light curves with status("Generating example light curves"): path_doc_data = pathlib.Path( __file__).parent.absolute() / "doc" / "data" for sample_object_name, sample_object in self.config["docs"][ "field_guide"].items(): sample_light_curves = self._get_light_curve_data( ra=sample_object["coordinates"][0], dec=sample_object["coordinates"][1], catalog=self.config["kowalski"]["collections"]["sources"], ) plot_light_curve_data( light_curve_data=sample_light_curves, period=sample_object.get("period"), title=sample_object.get("title"), save=path_doc_data / sample_object_name, ) # example HR diagrams for all Golden sets with status("Generating HR diagrams for Golden sets"): path_gaia_hr_histogram = ( pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.absolute() / "doc" / "data" / "gaia_hr_histogram.dat") # stored as ra/decs in csv format under /data/golden golden_sets = pathlib.Path( __file__).parent.absolute() / "data" / "golden" for golden_set in golden_sets.glob("*.csv"): golden_set_name = golden_set.stem positions = pd.read_csv(golden_set).to_numpy().tolist() gaia_sources = self._get_nearest_gaia(positions=positions) plot_gaia_hr( gaia_data=gaia_sources, path_gaia_hr_histogram=path_gaia_hr_histogram, save=path_doc_data / f"hr__{golden_set_name}", ) # build docs["make", "html"], cwd="doc", check=True) @staticmethod def fetch_models(gcs_path: str = "gs://ztf-scope/models"): """ Fetch SCoPe models from GCP :return: """ path_models = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent / "models" if not path_models.exists(): path_models.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) command = [ "gsutil", "-m", "cp", "-n", "-r", os.path.join(gcs_path, "*.csv"), str(path_models), ] p =, check=True) if p.returncode != 0: raise RuntimeError("Failed to fetch SCoPe models") @staticmethod def fetch_datasets(gcs_path: str = "gs://ztf-scope/datasets"): """ Fetch SCoPe datasets from GCP :return: """ path_datasets = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent / "data" / "training" if not path_datasets.exists(): path_datasets.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) command = [ "gsutil", "-m", "cp", "-n", "-r", os.path.join(gcs_path, "*.csv"), str(path_datasets), ] p =, check=True) if p.returncode != 0: raise RuntimeError("Failed to fetch SCoPe datasets") def train( self, tag: str, path_dataset: Union[str, pathlib.Path], gpu: Optional[int] = None, verbose: bool = False, **kwargs, ): """Train classifier :param tag: classifier designation, refers to "class" in config.taxonomy :param path_dataset: local path to csv file with the dataset :param gpu: GPU id to use, zero-based. check tf.config.list_physical_devices('GPU') for available devices :param verbose: :param kwargs: refer to utils.DNN.setup and utils.Dataset.make :return: """ import tensorflow as tf if gpu is not None: # specified a GPU to run on? gpus = tf.config.list_physical_devices("GPU") tf.config.experimental.set_visible_devices(gpus[gpu], "GPU") else: # otherwise run on CPU tf.config.experimental.set_visible_devices([], "GPU") import wandb from wandb.keras import WandbCallback from scope.nn import DNN from scope.utils import Dataset train_config = self.config["training"]["classes"][tag] features = self.config["features"][train_config["features"]] ds = Dataset( tag=tag, path_dataset=path_dataset, features=features, verbose=verbose, **kwargs, ) label = train_config["label"] # values from kwargs override those defined in config. if latter is absent, use reasonable default threshold = kwargs.get("threshold", train_config.get("threshold", 0.5)) balance = kwargs.get("balance", train_config.get("balance", None)) weight_per_class = kwargs.get( "weight_per_class", train_config.get("weight_per_class", False)) scale_features = kwargs.get("scale_features", "min_max") test_size = kwargs.get("test_size", train_config.get("test_size", 0.1)) val_size = kwargs.get("val_size", train_config.get("val_size", 0.1)) random_state = kwargs.get("random_state", train_config.get("random_state", 42)) feature_stats = self.config.get("feature_stats", None) batch_size = kwargs.get("batch_size", train_config.get("batch_size", 64)) shuffle_buffer_size = kwargs.get( "shuffle_buffer_size", train_config.get("shuffle_buffer_size", 512)) epochs = kwargs.get("epochs", train_config.get("epochs", 100)) datasets, indexes, steps_per_epoch, class_weight = ds.make( target_label=label, threshold=threshold, balance=balance, weight_per_class=weight_per_class, scale_features=scale_features, test_size=test_size, val_size=val_size, random_state=random_state, feature_stats=feature_stats, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle_buffer_size=shuffle_buffer_size, epochs=epochs, ) # set up and train model dense_branch = kwargs.get("dense_branch", True) conv_branch = kwargs.get("conv_branch", True) loss = kwargs.get("loss", "binary_crossentropy") optimizer = kwargs.get("optimizer", "adam") lr = float(kwargs.get("lr", 3e-4)) momentum = float(kwargs.get("momentum", 0.9)) monitor = kwargs.get("monitor", "val_loss") patience = int(kwargs.get("patience", 20)) callbacks = kwargs.get("callbacks", ("reduce_lr_on_plateau", "early_stopping")) run_eagerly = kwargs.get("run_eagerly", False) pre_trained_model = kwargs.get("pre_trained_model") save = kwargs.get("save", False) # parse boolean args dense_branch = forgiving_true(dense_branch) conv_branch = forgiving_true(conv_branch) run_eagerly = forgiving_true(run_eagerly) save = forgiving_true(save) classifier = DNN(name=tag) classifier.setup( dense_branch=dense_branch, features_input_shape=(len(features), ), conv_branch=conv_branch, dmdt_input_shape=(26, 26, 1), loss=loss, optimizer=optimizer, learning_rate=lr, momentum=momentum, monitor=monitor, patience=patience, callbacks=callbacks, run_eagerly=run_eagerly, ) if verbose: print(classifier.model.summary()) if pre_trained_model is not None: classifier.load(pre_trained_model) time_tag = datetime.datetime.utcnow().strftime("%Y%m%d_%H%M%S") if not kwargs.get("test", False): wandb.login(key=self.config["wandb"]["token"]) wandb.init( project=self.config["wandb"]["project"], tags=[tag], name=f"{tag}-{time_tag}", config={ "tag": tag, "label": label, "dataset": pathlib.Path(path_dataset).name, "scale_features": scale_features, "learning_rate": lr, "epochs": epochs, "patience": patience, "random_state": random_state, "batch_size": batch_size, "architecture": "scope-net", "dense_branch": dense_branch, "conv_branch": conv_branch, }, ) classifier.meta["callbacks"].append(WandbCallback()) classifier.train( datasets["train"], datasets["val"], steps_per_epoch["train"], steps_per_epoch["val"], epochs=epochs, class_weight=class_weight, verbose=verbose, ) if verbose: print("Evaluating on test set:") stats = classifier.evaluate(datasets["test"], verbose=verbose) if verbose: print(stats) param_names = ( "loss", "tp", "fp", "tn", "fn", "accuracy", "precision", "recall", "auc", ) if not kwargs.get("test", False): # log model performance on the test set for param, value in zip(param_names, stats):[f"test_{param}"] = value p, r =["test_precision"],[ "test_recall"]["test_f1"] = 2 * p * r / (p + r) if datasets["dropped_samples"] is not None: # log model performance on the dropped samples if verbose: print("Evaluating on samples dropped from the training set:") stats = classifier.evaluate(datasets["dropped_samples"], verbose=verbose) if verbose: print(stats) if not kwargs.get("test", False): for param, value in zip(param_names, stats):[f"dropped_samples_{param}"] = value p, r = (["dropped_samples_precision"],["dropped_samples_recall"], )["dropped_samples_f1"] = 2 * p * r / (p + r) if save: output_path = str( pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.absolute() / "models" / tag) if verbose: print(f"Saving model to {output_path}") output_path=output_path, output_format="tf", tag=time_tag, ) return time_tag def test(self): """Test different workflows :return: """ import uuid import shutil # create a mock dataset and check that the training pipeline works dataset = f"{uuid.uuid4().hex}.csv" path_mock = pathlib.Path( __file__).parent.absolute() / "data" / "training" try: if not path_mock.exists(): path_mock.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) feature_names = self.config["features"]["ontological"] class_names = [ self.config["training"]["classes"][class_name]["label"] for class_name in self.config["training"]["classes"] ] entries = [] for i in range(1000): entry = { **{ feature_name: np.random.normal(0, 0.1) for feature_name in feature_names }, **{ class_name: np.random.choice([0, 1]) for class_name in class_names }, **{ "non-variable": np.random.choice([0, 1]) }, **{ "dmdt": np.abs(np.random.random((26, 26))).tolist() }, } entries.append(entry) df_mock = pd.DataFrame.from_records(entries) df_mock.to_csv(path_mock / dataset, index=False) tag = "vnv" time_tag = self.train( tag=tag, path_dataset=path_mock / dataset, batch_size=32, epochs=3, verbose=True, save=True, test=True, ) path_model = (pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.absolute() / "models" / tag / time_tag) shutil.rmtree(path_model) finally: # clean up after thyself (path_mock / dataset).unlink()
def query_kowalski(username, password, ra_center, dec_center, radius, jd_trigger, min_days, max_days, slices, ndethist_min, within_days, after_trigger=True, verbose=True): '''Query kowalski and apply the selection criteria''' k = Kowalski(username=username, password=password, verbose=False) # Initialize a set for the results set_objectId_all = set([]) slices = slices + 1 for slice_lim, i in zip( np.linspace(0, len(ra_center), slices)[:-1], np.arange(len(np.linspace(0, len(ra_center), slices)[:-1]))): try: ra_center_slice = ra_center[int(slice_lim):int( np.linspace(0, len(ra_center), slices)[:-1][i + 1])] dec_center_slice = dec_center[int(slice_lim):int( np.linspace(0, len(dec_center), slices)[:-1][i + 1])] except IndexError: ra_center_slice = ra_center[int(slice_lim):] dec_center_slice = dec_center[int(slice_lim):] coords_arr = [] for ra, dec in zip(ra_center_slice, dec_center_slice): try: # Remove points too far south for ZTF. # Say, keep only Dec>-40 deg to be conservative if dec < -40.: continue coords = SkyCoord(ra=float(ra) * u.deg, dec=float(dec) * u.deg) coords_arr.append((coords.ra.deg, coords.dec.deg)) except ValueError: print("Problems with the galaxy coordinates?") continue # Correct the minimum number of detections ndethist_min_corrected = int(ndethist_min - 1) # Correct the jd_trigger if the user specifies to query # also before the trigger if after_trigger is False: jd_trigger = 0 try: print( f"slice: {int(slice_lim)}:{int(np.linspace(0,len(ra_center),slices)[:-1][i+1])}" ) except: print(f"slice: {int(slice_lim)}:{int(len(ra_center))}") q = { "query_type": "cone_search", "query": { "object_coordinates": { "radec": f"{coords_arr}", "cone_search_radius": f"{radius}", "cone_search_unit": "arcmin" }, "catalogs": { "ZTF_alerts": { "filter": { "candidate.jd": { '$gt': jd_trigger }, "candidate.drb": { '$gt': 0.8 }, "candidate.ndethist": { '$gt': ndethist_min_corrected }, "candidate.jdstarthist": { '$gt': jd_trigger, '$lt': jd_trigger + within_days } }, "projection": { "objectId": 1, "candidate.rcid": 1, "candidate.ra": 1, "candidate.dec": 1, "candidate.jd": 1, "candidate.ndethist": 1, "candidate.jdstarthist": 1, "candidate.jdendhist": 1, "candidate.jdendhist": 1, "candidate.magpsf": 1, "candidate.sigmapsf": 1, "candidate.fid": 1, "candidate.programid": 1, "candidate.isdiffpos": 1, "candidate.ndethist": 1, "candidate.ssdistnr": 1, "candidate.rb": 1, "candidate.drb": 1, "candidate.distpsnr1": 1, "candidate.sgscore1": 1, "candidate.srmag1": 1, "candidate.distpsnr2": 1, "candidate.sgscore2": 1, "candidate.srmag2": 1, "candidate.distpsnr3": 1, "candidate.sgscore3": 1, "candidate.srmag3": 1 } } }, "kwargs": { "hint": "gw01" } } } # Perform the query r = k.query(query=q) print('Search completed for this slice.') objectId_list = [] with_neg_sub = [] old = [] out_of_time_window = [] stellar_list = [] # Try to query kowalski up to 5 times i = 1 no_candidates = False while i <= 5: try: if r['data'] == []: no_candidates = True keys_list = list(r['data']['ZTF_alerts'].keys()) break except (AttributeError, KeyError, TypeError): print(f"failed attempt {i}") i += 1 if i > 5: print(f"SKIPPING jd={jd}, field={field} after 5 attempts") continue if no_candidates is True: if verbose is True: print(f"No candidates") continue for key in keys_list: all_info = r['data']['ZTF_alerts'][key] for info in all_info: if info['objectId'] in old: continue if info['objectId'] in stellar_list: continue if np.abs(info['candidate']['ssdistnr']) < 10: continue if info['candidate']['isdiffpos'] in ['f', 0]: with_neg_sub.append(info['objectId']) if (info['candidate']['jdendhist'] - info['candidate']['jdstarthist']) < min_days: continue if (info['candidate']['jdendhist'] - info['candidate']['jdstarthist']) > max_days: old.append(info['objectId']) if (info['candidate']['jdstarthist'] - jd_trigger) > within_days: old.append(info['objectId']) # REMOVE! Only for O3a paper #if (info['candidate']['jdendhist'] - #info['candidate']['jdstarthist']) >= 72./24. and info['candidate']['ndethist'] <= 2.: # out_of_time_window.append(info['objectId']) if after_trigger is True: if (info['candidate']['jdendhist'] - jd_trigger) > max_days: out_of_time_window.append(info['objectId']) else: if (info['candidate']['jdendhist'] - info['candidate']['jdstarthist']) > max_days: out_of_time_window.append(info['objectId']) try: if (np.abs(info['candidate']['distpsnr1']) < 1.5 and info['candidate']['sgscore1'] > 0.50): stellar_list.append(info['objectId']) except (KeyError, ValueError): pass try: if (np.abs(info['candidate']['distpsnr1']) < 15. and info['candidate']['srmag1'] < 15. and info['candidate']['srmag1'] > 0. and info['candidate']['sgscore1'] >= 0.5): continue except (KeyError, ValueError): pass try: if (np.abs(info['candidate']['distpsnr2']) < 15. and info['candidate']['srmag2'] < 15. and info['candidate']['srmag2'] > 0. and info['candidate']['sgscore2'] >= 0.5): continue except (KeyError, ValueError): pass try: if (np.abs(info['candidate']['distpsnr3']) < 15. and info['candidate']['srmag3'] < 15. and info['candidate']['srmag3'] > 0. and info['candidate']['sgscore3'] >= 0.5): continue except (KeyError, ValueError): pass objectId_list.append(info['objectId']) set_objectId = set(objectId_list) # Remove those objects with negative subtraction for n in set(with_neg_sub): try: set_objectId.remove(n) except (ValueError, KeyError): pass # Remove stellar objects for n in set(stellar_list): try: set_objectId.remove(n) except (ValueError, KeyError): pass # Remove those objects considered old for n in set(old): try: set_objectId.remove(n) except (ValueError, KeyError): pass # Remove those objects whole alerts go bejond jd_trigger+max_days for n in set(out_of_time_window): try: set_objectId.remove(n) except (ValueError, KeyError): pass print(set_objectId) set_objectId_all = set_objectId_all | set_objectId print("Cumulative:", set_objectId_all) return set_objectId_all
def fetch_lc_radecs(_radecs): k = Kowalski(username='******', password='******', verbose=False) num_obj = len(_radecs) print(f'Total entries: {num_obj}') batch_size = 100 num_batches = int(np.ceil(num_obj / batch_size)) times = [] ids = set() for nb in range(num_batches): # print(_radecs[nb * batch_size: (nb + 1) * batch_size]) q = { "query_type": "cone_search", "object_coordinates": { "radec": f"{_radecs[nb * batch_size: (nb + 1) * batch_size]}", "cone_search_radius": "2", "cone_search_unit": "arcsec" }, "catalogs": { "ZTF_sources_20190412": { "filter": {}, "projection": { "_id": 1, "filter": 1, "data.expid": 1, "data.ra": 1, "data.dec": 1, "data.programid": 1, "data.hjd": 1, "data.mag": 1, "data.magerr": 1 } } } } tic = time() r = k.query(query=q) toc = time() times.append(toc - tic) print( f'Fetching batch {nb + 1}/{num_batches} with {batch_size} sources/LCs took: {toc - tic:.3f} seconds' ) # Light curves are here: data = r['result_data'] # TODO: your magic here # print(data) for sc, sources in data['ZTF_sources_20190412'].items(): ids = ids.union([s['_id'] for s in sources]) print(len(ids)) # FIXME: Must filter out data.programid == 1 data print(f'min: {np.min(times)}') print(f'median: {np.median(times)}') print(f'max: {np.max(times)}')
def query_kowalski(username, password, list_fields, min_days, max_days, ndethist_min, jd_gap=50.): '''Query kowalski and apply the selection criteria''' k = Kowalski(username=username, password=password, verbose=False) #Initialize a set for the results set_objectId_all = set([]) for field in list_fields: #Correct the minimum number of detections ndethist_min_corrected = int(ndethist_min - 1) jd = 2458650.0 jd_start = jd jd_end = jd + jd_gap q = { "query_type": "find", "query": { "catalog": "ZTF_alerts", "filter": { 'candidate.jd': { '$gt': jd_start, '$lt': jd_end }, 'candidate.field': field, 'candidate.rb': { '$gt': 0.5 }, 'candidate.drb': { '$gt': 0.5 }, 'candidate.ndethist': { '$gt': ndethist_min_corrected }, 'candidate.magpsf': { '$gt': 16 } #'candidate.isdiffpos': 't' #'objectId' }, "projection": { "objectId": 1, "candidate.rcid": 1, "candidate.ra": 1, "candidate.dec": 1, "candidate.jd": 1, "candidate.ndethist": 1, "candidate.jdstarthist": 1, "candidate.jdendhist": 1, "candidate.jdendhist": 1, "candidate.magpsf": 1, "candidate.sigmapsf": 1, "candidate.fid": 1, "candidate.programid": 1, "candidate.isdiffpos": 1, "candidate.ndethist": 1, "candidate.ssdistnr": 1, "candidate.rb": 1, "candidate.drb": 1, "candidate.distpsnr1": 1, "candidate.sgscore1": 1, "candidate.srmag1": 1, "candidate.distpsnr2": 1, "candidate.sgscore2": 1, "candidate.srmag2": 1, "candidate.distpsnr3": 1, "candidate.sgscore3": 1, "candidate.srmag3": 1 } }, "kwargs": { "hint": "jd_field_rb_drb_braai_ndethhist_magpsf_isdiffpos" } } #Perform the query r = k.query(query=q) print(f"Search completed for field {field}.") # #Dump the results in a json file # with open(f'results_clu25Mpc_1week_{i+1}.json', 'w') as j: # json.dump(r, j) #Identify 'candid' for all relevant candidates objectId_list = [] with_neg_sub = [] old = [] out_of_time_window = [] stellar_list = [] if r['result_data']['query_result'] == []: print("No candidates") continue for info in r['result_data']['query_result']: #if info['objectId'] == 'ZTF19abyfbii': # pdb.set_trace() if info['objectId'] in old: continue if info['objectId'] in stellar_list: continue if np.abs(info['candidate']['ssdistnr']) < 10: continue if info['candidate']['isdiffpos'] in ['f', 0]: with_neg_sub.append(info['objectId']) if (info['candidate']['jdendhist'] - info['candidate']['jdstarthist']) < min_days: continue if (info['candidate']['jdendhist'] - info['candidate']['jdstarthist']) > max_days: old.append(info['objectId']) try: if (np.abs(info['candidate']['distpsnr1']) < 2. and info['candidate']['sgscore1'] >= 0.76): stellar_list.append(info['objectId']) except: do = 'do nothing.' try: if (np.abs(info['candidate']['distpsnr1']) < 15. and info['candidate']['srmag1'] < 15. and info['candidate']['sgscore1'] >= 0.5): continue except: do = 'do nothing.' try: if (np.abs(info['candidate']['distpsnr2']) < 15. and info['candidate']['srmag2'] < 15. and info['candidate']['sgscore2'] >= 0.5): continue except: do = 'do nothing.' try: if (np.abs(info['candidate']['distpsnr3']) < 15. and info['candidate']['srmag3'] < 15. and info['candidate']['sgscore3'] >= 0.5): continue except: do = 'do nothing.' objectId_list.append(info['objectId']) set_objectId = set(objectId_list) #Remove those objects with negative subtraction for n in set(with_neg_sub): try: set_objectId.remove(n) except: do = 'do nothing' #Remove stellar objects for n in set(stellar_list): try: set_objectId.remove(n) except: do = 'do nothing' #Remove those objects considered old for n in set(old): try: set_objectId.remove(n) except: do = 'do nothing' #Remove those objects whole alerts go bejond jd_trigger+max_days for n in set(out_of_time_window): try: set_objectId.remove(n) except: do = 'do nothing' print(set_objectId) set_objectId_all = set_objectId_all | set_objectId print("Cumulative:", set_objectId_all) ''' print('----stats-----') print('Number of sources with negative sub: ', len(set(with_neg_sub))) print('Number of sources with only pos subtraction: ', len(set_objectId)) print(f"Number of sources older than {max_days} days: {len(set(old))}, specifically {set(old)}") ''' return set_objectId_all
def get_ztf(filename, name, username, password, filetype="default", z=0.0, zerr=0.0001, SN_Type="Ia"): k = Kowalski(username=username, password=password, verbose=True) q = { "query_type": "general_search", "query": "db['ZTF_alerts'].find({'objectId': {'$eq': '" + name + "'}})" } r = k.query(query=q, timeout=10) if len(r['result_data']['query_result']) > 0: candidate = r['result_data']['query_result'][0] prevcandidates = r['result_data']['query_result'][0]['prv_candidates'] print(candidate, prevcandidates) jd = [candidate['candidate']['jd']] mag = [candidate['candidate']['magpsf']] magerr = [candidate['candidate']['sigmapsf']] filt = [candidate['candidate']['fid']] for candidate in prevcandidates: jd.append(candidate['jd']) if not candidate['magpsf'] == None: mag.append(candidate['magpsf']) else: mag.append(candidate['diffmaglim']) if not candidate['sigmapsf'] == None: magerr.append(candidate['sigmapsf']) else: magerr.append(np.inf) filt.append(candidate['fid']) filtname = [] for f in filt: if f == 1: filtname.append('g') elif f == 2: filtname.append('r') elif f == 3: filtname.append('i') idx = np.argsort(jd) if filetype == "lc": mjds, fluxs, fluxerrs, passband = [], [], [], [] for ii in idx: t = Time(jd[ii], format='jd').mjd flux = 10**((mag[ii] + 48.60) / (-2.5)) fluxerr = magerr[ii] * flux mjds.append(t) fluxs.append(flux) fluxerrs.append(fluxerr) passband.append(filtname[ii]) return mjds, fluxs, fluxerrs, passband fid = open(filename, 'w') if filetype == "default": for ii in idx: t = Time(jd[ii], format='jd').isot fid.write('%s %s %.5f %.5f\n' % (t, filtname[ii], mag[ii], magerr[ii])) elif filetype == "snmachine": fid.write('HOST_GALAXY_PHOTO-Z: %.4f +- %.4f\n' % (z, zerr)) fid.write('SIM_COMMENT: SN Type = %s\n' % SN_Type) for ii in idx: t = Time(jd[ii], format='jd').mjd flux = 10**((mag[ii] + 48.60) / (-2.5)) fluxerr = magerr[ii] * flux fid.write('OBS: %.3f %s NULL %.3e %.3e %.2f %.5f %.5f\n' % (t, filtname[ii], flux, fluxerr, flux / fluxerr, mag[ii], magerr[ii])) fid.close()
def agn_b_scores(name, username, password, colors=False): k = Kowalski(username=username, password=password, verbose=False) q = { "query_type": "find", "query": { "catalog": 'ZTF_alerts', "filter": { "objectId": name }, "projection": { "_id": 0, "cutoutScience": 0, "cutoutTemplate": 0, "cutoutDifference": 0 }, } } r = k.query(query=q) alerts = r['data'] ra, dec = alerts[0]['candidate']['ra'], alerts[0]['candidate']['dec'] cc = SkyCoord(ra, dec, unit=(u.deg, u.deg)) table = Irsa.query_region(coordinates=cc, catalog="allwise_p3as_psd", spatial="Cone", radius=2 * u.arcsec) # AGN WISE if len(table['w1mpro']) == 0: agn = False temp_points = 6 else: w1, w1_err, w2, w2_err, w3, w3_err = table['w1mpro'], table[ 'w1sigmpro'], table['w2mpro'], table['w2sigmpro'], table[ 'w3mpro'], table['w3sigmpro'] if w1 - w2 > 0.8 + 0.1 and w2_err < 0.5 and w1_err < 0.5: agn = True temp_points = -2 elif w2 - w3 > 2.5 + 0.1 and w2_err < 0.5 and w3_err < 0.5: agn = True temp_points = -2 elif w1 - w2 > 0.8 and w2_err < 0.5 and w1_err < 0.5: agn = True temp_points = 0 elif w2 - w3 > 2.5 and w2_err < 0.5 and w3_err < 0.5: agn = True temp_points = 0 elif w1 - w2 > 0.8 - 0.2 and w2_err < 0.5 and w1_err < 0.5: agn = False temp_points = 2 elif w2 - w3 > 2.5 - 0.3 and w2_err < 0.5 and w3_err < 0.5: agn = False temp_points = 2 elif w1 - w2 > 0.8 - 0.5 and w2_err < 0.5 and w1_err < 0.5: agn = False temp_points = 4 elif w2 - w3 > 2.5 - 0.5 and w2_err < 0.5 and w3_err < 0.5: agn = False temp_points = 4 else: agn = False temp_points = 6 # low b if np.abs(cc.galactic.b.value) < 15: b_temp_points = -10 else: b_temp_points = 0 if colors: return temp_points, agn, [w1 - w2, w2 - w3] else: return temp_points, b_temp_points
class WhiteDwarf(object): def __init__(self, config_file: str): try: ''' load config data ''' self.config = self.get_config(_config_file=config_file) ''' set up logging at init ''' self.logger, self.logger_utc_date = self.set_up_logging( _name='archive', _mode='a') # make dirs if necessary: for _pp in ('app', 'alerts', 'tmp', 'logs'): _path = self.config['path']['path_{:s}'.format(_pp)] if not os.path.exists(_path): os.makedirs(_path) self.logger.debug('Created {:s}'.format(_path)) ''' init connection to Kowalski ''' self.kowalski = Kowalski(username=secrets['kowalski']['user'], password=secrets['kowalski']['password']) # host='localhost', port=8082, protocol='http' ''' init db if necessary ''' self.init_db() ''' connect to db: ''' self.db = None # will exit if this fails self.connect_to_db() except Exception as e: print(e) traceback.print_exc() sys.exit() @staticmethod def get_config(_config_file): """ Load config JSON file """ ''' script absolute location ''' abs_path = os.path.dirname(inspect.getfile(inspect.currentframe())) if _config_file[0] not in ('/', '~'): if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(abs_path, _config_file)): config_path = os.path.join(abs_path, _config_file) else: raise IOError('Failed to find config file') else: if os.path.isfile(_config_file): config_path = _config_file else: raise IOError('Failed to find config file') with open(config_path) as cjson: config_data = json.load(cjson) # config must not be empty: if len(config_data) > 0: return config_data else: raise Exception('Failed to load config file') def set_up_logging(self, _name='ztf_wd', _mode='w'): """ Set up logging :param _name: :param _level: DEBUG, INFO, etc. :param _mode: overwrite log-file or append: w or a :return: logger instance """ # 'debug', 'info', 'warning', 'error', or 'critical' if self.config['misc']['logging_level'] == 'debug': _level = logging.DEBUG elif self.config['misc']['logging_level'] == 'info': _level = logging.INFO elif self.config['misc']['logging_level'] == 'warning': _level = logging.WARNING elif self.config['misc']['logging_level'] == 'error': _level = logging.ERROR elif self.config['misc']['logging_level'] == 'critical': _level = logging.CRITICAL else: raise ValueError( 'Config file error: logging level must be ' + '\'debug\', \'info\', \'warning\', \'error\', or \'critical\'') # get path to logs from config: _path = self.config['path']['path_logs'] if not os.path.exists(_path): os.makedirs(_path) utc_now = datetime.datetime.utcnow() # _logger = logging.getLogger(_name) _logger.setLevel(_level) # create the logging file handler fh = logging.FileHandler(os.path.join( _path, '{:s}.{:s}.log'.format(_name, utc_now.strftime('%Y%m%d'))), mode=_mode) logging.Formatter.converter = time.gmtime formatter = logging.Formatter( '%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s') # formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s %(message)s') fh.setFormatter(formatter) # add handler to logger object _logger.addHandler(fh) return _logger, utc_now.strftime('%Y%m%d') def shut_down_logger(self): """ Prevent writing to multiple log-files after 'manual rollover' :return: """ handlers = self.logger.handlers[:] for handler in handlers: handler.close() self.logger.removeHandler(handler) def check_logging(self): """ Check if a new log file needs to be started and start it if necessary """ if datetime.datetime.utcnow().strftime( '%Y%m%d') != self.logger_utc_date: # reset self.shut_down_logger() self.logger, self.logger_utc_date = self.set_up_logging( _name='ztf_wd', _mode='a') def init_db(self): """ Initialize db if new Mongo instance :return: """ _client = pymongo.MongoClient( username=self.config['database']['admin'], password=self.config['database']['admin_pwd'], host=self.config['database']['host'], port=self.config['database']['port']) # _id: db_name.user_name user_ids = [ _u['_id'] for _u in _client.admin.system.users.find({}, {'_id': 1}) ] db_name = self.config['database']['db'] username = self.config['database']['user'] # print(f'{db_name}.{username}') # print(user_ids) if f'{db_name}.{username}' not in user_ids: _client[db_name].command('createUser', self.config['database']['user'], pwd=self.config['database']['pwd'], roles=['readWrite'])'Successfully initialized db') def connect_to_db(self): """ Connect to MongoDB-powered database :return: """ _config = self.config try: if self.logger is not None: self.logger.debug( 'Connecting to the database at {:s}:{:d}'.format( _config['database']['host'], _config['database']['port'])) _client = pymongo.MongoClient(host=_config['database']['host'], port=_config['database']['port']) # grab main database: _db = _client[_config['database']['db']] except Exception as _e: if self.logger is not None: self.logger.error(_e) self.logger.error( 'Failed to connect to the database at {:s}:{:d}'.format( _config['database']['host'], _config['database']['port'])) # raise error raise ConnectionRefusedError try: # authenticate _db.authenticate(_config['database']['user'], _config['database']['pwd']) if self.logger is not None: self.logger.debug( 'Successfully authenticated with the database at {:s}:{:d}' .format(_config['database']['host'], _config['database']['port'])) except Exception as _e: if self.logger is not None: self.logger.error(_e) self.logger.error( 'Authentication failed for the database at {:s}:{:d}'. format(_config['database']['host'], _config['database']['port'])) raise ConnectionRefusedError if self.logger is not None: self.logger.debug( 'Successfully connected to database at {:s}:{:d}'.format( _config['database']['host'], _config['database']['port'])) # (re)define self.db self.db = dict() self.db['client'] = _client self.db['db'] = _db # @timeout(seconds_before_timeout=120) def disconnect_from_db(self): """ Disconnect from MongoDB database. :return: """ self.logger.debug('Disconnecting from the database.') if self.db is not None: try: self.db['client'].close() self.logger.debug( 'Successfully disconnected from the database.') except Exception as e: self.logger.error('Failed to disconnect from the database.') self.logger.error(e) finally: # reset self.db = None else: self.logger.debug('No connection found.') # @timeout(seconds_before_timeout=120) def check_db_connection(self): """ Check if DB connection is alive/established. :return: True if connection is OK """ self.logger.debug('Checking database connection.') if self.db is None: try: self.connect_to_db() except Exception as e: self.logger.error('Lost database connection.') self.logger.error(e) return False else: try: # force connection on a request as the connect=True parameter of MongoClient seems # to be useless here self.db['client'].server_info() except pymongo.errors.ServerSelectionTimeoutError as e: self.logger.error('Lost database connection.') self.logger.error(e) return False return True def insert_db_entry(self, _collection=None, _db_entry=None): """ Insert a document _doc to collection _collection in DB. It is monitored for timeout in case DB connection hangs for some reason :param _collection: :param _db_entry: :return: """ assert _collection is not None, 'Must specify collection' assert _db_entry is not None, 'Must specify document' try: self.db['db'][_collection].insert_one(_db_entry) except Exception as _e:'Error inserting {:s} into {:s}'.format( str(_db_entry['_id']), _collection)) traceback.print_exc() self.logger.error(_e) def insert_multiple_db_entries(self, _collection=None, _db_entries=None): """ Insert a document _doc to collection _collection in DB. It is monitored for timeout in case DB connection hangs for some reason :param _db: :param _collection: :param _db_entries: :return: """ assert _collection is not None, 'Must specify collection' assert _db_entries is not None, 'Must specify documents' try: # ordered=False ensures that every insert operation will be attempted # so that if, e.g., a document already exists, it will be simply skipped self.db['db'][_collection].insert_many(_db_entries, ordered=False) except pymongo.errors.BulkWriteError as bwe: except Exception as _e: traceback.print_exc() self.logger.error(_e) def replace_db_entry(self, _collection=None, _filter=None, _db_entry=None): """ Insert a document _doc to collection _collection in DB. It is monitored for timeout in case DB connection hangs for some reason :param _collection: :param _filter: :param _db_entry: :return: """ assert _collection is not None, 'Must specify collection' assert _db_entry is not None, 'Must specify document' try: self.db['db'][_collection].replace_one(_filter, _db_entry, upsert=True) except Exception as _e:'Error replacing {:s} in {:s}'.format( str(_db_entry['_id']), _collection)) traceback.print_exc() self.logger.error(_e) def cross_match(self, _jd_start, _jd_end, _stars: dict, _fov_size_ref_arcsec=2, retries=3) -> dict: for ir in range(retries): try: self.logger.debug(f'Querying Kowalski, attempt {ir+1}') # query Kowalski: # if False: q = { "query_type": "cone_search", "object_coordinates": { "radec": str(_stars), "cone_search_radius": str(_fov_size_ref_arcsec), "cone_search_unit": "arcsec" }, "catalogs": { "ZTF_alerts": { "filter": f'{{"candidate.jd": {{"$gt": {_jd_start}, "$lt": {_jd_end}}}}}', "projection": "{}" } }, "kwargs": { "save": False } } # {"candidate.jd": {"$gt": _jd, "$lt": _jd + 1}} # {"_id": 1, "objectId": 1, # "candid": 1, # "candidate.jd": 1, # "candidate.programid": 1, # "candidate.rb": 1, # "candidate.magpsf": 1, # "candidate.sigmapsf": 1} # , # "Gaia_DR2_WD": {"filter": '{}', # "projection": '{"_id": 1, "coordinates": 0}'} # print(q) r = self.kowalski.query(query=q, timeout=300) # print(r) matches = r['result_data']['ZTF_alerts'] # only return non-empty matches: non_empty_matches = { m: v for m, v in matches.items() if ((v is not None) and (len(v) > 0)) } return non_empty_matches except Exception as _e: self.logger.error(_e) continue return {} def get_doc_by_id(self, _coll: str, _ids: list, retries=3) -> dict: for ir in range(retries): try: self.logger.debug(f'Querying Kowalski, attempt {ir+1}') q = { "query_type": "general_search", "query": f"db['{_coll}'].find({{'_id': {{'$in': {_ids}}}}})", "kwargs": { "save": False } } # print(q) r = self.kowalski.query(query=q, timeout=300) # print(r) result = r['result_data']['query_result'] # convert to dict id -> result matches = {obj['_id']: obj for obj in result} return matches except Exception as _e: self.logger.error(_e) continue return {} def dump_lightcurve(self, alert, time_label='days_ago'): path_out = os.path.join(self.config['path']['path_alerts'], alert['_id']) if not os.path.exists(path_out): os.makedirs(path_out) dflc = make_dataframe(alert) filter_color = {1: 'green', 2: 'red', 3: 'pink'} if time_label == 'days_ago': now = t = dflc.jd - now xlabel = f'Days Before {str(datetime.datetime.utcnow())} UTC' elif time_label == 'jd': t = dflc.jd xlabel = 'Date (JD)' elif time_label == 'datetime': t = Time(dflc.jd, format='jd').datetime xlabel = 'Date (UTC)' plt.close('all') fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) for fid, color in filter_color.items(): ref_flux = None # plot detections in this filter: w = (dflc.fid == fid) & ~dflc.magpsf.isnull() & (dflc.distnr <= 5) if np.sum(w): # we want to plot (reference_flux + sign*difference_flux) -> mag sign = 2 * (dflc.loc[w, 'isdiffpos'].values == 't') - 1 ref_mag = np.float64(dflc.loc[w].iloc[0]['magnr']) ref_flux = np.float64(10**(0.4 * (27 - ref_mag))) ref_sigflux = np.float64(dflc.iloc[0]['sigmagnr'] / 1.0857 * ref_flux) difference_flux = np.float64( 10**(0.4 * (27 - dflc.loc[w, 'magpsf'].values))) difference_sigflux = np.float64( dflc.loc[w, 'sigmapsf'].values / 1.0857 * difference_flux) if not isinstance(difference_flux, np.ndarray): difference_flux = np.array([difference_flux]) if not isinstance(difference_sigflux, np.ndarray): difference_sigflux = np.array([difference_sigflux]) dc_flux = ref_flux + sign * difference_flux dc_sigflux = np.sqrt(difference_sigflux**2 + ref_sigflux**2) if not isinstance(dc_flux, np.ndarray): dc_flux = np.array([dc_flux]) if not isinstance(dc_sigflux, np.ndarray): dc_sigflux = np.array([dc_sigflux]) # mask bad values: w_good = dc_flux > 0 # print(dc_flux) # print(dc_sigflux) # print(w_good) dc_mag = 27 - 2.5 * np.log10(dc_flux[w_good]) dc_sigmag = dc_sigflux[w_good] / dc_flux[w_good] * 1.0857 ax.errorbar(t[w][w_good], dc_mag, dc_sigmag, fmt='.', color=color) wnodet = (dflc.fid == fid) & dflc.magpsf.isnull() & (dflc.diffmaglim > 0) if np.sum(wnodet) and (ref_flux is not None): # if we have a non-detection that means that there's no flux +/- 5 sigma from # the ref flux (unless it's a bad subtraction) difference_fluxlim = np.float64( 10**(0.4 * (27 - dflc.loc[wnodet, 'diffmaglim'].values))) dc_flux_ulim = ref_flux + difference_fluxlim dc_flux_llim = ref_flux - difference_fluxlim if not isinstance(dc_flux_ulim, np.ndarray): dc_flux_ulim = np.array([dc_flux_ulim]) if not isinstance(dc_flux_llim, np.ndarray): dc_flux_llim = np.array([dc_flux_llim]) # mask bad values: w_u_good = dc_flux_ulim > 0 w_l_good = dc_flux_llim > 0 dc_mag_ulim = 27 - 2.5 * np.log10(dc_flux_ulim[w_u_good]) dc_mag_llim = 27 - 2.5 * np.log10(dc_flux_llim[w_l_good]) ax.scatter(t[wnodet][w_u_good], dc_mag_ulim, marker='v', color=color, alpha=0.25) ax.scatter(t[wnodet][w_l_good], dc_mag_llim, marker='^', color=color, alpha=0.25) plt.gca().invert_yaxis() ax.set_xlabel(xlabel) ax.set_ylabel('Magnitude') plt.savefig(os.path.join(path_out, 'lightcurve.jpg'), bbox_inches="tight", pad_inches=0, dpi=200) def dump_cutout(self, alert, save_fits=False): path_out = os.path.join(self.config['path']['path_alerts'], alert['_id']) if not os.path.exists(path_out): os.makedirs(path_out) for tag in ('science', 'template', 'difference'): data = alert[f'cutout{tag.capitalize()}']['stampData'] tmp = io.BytesIO() tmp.write(data) # new format? try to decompress loss-less fits: try: decompressed_file = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=tmp, mode='rb') with as dff: if save_fits: dff.writeto(os.path.join(path_out, f'{tag}.fits'), overwrite=True) # print(dff[0].data) img = dff[0].data plt.close('all') fig = plt.figure() fig.set_size_inches(4, 4, forward=False) ax = plt.Axes(fig, [0., 0., 1., 1.]) ax.set_axis_off() fig.add_axes(ax) # remove nans: img = np.array(img) img = np.nan_to_num(img) if tag != 'difference': # img += np.min(img) img[img <= 0] = np.median(img) plt.imshow(img, cmap='gray', norm=LogNorm(), origin='lower') else: plt.imshow(img, cmap='gray', origin='lower') plt.savefig(os.path.join(path_out, f'{tag}.jpg'), dpi=50) # failed? try old jpg format except Exception as _e: traceback.print_exc() self.logger.error(str(_e)) try:, f'{tag}.jpg')) except Exception as _e: traceback.print_exc() self.logger.error(str(_e)) self.logger.error( f'Failed to save stamp: {alert["_id"]} {tag}') def get_ps1_image(self, alert): """ :param alert: :return: """ # TODO: get PanSTARRS image pass def run(self, _all=False): # compute current UTC. the script is run everyday at 19:00 UTC (~noon in LA) utc_date = datetime.datetime.utcnow() utc_date = datetime.datetime(utc_date.year, utc_date.month, # convert to jd jd_date = Time(utc_date).jd'Starting cycle: {} {}'.format( str(utc_date), str(jd_date))) if not _all: # grab last night only jd_start = jd_date jd_end = jd_date + 1 else: # grab everything: utc_date_survey_start = datetime.datetime(2017, 9, 1) jd_date_survey_start = Time(utc_date_survey_start).jd jd_start = jd_date_survey_start jd_end = jd_date + 1 # with open('/Users/dmitryduev/_caltech/python/ztf-wd/code/wds.20180811.json') as wdjson: with open(self.config['path']['path_wd_db']) as wdjson: wds = json.load(wdjson)['query_result'] total_detected = 0 matches_to_ingest = [] # for batch_size run a cross match with ZTF_alerts for current UTC for ic, chunk in enumerate(chunks(wds, 1000)):'Chunk #{ic}') # print(chunk[0]['_id']) # {name: (ra, dec)} stars = {c['_id']: (c['ra'], c['dec']) for c in chunk} # print(stars) # run cone search on the batch matches = self.cross_match(_jd_start=jd_start, _jd_end=jd_end, _stars=stars, _fov_size_ref_arcsec=2, retries=3) self.logger.debug(list(matches.keys())) total_detected += len(matches) f'total # of white dwarfs detected so far: {total_detected}') if len(matches) > 0: # get full WD info for matched objects: wds = self.get_doc_by_id(_coll='Gaia_DR2_WD', _ids=list(map(int, matches.keys())), retries=3) # append to corresponding matches self.logger.debug(list(matches.keys())) for match in matches.keys(): for alert in matches[match]: alert['xmatch'] = dict() alert['xmatch']['nearest_within_5_arcsec'] = { 'Gaia_DR2_WD': wds[int(match)] } self.logger.debug('{} {}'.format( alert['_id'], alert['xmatch'] ['nearest_within_5_arcsec']['Gaia_DR2_WD']['_id'])) matches_to_ingest.append(alert) # generate previews for the endpoint self.dump_cutout(alert, save_fits=False) self.dump_lightcurve(alert) # raise Exception('HALT!!') # collection_obs # ingest every matched object into own db. It's not that many, so just dump everything if len(matches_to_ingest) > 0: self.insert_multiple_db_entries( _collection=self.config['database']['collection_obs'], _db_entries=matches_to_ingest)'total # of white dwarfs detected: {total_detected}')'Creating indices') self.db['db'][self.config['database']['collection_obs']].create_index( [('coordinates.radec_geojson', '2dsphere')], background=True) self.db['db'][self.config['database']['collection_obs']].create_index( [('objectId', pymongo.ASCENDING)], background=True) self.db['db'][self.config['database']['collection_obs']].create_index( [('candid', pymongo.ASCENDING)], background=True) self.db['db'][self.config['database']['collection_obs']].create_index( [('candidate.programid', pymongo.ASCENDING)], background=True) self.db['db'][self.config['database']['collection_obs']].create_index( [('candidate.jd', pymongo.ASCENDING)], background=True)'All done') def shutdown(self): self.kowalski.close()
def sentinel( utc_start: Optional[str] = None, utc_stop: Optional[str] = None, twilight: Optional[bool] = False, test: Optional[bool] = False, verbose: Optional[bool] = False, ): """ ZTF Sentinel service - Monitors the ZTF_ops collection on Kowalski for new ZTF data (Twilight only by default). - Uses dask.distributed to process individual ZTF image frames (ccd-quads). Each worker is initialized with a TailsWorker instance that maintains a Fritz connection and preloads Tails. The candidate comet detections, if any, are posted to Fritz together with auto-annotations (cross-matches from the MPC and SkyBot) and auxiliary data. :param utc_start: UTC start date/time in arrow-parsable format. If not set, defaults to (now - 1h) :param utc_stop: UTC stop date/time in arrow-parsable format. If not set, defaults to (now + 1h). If set, program runs once :param twilight: process only the data of the ZTF Twilight survey :param test: run in test mode :param verbose: verbose? :return: """ if verbose: log("Setting up MongoDB connection") init_db(config=config, verbose=verbose) mongo = Mongo( host=config["sentinel"]["database"]["host"], port=config["sentinel"]["database"]["port"], username=config["sentinel"]["database"]["username"], password=config["sentinel"]["database"]["password"], db=config["sentinel"]["database"]["db"], verbose=verbose, ) if verbose: log("Set up MongoDB connection") collection = config["sentinel"]["database"]["collection"] # remove dangling entries in the db at startup mongo.db[collection].delete_many({"status": "processing"}) # Configure dask client if verbose: log("Initializing dask.distributed client") dask_client = dask.distributed.Client( address= f"{config['sentinel']['dask']['host']}:{config['sentinel']['dask']['scheduler_port']}" ) # init each worker with Worker instance if verbose: log("Initializing dask.distributed workers") worker_initializer = WorkerInitializer() dask_client.register_worker_plugin(worker_initializer, name="worker-init") if test: frame = "ztf_20191014495961_000570_zr_c05_o_q3" with timer(f"Submitting frame {frame} for processing", verbose): mongo.db[collection].update_one({"_id": frame}, {"$set": { "status": "processing" }}, upsert=True) future = dask_client.submit(process_frame, frame, pure=True) dask.distributed.fire_and_forget(future) future.release() del future return True if verbose: log("Setting up Kowalski connection") kowalski = Kowalski( token=config["kowalski"]["token"], protocol=config["kowalski"]["protocol"], host=config["kowalski"]["host"], port=config["kowalski"]["port"], verbose=verbose, ) if verbose: log(f"Kowalski connection OK: {}") while True: try: # monitor the past 24 hours as sometimes there are data processing/posting delays at IPAC start = (arrow.get(utc_start) if utc_start is not None else arrow.utcnow().shift(hours=-24)) stop = (arrow.get(utc_stop) if utc_stop is not None else arrow.utcnow().shift(hours=1)) if (stop - start).total_seconds() < 0: raise ValueError("utc_stop must be greater than utc_start") if verbose: log(f"Looking for ZTF exposures between {start} and {stop}") kowalski_query = { "query_type": "find", "query": { "catalog": "ZTF_ops", "filter": { "jd_start": { "$gt": Time(start.datetime).jd, "$lt": Time(stop.datetime).jd, } }, "projection": { "_id": 0, "fileroot": 1 }, }, } if twilight: kowalski_query["query"]["filter"]["qcomment"] = { "$regex": "Twilight" } response = kowalski.query(query=kowalski_query).get("data", dict()) file_roots = sorted([entry["fileroot"] for entry in response]) frame_names = [ f"{file_root}_c{ccd:02d}_o_q{quad:1d}" for file_root in file_roots for ccd in range(1, 17) for quad in range(1, 5) ] if verbose: log(f"Found {len(frame_names)} ccd-quad frames") log(frame_names) processed_frames = [ frame["_id"] for frame in mongo.db[collection].find( { "_id": { "$in": frame_names }, "status": { "$in": ["processing", "success"] }, }, {"_id": 1}, ) ] if verbose: log(processed_frames) unprocessed_frames = set(frame_names) - set(processed_frames) for frame in unprocessed_frames: with timer(f"Submitting frame {frame} for processing", verbose): mongo.db[collection].update_one( {"_id": frame}, {"$set": { "status": "processing" }}, upsert=True) future = dask_client.submit(process_frame, frame, pure=True) dask.distributed.fire_and_forget(future) future.release() del future except Exception as e: log(e) # run once if utc_stop is set if utc_stop is not None: break else: log("Heartbeat") time.sleep(60)
def query_kowalski_alerts(username, password, date_start, date_end, catalog='ZUDS_alerts', min_days=None, starthist=None): '''Query alerts with kowalski and apply the selection criteria''' k = Kowalski(username=username, password=password, verbose=False) # Initialize a set for the results set_objectId_all = set([]) print(date_start.jd, date_end.jd, starthist.jd) q = { "query_type": "find", "query": { "catalog": catalog, "filter": { "candidate.jd": { '$gt': date_start.jd, '$lt': date_end.jd }, "candidate.drb": { '$gt': 0.6 }, "classifications.braai": { '$gt': 0.6 }, "candidate.jdstarthist_single": { '$gt': starthist.jd }, "candidate.fwhm": { '$gt': 0.5, '$lt': 8 }, }, "projection": { "objectId": 1, "candid": 1, "candidate.rcid": 1, "candidate.ra": 1, "candidate.dec": 1, "candidate.jd": 1, "candidate.ndethist": 1, "candidate.jdstarthist_single": 1, "candidate.jdstarthist_stack": 1, "candidate.jdendhist_single": 1, "candidate.jdendhist_stack": 1, "candidate.magpsf": 1, "candidate.sigmapsf": 1, "candidate.fid": 1, "candidate.programid": 1, "candidate.isdiffpos": 1, "candidate.ndethist": 1, "candidate.ssdistnr": 1, "candidate.rb": 1, "candidate.drb": 1, "candidate.distpsnr1": 1, "candidate.sgscore1": 1, "candidate.srmag1": 1, "candidate.distpsnr2": 1, "candidate.sgscore2": 1, "candidate.srmag2": 1, "candidate.distpsnr3": 1, "candidate.sgscore3": 1, "candidate.srmag3": 1, "candidate.fwhm": 1, "candidate.lstype1": 1, "candidate.lszspec1": 1, "candidate.lsz1": 1, "candidate.lszphotl681": 1, "candidate.alert_type": 1 } }, "kwargs": {} # {"limit": 3} } # Perform the query r = k.query(query=q) result = r['result_data']['query_result'] set_names = set( list(c['objectId'] for c in r['result_data']['query_result'])) print(f"There are {len(set_names)} sources found") # Match with CLU list_clu = match_kowalski_clu(username, password, set_names) print(f"{len(list_clu)} sources were found matched with CLU galaxies") # Stricted selection reject = [] done = [] done_names = [] for info in r['result_data']['query_result']: if info['objectId'] == 'ZUDS20esmwf': import pdb pdb.set_trace() if not (info['objectId'] in list_clu) or info[ 'objectId'] in done_names or info['objectId'] in reject: continue # If single alerts (not stack), check that there is enough # time separation between first and last observation try: if info['candidate']['alert_type'] == 'single': if info['candidate']['jdendhist_single'] - info['candidate'][ 'jdstarthist_single'] > min_days: pass else: reject.append(info['objectId']) continue else: pass except (KeyError, ValueError, TypeError): pass try: if (np.abs(info['candidate']['distpsnr1']) < 1. and info['candidate']['sgscore1'] >= 0.60): reject.append(info['objectId']) continue except (KeyError, ValueError, TypeError): pass #try: # if (np.abs(info['candidate']['distpsnr1']) < 1. and # info['candidate']['lstype1'] == 'PSF'): # reject.append(info['objectId']) # continue #except (KeyError, ValueError, TypeError): # pass try: if (np.abs(info['candidate']['distpsnr1']) < 1. and info['candidate']['lsz1'] < 999. and info['candidate']['lszspec1'] > 0.1): reject.append(info['objectId']) continue except (KeyError, ValueError, TypeError): pass try: if (np.abs(info['candidate']['distpsnr1']) < 1. and info['candidate']['lsz1'] < 21. and info['candidate']['lszphotl681'] > 0.1): reject.append(info['objectId']) continue except (KeyError, ValueError, TypeError): pass try: if (np.abs(info['candidate']['distpsnr1']) < 15. and info['candidate']['srmag1'] < 15. and info['candidate']['srmag1'] > 0. and info['candidate']['sgscore1'] >= 0.49): reject.append(info['objectId']) continue except (KeyError, ValueError, TypeError): pass try: if (np.abs(info['candidate']['distpsnr2']) < 15. and info['candidate']['srmag2'] < 15. and info['candidate']['srmag2'] > 0. and info['candidate']['sgscore2'] >= 0.49): reject.append(info['objectId']) continue except (KeyError, ValueError, TypeError): pass try: if (np.abs(info['candidate']['distpsnr3']) < 15. and info['candidate']['srmag3'] < 15. and info['candidate']['srmag3'] > 0. and info['candidate']['sgscore3'] >= 0.49): reject.append(info['objectId']) continue except (KeyError, ValueError, TypeError): pass done_names.append(info['objectId']) done.append((info['objectId'], info['candid'])) # Check that no source was kept among the rejected ones checked = list(d for d in done if not (d[0] in reject)) checked_names = list(c[0] for c in checked) print(f"{len(done)} sources survived stellarity and bright sources cuts") # Check history for negative subtractions in ZUDS and ZTF alerts list_selected = check_history(checked_names) print( f"{len(list_selected)} sources have no historical negative detections") sources = list({ 'name': c[0], 'candid': c[1] } for c in checked if c[0] in list_selected) return sources