コード例 #1
ファイル: io_Peppercorn.py プロジェクト: brezal/KinDA
def to_Peppercorn(*args, **kargs):
    """Converts DNAObjects objects to Peppercorn objects.
  The following objects will be recognized in the key list and converted:
    - domains
    - complexes
    - reactions
  Other supplied objects are ignored.
  The output is in the form of a dictionary mapping the keys
  'domains', 'complexes', and 'reactions' to a list of tuples
  of the form (object, converted_object). This may be iterated through
  directly or converted into a dict for object lookup.

    ## Clear previously created Peppercorn objects from memory
    ## to prevent duplication errors.

    ## Extract all objects to be converted
    reactions = set(kargs.get('reactions', []))
    complexes = set(
        sum([list(r.reactants + r.products)
             for r in reactions], []) + kargs.get('complexes', []))
    domains = set(
        [d for c in complexes for d_list in c.base_domains() for d in d_list] +
        sum([d.base_domains() for d in kargs.get('domains', [])], []))

    ## Convert domains, strands, complexes, and reactions
    enum_domains = {}
    for d in set(sum([d.base_domains() for d in domains], [])):
        enum_domains[d] = to_Peppercorn_domain(d)

    enum_complexes = {}
    for complex in set(complexes):
        enum_complexes[complex] = to_Peppercorn_complex(complex, enum_domains)

    enum_reactions = {}
    for reaction in set(reactions):
        enum_reactions[reaction] = to_Peppercorn_reaction(
            reaction, enum_complexes)

    ## Return in a dict
    results = dict()
    results['domains'] = enum_domains.items()
    results['complexes'] = enum_complexes.items()
    results['reactions'] = enum_reactions.items()
    return results
コード例 #2
 def tearDown(self):
コード例 #3
 def tearDown(self):
コード例 #4
def main():
    logdata = True

    if not os.path.exists('tmp'):
        raise SystemExit('Please make a directory called "tmp" to store temorary results')

    fig = plt.figure()
    ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111)
    mycolors = list('bgrcmyk')
    mymarker = list('o*^.vph+D')
    (mc,mm) = (0,0)

    allresults = []
    for data in paperdata:
        results = []
        for e, pilstring in enumerate(map(data['piltemplate'], data['pilparams'])):
            tmpname = 'tmp/'+data['name'] + '_' + str(e)
            print tmpname
            enumOBJ, crn = peppercorn(pilstring, name=tmpname, **data['pepperargs'])

            if 'rates' in data:
                if len(enumOBJ.condensed_reactions) == 1:
                    rxn = enumOBJ.condensed_reactions[0]
                    er = data['exp_results'][e]
                    results.append([er, rxn.rate])
                else :
                    if 'reactants' in data['rates']:
                        for rxn in enumOBJ.condensed_reactions:
                            if sorted([rs.name for rs in rxn.reactants]) == sorted(data['rates']['reactants']):
                                er = data['exp_results'][e]
                                results.append([er, rxn.rate])
                        raise NotImplementedError('multiple condensed reactions')

            if 'simulation' in data:
                for i, command in enumerate(data['simulation']):
                    nxy = simulate_crn(crn, tmpname, command)
                    rep = data['reporter']
                    (et, ec) = data['exp_results'][e+i]
                    time = get_simulated_time(nxy, rep, ec)
                    #print e+i, rep, et, ec, time
                    results.append([et, time])

        #assert len(results) == len(data['exp_results'])
        xs = []
        ys = []
        for e, (x,y) in enumerate(results):
            if x is None or y is None:
                print 'WARNING: Skipping data points {}'.format(e)
            if logdata:
        print xs
        print ys
        ax1.scatter(xs, ys, color=mycolors[mc], marker=mymarker[mm], label=data['name'])
        mc += 1
        if mc >= mcmax[mm]:
            mc = 0
            mm += 1

    plt.title('Peppercorn vs. experiment');
    if logdata:
        ax1.set_xlabel('Experimental system speed [$\log_{10}(s)$]', fontsize=16)
        ax1.set_ylabel('Simulated system speed [$\log_{10}(s)$]', fontsize=16)
        (mi,ma)=(0, 6)
        (mi,ma)=(-3, 7)
        #plt.xlim(mi, ma)
        #plt.ylim(mi, ma)
        plt.plot([mi, ma], [mi, ma], color='black')
        ax1.set_xlabel('Experimental system speed [s]', fontsize=16)
        ax1.set_ylabel('Simulated system speed [s]', fontsize=16)
        (mi,ma) = (-10, 600)
        plt.xlim(mi, ma)
        plt.ylim(mi, ma)
        plt.plot([mi, ma], [mi, ma], color='black')

    lgd = plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.40, 1.0), loc='upper right', borderaxespad=0.)
    #plt.legend(loc='lower right');
    #plt.legend(loc='lower right');
    #pfile = 'zhang2009_condensed_log.png'
    #plt.savefig(pfile, bbox_extra_artists=(lgd,), bbox_inches='tight')
    plt.savefig('test.pdf', bbox_extra_artists=(lgd,), bbox_inches='tight')
