コード例 #1
def _CreateIntelMpiRunCommand(vms: List[linux_vm.BaseLinuxVirtualMachine],
                              dimensions: HpccDimensions) -> Tuple[str, int]:
    """Creates the command to run HPL for Intel compiled linpack.

    vms: List of virtual machines to run on.
    dimensions: The HpccDimensions for the run

    Tuple of the mpirun command and the number of processes to be used.
    headnode = vms[0]
    # Create the file for mpirun to execute
    hpl_path = '/opt/intel/mkl/benchmarks/mp_linpack/xhpl_intel64_static'
    bash_script = inspect.cleandoc(f'''
  export HPL_HOST_NODE=$((PMI_RANK % {headnode.numa_node_count}))
    run_file = './hpl_run'
    for vm in vms:
        vm_util.CreateRemoteFile(vm, bash_script + '\n', run_file)
        vm.RemoteCommand(f'chmod +x {run_file}')
    logging.info('Using precompiled HPL at %s', hpl_path)

    num_processes = dimensions.num_rows * dimensions.num_columns
    hosts = ','.join([vm.internal_ip for vm in vms])
    mpi_cmd = (f'{intelmpi.SourceMpiVarsCommand(headnode)}; '
               'mpirun '
               f'-perhost {headnode.numa_node_count} {_MpiEnv("-genv")} '
               f'-np {num_processes} -host {hosts} {run_file}')
    return mpi_cmd, num_processes
コード例 #2
def _ConfigureSpec(prime_client,
    """Configures SPEC SFS 2014 on the prime client.

  This function modifies the default configuration file (sfs_rc) which
  can be found either in the SPEC SFS 2014 user guide or within the iso.
  It also creates a file containing the client mountpoints so that SPEC
  can run in a distributed manner.

    prime_client: The VM from which SPEC will be controlled.
    clients: A list of SPEC client VMs (including the prime_client).
    benchmark: The sub-benchmark to run.
    load: List of ints. The LOAD parameter to SPECSFS.
    num_runs: The NUM_RUNS parameter to SPECSFS.
    incr_load: The INCR_LOAD parameter to SPECSFS.
    config_path = posixpath.join(_SPEC_DIR, _SPEC_CONFIG)
    prime_client.RemoteCommand('sudo cp {0}.bak {0}'.format(config_path))

    stdout, _ = prime_client.RemoteCommand('pwd')
    exec_path = posixpath.join(stdout.strip(), _SPEC_DIR, 'binaries', 'linux',
                               'x86_64', 'netmist')
    load = load or FLAGS.specsfs2014_load
    num_runs = num_runs or FLAGS.specsfs2014_num_runs
    incr_load = incr_load or FLAGS.specsfs2014_incr_load
    configuration_overrides = {
        'USER': prime_client.user_name,
        'EXEC_PATH': exec_path.replace('/', r'\/'),
        'BENCHMARK': benchmark,
        'LOAD': ' '.join([str(x) for x in load]),
        'NUM_RUNS': num_runs,
        'INCR_LOAD': incr_load,
        'WARMUP_TIME': 60,
    # Any special characters in the overrides dictionary should be escaped so
    # that they don't interfere with sed.
    sed_expressions = ' '.join([
        '-e "s/{0}=.*/{0}={1}/"'.format(k, v)
        for k, v in six.iteritems(configuration_overrides)
    sed_cmd = 'sudo sed -i {0} {1}'.format(sed_expressions, config_path)

    mount_points = [
        f'{client.internal_ip} {_MOUNT_POINT}' for client in clients
    vm_util.CreateRemoteFile(prime_client, '\n'.join(mount_points),
                             posixpath.join(_SPEC_DIR, _MOUNTPOINTS_FILE))
コード例 #3
def _CreateHpccWrapper(vm: linux_vm.BaseLinuxVirtualMachine) -> None:
    """Creates a bash script to run HPCC on the VM.

  This is required for when MKL is installed via the Intel repos as the
  libiomp5.so file is not in /lib but rather in one found via sourcing the
  mklvars.sh file.

    vm: Virtual machine to put file on.
    text = ['#!/bin/bash', mkl.SourceVarsCommand(), './hpcc']
    vm_util.CreateRemoteFile(vm, '\n'.join(text), HPCC_WRAPPER)
    vm.RemoteCommand(f'chmod +x {HPCC_WRAPPER}')