def RunBenchmarks(): """Runs all benchmarks in PerfKitBenchmarker. Returns: Exit status for the process. """ benchmark_specs = _CreateBenchmarkSpecs() if FLAGS.randomize_run_order: random.shuffle(benchmark_specs) if FLAGS.dry_run: print 'PKB will run with the following configurations:' for spec in benchmark_specs: print spec print '' return 0 collector = SampleCollector() try: tasks = [(RunBenchmarkTask, (spec,), {}) for spec in benchmark_specs] if FLAGS.run_with_pdb and FLAGS.run_processes == 1: spec_sample_tuples = RunBenchmarkTasksInSeries(tasks) else: spec_sample_tuples = background_tasks.RunParallelProcesses( tasks, FLAGS.run_processes, FLAGS.run_processes_delay) benchmark_specs, sample_lists = zip(*spec_sample_tuples) for sample_list in sample_lists: collector.samples.extend(sample_list) finally: if collector.samples: collector.PublishSamples() if benchmark_specs:'Complete logs can be found at: %s', vm_util.PrependTempDir(LOG_FILE_NAME))'Completion statuses can be found at: %s', vm_util.PrependTempDir(COMPLETION_STATUS_FILE_NAME)) if stages.TEARDOWN not in FLAGS.run_stage: 'To run again with this setup, please use --run_uri=%s', FLAGS.run_uri) if FLAGS.archive_bucket: archive.ArchiveRun(vm_util.GetTempDir(), FLAGS.archive_bucket, gsutil_path=FLAGS.gsutil_path, prefix=FLAGS.run_uri + '_') # Write completion status file(s) completion_status_file_name = ( vm_util.PrependTempDir(COMPLETION_STATUS_FILE_NAME)) with open(completion_status_file_name, 'w') as status_file: _WriteCompletionStatusFile(benchmark_specs, status_file) if FLAGS.completion_status_file: with open(FLAGS.completion_status_file, 'w') as status_file: _WriteCompletionStatusFile(benchmark_specs, status_file) all_benchmarks_succeeded = all(spec.status == benchmark_status.SUCCEEDED for spec in benchmark_specs) return 0 if all_benchmarks_succeeded else 1
def ParseResults(job_file, fio_json_result, base_metadata=None, log_file_base='', bin_vals=None, skip_latency_individual_stats=False, instance=None): """Parse fio json output into samples. Args: job_file: The contents of the fio job file. fio_json_result: Fio results in json format. base_metadata: Extra metadata to annotate the samples with. log_file_base: String. Base name for fio log files. bin_vals: A 2-D list of int. Each list represents a list of bin values in histgram log. Calculated from remote VM using fio/tools/hist/ skip_latency_individual_stats: Bool. If true, skips pulling latency stats that are not aggregate. instance: on which machines the test has been executed Returns: A list of sample.Sample objects. """ samples = [] # The samples should all have the same timestamp because they # come from the same fio run. timestamp = time.time() parameter_metadata = ParseJobFile(job_file) io_modes = list(DATA_DIRECTION.values()) # clat_hist files are indexed sequentially by inner job. If you have a job # file with 2 jobs, each with numjobs=4 you will have 8 clat_hist files. clat_hist_idx = 0 for job in fio_json_result['jobs']: job_name = job['jobname'] parameters = parameter_metadata[job_name] parameters['fio_job'] = job_name if base_metadata: parameters.update(base_metadata) for mode in io_modes: if job[mode]['io_bytes']: metric_name = '%s:%s' % (job_name, mode) bw_metadata = { 'bw_min': job[mode]['bw_min'], 'bw_max': job[mode]['bw_max'], 'bw_dev': job[mode]['bw_dev'], 'bw_agg': job[mode]['bw_agg'], 'bw_mean': job[mode]['bw_mean'] } bw_metadata.update(parameters) samples.append( sample.Sample('%s:bandwidth' % metric_name, job[mode]['bw'], 'KB/s', bw_metadata, instance=instance)) # There is one sample whose metric is '<metric_name>:latency' # with all of the latency statistics in its metadata, and then # a bunch of samples whose metrics are # '<metric_name>:latency:min' through # '<metric_name>:latency:p99.99' that hold the individual # latency numbers as values. This is for historical reasons. clat_key = 'clat' if 'clat' in job[mode] else 'clat_ns' clat_section = job[mode][clat_key] def _ConvertClat(value): if clat_key is 'clat_ns': # convert from nsec to usec return value / 1000 else: return value percentiles = clat_section['percentile'] lat_statistics = [('min', _ConvertClat(clat_section['min'])), ('max', _ConvertClat(clat_section['max'])), ('mean', _ConvertClat(clat_section['mean'])), ('stddev', _ConvertClat(clat_section['stddev']))] if not skip_latency_individual_stats: lat_statistics += [ ('p1', _ConvertClat(percentiles['1.000000'])), ('p5', _ConvertClat(percentiles['5.000000'])), ('p10', _ConvertClat(percentiles['10.000000'])), ('p20', _ConvertClat(percentiles['20.000000'])), ('p30', _ConvertClat(percentiles['30.000000'])), ('p40', _ConvertClat(percentiles['40.000000'])), ('p50', _ConvertClat(percentiles['50.000000'])), ('p60', _ConvertClat(percentiles['60.000000'])), ('p70', _ConvertClat(percentiles['70.000000'])), ('p80', _ConvertClat(percentiles['80.000000'])), ('p90', _ConvertClat(percentiles['90.000000'])), ('p95', _ConvertClat(percentiles['95.000000'])), ('p99', _ConvertClat(percentiles['99.000000'])), ('p99.5', _ConvertClat(percentiles['99.500000'])), ('p99.9', _ConvertClat(percentiles['99.900000'])), ('p99.95', _ConvertClat(percentiles['99.950000'])), ('p99.99', _ConvertClat(percentiles['99.990000'])) ] lat_metadata = parameters.copy() for name, val in lat_statistics: lat_metadata[name] = val samples.append( sample.Sample('%s:latency' % metric_name, _ConvertClat(job[mode][clat_key]['mean']), 'usec', lat_metadata, timestamp, instance=instance)) for stat_name, stat_val in lat_statistics: samples.append( sample.Sample('%s:latency:%s' % (metric_name, stat_name), stat_val, 'usec', parameters, timestamp, instance=instance)) samples.append( sample.Sample('%s:iops' % metric_name, job[mode]['iops'], '', parameters, timestamp, instance=instance)) if log_file_base and bin_vals: # Parse histograms aggregates = collections.defaultdict(collections.Counter) for _ in range(int(parameters.get('numjobs', 1))): clat_hist_idx += 1 hist_file_path = vm_util.PrependTempDir( '%s_clat_hist.%s.log' % (log_file_base, str(clat_hist_idx))) hists = _ParseHistogram(hist_file_path, bin_vals[clat_hist_idx - 1]) for key in hists: aggregates[key].update(hists[key]) samples += _BuildHistogramSamples(aggregates, job_name, parameters, instance=instance) return samples
def SetUpPKB(): """Set globals and environment variables for PKB. After SetUpPKB() returns, it should be possible to call PKB functions, like benchmark_spec.Prepare() or benchmark_spec.Run(). SetUpPKB() also modifies the local file system by creating a temp directory and storing new SSH keys. """ try: _InitializeRunUri() except errors.Error as e: logging.error(e) sys.exit(1) # Initialize logging. vm_util.GenTempDir() if FLAGS.use_pkb_logging: log_util.ConfigureLogging( stderr_log_level=log_util.LOG_LEVELS[FLAGS.log_level], log_path=vm_util.PrependTempDir(LOG_FILE_NAME), run_uri=FLAGS.run_uri, file_log_level=log_util.LOG_LEVELS[FLAGS.file_log_level])'PerfKitBenchmarker version: %s', version.VERSION) # Translate deprecated flags and log all provided flag values. disk.WarnAndTranslateDiskFlags() _LogCommandLineFlags() # Register skip pending runs functionality. RegisterSkipPendingRunsCheck(_SkipPendingRunsFile) # Check environment. if not FLAGS.ignore_package_requirements: requirements.CheckBasicRequirements() for executable in REQUIRED_EXECUTABLES: if not vm_util.ExecutableOnPath(executable): raise errors.Setup.MissingExecutableError( 'Could not find required executable "%s"' % executable) # Check mutually exclusive flags if FLAGS.run_stage_iterations > 1 and FLAGS.run_stage_time > 0: raise errors.Setup.InvalidFlagConfigurationError( 'Flags run_stage_iterations and run_stage_time are mutually exclusive' ) vm_util.SSHKeyGen() if FLAGS.static_vm_file: with open(FLAGS.static_vm_file) as fp: static_virtual_machine.StaticVirtualMachine.ReadStaticVirtualMachineFile( fp) events.initialization_complete.send(parsed_flags=FLAGS) benchmark_lookup.SetBenchmarkModuleFunction(benchmark_sets.BenchmarkModule) package_lookup.SetPackageModuleFunction(benchmark_sets.PackageModule) # Update max_concurrent_threads to use at least as many threads as VMs. This # is important for the cluster_boot benchmark where we want to launch the VMs # in parallel. if not FLAGS.max_concurrent_threads: FLAGS.max_concurrent_threads = max( background_tasks.MAX_CONCURRENT_THREADS, FLAGS.num_vms)'Setting --max_concurrent_threads=%d.', FLAGS.max_concurrent_threads)
def RunWithExec(vm, exec_path, remote_job_file_path, job_file_contents): """Spawn fio and gather the results. Args: vm: vm to run the benchmark on. exec_path: string path to the fio executable. remote_job_file_path: path, on the vm, to the location of the job file. job_file_contents: string contents of the fio job file. Returns: A list of sample.Sample objects. """'FIO running on %s', vm) disk = vm.scratch_disks[0] mount_point = disk.mount_point if FLAGS.fio_write_against_multiple_clients: mount_point = '%s/%s' % (disk.mount_point,'FIO mount point changed to %s', mount_point) job_file_string = GetOrGenerateJobFileString( FLAGS.fio_jobfile, FLAGS.fio_generate_scenarios, AgainstDevice(), disk, FLAGS.fio_io_depths, FLAGS.fio_num_jobs, FLAGS.fio_working_set_size, FLAGS.fio_blocksize, FLAGS.fio_runtime, FLAGS.fio_parameters, job_file_contents) job_file_path = vm_util.PrependTempDir( + LOCAL_JOB_FILE_SUFFIX) with open(job_file_path, 'w') as job_file: job_file.write(job_file_string)'Wrote fio job file at %s', job_file_path) vm.PushFile(job_file_path, remote_job_file_path) if AgainstDevice(): fio_command = '%s --output-format=json --filename=%s %s' % ( exec_path, disk.GetDevicePath(), remote_job_file_path) else: fio_command = '%s --output-format=json --directory=%s %s' % ( exec_path, mount_point, remote_job_file_path) collect_logs = any([ FLAGS.fio_lat_log, FLAGS.fio_bw_log, FLAGS.fio_iops_log, FLAGS.fio_hist_log ]) log_file_base = '' if collect_logs: log_file_base = '%s_%s' % (PKB_FIO_LOG_FILE_NAME, str(time.time())) fio_command = ' '.join([fio_command, GetLogFlags(log_file_base)]) # TODO(user): This only gives results at the end of a job run # so the program pauses here with no feedback to the user. # This is a pretty lousy experience.'FIO Results:') start_time = time.time() stdout, _ = vm.RobustRemoteCommand(fio_command, should_log=True) end_time = time.time() bin_vals = [] if collect_logs: vm.PullFile(vm_util.GetTempDir(), '%s*.log' % log_file_base) if FLAGS.fio_hist_log: num_logs = int( vm.RemoteCommand('ls %s_clat_hist.*.log | wc -l' % log_file_base)[0]) bin_vals += [ fio.ComputeHistogramBinVals( vm, '%s_clat_hist.%s.log' % (log_file_base, idx + 1)) for idx in range(num_logs) ] samples = fio.ParseResults(job_file_string, json.loads(stdout), log_file_base=log_file_base, bin_vals=bin_vals) samples.append( sample.Sample('start_time', start_time, 'sec', samples[0].metadata)) samples.append( sample.Sample('end_time', end_time, 'sec', samples[0].metadata)) return samples
def RunBenchmarks(publish=True): """Runs all benchmarks in PerfKitBenchmarker. Args: publish: A boolean indicating whether results should be published. Returns: Exit status for the process. """ if FLAGS.version: print version.VERSION return _LogCommandLineFlags() if FLAGS.os_type == benchmark_spec.WINDOWS and not vm_util.RunningOnWindows( ): logging.error('In order to run benchmarks on Windows VMs, you must be ' 'running on Windows.') return 1 collector = SampleCollector() if FLAGS.static_vm_file: with open(FLAGS.static_vm_file) as fp: static_virtual_machine.StaticVirtualMachine.ReadStaticVirtualMachineFile( fp) run_status_lists = [] benchmark_tuple_list = benchmark_sets.GetBenchmarksFromFlags() total_benchmarks = len(benchmark_tuple_list) benchmark_counts = collections.defaultdict(itertools.count) args = [] for i, benchmark_tuple in enumerate(benchmark_tuple_list): benchmark_module, user_config = benchmark_tuple benchmark_name = benchmark_module.BENCHMARK_NAME benchmark_uid = benchmark_name + str( benchmark_counts[benchmark_name].next()) run_status_lists.append( [benchmark_name, benchmark_uid, benchmark_status.SKIPPED]) args.append((benchmark_module, collector, i + 1, total_benchmarks, benchmark_module.GetConfig(user_config), benchmark_uid)) try: for run_args, run_status_list in zip(args, run_status_lists): benchmark_module, _, sequence_number, _, _, benchmark_uid = run_args benchmark_name = benchmark_module.BENCHMARK_NAME try: run_status_list[2] = benchmark_status.FAILED RunBenchmark(*run_args) run_status_list[2] = benchmark_status.SUCCEEDED except BaseException as e: msg = 'Benchmark {0}/{1} {2} (UID: {3}) failed.'.format( sequence_number, total_benchmarks, benchmark_name, benchmark_uid) if (isinstance(e, KeyboardInterrupt) or FLAGS.stop_after_benchmark_failure): logging.error('%s Execution will not continue.', msg) break else: logging.error('%s Execution will continue.', msg) finally: if collector.samples: collector.PublishSamples() if run_status_lists:'Complete logs can be found at: %s', vm_util.PrependTempDir(LOG_FILE_NAME)) if FLAGS.run_stage not in [STAGE_ALL, STAGE_TEARDOWN]:'To run again with this setup, please use --run_uri=%s', FLAGS.run_uri) if FLAGS.archive_bucket: archive.ArchiveRun(vm_util.GetTempDir(), FLAGS.archive_bucket, gsutil_path=FLAGS.gsutil_path, prefix=FLAGS.run_uri + '_') all_benchmarks_succeeded = all(r[2] == benchmark_status.SUCCEEDED for r in run_status_lists) return 0 if all_benchmarks_succeeded else 1
def Run(benchmark_spec): """Spawn fio and gather the results. Args: benchmark_spec: The benchmark specification. Contains all data that is required to run the benchmark. Returns: A list of sample.Sample objects. """ vm = benchmark_spec.vms[0]'FIO running on %s', vm) disk = vm.scratch_disks[0] mount_point = disk.mount_point job_file_string = GetOrGenerateJobFileString( FLAGS.fio_jobfile, FLAGS.fio_generate_scenarios, AgainstDevice(), disk, FLAGS.fio_io_depths, FLAGS.fio_num_jobs, FLAGS.fio_working_set_size, FLAGS.fio_blocksize, FLAGS.fio_runtime, FLAGS.fio_parameters) job_file_path = vm_util.PrependTempDir(LOCAL_JOB_FILE_NAME) with open(job_file_path, 'w') as job_file: job_file.write(job_file_string)'Wrote fio job file at %s', job_file_path) vm.PushFile(job_file_path, REMOTE_JOB_FILE_PATH) if AgainstDevice(): fio_command = 'sudo %s --output-format=json --filename=%s %s' % ( fio.FIO_PATH, disk.GetDevicePath(), REMOTE_JOB_FILE_PATH) else: fio_command = 'sudo %s --output-format=json --directory=%s %s' % ( fio.FIO_PATH, mount_point, REMOTE_JOB_FILE_PATH) collect_logs = any([ FLAGS.fio_lat_log, FLAGS.fio_bw_log, FLAGS.fio_iops_log, FLAGS.fio_hist_log ]) log_file_base = '' if collect_logs: log_file_base = '%s_%s' % (PKB_FIO_LOG_FILE_NAME, str(time.time())) fio_command = ' '.join([fio_command, GetLogFlags(log_file_base)]) # TODO(user): This only gives results at the end of a job run # so the program pauses here with no feedback to the user. # This is a pretty lousy experience.'FIO Results:') stdout, stderr = vm.RobustRemoteCommand(fio_command, should_log=True) bin_vals = [] if collect_logs: vm.PullFile(vm_util.GetTempDir(), '%s*.log' % log_file_base) if FLAGS.fio_hist_log: num_logs = int( vm.RemoteCommand('ls %s_clat_hist.*.log | wc -l' % log_file_base)[0]) bin_vals += [ fio.ComputeHistogramBinVals( vm, '%s_clat_hist.%s.log' % (log_file_base, idx + 1)) for idx in range(num_logs) ] samples = fio.ParseResults(job_file_string, json.loads(stdout), log_file_base=log_file_base, bin_vals=bin_vals) return samples
def RunBenchmarks(): """Runs all benchmarks in PerfKitBenchmarker. Returns: Exit status for the process. """ if FLAGS.version: print version.VERSION return _LogCommandLineFlags() if FLAGS.os_type == os_types.WINDOWS and not vm_util.RunningOnWindows(): logging.error('In order to run benchmarks on Windows VMs, you must be ' 'running on Windows.') return 1 collector = SampleCollector() if FLAGS.static_vm_file: with open(FLAGS.static_vm_file) as fp: static_virtual_machine.StaticVirtualMachine.ReadStaticVirtualMachineFile( fp) benchmark_run_list = _CreateBenchmarkRunList() try: for run_args, run_status_list in benchmark_run_list: benchmark_module, sequence_number, _, _, benchmark_uid = run_args benchmark_name = benchmark_module.BENCHMARK_NAME try: run_status_list[2] = benchmark_status.FAILED RunBenchmark(*run_args, collector=collector) run_status_list[2] = benchmark_status.SUCCEEDED except BaseException as e: msg = 'Benchmark {0}/{1} {2} (UID: {3}) failed.'.format( sequence_number, len(benchmark_run_list), benchmark_name, benchmark_uid) if (isinstance(e, KeyboardInterrupt) or FLAGS.stop_after_benchmark_failure): logging.error('%s Execution will not continue.', msg) break else: logging.error('%s Execution will continue.', msg) finally: if collector.samples: collector.PublishSamples() if benchmark_run_list: run_status_lists = tuple(r for _, r in benchmark_run_list)'Complete logs can be found at: %s', vm_util.PrependTempDir(LOG_FILE_NAME)) if stages.TEARDOWN not in FLAGS.run_stage:'To run again with this setup, please use --run_uri=%s', FLAGS.run_uri) if FLAGS.archive_bucket: archive.ArchiveRun(vm_util.GetTempDir(), FLAGS.archive_bucket, gsutil_path=FLAGS.gsutil_path, prefix=FLAGS.run_uri + '_') all_benchmarks_succeeded = all(r[2] == benchmark_status.SUCCEEDED for _, r in benchmark_run_list) return 0 if all_benchmarks_succeeded else 1
def RunBenchmarks(publish=True): """Runs all benchmarks in PerfKitBenchmarker. Args: publish: A boolean indicating whether results should be published. Returns: Exit status for the process. """ if FLAGS.version: print version.VERSION return for executable in REQUIRED_EXECUTABLES: if not vm_util.ExecutableOnPath(executable): logging.error('Could not find required executable "%s".' % executable) return 1 if FLAGS.run_uri is None: if FLAGS.run_stage not in [STAGE_ALL, STAGE_PREPARE]: # Attempt to get the last modified run directory. run_uri = vm_util.GetLastRunUri() if run_uri: FLAGS.run_uri = run_uri logging.warning( 'No run_uri specified. Attempting to run "%s" with --run_uri=%s.', FLAGS.run_stage, FLAGS.run_uri) else: logging.error( 'No run_uri specified. Could not run "%s".', FLAGS.run_stage) return 1 else: FLAGS.run_uri = str(uuid.uuid4())[-8:] elif not FLAGS.run_uri.isalnum() or len(FLAGS.run_uri) > MAX_RUN_URI_LENGTH: logging.error('run_uri must be alphanumeric and less than or equal ' 'to 10 characters in length.') return 1 vm_util.GenTempDir() log_util.ConfigureLogging( stderr_log_level=log_util.LOG_LEVELS[FLAGS.log_level], log_path=vm_util.PrependTempDir(LOG_FILE_NAME), run_uri=FLAGS.run_uri) _LogCommandLineFlags() if FLAGS.os_type == benchmark_spec.WINDOWS and not vm_util.RunningOnWindows(): logging.error('In order to run benchmarks on Windows VMs, you must be ' 'running on Windows.') return 1 vm_util.SSHKeyGen() collector = SampleCollector() events.initialization_complete.send(parsed_flags=FLAGS) if FLAGS.static_vm_file: with open(FLAGS.static_vm_file) as fp: static_virtual_machine.StaticVirtualMachine.ReadStaticVirtualMachineFile( fp) if FLAGS.benchmark_config_pair: # Convert benchmark_config_pair into a {benchmark_name: file_name} # dictionary. tmp_dict = {} for config_pair in FLAGS.benchmark_config_pair: pair = config_pair.split(':') tmp_dict[pair[0]] = pair[1] FLAGS.benchmark_config_pair = tmp_dict try: benchmark_list = benchmark_sets.GetBenchmarksFromFlags() total_benchmarks = len(benchmark_list) if FLAGS.parallelism > 1: sequence_range = range(total_benchmarks, 0, -1) args = [((benchmark, collector, sequence_counter, total_benchmarks), {}) for benchmark, sequence_counter in zip(benchmark_list, sequence_range)] vm_util.RunThreaded( RunBenchmark, args, max_concurrent_threads=FLAGS.parallelism) else: sequence_range = range(1, total_benchmarks + 1) for benchmark, sequence_counter in zip(benchmark_list, sequence_range): RunBenchmark(benchmark, collector, sequence_counter, total_benchmarks) finally: if collector.samples: collector.PublishSamples()'Complete logs can be found at: %s', vm_util.PrependTempDir(LOG_FILE_NAME)) if FLAGS.run_stage not in [STAGE_ALL, STAGE_CLEANUP]: 'To run again with this setup, please use --run_uri=%s', FLAGS.run_uri)
def Run(benchmark_spec): """Spawn fio and gather the results. Args: benchmark_spec: The benchmark specification. Contains all data that is required to run the benchmark. Returns: A list of sample.Sample objects. """ vm = benchmark_spec.vms[0]'FIO running on %s', vm) disk = vm.scratch_disks[0] mount_point = disk.mount_point job_file_string = GetOrGenerateJobFileString(FLAGS.fio_jobfile, FLAGS.fio_generate_scenarios, AgainstDevice(), disk, FLAGS.fio_io_depths, FLAGS.fio_working_set_size) job_file_path = vm_util.PrependTempDir(LOCAL_JOB_FILE_NAME) with open(job_file_path, 'w') as job_file: job_file.write(job_file_string)'Wrote fio job file at %s', job_file_path) vm.PushFile(job_file_path, REMOTE_JOB_FILE_PATH) if AgainstDevice(): fio_command = 'sudo %s --output-format=json --filename=%s %s' % ( fio.FIO_PATH, disk.GetDevicePath(), REMOTE_JOB_FILE_PATH) else: fio_command = 'sudo %s --output-format=json --directory=%s %s' % ( fio.FIO_PATH, mount_point, REMOTE_JOB_FILE_PATH) samples = [] def RunIt(repeat_number=None, minutes_since_start=None, total_repeats=None): """Run the actual fio command on the VM and save the results. Args: repeat_number: if given, our number in a sequence of repetitions. minutes_since_start: if given, minutes since the start of repetition. total_repeats: if given, the total number of repetitions to do. """ if repeat_number:'**** Repetition number %s of %s ****', repeat_number, total_repeats) stdout, stderr = vm.RobustRemoteCommand(fio_command, should_log=True) if repeat_number: base_metadata = { 'repeat_number': repeat_number, 'minutes_since_start': minutes_since_start } else: base_metadata = None samples.extend( fio.ParseResults(job_file_string, json.loads(stdout), base_metadata=base_metadata)) # TODO(user): This only gives results at the end of a job run # so the program pauses here with no feedback to the user. # This is a pretty lousy experience.'FIO Results:') if not FLAGS['fio_run_for_minutes'].present: RunIt() else: RunForMinutes(RunIt, FLAGS.fio_run_for_minutes, MINUTES_PER_JOB) return samples
def ParseResults(job_file, fio_json_result, base_metadata=None, log_file_base='', bin_vals=[]): """Parse fio json output into samples. Args: job_file: The contents of the fio job file. fio_json_result: Fio results in json format. base_metadata: Extra metadata to annotate the samples with. log_file_base: String. Base name for fio log files. bin_vals: A 2-D list of int. Each list represents a list of bin values in histgram log. Calculated from remote VM using fio/tools/hist/ Returns: A list of sample.Sample objects. """ samples = [] # The samples should all have the same timestamp because they # come from the same fio run. timestamp = time.time() parameter_metadata = ParseJobFile(job_file) io_modes = DATA_DIRECTION.values() for (idx, job) in enumerate(fio_json_result['jobs']): job_name = job['jobname'] parameters = parameter_metadata[job_name] parameters['fio_job'] = job_name if base_metadata: parameters.update(base_metadata) for mode in io_modes: if job[mode]['io_bytes']: metric_name = '%s:%s' % (job_name, mode) bw_metadata = { 'bw_min': job[mode]['bw_min'], 'bw_max': job[mode]['bw_max'], 'bw_dev': job[mode]['bw_dev'], 'bw_agg': job[mode]['bw_agg'], 'bw_mean': job[mode]['bw_mean']} bw_metadata.update(parameters) samples.append( sample.Sample('%s:bandwidth' % metric_name, job[mode]['bw'], 'KB/s', bw_metadata)) # There is one sample whose metric is '<metric_name>:latency' # with all of the latency statistics in its metadata, and then # a bunch of samples whose metrics are # '<metric_name>:latency:min' through # '<metric_name>:latency:p99.99' that hold the individual # latency numbers as values. This is for historical reasons. clat_section = job[mode]['clat'] percentiles = clat_section['percentile'] lat_statistics = [ ('min', clat_section['min']), ('max', clat_section['max']), ('mean', clat_section['mean']), ('stddev', clat_section['stddev']), ('p1', percentiles['1.000000']), ('p5', percentiles['5.000000']), ('p10', percentiles['10.000000']), ('p20', percentiles['20.000000']), ('p30', percentiles['30.000000']), ('p40', percentiles['40.000000']), ('p50', percentiles['50.000000']), ('p60', percentiles['60.000000']), ('p70', percentiles['70.000000']), ('p80', percentiles['80.000000']), ('p90', percentiles['90.000000']), ('p95', percentiles['95.000000']), ('p99', percentiles['99.000000']), ('p99.5', percentiles['99.500000']), ('p99.9', percentiles['99.900000']), ('p99.95', percentiles['99.950000']), ('p99.99', percentiles['99.990000'])] lat_metadata = parameters.copy() for name, val in lat_statistics: lat_metadata[name] = val samples.append( sample.Sample('%s:latency' % metric_name, job[mode]['clat']['mean'], 'usec', lat_metadata, timestamp)) for stat_name, stat_val in lat_statistics: samples.append( sample.Sample('%s:latency:%s' % (metric_name, stat_name), stat_val, 'usec', parameters, timestamp)) samples.append( sample.Sample('%s:iops' % metric_name, job[mode]['iops'], '', parameters, timestamp)) if log_file_base and bin_vals: # Parse histograms hist_file_path = vm_util.PrependTempDir( '%s_clat_hist.%s.log' % (log_file_base, str(idx + 1))) samples += _ParseHistogram( hist_file_path, bin_vals[idx], job_name, parameters) return samples
def RunBenchmarks(publish=True): """Runs all benchmarks in PerfKitBenchmarker. Args: publish: A boolean indicating whether results should be published. Returns: Exit status for the process. """ if FLAGS.version: print version.VERSION return if FLAGS.run_uri is None: if FLAGS.run_stage not in [STAGE_ALL, STAGE_PREPARE]: logging.error('Cannot run "%s" with unspecified run_uri.', FLAGS.run_stage) return 1 else: FLAGS.run_uri = str(uuid.uuid4())[-8:] elif not FLAGS.run_uri.isalnum() or len( FLAGS.run_uri) > MAX_RUN_URI_LENGTH: logging.error('run_uri must be alphanumeric and less than or equal ' 'to 10 characters in length.') return 1 vm_util.GenTempDir() log_util.ConfigureLogging( stderr_log_level=log_util.LOG_LEVELS[FLAGS.log_level], log_path=vm_util.PrependTempDir('pkb.log'), run_uri=FLAGS.run_uri) unknown_benchmarks = ListUnknownBenchmarks() if unknown_benchmarks: logging.error('Unknown benchmark(s) provided: %s', ', '.join(unknown_benchmarks)) return 1 vm_util.SSHKeyGen() collector = SampleCollector() if FLAGS.static_vm_file: with open(FLAGS.static_vm_file) as fp: static_virtual_machine.StaticVirtualMachine.ReadStaticVirtualMachineFile( fp) if FLAGS.benchmark_config_pair: # Convert benchmark_config_pair into a {benchmark_name: file_name} # dictionary. tmp_dict = {} for config_pair in FLAGS.benchmark_config_pair: pair = config_pair.split(':') tmp_dict[pair[0]] = pair[1] FLAGS.benchmark_config_pair = tmp_dict try: benchmark_list = benchmark_sets.GetBenchmarksFromFlags() total_benchmarks = len(benchmark_list) if FLAGS.parallelism > 1: sequence_range = range(total_benchmarks, 0, -1) args = [((benchmark, collector, sequence_counter, total_benchmarks), {}) for benchmark, sequence_counter in zip( benchmark_list, sequence_range)] vm_util.RunThreaded(RunBenchmark, args, max_concurrent_threads=FLAGS.parallelism) else: sequence_range = range(1, total_benchmarks + 1) for benchmark, sequence_counter in zip(benchmark_list, sequence_range): RunBenchmark(benchmark, collector, sequence_counter, total_benchmarks) finally: if collector.samples: collector.PublishSamples() if FLAGS.run_stage not in [STAGE_ALL, STAGE_CLEANUP]:'To run again with this setup, please use --run_uri=%s', FLAGS.run_uri)