コード例 #1
ファイル: test_elimination.py プロジェクト: choderalab/perses
def test_ncmc_engine_molecule():
    Check alchemical elimination for alanine dipeptide in vacuum with 0, 1, 2, and 50 switching steps.
    molecule_names = ['pentane', 'biphenyl', 'imatinib']
    #if os.environ.get("TRAVIS", None) == 'true':
    #    molecule_names = ['pentane']

    for molecule_name in molecule_names:
        from perses.tests.utils import createSystemFromIUPAC
        [molecule, system, positions, topology] = createSystemFromIUPAC(molecule_name)
        natoms = system.getNumParticles()

        # DEBUG
        from openeye import oechem
        ofs = oechem.oemolostream('%s.mol2' % molecule_name)
        oechem.OEWriteMol2File(ofs, molecule)

        # Eliminate half of the molecule
        # TODO: Use a more rigorous scheme to make sure we are really cutting the molecule in half and not just eliminating hydrogens or something.
        new_to_old_atom_map = { atom.index : atom.index for atom in topology.atoms() if str(atom.element.name) in ['carbon','nitrogen'] }

        # DEBUG

        from perses.rjmc.topology_proposal import TopologyProposal
        topology_proposal = TopologyProposal(
            new_topology=topology, new_system=system, old_topology=topology, old_system=system,
            old_chemical_state_key='', new_chemical_state_key='', logp_proposal=0.0, new_to_old_atom_map=new_to_old_atom_map, metadata={'test':0.0})
        for ncmc_nsteps in [0, 1, 50]:
            f = partial(check_alchemical_null_elimination, topology_proposal, positions, ncmc_nsteps=ncmc_nsteps)
            f.description = "Testing alchemical null elimination for '%s' with %d NCMC steps" % (molecule_name, ncmc_nsteps)
            yield f
コード例 #2
def generate_vacuum_hybrid_topology(mol_name="naphthalene", ref_mol_name="benzene"):
    from topology_proposal import SmallMoleculeSetProposalEngine, TopologyProposal
    import simtk.openmm.app as app
    from openmoltools import forcefield_generators

    from perses.tests.utils import createOEMolFromIUPAC, createSystemFromIUPAC, get_data_filename

    m, unsolv_old_system, pos_old, top_old = createSystemFromIUPAC(mol_name)
    refmol = createOEMolFromIUPAC(ref_mol_name)

    initial_smiles = oechem.OEMolToSmiles(m)
    final_smiles = oechem.OEMolToSmiles(refmol)

    gaff_xml_filename = get_data_filename("data/gaff.xml")
    forcefield = app.ForceField(gaff_xml_filename, 'tip3p.xml')

    solvated_system = forcefield.createSystem(top_old)

    gaff_filename = get_data_filename('data/gaff.xml')
    system_generator = SystemGenerator([gaff_filename, 'amber99sbildn.xml', 'tip3p.xml'])
    geometry_engine = FFAllAngleGeometryEngine()
    proposal_engine = SmallMoleculeSetProposalEngine(
        [initial_smiles, final_smiles], system_generator, residue_name=mol_name)

    #generate topology proposal
    topology_proposal = proposal_engine.propose(solvated_system, top_old)

    #generate new positions with geometry engine
    new_positions, _ = geometry_engine.propose(topology_proposal, pos_old, beta)

    return topology_proposal, pos_old, new_positions
コード例 #3
def generate_vacuum_hybrid_topology(mol_name="naphthalene", ref_mol_name="benzene"):
    from topology_proposal import SmallMoleculeSetProposalEngine, TopologyProposal
    import simtk.openmm.app as app
    from openmoltools import forcefield_generators

    from perses.tests.utils import createOEMolFromIUPAC, createSystemFromIUPAC, get_data_filename

    m, unsolv_old_system, pos_old, top_old = createSystemFromIUPAC(mol_name)
    refmol = createOEMolFromIUPAC(ref_mol_name)

    initial_smiles = oechem.OEMolToSmiles(m)
    final_smiles = oechem.OEMolToSmiles(refmol)

    gaff_xml_filename = get_data_filename("data/gaff.xml")
    forcefield = app.ForceField(gaff_xml_filename, 'tip3p.xml')

    solvated_system = forcefield.createSystem(top_old)

    gaff_filename = get_data_filename('data/gaff.xml')
    system_generator = SystemGenerator([gaff_filename, 'amber99sbildn.xml', 'tip3p.xml'])
    geometry_engine = FFAllAngleGeometryEngine()
    proposal_engine = SmallMoleculeSetProposalEngine(
        [initial_smiles, final_smiles], system_generator, residue_name=mol_name)

    #generate topology proposal
    topology_proposal = proposal_engine.propose(solvated_system, top_old)

    #generate new positions with geometry engine
    new_positions, _ = geometry_engine.propose(topology_proposal, pos_old, beta)

    return topology_proposal, pos_old, new_positions
コード例 #4
ファイル: test_elimination.py プロジェクト: pgrinaway/perses
def generate_hybrid_test_topology(mol_name="naphthalene",
    Generate a test topology proposal and positions for the hybrid test.
    from perses.rjmc.topology_proposal import SmallMoleculeSetProposalEngine, TopologyProposal

    from perses.tests.utils import createOEMolFromIUPAC, createSystemFromIUPAC

    mol = createOEMolFromIUPAC(mol_name)
    m, system, positions, topology = createSystemFromIUPAC(mol_name)

    refmol = createOEMolFromIUPAC(ref_mol_name)

    #map one of the rings
    atom_map = SmallMoleculeSetProposalEngine._get_mol_atom_map(mol, refmol)

    #now use the mapped atoms to generate a new and old system with identical atoms mapped. This will result in the
    #same molecule with the same positions for lambda=0 and 1, and ensures a contiguous atom map
    effective_atom_map = {value: value for value in atom_map.values()}

    #make a topology proposal with the appropriate data:
    top_proposal = TopologyProposal(new_topology=topology,

    return top_proposal, positions
コード例 #5
ファイル: test_elimination.py プロジェクト: pgrinaway/perses
def test_ncmc_hybrid_explicit_engine_molecule():
    Check alchemical elimination for alanine dipeptide in vacuum with 0, 1, 2, and 50 switching steps.
    #mols_and_refs = [['naphthalene', 'benzene'], ['pentane', 'propane'], ['biphenyl', 'benzene'], ['octane','propane']]
    mols_and_refs = [['pentane', 'propane']]
    if os.environ.get("TRAVIS", None) == 'true':
        mols_and_refs = [['naphthalene', 'benzene']]

    for mol_ref in mols_and_refs:
        from perses.tests.utils import createSystemFromIUPAC
        [molecule, system, positions,
         topology] = createSystemFromIUPAC(mol_ref[0])

        #topology_proposal, new_positions = generate_hybrid_test_topology(mol_name=mol_ref[0], ref_mol_name=mol_ref[1])
        topology_proposal, positions = generate_solvated_hybrid_test_topology(
            mol_name=mol_ref[0], ref_mol_name=mol_ref[1])
        for ncmc_nsteps in [0, 1, 50]:
            f = partial(check_alchemical_hybrid_elimination_bar,
            f.description = "Testing alchemical null elimination for '%s' with %d NCMC steps" % (
                mol_ref[0], ncmc_nsteps)
            yield f
コード例 #6
ファイル: utils.py プロジェクト: CHEMPHY/perses
def generate_solvated_hybrid_test_topology(current_mol_name="naphthalene", proposed_mol_name="benzene"):
    Generate a test solvated topology proposal, current positions, and new positions triplet
    from two IUPAC molecule names.

    current_mol_name : str, optional
        name of the first molecule
    proposed_mol_name : str, optional
        name of the second molecule

    topology_proposal : perses.rjmc.topology_proposal
        The topology proposal representing the transformation
    current_positions : np.array, unit-bearing
        The positions of the initial system
    new_positions : np.array, unit-bearing
        The positions of the new system
    import simtk.openmm.app as app
    from openmoltools import forcefield_generators

    from perses.tests.utils import createOEMolFromIUPAC, createSystemFromIUPAC, get_data_filename

    current_mol, unsolv_old_system, pos_old, top_old = createSystemFromIUPAC(current_mol_name)
    proposed_mol = createOEMolFromIUPAC(proposed_mol_name)

    initial_smiles = oechem.OEMolToSmiles(current_mol)
    final_smiles = oechem.OEMolToSmiles(proposed_mol)

    gaff_xml_filename = get_data_filename("data/gaff.xml")
    forcefield = app.ForceField(gaff_xml_filename, 'tip3p.xml')

    modeller = app.Modeller(top_old, pos_old)
    modeller.addSolvent(forcefield, model='tip3p', padding=9.0*unit.angstrom)
    solvated_topology = modeller.getTopology()
    solvated_positions = modeller.getPositions()
    solvated_system = forcefield.createSystem(solvated_topology, nonbondedMethod=app.PME, removeCMMotion=False)
    barostat = openmm.MonteCarloBarostat(1.0*unit.atmosphere, temperature, 50)


    gaff_filename = get_data_filename('data/gaff.xml')

    system_generator = SystemGenerator([gaff_filename, 'amber99sbildn.xml', 'tip3p.xml'], barostat=barostat, forcefield_kwargs={'removeCMMotion': False, 'nonbondedMethod': app.PME})
    geometry_engine = geometry.FFAllAngleGeometryEngine()
    proposal_engine = SmallMoleculeSetProposalEngine(
        [initial_smiles, final_smiles], system_generator, residue_name=current_mol_name)

    #generate topology proposal
    topology_proposal = proposal_engine.propose(solvated_system, solvated_topology)

    #generate new positions with geometry engine
    new_positions, _ = geometry_engine.propose(topology_proposal, solvated_positions, beta)

    return topology_proposal, solvated_positions, new_positions
コード例 #7
def generate_solvated_hybrid_test_topology(current_mol_name="naphthalene", proposed_mol_name="benzene"):
    Generate a test solvated topology proposal, current positions, and new positions triplet
    from two IUPAC molecule names.

    current_mol_name : str, optional
        name of the first molecule
    proposed_mol_name : str, optional
        name of the second molecule

    topology_proposal : perses.rjmc.topology_proposal
        The topology proposal representing the transformation
    current_positions : np.array, unit-bearing
        The positions of the initial system
    new_positions : np.array, unit-bearing
        The positions of the new system
    import simtk.openmm.app as app
    from openmoltools import forcefield_generators

    from perses.tests.utils import createOEMolFromIUPAC, createSystemFromIUPAC, get_data_filename

    current_mol, unsolv_old_system, pos_old, top_old = createSystemFromIUPAC(current_mol_name)
    proposed_mol = createOEMolFromIUPAC(proposed_mol_name)

    initial_smiles = oechem.OEMolToSmiles(current_mol)
    final_smiles = oechem.OEMolToSmiles(proposed_mol)

    gaff_xml_filename = get_data_filename("data/gaff.xml")
    forcefield = app.ForceField(gaff_xml_filename, 'tip3p.xml')

    modeller = app.Modeller(top_old, pos_old)
    modeller.addSolvent(forcefield, model='tip3p', padding=9.0*unit.angstrom)
    solvated_topology = modeller.getTopology()
    solvated_positions = modeller.getPositions()
    solvated_system = forcefield.createSystem(solvated_topology, nonbondedMethod=app.PME, removeCMMotion=False)
    barostat = openmm.MonteCarloBarostat(1.0*unit.atmosphere, temperature, 50)


    gaff_filename = get_data_filename('data/gaff.xml')

    system_generator = SystemGenerator([gaff_filename, 'amber99sbildn.xml', 'tip3p.xml'], barostat=barostat, forcefield_kwargs={'removeCMMotion': False, 'nonbondedMethod': app.PME})
    geometry_engine = geometry.FFAllAngleGeometryEngine()
    proposal_engine = SmallMoleculeSetProposalEngine(
        [initial_smiles, final_smiles], system_generator, residue_name=current_mol_name)

    #generate topology proposal
    topology_proposal = proposal_engine.propose(solvated_system, solvated_topology)

    #generate new positions with geometry engine
    new_positions, _ = geometry_engine.propose(topology_proposal, solvated_positions, beta)

    return topology_proposal, solvated_positions, new_positions
コード例 #8
ファイル: test_elimination.py プロジェクト: pgrinaway/perses
def test_ncmc_engine_molecule():
    Check alchemical elimination for alanine dipeptide in vacuum with 0, 1, 2, and 50 switching steps.
    molecule_names = ['pentane', 'biphenyl', 'imatinib']
    #if os.environ.get("TRAVIS", None) == 'true':
    #    molecule_names = ['pentane']

    for molecule_name in molecule_names:
        from perses.tests.utils import createSystemFromIUPAC
        [molecule, system, positions,
         topology] = createSystemFromIUPAC(molecule_name)
        natoms = system.getNumParticles()

        # DEBUG
        from openeye import oechem
        ofs = oechem.oemolostream('%s.mol2' % molecule_name)
        oechem.OEWriteMol2File(ofs, molecule)

        # Eliminate half of the molecule
        # TODO: Use a more rigorous scheme to make sure we are really cutting the molecule in half and not just eliminating hydrogens or something.
        new_to_old_atom_map = {
            atom.index: atom.index
            for atom in topology.atoms()
            if str(atom.element.name) in ['carbon', 'nitrogen']

        # DEBUG

        from perses.rjmc.topology_proposal import TopologyProposal
        topology_proposal = TopologyProposal(
            metadata={'test': 0.0})
        for ncmc_nsteps in [0, 1, 50]:
            f = partial(check_alchemical_null_elimination,
            f.description = "Testing alchemical null elimination for '%s' with %d NCMC steps" % (
                molecule_name, ncmc_nsteps)
            yield f
コード例 #9
ファイル: utils.py プロジェクト: CHEMPHY/perses
def generate_vacuum_topology_proposal(current_mol_name="benzene", proposed_mol_name="toluene"):
    Generate a test vacuum topology proposal, current positions, and new positions triplet
    from two IUPAC molecule names.

    current_mol_name : str, optional
        name of the first molecule
    proposed_mol_name : str, optional
        name of the second molecule

    topology_proposal : perses.rjmc.topology_proposal
        The topology proposal representing the transformation
    current_positions : np.array, unit-bearing
        The positions of the initial system
    new_positions : np.array, unit-bearing
        The positions of the new system
    from openmoltools import forcefield_generators

    from perses.tests.utils import createOEMolFromIUPAC, createSystemFromIUPAC, get_data_filename

    current_mol, unsolv_old_system, pos_old, top_old = createSystemFromIUPAC(current_mol_name)
    proposed_mol = createOEMolFromIUPAC(proposed_mol_name)

    initial_smiles = oechem.OEMolToSmiles(current_mol)
    final_smiles = oechem.OEMolToSmiles(proposed_mol)

    gaff_xml_filename = get_data_filename("data/gaff.xml")
    forcefield = app.ForceField(gaff_xml_filename, 'tip3p.xml')

    solvated_system = forcefield.createSystem(top_old, removeCMMotion=False)

    gaff_filename = get_data_filename('data/gaff.xml')
    system_generator = SystemGenerator([gaff_filename, 'amber99sbildn.xml', 'tip3p.xml'], forcefield_kwargs={'removeCMMotion': False, 'nonbondedMethod': app.NoCutoff})
    geometry_engine = geometry.FFAllAngleGeometryEngine()
    proposal_engine = SmallMoleculeSetProposalEngine(
        [initial_smiles, final_smiles], system_generator, residue_name=current_mol_name)

    #generate topology proposal
    topology_proposal = proposal_engine.propose(solvated_system, top_old, current_mol=current_mol, proposed_mol=proposed_mol)

    #generate new positions with geometry engine
    new_positions, _ = geometry_engine.propose(topology_proposal, pos_old, beta)

    return topology_proposal, pos_old, new_positions
コード例 #10
ファイル: test_elimination.py プロジェクト: pgrinaway/perses
def generate_solvated_hybrid_test_topology(mol_name="naphthalene",

    from perses.rjmc.topology_proposal import SmallMoleculeSetProposalEngine, TopologyProposal
    import simtk.openmm.app as app
    from openmoltools import forcefield_generators

    from perses.tests.utils import createOEMolFromIUPAC, createSystemFromIUPAC, get_data_filename

    mol = createOEMolFromIUPAC(mol_name)
    m, unsolv_system, pos, top = createSystemFromIUPAC(mol_name)

    refmol = createOEMolFromIUPAC(ref_mol_name)

    gaff_xml_filename = get_data_filename("data/gaff.xml")
    forcefield = app.ForceField(gaff_xml_filename, 'tip3p.xml')
    #map one of the rings
    atom_map = SmallMoleculeSetProposalEngine._get_mol_atom_map(mol, refmol)

    #now use the mapped atoms to generate a new and old system with identical atoms mapped. This will result in the
    #same molecule with the same positions for lambda=0 and 1, and ensures a contiguous atom map
    effective_atom_map = {value: value for value in atom_map.values()}

    modeller = app.Modeller(top, pos)
    modeller.addSolvent(forcefield, model='tip3p', padding=9.0 * unit.angstrom)
    topology = modeller.getTopology()
    positions = modeller.getPositions()
    system = forcefield.createSystem(topology, nonbondedMethod=app.PME)

    n_atoms_old_system = unsolv_system.getNumParticles()
    n_atoms_after_solvation = system.getNumParticles()

    for i in range(n_atoms_old_system, n_atoms_after_solvation):
        effective_atom_map[i] = i

    top_proposal = TopologyProposal(new_topology=topology,

    return top_proposal, positions
コード例 #11
ファイル: test_elimination.py プロジェクト: choderalab/perses
def test_ncmc_alchemical_integrator_stability_molecules():
    Test NCMCAlchemicalIntegrator

    molecule_names = ['pentane', 'biphenyl', 'imatinib']
    #if os.environ.get("TRAVIS", None) == 'true':
    #    molecule_names = ['pentane']

    for molecule_name in molecule_names:
        from perses.tests.utils import createSystemFromIUPAC
        [molecule, system, positions, topology] = createSystemFromIUPAC(molecule_name)

        # Eliminate half of the molecule
        # TODO: Use a more rigorous scheme to make sure we are really cutting the molecule in half and not just eliminating hydrogens or something.
        alchemical_atoms = [ index for index in range(int(system.getNumParticles()/2)) ]

        # Create an alchemically-modified system.
        from alchemy import AbsoluteAlchemicalFactory
        alchemical_factory = AbsoluteAlchemicalFactory(system, ligand_atoms=alchemical_atoms, annihilate_electrostatics=True, annihilate_sterics=True)

        # Return the alchemically-modified system in fully-interacting form.
        alchemical_system = alchemical_factory.createPerturbedSystem()

        # Create an NCMC switching integrator.
        from perses.annihilation.ncmc_switching import NCMCVVAlchemicalIntegrator
        temperature = 300.0 * unit.kelvin
        nsteps = 10 # number of steps to run integration for
        functions = { 'lambda_sterics' : 'lambda', 'lambda_electrostatics' : 'lambda^0.5', 'lambda_torsions' : 'lambda', 'lambda_angles' : 'lambda^2' }
        ncmc_integrator = NCMCVVAlchemicalIntegrator(temperature, alchemical_system, functions, direction='delete', nsteps=nsteps, timestep=1.0*unit.femtoseconds)

        # Create a Context
        context = openmm.Context(alchemical_system, ncmc_integrator)

        # Run the integrator

        # Check positions are finite
        positions = context.getState(getPositions=True).getPositions(asNumpy=True)
        if np.isnan(np.any(positions / positions.unit)):
            raise Exception('NCMCAlchemicalIntegrator gave NaN positions')
        if np.isnan(ncmc_integrator.getLogAcceptanceProbability(context)):
            raise Exception('NCMCAlchemicalIntegrator gave NaN logAcceptanceProbability')

        del context, ncmc_integrator
コード例 #12
ファイル: test_elimination.py プロジェクト: choderalab/perses
def test_ncmc_hybrid_explicit_engine_molecule():
    Check alchemical elimination for alanine dipeptide in vacuum with 0, 1, 2, and 50 switching steps.
    #mols_and_refs = [['naphthalene', 'benzene'], ['pentane', 'propane'], ['biphenyl', 'benzene'], ['octane','propane']]
    mols_and_refs=[['pentane', 'propane']]
    if os.environ.get("TRAVIS", None) == 'true':
        mols_and_refs = [['naphthalene', 'benzene']]

    for mol_ref in mols_and_refs:
        from perses.tests.utils import createSystemFromIUPAC
        [molecule, system, positions, topology] = createSystemFromIUPAC(mol_ref[0])

        #topology_proposal, new_positions = generate_hybrid_test_topology(mol_name=mol_ref[0], ref_mol_name=mol_ref[1])
        topology_proposal, positions = generate_solvated_hybrid_test_topology(mol_name=mol_ref[0], ref_mol_name=mol_ref[1])
        for ncmc_nsteps in [0, 1, 50]:
            f = partial(check_alchemical_hybrid_elimination_bar, topology_proposal, positions, ncmc_nsteps=ncmc_nsteps)
            f.description = "Testing alchemical null elimination for '%s' with %d NCMC steps" % (mol_ref[0], ncmc_nsteps)
            yield f
コード例 #13
def test_ncmc_engine_molecule():
    Check alchemical elimination for alanine dipeptide in vacuum with 0, 1, 2, and 50 switching steps.
    molecule_names = ['imatinib', 'pentane', 'biphenyl']
    if os.environ.get("TRAVIS", None) == 'true':
        molecule_names = ['pentane']

    for molecule_name in molecule_names:
        from perses.tests.utils import createSystemFromIUPAC
        [molecule, system, positions,
         topology] = createSystemFromIUPAC(molecule_name)
        natoms = system.getNumParticles()
        # Eliminate half of the molecule
        # TODO: Use a more rigorous scheme to make sure we are really cutting the molecule in half and not just eliminating hydrogens or something.
        new_to_old_atom_map = {
            index: index
            for index in range(int(natoms / 2))

        from perses.rjmc.topology_proposal import TopologyProposal
        topology_proposal = TopologyProposal(
            metadata={'test': 0.0})
        for ncmc_nsteps in [0, 1, 50]:
            f = partial(check_alchemical_null_elimination,
            f.description = "Testing alchemical null elimination for '%s' with %d NCMC steps" % (
                molecule_name, ncmc_nsteps)
            yield f
コード例 #14
ファイル: test_elimination.py プロジェクト: choderalab/perses
def generate_solvated_hybrid_test_topology(mol_name="naphthalene", ref_mol_name="benzene"):

    from perses.rjmc.topology_proposal import SmallMoleculeSetProposalEngine, TopologyProposal
    import simtk.openmm.app as app
    from openmoltools import forcefield_generators

    from perses.tests.utils import createOEMolFromIUPAC, createSystemFromIUPAC, get_data_filename

    mol = createOEMolFromIUPAC(mol_name)
    m, unsolv_system, pos, top = createSystemFromIUPAC(mol_name)

    refmol = createOEMolFromIUPAC(ref_mol_name)

    gaff_xml_filename = get_data_filename("data/gaff.xml")
    forcefield = app.ForceField(gaff_xml_filename, 'tip3p.xml')
    #map one of the rings
    atom_map = SmallMoleculeSetProposalEngine._get_mol_atom_map(mol, refmol)

    #now use the mapped atoms to generate a new and old system with identical atoms mapped. This will result in the
    #same molecule with the same positions for lambda=0 and 1, and ensures a contiguous atom map
    effective_atom_map = {value : value for value in atom_map.values()}

    modeller = app.Modeller(top, pos)
    modeller.addSolvent(forcefield, model='tip3p', padding=9.0*unit.angstrom)
    topology = modeller.getTopology()
    positions = modeller.getPositions()
    system = forcefield.createSystem(topology, nonbondedMethod=app.PME)

    n_atoms_old_system = unsolv_system.getNumParticles()
    n_atoms_after_solvation = system.getNumParticles()

    for i in range(n_atoms_old_system, n_atoms_after_solvation):
        effective_atom_map[i] = i

    top_proposal = TopologyProposal(new_topology=topology, new_system=system, old_topology=topology, old_system=system, new_to_old_atom_map=effective_atom_map, new_chemical_state_key="n1", old_chemical_state_key='n2')

    return top_proposal, positions
コード例 #15
ファイル: test_elimination.py プロジェクト: choderalab/perses
def generate_hybrid_test_topology(mol_name="naphthalene", ref_mol_name="benzene"):
    Generate a test topology proposal and positions for the hybrid test.
    from perses.rjmc.topology_proposal import SmallMoleculeSetProposalEngine, TopologyProposal

    from perses.tests.utils import createOEMolFromIUPAC, createSystemFromIUPAC

    mol = createOEMolFromIUPAC(mol_name)
    m, system, positions, topology = createSystemFromIUPAC(mol_name)

    refmol = createOEMolFromIUPAC(ref_mol_name)

    #map one of the rings
    atom_map = SmallMoleculeSetProposalEngine._get_mol_atom_map(mol, refmol)

    #now use the mapped atoms to generate a new and old system with identical atoms mapped. This will result in the
    #same molecule with the same positions for lambda=0 and 1, and ensures a contiguous atom map
    effective_atom_map = {value : value for value in atom_map.values()}

    #make a topology proposal with the appropriate data:
    top_proposal = TopologyProposal(new_topology=topology, new_system=system, old_topology=topology, old_system=system, new_to_old_atom_map=effective_atom_map, new_chemical_state_key="n1", old_chemical_state_key='n2')

    return top_proposal, positions
コード例 #16
def test_ncmc_engine_molecule():
    Check alchemical elimination for alanine dipeptide in vacuum with 0, 1, 2, and 50 switching steps.
    molecule_names = ['pentane', 'biphenyl', 'imatinib']
    if os.environ.get("TRAVIS", None) == 'true':
        molecule_names = ['pentane']

    for molecule_name in molecule_names:
        from perses.tests.utils import createSystemFromIUPAC
        [molecule, system, positions, topology] = createSystemFromIUPAC(molecule_name)
        natoms = system.getNumParticles()
        # Eliminate half of the molecule
        # TODO: Use a more rigorous scheme to make sure we are really cutting the molecule in half and not just eliminating hydrogens or something.
        new_to_old_atom_map = { index : index for index in range(int(natoms/2)) }

        from perses.rjmc.topology_proposal import TopologyProposal
        topology_proposal = TopologyProposal(
            new_topology=topology, new_system=system, old_topology=topology, old_system=system,
            old_chemical_state_key='', new_chemical_state_key='', logp_proposal=0.0, new_to_old_atom_map=new_to_old_atom_map, metadata={'test':0.0})
        for ncmc_nsteps in [0, 1, 50]:
            f = partial(check_alchemical_null_elimination, topology_proposal, positions, ncmc_nsteps=ncmc_nsteps)
            f.description = "Testing alchemical null elimination for '%s' with %d NCMC steps" % (molecule_name, ncmc_nsteps)
            yield f
コード例 #17
def compare_energies(mol_name="naphthalene", ref_mol_name="benzene"):
    Make an atom map where the molecule at either lambda endpoint is identical, and check that the energies are also the same.
    from perses.rjmc.topology_proposal import SmallMoleculeSetProposalEngine, TopologyProposal
    from perses.annihilation.new_relative import HybridTopologyFactory
    import simtk.openmm as openmm

    from perses.tests.utils import createOEMolFromIUPAC, createSystemFromIUPAC

    mol_name = "naphthalene"
    ref_mol_name = "benzene"

    mol = createOEMolFromIUPAC(mol_name)
    m, system, positions, topology = createSystemFromIUPAC(mol_name)

    refmol = createOEMolFromIUPAC(ref_mol_name)

    #map one of the rings
    atom_map = SmallMoleculeSetProposalEngine._get_mol_atom_map(mol, refmol)

    #now use the mapped atoms to generate a new and old system with identical atoms mapped. This will result in the
    #same molecule with the same positions for lambda=0 and 1, and ensures a contiguous atom map
    effective_atom_map = {value : value for value in atom_map.values()}

    #make a topology proposal with the appropriate data:
    top_proposal = TopologyProposal(new_topology=topology, new_system=system, old_topology=topology, old_system=system, new_to_old_atom_map=effective_atom_map, new_chemical_state_key="n1", old_chemical_state_key='n2')

    factory = HybridTopologyFactory(top_proposal, positions, positions)

    alchemical_system = factory.hybrid_system
    alchemical_positions = factory.hybrid_positions

    integrator = openmm.VerletIntegrator(1)
    platform = openmm.Platform.getPlatformByName("Reference")
    context = openmm.Context(alchemical_system, integrator, platform)


    functions = {
        'lambda_sterics' : '2*lambda * step(0.5 - lambda) + (1.0 - step(0.5 - lambda))',
        'lambda_electrostatics' : '2*(lambda - 0.5) * step(lambda - 0.5)',
        'lambda_bonds' : 'lambda',
        'lambda_angles' : 'lambda',
        'lambda_torsions' : 'lambda'

    #set all to zero
    for parm in functions.keys():
        context.setParameter(parm, 0.0)

    initial_energy = context.getState(getEnergy=True).getPotentialEnergy()

    #set all to one
    for parm in functions.keys():
        context.setParameter(parm, 1.0)

    final_energy = context.getState(getEnergy=True).getPotentialEnergy()

    if np.abs(final_energy - initial_energy) > 1.0e-6*unit.kilojoule_per_mole:
        raise Exception("The energy at the endpoints was not equal for molecule %s" % mol_name)
コード例 #18
ファイル: test_hybrid_builder.py プロジェクト: mrauha/perses
def compare_energies(mol_name="naphthalene", ref_mol_name="benzene"):
    Make an atom map where the molecule at either lambda endpoint is identical, and check that the energies are also the same.
    from perses.rjmc.topology_proposal import SmallMoleculeSetProposalEngine, TopologyProposal
    from perses.annihilation.new_relative import HybridTopologyFactory
    import simtk.openmm as openmm

    from perses.tests.utils import createOEMolFromIUPAC, createSystemFromIUPAC

    mol_name = "naphthalene"
    ref_mol_name = "benzene"

    mol = createOEMolFromIUPAC(mol_name)
    m, system, positions, topology = createSystemFromIUPAC(mol_name)

    refmol = createOEMolFromIUPAC(ref_mol_name)

    #map one of the rings
    atom_map = SmallMoleculeSetProposalEngine._get_mol_atom_map(mol, refmol)

    #now use the mapped atoms to generate a new and old system with identical atoms mapped. This will result in the
    #same molecule with the same positions for lambda=0 and 1, and ensures a contiguous atom map
    effective_atom_map = {value: value for value in atom_map.values()}

    #make a topology proposal with the appropriate data:
    top_proposal = TopologyProposal(new_topology=topology,

    factory = HybridTopologyFactory(top_proposal, positions, positions)

    alchemical_system = factory.hybrid_system
    alchemical_positions = factory.hybrid_positions

    integrator = openmm.VerletIntegrator(1)
    platform = openmm.Platform.getPlatformByName("Reference")
    context = openmm.Context(alchemical_system, integrator, platform)


    functions = {
        '2*lambda * step(0.5 - lambda) + (1.0 - step(0.5 - lambda))',
        'lambda_electrostatics': '2*(lambda - 0.5) * step(lambda - 0.5)',
        'lambda_bonds': 'lambda',
        'lambda_angles': 'lambda',
        'lambda_torsions': 'lambda'

    #set all to zero
    for parm in functions.keys():
        context.setParameter(parm, 0.0)

    initial_energy = context.getState(getEnergy=True).getPotentialEnergy()

    #set all to one
    for parm in functions.keys():
        context.setParameter(parm, 1.0)

    final_energy = context.getState(getEnergy=True).getPotentialEnergy()

    if np.abs(final_energy -
              initial_energy) > 1.0e-6 * unit.kilojoule_per_mole:
        raise Exception(
            "The energy at the endpoints was not equal for molecule %s" %
コード例 #19
ファイル: test_RJMC_vacuum.py プロジェクト: choderalab/perses
def test_logp_forward_check_for_vacuum_topology_proposal(current_mol_name = 'propane', proposed_mol_name = 'octane', num_iterations = 100, neglect_angles = True):
    Generate a test vacuum topology proposal, current positions, and new positions triplet
    from two IUPAC molecule names.  Assert that the logp_forward < 1e3.
    This assertion will fail if the proposal order tool proposed the placement of the a carbon before a previously defined carbon in the alkane.

    current_mol_name : str, optional
        name of the first molecule
    proposed_mol_name : str, optional
        name of the second molecule

    topology_proposal : perses.rjmc.topology_proposal
        The topology proposal representing the transformation
    current_positions : np.array, unit-bearing
        The positions of the initial system
    new_positions : np.array, unit-bearing
        The positions of the new system
    from openmoltools import forcefield_generators

    from perses.tests.utils import createOEMolFromIUPAC, createSystemFromIUPAC, get_data_filename

    current_mol, unsolv_old_system, pos_old, top_old = createSystemFromIUPAC(current_mol_name)
    proposed_mol = createOEMolFromIUPAC(proposed_mol_name)

    initial_smiles = oechem.OEMolToSmiles(current_mol)
    final_smiles = oechem.OEMolToSmiles(proposed_mol)

    gaff_xml_filename = get_data_filename("data/gaff.xml")
    forcefield = app.ForceField(gaff_xml_filename, 'tip3p.xml')

    solvated_system = forcefield.createSystem(top_old, removeCMMotion=False)

    gaff_filename = get_data_filename('data/gaff.xml')
    system_generator = SystemGenerator([gaff_filename, 'amber99sbildn.xml', 'tip3p.xml'], forcefield_kwargs={'removeCMMotion': False, 'nonbondedMethod': app.NoCutoff})
    geometry_engine = geometry.FFAllAngleGeometryEngine(n_bond_divisions=100, n_angle_divisions=180, n_torsion_divisions=360, neglect_angles = neglect_angles)
    proposal_engine = SmallMoleculeSetProposalEngine(
        [initial_smiles, final_smiles], system_generator, residue_name=current_mol_name)

    #generate topology proposal
    topology_proposal = proposal_engine.propose(solvated_system, top_old, current_mol=current_mol, proposed_mol=proposed_mol)

    # show atom mapping
    filename = str(current_mol_name)+str(proposed_mol_name)+'.pdf'

    total_works = []
    for _ in range(num_iterations):
        #generate new positions with geometry engine
        new_positions, logp_forward = geometry_engine.propose(topology_proposal, pos_old, beta)
        logp_reverse = geometry_engine.logp_reverse(topology_proposal, new_positions, pos_old, beta)

        #now just render forward and backward work
        work_fwd = logp_forward + geometry_engine.forward_final_context_reduced_potential - geometry_engine.forward_atoms_with_positions_reduced_potential
        work_bkwd = logp_reverse + geometry_engine.reverse_atoms_with_positions_reduced_potential - geometry_engine.reverse_final_context_reduced_potential

        total_work = logp_forward - logp_reverse + geometry_engine.forward_final_context_reduced_potential - geometry_engine.reverse_final_context_reduced_potential

        print("forward, backward works : {}, {}".format(work_fwd, work_bkwd))
        print("total_work: {}".format(total_work))
        assert abs(work_fwd - work_bkwd - total_work) < 1, "The difference of fwd and backward works is not equal to the total work (within 1kT)"
        assert logp_forward < 1e3, "A heavy atom was proposed in an improper order"
コード例 #20
ファイル: test_hybrid_builder.py プロジェクト: mrauha/perses
def generate_topology_proposal(old_mol_iupac="pentane",
    Utility function to generate a topologyproposal for tests

    old_mol_iupac : str, optional
        name of old mol, default pentane
    new_mol_iupac : str, optional
        name of new mol, default butane

    topology_proposal : perses.rjmc.topology_proposal.TopologyProposal
        the topology proposal corresponding to the given transformation
    old_positions : [n, 3] np.ndarray of float
        positions of old mol
    new_positions : [m, 3] np.ndarray of float
        positions of new mol
    from perses.rjmc.topology_proposal import TwoMoleculeSetProposalEngine, SystemGenerator
    from perses.rjmc.geometry import FFAllAngleGeometryEngine
    from perses.tests.utils import createSystemFromIUPAC, get_data_filename
    import openmoltools.forcefield_generators as forcefield_generators
    from io import StringIO
    from openmmtools.constants import kB

    temperature = 300.0 * unit.kelvin
    kT = kB * temperature
    beta = 1.0 / kT

    gaff_filename = get_data_filename("data/gaff.xml")
    forcefield_files = [gaff_filename, 'amber99sbildn.xml']

    #generate systems and topologies
    old_mol, old_system, old_positions, old_topology = createSystemFromIUPAC(
    new_mol, new_system, new_positions, new_topology = createSystemFromIUPAC(

    #set names

    #generate forcefield and ProposalEngine
    #ffxml=forcefield_generators.generateForceFieldFromMolecules([old_mol, new_mol])
    system_generator = SystemGenerator(
        forcefield_files, forcefield_kwargs={'removeCMMotion': False})
    proposal_engine = TwoMoleculeSetProposalEngine(old_mol,
    geometry_engine = FFAllAngleGeometryEngine()

    #create a TopologyProposal
    topology_proposal = proposal_engine.propose(old_system, old_topology)
    new_positions_geometry, _ = geometry_engine.propose(
        topology_proposal, old_positions, beta)

    return topology_proposal, old_positions, new_positions_geometry
コード例 #21
def test_ncmc_alchemical_integrator_stability_molecules():
    Test NCMCAlchemicalIntegrator

    molecule_names = ['pentane', 'biphenyl', 'imatinib']
    if os.environ.get("TRAVIS", None) == 'true':
        molecule_names = ['pentane']

    for molecule_name in molecule_names:
        from perses.tests.utils import createSystemFromIUPAC
        [molecule, system, positions,
         topology] = createSystemFromIUPAC(molecule_name)

        # Eliminate half of the molecule
        # TODO: Use a more rigorous scheme to make sure we are really cutting the molecule in half and not just eliminating hydrogens or something.
        alchemical_atoms = [
            index for index in range(int(system.getNumParticles() / 2))

        # Create an alchemically-modified system.
        from alchemy import AbsoluteAlchemicalFactory
        alchemical_factory = AbsoluteAlchemicalFactory(

        # Return the alchemically-modified system in fully-interacting form.
        alchemical_system = alchemical_factory.createPerturbedSystem()

        # Create an NCMC switching integrator.
        from perses.annihilation.ncmc_switching import NCMCVVAlchemicalIntegrator
        temperature = 300.0 * unit.kelvin
        functions = {
            'lambda_sterics': 'lambda',
            'lambda_electrostatics': 'lambda^0.5',
            'lambda_torsions': 'lambda',
            'lambda_angles': 'lambda^2'
        ncmc_integrator = NCMCVVAlchemicalIntegrator(temperature,
                                                     timestep=1.0 *

        # Create a Context
        context = openmm.Context(alchemical_system, ncmc_integrator)

        # Run the integrator

        # Check positions are finite
        positions = context.getState(getPositions=True).getPositions(
        if np.isnan(np.any(positions / positions.unit)):
            raise Exception('NCMCAlchemicalIntegrator gave NaN positions')
        if np.isnan(ncmc_integrator.getLogAcceptanceProbability(context)):
            raise Exception(
                'NCMCAlchemicalIntegrator gave NaN logAcceptanceProbability')

        del context, ncmc_integrator