def persistence_image_features(X_train, X_test, pixels=[20, 20], spread=1): start = time.time() pim = PersImage(pixels=pixels, spread=spread) imgs_train = pim.transform(X_train) X_train_features = np.array([img.flatten() for img in imgs_train]) pim = PersImage(pixels=pixels, spread=spread) imgs_test = pim.transform(X_test) X_test_features = np.array([img.flatten() for img in imgs_test]) print("Total Time (Persistence Images): ", time.time() - start) return X_train_features, X_test_features
def generate_PI(PD_list, emb_dim, tau, pixels, spread): pim = PersImage(pixels=[pixels, pixels], spread=spread) PI_list = pim.transform(PD_list) PI_list = np.array([img.flatten() for img in PI_list]) return np.array(PI_list)
def persistence_image_features(X_train, pixels=[20, 20], spread=1): start = time.time() pim = PersImage(pixels=pixels, spread=spread) imgs_train = pim.transform(X_train) X_train_features = np.array([img.flatten() for img in imgs_train]) timing = time.time() - start return timing
def subj_to_pims(sbj, sdict, px, sd, nobs): """ generate persistence images for all gestures for a given subject INPUTS sbj - subject number sdict - dict of gestures performed by a subject px - pixel dimension/ resolution; e.g. px=20 gives 20x20 persistence image sd - persistence image concentration parameter (gaussian) nobs - number of observations per subj (total num of gests they performed) OUTPUTS array of gestures made by subject """ # instantiate persistence image generator & vietoris-rips complex generators rips = Rips(maxdim=1, verbose=False) # 1-D homology rips complex pim = PersImage(pixels=[px, px], spread=sd) # each vector have equal # persim pix + 2 cols for subj & gest labels res_mat = np.zeros(px**2 * nobs + 2 * nobs).reshape(nobs, -1) v = 0 for gnum, garray in sdict.items(): # generate rips complex on points; slice out time col and gesture label dgms = rips.fit_transform(garray[:, 1:-1]) img = pim.transform(dgms[1]) # persistence image of 1 cycles obs_vec = np.r_[img.flatten(), int(gnum[0]), int(sbj)] res_mat[v, :] = obs_vec v += 1 return res_mat
def generate_persistence_images(directory, threshold, pixel, spreadval, rangemin, rangemax): for file in os.listdir(directory): dgm0 = np.squeeze(sio.loadmat(directory + file)['PD']) # Computing Lifetimes for Thresholding of Persistence Diagrams lifetime = np.ones(len(dgm0)) for h in range(len(dgm0)): lifetime[h] = dgm0[h][1] - dgm0[h][0] #Keeps only points greater than reduction value isvalid = np.greater(lifetime, threshold) reduced_pd = dgm0[isvalid] print("Beginning Persistence Image Generation for " + file) print("Length of PD: " + str(len(dgm0)) + " points") print("Length Reduced PD: " + str(len(reduced_pd)) + " points") pim = PersImage(pixels=[pixel, pixel], spread=spreadval, specs={ "minBD": rangemin, "maxBD": rangemax }) imgs = pim.transform(reduced_pd) imgs = imgs / np.max(imgs) imgs = imgs.reshape((-1)) filename = "./Persistence_Images/" + file sio.savemat(filename, dict([('PersImg', imgs)]))
def test_empyt_diagram_list(self): dgm1 = [np.array([[2, 3]]), np.zeros((0, 2))] pim1 = PersImage(pixels=(10, 10)) res1 = pim1.transform(dgm1) assert np.all(res1[1] == np.zeros((10, 10))) dgm2 = [np.zeros((0, 2)), np.array([[2, 3]])] pim2 = PersImage(pixels=(10, 10)) res2 = pim2.transform(dgm2) assert np.all(res2[0] == np.zeros((10, 10))) dgm3 = [np.zeros((0, 2)), np.zeros((0, 2))] pim3 = PersImage(pixels=(10, 10)) res3 = pim3.transform(dgm3) assert np.all(res3[0] == np.zeros((10, 10))) assert np.all(res3[1] == np.zeros((10, 10)))
def generate_persistence_image(dgm0, threshold, pixel, spreadval, rangemin, rangemax): # Computing Lifetimes for Thresholding of Persistence Diagrams lifetime = np.ones(len(dgm0)) for h in range(len(dgm0)): lifetime[h] = dgm0[h][1] - dgm0[h][0] #Keeps only points greater than reduction value isvalid = np.greater(lifetime, threshold) reduced_pd = dgm0[isvalid] print("Length of PD: " + str(len(dgm0)) + " points") print("Length Reduced PD: " + str(len(reduced_pd)) + " points") pim = PersImage(pixels=[pixel, pixel], spread=spreadval, specs={ "minBD": rangemin, "maxBD": rangemax }) imgs = pim.transform(reduced_pd) imgs = imgs / np.max(imgs) #imgs = imgs.reshape((-1)) return imgs
def test_integer_diagrams(): """ This test is inspired by gh issue #3 by gh user muszyna25. Integer diagrams return nan values. This does not work: dgm = [[0, 2], [0, 6], [0, 8]]; This one works fine: dgm = [[0.0, 2.0], [0.0, 6.0], [0.0, 8.0]]; """ dgm = [[0, 2], [0, 6], [0, 8]] dgm2 = [[0.0, 2.0], [0.0, 6.0], [0.0, 8.0]] pim = PersImage() res = pim.transform(dgm2) res2 = pim.transform(dgm) np.testing.assert_array_equal(res, res2)
def test_multiple_diagrams(self): pim = PersImage(pixels=(3, 3)) diagram1 = np.array([[0, 1], [1, 1], [3, 5]]) diagram2 = np.array([[0, 1], [1, 1], [3, 6]]) imgs = pim.transform([diagram1, diagram2]) assert len(imgs) == 2 assert imgs[0].shape == imgs[1].shape
def generatePI(allPDs, segmentLength, embDim, tau, PCA_n_components, pixels, spread, norm, savePI): pim = PersImage(pixels=[pixels, pixels], spread=spread) imgs = pim.transform(allPDs) imgs_array = np.array([img.flatten() for img in imgs]) if savePI == True: 'PI_Len%s_Dim%s_Tau%s_PCA%s_p%s_s%s_%s.npy' % (segmentLength, embDim, tau, PCA_n_components, pixels, spread, norm), imgs_array) return imgs_array
def persistence(self, k_max=1, type="standard", representation="surface", shape=(16,16)): if representation=="surface": pi = PersImage(spread=0.025, pixels=shape, verbose=False) result = np.array(pi.transform(diagrams[1])) elif representation=="landscape": raise NotImplementedError() # TODO elif representation=="diagram": result = diagrams else: raise ValueError("Representation should be 'vector', 'surface', 'landscape', or 'diagram'") return result
def calculatePI(val = None): global dgms, first if not first: r = int(sld_resolution.val) v = sld_spread.val else: r = 10 v = 1 pim = PersImage(spread=v, pixels=[r,r], verbose=False) img = pim.transform(dgms[1]) ax_1 = plt.subplot(233) plt.title("PI for $H_1$\nspread = " + str(v)[0:4] + "\n" + str(r) + "x" + str(r)), ax_1) first = False
def compute_single_diagram_statistics(dgm, threshold=None, dim=0): """ Computes stats of a single persistence diagram dgm, input as an array with 2 columns. """ if dgm is None: # Return list of stat names basenames = compute_stats(None) stat_names = [] # Birth stats stat_names.append(['b' + name for name in basenames]) # Death stats stat_names.append(['d' + name for name in basenames]) # Persistence stats stat_names.append(['p' + name for name in basenames]) # Miscllaneous stats stat_names.append([ 'bdcor', 'bdcencor', 'totalper', 'bmaxper', 'dmaxper', 'bminper', 'dminper', 'Nfeatures' ]) # Betti curve stat_names.append(['betticurve']) # Persistence image stat_names.append(['PI']) return stat_names # Else: Nbins = 100 # Number of betti curve bins stats = [] dgm = clean_births_deaths(dgm, threshold, dim) b = dgm[:, 0] d = dgm[:, 1] if b.size > 0: p = d - b # persistence stats.append(compute_stats(b)) stats.append(compute_stats(d)) stats.append(compute_stats(p)) #stats[binds0:binds1] = compute_stats(b) #stats[dinds0:dinds1] = compute_stats(d) #stats[pinds0:pinds1] = compute_stats(p) bmean = stats[0][3] dmean = stats[1][3] #bmean = stats[binds0 + 3] #dmean = stats[dinds0 + 3] maxfeatind = np.argmax(p) minfeatind = np.argmin(p) stats.append([ np.sum(b * d), np.sum((b - bmean) * (d - dmean)), np.sum(p), b[maxfeatind], d[maxfeatind], b[minfeatind], d[minfeatind], b.size ]) #stats[minds0:minds1] = [np.sum(b*d), # np.sum((b-bmean)*(d-dmean)), # np.sum(p), # b[maxfeatind], # d[maxfeatind], # b[minfeatind], # d[minfeatind], # b.size] betticurve = compute_betti_curve(dgm) ## Compute integral of Betti curve over bin bettiints, bin_edges = integrate_binned_betti_curve( betticurve, Nbins, threshold) stats.append([bettiints]) #stats[betti0:betti1] = bettiints pim = PersImage(spread=0.05, pixels=[10, 10], verbose=False) img = pim.transform(dgm) stats.append([img]) else: stats = None return stats, threshold / Nbins
def do_full_run(data, quality=50, spread=0.05, kernel="gaussian", weighting="linear"): """ Does the full PI analysis and some training saves the results in the results folder :param quality: resulution (int) :param spread: variance in smoothing (float) :param kernel: cdf to be used for smoothing (string: gaussian, laplace, lognorm, gamma) :param weighting: weighting to be used (string: linear, pm_linear, logistic) :return: reports for H0 and H1 """ pixels = quality * quality PI_vectors_H0 = np.zeros((6 * m, pixels)) PI_vectors_H1 = np.zeros((6 * m, pixels)) target = np.zeros(6 * m) labels = {i: shape for i, shape in enumerate(data)} index = 0 print("Creating the PI images for the 6 figures") for i in tqdm(range(6)): shape = labels[i] shape_data = data[shape] for j in range(m): pim_0 = PersImage(spread=spread, pixels=[quality, quality], kernel_type=kernel, weighting_type=weighting, verbose=False, specs={ "maxBD": 2, "minBD": 0, }) pim_1 = PersImage(spread=spread, pixels=[quality, quality], kernel_type=kernel, weighting_type=weighting, verbose=False, specs={ "maxBD": 2, "minBD": 0, }) PI_data = shape_data[j, :, :] rips = Rips(verbose=False) dgms = rips.fit_transform(PI_data) PI_data_H0 = pim_0.transform(dgms[0]) PI_data_H1 = pim_1.transform(dgms[1]) PI_data_H1 = PI_data_H1.reshape(pixels) PI_data_H0 = PI_data_H0.reshape(pixels) # PI_data_H0 = PI_data_H0[:, None] # PI_data_H1 = PI_data_H1[:, None] # target[index] = int(i) PI_vectors_H0[index, :] = PI_data_H0 PI_vectors_H1[index, :] = PI_data_H1 index += 1 PI_vectors_H0_train, PI_vectors_H0_test, y_train_H0, y_test_H0 = train_test_split( PI_vectors_H0, target, test_size=0.33) PI_vectors_H1_train, PI_vectors_H1_test, y_train_H1, y_test_H1 = train_test_split( PI_vectors_H1, target, test_size=0.33) y_H0_hat_km, y_H0_hat_lr = do_training(PI_vectors_H0_train, PI_vectors_H0_test, y_train_H0) y_H1_hat_km, y_H1_hat_lr = do_training(PI_vectors_H1_train, PI_vectors_H1_test, y_train_H1) reports_H0_gnb, reports_H0_lr = do_analysis(y_test_H0, y_H0_hat_km, y_H0_hat_lr, labels) reports_H0_gnb, reports_H0_lr = do_analysis(y_test_H0, y_H0_hat_km, y_H0_hat_lr, labels) reports_H1_gnb, reports_H1_lr = do_analysis(y_test_H1, y_H1_hat_km, y_H1_hat_lr, labels) reports_H0_gnb.to_csv("results/{}_{}_{}_{}_H0_gnb.csv".format( quality, spread, kernel, weighting)) reports_H0_lr.to_csv("results/{}_{}_{}_{}_H0_lr.csv".format( quality, spread, kernel, weighting)) reports_H1_gnb.to_csv("results/{}_{}_{}_{}_H1_gnb.csv".format( quality, spread, kernel, weighting)) reports_H1_lr.to_csv("results/{}_{}_{}_{}_H1_lr.csv".format( quality, spread, kernel, weighting)) print(reports_H0_gnb) print(reports_H0_lr) print(reports_H1_gnb) print(reports_H1_lr) return reports_H0_gnb, reports_H0_lr, reports_H1_gnb, reports_H1_lr
from persim import PersImage s = (80, 100) Persims = np.zeros(s) import glob #by changing Dim0 to Dim1 you can read the other Dim data txt_files = glob.glob("Dim1-resized/*.txt") len(txt_files) for i in range(0, len(txt_files), 1): print(txt_files[i]) D = np.genfromtxt(txt_files[i], skip_header=1) D = np.array(D) D = D[:, [1, 2]] pim = PersImage(pixels=(10, 10)) img = pim.transform(D) Persims[i][:] = img.flatten() Persims #for 8classes #c=np.array([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]) #ccol=np.repeat(c,10) #for 4 classes c = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4]) ccol = np.repeat(c, 20) cname = np.array( ["Apple", "Bell", "Bird", "Bottle", "Brick", "Children", "Key", "Rat"]) ccolnames = np.repeat(cname, 10)
# generate SSMs for each gesture raw_ssm_lst = [np.zeros(shape=(a.shape[0], a.shape[0])) for a in arrays] for n, a in enumerate(arrays): for i in range(a.shape[0]): for j in range(a.shape[0]): raw_ssm_lst[n][i,j] = cumulated_ts_2(a[i,:],a[j,:]) # smooth SSM images for r, s in enumerate(raw_ssm_lst): raw_ssm_lst[r] = gaussian_filter(s, sigma=1) # generate persistence images for n, s in enumerate(raw_ssm_lst): pd = lower_star_img(s) img = pim.transform(pd[:-1,:]) # remove 'inf' persistence raw_pim_mat[n,:-2] = img.reshape(1,-1) raw_pim_mat[n,-2] = subj_lab[n] raw_pim_mat[n,-1] = gest_lab[n] # save matrix as DataFrame raw_pim_df = DataFrame(raw_pim_mat) cnames = ["px"+str(i) for i in raw_pim_df.columns] cnames[-2:] = ["subj", "gest"] raw_pim_df.columns = cnames raw_pim_df.to_csv("./Data/raw_pim_vectors.csv", index=False) ############################################################################ ################################ ISOMAP SSMs ############################### ############################################################################
spread = spreadL[s] #if 'MidPD_Len%s_Dim%s_Tau%s_PCA%s.npy' %(segmentLength, embDim, tau, PCA_n_components) print('processing segmentLength', segmentLength, 'embDim ', embDim, ' tau ', tau, ' PCA_n_components ', PCA_n_components, ' pixels ', pixels, ' spread ', spread, '\n\n') # #PI0 = generatePI(allPDs, segmentLength, embDim, tau, PCA_n_components, pixels, spread, savePI, norm) #allPIs = np.load('PI_Len%s_Dim%s_Tau%s_PCA%s_p%s_s%s_%s.npy' %(segmentLength, embDim, tau, PCA_n_components, pixels, spread, norm)) x = allSegments[:4] allTimeDelayedSeg = timeDelayPCA(x, segmentLength, embDim, tau, PCA_n_components) from persim import PersImage, plot_diagrams from ripser import Rips rips = Rips(maxdim=1, coeff=2) diagrams_h1 = [rips.fit_transform(data)[1] for data in allTimeDelayedSeg] pim = PersImage(pixels=[15,15], spread=1) imgs = pim.transform(diagrams_h1) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5,5)) ax = fig.subplots() ax.imshow(imgs[0], cmap=plt.get_cmap("viridis")) ax.axis("off")[0], ax=ax) #plot_diagrams(diagrams_h1[3], ax=ax, legend=False) #ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(MultipleLocator(5000)) #ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(MultipleLocator(5000)) ##MI = MI_lcmin(x, order=1, PLOT=True) ##print(MI) #Attractor = TimeDelayReconstruct(x, 2, 3)
def do_full_run(data, quality=50, spread=0.05, kernel="gaussian", weighting="linear"): """ Does the full PI analysis and some training saves the results in the results folder :param quality: resulution (int) :param spread: variance in smoothing (float) :param kernel: cdf to be used for smoothing (string: gaussian, laplace, lognorm, gamma) :param weighting: weighting to be used (string: linear, pm_linear, logistic) :return: reports for H0 and H1 """ pixels = quality * quality PI_vectors_H0 = np.zeros((5 * m, pixels)) PI_vectors_H1 = np.zeros((5 * m, pixels)) PI_vectors_con = np.zeros((5 * m, 2 * pixels)) target = np.zeros(5 * m) labels = [2, 3.5, 4.0, 4.1, 4.3] index = 0 print("Creating the PI images for the different r's") for i in range(5): shape_data = data[i] r = labels[i] print("training for r:{}".format(r)) for j in tqdm(range(m)): pim_0 = PersImage(spread=spread, pixels=[quality, quality], kernel_type=kernel, weighting_type=weighting, verbose=False, specs={ "maxBD": 2, "minBD": 0, }) pim_1 = PersImage(spread=spread, pixels=[quality, quality], kernel_type=kernel, weighting_type=weighting, verbose=False, specs={ "maxBD": 2, "minBD": 0, }) PI_data = shape_data[j, :, :] rips = Rips(verbose=False) dgms = rips.fit_transform(PI_data) PI_data_H0 = pim_0.transform(dgms[0]) PI_data_H1 = pim_1.transform(dgms[1]) PI_data_H1 = PI_data_H1.reshape(pixels) PI_data_H0 = PI_data_H0.reshape(pixels) # PI_data_H0 = PI_data_H0[:, None] # PI_data_H1 = PI_data_H1[:, None] # target[index] = int(i) PI_vectors_H0[index, :] = PI_data_H0 PI_vectors_H1[index, :] = PI_data_H1 PI_vectors_con[index, :] = np.concatenate((PI_data_H0, PI_data_H1)) index += 1 PI_vectors_H0_train, PI_vectors_H0_test, y_train_H0, y_test_H0 = train_test_split(PI_vectors_H0, target, test_size=0.33) PI_vectors_H1_train, PI_vectors_H1_test, y_train_H1, y_test_H1 = train_test_split(PI_vectors_H1, target, test_size=0.33) PI_vectors_con_train, PI_vectors_con_test, y_train_con, y_test_con = train_test_split(PI_vectors_con, target, test_size=0.33) y_H0_hat_ada, y_H0_hat_grad = do_training(PI_vectors_H0_train, PI_vectors_H0_test, y_train_H0) y_H1_hat_ada, y_H1_hat_grad = do_training(PI_vectors_H1_train, PI_vectors_H1_test, y_train_H1) y_con_hat_ada, y_con_1_hat_grad = do_training(PI_vectors_con_train, PI_vectors_con_test, y_train_con) reports_H0_ada, reports_H0_grad = do_analysis(y_test_H0, y_H0_hat_ada, y_H0_hat_grad, labels) reports_H1_ada, reports_H1_grad = do_analysis(y_test_H1, y_H1_hat_ada, y_H1_hat_grad, labels) reports_con_ada, reports_con_grad = do_analysis(y_test_con, y_con_hat_ada, y_con_1_hat_grad, labels) reports_H0_ada.to_csv("results_dynamic/{}_{}_{}_{}_H0_ada.csv".format(quality, spread, kernel, weighting)) reports_H0_grad.to_csv("results_dynamic/{}_{}_{}_{}_H0_grad.csv".format(quality, spread, kernel, weighting)) reports_H1_ada.to_csv("results_dynamic/{}_{}_{}_{}_H1_ada.csv".format(quality, spread, kernel, weighting)) reports_H1_grad.to_csv("results_dynamic/{}_{}_{}_{}_H1_grad.csv".format(quality, spread, kernel, weighting)) reports_con_ada.to_csv("results_dynamic/{}_{}_{}_{}_con_ada.csv".format(quality, spread, kernel, weighting)) reports_con_grad.to_csv("results_dynamic/{}_{}_{}_{}_con_grad.csv".format(quality, spread, kernel, weighting)) return reports_H0_ada, reports_H0_grad, reports_H1_ada, reports_H1_grad, reports_con_ada, reports_con_grad
kernel_type="gaussian", weighting_type="logistic", verbose=False, specs={ "maxBD": 2, "minBD": 0, }) rips = Rips(verbose=False) dgms_bin = rips.fit_transform(sampled_bin_vec) dgms_hf = rips.fit_transform(sampled_hf_vec) dgms_df = rips.fit_transform(sampled_df_vec) dgms_rf = rips.fit_transform(sampled_rf_vec) sampled_bin_vec_H0 = pim.transform(dgms_bin[0]).reshape(100) sampled_bin_vec_H1 = pim.transform(dgms_bin[1]).reshape(100) sampled_hf_vec_H0 = pim.transform(dgms_hf[0]).reshape(100) sampled_hf_vec_H1 = pim.transform(dgms_hf[1]).reshape(100) sampled_df_vec_H0 = pim.transform(dgms_df[0]).reshape(100) sampled_df_vec_H1 = pim.transform(dgms_df[1]).reshape(100) sampled_rf_vec_H0 = pim.transform(dgms_rf[0]).reshape(100) sampled_rf_vec_H1 = pim.transform(dgms_rf[1]).reshape(100) con = [ sampled_bin_vec_H0, sampled_bin_vec_H1, sampled_hf_vec_H0,
def test_n_pixels(self): pim = PersImage(pixels=(3, 3)) diagram = np.array([[0, 1], [1, 1], [3, 5]]) img = pim.transform(diagram) assert img.shape == (3, 3)
def test_lists_of_lists(self): pim = PersImage(pixels=(3, 3)) diagram = [[0, 1], [1, 1], [3, 5]] img = pim.transform(diagram) assert img.shape == (3, 3)
fig = plt.figure() fig.set_figwidth(9) fig.set_figheight(6) index = 1 for i, kern in enumerate(kernels): for j, weighting in enumerate(weightings): pim = PersImage(spread=spread, pixels=pixels, verbose=False, kernel_type=kern, weighting_type=weighting) rips = Rips(verbose=False) dgms = rips.fit_transform(PI_data) img = pim.transform(dgms[1]) mini, maxi = np.amin(img), min(np.amax(img), 0.05) print(mini, maxi) X = np.arange(0, 150) Y = np.arange(0, 150) X, Y = np.meshgrid(X, Y) Z = img[::-1] ax = fig.add_subplot(2, 2, index, projection='3d') #ax = fig.gca(projection='3d') surf = ax.plot_surface(X, Y, Z, rstride=15, cstride=15, cmap="inferno") ax.set_zlim(mini, maxi) ax.set_xlim(1, 150) ax.set_ylim(1, 150) plt.yticks([], [])
PI_null_images = [] PI_one_images = [] for i in range(images.shape[0]): print(i) f_lower_star = d.fill_freudenthal(images[i, :, :, 0].astype(float)) f_upper_star = d.fill_freudenthal(images[i, :, :, 0].astype(float), reverse=True) p = d.homology_persistence(f_lower_star) dgms_temp = d.init_diagrams(p, f_lower_star) h0_temp = homology_persistent_diagrams(dgms_temp)[0] h1_temp = homology_persistent_diagrams(dgms_temp)[1] pim = PersImage(pixels=[20, 20], spread=1) PI_0_temp = pim.transform(h0_temp[1:, :]) PI_1_temp = pim.transform(h1_temp) PI_null_images.append(PI_0_temp) PI_one_images.append(PI_1_temp) PI_null_images = np.array(PI_null_images, dtype=np.float32) PI_null_images = PI_null_images.reshape((-1, 20, 20, 1)) # reshape PI_null_images = PI_null_images / (PI_null_images.max() / 255.0) # normalize PI_one_images = np.array(PI_one_images, dtype=np.float32) PI_one_images = PI_one_images.reshape((-1, 20, 20, 1)) # reshape PI_one_images = PI_one_images / (PI_one_images.max() / 255.0) # normalize'PI_null_images', PI_null_images)'PI_one_images', PI_one_images)
import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import scipy from persim import plot_diagrams, PersImage from ripser import ripser, Rips from train_feats import get_data sample_size = 5000 num_points = 300 homology_dim = 2 data = get_data(num=sample_size) dgm = Rips(maxdim=homology_dim,n_perm=num_points).fit_transform(data) img_generator = PersImage() im = img_generator.transform(dgm) fig, ax = plt.subplots(),ax=ax) fig.savefig("pim.png")
def test_empty_diagram(self): dgm = np.zeros((0, 2)) pim = PersImage(pixels=(10, 10)) res = pim.transform(dgm) assert np.all(res == np.zeros((10, 10)))