コード例 #1
ファイル: parse_helper.py プロジェクト: dballesteros7/R3PI-PO
def respond_to_step(text, recipe_id):
    """Respond to:
    'what is step <X>?'
    # Which step is required?
    match = re.search('step[s]? (?P<step_num>\w+)', text)
    step_str = match.group('step_num')

        step_num = int(step_str)
    except ValueError:
        step_num = text2int(step_str)

    # What are the steps in the recipe?
    recipe_info_str = json.loads(get_recipe_info(recipe_id))
    recipe_info = recipe_info_str['response']
    raw_instructions = recipe_info["Instructions"].replace('\r', '').replace('\n', '')
    instructions = raw_instructions.split('. ')
    num_instructions = len(instructions)

    # Construct response
    if step_num > num_instructions:
        response = "Step %d does not exist. There are %d steps." % (step_num, num_instructions)
        response = instructions[step_num-1]

    return json.dumps({'response' : response})
コード例 #2
ファイル: parse_helper.py プロジェクト: dballesteros7/R3PI-PO
def respond_to_step_use(text, recipe_id):
    """Respond to
    where do i use <X>?
    # What is the ingredient?
    # Detect by simple pattern matching
    match = re.search('where do i use (?P<ing>[\w -]+)', text)
    query_ingredient = match.group('ing')

    # Clean up recipe tokens
    # a. tokenize the ingredients
    recipe_tokens = nltk.word_tokenize(query_ingredient)
    # b. stem the tokens
    recipe_tokens = set([stemmer.stem(token) for token in recipe_tokens])
    # c. remove stop words
    recipe_tokens = set([token for token in recipe_tokens if token not in stop])

    # Iterate over steps, find relevant steps, add with a score
    # What are the steps in the recipe?
    recipe_info_str = json.loads(get_recipe_info(recipe_id))
    recipe_info = recipe_info_str['response']
    raw_instructions = recipe_info["Instructions"].replace('\r', '').replace('\n', '')
    instructions = raw_instructions.split('. ')
    num_instructions = len(instructions)

    candidates = []

    for idx, instruc in enumerate(instructions):
        instruc_tokens = nltk.word_tokenize(instruc)
        instruc_tokens = [stemmer.stem(token) for token in instruc_tokens]
        instruc_tokens = set([token for token in instruc_tokens if token not in stop])

        num_matches = len(instruc_tokens & recipe_tokens)
        step_num = idx + 1

        if num_matches > 0:
            candidates += [(instruc, step_num, num_matches), ]

    candidates = sorted(candidates, key=lambda x:x[1])

    if len(candidates) == 0:
        response = '%s not used in any step.' % query_ingredient
    elif len(candidates) == 1:
        instruc, step_num, num_matches = candidates[0]
        response = 'In step %d. %s' % (step_num, instruc)
        # Get list of steps where its used
        steps_used = [str(cand[1]) for cand in candidates]
        response = 'In steps ' + ', '.join(steps_used) + '. '
        for instruc, step_num, num_matches in candidates:
            response += 'In step %d. %s' % (step_num, instruc)

    return json.dumps({'response' : response})
コード例 #3
ファイル: parse_helper.py プロジェクト: tribhuvanesh/R3PI-PO
def respond_to_cal(text, recipe_id):
    """Respond to
    how many calories does this contain
    # Get Recipe
    recipe_info = json.loads(get_recipe_info(recipe_id))['response']
    calories = recipe_info.get("Calories", None)

    if calories is None:
        response = "Sorry, I don't know many calories this dish contains."
        response = "This dish contains %s kilocalories. Yay." % calories

    return json.dumps({'response' : response})
コード例 #4
ファイル: parse_helper.py プロジェクト: tribhuvanesh/R3PI-PO
def respond_to_duration(text, recipe_id):
    """Respond to
    how long do i <X>
    <X> can be "bake the cake", or whatever
    # Detect <X> by simple pattern matching
    match = re.search('how long do i (?P<action>[\w\s -]+)', text)
    query_action = match.group('action')

    # Get tokens
    action_tokens = recipe_tokens = nltk.word_tokenize(query_action)
    action_tokens = set([stemmer.stem(token) for token in action_tokens])
    action_tokens = set([token for token in action_tokens if token not in stop])

    # Iterate over steps, find relevant steps, add with a score
    # What are the steps in the recipe?
    recipe_info_str = json.loads(get_recipe_info(recipe_id))
    recipe_info = recipe_info_str['response']
    raw_instructions = recipe_info["Instructions"].replace('\r', '').replace('\n', '')
    instructions = raw_instructions.split('.')
    num_instructions = len(instructions)

    # Compare each instruction with a 'duration' keyword
    dur_kw = set(['minutes', 'minut', 'minute', 'mins', 'min',
    'seconds', 'second', 'secs', 'sec'])

    candidates = []

    for idx, instruc in enumerate(instructions):
        instruc_tokens = nltk.word_tokenize(instruc)
        instruc_tokens = [stemmer.stem(token) for token in instruc_tokens]
        instruc_tokens = set([token for token in instruc_tokens if token not in stop])

        is_duration_instruc = len(instruc_tokens & dur_kw) > 0

        if is_duration_instruc:
            # Calculate score
            num_matches = len(instruc_tokens & action_tokens)
            candidates += [(instruc, num_matches), ]

    candidates = sorted(candidates, key=lambda x: -x[1])

    if len(candidates) == 0:
        response = 'error'
        most_relev_instruc = candidates[0][0]
        response = most_relev_instruc

    return json.dumps({'response' : response})
コード例 #5
ファイル: parse_helper.py プロジェクト: dballesteros7/R3PI-PO
def respond_to_ing_qty(text, recipe_id):
    """Respond to:
    'how much <X> is required?'
    # What is the ingredient?
    # Detect by simple pattern matching
    match = re.search('how (much|many) (?P<ing>[\w -]+)', text)
    query_ingredient = match.group('ing')

    # What are the ingredients in this recipe?
    recipe_info_str = json.loads(get_recipe_info(recipe_id))
    recipe_info = recipe_info_str['response']
    # List of 'ingredient' dicts
    ingredients = recipe_info["Ingredients"]
    # Create a dict {ingredient_name -> quantity}
    ing_dct = {}
    for ing in ingredients:
        name = ing['Name'].lower()
        quantity = ing['Quantity']
        units = ing.get('Unit', '')

        ing_dct[name] = (quantity, units)

    # What's the quantity required?
    # Clean up recipe tokens
    # a. tokenize the ingredients
    recipe_tokens = nltk.word_tokenize(query_ingredient)
    # b. stem the tokens
    recipe_tokens = set([stemmer.stem(token) for token in recipe_tokens])
    candidates = []
    for dct_ing in ing_dct:
        query_tokens = nltk.word_tokenize(dct_ing)
        query_tokens = set([stemmer.stem(token) for token in query_tokens])
        num_matches = len(recipe_tokens & query_tokens)
        if num_matches > 0:
            candidates += [(dct_ing, num_matches)]

    candidates = sorted(candidates, key=lambda x:-x[1])

    if len(candidates) == 0:
        response = "%s is not necessary" % query_ingredient
    #elif len(candidates) == 1:
        response = "%s %s required" % ing_dct[candidates[0][0]]
    #    response = "Did you mean %s? %s %s required" % (candidates[0][0], ing_dct[candidates[0][0]][0], ing_dct[candidates[0][0]][1])

    return json.dumps({'response' : response})
コード例 #6
ファイル: app.py プロジェクト: tribhuvanesh/R3PI-PO
def get_recipes_info():
    @return: a JSON RecipeList object
    recipe_id =  int(request.args.get('recipe_id'))
    return get_recipe_info(recipe_id)