コード例 #1
def iteraddrownumbers(table, start, step):
    it = iter(table)
    flds = it.next()
    outflds = ['row']
    yield tuple(outflds)
    for row, n in izip(it, count(start, step)):
        outrow = [n]
        yield tuple(outrow)
コード例 #2
ファイル: basics.py プロジェクト: podpearson/petl
def iteraddrownumbers(table, start, step):
    it = iter(table)
    flds = it.next()
    outflds = ['row']
    yield tuple(outflds)
    for row, n in izip(it, count(start, step)):
        outrow = [n]
        yield tuple(outrow)
コード例 #3
ファイル: reductions.py プロジェクト: podpearson/petl
def _recursive_bin(outerbin, level, bindef, fields, keys, widths, getval, mins, maxs):

    # TODO this is almost impossible to comprehend, needs to be tidied up!

    bindef = list(bindef) # take a copy

    if level == len(keys): # bottom out
        vals = (getval(row) for row in outerbin)
        yield tuple(bindef), vals

    else: # go deeper

        key = keys[level]
        getkey = rowitemgetter(fields, key)
        width = widths[level]
        minv = mins[level]
        maxv = maxs[level]

        # initialise at this level
        tbl = itertools.chain([fields], outerbin)  # reconstitute table with header
        tbl_sorted = sort(tbl, key)  # sort at this level
        it = iter(tbl_sorted)  # get an iterator
        it.next()  # throw away header

        if minv is not None and maxv is not None:
            # use a different algorithm if minv and maxv are specified - fixed bins
            numbins = int(math.ceil((maxv - minv) / width))
            keyv = None
            for n in xrange(0, numbins):
                binminv = minv + n*width
                binmaxv = binminv + width
                if binmaxv >= maxv: # final bin
                    binmaxv = maxv # truncate final bin to specified maximum
                thisbindef = list(bindef)
                thisbindef.append((binminv, binmaxv))
                binnedrows = []
                    while keyv < binminv: # advance until we're within the bin's range
                        row = it.next()
                        keyv = getkey(row)
                    while binminv <= keyv < binmaxv: # within the bin
                        row = it.next()
                        keyv = getkey(row)
                    while keyv == binmaxv == maxv: # possible floating point precision bug here?
                        binnedrows.append(row) # last bin is open if maxv is specified
                        row = it.next()
                        keyv = getkey(row)
                except StopIteration:
                for r in _recursive_bin(binnedrows, level+1, thisbindef, fields, keys, widths, getval, mins, maxs):
                    yield r


            # use a different algorithm if min or max is not specified, where
            # the unspecified limit is determined from the data

            # initialise minimum value
                row = it.next() # what happens if this raises StopIteration?
            except StopIteration:
                keyv = getkey(row)
                if minv is None:
                    minv = keyv

                # N.B., we need to account for two possible scenarios
                # (1) maxv is not specified, so keep making bins until we run out of rows
                # (2) maxv is specified, so iterate over bins up to maxv
                    for binminv in count(minv, width):
                        binmaxv = binminv + width
                        if maxv is not None and binmaxv >= maxv:  # final bin
                            binmaxv = maxv  # truncate final bin to specified maximum
                        thisbindef = list(bindef)
                        thisbindef.append((binminv, binmaxv))
                        binnedrows = []
                        while keyv < binminv:  # advance until we're within the bin's range
                            row = it.next()
                            keyv = getkey(row)
                        while binminv <= keyv < binmaxv:  # within the bin
                            row = it.next()
                            keyv = getkey(row)
                        while maxv is not None and keyv == binmaxv == maxv:  # possible floating point precision bug here?
                            binnedrows.append(row)  # last bin is open if maxv is specified
                            row = it.next()
                            keyv = getkey(row)

                        for r in _recursive_bin(binnedrows, level+1, thisbindef, fields, keys, widths, getval, mins, maxs):
                            yield r

                        # possible floating point precision bug here?
                        if maxv is not None and binmaxv == maxv:
                except StopIteration:
                    # don't forget to handle the last bin
                    for r in _recursive_bin(binnedrows, level+1, thisbindef,
                                            fields, keys, widths, getval, mins,
                        yield r