コード例 #1
ファイル: test_function.py プロジェクト: qfhuang/peval-1
def test_restore_globals():

    assert global_var_reader() == 10
    assert global_var == 10

    reader = Function.from_object(global_var_reader).eval()
    writer = Function.from_object(global_var_writer).eval()

    assert reader() == 20
    assert global_var == 20
コード例 #2
ファイル: utils.py プロジェクト: qfhuang/peval-1
def check_component(component, func, additional_bindings=None,
        expected_source=None, expected_new_bindings=None):

    function = Function.from_object(func)
    bindings = function.get_external_variables()
    if additional_bindings is not None:

    new_tree, new_bindings = component(function.tree, bindings)

    if expected_source is None:
        expected_ast = function.tree
        expected_ast = ast.parse(unindent(expected_source)).body[0]

    assert_ast_equal(new_tree, expected_ast)

    if expected_new_bindings is not None:
        for k in expected_new_bindings:
            if k not in new_bindings:
                print('Expected binding missing:', k)

            binding = new_bindings[k]
            expected_binding = expected_new_bindings[k]

            # Python 3.2 defines equality for range objects incorrectly
            # (namely, the result is always False).
            # So we just test it manually.
            if sys.version_info < (3, 3) and isinstance(expected_binding, range):
                assert type(binding) == type(expected_binding)
                assert list(binding) == list(expected_binding)
                assert binding == expected_binding
コード例 #3
ファイル: test_highlevelapi.py プロジェクト: qfhuang/peval-1
def check_partial_apply(func, args=None, kwds=None,
        expected_source=None, expected_new_bindings=None):
    ''' Test that with given constants, optimized_ast transforms
    source to expected_source.
    It :expected_new_bindings: is given, we check that they
    are among new bindings returned by optimizer.

    if args is None:
        args = tuple()
    if kwds is None:
        kwds = {}

    new_func = partial_apply(func, *args, **kwds)
    function = Function.from_object(new_func)

    if expected_source is not None:
        assert_ast_equal(function.tree, ast.parse(unindent(expected_source)).body[0])

    if expected_new_bindings is not None:
        for k in expected_new_bindings:
            if k not in function.globals:
                print('Expected binding missing:', k)

            binding = function.globals[k]
            expected_binding = expected_new_bindings[k]

            # Python 3.2 defines equality for range objects incorrectly
            # (namely, the result is always False).
            # So we just test it manually.
            if sys.version_info < (3, 3) and isinstance(expected_binding, range):
                assert type(binding) == type(expected_binding)
                assert list(binding) == list(expected_binding)
                assert binding == expected_binding
コード例 #4
ファイル: highlevelapi.py プロジェクト: fjarri/peval
def partial_apply(func, *args, **kwds):
    Same as :func:`partial_eval`, but in addition uses the provided values of
    positional and keyword arguments in the partial evaluation.
    function = Function.from_object(func, ignore_decorators=True)

    if has_nested_definitions(function):
        raise ValueError(
            "A partially evaluated function cannot have nested function or class definitions")

    if is_async(function):
        raise ValueError("A partially evaluated function cannot be an async coroutine")

    if len(args) > 0 or len(kwds) > 0:
        bound_function = function.bind_partial(*args, **kwds)
        bound_function = function

    new_tree, bindings = _run_components(

    globals_ = dict(bound_function.globals)

    new_function = bound_function.replace(tree=new_tree, globals_=globals_)

    return new_function.eval()
コード例 #5
ファイル: test_highlevelapi.py プロジェクト: fjarri/peval
def check_partial_apply(func, args=None, kwds=None,
        expected_source=None, expected_new_bindings=None):
    Test that with given constants, optimized_ast transforms
    source to expected_source.
    It :expected_new_bindings: is given, we check that they
    are among new bindings returned by optimizer.

    if args is None:
        args = tuple()
    if kwds is None:
        kwds = {}

    new_func = partial_apply(func, *args, **kwds)
    function = Function.from_object(new_func)

    if expected_source is not None:
        assert_ast_equal(function.tree, ast.parse(unindent(expected_source)).body[0])

    if expected_new_bindings is not None:
        for k in expected_new_bindings:
            if k not in function.globals:
                print('Expected binding missing:', k)

            binding = function.globals[k]
            expected_binding = expected_new_bindings[k]

            assert binding == expected_binding
コード例 #6
ファイル: utils.py プロジェクト: fjarri/peval
def check_component(component, func, additional_bindings=None,
        expected_source=None, expected_new_bindings=None):

    function = Function.from_object(func)
    bindings = function.get_external_variables()
    if additional_bindings is not None:

    new_tree, new_bindings = component(function.tree, bindings)

    if expected_source is None:
        expected_ast = function.tree
        expected_ast = ast.parse(unindent(expected_source)).body[0]

    assert_ast_equal(new_tree, expected_ast)

    if expected_new_bindings is not None:
        for k in expected_new_bindings:
            if k not in new_bindings:
                print('Expected binding missing:', k)

            binding = new_bindings[k]
            expected_binding = expected_new_bindings[k]
            assert binding == expected_binding
コード例 #7
ファイル: test_function.py プロジェクト: fjarri/peval
def test_copy_globals():
    Checks that a restored function does not refer to the same globals dictionary,
    but a copy of it. Therefore it cannot reassign global values.

    assert global_var_reader() == 10
    assert global_var == 10

    reader = Function.from_object(global_var_reader).eval()
    writer = Function.from_object(global_var_writer).eval()

    assert reader() == 10
    assert global_var == 10
コード例 #8
ファイル: test_function.py プロジェクト: fjarri/peval
def function_from_source(source, globals_=None):
    A helper function to construct a Function object from a source
    with custom __future__ imports.

    module = ast.parse(unindent(source))

    for stmt in module.body:
        if type(stmt) == ast.FunctionDef:
            tree = stmt
            name = stmt.name
        raise ValueError("No function definitions found in the provided source")

    code_object = compile(module, '<nofile>', 'exec', dont_inherit=True)
    locals_ = {}
    eval(code_object, globals_, locals_)

    function_obj = locals_[name]
    function_obj._peval_source = astunparse.unparse(tree)

    return Function.from_object(function_obj)
コード例 #9
ファイル: test_function.py プロジェクト: fjarri/peval
def test_restore_simple_closure():

    closure_ref = make_one_var_closure()
    assert closure_ref() == 2

    closure = Function.from_object(closure_ref).eval()
    assert closure() == 3
    assert closure_ref() == 4
コード例 #10
ファイル: test_function.py プロジェクト: fjarri/peval
def test_recursive_call():
    # When evaluated inside a fake closure (to detect closure variables),
    # the function name will be included in the list of closure variables
    # (if it is used in the body of the function).
    # So if the function was not a closure to begin with,
    # the corresponding cell will be missing.
    # This tests checks that Function evaluates non-closure functions
    # without a fake closure to prevent that.

    func = Function.from_object(recursive_outer)
    func = func.replace()
    func = func.eval()
    assert func(10) == 1

    func = Function.from_object(make_recursive())
    func = func.replace()
    func = func.eval()
    assert func(10) == 2
コード例 #11
ファイル: test_function.py プロジェクト: fjarri/peval
def test_reapply_decorators():

    def tagged(x):
        return x

    func = Function.from_object(tagged).eval()

    assert '_tag' in vars(func) and vars(func)['_tag']
コード例 #12
ファイル: test_function.py プロジェクト: fjarri/peval
def test_bind_partial_varkwds():

    func = Function.from_object(dummy_func_arg_groups)

    new_func = func.bind_partial(1, 2, d=10).eval()
    sig = inspect.signature(new_func)

    assert new_func(3, 4) == (1, 2, (3, 4), {'d': 10})
    assert 'a' not in sig.parameters
    assert 'b' not in sig.parameters
    assert 'args' in sig.parameters
    assert 'kwds' not in sig.parameters
コード例 #13
ファイル: test_function.py プロジェクト: qfhuang/peval-1
def test_bind_partial_args():

    func = Function.from_object(dummy_func)

    new_func = func.bind_partial(1).eval()
    sig = funcsigs.signature(new_func)

    assert new_func(2, 3, 4) == (1, 2, 3, 4)
    assert 'a' not in sig.parameters
    assert 'b' in sig.parameters
    assert 'c' in sig.parameters
    assert 'd' in sig.parameters
コード例 #14
ファイル: test_function.py プロジェクト: fjarri/peval
def test_bind_partial_kwds():

    func = Function.from_object(dummy_func)

    new_func = func.bind_partial(1, d=10).eval()
    sig = inspect.signature(new_func)

    assert new_func(2, 3) == (1, 2, 3, 10)
    assert 'a' not in sig.parameters
    assert 'b' in sig.parameters
    assert 'c' in sig.parameters
    assert 'd' not in sig.parameters
コード例 #15
ファイル: test_function.py プロジェクト: fjarri/peval
def test_get_source():
    function = Function.from_object(sample_fn)
    source = normalize_source(function.get_source())

    expected_source = unindent(
        def sample_fn(x, y, foo='bar', **kw):
            if (foo == 'bar'):
                return (x + y)
                return kw['zzz']

    assert source == expected_source
コード例 #16
ファイル: test_function.py プロジェクト: qfhuang/peval-1
def test_preserve_future_features():

    # Test that the presence of a future feature is preserved after re-evaluation

    src = """
        from __future__ import division
        def f():
            return 1 / 2

    func = function_from_source(src)
    new_func_obj = func.eval()
    new_func = Function.from_object(new_func_obj)

    assert new_func.future_features.division
    assert new_func_obj() == 0.5

    # Test that the absence of a future feature is preserved after re-evaluation
    # (Does not test much in Py3, since all the future features are enabled by default).

    src = """
        def f():
            return 1 / 2

    func = function_from_source(src)
    new_func_obj = func.eval()
    new_func = Function.from_object(new_func_obj)

    if sys.version_info >= (3,):
        assert new_func.future_features.division
        assert new_func_obj() == 0.5
        assert not new_func.future_features.division
        assert new_func_obj() == 0
コード例 #17
ファイル: test_function.py プロジェクト: fjarri/peval
def test_restore_modified_closure():

    def remove_first_line(node):
        assert isinstance(node, ast.FunctionDef)
        node = copy.deepcopy(node)
        node.body = node.body[1:]
        return node

    closure_ref = make_two_var_closure()
    assert closure_ref() == 3

    closure = Function.from_object(closure_ref)
    closure = closure.replace(tree=remove_first_line(closure.tree)).eval()

    assert closure() == 4
    assert closure_ref() == 5
コード例 #18
ファイル: test_function.py プロジェクト: fjarri/peval
def test_preserve_future_feature_presence():

    src = """
        from __future__ import generator_stop
        def f():
            error = lambda: next(i for i in range(3) if i==10)
                return all(error() for i in range(2))
            except RuntimeError:
                return False

    func = function_from_source(src)
    new_func_obj = func.eval()
    new_func = Function.from_object(new_func_obj)

    assert new_func.future_features.generator_stop
    assert new_func_obj() == False
コード例 #19
ファイル: inline.py プロジェクト: fjarri/peval
def _inline(node, gen_sym, return_name, constants):
    Return a list of nodes, representing inlined function call.
    fn = constants[node.func.id]
    fn_ast = Function.from_object(fn).tree

    gen_sym, new_fn_ast = mangle(gen_sym, fn_ast)

    parameter_assignments = _build_parameter_assignments(node, new_fn_ast)

    body_nodes = new_fn_ast.body

    gen_sym, inlined_body, new_bindings = _wrap_in_loop(gen_sym, body_nodes, return_name)
    constants = dict(constants)

    return parameter_assignments + inlined_body, gen_sym, constants
コード例 #20
ファイル: tags.py プロジェクト: fjarri/peval
def inline(func):
    Marks the function for inlining.
    function = Function.from_object(func, ignore_decorators=True)

    if has_nested_definitions(function):
        raise ValueError("An inlined function cannot have nested function or class definitions")

    if is_a_generator(function):
        raise ValueError("An inlined function cannot be a generator")

    if is_async(function):
        raise ValueError("An inlined function cannot be an async coroutine")

    if len(function.closure_vals) > 0:
        raise ValueError("An inlined function cannot have a closure")

    func.__peval_inline__ = True
    return func
コード例 #21
ファイル: test_function.py プロジェクト: fjarri/peval
def test_preserve_future_feature_absence():

    src = """
        def f():
            error = lambda: next(i for i in range(3) if i==10)
                return all(error() for i in range(2))
            except RuntimeError:
                return False

    func = function_from_source(src)
    new_func_obj = func.eval()
    new_func = Function.from_object(new_func_obj)

    if sys.version_info >= (3, 7):
        assert new_func.future_features.generator_stop
        assert new_func_obj() == False
        assert not new_func.future_features.generator_stop
        assert new_func_obj() == True
コード例 #22
ファイル: highlevelapi.py プロジェクト: qfhuang/peval-1
def partial_apply(fn, *args, **kwds):
    ''' Return specialized version of fn, fixing given args and kwargs,
    just as functools.partial does, but specialized function should be faster
    function = Function.from_object(fn)

    if len(args) > 0 or len(kwds) > 0:
        bound_function = function.bind_partial(*args, **kwds)
        bound_function = function

    new_tree, bindings = optimized_ast(

    globals_ = dict(bound_function.globals)

    new_function = bound_function.replace(tree=new_tree, globals_=globals_)

    return new_function.eval()
コード例 #23
ファイル: test_function.py プロジェクト: fjarri/peval
def test_compile_ast():
    function = Function.from_object(sample_fn)
    compiled_fn = function.eval()
    assert compiled_fn(3, -9) == sample_fn(3, -9)
    assert compiled_fn(3, -9, 'z', zzz=map) == sample_fn(3, -9, 'z', zzz=map)
コード例 #24
ファイル: test_function.py プロジェクト: fjarri/peval
def test_construct_from_eval():
    # Test that the function returned from Function.eval()
    # can be used to construct a new Function object.
    func = Function.from_object(dummy_func).eval()
    func2 = Function.from_object(func).eval()
    assert func2(1, 2, c=10) == (1, 2, 10, 5)
コード例 #25
ファイル: test_function.py プロジェクト: fjarri/peval
def test_closure_contents():

    func = Function.from_object(make_one_var_closure())

    assert 'global_var' not in func.closure_vals
    assert 'closure_var' in func.closure_vals