def absolutehumidityfromRH(Ta, RH): # convert to masked arrays RH, WasND = SeriestoMA(RH) Ta, dummy = SeriestoMA(Ta) # do the job VPsat = es(Ta) vp = RH * VPsat / float(100) ah = float(1000000) * vp / ((Ta + 273.15) * c.Rv) # convert back to ndarray if input is not a masked array if WasND: ah, _ = MAtoSeries(ah) return ah
def RHfromdewpoint(Td, Ta): # Relative humidity from dew point temperature # Ta is the air temperature, C # Td is the dew point temperature, C # RH is the relative humidity, % # convert to masked arrays Td, WasND = SeriestoMA(Td) Ta, dummy = SeriestoMA(Ta) # do the job RH = 100 * 10**(7.591386 * (Td / (Td + 240.7263) - Ta / (Ta + 240.7263))) # convert back to ndarray if input is not a masked array if WasND: RH, _ = MAtoSeries(RH) return RH
def RHfromspecifichumidity(q, Ta, ps): # Relative humidity from specific humidity # q is the specific humidity, kg/kg # Ta is the air temperature, C # ps is the pressure, kPa # RH is the relative humidity, % # convert to masked arrays q, WasND = SeriestoMA(q) Ta, dummy = SeriestoMA(Ta) # do the job VPsat = es(Ta) RH = float(100) * q * (c.Md / c.Mv) * ps / VPsat # convert back to ndarray if input is not a masked array if WasND: RH, _ = MAtoSeries(RH) return RH
def RHfromabsolutehumidity(Ah, Ta): # Relative humidity from absolute humidity # Ta is the air temperature, C # Ah is the absolute humidity, g/m3 # RH is the relative humidity, % # convert to masked arrays Ah, WasND = SeriestoMA(Ah) Ta, dummy = SeriestoMA(Ta) # do the job VPsat = es(Ta) #vp = Ah * ((Ta+273.15)*c.Rv)/float(1000000) vp = vapourpressure(Ah, Ta) RH = float(100) * vp / VPsat # convert back to ndarray if input is not a masked array if WasND: RH, _ = MAtoSeries(RH) return RH
def Fc_umolpm2psfrommgCO2pm2ps(Fc_mgpm2ps): """ Convert Fc in units of mg/m2/s to units of umol/m2/s Usage: Fc_umolpm2ps = Fc_umolpm2psfrommgCO2pm2ps(Fc_mgpm2ps) where: Fc_mgpm2ps (input) - CO2 flux in units of mg/m2/s Returns the CO2 flux in units of umol/m2/s """ # convert to masked array Fc_mgpm2ps, WasND = SeriestoMA(Fc_mgpm2ps) # do the job Fc_umolpm2ps = Fc_mgpm2ps / c.Mco2 # convert back to ndarray if input is not a masked array if WasND: Fc_umolpm2ps, _ = MAtoSeries(Fc_umolpm2ps) return Fc_umolpm2ps
def h2o_gpm3frommmolpmol(h_mmpm, T, p): """ Convert H2O concentration units of mmol/mol to g/m3. Usage: H2O_gpm3 = h2o_gpm3frommmolpmol(H2O_mmolpmol, T, p) where H2O_mmolpmol (input) - H2O concentration, mmol/mol T (input) - air temperature, C p (input) - air pressure, kPa Returns the H2O concentration in g/m3. """ # convert to masked arrays h_mmpm, WasND = SeriestoMA(h_mmpm) T, dummy = SeriestoMA(T) p, dummy = SeriestoMA(p) # do the job h_gpm3 = (c.Mv * h_mmpm * p * 1000) / (c.R * (T + 273.15)) # convert to ndarray if input is not a masked array if WasND: h_gpm3, _ = MAtoSeries(h_gpm3) return h_gpm3
def h2o_mmolpmolfromgpm3(h_gpm3, T, p): """ Convert H2O concentration units of g/m3 to mmol/mol. Usage: H2O_mmolpmol = h2o_mmolpmolfromgpm3(H2O_gpm3, T, p) where H2O_gpm3 (input) - H2O concentration, g/m3 T (input) - air temperature, C p (input) - air pressure, kPa Returns the H2O concentration in mmol/mol. """ # convert to masked arrays h_gpm3, WasND = SeriestoMA(h_gpm3) T, dummy = SeriestoMA(T) p, dummy = SeriestoMA(p) # do the job h_mmpm = (h_gpm3 / c.Mv) * c.R * (T + 273.15) / (p * 1000) # convert to ndarray if input is not a masked array if WasND: h_mmpm, _ = MAtoSeries(h_mmpm) return h_mmpm
def co2_umolpm3fromppm(c_ppm, T, p): """ Convert CO2 concentration units of umol/mol (ppm) to umol/m3 Usage: CO2_umolpm3 = co2_umolpm3fromppm(CO2_ppm, T, p) where CO2_ppm (input) - CO2 concentration, umol/mol T (input) - air temperature, C p (input) - air pressure, kPa Returns the CO2 concentration in umol/m3. """ # convert to masked array if required c_ppm, WasND = SeriestoMA(c_ppm) T, dummy = SeriestoMA(T) T = T + 273.15 # temperature in K p, dummy = SeriestoMA(p) p = p * float(1000) # pressure in Pa # do the job c_umolpm3 = c_ppm * p / (c.R * T) # convert back to ndarray if input is not a masked array if WasND: c_umolpm3, _ = MAtoSeries(c_umolpm3) return c_umolpm3
def co2_ppmfrommgCO2pm3(c_mgpm3, T, p): """ Convert CO2 concentration units of mgCO2/m3 to umol/mol (ppm) Usage: CO2_ppm = co2_ppmfrommgCO2pm3(CO2_mgpm3, T, p) where CO2_mgpm3 (input) - CO2 concentration, mgCO2/m3 T (input) - air temperature, C p (input) - air pressure, kPa Returns the CO2 concentration in ppm. """ # convert to masked array if required c_mgpm3, WasND = SeriestoMA(c_mgpm3) T, dummy = SeriestoMA(T) T = T + 273.15 # temperature in K p, dummy = SeriestoMA(p) p = p * float(1000) # pressure in Pa # do the job c_ppm = (c_mgpm3 / c.Mco2) * c.R * T / p # convert back to ndarray if input is not a masked array if WasND: c_ppm, _ = MAtoSeries(c_ppm) return c_ppm