コード例 #1
 def __init__(self, path, logger=None):
     """ Constructor.
     if not os.path.isfile(path):
         raise IOError("The path <%s> does not point to a file!" % path)
     self.logger = logger
     self.cp = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()  # create ConfigParser instance
     self.cp.read(path)  # parse the config file
     # Preparation instance
     self.preparation = Preparation(
         self.get_option("DEFAULT", "plot_max_x_axis"),
         self.get_option("DEFAULT", "plot_amount_values_x_axis"),
     self.timestamp = self.preparation.timestamp  # get timestamp that is prepended to the other output files
     self.uuid = self.preparation.uuid_
コード例 #2
class ConfigHelper(object):
    """ Helper class to parse a configuration file and provide the values to other classes.

    :param path: Absolute path to the configuration file.
    :param logger: Logger-instance

    def __init__(self, path, logger=None):
        """ Constructor.
        if not os.path.isfile(path):
            raise IOError("The path <%s> does not point to a file!" % path)
        self.logger = logger
        self.cp = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()  # create ConfigParser instance
        self.cp.read(path)  # parse the config file
        # Preparation instance
        self.preparation = Preparation(
            self.get_option("DEFAULT", "plot_max_x_axis"),
            self.get_option("DEFAULT", "plot_amount_values_x_axis"),
        self.timestamp = self.preparation.timestamp  # get timestamp that is prepended to the other output files
        self.uuid = self.preparation.uuid_

    def parse_jobs(self):
        """ Parses the run.ini file and creates the jobs to be processed by the framework accordingly.
        Also the 'jobs.json' file is created here.

        :return: List of 'Job' objects.
        self.logger.debug("Parsing jobs...")
        queue = []
        for section in self.cp.sections():  # each sections defines a Job! The Section [DEFAULT] is silently ignored!
            job = Job(self.logger)
            job.set_label(section)  # use section-name as label for the job
            job.set_sh_guess(self.get_option(section, "sh_guess"))
            sh_guess_path = os.path.abspath("./scripts/%s" % job.sh_guess)
            # get lines from the password guesser script to parse it into the jobs.json file
            sh_content = ""
            with open(sh_guess_path, "r") as guesser_script:
                for line in guesser_script:
                    if line[0] != "\n":
                        line = line.replace("\n", "")
                        sh_content = "%s, [%s]" % (sh_content, line)
                sh_content = sh_content[2:]  # remove leading '...'
            job.set_training_file(self.get_option(section, "training_file"))
            job.set_pw_file(self.get_option(section, "pw_file"))
            job.set_pw_format(self.get_option(section, "pw_format"))
            job.set_analysis_interval(self.get_option(section, "analysis_interval"))
            job.set_terminate_guessing(self.get_option(section, "terminate_guessing"))
            job.set_max_guesses(self.get_option(section, "max_guesses"))
            job.set_output_file(self.get_option(section, "output_file"))
            # setup jtr
            jtr_dir = self.get_option(section, "jtr_dir")
            jtr_session = self.get_option(section, "jtr_session_name")
            job.set_jtr_input_format(self.get_option(section, "jtr_input_format"))
            job.setup_jtr(jtr_dir, jtr_session)
            # execute the Preparation module for the currently parsed job
            queue.append(job)  # add job to queue
        # serialize jobs to json file
        # return job queue
        return queue

    def get_option(self, section, option):
        """ Returns the value for the provided option parsed from the given section.
        Value will be evaluated if possible, else it will be returned as string.

        :param section: Name of the section
        :param option: Name of the parameter to parse

        :return: Evaluated Value (String, "None", "True", "False", List, etc.)
        value = self.cp.get(section, option)
            value = ast.literal_eval(value)
        except ValueError:  # silently ignore errors and return string-type
        except SyntaxError:  # silently ignore errors and return string-type
        return value

    def serialize_jobs_to_json(self, queue):
        """ Serializes the job queue of the current run into the 'jobs.json' in the directory "./utils/visualization/dynamic/backend/"
        to be processed by the visualization module.

        :param queue: Job queue
        abs_path = os.path.abspath("./results/jobs.json")
        queue_length = len(queue)
        with open(abs_path, "w") as json_file:
            json_file.write('"name" : "jobs",\n')
            date = datetime.date.today()
            json_file.write('"date" : "%s.%s.%s",\n' % (date.day, date.month, date.year))
            json_file.write('"number_of_jobs" : "%d",\n' % queue_length)
            json_file.write('"plot_file" : "%s",\n' % self.preparation.plot_file)
            json_file.write('"jobs" : [\n')
            for job in queue:
                json_file.write(json.dumps(job.prepare_for_json(), sort_keys=True, indent=4))
                queue_length -= 1
                if queue_length > 0:

    def get_timestamp_uuid(self):
        """ Returns a string consisting of '[timestamp]_uuid' to prepend it to the jobs.json file during backup of the result files.
        The UUID is the one that is also used for the plot.csv file.
        return "%s_%s" % (self.timestamp, self.uuid)