コード例 #1
ファイル: UAI.py プロジェクト: glher/PHASED
    def get_tables(self):
        Adds tables to the network.

        >>> writer = UAIWriter(model)
        >>> writer.get_tables()
        if isinstance(self.model, BayesianModel):
            cpds = self.model.get_cpds()
            cpds.sort(key=lambda x: x.variable)
            tables = []
            for cpd in cpds:
                values = list(map(str, cpd.values.ravel()))
            return tables
        elif isinstance(self.model, MarkovModel):
            factors = self.model.get_factors()
            tables = []
            for factor in factors:
                values = list(map(str, factor.values.ravel()))
            return tables
            raise TypeError(
                "Model must be an instance of Markov or Bayesian model.")
コード例 #2
    def get_distributions(self):
        Returns a dictionary of name and its distribution. Distribution is a ndarray.

        The ndarray is stored in the standard way such that the rightmost variable changes most often.
        Consider a CPD of variable 'd' which has parents 'b' and 'c' (distribution['CONDSET'] = ['b', 'c'])

                  |  d_0     d_1
        b_0, c_0  |  0.8     0.2
        b_0, c_1  |  0.9     0.1
        b_1, c_0  |  0.7     0.3
        b_1, c_1  |  0.05    0.95

        The value of distribution['d']['DPIS'] for the above example will be:
        array([[ 0.8 ,  0.2 ], [ 0.9 ,  0.1 ], [ 0.7 ,  0.3 ], [ 0.05,  0.95]])

        >>> reader = XBNReader('xbn_test.xml')
        >>> reader.get_distributions()
        {'a': {'TYPE': 'discrete', 'DPIS': array([[ 0.2,  0.8]])},
         'e': {'TYPE': 'discrete', 'DPIS': array([[ 0.8,  0.2],
                 [ 0.6,  0.4]]), 'CONDSET': ['c'], 'CARDINALITY': [2]},
         'b': {'TYPE': 'discrete', 'DPIS': array([[ 0.8,  0.2],
                 [ 0.2,  0.8]]), 'CONDSET': ['a'], 'CARDINALITY': [2]},
         'c': {'TYPE': 'discrete', 'DPIS': array([[ 0.2 ,  0.8 ],
                 [ 0.05,  0.95]]), 'CONDSET': ['a'], 'CARDINALITY': [2]},
         'd': {'TYPE': 'discrete', 'DPIS': array([[ 0.8 ,  0.2 ],
                 [ 0.9 ,  0.1 ],
                 [ 0.7 ,  0.3 ],
                 [ 0.05,  0.95]]), 'CONDSET': ['b', 'c']}, 'CARDINALITY': [2, 2]}
        distribution = {}
        for dist in self.bnmodel.find('DISTRIBUTIONS'):
            variable_name = dist.find('PRIVATE').get('NAME')
            distribution[variable_name] = {'TYPE': dist.get('TYPE')}
            if dist.find('CONDSET') is not None:
                distribution[variable_name]['CONDSET'] = [var.get('NAME') for
                                                          var in dist.find('CONDSET').findall('CONDELEM')]
                distribution[variable_name]['CARDINALITY'] = np.array(
                    [len(set(np.array([list(map(int, dpi.get('INDEXES').split()))
                                       for dpi in dist.find('DPIS')])[:, i]))
                     for i in range(len(distribution[variable_name]['CONDSET']))])
            distribution[variable_name]['DPIS'] = np.array(
                [list(map(float, dpi.text.split())) for dpi in dist.find('DPIS')])

        return distribution
コード例 #3
ファイル: test_BIF.py プロジェクト: glher/PHASED
    def setUp(self):
        edges = [['family-out', 'dog-out'], ['bowel-problem', 'dog-out'],
                 ['family-out', 'light-on'], ['dog-out', 'hear-bark']]

        cpds = {
            'bowel-problem': np.array([[0.01], [0.99]]),
            'dog-out': np.array([[0.99, 0.01, 0.97, 0.03],
                                 [0.9, 0.1, 0.3, 0.7]]),
            'family-out': np.array([[0.15], [0.85]]),
            'hear-bark': np.array([[0.7, 0.3], [0.01, 0.99]]),
            'light-on': np.array([[0.6, 0.4], [0.05, 0.95]])

        states = {
            'bowel-problem': ['true', 'false'],
            'dog-out': ['true', 'false'],
            'family-out': ['true', 'false'],
            'hear-bark': ['true', 'false'],
            'light-on': ['true', 'false']

        parents = {
            'bowel-problem': [],
            'dog-out': ['family-out', 'bowel-problem'],
            'family-out': [],
            'hear-bark': ['dog-out'],
            'light-on': ['family-out']

        properties = {
            'bowel-problem': ['position = (335, 99)'],
            'dog-out': ['position = (300, 195)'],
            'family-out': ['position = (257, 99)'],
            'hear-bark': ['position = (296, 268)'],
            'light-on': ['position = (218, 195)']

        self.model = BayesianModel(edges)

        tabular_cpds = []
        for var in sorted(cpds.keys()):
            values = cpds[var]
            cpd = TabularCPD(var,
                                 for evidence_var in parents[var]

        for node, properties in properties.items():
            for prop in properties:
                prop_name, prop_value = map(lambda t: t.strip(),
                self.model.node[node][prop_name] = prop_value

        self.writer = BIFWriter(model=self.model)
コード例 #4
    def set_distributions(self):
        Set distributions in the network.

        >>> from pgm.readwrite.XMLBeliefNetwork import XBNWriter
        >>> writer =XBNWriter()
        >>> writer.set_distributions()
        distributions = etree.SubElement(self.bnmodel, 'DISTRIBUTIONS')

        cpds = self.model.get_cpds()
        cpds.sort(key=lambda x: x.variable)
        for cpd in cpds:
            cpd_values = cpd.values.ravel()
            var = cpd.variable
            dist = etree.SubElement(distributions, 'DIST', attrib={'TYPE': self.model.node[var]['TYPE']})
            etree.SubElement(dist, 'PRIVATE', attrib={'NAME': var})
            dpis = etree.SubElement(dist, 'DPIS')
            evidence = cpd.variables[:0:-1]
            if evidence:
                condset = etree.SubElement(dist, 'CONDSET')
                for condelem in sorted(evidence):
                    etree.SubElement(condset, 'CONDELEM', attrib={'NAME': condelem})
                # TODO: Get Index value.
                for val in range(0, len(cpd_values), 2):
                    etree.SubElement(dpis, "DPI", attrib={'INDEXES': ' '}).text = \
                        " " + str(cpd_values[val]) + " " + str(cpd_values[val+1]) + " "
                etree.SubElement(dpis, "DPI").text = ' ' + ' '.join(map(str, cpd_values))
コード例 #5
ファイル: XMLBIF.py プロジェクト: glher/PHASED
    def get_cpd(self):
        Returns the CPD of the variables present in the network

        >>> reader = XMLBIF.XMLBIFReader("xmlbif_test.xml")
        >>> reader.get_cpd()
        {'bowel-problem': array([[ 0.01],
                                 [ 0.99]]),
         'dog-out': array([[ 0.99,  0.01,  0.97,  0.03],
                           [ 0.9 ,  0.1 ,  0.3 ,  0.7 ]]),
         'family-out': array([[ 0.15],
                              [ 0.85]]),
         'hear-bark': array([[ 0.7 ,  0.3 ],
                             [ 0.01,  0.99]]),
         'light-on': array([[ 0.6 ,  0.4 ],
                            [ 0.05,  0.95]])}
        variable_CPD = {
            definition.find('FOR').text: list(map(float, table.text.split()))
            for definition in self.network.findall('DEFINITION')
            for table in definition.findall('TABLE')
        for variable in variable_CPD:
            arr = np.array(variable_CPD[variable])
            arr = arr.reshape(
                 arr.size // len(self.variable_states[variable])),
            variable_CPD[variable] = arr
        return variable_CPD
コード例 #6
ファイル: DiscreteFactor.py プロジェクト: glher/PHASED
    def _str(self, phi_or_p="phi", tablefmt="fancy_grid", print_state_names=True):
        Generate the string from `__str__` method.

        phi_or_p: 'phi' | 'p'
                'phi': When used for Factors.
                  'p': When used for CPDs.
        print_state_names: boolean
                If True, the user defined state names are displayed.
        string_header = list(map(lambda x: six.text_type(x), self.scope()))

        value_index = 0
        factor_table = []
        for prob in product(*[range(card) for card in self.cardinality]):
            if self.state_names and print_state_names:
                prob_list = ["{var}({state})".format(
                    var=list(self.variables)[i], state=self.state_names[list(
                             for i in range(len(self.variables))]
                prob_list = ["{s}_{d}".format(s=list(self.variables)[i], d=prob[i])
                             for i in range(len(self.variables))]

            value_index += 1

        return tabulate(factor_table, headers=string_header, tablefmt=tablefmt, floatfmt=".4f")
コード例 #7
ファイル: mathext.py プロジェクト: glher/PHASED
def sample_discrete(values, weights, size=1):
    Generate a sample of given size, given a probability mass function.

    values: numpy.array: Array of all possible values that the random variable
            can take.
    weights: numpy.array or list of numpy.array: Array(s) representing the PMF of the random variable.
    size: int: Size of the sample to be generated.

    numpy.array: of values of the random variable sampled from the given PMF.

    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> from pgm.utils.mathext import sample_discrete
    >>> values = np.array(['v_0', 'v_1', 'v_2'])
    >>> probabilities = np.array([0.2, 0.5, 0.3])
    >>> sample_discrete(values, probabilities, 10)
    array(['v_1', 'v_1', 'v_0', 'v_1', 'v_2', 'v_0', 'v_1', 'v_1', 'v_1',
      'v_2'], dtype='<U3')
    weights = np.array(weights)
    if weights.ndim == 1:
        return np.random.choice(values, size=size, p=weights)
        return np.fromiter(map(lambda t: np.random.choice(values, p=t), weights), dtype='int')
コード例 #8
ファイル: XMLBIF.py プロジェクト: glher/PHASED
    def get_model(self):
        model = BayesianModel(self.get_edges())
        model.name = self.network_name

        tabular_cpds = []
        for var, values in self.variable_CPD.items():
            evidence_card = [
                for evidence_var in self.variable_parents[var]
            cpd = TabularCPD(var,


        for node, properties in self.variable_property.items():
            for prop in properties:
                if prop is not None:
                    prop_name, prop_value = map(lambda t: t.strip(),
                    model.node[node][prop_name] = prop_value

        return model
コード例 #9
ファイル: UAI.py プロジェクト: glher/PHASED
    def get_model(self):
        Returns an instance of Bayesian Model or Markov Model.
        Varibles are in the pattern var_0, var_1, var_2 where var_0 is
        0th index variable, var_1 is 1st index variable.

        model: an instance of Bayesian or Markov Model.

        >>> reader = UAIReader('TestUAI.uai')
        >>> reader.get_model()
        if self.network_type == 'BAYES':
            model = BayesianModel(self.edges)

            tabular_cpds = []
            for cpd in self.tables:
                child_var = cpd[0]
                states = int(self.domain[child_var])
                arr = list(map(float, cpd[1]))
                values = np.array(arr)
                values = values.reshape(states, values.size // states)
                tabular_cpds.append(TabularCPD(child_var, states, values))

            return model

        elif self.network_type == 'MARKOV':
            model = MarkovModel(self.edges)

            factors = []
            for table in self.tables:
                variables = table[0]
                cardinality = [int(self.domain[var]) for var in variables]
                value = list(map(float, table[1]))
                factor = DiscreteFactor(variables=variables,

            return model
コード例 #10
    def setUp(self):
        self.maxDiff = None
        edges = [['family-out', 'dog-out'],
                 ['bowel-problem', 'dog-out'],
                 ['family-out', 'light-on'],
                 ['dog-out', 'hear-bark']]
        cpds = {'bowel-problem': np.array([[0.01],
                'dog-out': np.array([[0.99, 0.01, 0.97, 0.03],
                                     [0.9, 0.1, 0.3, 0.7]]),
                'family-out': np.array([[0.15],
                'hear-bark': np.array([[0.7, 0.3],
                                       [0.01, 0.99]]),
                'light-on': np.array([[0.6, 0.4],
                                      [0.05, 0.95]])}
        states = {'bowel-problem': ['true', 'false'],
                  'dog-out': ['true', 'false'],
                  'family-out': ['true', 'false'],
                  'hear-bark': ['true', 'false'],
                  'light-on': ['true', 'false']}
        parents = {'bowel-problem': [],
                   'dog-out': ['bowel-problem', 'family-out'],
                   'family-out': [],
                   'hear-bark': ['dog-out'],
                   'light-on': ['family-out']}

        self.bayesmodel = BayesianModel(edges)

        tabular_cpds = []
        for var, values in cpds.items():
            cpd = TabularCPD(var, len(states[var]), values,
                                            for evidence_var in parents[var]])
        self.bayeswriter = UAIWriter(self.bayesmodel)

        edges = {('var_0', 'var_1'), ('var_0', 'var_2'), ('var_1', 'var_2')}
        self.markovmodel = MarkovModel(edges)
        tables = [(['var_0', 'var_1'],
                   ['4.000', '2.400', '1.000', '0.000']),
                  (['var_0', 'var_1', 'var_2'],
                   ['2.2500', '3.2500', '3.7500', '0.0000', '0.0000', '10.0000',
                    '1.8750', '4.0000', '3.3330', '2.0000', '2.0000', '3.4000'])]
        domain = {'var_1': '2', 'var_2': '3', 'var_0': '2'}
        factors = []
        for table in tables:
            variables = table[0]
            cardinality = [int(domain[var]) for var in variables]
            values = list(map(float, table[1]))
            factor = DiscreteFactor(variables, cardinality, values)
        self.markovwriter = UAIWriter(self.markovmodel)
コード例 #11
        def _find_size_of_clique(clique, cardinalities):
            Computes the size of a clique.

            Size of a clique is defined as product of cardinalities of all the
            nodes present in the clique.
            return list(
                map(lambda x: np.prod([cardinalities[node] for node in x]),
コード例 #12
    def get_model(self):
        Returns the model instance of the ProbModel.

        model: an instance of BayesianModel.

        >>> reader = ProbModelXMLReader()
        >>> reader.get_model()
        if self.probnet.get('type') == "BayesianNetwork":
            model = BayesianModel(self.probnet['edges'].keys())

            tabular_cpds = []
            cpds = self.probnet['Potentials']
            for cpd in cpds:
                var = list(cpd['Variables'].keys())[0]
                states = self.probnet['Variables'][var]['States']
                evidence = cpd['Variables'][var]
                evidence_card = [
                    for evidence_var in evidence
                arr = list(map(float, cpd['Values'].split()))
                values = np.array(arr)
                values = values.reshape(
                    (len(states), values.size // len(states)))
                    TabularCPD(var, len(states), values, evidence,


            variables = model.nodes()
            for var in variables:
                for prop_name, prop_value in self.probnet['Variables'][
                    model.node[var][prop_name] = prop_value

            edges = model.edges()
            for edge in edges:
                for prop_name, prop_value in self.probnet['edges'][edge].items(
                    model.edge[edge[0]][edge[1]][prop_name] = prop_value
            return model
            raise ValueError("Please specify only Bayesian Network.")
コード例 #13
    def forward_sample(self, size=1):
        Generates sample(s) from joint distribution of the bayesian network.

        size: int
            size of sample to be generated

        sampled: pandas.DataFrame
            the generated samples

        >>> from pgm.models.BayesianModel import BayesianModel
        >>> from pgm.factors.discrete import TabularCPD
        >>> from pgm.sampling import BayesianModelSampling
        >>> student = BayesianModel([('diff', 'grade'), ('intel', 'grade')])
        >>> cpd_d = TabularCPD('diff', 2, [[0.6], [0.4]])
        >>> cpd_i = TabularCPD('intel', 2, [[0.7], [0.3]])
        >>> cpd_g = TabularCPD('grade', 3, [[0.3, 0.05, 0.9, 0.5], [0.4, 0.25,
        ...                0.08, 0.3], [0.3, 0.7, 0.02, 0.2]],
        ...                ['intel', 'diff'], [2, 2])
        >>> student.add_cpds(cpd_d, cpd_i, cpd_g)
        >>> inference = BayesianModelSampling(student)
        >>> inference.forward_sample(2)
                diff       intel       grade
        0        1           0          1
        1        1           0          2
        sampled = DataFrame(index=range(size), columns=self.topological_order)
        for node in self.topological_order:
            cpd = self.model.get_cpds(node)
            states = range(self.cardinality[node])
            evidence = cpd.variables[:0:-1]
            if evidence:
                cached_values = self.pre_compute_reduce(variable=node)
                evidence = sampled.ix[:, evidence].values
                weights = list(map(lambda t: cached_values[tuple(t)],
                weights = cpd.values
            sampled[node] = sample_discrete(states, weights, size)
        return sampled
コード例 #14
    def get_model(self):
        Returns the fitted bayesian model

        >>> from pgm.readwrite import BIFReader
        >>> reader = BIFReader("bif_test.bif")
        >>> reader.get_model()
        <pgm.models.BayesianModel.BayesianModel object at 0x7f20af154320>
            model = BayesianModel(self.variable_edges)
            model.name = self.network_name

            tabular_cpds = []
            for var in sorted(self.variable_cpds.keys()):
                values = self.variable_cpds[var]
                cpd = TabularCPD(
                        for evidence_var in self.variable_parents[var]

            for node, properties in self.variable_properties.items():
                for prop in properties:
                    prop_name, prop_value = map(lambda t: t.strip(),
                    model.node[node][prop_name] = prop_value

            return model

        except AttributeError:
            raise AttributeError(
                'First get states of variables, edges, parents and network name'
コード例 #15
def _align_column(strings, alignment, minwidth=0, has_invisible=True):
    """[string] -> [padded_string]

    >>> list(map(str,_align_column(["12.345", "-1234.5", "1.23", "1234.5", "1e+234", "1.0e234"], "decimal")))
    ['   12.345  ', '-1234.5    ', '    1.23   ', ' 1234.5    ', '    1e+234 ', '    1.0e234']

    >>> list(map(str,_align_column(['123.4', '56.7890'], None)))
    ['123.4', '56.7890']

    if alignment == "right":
        strings = [s.strip() for s in strings]
        padfn = _padleft
    elif alignment == "center":
        strings = [s.strip() for s in strings]
        padfn = _padboth
    elif alignment == "decimal":
        if has_invisible:
            decimals = [_afterpoint(_strip_invisible(s)) for s in strings]
            decimals = [_afterpoint(s) for s in strings]
        maxdecimals = max(decimals)
        strings = [s + (maxdecimals - decs) * " "
                   for s, decs in zip(strings, decimals)]
        padfn = _padleft
    elif not alignment:
        return strings
        strings = [s.strip() for s in strings]
        padfn = _padright

    if has_invisible:
        width_fn = _visible_width
        width_fn = len

    maxwidth = max(max(map(width_fn, strings)), minwidth)
    padded_strings = [padfn(maxwidth, s, has_invisible) for s in strings]
    return padded_strings
コード例 #16
    def __str__(self):
        Returns the BIF format as string
        network_template, variable_template, property_template, probability_template = self.BIF_templates(
        network = ''
        network += network_template.substitute(name=self.network_name)
        variables = self.model.nodes()

        for var in sorted(variables):
            no_of_states = str(len(self.variable_states[var]))
            states = ', '.join(self.variable_states[var])
            if not self.property_tag[var]:
                properties = ''
                properties = ''
                for prop_val in self.property_tag[var]:
                    properties += property_template.substitute(prop=prop_val)
            network += variable_template.substitute(name=var,

        for var in sorted(variables):
            if not self.variable_parents[var]:
                parents = ''
                seprator = ''
                parents = ', '.join(self.variable_parents[var])
                seprator = ' | '
            cpd = ', '.join(map(str, self.tables[var]))
            network += probability_template.substitute(variable_=var,

        return network
コード例 #17
def _latex_row(cell_values, colwidths, colaligns):
    def escape_char(c):
        return LATEX_ESCAPE_RULES.get(c, c)
    escaped_values = ["".join(map(escape_char, cell)) for cell in cell_values]
    rowfmt = DataRow("", "&", "\\\\")
    return _build_simple_row(escaped_values, rowfmt)
コード例 #18
    def to_junction_tree(self):
        Creates a junction tree (or clique tree) for a given markov model.

        For a given markov model (H) a junction tree (G) is a graph
        1. where each node in G corresponds to a maximal clique in H
        2. each sepset in G separates the variables strictly on one side of the
        edge to other.

        >>> from pgm.models import MarkovModel
        >>> from pgm.factors.discrete import DiscreteFactor
        >>> mm = MarkovModel()
        >>> mm.add_nodes_from(['x1', 'x2', 'x3', 'x4', 'x5', 'x6', 'x7'])
        >>> mm.add_edges_from([('x1', 'x3'), ('x1', 'x4'), ('x2', 'x4'),
        ...                    ('x2', 'x5'), ('x3', 'x6'), ('x4', 'x6'),
        ...                    ('x4', 'x7'), ('x5', 'x7')])
        >>> phi = [DiscreteFactor(edge, [2, 2], np.random.rand(4)) for edge in mm.edges()]
        >>> mm.add_factors(*phi)
        >>> junction_tree = mm.to_junction_tree()
        from pgm.models import JunctionTree

        # Check whether the model is valid or not

        # Triangulate the graph to make it chordal
        triangulated_graph = self.triangulate()

        # Find maximal cliques in the chordal graph
        cliques = list(map(tuple, nx.find_cliques(triangulated_graph)))

        # If there is only 1 clique, then the junction tree formed is just a
        # clique tree with that single clique as the node
        if len(cliques) == 1:
            clique_trees = JunctionTree()

        # Else if the number of cliques is more than 1 then create a complete
        # graph with all the cliques as nodes and weight of the edges being
        # the length of sepset between two cliques
        elif len(cliques) >= 2:
            complete_graph = UndirectedGraph()
            edges = list(itertools.combinations(cliques, 2))
            weights = list(
                map(lambda x: len(set(x[0]).intersection(set(x[1]))), edges))
            for edge, weight in zip(edges, weights):
                complete_graph.add_edge(*edge, weight=-weight)

            # Create clique trees by minimum (or maximum) spanning tree method
            clique_trees = JunctionTree(

        # Check whether the factors are defined for all the random variables or not
        all_vars = itertools.chain(
            *[factor.scope() for factor in self.factors])
        if set(all_vars) != set(self.nodes()):
                'DiscreteFactor for all the random variables not specified')

        # Dictionary stating whether the factor is used to create clique
        # potential or not
        # If false, then it is not used to create any clique potential
        is_used = {factor: False for factor in self.factors}

        for node in clique_trees.nodes():
            clique_factors = []
            for factor in self.factors:
                # If the factor is not used in creating any clique potential as
                # well as has any variable of the given clique in its scope,
                # then use it in creating clique potential
                if not is_used[factor] and set(factor.scope()).issubset(node):
                    is_used[factor] = True

            # To compute clique potential, initially set it as unity factor
            var_card = [self.get_cardinality()[x] for x in node]
            clique_potential = DiscreteFactor(node, var_card,
            # multiply it with the factors associated with the variables present
            # in the clique (or node)
            clique_potential *= factor_product(*clique_factors)

        if not all(is_used.values()):
            raise ValueError(
                'All the factors were not used to create Junction Tree.'
                'Extra factors are defined.')

        return clique_trees
コード例 #19
    def likelihood_weighted_sample(self, evidence=None, size=1):
        Generates weighted sample(s) from joint distribution of the bayesian
        network, that comply with the given evidence.
        'Probabilistic Graphical Model Principles and Techniques', Koller and
        Friedman, Algorithm 12.2 pp 493.

        evidence: list of `pgm.factor.State` namedtuples
            None if no evidence
        size: int
            size of sample to be generated

        sampled: pandas.DataFrame
            the generated samples with corresponding weights

        >>> from pgm.factors.discrete import State
        >>> from pgm.models.BayesianModel import BayesianModel
        >>> from pgm.factors.discrete import TabularCPD
        >>> from pgm.sampling import BayesianModelSampling
        >>> student = BayesianModel([('diff', 'grade'), ('intel', 'grade')])
        >>> cpd_d = TabularCPD('diff', 2, [[0.6], [0.4]])
        >>> cpd_i = TabularCPD('intel', 2, [[0.7], [0.3]])
        >>> cpd_g = TabularCPD('grade', 3, [[0.3, 0.05, 0.9, 0.5], [0.4, 0.25,
        ...         0.08, 0.3], [0.3, 0.7, 0.02, 0.2]],
        ...         ['intel', 'diff'], [2, 2])
        >>> student.add_cpds(cpd_d, cpd_i, cpd_g)
        >>> inference = BayesianModelSampling(student)
        >>> evidence = [State('diff', 0)]
        >>> inference.likelihood_weighted_sample(evidence, 2)
                intel       diff       grade  _weight
        0         0          0          1        0.6
        1         1          0          1        0.6
        sampled = DataFrame(index=range(size), columns=self.topological_order)
        sampled['_weight'] = np.ones(size)
        evidence_dict = {var: st for var, st in evidence}
        for node in self.topological_order:
            cpd = self.model.get_cpds(node)
            states = range(self.cardinality[node])
            evidence = cpd.get_evidence()
            if evidence:
                evidence_values = sampled.ix[:, evidence].values
                cached_values = self.pre_compute_reduce(node)
                weights = list(
                    map(lambda t: cached_values[tuple(t)], evidence_values))
                if node in evidence_dict:
                    sampled[node] = evidence_dict[node]
                    for i in range(size):
                        sampled.loc[i, '_weight'] *= weights[i][
                    sampled[node] = sample_discrete(states, weights)
                if node in evidence_dict:
                    sampled[node] = evidence_dict[node]
                    for i in range(size):
                        sampled.loc[i, '_weight'] *= cpd.values[
                    sampled[node] = sample_discrete(states, cpd.values, size)
        return sampled
コード例 #20
def _normalize_tabular_data(tabular_data, headers):
    """Transform a supported data type to a list of lists, and a list of headers.

    Supported tabular data types:

    * list-of-lists or another iterable of iterables

    * list of named tuples (usually used with headers="keys")

    * list of dicts (usually used with headers="keys")

    * list of OrderedDicts (usually used with headers="keys")

    * 2D NumPy arrays

    * NumPy record arrays (usually used with headers="keys")

    * dict of iterables (usually used with headers="keys")

    * pandas.DataFrame (usually used with headers="keys")

    The first row can be used as headers if headers="firstrow",
    column indices can be used as headers if headers="keys".


    if hasattr(tabular_data, "keys") and hasattr(tabular_data, "values"):
        # dict-like and pandas.DataFrame?
        if hasattr(tabular_data.values, "__call__"):
            # likely a conventional dict
            keys = tabular_data.keys()
            rows = list(izip_longest(*tabular_data.values()))  # columns have to be transposed
        elif hasattr(tabular_data, "index"):
            # values is a property, has .index => it's likely a pandas.DataFrame (pandas 0.11.0)
            keys = tabular_data.keys()
            vals = tabular_data.values  # values matrix doesn't need to be transposed
            names = tabular_data.index
            rows = [[v]+list(row) for v,row in zip(names, vals)]
            raise ValueError("tabular data doesn't appear to be a dict or a DataFrame")

        if headers == "keys":
            headers = list(map(_text_type,keys))  # headers should be strings

    else:  # it's a usual an iterable of iterables, or a NumPy array
        rows = list(tabular_data)

        if (headers == "keys" and
            hasattr(tabular_data, "dtype") and
            getattr(tabular_data.dtype, "names")):
            # numpy record array
            headers = tabular_data.dtype.names
        elif (headers == "keys"
              and len(rows) > 0
              and isinstance(rows[0], tuple)
              and hasattr(rows[0], "_fields")):
            # namedtuple
            headers = list(map(_text_type, rows[0]._fields))
        elif (len(rows) > 0
              and isinstance(rows[0], dict)):
            # dict or OrderedDict
            uniq_keys = set() # implements hashed lookup
            keys = [] # storage for set
            if headers == "firstrow":
                firstdict = rows[0] if len(rows) > 0 else {}
                rows = rows[1:]
            for row in rows:
                for k in row.keys():
                    #Save unique items in input order
                    if k not in uniq_keys:
            if headers == 'keys':
                headers = keys
            elif isinstance(headers, dict):
                # a dict of headers for a list of dicts
                headers = [headers.get(k, k) for k in keys]
                headers = list(map(_text_type, headers))
            elif headers == "firstrow":
                if len(rows) > 0:
                    headers = [firstdict.get(k, k) for k in keys]
                    headers = list(map(_text_type, headers))
                    headers = []
            elif headers:
                raise ValueError('headers for a list of dicts is not a dict or a keyword')
            rows = [[row.get(k) for k in keys] for row in rows]
        elif headers == "keys" and len(rows) > 0:
            # keys are column indices
            headers = list(map(_text_type, range(len(rows[0]))))

    # take headers from the first row if necessary
    if headers == "firstrow" and len(rows) > 0:
        headers = list(map(_text_type, rows[0])) # headers should be strings
        rows = rows[1:]

    headers = list(map(_text_type,headers))
    rows = list(map(list,rows))

    # pad with empty headers for initial columns if necessary
    if headers and len(rows) > 0:
       nhs = len(headers)
       ncols = len(rows[0])
       if nhs < ncols:
           headers = [""]*(ncols - nhs) + headers

    return rows, headers
コード例 #21
def tabulate(tabular_data, headers=[], tablefmt="simple",
             floatfmt="g", numalign="decimal", stralign="left",
    """Format a fixed width table for pretty printing.

    >>> print(tabulate([[1, 2.34], [-56, "8.999"], ["2", "10001"]]))
    ---  ---------
      1      2.34
    -56      8.999
      2  10001
    ---  ---------

    The first required argument (`tabular_data`) can be a
    list-of-lists (or another iterable of iterables), a list of named
    tuples, a dictionary of iterables, an iterable of dictionaries,
    a two-dimensional NumPy array, NumPy record array, or a Pandas'

    Table headers

    To print nice column headers, supply the second argument (`headers`):

      - `headers` can be an explicit list of column headers
      - if `headers="firstrow"`, then the first row of data is used
      - if `headers="keys"`, then dictionary keys or column indices are used

    Otherwise a headerless table is produced.

    If the number of headers is less than the number of columns, they
    are supposed to be names of the last columns. This is consistent
    with the plain-text format of R and Pandas' dataframes.

    >>> print(tabulate([["sex","age"],["Alice","F",24],["Bob","M",19]],
    ...       headers="firstrow"))
           sex      age
    -----  -----  -----
    Alice  F         24
    Bob    M         19

    Column alignment

    `tabulate` tries to detect column types automatically, and aligns
    the values properly. By default it aligns decimal points of the
    numbers (or flushes integer numbers to the right), and flushes
    everything else to the left. Possible column alignments
    (`numalign`, `stralign`) are: "right", "center", "left", "decimal"
    (only for `numalign`), and None (to disable alignment).

    Table formats

    `floatfmt` is a format specification used for columns which
    contain numeric data with a decimal point.

    `None` values are replaced with a `missingval` string:

    >>> print(tabulate([["spam", 1, None],
    ...                 ["eggs", 42, 3.14],
    ...                 ["other", None, 2.7]], missingval="?"))
    -----  --  ----
    spam    1  ?
    eggs   42  3.14
    other   ?  2.7
    -----  --  ----

    Various plain-text table formats (`tablefmt`) are supported:
    'plain', 'simple', 'grid', 'pipe', 'orgtbl', 'rst', 'mediawiki',
     'latex', and 'latex_booktabs'. Variable `tabulate_formats` contains the list of
    currently supported formats.

    "plain" format doesn't use any pseudographics to draw tables,
    it separates columns with a double space:

    >>> print(tabulate([["spam", 41.9999], ["eggs", "451.0"]],
    ...                 ["strings", "numbers"], "plain"))
    strings      numbers
    spam         41.9999
    eggs        451

    >>> print(tabulate([["spam", 41.9999], ["eggs", "451.0"]], tablefmt="plain"))
    spam   41.9999
    eggs  451

    "simple" format is like Pandoc simple_tables:

    >>> print(tabulate([["spam", 41.9999], ["eggs", "451.0"]],
    ...                 ["strings", "numbers"], "simple"))
    strings      numbers
    ---------  ---------
    spam         41.9999
    eggs        451

    >>> print(tabulate([["spam", 41.9999], ["eggs", "451.0"]], tablefmt="simple"))
    ----  --------
    spam   41.9999
    eggs  451
    ----  --------

    "grid" is similar to tables produced by Emacs table.el package or
    Pandoc grid_tables:

    >>> print(tabulate([["spam", 41.9999], ["eggs", "451.0"]],
    ...                ["strings", "numbers"], "grid"))
    | strings   |   numbers |
    | spam      |   41.9999 |
    | eggs      |  451      |

    >>> print(tabulate([["spam", 41.9999], ["eggs", "451.0"]], tablefmt="grid"))
    | spam |  41.9999 |
    | eggs | 451      |

    "fancy_grid" draws a grid using box-drawing characters:

    >>> print(tabulate([["spam", 41.9999], ["eggs", "451.0"]],
    ...                ["strings", "numbers"], "fancy_grid"))
    │ strings   │   numbers │
    │ spam      │   41.9999 │
    │ eggs      │  451      │

    "pipe" is like tables in PHP Markdown Extra extension or Pandoc

    >>> print(tabulate([["spam", 41.9999], ["eggs", "451.0"]],
    ...                ["strings", "numbers"], "pipe"))
    | strings   |   numbers |
    | spam      |   41.9999 |
    | eggs      |  451      |

    >>> print(tabulate([["spam", 41.9999], ["eggs", "451.0"]], tablefmt="pipe"))
    | spam |  41.9999 |
    | eggs | 451      |

    "orgtbl" is like tables in Emacs org-mode and orgtbl-mode. They
    are slightly different from "pipe" format by not using colons to
    define column alignment, and using a "+" sign to indicate line

    >>> print(tabulate([["spam", 41.9999], ["eggs", "451.0"]],
    ...                ["strings", "numbers"], "orgtbl"))
    | strings   |   numbers |
    | spam      |   41.9999 |
    | eggs      |  451      |

    >>> print(tabulate([["spam", 41.9999], ["eggs", "451.0"]], tablefmt="orgtbl"))
    | spam |  41.9999 |
    | eggs | 451      |

    "rst" is like a simple table format from reStructuredText; please
    note that reStructuredText accepts also "grid" tables:

    >>> print(tabulate([["spam", 41.9999], ["eggs", "451.0"]],
    ...                ["strings", "numbers"], "rst"))
    =========  =========
    strings      numbers
    =========  =========
    spam         41.9999
    eggs        451
    =========  =========

    >>> print(tabulate([["spam", 41.9999], ["eggs", "451.0"]], tablefmt="rst"))
    ====  ========
    spam   41.9999
    eggs  451
    ====  ========

    "mediawiki" produces a table markup used in Wikipedia and on other
    MediaWiki-based sites:

    >>> print(tabulate([["strings", "numbers"], ["spam", 41.9999], ["eggs", "451.0"]],
    ...                headers="firstrow", tablefmt="mediawiki"))
    {| class="wikitable" style="text-align: left;"
    |+ <!-- caption -->
    ! strings   !! align="right"|   numbers
    | spam      || align="right"|   41.9999
    | eggs      || align="right"|  451

    "html" produces HTML markup:

    >>> print(tabulate([["strings", "numbers"], ["spam", 41.9999], ["eggs", "451.0"]],
    ...                headers="firstrow", tablefmt="html"))
    <tr><th>strings  </th><th style="text-align: right;">  numbers</th></tr>
    <tr><td>spam     </td><td style="text-align: right;">  41.9999</td></tr>
    <tr><td>eggs     </td><td style="text-align: right;"> 451     </td></tr>

    "latex" produces a tabular environment of LaTeX document markup:

    >>> print(tabulate([["spam", 41.9999], ["eggs", "451.0"]], tablefmt="latex"))
     spam &  41.9999 \\\\
     eggs & 451      \\\\

    "latex_booktabs" produces a tabular environment of LaTeX document markup
    using the booktabs.sty package:

    >>> print(tabulate([["spam", 41.9999], ["eggs", "451.0"]], tablefmt="latex_booktabs"))
     spam &  41.9999 \\\\
     eggs & 451      \\\\
    if tabular_data is None:
        tabular_data = []
    list_of_lists, headers = _normalize_tabular_data(tabular_data, headers)

    # optimization: look for ANSI control codes once,
    # enable smart width functions only if a control code is found
    plain_text = '\n'.join(['\t'.join(map(_text_type, headers))] + \
                            ['\t'.join(map(_text_type, row)) for row in list_of_lists])
    has_invisible = re.search(_invisible_codes, plain_text)
    if has_invisible:
        width_fn = _visible_width
        width_fn = len

    # format rows and columns, convert numeric values to strings
    cols = list(zip(*list_of_lists))
    coltypes = list(map(_column_type, cols))
    cols = [[_format(v, ct, floatfmt, missingval, has_invisible) for v in c]
             for c,ct in zip(cols, coltypes)]

    # align columns
    aligns = [numalign if ct in [int,float] else stralign for ct in coltypes]
    minwidths = [width_fn(h) + MIN_PADDING for h in headers] if headers else [0]*len(cols)
    cols = [_align_column(c, a, minw, has_invisible)
            for c, a, minw in zip(cols, aligns, minwidths)]

    if headers:
        # align headers and add headers
        t_cols = cols or [['']] * len(headers)
        t_aligns = aligns or [stralign] * len(headers)
        minwidths = [max(minw, width_fn(c[0])) for minw, c in zip(minwidths, t_cols)]
        headers = [_align_header(h, a, minw)
                   for h, a, minw in zip(headers, t_aligns, minwidths)]
        rows = list(zip(*cols))
        minwidths = [width_fn(c[0]) for c in cols]
        rows = list(zip(*cols))

    if not isinstance(tablefmt, TableFormat):
        tablefmt = _table_formats.get(tablefmt, _table_formats["simple"])

    return _format_table(tablefmt, headers, rows, minwidths, aligns)