def dummy_image(self, width, height): d = self._get_dummy_image_data(width, height) im = Image(Geometry(width, height), Color(*d['canvas_color'])) im.strokeColor(Color(*d['line_color'])) im.strokeWidth(1) for line in d['lines']: im.draw(DrawableLine(*line)) im.fillColor(Color()) im.draw(DrawableRectangle(*d['rectangle'])) return im
def test_image_resize(self): im = Image(Geometry(300, 200), Color('transparent')) g = Geometry(150, 100) ft = FilterTypes.BlackmanFilter blur = 0.5 im.resize(g, ft, blur) im.resize(g, ft) im.resize(g)
def test_image_setpixels(self): img = Image(Geometry(300, 200), Color('transparent')) pixels = img.setPixels(40, 50, 5, 5) for pixel in pixels: = 50 img.syncPixels() for pixel in img.getPixels(40, 50, 5, 5): self.assertEqual(50,
def getpixels_test_template(self, use_const): img = Image(Geometry(300, 200), Color('transparent')) getPixelsMethod = img.getConstPixels if use_const else img.getPixels pixels = getPixelsMethod(40, 50, 10, 10) self.assertEqual(10 * 10, len(pixels)) with self.assertRaises(IndexError): pixels[2000] colorMax = Color.scaleDoubleToQuantum(1.0) self.assertEqual(0, pixels[0].red) self.assertEqual(0, pixels[0].blue) self.assertEqual(0, pixels[0].green) self.assertEqual(colorMax, pixels[0].opacity) return pixels
def test_color_histogram(self): redColor = Color('red') im = Image(Geometry(30, 20), redColor) histogram = im.colorHistogram() self.assertEqual(1, len(histogram)) # test in, __getitem__ self.assertIn(redColor, histogram) self.assertEqual(30 * 20, histogram[redColor]) # iteration example for packet in histogram: color, count = packet.key(), self.assertEqual(redColor, color) self.assertEqual(30 * 20, count)
def test_size_and_color_init(self): im = Image(Geometry(300, 200), Color('transparent')) size = im.size() self.assertEqual(300, size.width()) self.assertEqual(200, size.height())
def drawTaskPie(self, imgPie, dicTaskTree, globalTimespan=-1, parentTimespan=-1, radiusDelta=10, radiusInner=0, angleStart=0, angleEnd=360): if globalTimespan == -1: globalTimespan = 0 for strBranchName in dicTaskTree: globalTimespan += dicTaskTree[strBranchName]["time"] if parentTimespan == -1: parentTimespan = 0 for strBranchName in dicTaskTree: parentTimespan += dicTaskTree[strBranchName]["time"] if parentTimespan > 0: nSegments = len(dicTaskTree) radiusOuter = radiusInner + radiusDelta nCenterX = imgPie.columns() / 2 nCenterY = imgPie.rows() / 2 nStartXOuter = nCenterX - radiusOuter nStartYOuter = nCenterY - radiusOuter nEndXOuter = nCenterX + radiusOuter nEndYOuter = nCenterY + radiusOuter nStartXInner = nCenterX - radiusInner nStartYInner = nCenterY - radiusInner nEndXInner = nCenterX + radiusInner nEndYInner = nCenterY + radiusInner dAngleOffset = 0 for strBranchName in dicTaskTree: dAngleWidth = float( dicTaskTree[strBranchName]["time"]) / float( parentTimespan) * (angleEnd - angleStart) if dAngleWidth > 0: dStartingAngle = angleStart + dAngleOffset dEndingAngle = dStartingAngle + dAngleWidth dAngleOffset += dAngleWidth if "children" in dicTaskTree[strBranchName]: if len(dicTaskTree[strBranchName]["children"]) > 0: self.drawTaskPie( imgPie, dicTaskTree[strBranchName]["children"], globalTimespan, dicTaskTree[strBranchName]["time"], radiusDelta, radiusOuter, dStartingAngle, dEndingAngle) dTimeSpanDegree = float(dicTaskTree[strBranchName] ["time"]) / float(globalTimespan) imgPie.strokeColor( Color(int(255 * dTimeSpanDegree), 0, int(255 * (1.0 - dTimeSpanDegree)))) lstDrawables = DrawableList() lstDrawables.append( DrawableLine( nCenterX + radiusInner * math.cos(math.radians(dStartingAngle)), nCenterY + radiusInner * math.sin(math.radians(dStartingAngle)), nCenterX + radiusOuter * math.cos(math.radians(dStartingAngle)), nCenterY + radiusOuter * math.sin(math.radians(dStartingAngle)))) lstDrawables.append( DrawableArc(nStartXOuter, nStartYOuter, nEndXOuter, nEndYOuter, dStartingAngle, dEndingAngle)) lstDrawables.append( DrawableLine( nCenterX + radiusInner * math.cos(math.radians(dEndingAngle)), nCenterY + radiusInner * math.sin(math.radians(dEndingAngle)), nCenterX + radiusOuter * math.cos(math.radians(dEndingAngle)), nCenterY + radiusOuter * math.sin(math.radians(dEndingAngle)))) lstDrawables.append( DrawableArc(nStartXInner, nStartYInner, nEndXInner, nEndYInner, dStartingAngle, dEndingAngle)) imgPie.draw(lstDrawables)
def test_image_thumbnail(self): im = Image(Geometry(300, 200), Color('transparent')) g = Geometry(150, 100) im.thumbnail(g)
def test_extent(self): im = Image(Geometry(300, 200), Color('transparent')) g = Geometry(10, 10) im.extent(g)
from pgmagick import Image, Geometry, Color, Coordinate, CoordinateList, \ DrawableBezier im = Image(Geometry(300, 200), Color("white")) cdl = CoordinateList() cdl.append(Coordinate(20, 20)) cdl.append(Coordinate(100, 50)) cdl.append(Coordinate(50, 100)) cdl.append(Coordinate(160, 160)) db = DrawableBezier(cdl) im.draw(db) im.display()
image_path = sys.argv[1] tile_size = int(sys.argv[2]) # Make sure the file actually exists if not os.path.exists(image_path): print >> sys.stderr, "Could not find file!" sys.exit(1) # Get properties of image image = Image(image_path) image_width = image.size().width() image_height = image.size().height() image_name = image.fileName() # If the image has the correct size, just exit if image_width == tile_size and image_height == tile_size: sys.exit(0) # A new image with the correct size is needed, create it geometry = Geometry(tile_size, tile_size) color = Color("black") new_image = Image(geometry, color) # Copy original image to position 0,0 of new image new_image.composite(image, 0, 0, co.OverCompositeOp) # Override original image new_image.write(image_name) print >> sys.stdout, "Corrected " + image_name + " from " + str(image_width) + "x" + str(image_height) + " to " + str(tile_size) + "x" + str(tile_size)
def gen_image(self, size, color_value): color = Color(str(color_value)) if not color.isValid(): raise ValueError('Color %s is not valid.' % color_value) return Image(Geometry(size[0], size[1]), color)
from pgmagick import Image, Geometry, Color, \ DrawableCircle, DrawableText im = Image(Geometry(300, 300), Color("yellow")) circle = DrawableCircle(100.0, 100.0, 20.0, 20.0) im.draw(circle) im.fontPointsize(65) im.font("/var/lib/defoma/x-ttcidfont-conf.d/dirs/TrueType/UnBatang.ttf") text = DrawableText(30, 250, "hello gm") im.draw(text) im.write('circle-text.png')
def export_area(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, chunks, assets, data): if x1 > x2: x1, x2 = x2, x1 if y1 > y2: y1, y2 = y2, y1 if x1 > x2: z1, z2 = z2, z1 cache = {} unknow = Image(Geometry(16, 16), "fuchsia") hardcoded = { 'minecraft:air': Color('white'), 'minecraft:cave_air': Color('black'), 'minecraft:water': Color('blue'), # TODO use 'block/water_still' with #0080ff tint 'minecraft:lava': 'block/lava_still', } for x in hardcoded: if isinstance(hardcoded[x], Color): hardcoded[x] = Image(Geometry(16, 16), hardcoded[x]) else: hardcoded[x] = Image("%s/textures/%s.png" % (, hardcoded[x])) hardcoded[x].crop(Geometry(16, 16)) for y in range(y2 - y1): img = Image(Geometry(16 * (x2 - x1), 16 * (z2 - z1)), 'transparent') for z in range(z2 - z1): for x in range(x2 - x1): try: i = None sid = chunks.get_block_at(x + x1, y + y1, z + z1) if sid in cache: i = cache[sid] else: bloc = data.blocks_states[sid] if bloc in hardcoded: i = hardcoded[bloc] else: prop = data.blocks_properties[sid] variant = assets.get_block_variant(bloc, prop) if 'model' in variant: faces = assets.get_faces_textures( assets.get_model(variant['model'])) if 'up' in faces: up = faces['up'] i = Image( "%s/textures/%s.png" % (, up['texture'])) if "uv" in up: pass # TODO i.crop(Geometry(16, 16)) if "tintindex" in up: tint = '#80ff00' ti = Image(Geometry(16, 16), tint) i.composite( ti, 0, 0, CompositeOperator. MultiplyCompositeOp) if not i: i = unknow cache[sid] = i img.composite(i, x * 16, z * 16, CompositeOperator.OverCompositeOp) except Exception: continue img.write("/tmp/slice_%d.png" % (y))
#!/usr/bin/python import sys from pgmagick import Image, Geometry, Color if __name__ == "__main__": print sys.argv[1] im = Image(Geometry(200, 200), Color(sys.argv[1])) im.display()
def test_stroke_linejoin(self): im = Image(Geometry(300, 200), Color('transparent')) im.strokeLineJoin(LineJoin.MiterJoin) im.strokeLineJoin(LineJoin.RoundJoin) im.strokeLineJoin(LineJoin.BevelJoin)
from pgmagick import Image, ImageList, Geometry, Color imgs = ImageList() for color in ('red', 'blue', 'green', 'black', 'yellow'): imgs.append(Image(Geometry(200, 200), Color(color))) imgs.animationDelayImages(100) imgs.scaleImages(Geometry(100, 100)) print len(imgs) imgs.writeImages('output.gif') imgs = ImageList() imgs.readImages('output.gif') for img in imgs: print img
def test_haldClut(self): img = Image() if hasattr(img, "haldClut"): clutimg = Image(Geometry(512, 512), Color('transparent')) img.haldClut(clutimg)
def gen_image(self, size, color): if Color(str(color)).isValid(): img = Image(Geometry(size[0], size[1]), Color(str(color))) else: raise ValueError return img
from pgmagick import Image, Geometry, Color, TypeMetric, \ DrawableText, DrawableList, DrawableGravity, GravityType im = Image(Geometry(600, 600), Color("transparent")) im.fontPointsize(30) im.fillColor(Color("#f010f0")) im.strokeColor(Color("transparent")) im.font("Vera.ttf") dl = DrawableList() dl.append(DrawableGravity(GravityType.CenterGravity)) dl.append(DrawableText(0, 0, "center")) tm = TypeMetric() im.fontTypeMetrics("northn", tm) font_height = tm.textHeight() dl.append(DrawableGravity(GravityType.NorthGravity)) dl.append(DrawableText(0, font_height / 2., "north")) dl.append(DrawableGravity(GravityType.WestGravity)) dl.append(DrawableText(0, 0, "west")) dl.append(DrawableGravity(GravityType.EastGravity)) dl.append(DrawableText(0, 0, "east")) dl.append(DrawableText(0, 20, "east-long")) dl.append(DrawableGravity(GravityType.SouthGravity)) dl.append(DrawableText(0, 0, "south")) dl.append(DrawableGravity(GravityType.NorthWestGravity))