コード例 #1
def test_patch_subquery_from_file(transacted_postgresql_db, tmpdir):
    """Tests reading a subquery from a file and testing a patched version of it"""
    # Create the example file
    file_name = tmpdir.join('file.sql')
    file_name.write('SELECT sub.c1, sub.c2 FROM (SELECT * FROM test_table) sub;')

    # Read the subquery 'sub' from the file
    subquery = pgmock.sql_file(str(file_name), pgmock.subquery('sub'))
    assert subquery == 'SELECT * FROM test_table'

    # Patch the table of the subquery and verify it returns the proper results
    patched = pgmock.sql(subquery, pgmock.patch(
        [('v1', 'v2'), ('v3', 'v4')],
        ['c1', 'c2']
    assert patched == "SELECT * FROM  (VALUES ('v1','v2'),('v3','v4')) AS test_table(c1,c2)"

    # Patches can also be applied with list of dictionaries, filling in only what's needed.
    # Column names must still be provided. null values will be filled for all missing columns
    patched = pgmock.sql(subquery, pgmock.patch(
        [{'c1': 'v1'}, {'c2': 'v4'}],
        ['c1', 'c2']
    assert patched == "SELECT * FROM  (VALUES ('v1',null),(null,'v4')) AS test_table(c1,c2)"

    results = list(transacted_postgresql_db.connection.execute(patched))
    assert results == [('v1', None), (None, 'v4')]
コード例 #2
ファイル: test_interface.py プロジェクト: cwbane/pgmock
def test_multi_table_patch(transacted_postgresql_db, query, table, table_alias,
                           join, join_alias):
    """Tests patching tables when selecting and joining"""
    cols = ['c1']
    patch = pgmock.patch(pgmock.table(table, alias=table_alias),
                         [('val1.1', ), ('val1.2', )], cols)
    patch = patch.patch(pgmock.table(join, alias=join_alias), [('val1.1', ),
                                                               ('val1.2', ),
                                                               ('val1.3', )],
    sql = pgmock.sql(query, patch)

    res = transacted_postgresql_db.connection.execute(sql)
    assert list(res) == [('val1.1', ), ('val1.2', )]
コード例 #3
ファイル: test_interface.py プロジェクト: cwbane/pgmock
def test_table_patch(transacted_postgresql_db, query, table, alias, values):
    """Tests patching tables when selecting"""
    patch = pgmock.patch(pgmock.table(table, alias=alias), values, ['c1'])
    sql = pgmock.sql(query, patch)

    res = transacted_postgresql_db.connection.execute(sql)
    assert list(res) == values
コード例 #4
ファイル: test_interface.py プロジェクト: cwbane/pgmock
def test_table_patch_w_type_hints(rows, columns, expected,
    """Tests patching tables when selecting"""
    patch = pgmock.patch(pgmock.table('t'), rows, columns)
    sql = pgmock.sql('select * from t', patch)

    res = transacted_postgresql_db.connection.execute(sql)
    assert list(res) == expected
コード例 #5
ファイル: test_interface.py プロジェクト: cwbane/pgmock
def test_mock_context_manager(transacted_postgresql_db, query, table, alias):
    """Tests patching using the context manager"""
    with pgmock.mock(transacted_postgresql_db.connection) as mock:
        mock.patch(pgmock.table(table, alias=alias), [('val1.1', ),
                                                      ('val1.2', )], ['c1'])

        res = transacted_postgresql_db.connection.execute(query)
        assert list(res) == [('val1.1', ), ('val1.2', )]
        assert len(mock.renderings) == 1
コード例 #6
def test_table_patching_w_mocker(transacted_postgresql_db, pgmocker):
    """Tests patching a table while using the mocker returned by ``pgmock.mock``"""
    pgmocker.patch(pgmock.table('test_table'), [('val1', 'val2'),
                                                ('val3', 'val4')],
                   ['c1', 'c2'])

    results = list(
            'SELECT * from test_table'))
    assert results == [('val1', 'val2'), ('val3', 'val4')]
コード例 #7
ファイル: test_interface.py プロジェクト: cwbane/pgmock
def test_mock_context_manager_side_effect_exhausted(transacted_postgresql_db):
    """Tests patching using the context manager and exhausting a side effect"""
    with pgmock.mock(transacted_postgresql_db.connection) as mock:
        mock.patch(pgmock.table('t1', alias='a'), side_effect=[None])

            'SELECT * from pg_cursors;')

        with pytest.raises(pgmock.exceptions.SideEffectExhaustedError):
                'SELECT * from pg_cursors;')
コード例 #8
ファイル: test_interface.py プロジェクト: cwbane/pgmock
def test_select_schema_table_col_from_table_patch(transacted_postgresql_db):
    """Tests the case of selecting a schema.table.column and patching it"""
    sql = 'SELECT schema.table_name.col1 from schema.table_name'
    patch = pgmock.patch(pgmock.table('schema.table_name'), [('val1.1', ),
                                                             ('val1.2', ),
                                                             ('val1.3', )],
    sql = pgmock.sql(sql, patch)

    res = transacted_postgresql_db.connection.execute(sql)
    assert list(res) == [('val1.1', ), ('val1.2', ), ('val1.3', )]
コード例 #9
ファイル: test_interface.py プロジェクト: cwbane/pgmock
def test_mock_context_manager_w_side_effects(transacted_postgresql_db):
    """Tests patching using the context manager and a side effect that ignores the first query"""
    with pgmock.mock(transacted_postgresql_db.connection) as mock:
        mock.patch(pgmock.table('t1', alias='a'),
                       pgmock.data(rows=[('val1.1', ), ('val1.2', )],

            'SELECT * from pg_cursors;')
        res = transacted_postgresql_db.connection.execute(
            'select a.c1 from t1 AS a')
        assert list(res) == [('val1.1', ), ('val1.2', )]
        assert len(mock.renderings) == 2
コード例 #10
ファイル: test_interface.py プロジェクト: cwbane/pgmock
def test_mock_context_manager_w_sqlalchemy_select(transacted_postgresql_db,
    """Tests patching using the context manager with a SQLAlchemy select statement"""
    with pgmock.mock(
            replace_new_patch_aliases=replace_new_patch_aliases) as mock:
        mock.patch(pgmock.table('schema.table_name'), [('val1.1', ),
                                                       ('val1.2', )], ['name'])

        table = sqla.Table('table_name',
                           sqla.Column('name', sqla.String(50)),
        query = sqla.select([table.c.name])

        res = transacted_postgresql_db.connection.execute(query)
        assert list(res) == [('val1.1', ), ('val1.2', )]
        assert len(mock.renderings) == 1
コード例 #11
ファイル: test_interface.py プロジェクト: cwbane/pgmock
def test_patched_types_serialized_properly(transacted_postgresql_db):
    """Ensures that different python types are serialized into VALUES properly"""
    rows = [
        (1, 1, "wes's string", dt.datetime(2012, 1, 2, 12),
         dt.datetime(2012, 1, 2, tzinfo=dt.timezone.utc), dt.time(12, 1, 1),
         dt.date(2012, 1, 2), {
             'json': 'field'
         }, True),
        (2, 2.5, "other string", dt.datetime(2012, 1, 2, 2),
         dt.datetime(2012, 1, 1, tzinfo=dt.timezone.utc), dt.time(12, 1, 2),
         dt.date(2012, 1, 3), {
             'json': 'field'
         }, False),
    cols = [
        'int', 'float', 'str', 'timestamp', 'timestamptz', 'time', 'date',
        'json', 'bool'
    sql = pgmock.sql('select * from t1',
                     pgmock.patch(pgmock.table('t1'), rows, cols))

    res = list(transacted_postgresql_db.connection.execute(sql))
    assert res == rows
コード例 #12
ファイル: test_interface.py プロジェクト: cwbane/pgmock
def test_patch_alias_wo_columns():
    """Tests that an error is raised when trying to patch an expression that has an alias
       without providing columns"""
    with pytest.raises(pgmock.exceptions.ColumnsNeededForPatchError):
        pgmock.sql('select t1.c1 from t1',
                   pgmock.table('t1').patch(rows=[('val', )]))
コード例 #13
ファイル: test_interface.py プロジェクト: cwbane/pgmock
      'select * from a'),
     ('select * from a;select * from b; select * from c', 1, 3,
      'select * from b; select * from c'),
         ('select * from a;select * from b; select * from c', 1, 4, None),
def test_statement(query, start, end, expected):
    """Tests obtaining statements from a query"""
    sql = pgmock.sql(query, pgmock.statement(start, end))
    assert sql == expected

    'sql, selectors, expected_sql',
    [('select * from a; select * from b; select * from c',
      [pgmock.statement(0), pgmock.table('a')], 'a'),
     ('select * from a; select * from b; select * from c',
      [pgmock.statement(0).table('a')], 'a'),
     ('select * from a; select * from b; select * from c', [
         pgmock.patch(pgmock.table('b'), [[1]], ['c1']),
         pgmock.patch(pgmock.table('c'), [[1]], ['c1'])
     ], ('select * from a; select * from  (VALUES (1)) AS b(c1);'
         ' select * from  (VALUES (1)) AS c(c1)')),
     ('select * from a; select * from b; select * from c', [
         pgmock.patch(pgmock.table('b'), [[1]], ['c1']).patch(
             pgmock.table('c'), [[1]], ['c1'])
     ], ('select * from a; select * from  (VALUES (1)) AS b(c1);'
         ' select * from  (VALUES (1)) AS c(c1)')),
         'select * from a; select * from b; select * from c',
         [pgmock.patch(pgmock.table('b'), [[1]], ['c1']),