コード例 #1
ファイル: test_phantom.py プロジェクト: Iwan-Zotow/runEGS
 def test_constructor5(self):
     bx = [3,2,5,1,2]
     by = [8,5,23,8,4,3]
     bz = None
     with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError):
         phantom.phantom(bx, by, bz)
コード例 #2
ファイル: app.py プロジェクト: hei6775/MRI-
 def showPhantom(self, value):
     size = int(value)
     self.phantomSize = size
     img = phantom(size)
     img = img * 255
     self.img = img
     self.PD = img
     self.T1 = phantom(size, 'T1')
     self.T2 = phantom(size, 'T2')
     self.originalPhantom = img
     self.pixelsClicked = [(0, 0), [0, 0], [0, 0]]
コード例 #3
def test_solver_cpu():
    Test the coil decomposition method
    import phantom
    N = 256
    a = phantom.phantom(N).astype(numpy.complex64)
#     a += numpy.random.randn(256,256) + 1j*numpy.random.randn(256,256)
#     a = scipy.misc.ascent()
    n_coil = 8
    coil_sensitivity = create_fake_coils(N, n_coil) # tuple
    multi_image = apply_coil_sensitivities(a, coil_sensitivity) # tuple
#     multi_image = remove_low_frequency_phase(multi_image)
    result_coil_sensitivity =image2coilprofile(multi_image)

#     A = svd_coil_sense(multi_image)
    for pp in range(0,n_coil):
        matplotlib.pyplot.imshow(result_coil_sensitivity[pp][...].real, cmap=matplotlib.cm.gray)
        matplotlib.pyplot.imshow(multi_image[pp][...].real, cmap=matplotlib.cm.gray)
        matplotlib.pyplot.imshow(coil_sensitivity[pp][...].real, cmap=matplotlib.cm.gray)       
コード例 #4
 def showPhantom(self, value):
     size = int(value)
     self.phantomSize = size
     img = phantom(size)
     img = img * 255
     self.img = img
     self.originalPhantom = img
コード例 #5
ファイル: test_phantom.py プロジェクト: Iwan-Zotow/runEGS
 def test_constructor1(self):
     bx = [1,2,3,4,5]
     by = [3,2,5,1,6]
     bz = [8,5,23,9,4,3]
     ph = phantom.phantom(bx, by, bz)
コード例 #6
ファイル: gen_projs.py プロジェクト: keithdeng/workflow_test
def gen_projs(image, a_min = 0, a_max = 180, a_inc = 1, size = 512):
    if image == 'phantom':
        image = phantom.phantom (size)
        image = pim.imread(image)

    angle = np.arange (a_min, a_max, a_inc)
    projections = pb.radon (image, angle)

    return projections
コード例 #7
ファイル: test_phantom.py プロジェクト: Iwan-Zotow/runEGS
 def test_access1(self):
     bx = [3,2,5,1,2]
     by = [8,5,23,8,4,3]
     bz = [8,5,23,9,4,3,90]
     ph = phantom.phantom(bx, by, bz)
     self.assertTrue( ph.nx() == len(bx)-1 )
     self.assertTrue( ph.ny() == len(by)-1 )
     self.assertTrue( ph.nz() == len(bz)-1 )
コード例 #8
def test_tensor():
    Test the coil decomposition method

    import phantom
    N = 256
    a = phantom.phantom(N).astype(numpy.complex64)
    #     a += numpy.random.randn(256,256) + 1j*numpy.random.randn(256,256)
    #     a = scipy.misc.ascent()

    n_coil = 8
    coil_sensitivity = create_fake_coils(N, n_coil)  # tuple
    multi_image = apply_coil_sensitivities(a, coil_sensitivity)  # tuple
    import Nd_tensor
    coil_array = numpy.empty((N, N, n_coil), dtype=numpy.complex)
    for pp in range(0, n_coil):
        coil_array[:, :, pp] = multi_image[pp]
#     multi_image = remove_low_frequency_phase(multi_image)
#     result_coil_sensitivity =image2coilprofile2(multi_image)
    sos = numpy.sum(coil_array**2, 2)**0.5
    for pp in range(0, n_coil):
        coil_array[:, :, pp] /= sos

    H = Nd_tensor.htensor()

    H.factorise(coil_array, (5, 5, n_coil))

    core = H.dot(coil_array)
    core[numpy.abs(core) < 0.5] = 0

    recovered = H.adjoint(core)
    #     sos =  numpy.sum(recovered**2, 2)
    result_coil_sensitivity = ()
    for pp in range(0, n_coil):
        result_coil_sensitivity += (recovered[:, :, pp], )


    #     A = svd_coil_sense(multi_image)
    for pp in range(0, n_coil):
        matplotlib.pyplot.subplot(6, 4, pp + 1)
        matplotlib.pyplot.subplot(6, 4, pp + 9)
        matplotlib.pyplot.subplot(6, 4, pp + 17)
コード例 #9
import phantom
import astra
import numpy as np
import os

nd = 256
na = 32

# Create ASTRA geometries
vol_geom = astra.create_vol_geom(nd,nd)
proj_geom = astra.create_proj_geom('parallel',1.0,nd,np.linspace(0,np.pi,na,False))
pi = astra.create_projector('linear', proj_geom, vol_geom) # change 'linear' to 'cuda' for GPU
p = astra.OpTomo(pi)

# Load the phantom from disk
testPhantom = phantom.phantom(nd)

# Calculate the forward projection of the phantom
testSino = (p*testPhantom).reshape((na,nd))

# Add some noise to the sinogram
testSino = astra.add_noise_to_sino(testSino,10**3)

# Register plugin with ASTRA

# Reconstruct the image using SIRT-FBP, FBP, and SIRT.
sfbpRec = p.reconstruct('SIRT-FBP',testSino,200, extraOptions={'filter_dir':os.getcwd()})
if astra.projector.is_cuda(pi):
    fbpRec = p.reconstruct('FBP_CUDA',testSino)
    sirtRec = p.reconstruct('SIRT_CUDA',testSino,200)
コード例 #10
import scipy.ndimage.interpolation
import scipy.ndimage.fourier
import matplotlib.pyplot
import numpy
def affine_shift(a, shift_tuple):
    fa = numpy.fft.fft2(a)
    a= scipy.ndimage.fourier.fourier_shift(fa,shift = shift_tuple)
    return a
N = 128
theta = 0.0
cosT= numpy.cos(theta*numpy.pi/180)
sinT= numpy.sin(theta*numpy.pi/180)
mymat = [[cosT, -sinT],[sinT, cosT]]
b = affine_shift(a, (N/2, N/2))
# b=scipy.ndimage.interpolation.affine_transform(numpy.real(a),mymat,mode = 'wrap'  )
# a= affine_shift(a, (-N/2, -N/2))
# b = affine_shift(b, (-N/2, -N/2))
コード例 #11
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
from phantom import phantom
import cv2
img = cv2.imread('128.png',  cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)

img = phantom(1500)
f_img = np.fft.fft2(img)

reconstructed = np.fft.ifft2(f_img).real

f_img = np.fft.fft2(img)
reconstructed = np.fft.ifft2(f_img)

reconstructed2 = np.zeros(np.shape(img), dtype=np.complex_)

for i in range(0, np.shape(img)[0]):
    reconstructed2[:, i] = np.fft.fft(f_img[:, i])
for i in range(0, np.shape(img)[0]):
    reconstructed2[i, :] = np.fft.fft(f_img[i, :])

# reconstructed = np.abs(reconstructed)
reconstructed2 = np.abs(reconstructed2)

img1 = Image.fromarray(f_img, 'L')
img2 = Image.fromarray(reconstructed2, 'L')
img3 = Image.fromarray(img, 'L')
コード例 #12
ファイル: run.py プロジェクト: kfeezel/SystemCut
import sys
import read_dump
import phantom as p
import time
#import resource

start = time.time()

p.phantom(read_dump.main(sys.argv[1], int(sys.argv[2]), int(sys.argv[3])))

end = time.time()

duration = end - start

if duration < 60:
    print("Duration: %f seconds" % (duration))
elif duration < 3600:
    print("Duration: %f minutes" % (duration / 60))
    print("Duration: %f hours" % ((duration / 60) / 60))

#This information is only available on linux.
#print("Max RAM usage: %f gb" % (resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF).ru_maxrss/1000000))
コード例 #13
import phantom
import numpy
import scipy.fftpack
import scipy.misc
import matplotlib.pyplot

def test():

if __name__ == "__main__":
    a = phantom.phantom(512)*1.0
    d =scipy.misc.imrotate(a, - 23.4, interp = 'bilinear')
    b =scipy.misc.imrotate(d,  23.4, interp = 'bilinear')
    b = b -a*256
#     a = scipy.fftpack.fftshift(a)
#     b = scipy.fftpack.fft2(a)
#     b = scipy.fftpack.fftshift(b)
    matplotlib.pyplot.imshow(b, norm = matplotlib.pyplot.Normalize(0,256))
コード例 #14
ファイル: clinical.py プロジェクト: Iwan-Zotow/runEGS
def make_simple_phantom(pdim, liA, liB, liC, mats, z_range):
    Make phantom given dimensions and curves.
    Pretty much follows original simple design logic
        pdim: phandim
            phantom dimensions
        liA: linint
            inner cup curve
        liB: linint
            outer cup inner curve
        liC: linint
            outer cup outer curve
        mats: materials
            containes materials
        z_range: (float,float) tuple
            Z coordinates range
    returns: phantom
        pahntom filled with materials and densities
    phntom = phantom.phantom(pdim.bx(), pdim.by(), pdim.bz())
    nx = phntom.nx()   
    ny = phntom.ny()
    nz = phntom.nz()
    bx = phntom.bx()
    by = phntom.by()
    bz = phntom.bz()
    dens = phntom.data()
    idxs = phntom.mats()
    air   = mats[1]
    water = mats[2]
    ss    = mats[3]    
    poly  = mats[4]
    d_air   = air[1]
    d_water = water[1]
    d_ss    = ss[1]
    d_poly  = poly[1]
    z_min, z_max = z_range
    for iz in range (0, nz):
        z = 0.5 * (bz[iz] + bz[iz+1])

        ra = liA.extrapolate(z)
        rb = liB.extrapolate(z)
        rc = liC.extrapolate(z)
        for iy in range (0, ny):
            y = 0.5 * (by[iy] + by[iy+1])
            for ix in range (0, nx):
                x = 0.5 * (bx[ix] + bx[ix+1])

                r = math.sqrt(x*x + y*y)
                # default material: air                
                m = 1
                d = d_air
                if z <= z_max and z > XcConstants.COUCH_BOTTOM:
                    if r <= ra:
                        m = 2 # water
                        d = d_water
                    elif r <= rb:
                        m = 1 # air
                        d = d_air
                    elif r <= rc:
                        m = 4 # poly
                        d = d_poly
                        if not (z <= z_max and z > (XcConstants.COUCH_BOTTOM+XcConstants.COUCH_THICKNESS)):
                            m = 4 # poly
                            d = d_poly
                elif z <= XcConstants.COUCH_BOTTOM:
                    m = 2 # water
                    d = d_water
                idxs[ix,iy,iz] = m
                dens[ix,iy,iz] = d
    return phntom
コード例 #15
ファイル: clinical.py プロジェクト: Iwan-Zotow/runEGS
def make_complex_phantom(pdim, liA, liB, liC, mats, z_range):
    Make phantom given dimensions and curves.
    Partial voxel volumes
    Basic formulas from http://mathworld.wolfram.com/CircularSegment.html
        pdim: phandim
            phantom dimensions
        liA: linint
            inner cup curve
        liB: linint
            outer cup inner curve
        liC: linint
            outer cup outer curve
        mats: materials
            containes materials
        z_range: (float,float) tuple
            Z coordinates range
    returns: phantom
        pahntom filled with materials and densities
    phntom = phantom.phantom(pdim.bx(), pdim.by(), pdim.bz())
    nx = phntom.nx()
    ny = phntom.ny()
    nz = phntom.nz()
    bx = phntom.bx()
    by = phntom.by()
    bz = phntom.bz()
    idxs = phntom.mats()
    dens = phntom.data()
    air   = mats[1]
    water = mats[2]
    ss    = mats[3]    
    poly  = mats[4]
    d_air   = air[1]
    d_water = water[1]
    d_ss    = ss[1]
    d_poly  = poly[1]
    z_min, z_max = z_range
    for iz in range (0, nz):
        z = 0.5 * (bz[iz] + bz[iz+1])

        ra = liA.extrapolate(z)
        rb = liB.extrapolate(z)
        rc = liC.extrapolate(z)
        for iy in range (0, ny):
            ymin = by[iy]
            ymax = by[iy+1]
            y = 0.5 * (ymin + ymax)
            for ix in range (0, nx):
                xmin = bx[ix]
                xmax = bx[ix+1]
                x = 0.5 * (xmin + xmax)
                r = math.sqrt(x*x + y*y)
                # default material: air                
                m = 1
                d = d_air
                if z <= z_max and z > XcConstants.COUCH_BOTTOM:
                    if r <= ra:
                        m = 2 # water
                        q = voxarea.vaInner(ra, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)
                        if q < 0.0 and q > -EPS:
                            q = 0.0
                        if q > 1.0 and q < 1.0+EPS:
                            q = 1.0
                        p = voxarea.vaInner(ra, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)
                        if p < 0.0 and p > -EPS:
                            p = 0.0
                        if p > 1.0 and p < 1.0+EPS:
                            p = 1.0
                        w_w = q
                        w_a = p - q
                        w_p = 1.0 - p
                        if w_w < 0.0 or w_w > 1.0 or w_a < 0.0 or w_a > 1.0 or w_p < 0.0 or w_p > 1.0:
                            print("RA: {0} {1} {2}".format(w_W, w_a, w_p))
                        d = w_w * d_water + w_a * d_air + w_p * d_poly
                    elif r <= rb:
                        m = 1 # air
                        p = voxarea.vaOuter(ra, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)
                        if p < 0.0 and p > -EPS:
                            p = 0.0
                        if p > 1.0 and p < 1.0+EPS:
                            p = 1.0
                        q = voxarea.vaInner(rb, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)
                        if q < 0.0 and q > -EPS:
                            q = 0.0
                        if q > 1.0 and q < 1.0+EPS:
                            q = 1.0
                        w_w = p
                        w_a = q - p
                        w_p = 1.0 - q
                        if w_w < 0.0 or w_w > 1.0 or w_a < 0.0 or w_a > 1.0 or w_p < 0.0 or w_p > 1.0:
                            print("RB: {0} {1} {2}".format(w_w, w_a, w_p))
                        d = w_w * d_water + w_a * d_air + w_p * d_poly
                    elif r <= rc:
                        m = 4 # poly
                        p = voxarea.vaOuter(rb, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)
                        if p < 0.0 and p > -EPS:
                            p = 0.0
                        if p > 1.0 and p < 1.0+EPS:
                            p = 1.0
                        q = voxarea.vaInner(rc, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)
                        if q < 0.0 and q > -EPS:
                            q = 0.0
                        if q > 1.0 and q < 1.0+EPS:
                            q = 1.0
                        w_a = p
                        w_p = q - p
                        w_aa= 1.0 - q
                        if w_a < 0.0 or w_a > 1.0 or w_p < 0.0 or w_p > 1.0 or w_aa < 0.0 or w_aa > 1.0:
                            print("RC: {0} {1} {2}".format(w_a, w_p, w_aa))
                        d = w_a * d_air + w_p * d_poly + w_aa * d_air                        
                        if not (z <= z_max and z > (XcConstants.COUCH_BOTTOM+XcConstants.COUCH_THICKNESS)):
                            m = 4 # poly
                            p = voxarea.vaOuter(rc, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)
                            if p < 0.0 and p > -EPS:
                                p = 0.0
                            if p > 1.0 and p < 1.0+EPS:
                                p = 1.0
                            if p < 0.0 or p > 1.0:
                                print("RD: {0}".format(p))
                            d = p*d_poly + (1.0-p)*d_air
                elif z <= XcConstants.COUCH_BOTTOM:
                    m = 2 # water
                    d = d_water
                idxs[ix,iy,iz] = m
                dens[ix,iy,iz] = d
    return phntom
コード例 #16
def generate_phantom():
    theta = range(0, 180)
    data = np.rot90(radon(phantom.phantom(n=100), theta=theta))
    data1 = np.zeros((data.shape[0], 1, data.shape[1]))
    data1[:, 0, :] = data
    return theta, data1
コード例 #17
        0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 11, 15, 17, 20, 23, 24, 25, 27, 30, 32

    N = 256  # The image will be NxN
    #     sparsity = 0.1 # use only 25% on the K-Space data for CS
    mu = 1.0
    etl = 28

    new_etl, phase_encode = sparse2blade_conf(etl, vardense)

    #     F,R = sparse2blade_conf(input_k, new_etl,phase_encode)

    LMBD = 1.0
    gamma = mu / 1000

    image = phantom.phantom(N)

    kspace = numpy.fft.fft2(image)
    #     R = numpy.zeros((N,new_etl))
    raw_blade = numpy.zeros((N, etl), dtype=numpy.complex)
    for jj in xrange(0, etl):
        print('phase_encode[jj] = ', jj, phase_encode[jj])
        #         R[:,phase_encode[jj]-1]= numpy.ones((N,))
        raw_blade[:, jj] = kspace[:, phase_encode[jj] - 1]
    # Form the CS data

    raw_blade = numpy.fft.fftshift(raw_blade, axes=0)

    F, R = sparse2blade_init(raw_blade, etl, new_etl, phase_encode)

    recovered = mrics(R, F, mu, LMBD, gamma, 5, 10)
コード例 #18
def proto_rFOV_2D():
    prototype for subprocess
    import time
    import numpy
    import matplotlib  #.pyplot
    cm = matplotlib.cm.gray
    # load example image
    #     norm=matplotlib.colors.Normalize(vmin=0.0, vmax=1.0)
    #     norm2=matplotlib.colors.Normalize(vmin=0.0, vmax=0.5)

    N = 384
    Nd = (N, N)  # image space size
    import phantom
    image = phantom.phantom(Nd[0])
    Kd = (2 * N, 2 * N)  # k-space size
    Jd = (6, 6)  # interpolation size
    import KspaceDesign.Propeller
    nblade = 32  #   numpy.round(N*3.1415/24/2)
    #     print('nblade',nblade)
    theta = 180.0 / nblade  #111.75 #
    propObj = KspaceDesign.Propeller.Propeller(N, 24, nblade, theta, 1, -1)
    om = propObj.om

    NufftObj = pynufft(om, Nd, Kd, Jd)

    precondition = 2
    factor = 0.01
    NufftObj.factor = factor
    NufftObj.precondition = precondition
    # simulate "data"
    data = NufftObj.forward(image)
    data_shape = (numpy.shape(data))
    power_of_data = numpy.max(numpy.abs(data))
    data = data + 1.0e-3 * power_of_data * (
        numpy.random.randn(data_shape[0], data_shape[1]) +
        1.0j * numpy.random.randn(data_shape[0], data_shape[1]))

    mu = 1
    gamma = 0.001
    LMBD = 1
    nInner = 2
    nBreg = 25
    # now get the original image
    #reconstruct image with 0.1 constraint1, 0.001 constraint2,
    # 2 inner iterations and 10 outer iterations
    NufftObj.st['senseflag'] = 1

    n_x = 1
    n_y = 1
    xdim, ydim, center_of_tiles = calculate_dim_index(n_x, n_y, N)
    xdim = 192
    ydim = 192
    center_of_tiles = (0, 0)
    #     xdim = numpy.floor(N/n_x) +2
    #     ydim = numpy.floor(N/n_y) +2 #128
    kdim = N * 2

    NufftObj = pynufft(om, (xdim, ydim), (kdim, kdim), Jd, n_shift=(0, 0))
    #     NufftObj.linear_phase(om, (32,32), NufftObj.st['M'])# = pynufft(om, (64,64),(512,512),Jd,n_shift=(0,32))
    #     NufftObj.linear_phase(om, (-84, 0), NufftObj.st['M'])# = pynufft(om, (64,64),(512,512),Jd,n_shift=(0,32))
    #     import cPickle
    #     f = open('Nufftobj.pickle','wb')
    #     cPickle.dump(NufftObj ,f,2)
    #     f.close()
    #     f = open('data.pickle','wb')
    #     cPickle.dump(data  ,f,2)
    #     f.close()
    #     del NufftObj    # confirm that cPickle works
    #     del data        # confirm that cPickle works

    #     t = time.time()
    #     image_recon= pp_load_file_gpu_recon(NufftObj, data, LMBD, gamma,nInner, nBreg,(-84,0))
    #     image_blur = pp_load_file_dc(NufftObj,data)[...,0]
    import pp
    job_server = pp.Server()
    jobs = []
    jobs2 = []

    t = time.time()
    for tt in xrange(0, n_x * n_y):
        # #
        #         if tt == 0:
        #             my_shift = (0,0)
        #         else:
        #             my_shift = (-84,0)
        #         my_shift = (-center_of_tiles[tt,0], -center_of_tiles[tt,1])
        my_shift = (-84, 0)
                (NufftObj, data, LMBD, gamma, nInner, nBreg),
                #                                    modules = ('pyfftw','numpy','pynufft','scipy','reikna'),
                (NufftObj, data),
                #                                    modules = ('pyfftw','numpy','pynufft','scipy','reikna'),
#         jobs.append(job_server.submit(pp_recon,(NufftObj, my_shift,data, LMBD, gamma,nInner, nBreg )))

    for tt in range(0, n_x * n_y):
        #         if tt ==0:
        image_recon = jobs[tt]()
        image_blur = jobs2[tt]()[..., 0]
        #         (tmp_imag, tmp_imag2) = jobs[tt]()
        image_recon = Normalize(numpy.real(image_recon))  #*  1.1# *1.3
        image_blur = Normalize(numpy.real(image_blur))  #*1.15
        #         matplotlib.pyplot.figure(0)
        #         fig, ax =matplotlib.pyplot.subplot(n_x,n_y,tt)
        #         cax = ax.imshow( numpy.abs(-image_recon.real + image),
        # 				cmap= cm,interpolation = 'nearest')
        #         cbar = fig.colorbar(cax, ticks=[-1, 0, 1])
        #         cbar.ax.set_yticklabels(['< 0', '0.5', '> 1'])# vertically oriented colorbar

        matplotlib.pyplot.subplot(1, 2, 1)
        matplotlib.pyplot.subplot(1, 2, 2)

#         else:
#             image_blur = jobs[tt]()

    #     image_recon = Normalize(numpy.real(image_recon))#*  1.1# *1.3
    #     image_blur=Normalize(numpy.real(image_blur[...,0]))#*1.15
    elapsed = time.time() - t
    print("time is ", elapsed)

コード例 #19
ファイル: xftomo.py プロジェクト: djvine/xftomo
 def phantom(self):
     self.theta = range(0, 180)
     self.data = dict(zip(self.theta, radon(phantom.phantom())))
コード例 #20
    blade=[128,25]  #size of each blade, probably [128,25],[128,51]
    nblades=4   #number of blades, probably 4,8
    M_py=[blade[0],blade[1]*nblades] #data size
else: #radial

N_py=[128,128] #input/output image size
num_iters=20 #CG iterations to perform
ro_loc_pad=2 #weighting padding, don't change!!!
sensefactor=2 #sense factor for propeller phase encode spacing
ncoils=4 #number of coils

#generate the phantom
phan=phantom(N_py[0])+1j*0 #complex but no real complex information

#initialize the sampling locations
if use_propeller==1:

#FOV support
phan*=fov #limit the FOV, not really necessary with a digital phantom
コード例 #21
ファイル: cs_phantom.py プロジェクト: hreggram/algorithms
    tuple: coeffs useful for pywt.waverec2
    nc = int(np.log2(len(xvec))) / 2
    coeffs = [xvec[0].reshape(1, 1)]
    for i in range(nc):
        c1 = xvec[4**i:2 * 4**i].reshape(2**i, 2**i)
        c2 = xvec[2 * 4**i:3 * 4**i].reshape(2**i, 2**i)
        c3 = xvec[3 * 4**i:4 * 4**i].reshape(2**i, 2**i)
        coeffs.append((c1, c2, c3))
    return coeffs

if __name__ == '__main__':
    nx = 64
    p = phantom(n=nx)
    frac = float(np.count_nonzero(p.ravel())) / nx**2
    msg1 = 'phantom density %3.2f' % frac

    # deconstruct into wavelets
    coeffs = pywt.wavedec2(p, 'haar')
    # flatten coefficients
    xvec = flatten_coeffs(coeffs)
    frac = float(np.count_nonzero(xvec)) / len(xvec)
    msg2 = 'wavelet density %3.2f' % frac

    ## check raveled coefficients
    #coeffs1 = build_coeffs(xvec)
    ## reconstruct wavelets
コード例 #22
ファイル: mrics.py プロジェクト: jyhmiinlin/cineFSE
                 -2 ,   -1   ,  0  ,   1  ,   2   ,  3 ,    4   ,  6 ,    8 ,   11,    15,    17 ,   20,
                 23 ,   24 ,  25  ,  27,    30,    32]

    N = 256# The image will be NxN
#     sparsity = 0.1 # use only 25% on the K-Space data for CS 
    mu = 1.0
    etl = 28

    new_etl,phase_encode = sparse2blade_conf(etl,vardense)
#     F,R = sparse2blade_conf(input_k, new_etl,phase_encode)

    LMBD = 1.0
    gamma = mu/1000


    kspace = numpy.fft.fft2(image)
#     R = numpy.zeros((N,new_etl))
    raw_blade = numpy.zeros((N,etl),dtype=numpy.complex)
    for jj in xrange(0,etl):
        print('phase_encode[jj] = ',jj,phase_encode[jj])
#         R[:,phase_encode[jj]-1]= numpy.ones((N,))
        raw_blade[:, jj ] = kspace[:, phase_encode[jj]-1 ]
     # Form the CS data

    raw_blade = numpy.fft.fftshift(raw_blade,axes = 0)
    F,R = sparse2blade_init(raw_blade, etl,new_etl, phase_encode) 
コード例 #23
 def changePhantomMode(self, value):
     self.img = phantom(self.phantomSize, value)
     self.img = self.img * (255 / np.max(self.img))
     self.originalPhantom = self.img
コード例 #24
def test_2D():
    import numpy 
    import matplotlib#.pyplot
    cm = matplotlib.cm.gray
    # load example image    
    norm=matplotlib.colors.Normalize(vmin=-0.0, vmax=1) 
    norm2=matplotlib.colors.Normalize(vmin=0.0, vmax=0.5)
    import cPickle
#     image = numpy.loadtxt('phantom_256_256.txt') 
#     matplotlib.pyplot.imshow(image[224-128:224, 64:192] ,
#                              norm = norm,cmap= cm,interpolation = 'nearest')
#     matplotlib.pyplot.show()    
#     image[128,128]= 1.0   
    N = 256
    Nd =(N,N) # image space size
    import phantom
    image = phantom.phantom(Nd[0])
    Kd =(2*N,2*N) # k-space size   
    Jd =(6,6) # interpolation size
    import KspaceDesign.Propeller
    nblade =  16#numpy.round(N*3.1415/24/2)
#     print('nblade',nblade)
    theta=180.0/nblade #111.75 #
    propObj=KspaceDesign.Propeller.Propeller( N ,24,  nblade,   theta,  1,  -1)
    om = propObj.om
    NufftObj = pynufft(om, Nd,Kd,Jd )
#     f = open('nufftobj.pkl','wb')
#     cPickle.dump(NufftObj,f,2)
#     f.close()
# # #      
#     f = open('nufftobj.pkl','rb')
#     NufftObj = cPickle.load(f)
#     f.close()

#     f2 = open('dense_density.pkl','wb')
#     cPickle.dump(NufftObj.st['w'],f2,-1)
#     f2.close()
#     print('size of sparse amtrix',NufftObj.st['p'].data.nbytes + NufftObj.st['p'].indptr.nbytes + NufftObj.st['p'].indices.nbytes)
#     print('size of dense matrix', NufftObj.st['w'].nbytes)

#     NufftObj = pynufft(om, (64,64),(512,512),Jd) 
    precondition = 0
    factor = 0.001
    NufftObj.factor = factor
    NufftObj.precondition = precondition
    # simulate "data"
    data= NufftObj.forward(image )
#     data= NufftObj.true_forward(image )  
    data_shape = (numpy.shape(data))
    power_of_data= numpy.max(numpy.abs(data))
#     purpose = 2 # noisy
    purpose = 1 # noisy
#     purpose = 0 # noise-free
    data = data + purpose*1e-3*power_of_data*(numpy.random.randn(data_shape[0],data_shape[1])+1.0j*numpy.random.randn(data_shape[0],data_shape[1]))
    LMBD =1
    nBreg = 25
    gamma = 0.001
    # now get the original image
    #reconstruct image with 0.1 constraint1, 0.001 constraint2,
    # 2 inner iterations and 10 outer iterations 
    rFOV = 96
    NufftObj = pynufft(om, (rFOV,rFOV),Kd,Jd,n_shift=(0,0))
    # Shift the center of the image by applying a linear phase on k-space 
    NufftObj.linear_phase(  (-128, 0) ) 
    NufftObj.st['senseflag'] = 1
    NufftObj.debug=2 #depicting the intermediate images
#     NufftObj = pynufft(om, (64,64),(96,96),Jd)#,n_shift=(192,96))
#     NufftObj = pynufft(om, (256,256),(512,512),Jd)  
    # Setting reduced FOV

    image_blur = NufftObj.backward2(data)  

#     image_recon_inner_10 = NufftObj.pseudoinverse(data, 1.0, LMBD, gamma, 10, nBreg)
    image_recon = NufftObj.pseudoinverse(data, 1.0, LMBD, gamma,nInner, nBreg)
    image_recon = Normalize(image_recon.real)
    image_blur=Normalize(numpy.real(image_blur[...,0]))*1.2 #4.9

#     my_scale = numpy.mean( image_blur[round(25*N/256):round(46*N/256), round(109*N/256):round(149*N/256)].flatten())
#     image_blur =image_blur / my_scale /5.0 
    my_scale = numpy.mean( image_recon[round(25*N/256):round(46*N/256), round(109*N/256):round(149*N/256)].flatten())
    image_recon =image_recon / my_scale /5.0 
#     print(my_scale)
#     image_recon = NufftObj.pseudoinverse2(data)
#     image_blur = NufftObj.backward2(data)
#     if purpose == 0:
#         image_recon = Normalize(image_recon.real)*1.05#2.2 # *1.3
#     elif purpose == 1:
#         image_recon = Normalize(image_recon.real)*1.1#54#2.2 # *1.3
# #     image_recon_inner_10 = Normalize(numpy.real(image_recon_inner_10))#*  1.1# *1.3
#     image_blur=Normalize(numpy.real(image_blur[...,0]))*1.2#4.9
#     if purpose == 0:
#         image_recon = Normalize(image_recon.real)*1.3#2.2 # *1.3
#     elif purpose == 1:
#         image_recon = Normalize(image_recon.real)*1.0#54#2.2 # *1.3
#     elif purpose == 2:
#         image_recon = Normalize(image_recon.real)*1.1#54#2.2 # *1.3     

#     image_recon_inner_10 = Normalize(numpy.real(image_recon_inner_10))#*  1.1# *1.3
    disp_image = numpy.concatenate( 
#                         numpy.concatenate( ((  image_recon.real) , numpy.real(-image_recon  + image) ), axis = 0 ),
                        numpy.concatenate( ((  image_recon.real) , numpy.abs(image_recon  - image) ), axis = 0 ),
                        numpy.concatenate( ((  image_blur.real) ,numpy.abs(image_blur  - image) ), axis = 0  ) ), axis =1 )
    import scipy.misc 
    fig, ax = matplotlib.pyplot.subplots()
    cax = ax.imshow( disp_image 
                     , norm = norm,
            cmap= cm,interpolation = 'nearest')
    cbar = fig.colorbar(cax, ticks=[0, 0.5, 1])
    cbar.ax.set_yticklabels(['< 0', '0.5', '> 1'])# vertically oriented colorbar
    matplotlib.pyplot.savefig('/home/sram/Cambridge_2012/WORD_PPTS/PROP/generalize_inverse/MRM/FIGS/noise_XX.eps', bbox_inches='tight')
#     matplotlib.pyplot.figure(1)
#     matplotlib.pyplot.subplot(n_x,n_y,tt)        
#     matplotlib.pyplot.imshow(numpy.abs(image_recon.real) ,
#                             norm = norm,
#             cmap= cm,interpolation = 'nearest')  
コード例 #25
        Dn = center_kspace[:,:,pj]
        Chi_n[pj]= numpy.sum(numpy.real( DA*Dn.conj()  ).flatten())
    max_Chi_n = numpy.max(Chi_n)
    min_Chi_n = numpy.min(Chi_n)
    Chi_n = ( Chi_n - min_Chi_n )/(max_Chi_n -min_Chi_n )
    Pn = Chi_n**rho
    for pj in xrange(0,nblades):
        input_strips[:,:,pj] = input_strips[:,:,pj]*Pn[pj]  
#         input_strips[:,:,pj]=input_strips[:,:,pj]*

    return input_strips
if __name__ == "__main__":
    import phantom     
    import cProfile
    import Im2Polar
    cProfile.run('tt = Im2Polar.Im2Polar(a,0,1,64,512).real')
    b =numpy.roll(a,-10,axis =0)
    b =numpy.roll(b,10,axis =1)
#     import scipy.misc
#     b = scipy.misc.imrotate(b,15, 'cubic')
    ka = scipy.fftpack.fftshift(a)
    ka = scipy.fftpack.fft2(ka)
コード例 #26
import phantom
import numpy
import scipy.fftpack
import scipy.misc
import matplotlib.pyplot

def test():

if __name__ == "__main__":
    a = phantom.phantom(512) * 1.0
    d = scipy.misc.imrotate(a, -23.4, interp='bilinear')
    b = scipy.misc.imrotate(d, 23.4, interp='bilinear')
    b = b - a * 256

    #     a = scipy.fftpack.fftshift(a)
    #     b = scipy.fftpack.fft2(a)
    #     b = scipy.fftpack.fftshift(b)

    matplotlib.pyplot.imshow(b, norm=matplotlib.pyplot.Normalize(0, 256))
コード例 #27
def rfov_2D(gpu_type):
    import numpy 

    N = 384
    Nd =(N,N) # image space size
    # create Shepp-Logan phantom
    import phantom
    image = phantom.phantom(Nd[0])
    Kd =(2*N,2*N) # k-space size   
    Jd =(6,6) # interpolation size
    import KspaceDesign.Propeller
    nblade =26# numpy.round(N*3.1415/24)
#     print('nblade',nblade)
    theta=180.0/nblade #111.75 #
    propObj=KspaceDesign.Propeller.Propeller( N ,24,  nblade,   theta,  1,  -1)
    om = propObj.om
#     print('m',numpy.size(om))
    # load k-space points
#     om = numpy.loadtxt('om.txt')
#     om = numpy.loadtxt('om.gold')
    #create object
#     import cPickle
    NufftObj = pynufft(om, Nd,Kd,Jd )
#     f = open('nufftobj.pkl','wb')
#     cPickle.dump(NufftObj,f,2)
#     f.close()
# # #      
#     f = open('nufftobj.pkl','rb')
#     NufftObj = cPickle.load(f)
#     f.close()
#     precondition = 2
#     factor = 0.01
#     NufftObj.factor = factor
#     NufftObj.precondition = precondition
    # simulate "data"
    data= NufftObj.forward(image )
    data_shape = numpy.shape(data)
    power_of_data= numpy.max(numpy.abs(data))

    data = data + 1e-3*power_of_data*(numpy.random.randn(data_shape[0],data_shape[1])+1.0j*numpy.random.randn(data_shape[0],data_shape[1]))
    LMBD =1
    nBreg = 25
    gamma = 0.001
    # Setting reduced FOV
    rFOV = 96
    NufftObj = pynufft(om, (rFOV,rFOV),Kd,Jd,n_shift=(0,0))
    # Shift the center of the image by applying a linear phase on k-space 
    NufftObj.linear_phase(  (-128, 0) )     
    # now get the original image
    #reconstruct image with 0.1 constraint1, 0.001 constraint2,
    # 2 inner iterations and 10 outer iterations 
    NufftObj.st['senseflag'] = 0

    # shrinkage threshold 
    NufftObj.beta = 1 
    # Attempt to set GPU computing (warning: cuda hardware and reikna/pyopencl are needed!)
    if gpu_type=='GPU': 
    # debug level
    NufftObj.debug = 2 # 2 for showing splitting variables and text outputs, 1 for text outputs

    image_blur = NufftObj.backward2(data)  

    image_recon = NufftObj.pseudoinverse(data, 1.0, LMBD, gamma,nInner, nBreg)
    # Normalize the contrast of images
    mean_image_recon = numpy.mean(numpy.real(image_recon[41:62, 8:24 ].flatten()))
    image_recon = numpy.real(image_recon)/mean_image_recon/5.0# *1.3
    mean_image_blur = numpy.mean(numpy.real(image_blur[41:62,  8:24  ].flatten()))

    # Display images
    import matplotlib#.pyplot
    # Set grey color maps 
    cm = matplotlib.cm.gray
    # Set image window
    norm2=matplotlib.colors.Normalize(vmin=0.0, vmax=0.5)
    norm=matplotlib.colors.Normalize(vmin=0.0, vmax=1) 
                             norm = norm,cmap= cm,interpolation = 'nearest')
    matplotlib.pyplot.title('denoising by shrinkage')    

                             norm = norm,cmap= cm,interpolation = 'nearest')
    matplotlib.pyplot.title('density compensation')  
    return NufftObj.gpu_flag # return the GPU to see whether GPU computing has been used 
コード例 #28
ファイル: para_pynufft.py プロジェクト: jyhmiinlin/cineFSE
def proto_rFOV_2D():
    prototype for subprocess
    import time
    import numpy 
    import matplotlib#.pyplot
    cm = matplotlib.cm.gray
    # load example image    
#     norm=matplotlib.colors.Normalize(vmin=0.0, vmax=1.0) 
#     norm2=matplotlib.colors.Normalize(vmin=0.0, vmax=0.5)
    N = 384
    Nd =(N,N) # image space size
    import phantom
    image = phantom.phantom(Nd[0])
    Kd =(2*N,2*N) # k-space size   
    Jd =(6,6) # interpolation size
    import KspaceDesign.Propeller
    nblade = 32#   numpy.round(N*3.1415/24/2)
#     print('nblade',nblade)
    theta=180.0/nblade #111.75 #
    propObj=KspaceDesign.Propeller.Propeller( N ,24,  nblade,   theta,  1,  -1)
    om = propObj.om
    NufftObj = pynufft(om, Nd,Kd,Jd )
    precondition = 2
    factor = 0.01
    NufftObj.factor = factor
    NufftObj.precondition = precondition
    # simulate "data"
    data= NufftObj.forward(image )
    data_shape = (numpy.shape(data))
    power_of_data= numpy.max(numpy.abs(data))
    data = data + 1.0e-3*power_of_data*(numpy.random.randn(data_shape[0],data_shape[1])+1.0j*numpy.random.randn(data_shape[0],data_shape[1]))
    mu= 1
    gamma = 0.001
    LMBD =1
    nBreg = 25
    # now get the original image
    #reconstruct image with 0.1 constraint1, 0.001 constraint2,
    # 2 inner iterations and 10 outer iterations 
    NufftObj.st['senseflag'] = 1
    n_x =1
    n_y =1 
    xdim, ydim, center_of_tiles= calculate_dim_index(n_x,n_y,N)
    xdim = 192
    ydim = 192
    center_of_tiles = (0,0)
#     xdim = numpy.floor(N/n_x) +2  
#     ydim = numpy.floor(N/n_y) +2 #128
    kdim = N*2
    NufftObj = pynufft(om, (xdim,ydim),(kdim,kdim),Jd,n_shift=(0,0))
#     NufftObj.linear_phase(om, (32,32), NufftObj.st['M'])# = pynufft(om, (64,64),(512,512),Jd,n_shift=(0,32))
#     NufftObj.linear_phase(om, (-84, 0), NufftObj.st['M'])# = pynufft(om, (64,64),(512,512),Jd,n_shift=(0,32))
#     import cPickle
#     f = open('Nufftobj.pickle','wb')
#     cPickle.dump(NufftObj ,f,2)
#     f.close()
#     f = open('data.pickle','wb')
#     cPickle.dump(data  ,f,2)
#     f.close() 
#     del NufftObj    # confirm that cPickle works
#     del data        # confirm that cPickle works
#     t = time.time() 
#     image_recon= pp_load_file_gpu_recon(NufftObj, data, LMBD, gamma,nInner, nBreg,(-84,0))
#     image_blur = pp_load_file_dc(NufftObj,data)[...,0]
    import pp
    job_server = pp.Server()
    jobs = []  
    jobs2 = []

    t = time.time()
    for tt in xrange(0,n_x*n_y):
# #     
#         if tt == 0:
#             my_shift = (0,0)
#         else:
#             my_shift = (-84,0)
#         my_shift = (-center_of_tiles[tt,0], -center_of_tiles[tt,1])
        my_shift = (-84,0)
        NufftObj.linear_phase(  my_shift )
        jobs.append(job_server.submit( pp_load_file_gpu_recon, (NufftObj, data, LMBD, gamma,nInner, nBreg ),
#                                    modules = ('pyfftw','numpy','pynufft','scipy','reikna'),
                             globals = globals()))
        jobs2.append(job_server.submit( pp_load_file_dc, (NufftObj, data),
#                                    modules = ('pyfftw','numpy','pynufft','scipy','reikna'),
                             globals = globals()))
#         jobs.append(job_server.submit(pp_recon,(NufftObj, my_shift,data, LMBD, gamma,nInner, nBreg )))
    for tt in range(0,n_x*n_y):
#         if tt ==0:
        image_recon = jobs[tt]()
        image_blur = jobs2[tt]()[...,0]
#         (tmp_imag, tmp_imag2) = jobs[tt]()
        image_recon = Normalize(numpy.real(image_recon))#*  1.1# *1.3
        image_blur=Normalize(numpy.real(image_blur ))#*1.15
#         matplotlib.pyplot.figure(0)
#         fig, ax =matplotlib.pyplot.subplot(n_x,n_y,tt)
#         cax = ax.imshow( numpy.abs(-image_recon.real + image),
# 				cmap= cm,interpolation = 'nearest')
#         cbar = fig.colorbar(cax, ticks=[-1, 0, 1])
#         cbar.ax.set_yticklabels(['< 0', '0.5', '> 1'])# vertically oriented colorbar
        matplotlib.pyplot.imshow( (image_recon.real) ,
                                norm = norm,
                                cmap= cm,interpolation = 'nearest')        
        matplotlib.pyplot.imshow( (image_blur.real) ,
                                norm = norm,
                                cmap= cm,interpolation = 'nearest')       
#         else:
#             image_blur = jobs[tt]()
#     image_recon = Normalize(numpy.real(image_recon))#*  1.1# *1.3
#     image_blur=Normalize(numpy.real(image_blur[...,0]))#*1.15
    elapsed = time.time() - t
    print("time is ",elapsed)

コード例 #29
ファイル: qa.py プロジェクト: Iwan-Zotow/runEGS
def make_phantom(pdim, liA, liB, liC, mats, z_range):
    Make QA phantom given dimensions and curves
        pdim: phandim
            phantom dimensions
        liA: linint
            inner cup curve
        liB: linint
            outer cup inner curve
        liC: linint
            outer cup outer curve
        mats: materials
            containes materials
        z_range: (float,float) tuple
            Z coordinates range
    returns: phantom
        pahntom filled with materials and densities
    phntom = phantom.phantom(pdim.bx(), pdim.by(), pdim.bz())
    nx = phntom.nx()   
    ny = phntom.ny()
    nz = phntom.nz()
    bx = phntom.bx()
    by = phntom.by()
    bz = phntom.bz()

    # denity and material indeces    
    idxs = phntom.mats()
    dens = phntom.data()
    air   = mats[1]
    water = mats[2]
    ss    = mats[3]    
    poly  = mats[4]
    pmma  = mats[5]
    d_air   = air[1]
    d_water = water[1]
    d_ss    = ss[1]
    d_poly  = poly[1]
    d_pmma  = pmma[1]

    z_min, z_max = z_range
    for iz in range (0, nz):
        z = 0.5 * (bz[iz] + bz[iz+1])
        for iy in range (0, ny):
            y = 0.5 * (by[iy] + by[iy+1])
            for ix in range (0, nx):
                x = 0.5 * (bx[ix] + bx[ix+1])

                # default material: air            
                m = 1
                d = d_air
                r = math.sqrt(x*x + y*y)

                # as lifted from qa/make_cups
                # all units are in mm
                if z > 15.0 and z <= 15.0+46.0 and r <= 77.0:
                    m = 5 # PMMA
                    d = d_pmma
                elif z > 15.0+46.0 and z <= 15.0+115.0 and math.sqrt(squared(r)+squared(z-(15.0+46.0))) <= 77.0:
                    m = 5 # PMMA
                    d = d_pmma
                idxs[ix,iy,iz] = m
                dens[ix,iy,iz] = d
    return phntom
コード例 #30
ファイル: run.py プロジェクト: paolafer/ANTEA
# Run a fast fast MC
import antea.fastfastmc.fastfastmc as ffmc

from errmat import errmat
from phantom import phantom

Nevts = 1000

# Construct the phantom object.
phtm = phantom(

# Construct the error matrix objects.
errmat_r = errmat(
errmat_phi = errmat(
errmat_z = errmat(

# Run the simulation.
events = ffmc.run_fastfastmc(Nevts, phtm, errmat_r, errmat_phi, errmat_z)

# Save the results to file.
events.to_hdf("sim.h5", "fastfastsim")