def read_config(): """Read Pharmaship configuration file. Read the configuration from yaml source file, validate it against a schema and then convert it to Munch instance. :return: validated config Munch instance or False :rtype: Munch or bool :Example: >>> read_config() """ filename = settings.PHARMASHIP_CONF try: with open(filename, "r") as fdesc: content = except IOError as error: log.exception("Config file not readable: %s. %s", filename, error) return False raw_config = load_config(content, "config.json") if not raw_config: return False # Transform dict in pseudo namedtuple recursively config = Munch.fromDict(raw_config) return config
def write_config(data): """Write Pharmaship configuration file. :param data: Data to write into the configuration file. :type data: Munch instance :return: True is written with success. :rtype: bool :Example: >>> write_config(my_data) """ filename = settings.PHARMASHIP_CONF try: dict_data = data.toDict() except AttributeError as error: log.exception("Data is not a Munch instance: %s", error) return False content = yaml.dump(dict_data, Dumper=Dumper, indent=2) try: with open(filename, "w") as fdesc: fdesc.write(content) except IOError as error: log.exception("Config file not writable: %s. %s", filename, error) return False return True
def set_langage(lang_code: str): """Application wide language switcher. Set Django Translation (gettext) and C library `locale` for Glade/Gtk files. :param: lang_code: (string) language code """ locale_str = None if platform.system() == "Windows": if lang_code == "fr": locale_str = "french" else: locale_str = "english" else: locale_str = (lang_code, "utf8") try: locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, locale_str) except locale.Error: log.exception( "Locale (%s) non installed on the operating system. Switching to 'C' locale.", locale_str) locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, 'C') translation.activate('en') return None # Activate Django translation language translation.activate(lang_code) return None
def test_load_config(self): """Check configuration file loading and parsing.""" # Invalid YAML content = "inval:\nid{yaml}," schema = "dummy_schema" with self.assertLogs(log, level='ERROR') as cm: self.assertFalse(config.load_config(content, schema)) for item in cm.output: self.assertIn("Unable to parse the config file.", item) # Invalid schema filename content = "dummy_content" schema = "dummy_schema" with self.assertLogs(log, level='ERROR') as cm: self.assertFalse(config.load_config(content, schema)) for item in cm.output: self.assertIn("Unable to read the schema file.", item) # Invalid schema content content = "dummy_content" schema = Path("config_bad.json") with self.assertLogs(log, level='ERROR') as cm: self.assertFalse(config.load_config(content, schema)) for item in cm.output: self.assertIn("Unable to parse the schema file.", item) # Invalid configuration object settings.VALIDATOR_PATH = self.validator_path schema = "config.json" filename = self.assets / "config_bad.yaml" try: with open(filename, "r") as fdesc: content = except IOError as error: log.exception("Config file not readable: %s. %s", filename, error) return False with self.assertLogs(log, level='ERROR') as cm: self.assertFalse(config.load_config(content, schema)) for item in cm.output: self.assertIn("Configuration file not validated.", item) # All good filename = settings.PHARMASHIP_DATA / "config_default.yaml" try: with open(filename, "r") as fdesc: content = except IOError as error: log.exception("Config file not readable: %s. %s", filename, error) return False result = config.load_config(content, schema) self.assertIsInstance(result, dict)
def db_export(self, source, dialog): """Copy pharmaship database to user selected path.""" path = dialog.get_filename() if not path: return False # Create a timestamped filename filename = "pharmaship_{0}.db".format("%Y-%m-%d_%H%M")) db_filename = settings.DATABASES['default']['NAME'] try: shutil.copy(db_filename, filename) except OSError as error: log.exception("File impossible to save: %s. %s", filename, error) self.error_dialog(error) return False dialog.destroy() self.success_dialog() return True
try: if hasattr(locale, 'bindtextdomain'): libintl = locale elif == 'nt': libintl = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary('libintl-8.dll') elif sys.platform == 'darwin': libintl = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary('libintl.dylib') # setup the textdomain in gettext so Gtk3 can find it libintl.bindtextdomain("com.devmaretique.pharmaship", str(settings.PHARMASHIP_LOCALE)) libintl.textdomain("com.devmaretique.pharmaship") except (OSError, AttributeError) as error: # disable translations altogether for consistency log.exception("Impossible to set translation for Pharmaship. %s", error) translation.activate('en_US.UTF-8') def set_langage(lang_code: str): """Application wide language switcher. Set Django Translation (gettext) and C library `locale` for Glade/Gtk files. :param: lang_code: (string) language code """ locale_str = None if platform.system() == "Windows": if lang_code == "fr":