コード例 #1
ファイル: test_util.py プロジェクト: moguonyanko/pheasant
	def test_makelist(self):
		Test make array 1 dimention.
		res1 = ut.makelist(10)
		self.assertEqual(len(res1), 10)
		res2 = ut.makelist(100,0)
		self.assertEqual(len(res2), 100)
コード例 #2
ファイル: service.py プロジェクト: moguonyanko/pheasant
def testprint():
	Test print for checking cgi and loading module.
	testdata = ut.makelist(10)
	return str(testdata)
コード例 #3
ファイル: algorithm.py プロジェクト: moguonyanko/pheasant
def dijkstra(route, start, end):
	Dijkstra route search function with priority queue.
	Return tuple of most smallest route list and cost.
	Argument start is start vertex index.
	Argument end is end vertex index.
	#TODO:This is not work normality.Must be repaired.
	que = qu.PriorityQueue()
	vtxlen = route.vertexlen
	distance = ut.makelist(length=vtxlen, initvalue=float("inf"))
	distance[start] = 0
	que.put((0, start)) #shorest distance, vertex number
	smallroute = [start]
	totalcost = 0
	while que.empty() == False:
		smldist = que.get()
		vertexid = smldist[1]
		if distance[vertexid] < smldist[0]:
		for vtxidx in route.edges:
			edges = route.edges[vtxidx]
			for edgidx in range(len(edges)):
				edge = edges[edgidx]
				cost = distance[vertexid]+edge.cost
				if distance[edge.to] > cost:
					distance[edge.to] = cost
					que.put((distance[edge.to], edge.to))
					totalcost += edge.cost
	return (smallroute, totalcost)
コード例 #4
ファイル: algorithm.py プロジェクト: moguonyanko/pheasant
	def __init__(self, size=0, values=[]):
		Init heap with heap size and values.
		if len(values) > 0:
			self.values = values
			self.values = ut.makelist(size)
		self.pos = 0
コード例 #5
ファイル: algorithm.py プロジェクト: moguonyanko/pheasant
def fib(number):
	fibonach function
	memo = ut.makelist(number+1,0)
	def rec_fib(n):
		if n <= 1:
			return n
		if memo[n] != 0 :
			return memo[n]
		memo[n] = rec_fib(n-1)+rec_fib(n-2)
		return memo[n]
	return rec_fib(number)
コード例 #6
ファイル: algorithm.py プロジェクト: moguonyanko/pheasant
def without_priority_queue_dijkstra(route, start, end):
	Dijkstra route search function 
	without priority queue.
	#TODO:This is not work normality.Must be repaired.
	vtxlen = route.vertexlen
	d = ut.makelist(length=vtxlen, initvalue=float("inf"))
	used = ut.makelist(length=vtxlen, initvalue=False)
	d[start] = 0
	prev = ut.makelist(length=vtxlen, initvalue=-1)

	while True:
		v = -1
		for u in range(vtxlen):
			if (used[u] == False) and (v == -1 or d[u] < d[v]):
				v = u
		if v == -1:
		used[v] = True
		for u in range(vtxlen):
			cost = d[v]+route.edges[v][u].cost
			if d[u] > cost:
				d[u] = cost
				prev[u] = v
	path = []
	t = end
	while t != -1:
		t = prev[t]
	return (path[::-1], d[end])
コード例 #7
ファイル: statistics.py プロジェクト: moguonyanko/pheasant
def multireg(x1s, x2s, ys):
	Multiple regression analysis.
	ones = ut.makelist(len(x1s), 1)
	vecs1 = [lr.Vector([x1,x2,one]) for x1,x2,one in zip(x1s,x2s,ones)]
	mat1 = lr.Matrix(vecs1)
	vx1 = lr.Vector(x1s)
	vx2 = lr.Vector(x2s)
	vone = lr.Vector(ones)
	vecs2 = [vx1,vx2,vone]
	mat2 = lr.Matrix(vecs2)
	vy = lr.Vector(ys)
	mat3 = lr.Matrix([vy])
	res = (mat1*mat2)**-1*mat1*mat3
	return res.rows[0].cols
コード例 #8
ファイル: numtheory.py プロジェクト: moguonyanko/pheasant
def prime(n):
	Caluculate prime number length under "n" by Eratosthenes sieve.
	n: under n prime number detect and return.
	prime = []
	is_prime = ut.makelist(n+1, initvalue=True)
	is_prime[0] = False
	is_prime[1] = False

	i = 2 #Most minimum prime number.
	while i <= n:
		if is_prime[i] == True:
			j = 2*i
			while j <= n:
				is_prime[j] = False
				j += i
		i += 1
	return prime
コード例 #9
ファイル: linear.py プロジェクト: moguonyanko/pheasant
	def __eigen_2dim(self):
		Calculate eigen value for 2 dimension matrix.
		formula = ut.makelist(length=3, initvalue=0)
		formula[0] = 1 #x^2 coef

		rows = self.rows
		cols1 = rows[0].cols
		cols2 = rows[1].cols
		a = cols1[0]
		d = cols2[1]
		formula[1] = a*-1+(-1)*d

		formula[2] = self.det()
		egs = nt.quadeq(formula)
		if len(egs) <= 1:
			raise ValueError("Multiple root cannot deal.")
		res = {}
		for eg in egs:
			resA = a-eg
			resC = cols2[0]
	#TODO: reduct function is fault.
	#		if resA != 1 and resC != 1:
	#			if resA>resC:
	#				resA,resC = nt.reduct(resA, resC)
	#			elif resC<resA:	
	#				resC,resA = nt.reduct(resC, resA)
	#			else:
	#				resA = resC = 1
			res[eg] = Vector([-resC,resA])
		return res
コード例 #10
ファイル: algorithm.py プロジェクト: moguonyanko/pheasant
	def __init__(self, forknum=5):	
		self.forks = ut.makelist(length=forknum, initvalue=False)