def test_particle(): # for part in ['u', "ubar", "d", "dbar","c","cbar","s","sbar","b","bbar"]: # this = QuantumUniverseParticle(part) # print (this.transformtime) particle = QuantumUniverseParticle('Omega*_c0') print(particle.decay_channels) print(particle.mass) for item in particle.decay_channels[0][1]: print(ParticleDataSource.getName(item)) particle2 = QuantumUniverseParticle('Omega_c0') print(particle2.type) print(particle2.mass) print( in ParticleDataSource.getExcludedParticles()) print(TransformationChannels.from_decaylist(particle.decay_channels).all)
class TransformationChannels(object): ''' TCS class includes ALL the channels of a particular transformation TCS = TransformationChannels.from_decaylist([(0.5,[1,2]),(0.5,[3,4])]) TCS = TransformationChannels.from_decaylistNames([(0.5,['e-','nu_ebar']),(0.5,['mu-','nu_mubar'])]) TCS.all = [TC1,TC2] TCS.length = 2 TCS.mostProbable: the TC with higher BR TCS.getChannel(1) = TC2 TCS.getChannel(['mu-','nu_mubar']) = TC2 TCS.lengthCut(3) -> TCs with number of output particles <= 3 TCS.lengthSelection(3) -> TCs with number of output particles = 3 ''' EXCLUDED = ParticleDataSource.getExcludedParticles() additional = ['g', 'Omega*_c0', 'Omega_c0'] EXCLUDED.extend(additional) EXCLUDEDSET = set(EXCLUDED) #EXCLUDED = set(['rndmflavgbar','rndmflavg','g']) def __init__(self, tclist): self._tclist = tclist @classmethod def from_decaylist(cls, decaylist, energy=0): ''' We only accept 2body and 3body channels If we find a 1 body channel we use the decay channels of that particle ''' tclist = [] for channel in decaylist: TC = TransformationChannel(channel[0], channel[1]) if all([ TC.length in [2, 3, 4], TC.BR > 0.0, TC.nameSet.intersection( TransformationChannels.EXCLUDEDSET) == set([]), #TC.totalMass <= energy ]): tclist.append(TC) elif TC.length == 1: oldBR = TC.BR newDCS = ParticleDataSource.getDecayChannels(TC.names[0]) for newTC in TransformationChannels.from_decaylist(newDCS).all: thisBR = newTC.BR newTC = newTC._replace(BR=oldBR * thisBR) tclist.append(newTC) return cls(tclist) @classmethod def from_decaylistNames(cls, decaylist): tclist = [] for channel in decaylist: TC = TransformationChannel( channel[0], list(map(ParticleDataSource.getPDGId, channel[1]))) if all([ TC.length in [2, 3, 4], TC.BR > 0.0, TC.nameSet.intersection( TransformationChannels.EXCLUDED) == set([]) ]): tclist.append(TC) return cls(tclist) @property def all(self): return self._tclist @property def length(self): return len(self._tclist) @property def mostProbable(self): return sorted(self._tclist, key=lambda x: x.BR)[-1] def getChannel(self, *arg): if isinstance(arg[0], (int, long)): return self.getChannelfromId(arg[0]) elif isinstance(arg[0], list): return self.getChannelfromParticles(arg[0]) def getChannelfromId(self, id): try: return self.all[id] except: return [] def getChannelfromParticles(self, particles): try: return [ channel for channel in self.all if channel.nameSet == set(particles) and channel.length == len(particles) ] except: return [] def lengthCut(self, len): return [channel for channel in self._tclist if channel.length <= len] def lengthSelection(self, len): return [channel for channel in self._tclist if channel.length == len]