コード例 #1
    def multi_advect(self, fields, interpolation="LINEAR", dt=1):
        assert isinstance(
            (list, tuple)), "first parameter must be either a tuple or list"
        inputs_lists = []
        coords_lists = []
        value_generators = []
        for field in fields:
            if isinstance(field, StaggeredGrid):
                i, c, v = self._mac_block_advection(field.staggered, dt)
                i, c, v = self._centered_block_advection(field, dt)

        inputs = math.concat(sum(inputs_lists, []), 0)
        coords = math.concat(sum(coords_lists, []), 0)
        all_advected = math.resample(inputs,
        all_advected = math.reshape(all_advected, [self.spatial_rank, -1] +
        all_advected = math.unstack(all_advected)
        results = []
        abs_i = 0
        for i in range(len(inputs_lists)):
            n = len(inputs_lists[0])
            assigned_advected = all_advected[abs_i:abs_i + n]
            abs_i += n
        return results
コード例 #2
    def _stagger_sample(self, box, resolution):
    Samples this field on a staggered grid.
    In addition to sampling, extrapolates the field using an occupancy mask generated from the points.
        :param box: physical dimensions of the grid
        :param resolution: grid resolution
        :return: StaggeredGrid
        resolution = np.array(resolution)
        valid_indices = math.to_int(math.floor(self.sample_points))
        valid_indices = math.minimum(math.maximum(0, valid_indices), resolution - 1)
        # Correct format for math.scatter
        valid_indices = batch_indices(valid_indices)

        active_mask = math.scatter(self.sample_points, valid_indices, 1, math.concat([[valid_indices.shape[0]], resolution, [1]], axis=-1), duplicates_handling='any')

        mask = math.pad(active_mask, [[0, 0]] + [[1, 1]] * self.rank + [[0, 0]], "constant")

        if isinstance(self.data, (int, float, np.ndarray)):
            values = math.zeros_like(self.sample_points) + self.data
            values = self.data
        result = []
        ones_1d = math.unstack(math.ones_like(values), axis=-1)[0]
        staggered_shape = [i + 1 for i in resolution]
        dx = box.size / resolution

        dims = range(len(resolution))
        for d in dims: 
            staggered_offset = math.stack([(0.5 * dx[i] * ones_1d if i == d else 0.0 * ones_1d) for i in dims], axis=-1)

            indices = math.to_int(math.floor(self.sample_points + staggered_offset))
            valid_indices = math.maximum(0, math.minimum(indices, resolution))
            valid_indices = batch_indices(valid_indices)

            values_d = math.expand_dims(math.unstack(values, axis=-1)[d], axis=-1)
            result.append(math.scatter(self.sample_points, valid_indices, values_d, [indices.shape[0]] + staggered_shape + [1], duplicates_handling=self.mode))

            d_slice = tuple([(slice(0, -2) if i == d else slice(1,-1)) for i in dims])
            u_slice = tuple([(slice(2, None) if i == d else slice(1,-1)) for i in dims])
            active_mask = math.minimum(mask[(slice(None),) + d_slice + (slice(None),)], active_mask)
            active_mask = math.minimum(mask[(slice(None),) + u_slice + (slice(None),)], active_mask)
        staggered_tensor_prep = unstack_staggered_tensor(math.concat(result, axis=-1))
        grid_values = StaggeredGrid(staggered_tensor_prep)
        # Fix values at boundary of liquids (using StaggeredGrid these might not receive a value, so we replace it with a value inside the liquid)
        grid_values, _ = extrapolate(grid_values, active_mask, voxel_distance=2)
        return grid_values
コード例 #3
def distribute_points(density, particles_per_cell=1, distribution='uniform'):
Distribute points according to the distribution specified in density.
    :param density: binary tensor
    :param particles_per_cell: integer
    :param distribution: 'uniform' or 'center'
    :return: tensor of shape (batch_size, point_count, rank)
    assert  distribution in ('center', 'uniform')
    index_array = []
    batch_size = math.staticshape(density)[0] if math.staticshape(density)[0] is not None else 1
    for batch in range(batch_size):
        indices = math.where(density[batch, ..., 0] > 0)
        indices = math.to_float(indices)

        temp = []
        for _ in range(particles_per_cell):
            if distribution == 'center':
                temp.append(indices + 0.5)
            elif distribution == 'uniform':
                temp.append(indices + math.random_uniform(math.shape(indices)))
        index_array.append(math.concat(temp, axis=0))
        index_array = math.stack(index_array)
        return index_array
    except ValueError:
        raise ValueError("all arrays in the batch must have the same number of active cells.")
コード例 #4
ファイル: _geom_math.py プロジェクト: salbali/PhiFlow
def concat(geometries: tuple or list,
           dim: str,
           sizes: tuple or list or None = None):
    Concatenates multiple geometries of the same type.

        geometries: sequence of `phi.geom.Geometry` objects of the same type
        sizes: implicit
        dim: dimension to concatenate

        New `phi.geom.Geometry` object
    if all(isinstance(g, type(geometries[0])) for g in geometries):
        characteristics = [g.__characteristics__() for g in geometries]
        if sizes is not None:
            characteristics = [{
                key: math.expand(val, dim, size)
                for key, val in c.items()
            } for c, size in zip(characteristics, sizes)]
        new_attributes = {}
        for key in characteristics[0].keys():
            concatenated = math.concat([c[key] for c in characteristics], dim)
            new_attributes[key] = concatenated
        return geometries[0].__with__(**new_attributes)
        raise NotImplementedError()
コード例 #5
def _generate_examples():
    # --- Example 1 ---
    ex1 = np.tile(np.linspace(1, 0, 5), [4, 1])
    ex1 = math.expand_dims(math.expand_dims(ex1, -1), 0) - math.mean(ex1)
    # --- Example 2 ---
    ex2 = np.zeros([1, 4, 5, 1])
    ex2[0, :, 2, 0] = 1
    ex2 -= math.mean(ex2)
    # --- Stack examples to batch ---
    return math.concat([ex1, ex2], axis=0)
コード例 #6
def concat(*fields: SampledField, dim: str):
    assert all(isinstance(f, SampledField) for f in fields)
    assert all(isinstance(f, type(fields[0])) for f in fields)
    if any(f.extrapolation != fields[0].extrapolation for f in fields):
        raise NotImplementedError("Concatenating extrapolations not supported")
    if isinstance(fields[0], Grid):
        values = math.concat([f.values for f in fields], dim=dim)
        return fields[0].with_(values=values)
    elif isinstance(fields[0], PointCloud):
        elements = geom.concat([f.elements for f in fields],
                               sizes=[f.shape.get_size(dim) for f in fields])
        values = math.concat([
            math.expand(f.values, dim, f.shape.get_size(dim)) for f in fields
        ], dim)
        colors = math.concat(
            [math.expand(f.color, dim, f.shape.get_size(dim)) for f in fields],
        return fields[0].with_(elements=elements, values=values, color=colors)
    raise NotImplementedError(type(fields[0]))
コード例 #7
 def at(self, other_field):
     if isinstance(other_field, StaggeredGrid) and other_field.box == self.box and np.allclose(other_field.resolution, self.resolution):
         return self
         points = other_field.points
         resampled = [centeredgrid.at(other_field) for centeredgrid in self.data]
         data = math.concat([field.data for field in resampled], -1)
         return other_field.copied_with(data=data, flags=propagate_flags_resample(self, other_field.flags, other_field.rank))
     except IncompatibleFieldTypes:
         return broadcast_at(self, other_field)
     except StaggeredSamplePoints:
         return broadcast_at(self, other_field)
コード例 #8
 def at(self, other_field, collapse_dimensions=True, force_optimization=False, return_self_if_compatible=False):
     if isinstance(other_field, StaggeredGrid) and other_field.box == self.box:
         return self
         points = other_field.points
         resampled = [centeredgrid.at(other_field) for centeredgrid in self.data]
         data = math.concat([field.data for field in resampled], -1)
         return other_field.copied_with(data=data, flags=propagate_flags_resample(self, other_field.flags, other_field.rank))
     except IncompatibleFieldTypes:
         return broadcast_at(self, other_field)
     except StaggeredSamplePoints:
         return broadcast_at(self, other_field)
コード例 #9
 def _grid_sample(self, box, resolution):
 Samples this field on a regular grid.
     :param box: physical dimensions of the grid
     :param resolution: grid resolution
     :return: CenteredGrid
     valid_indices = math.to_int(math.floor(self.sample_points))
     valid_indices = math.minimum(math.maximum(0, valid_indices), resolution - 1)
     # Correct format for math.scatter
     valid_indices = batch_indices(valid_indices)
     scattered = math.scatter(self.sample_points, valid_indices, self.data, math.concat([[valid_indices.shape[0]], resolution, [1]], axis=-1), duplicates_handling=self.mode)
     return CenteredGrid(data=scattered, box=box, extrapolation='constant', name=self.name+'_centered')
コード例 #10
def concat(fields: List[SampledFieldType], dim: Shape) -> SampledFieldType:
    Concatenates the given `SampledField`s along `dim`.

    See Also:

        fields: List of matching `SampledField` instances.
        dim: Concatenation dimension as `Shape`. Size is ignored.

        `SampledField` matching concatenated fields.
    assert all(isinstance(f, SampledField) for f in fields)
    assert all(isinstance(f, type(fields[0])) for f in fields)
    if any(f.extrapolation != fields[0].extrapolation for f in fields):
        raise NotImplementedError("Concatenating extrapolations not supported")
    if isinstance(fields[0], Grid):
        values = math.concat([f.values for f in fields], dim)
        return fields[0].with_values(values)
    elif isinstance(fields[0], PointCloud):
        elements = geom.concat([f.elements for f in fields],
                               sizes=[f.shape.get_size(dim) for f in fields])
        values = math.concat(
            [math.expand(f.values, f.shape.only(dim)) for f in fields], dim)
        colors = math.concat(
            [math.expand(f.color, f.shape.only(dim)) for f in fields], dim)
        return PointCloud(elements=elements,
    raise NotImplementedError(type(fields[0]))
コード例 #11
def batch_indices(indices):
Reshapes the indices such that, aside from indices, they also contain batch number.
For example the entry (32, 40) as coordinates of batch 2 will become (2, 32, 40).
Transform shape (b, p, d) to (b, p, d+1) where batch size is b, number of particles is p and number of dimensions is d. 
    batch_size = indices.shape[0]
    out_spatial_rank = len(indices.shape) - 2
    out_spatial_size = math.shape(indices)[1:-1]

    batch_range = math.DYNAMIC_BACKEND.choose_backend(indices).range(batch_size)
    batch_ids = math.reshape(batch_range, [batch_size] + [1] * out_spatial_rank)
    tile_shape = math.pad(out_spatial_size, [[1,0]], constant_values=1)
    batch_ids = math.expand_dims(math.tile(batch_ids, tile_shape), axis=-1)

    return math.concat((batch_ids, indices), axis=-1)
コード例 #12
 def from_scalar(scalar_field, axis_forces, padding_mode="constant"):
     if scalar_field.shape[-1] != 1:
         raise ValueError("Resample requires a scalar field as input")
     rank = spatial_rank(scalar_field)
     dims = range(rank)
     df_dq = []
     for dimension in dims:  # z,y,x
         padded_field = math.pad(scalar_field, [[0, 0]] +
                                 [[1, 1] if i == dimension else [0, 1]
                                  for i in dims] + [[0, 0]], padding_mode)
         upper_slices = [(slice(1, None) if i == dimension else slice(None))
                         for i in dims]
         lower_slices = [(slice(-1) if i == dimension else slice(None))
                         for i in dims]
         neighbour_sum = padded_field[[slice(None)] + upper_slices + [slice(None)]] + \
                         padded_field[[slice(None)] + lower_slices + [slice(None)]]
         df_dq.append(axis_forces[dimension] * neighbour_sum * 0.5 / rank)
     return StaggeredGrid(math.concat(df_dq[::-1], axis=-1))
コード例 #13
def sparse_values(dimensions, extended_active_mask, extended_fluid_mask, sorting=None, periodic=False):
    Builds a sparse matrix such that when applied to a flattened pressure channel, it calculates the laplace
    of that channel, taking into account obstacles and empty cells.

    :param dimensions: valid simulation dimensions. Pressure channel should be of shape (batch size, dimensions..., 1)
    :param extended_active_mask: Binary tensor with 2 more entries in every dimension than 'dimensions'.
    :param extended_fluid_mask: Binary tensor with 2 more entries in every dimension than 'dimensions'.
    :return: SciPy sparse matrix that acts as a laplace on a flattened pressure channel given obstacles and empty cells
    N = int(np.prod(dimensions))
    d = len(dimensions)
    dims = range(d)

    values_list = []
    diagonal_entries = 0  # diagonal matrix entries

    gridpoints_linear = np.arange(N)
    gridpoints = np.stack(np.unravel_index(gridpoints_linear, dimensions)) # d * (N^2) array mapping from linear to spatial frames

    for dim in dims:
        lower_active, self_active, upper_active = _dim_shifted(extended_active_mask, dim, (-1, 0, 1), diminish_others=(1, 1))
        lower_accessible, upper_accessible = _dim_shifted(extended_fluid_mask, dim, (-1, 1), diminish_others=(1, 1))

        stencil_upper = upper_active * self_active
        stencil_lower = lower_active * self_active
        stencil_center = - lower_accessible - upper_accessible

        diagonal_entries += math.flatten(stencil_center)

        dim_direction = math.expand_dims([1 if i == dim else 0 for i in range(d)], axis=-1)
        # --- Stencil upper cells ---
        upper_points, upper_idx = wrap_or_discard(gridpoints + dim_direction, dim, dimensions, periodic=collapsed_gather_nd(periodic, [dim, 1]))
        values_list.append(math.gather(math.flatten(stencil_upper), upper_idx))
        # --- Stencil lower cells ---
        lower_points, lower_idx = wrap_or_discard(gridpoints - dim_direction, dim, dimensions, periodic=collapsed_gather_nd(periodic, [dim, 0]))
        values_list.append(math.gather(math.flatten(stencil_lower), lower_idx))

    values_list.insert(0, math.minimum(diagonal_entries, -1.))
    values = math.concat(values_list, axis=0)
    if sorting is not None:
        values = math.gather(values, sorting)
    return values
コード例 #14
 def gradient(scalar_field, padding="symmetric"):
     if scalar_field.shape[-1] != 1:
         raise ValueError("Gradient requires a scalar field as input")
     rank = spatial_rank(scalar_field)
     dims = range(rank)
     field = math.pad(scalar_field, [[0, 0]] + [[1, 1]] * rank + [[0, 0]],
     df_dq = []
     for dimension in dims:
         upper_slices = [
             (slice(1, None) if i == dimension else slice(1, None))
             for i in dims
         lower_slices = [(slice(-1) if i == dimension else slice(1, None))
                         for i in dims]
         diff = field[[slice(None)] + upper_slices] - field[[slice(None)] +
     return StaggeredGrid(math.concat(df_dq[::-1], axis=-1))
コード例 #15
    def _advect_mac(self, field_mac, dt, interpolation):
        # resample in each dimension
        idx = indices_tensor(self.staggered)
        advected_component_fields = []
        dims = range(len(self.staggered.shape) - 2)

        for d in dims:  # z,y,x
            velocity_at_staggered_points = self.at_faces(len(dims) - d -
                                                         1)[..., ::-1]
            sample_coords = idx - velocity_at_staggered_points * dt
            d_comp = len(dims) - d - 1
            advected = math.resample(field_mac[..., d_comp:d_comp + 1],

        all_advected = math.concat(advected_component_fields[::-1], axis=-1)
        return all_advected
コード例 #16
def _distribute_points(mask: math.Tensor, points_per_cell: int = 1, center: bool = False) -> math.Tensor:
    Generates points (either uniformly distributed or at the cell centers) according to the given tensor mask.

        mask: Tensor with nonzero values at the indices where particles should get generated.
        points_per_cell: Number of particles to generate at each marked index
        center: Set points to cell centers. If False, points will be distributed using a uniform
            distribution within each cell.

        A tensor containing the positions of the generated points.
    indices = math.to_float(math.nonzero(mask, list_dim=instance('points')))
    temp = []
    for _ in range(points_per_cell):
        if center:
            temp.append(indices + 0.5)
            temp.append(indices + (math.random_uniform(indices.shape)))
    return math.concat(temp, dim=instance('points'))
コード例 #17
def extrapolate(input_field, valid_mask, voxel_distance=10):
    Create a signed distance field for the grid, where negative signs are fluid cells and positive signs are empty cells. The fluid surface is located at the points where the interpolated value is zero. Then extrapolate the input field into the air cells.
        :param domain: Domain that can create new Fields
        :param input_field: Field to be extrapolated
        :param valid_mask: One dimensional binary mask indicating where fluid is present
        :param voxel_distance: Optional maximal distance (in number of grid cells) where signed distance should still be calculated / how far should be extrapolated.
        :return: ext_field: a new Field with extrapolated values, s_distance: tensor containing signed distance field, depending only on the valid_mask
    ext_data = input_field.data
    dx = input_field.dx
    if isinstance(input_field, StaggeredGrid):
        ext_data = input_field.staggered_tensor()
        valid_mask = math.pad(valid_mask, [[0, 0]] +
                              [[0, 1]] * input_field.rank + [[0, 0]],

    dims = range(input_field.rank)
    # Larger than voxel_distance to be safe. It could start extrapolating velocities from outside voxel_distance into the field.
    signs = -1 * (2 * valid_mask - 1)
    s_distance = 2.0 * (voxel_distance + 1) * signs
    surface_mask = create_surface_mask(valid_mask)

    # surface_mask == 1 doesn't output a tensor, just a scalar, but >= works.
    # Initialize the voxel_distance with 0 at the surface
    # Previously initialized with -0.5*dx, i.e. the cell is completely full (center is 0.5*dx inside the fluid surface). For stability and looks this was changed to 0 * dx, i.e. the cell is only half full. This way small changes to the SDF won't directly change neighbouring empty cells to fluid cells.
    s_distance = math.where((surface_mask >= 1),
                            -0.0 * math.ones_like(s_distance), s_distance)

    directions = np.array(
        list(itertools.product(*np.tile((-1, 0, 1), (len(dims), 1)))))

    # First make a move in every positive direction (StaggeredGrid velocities there are correct, we want to extrapolate these)
    if isinstance(input_field, StaggeredGrid):
        for d in directions:
            if (d <= 0).all():

            # Shift the field in direction d, compare new distances to old ones.
            d_slice = tuple([(slice(1, None) if d[i] == -1 else
                              slice(0, -1) if d[i] == 1 else slice(None))
                             for i in dims])

            d_field = math.pad(
                ext_data, [[0, 0]] +
                [([0, 1] if d[i] == -1 else [1, 0] if d[i] == 1 else [0, 0])
                 for i in dims] + [[0, 0]], "symmetric")
            d_field = d_field[(slice(None), ) + d_slice + (slice(None), )]

            d_dist = math.pad(
                s_distance, [[0, 0]] +
                [([0, 1] if d[i] == -1 else [1, 0] if d[i] == 1 else [0, 0])
                 for i in dims] + [[0, 0]], "symmetric")
            d_dist = d_dist[(slice(None), ) + d_slice + (slice(None), )]
            d_dist += np.sqrt((dx * d).dot(dx * d)) * signs

            if (d.dot(d) == 1) and (d >= 0).all():
                # Pure axis direction (1,0,0), (0,1,0), (0,0,1)
                updates = (math.abs(d_dist) <
                           math.abs(s_distance)) & (surface_mask <= 0)
                updates_velocity = updates & (signs > 0)
                ext_data = math.where(
                                  if d[i] == 1 else updates_velocity)
                                 for i in dims],
                                axis=-1), d_field, ext_data)
                s_distance = math.where(updates, d_dist, s_distance)
                # Mixed axis direction (1,1,0), (1,1,-1), etc.

    for _ in range(voxel_distance):
        buffered_distance = 1.0 * s_distance  # Create a copy of current voxel_distance. This should not be necessary...
        for d in directions:
            if (d == 0).all():

            # Shift the field in direction d, compare new distances to old ones.
            d_slice = tuple([(slice(1, None) if d[i] == -1 else
                              slice(0, -1) if d[i] == 1 else slice(None))
                             for i in dims])

            d_field = math.pad(
                ext_data, [[0, 0]] +
                [([0, 1] if d[i] == -1 else [1, 0] if d[i] == 1 else [0, 0])
                 for i in dims] + [[0, 0]], "symmetric")
            d_field = d_field[(slice(None), ) + d_slice + (slice(None), )]

            d_dist = math.pad(
                s_distance, [[0, 0]] +
                [([0, 1] if d[i] == -1 else [1, 0] if d[i] == 1 else [0, 0])
                 for i in dims] + [[0, 0]], "symmetric")
            d_dist = d_dist[(slice(None), ) + d_slice + (slice(None), )]
            d_dist += np.sqrt((dx * d).dot(dx * d)) * signs

            # We only want to update velocity that is outside of fluid
            updates = (math.abs(d_dist) <
                       math.abs(buffered_distance)) & (surface_mask <= 0)
            updates_velocity = updates & (signs > 0)
            ext_data = math.where(
                math.concat([updates_velocity] * math.spatial_rank(ext_data),
                            axis=-1), d_field, ext_data)
            buffered_distance = math.where(updates, d_dist, buffered_distance)

        s_distance = buffered_distance

    # Cut off inaccurate values
    distance_limit = -voxel_distance * (2 * valid_mask - 1)
    s_distance = math.where(
        math.abs(s_distance) < voxel_distance, s_distance, distance_limit)

    if isinstance(input_field, StaggeredGrid):
        ext_field = input_field.with_data(ext_data)
        stagger_slice = tuple([slice(0, -1) for i in dims])
        s_distance = s_distance[(slice(None), ) + stagger_slice +
                                (slice(None), )]
        ext_field = input_field.copied_with(data=ext_data)

    return ext_field, s_distance
コード例 #18
 def test_nonzero(self):
     c = math.concat([math.zeros(b=3, a=2), math.ones(a=2, b=4)], 'b')
     nz = math.nonzero(c)
     self.assertEqual(nz.shape.nonzero, 8)
     self.assertEqual(nz.shape.vector, 2)
コード例 #19
 def test_concat(self):
     c = math.concat([math.zeros(b=3, a=2), math.ones(a=2, b=4)], 'b')
     self.assertEqual(2, c.shape.a)
     self.assertEqual(7, c.shape.b)
     math.assert_close(c.b[:3], 0)
     math.assert_close(c.b[3:], 1)
コード例 #20
ファイル: test__ops.py プロジェクト: andresgm/PhiFlow
 def test_nonzero(self):
     c = math.concat([math.zeros(spatial(b=3, a=2)), math.ones(spatial(a=2, b=4))], spatial('b'))
     nz = math.nonzero(c)
     self.assertEqual(nz.shape.get_size('nonzero'), 8)
     self.assertEqual(nz.shape.get_size('vector'), 2)
コード例 #21
 def post_advection(advected_list):
     return StaggeredGrid(math.concat(advected_list[::-1], axis=-1))
コード例 #22
 def sample_at(self, points):
     return math.concat([component.sample_at(points) for component in self.data], axis=-1)
コード例 #23
ファイル: standard_networks.py プロジェクト: sundawei/PhiFlow
def u_net(domain, input_fields, output_field, levels=2, filters=16, blocks_per_level=2, skip_combine='concat', training=False, trainable=True, reuse=None):
- 2D only
- Domain resolution must be multiple of 2**levels

    :param skip_combine: 'concat'
    :param blocks_per_level: number of residual blocks per level
    :param filters: Number of convolutional filters
    :type filters: int or tuple or list
    :param levels: number of additional resolution levels, equals number of downsampling / upsampling operations
    :param domain: the u-net is executed on this domain.
    :type domain: Domain
    :param input_fields: list of Fields to be passed to the network as input
    :param output_field: determines sample points of the result
    :param training: whether the network is executed in training or inference mode
    :param trainable: whether the weights of the network are trainable
    :param reuse: whether to reuse weights from previous unet calls
    :return: Field sampled like output_field
    assert isinstance(domain, Domain)
    assert isinstance(output_field, Field)
    net_inputs = []
    for input_field in input_fields:
        assert isinstance(input_field, Field)
        resampled = input_field.at(domain)
    y = CenteredGrid.sample(math.concat([math.to_float(grid.data) for grid in net_inputs], axis=-1), domain)
    # --- Execute network ---
    pad_width = sum([2 ** i for i in range(levels)])
    y = y.padded([[0, pad_width]] * domain.rank)
    resolutions = [y]
    for level in range(levels):
        level_filters = filters if isinstance(filters, int) else filters[level]
        y = conv_layer(resolutions[0], level_filters, 2, strides=2, activation=tf.nn.relu, padding='valid', name='down_convolution_%d' % level, trainable=trainable, reuse=reuse)
        for i in range(blocks_per_level):
            y = residual_block(y, level_filters, name='down_res_block_%d_%d' % (level, i), training=training, trainable=trainable, reuse=reuse)
        resolutions.insert(0, y)

    y = resolutions.pop(0)
    assert np.all(y.box.size == domain.box.size)

    for level in range(levels):
        y = math.upsample2x(y)
        res_in = resolutions.pop(0)
        res_in = res_in.at(y)  # No resampling required, simply shaving off the top rows
        if skip_combine == 'concat':
            y = y.with_data(math.concat([y.data, res_in.data], axis=-1))
            raise NotImplementedError()
            y = y + res_in
        y = y.padded([[0, 1], [0, 1]])
        if resolutions:
            level_filters = filters if isinstance(filters, int) else reversed(filters)[level]
            y = conv_layer(y, level_filters, kernel_size=2, activation=tf.nn.relu, padding='valid', name='up_convolution_%d' % level, trainable=trainable, reuse=reuse)
            for i in range(blocks_per_level):
                y = residual_block(y, level_filters, name='up_res_block_%d_%d' % (level, i), training=training, trainable=trainable, reuse=reuse)
        else:  # Last iteration
            y = conv_layer(y, output_field.component_count, kernel_size=2, activation=None, padding='valid', name='up_convolution_%d' % level, trainable=trainable, reuse=reuse)
    result = y.at(output_field)
    return result
コード例 #24
ファイル: sparse.py プロジェクト: xyuan/PhiFlow
def sparse_values(dimensions,
    Builds a sparse matrix such that when applied to a flattened pressure channel, it calculates the laplace
    of that channel, taking into account obstacles and empty cells.

    :param dimensions: valid simulation dimensions. Pressure channel should be of shape (batch size, dimensions..., 1)
    :param extended_active_mask: Binary tensor with 2 more entries in every dimension than 'dimensions'.
    :param extended_fluid_mask: Binary tensor with 2 more entries in every dimension than 'dimensions'.
    :return: SciPy sparse matrix that acts as a laplace on a flattened pressure channel given obstacles and empty cells
    N = int(np.prod(dimensions))
    d = len(dimensions)
    dims = range(d)

    values_list = []
    center_values = None  # diagonal matrix entries

    gridpoints_linear = np.arange(N)
    gridpoints = np.stack(np.unravel_index(
        dimensions))  # d * (N^2) array mapping from linear to spatial frames

    for dim in dims:
        upper_indices = tuple(
            [slice(None)] +
            [slice(2, None) if i == dim else slice(1, -1)
             for i in dims] + [slice(None)])
        center_indices = tuple(
            [slice(None)] +
            [slice(1, -1) if i == dim else slice(1, -1)
             for i in dims] + [slice(None)])
        lower_indices = tuple(
            [slice(None)] +
            [slice(0, -2) if i == dim else slice(1, -1)
             for i in dims] + [slice(None)])

        self_active = extended_active_mask[center_indices]
        stencil_upper = extended_active_mask[upper_indices] * self_active
        stencil_lower = extended_active_mask[lower_indices] * self_active
        stencil_center = -extended_fluid_mask[
            upper_indices] - extended_fluid_mask[lower_indices]

        if center_values is None:
            center_values = math.flatten(stencil_center)
            center_values = center_values + math.flatten(stencil_center)

        dim_direction = np.zeros_like(gridpoints)
        dim_direction[dim] = 1
        # Upper frames
        upper_indices = gridpoints + dim_direction
        upper_in_range_inx = np.nonzero(
            upper_indices[dim] < dimensions[dim])[0]
            math.gather(math.flatten(stencil_upper), upper_in_range_inx))
        # Lower frames
        lower_indices = gridpoints - dim_direction
        lower_in_range_inx = np.nonzero(lower_indices[dim] >= 0)[0]
            math.gather(math.flatten(stencil_lower), lower_in_range_inx))

    center_values = math.minimum(center_values, -1.)
    values_list.insert(0, center_values)

    values = math.concat(values_list, axis=0)
    if sorting is not None:
        values = math.gather(values, sorting)
    return values
コード例 #25
 def sample_at(self, points, collapse_dimensions=True):
     return math.concat(
         [component.sample_at(points) for component in self.data], axis=-1)
コード例 #26
def stack_staggered_components(tensors):
    for i, tensor in enumerate(tensors):
        paddings = [[0, 1] if d != i else [0, 0] for d in range(len(tensors))]
        tensors[i] = math.pad(tensor, [[0, 0]] + paddings + [[0, 0]])
    return math.concat(tensors, -1)
コード例 #27
ファイル: test__ops.py プロジェクト: andresgm/PhiFlow
 def test_concat(self):
     c = math.concat([math.zeros(spatial(b=3, a=2)), math.ones(spatial(a=2, b=4))], spatial('b'))
     self.assertEqual(2, c.shape.get_size('a'))
     self.assertEqual(7, c.shape.get_size('b'))
     math.assert_close(c.b[:3], 0)
     math.assert_close(c.b[3:], 1)