def test_path_good(): try: binary = distutils.spawn.find_executable('festival') FestivalBackend.set_festival_path(binary) test_im() # restore the festival path to default finally: FestivalBackend.set_festival_path(None)
def test_path_bad(): try: # corrupt the default espeak path, try to use python executable instead binary = distutils.spawn.find_executable('python') FestivalBackend.set_festival_path(binary) with pytest.raises(RuntimeError): FestivalBackend('en-us').phonemize('hello') with pytest.raises(RuntimeError): FestivalBackend.version() with pytest.raises(ValueError): FestivalBackend.set_festival_path(__file__) # restore the festival path to default finally: FestivalBackend.set_festival_path(None)
def main(): """Phonemize a text from command-line arguments""" args = parse_args() # setup a custom path to espeak and festival if required (this must be done # before generating the version message) if args.espeak_path: EspeakBackend.set_espeak_path(args.espeak_path) if args.festival_path: FestivalBackend.set_festival_path(args.festival_path) # display version information and exit if args.version: print(version.version()) return # list supported languages and exit if args.list_languages: backends = (['festival', 'segments', 'espeak', 'espeak-mbrola'] if not args.backend else [args.backend]) for backend in backends: print(f'supported languages for {backend} are:\n' + '\n'.join(f'\t{k}\t->\t{v}' for k, v in sorted( BACKENDS_MAP[backend].supported_languages().items()))) return # set default backend as espeak if not specified args.backend = args.backend or 'espeak' # configure logging according to --verbose/--quiet options verbosity = 'normal' if args.verbose: verbosity = 'verbose' elif args.quiet: verbosity = 'quiet' log = logger.get_logger(verbosity=verbosity) # configure input as a readable stream streamin = args.input if isinstance(streamin, str): streamin =, 'r', encoding='utf8') log.debug('reading from %s', # configure output as a writable stream streamout = args.output if isinstance(streamout, str): streamout =, 'w', 'utf8') log.debug('writing to %s', # configure the separator for phonemes, syllables and words. if args.backend == 'espeak-mbrola': log.debug('using espeak-mbrola backend: ignoring word separator') sep = separator.Separator(phone=args.phone_separator, syllable=None, word=None) else: sep = separator.Separator(phone=args.phone_separator, syllable=args.syllable_separator, word=args.word_separator) log.debug('separator is %s', sep) text = [line.strip() for line in streamin] # phonemize the input text out = phonemize(text, language=args.language, backend=args.backend, separator=sep, strip=args.strip, preserve_punctuation=args.preserve_punctuation, punctuation_marks=args.punctuation_marks, with_stress=args.with_stress, language_switch=args.language_switch, njobs=args.njobs, logger=log) if out: streamout.write('\n'.join(out) + '\n')
def main(): """Phonemize a text from command-line arguments""" args = parse_args() # setup a custom path to espeak and festival if required (this must be done # before generating the version message) if args.espeak_path: EspeakBackend.set_espeak_path(args.espeak_path) if args.festival_path: FestivalBackend.set_festival_path(args.festival_path) if args.version: print(version.version()) return # configure logging according to --verbose/--quiet options verbosity = 'normal' if args.verbose: verbosity = 'verbose' elif args.quiet: verbosity = 'quiet' log = logger.get_logger(verbosity=verbosity) # configure input as a readable stream streamin = args.input if isinstance(streamin, str): streamin =, 'r', encoding='utf8') log.debug('reading from %s', # configure output as a writable stream streamout = args.output if isinstance(streamout, str): streamout =, 'w', 'utf8') log.debug('writing to %s', # configure the separator for phonemes, syllables and words. sep = separator.Separator(phone=args.phone_separator, syllable=args.syllable_separator, word=args.word_separator) log.debug('separator is %s', sep) # load the input text (python2 optionnally needs an extra decode) text = try: text = text.decode('utf8') except (AttributeError, UnicodeEncodeError): pass # phonemize the input text out = phonemize.phonemize(text, language=args.language, backend=args.backend, separator=sep, strip=args.strip, preserve_punctuation=args.preserve_punctuation, punctuation_marks=args.punctuation_marks, with_stress=args.with_stress, use_sampa=args.sampa, language_switch=args.language_switch, njobs=args.njobs, logger=log) if len(out): streamout.write(out + '\n')