コード例 #1
ファイル: imageclone.py プロジェクト: steverice/photo-tools
def choose_assets():
    search = dialogs.input_alert('What is your album called?')

    albums = photos.get_albums()
    albums = list([a for a in albums if search in a.title])
    albums = list([a for a in albums if get_album_ends(a)[0] is not None])

    if len(albums) == 0:
        dialogs.hud_alert('No album found!', icon='error')
        return None

    album_names = [
            "{0} ({1})".format(a.title,
                               get_album_dates(a)[0].strftime('%b %d, %Y')),
            #'image': get_asset_thumb(get_album_ends(a)[0]),
        } for (i, a) in enumerate(albums)
    album = dialogs.list_dialog('Choose Album', album_names)

    if album is None: return None

    album_index = album['index']
    assets = photos.pick_asset(albums[album_index], 'Choose Photos', True)

    return assets
コード例 #2
def addImagefileToAlbum(imagefilePath, albumName):
        album = [a for a in photos.get_albums() if a.title == albumName][0]
    except IndexError:
        album = photos.create_album(albumName)
    asset = photos.create_image_asset(imagefilePath)
コード例 #3
def get_album(title):
    for coll in photos.get_albums():
        if coll.title == title:
        coll = photos.create_album(title)
    return coll
コード例 #4
def get_album():
	albums = photos.get_albums()
	albums = [a for a in albums if a.title == ALBUM_NAME]
	if not albums:
		return photos.create_album(ALBUM_NAME)
		return albums[0]
コード例 #5
    def albums_load(self, load_smart_albums=False):
        # Get Album Titles
        albums = photos.get_albums()
        for album in albums:

        return  # Although not required, I am a fan of returning all methods
コード例 #6
def add_to_album(image_path, album_name):
        album = [a for a in photos.get_albums() if a.title == album_name][0]
    except IndexError:
        album = photos.create_album(album_name)
    asset = photos.create_image_asset(image_path)
コード例 #7
def check_for_album_or_make(album_name):
  all_albums = photos.get_albums()
  found = False
  for some_album in all_albums:
    if found:
    elif some_album.title == album_name:
      found = True
      found_album = some_album
  if not found:
    found_album = photos.create_album(album_name)
  return found_album
コード例 #8
def main():
    std_albums = photos.get_albums()
    for a in std_albums:
        print (f'{a.title}')
    print('\nSmart Albums')
    smart_albums = photos.get_smart_albums()
    for a in smart_albums:
コード例 #9
def add_to_album(image_path, album_name):
    # KUDOS to Ole Zorn here!
    # Source: https://forum.omz-software.com/topic/3889/adding-an-image-to-my-own-album-in-photos-how/2
    # Find the album or create it:
        album = [a for a in photos.get_albums() if a.title == album_name][0]
    except IndexError:
        album = photos.create_album(album_name)
    # Add the file as an asset to the library:
    asset = photos.create_image_asset(image_path)
    # Workaround a possible timestamp bug:
    asset.creation_date = datetime.datetime.now()
    # Add the asset to the album:
コード例 #10
class Selection_Handler:
    data = {album.title: album for album in photos.get_albums()}

    def names(self):
        return list(self.data.keys())

    def albums(self):
        return [self.data[selection] for selection in self.selections]

    #here we sort theough and remove every photo album that has no pictures in them, as selecting one would crash the program when it tries to make a PDF from it's nonexistant images
    def filter_albums(self):
        albums_to_remove = list()
        for name, album in self.data.items():
            if len(album.assets) == 0:
        [self.data.pop(album) for album in albums_to_remove]

    def make_selection(self):
        self.selections = dialogs.list_dialog('Galleries', self.names, True)
コード例 #11
    def touch_began(self, touch):

        #creates a query of the locations recorded and opens it on google maps
        #because the query accepts at most around 20 points, if you have more
        #than 20 points it will create a new list and get points evenly spaced
        #throughout the path to a total of less than 20. Looks representative
        #and accurate.
        def mapView(self):
            googleMapsMaxPoints = 20
            mapLocations = copy.deepcopy(self.locations)
            if len(self.locations) > googleMapsMaxPoints:
                mapLocations = []
                jump = math.ceil(len(self.locations) / googleMapsMaxPoints)
                for i in range(0, len(self.locations), jump):
                    mapLocations += [self.locations[i]]
            self.query = 'safari-https://www.google.com/maps/dir/'
            for loc in mapLocations:
                self.query += str(loc[0])
                self.query += ","
                self.query += str(loc[1])
                self.query += "/"
            self.query = self.query[:-1]

        #when you run across a landmark (photo) you placed down, it will
        #notify you its present and you can tap to reveal the photo
        def openLandmark(self):
            self.imageModeOpen = True
            self.imageMode = False

            self.heightPhoto = (self.photoHeight/self.photoWidth) * \
            self.widthPhoto = (self.photoWidth/self.photoWidth) * \

            self.heightFrame = self.heightPhoto + 10
            self.widthFrame = self.widthPhoto + 10

            self.halfScreenFrame = self.size.y / 2 - self.heightFrame / 2
            self.halfScreen = self.size.y / 2 - self.heightPhoto / 2

            #asked a question on the omz (Pythonista) forum and they answered!
            #opens the image and has it hidden.
            self.img = ui.Button(name='image')
            self.img.frame = (10, self.halfScreen, self.widthPhoto,
            self.img.background_image = self.ui_image
            self.img.enable = False
            self.img.hidden = False

        #when you tap, get the current location to perform functions
        current = location.get_location()
        #solved the close points problem using rounding
        latLong = (round(current['latitude'],
                         4), round(current['longitude'], 4))
        picTaken = latLong in self.photoLocations

        #get the location on the screen of the touch
        x, y = touch.location

        #if the image is open, close it when you tap (has to be off the image)
        if self.imageModeOpen == True:
            self.imageModeOpen = False
            self.img.hidden = True

        #if you have the loop Prompt, you must tap an answer in order to use
        #the other functions
        if self.loopPrompt == True:
            if x > 50 and x < self.size.x/2 and y < self.size.y/2 \
            and y > self.size.y/2 - 50:
                self.loopPrompt = False
                self.loopPromptState = 1
            elif x > self.size.x/2 and x < self.size.x-50 \
            and y < self.size.y/2 and y > self.size.y/2 - 50:
                self.loopPrompt = False
                self.loopPromptState = 2

        #when it has the more menu open, you must are not able to tap any of
        #the other buttons, other than the ones in the more menu
        elif self.MoreState == True:
            #SOS State tap, call the cops if you tap
            if x < self.size.w/2 + 30 and x > self.size.w/2 - 30 \
            and y > 50 and y < 100 and self.MoreState == True:

            #MapView tap
            elif x < 100 and x > 50 and y < 220 and y > 160 and \
            len(self.locations) >= 2:

            #create the query, but make it a link for phone users, and copy
            #it to the clipboard
            elif x < self.size.x/2+40 and x > self.size.x/2-40 and \
            y < 220 and y > 160 and len(self.locations) >= 2:
                googleMapsMaxPoints = 20
                mapLocations = copy.deepcopy(self.locations)
                if len(self.locations) > googleMapsMaxPoints:
                    mapLocations = []
                    jump = math.ceil(len(self.locations) / googleMapsMaxPoints)
                    for i in range(0, len(self.locations), jump):
                        mapLocations += [self.locations[i]]
                self.query = 'safari-https://www.google.com/maps/dir/'
                for loc in mapLocations:
                    self.query += str(loc[0])
                    self.query += ","
                    self.query += str(loc[1])
                    self.query += "/"
                self.query = self.query[:-1]
                self.clipState = True

            #tap on Trace button to reveal the path
            elif x < self.size.x-50 and x > self.size.x-100 and y < 220 \
            and y > 160 and len(self.locations) > 2:
                self.pathState = True

            #tap on theme button to switch the theme
            elif x < self.size.w/2 + 30 and x > self.size.w/2 - 30 \
            and y > self.size.y-95-40 and y < self.size.y-95+40:
                self.themeSwitch += 1
                if self.themeSwitch % 2 == 0:
                    self.theme = self.lightMode
                elif self.themeSwitch % 2 == 1:
                    self.theme = self.darkMode

            #tap off a button while in the more menu, and it exits the menu
                self.MoreState = False
                self.clipState = False
                self.pathState = False

        #open landmark by tapping on the banner
        elif y > 150 and y < 200 and self.imageMode == True:

        #if in image mode, tap off the image to get rid of it off the screen
        elif y < 150 and y > 200 and self.imageMode == True:
            self.imageMode = False

        #reset button resets everything
        elif x < 100 and x > 50 and y < 100 and y > 50:
            self.measuringOn = False
            self.functionState = 0
            self.background_color = self.theme["backgroundColor"]
            self.locations = []
            self.needMore = False
            self.photoCount = 0
            self.photoLocations = []
            self.locationsLeft = []
            self.needMore = False
            self.timerCount = 0

        #more button is a small and out of the way, opens up more menu
        elif x < self.size.w/2 + 25 and x > self.size.w/2 - 25 and y < 30 \
        and y > 0:
            self.MoreState = True

        #take photos and add to album
        elif x < self.size.w/2 + 30 and x > self.size.w/2 - 30 \
        and y > 50 and y < 100 and self.MoreState == False and \
        self.measuringOn == True and picTaken == False:
            imageree = photos.capture_image()
            if imageree != None:
                #open up the camera and you can take photo
                self.photoCount += 1
                allAssets = photos.get_assets()
                theImage = allAssets[-1]
                #if there is no album, create album 'Thread'
                    self.photoLibrary = [a for a in photos.get_albums() \
                    if a.title == 'Thread'][0]
                except IndexError:
                    self.photoLibrary = photos.create_album('Thread')

                #add the image to the album for the user to have and for
                #future use in the app's use (landmarks!)
                theImage = allAssets[len(allAssets) - 1]

                self.photoLocations += [latLong]

        #compass State: Letters (NWSE) or degrees
        elif x < 325 and x > 275 and y < 100 and y > 50:
            self.compassStat = not (self.compassStat)

        #go to measuring mode when tapped for the first time
        elif self.measuringOn == False and self.functionState == 0:
            self.measuringOn = True
            self.background_color = self.theme["backgroundColor"]
            self.functionState += 1

        #if you need more values do not let the user stop recording
        elif self.measuringOn == True and self.functionState == 1 \
        and len(self.locations) < 4:
            self.needMore = True

        #if you have enough locations, when you tap you can move to next state
        elif self.measuringOn == True and self.functionState == 1 \
        and len(self.locations) > 3:
            self.needMore = False
            self.measuringOn = False
            self.background_color = self.theme["backgroundColor"]
            self.functionState += 1

        #move function state up to state 4 so you can begin tracing back
        elif self.measuringOn == False and self.functionState == 3:
            self.background_color = self.theme["backgroundColor"]
            self.functionState += 1
コード例 #12
import photos, PIL, os

pic_to_resize = photos.pick_asset()
img = pic_to_resize.get_image()
all_folders = photos.get_albums()
for album in all_folders:
    if album.title == 'medium-sized':
        meds = album
new_size = (int(pic_to_resize.pixel_width / 3),
            int(pic_to_resize.pixel_height / 3))
img_med = img.resize(new_size, PIL.Image.ANTIALIAS)
new_med = photos.create_image_asset('img_med.jpg')
except OSError:
コード例 #13
# TODO have option to deal more even if sets remain (maybe penalty)
import random
import ui
from scene import *
from sound import *
import console
import itertools
import json
import time
import photos


# Get images drawn by Iris in photo album 'SetImages'
for album in photos.get_albums():
    if album.title == 'SetImages':
            scaleFaces = .05
            imgBadChoice = album.assets[0].get_ui_image()
            imgAlreadyChosen = album.assets[1].get_ui_image()
            imgBadDealRequest = album.assets[2].get_ui_image()
            imgCorrectSet = album.assets[3].get_ui_image()
            imgOops = album.assets[1].get_ui_image()
            #            imgBadChoice = album.assets[0].get_ui_image(size=(120, 120), crop=False)
            #            imgAlreadyChosen = album.assets[1].get_ui_image(size=(120, 120), crop=False)
            #            imgBadDealRequest = album.assets[2].get_ui_image(size=(120, 120), crop=False)
            #            imgCorrectSet = album.assets[3].get_ui_image(size=(120, 120), crop=True)

コード例 #14
ファイル: evolvedrawer.py プロジェクト: Bob-Arctor/evolvedraw
from scene import *
import photos, Image, ImageDraw, evolver, math

w = 254
h = 254
opacity = 125

controls = [[0, w], [0, h], [0, w / 4], [0, h / 4], [0, 255], [0, 255],
            [0, 255]]
population = 40
parents = 20
mrate = 0.05
figures = 300

moments = photos.get_albums()
asset = photos.pick_asset(moments[4], title='Pick your image', multi=False)
img = asset.get_image()
img = img.convert('RGB')

#scale photo to fit half the screen
width = img.size[0]
height = img.size[1]
widthratio = width / (w)
heightratio = height / h
if widthratio > heightratio:
    scale = widthratio
    scale = heightratio
if scale != 1:
    width = int(width / scale)
    height = int(height / scale)
コード例 #15
def getAlbum(album_name):
	albums = photos.get_albums()
	for ab in albums:
		if ab.title == album_name:
			return ab
	return photos.create_album(album_name)
コード例 #16
    def touch_began(self, touch):

        current = location.get_location()
        latLong = (round(current['latitude'],
                         4), round(current['longitude'], 4)
                   )  #solved the close points problem using rounding
        picTaken = latLong in self.photoLocations

        x, y = touch.location

        if self.imageModeOpen == True:
            self.imageModeOpen = False
            self.img.hidden = True

        if self.loopPrompt == True:
            if x > 50 and x < self.size.x / 2 and y < self.size.y / 2 and y > self.size.y / 2 - 50:
                self.loopPrompt = False
                self.loopPromptState = 1
            elif x > self.size.x / 2 and x < self.size.x - 50 and y < self.size.y / 2 and y > self.size.y / 2 - 50:
                self.loopPrompt = False
                self.loopPromptState = 2

        elif self.MoreState == True:
            #SOS State
            if x < self.size.w / 2 + 30 and x > self.size.w / 2 - 30 and y > 50 and y < 100 and self.MoreState == True:

            elif x < 100 and x > 50 and y < 220 and y > 160 and len(
                    self.locations) >= 2:
                googleMapsMaxPoints = 20
                mapLocations = copy.deepcopy(self.locations)
                if len(self.locations) > googleMapsMaxPoints:
                    mapLocations = []
                    jump = math.ceil(len(self.locations) / googleMapsMaxPoints)
                    for i in range(0, len(self.locations), jump):
                        mapLocations += [self.locations[i]]
                self.query = 'safari-https://www.google.com/maps/dir/'
                for loc in mapLocations:
                    self.query += str(loc[0])
                    self.query += ","
                    self.query += str(loc[1])
                    self.query += "/"
                self.query = self.query[:-1]

            elif x < self.size.x / 2 + 40 and x > self.size.x / 2 - 40 and y < 220 and y > 160 and len(
                    self.locations) >= 2:
                googleMapsMaxPoints = 20
                mapLocations = copy.deepcopy(self.locations)
                if len(self.locations) > googleMapsMaxPoints:
                    mapLocations = []
                    jump = math.ceil(len(self.locations) / googleMapsMaxPoints)
                    for i in range(0, len(self.locations), jump):
                        mapLocations += [self.locations[i]]
                self.query = 'safari-https://www.google.com/maps/dir/'
                for loc in mapLocations:
                    self.query += str(loc[0])
                    self.query += ","
                    self.query += str(loc[1])
                    self.query += "/"
                self.query = self.query[:-1]
                self.clipState = True

            elif x < self.size.x - 50 and x > self.size.x - 100 and y < 220 and y > 160 and len(
                    self.locations) > 2:
                self.pathState = True

                self.MoreState = False
                self.clipState = False
                self.pathState = False

        #open landmark
        elif y > 150 and y < 200 and self.imageMode == True:
            self.imageModeOpen = True
            self.imageMode = False

            self.heightFrame = (self.photoHeight /
                                self.photoWidth) * (self.size.x)
            self.widthFrame = (self.photoWidth /
                               self.photoWidth) * (self.size.x)

            self.heightPhoto = (self.photoHeight /
                                self.photoWidth) * (self.size.x - 20)
            self.widthPhoto = (self.photoWidth /
                               self.photoWidth) * (self.size.x - 20)

            self.halfScreenFrame = self.size.y / 2 - self.heightFrame / 2
            self.halfScreen = self.size.y / 2 - self.heightPhoto / 2

            self.img = ui.Button(name='image')
            self.img.frame = (10, self.halfScreen, self.widthPhoto,
            self.img.background_image = self.ui_image
            self.img.enable = False
            self.img.hidden = False

        elif y < 150 and y > 200 and self.imageMode == True:
            self.imageMode = False

        #reset button
        elif x < 100 and x > 50 and y < 100 and y > 50:
            self.measuringOn = False
            self.checkedOnce = 0
            self.background_color = self.theme["backgroundColor"]
            self.locations = []
            self.needMore = False
            self.photoCount = 0
            self.photoLocations = []
            self.locationsLeft = []
            self.needMore = False
            self.timerCount = 0

        #more button
        elif x < self.size.w / 2 + 25 and x > self.size.w / 2 - 25 and y < 30 and y > 0:
            self.MoreState = True

        #take photos and add to album
        elif x < self.size.w / 2 + 30 and x > self.size.w / 2 - 30 and y > 50 and y < 100 and self.MoreState == False and self.measuringOn == True and picTaken == False:
            imageree = photos.capture_image()
            if imageree != None:
                self.photoCount += 1
                allAssets = photos.get_assets()
                theImage = allAssets[-1]
                # Find the album or create it:
                    self.photoLibrary = [
                        a for a in photos.get_albums() if a.title == 'Thread'
                except IndexError:
                    self.photoLibrary = photos.create_album('Thread')
                # Add the file as an asset to the library:
                # asset = photos.create_image_asset(theImage)
                # Add the asset to the album:
                theImage = allAssets[len(allAssets) - 1]

                self.photoLocations += [latLong]

        #compass State: Letters (NWSE) or degrees
        elif x < 325 and x > 275 and y < 100 and y > 50:
            self.compassStat = not (self.compassStat)

        elif self.measuringOn == False and self.checkedOnce == 0:
            self.measuringOn = True
            self.background_color = self.theme["backgroundColor"]
            self.checkedOnce += 1

        elif self.measuringOn == True and self.checkedOnce == 1 and len(
                self.locations) < 4:
            self.needMore = True

        elif self.measuringOn == True and self.checkedOnce == 1 and len(
                self.locations) > 3:
            self.needMore = False
            self.measuringOn = False
            self.background_color = self.theme["backgroundColor"]
            self.checkedOnce += 1

        elif self.measuringOn == False and self.checkedOnce == 3:
            self.background_color = self.theme["backgroundColor"]
            self.checkedOnce += 1
コード例 #17
ファイル: photosBro44.py プロジェクト: vigneshrajmohan/Thread
    def touch_began(self, touch):
        x, y = touch.location

        if self.loopPrompt == True:
            if x > 50 and x < self.size.x / 2 and y < self.size.y / 2 and y > self.size.y / 2 - 50:
                self.loopPrompt = False
                self.loopPromptState = 1
            elif x > self.size.x / 2 and x < self.size.x - 50 and y < self.size.y / 2 and y > self.size.y / 2 - 50:
                self.loopPrompt = False
                self.loopPromptState = 2

        elif self.MoreState == True:
            #SOS State
            if x < self.size.w / 2 + 30 and x > self.size.w / 2 - 30 and y > 50 and y < 100 and self.MoreState == True:

            elif x < 100 and x > 50 and y < 220 and y > 160 and len(
                    self.locations) >= 2:
                googleMapsMaxPoints = 20
                mapLocations = copy.deepcopy(self.locations)
                if len(self.locations) > googleMapsMaxPoints:
                    mapLocations = []
                    jump = math.ceil(len(self.locations) / googleMapsMaxPoints)
                    for i in range(0, len(self.locations), jump):
                        mapLocations += [self.locations[i]]
                self.query = 'safari-https://www.google.com/maps/dir/'
                for loc in mapLocations:
                    self.query += str(loc[0])
                    self.query += ","
                    self.query += str(loc[1])
                    self.query += "/"
                self.query = self.query[:-1]

            elif x < self.size.x / 2 + 40 and x > self.size.x / 2 - 40 and y < 220 and y > 160 and len(
                    self.locations) >= 2:
                googleMapsMaxPoints = 20
                mapLocations = copy.deepcopy(self.locations)
                if len(self.locations) > googleMapsMaxPoints:
                    mapLocations = []
                    jump = math.ceil(len(self.locations) / googleMapsMaxPoints)
                    for i in range(0, len(self.locations), jump):
                        mapLocations += [self.locations[i]]
                self.query = 'safari-https://www.google.com/maps/dir/'
                for loc in mapLocations:
                    self.query += str(loc[0])
                    self.query += ","
                    self.query += str(loc[1])
                    self.query += "/"
                self.query = self.query[:-1]
                self.clipState = True

            elif x < self.size.x - 50 and x > self.size.x - 100 and y < 220 and y > 160:
                self.pathState = True

                self.MoreState = False
                self.clipState = False
                self.pathState = False

        #reset button
        elif x < 100 and x > 50 and y < 100 and y > 50:
            self.measuringOn = False
            self.checkedOnce = 0
            self.background_color = 'white'
            self.locations = []
            self.needMore = False

        #more button
        elif x < self.size.w / 2 + 25 and x > self.size.w / 2 - 25 and y < 30 and y > 0:
            self.MoreState = True

        elif x < self.size.w / 2 + 30 and x > self.size.w / 2 - 30 and y > 50 and y < 100 and self.MoreState == False:
            imageree = photos.capture_image()
            self.photoCount += 1
            all_assets = photos.get_assets()
            theImage = all_assets[-1]
            # Find the album or create it:
                album = [
                    a for a in photos.get_albums() if a.title == 'Thread'
            except IndexError:
                album = photos.create_album('Thread')
            # Add the file as an asset to the library:
            # asset = photos.create_image_asset(theImage)
            # Add the asset to the album:
            theImage = all_assets[len(all_assets) - 1]

        #compass State: Letters (NWSE) or degrees
        elif x < 325 and x > 275 and y < 100 and y > 50:
            self.compassStat = not (self.compassStat)

        elif self.measuringOn == False and self.checkedOnce == 0:
            self.measuringOn = True
            self.background_color = 'white'
            self.checkedOnce += 1

        elif self.measuringOn == True and self.checkedOnce == 1 and len(
                self.locations) < 4:
            self.needMore = True

        elif self.measuringOn == True and self.checkedOnce == 1 and len(
                self.locations) > 3:
            self.needMore = False
            self.measuringOn = False
            self.background_color = 'white'
            self.checkedOnce += 1

        elif self.measuringOn == False and self.checkedOnce == 3:
            self.background_color = 'white'
            self.checkedOnce += 1
コード例 #18
ファイル: PhotoAlbum.py プロジェクト: D1982/pythonista-ios
 def get_albums(self):
     albums = photos.get_albums()
     return albums
コード例 #19
import photos

if __name__ == '__main__':
	albums = photos.get_albums()
	for k, a in enumerate(albums):
		if a.title in ('Test1', 'Test2'):
			print(f'Deleting album "{a.title}"...')
			print(f'"{a.title}" is gone, dude!')
コード例 #20

	if response.status_code != 200:
		json = response.json()

		if json['throwable'].startswith("com.liferay.document.library.kernel.exception.DuplicateFileEntryException"):
			print("Sorry, unable to upload file: %s. A file with the name '%s' already exists." % (title, title))
			print("Sorry, unable to upload file: %s. %i - %s" % (title, response.status_code, response.text))
	return response.status_code

hackday_album = None
keeper_album = None

asset_collections = photos.get_albums()

for asset_collection in asset_collections:
	if asset_collection.title == album_name:
		hackday_album = asset_collection
	if asset_collection.title == keeper_album_name:
		keeper_album = asset_collection

	if hackday_album and keeper_album:

keeper_filenames = []

if keeper_album:
	for asset in keeper_album.assets: