def peak_finder(self, map_data, mask_pf=None): ''' Function to generate initial parameters of gaussian(s) to be used as guesses in the fitting algorithm. The code is searching automatically for peaks location using astropy and photutils routines. Parameters: - map_data: map to be searched for gaussian(s) - mask_pf: a mask to be used in the searching algorithm. The alorithm is looking for gaussians only where the mask is true. In case of an iterative fitting, the mask is updated everytime to mask out the gaussians that have been already found. ''' x_lim = np.size(self.xgrid) y_lim = np.size(self.ygrid) fact = 20. bs = np.array( [int(np.floor(y_lim / fact)), int(np.floor(x_lim / fact))]) mean, median, std = sigma_clipped_stats(, sigma=3.0) threshold = median + (5. * std) if mask_pf is None: tbl = find_peaks(map_data, threshold, box_size=bs) mask_pf = np.zeros_like(self.xy_mesh[0]) else: self.mask = mask_pf.copy() tbl = find_peaks(map_data, threshold, box_size=bs, mask=self.mask) tbl['peak_value'].info.format = '%.8g' guess = np.array([]) x_i = np.array([]) y_i = np.array([]) for i in range(len(tbl['peak_value'])): guess_temp = np.array([tbl['peak_value'][i], self.xgrid[tbl['x_peak'][i]], \ self.ygrid[tbl['y_peak'][i]], 1., 1., 0.]) guess = np.append(guess, guess_temp) index_x = self.xgrid[tbl['x_peak'][i]] index_y = self.ygrid[tbl['y_peak'][i]] x_i = np.append(x_i, index_x) y_i = np.append(y_i, index_y) mask_pf[index_y - bs[1]:index_y + bs[1], index_x - bs[0]:index_x + bs[0]] = True if self.param is None: self.param = guess_temp self.mask = mask_pf.copy() else: self.param = np.append(self.param, guess_temp) self.mask = np.logical_or(self.mask, mask_pf)
def center(s_post, member_indices): mem = gcat[member_indices] """ Member Galaxy Locations """ mempix = convpix(mem, w) x = mempix[:, 0] y = mempix[:, 1] """ Configuring Pixel Space""" init_x, init_y = w.wcs_world2pix(s_post[0], s_post[1], 1) # initial estimate to draw box wid_arcsec = 302 # 5'x 5' area around s-post pix_scale = 0.8627 # "/pixel ---> 0.000239 deg/pixel wid_pixels = int(wid_arcsec / pix_scale) # ~350x350 pixels xmin = int(init_x - (wid_pixels / 2.0)) # boundaries xmax = int(init_x + (wid_pixels / 2.0)) ymin = int(init_y - (wid_pixels / 2.0)) ymax = int(init_y + (wid_pixels / 2.0)) """ 2D-Histogram & Smoothing """ binstep = 10 # 10 pixel ~ 8.62 " wght = np.asarray( gcat[member_indices]['fch1']) # weights: irac ch1[3.6 um] flux xedges = np.arange(xmin, xmax + binstep, binstep) yedges = np.arange(ymin, ymax + binstep, binstep) h, xedges, yedges = np.histogram2d(x, y, bins=(xedges, yedges), weights=wght) size = int(round( (np.shape(h)[0]) / 4.0)) # kernel size : at least ~ 4 times smaller stdev_ker = size / 3.0 # size = 3-sigma gauss_kernel = Gaussian2DKernel(stddev=stdev_ker, x_size=size, y_size=size) # kernel smoothed_data_gauss = convolve_fft(h.T, gauss_kernel) # convolution/smoothing """ Finds Peak """ x_org, y_org = (xedges[0] + xedges[1]) / 2.0, ( yedges[0] + yedges[1]) / 2.0 # origin of bin-coordinate fp_m = find_peaks(smoothed_data_gauss, 0, npeaks=1) # 1 peak with max value xbin_peak, ybin_peak = fp_m['x_peak'][0], fp_m['y_peak'][ 0] # x, y positions of the peak x_p, y_p = (x_org + xbin_peak * binstep), ( y_org + ybin_peak * binstep) # conversion to pixel coordinates peak = (x_p, y_p) ra_p, dec_p = w.wcs_pix2world(peak[0], peak[1], 1) peak_fk5 = (ra_p, dec_p) """ Centroid from Image Moments """ cen_pos = centroid_com(smoothed_data_gauss) cenx, ceny = (x_org + cen_pos[0] * binstep), (y_org + cen_pos[1] * binstep) ra_c, dec_c = w.wcs_pix2world(cenx, ceny, 1) centre = (ra_c, dec_c) return centre, peak_fk5
def measure_hfr(buf): """ measure focus using HFR :param buf: :return: """ im = np.frombuffer(buf, dtype=np.uint8).reshape((240, 320, 3)) # sub background median = np.median(im[:, :, 1]) Im = im[:, :, 1] - median # find star max = np.max(Im) tbl = find_peaks(Im, max - median, box_size=100, subpixel=False) x, y = int(tbl['x_peak'][0]), int(tbl['y_peak'][0]) # improve center estimate by centroid d = 50 X, Y = np.arange(x - d, x + d), np.arange(y - d, y + d) V = Im[X, Y] D = sum(V) x = int(sum(V * X) / D) y = int(sum(V * Y) / D) # use new center for hfr X, Y = np.arange(x - d, x + d), np.arange(y - d, y + d) V = Im[X, Y] D = np.array(np.vstack((X - x, Y - y))) D = np.linalg.norm(D, axis=0) hfr = np.sum(V * D) / np.sum(V) return hfr
def locate_peaks(self, sigma_level, kernel=None): """ This function ... :param sigma_level: :param kernel: :return: """ # If a subtracted box is present, use it to locate the peaks box = self.subtracted if self.has_background else self.cutout # Calculate the sigma-clipped statistics of the box mean, median, stddev = statistics.sigma_clipped_statistics( box, sigma=3.0, mask=self.background_mask ) # Sigma 3.0 for clipping is what photutils uses in detect_threshold #sigma_level = 1.5 # I once tried to investigate why some clear peaks were not detected, did not have time .. threshold = median + (sigma_level * stddev) # Convolve the box with the given kernel, if any if kernel is not None: box = convolve_fft(box, kernel, normalize_kernel=True) # Find peaks #threshold = detect_threshold(box, snr=2.0) # other method (snr corresponds to sigma_level as I use it above) peaks = find_peaks(box, threshold, box_size=5, mask=self.background_mask) # For some reason, once in a while, an ordinary list comes out of the find_peaks routine instead of an # Astropy Table instance. We assume we need an empty table in this case if type(peaks) is list: peaks = Table([[], []], names=('x_peak', 'y_peak')) # Initialize a list to contain the peak positions positions = [] # Loop over the peaks for peak in peaks: # Calculate the absolute x and y coordinate of the peak x_rel = peak['x_peak'] y_rel = peak['y_peak'] x = x_rel + self.cutout.x_min y = y_rel + self.cutout.y_min # Check whether the peak position falls in the box and then add it to the list peak_position = Position(x, y) if self.cutout.contains(peak_position): # Add the coordinates to the positions list positions.append(peak_position) else: print("DEBUG: peak position", peak_position, "falls outside of box with shape", box.shape) # If exactly one peak was found, set the self.peak attribute accordingly if len(positions) == 1: self.peak = positions[0] # Return the list of peak positions return positions
def peak_detection(denormed_img, band, shifts, img_size, npeaks, nb_blended_gal, training_or_test, dist_cut): ''' Return coordinates of the centroid of the closest galaxy from the center Parameters: ---------- denormed_img: denormalized image of the blended galaxies band: filter in which the detection is done shifts: initial shifts used for the image generation img_size: size of the image npeaks: maximum number of peaks to return for photutils find_peaks function nb_blended_gal: number of blended galaxies in the image training_or_test: choice of training or test sample being generated dist_cut: cut in distance to check if detected galaxy is not too close from its neighbours ''' gal = denormed_img df_temp = photutils.find_peaks(gal, threshold=5 * np.sqrt(sky_level_pixel[band]), npeaks=npeaks, centroid_func=centroid_com) if df_temp is not None: df_temp['x_peak'] = (df_temp['x_centroid'] - ((img_size / 2.) - 0.5)) * pixel_scale[band] df_temp['y_peak'] = (df_temp['y_centroid'] - ((img_size / 2.) - 0.5)) * pixel_scale[band] df_temp.sort('peak_value', reverse=True) # Distances of true centers to brightest peak qq = [ np.sqrt( float((shifts[j, 0] - df_temp['x_peak'][0])**2 + (shifts[j, 1] - df_temp['y_peak'][0])**2)) for j in range(nb_blended_gal) ] idx_closest = np.argmin(qq) if nb_blended_gal > 1: # Distance from peak galaxy to others qq_prime = [ np.sqrt( float((shifts[idx_closest, 0] - shifts[j, 0])**2 + (shifts[idx_closest, 1] - shifts[j, 1])**2)) if j != idx_closest else np.inf for j in range(nb_blended_gal) ] idx_closest_to_peak_galaxy = np.argmin(qq_prime) if training_or_test != 'test': if not np.all(np.array(qq_prime) > dist_cut): print( 'TRAINING CUT: closest is not central and others are too close' ) return False else: idx_closest_to_peak_galaxy = np.nan return idx_closest, idx_closest_to_peak_galaxy, df_temp[0][ 'x_centroid'], df_temp[0]['y_centroid'], df_temp[0][ 'x_peak'], df_temp[0]['y_peak'], len(df_temp) else: return False
def peak_finder(self, map_data, mask_pf=False): x_lim = np.size(self.xgrid) y_lim = np.size(self.ygrid) fact = 20. bs = np.array( [int(np.floor(y_lim / fact)), int(np.floor(x_lim / fact))]) mean, median, std = sigma_clipped_stats(, sigma=3.0) threshold = median + (5. * std) if mask_pf is False: tbl = find_peaks(map_data, threshold, box_size=bs) mask_pf = np.zeros_like(self.xy_mesh[0]) else: self.mask = mask_pf.copy() tbl = find_peaks(map_data, threshold, box_size=bs, mask=self.mask) tbl['peak_value'].info.format = '%.8g' guess = np.array([]) x_i = np.array([]) y_i = np.array([]) for i in range(len(tbl['peak_value'])): guess_temp = np.array([tbl['peak_value'][i], self.xgrid[tbl['x_peak'][i]], \ self.ygrid[tbl['y_peak'][i]], 1., 1., 0.]) guess = np.append(guess, guess_temp) index_x = self.xgrid[tbl['x_peak'][i]] index_y = self.ygrid[tbl['y_peak'][i]] x_i = np.append(x_i, index_x) y_i = np.append(y_i, index_y) mask_pf[index_y - bs[1]:index_y + bs[1], index_x - bs[0]:index_x + bs[0]] = True if self.param is None: self.param = guess_temp self.mask = mask_pf.copy() else: self.param = np.append(self.param, guess_temp) self.mask = np.logical_or(self.mask, mask_pf)
def _find_saturated(self, data, sat_thresh, search_fwhm): """Use threshold search to look for regions of saturated pixels """ boxsize = int(4 * search_fwhm) self._logger.debug(f'Looking for possibly saturated regions above {sat_thresh} ADU separated by {boxsize} pixels.') saturated_positions = find_peaks(data, threshold=sat_thresh, box_size=boxsize) print('Saturated position table:\n', saturated_positions) return saturated_positions
def locate_peaks(self, sigma_level, kernel=None): """ This function ... :param sigma_level: :param kernel: :return: """ # If a subtracted box is present, use it to locate the peaks box = self.subtracted if self.has_background else self.cutout # Calculate the sigma-clipped statistics of the box mean, median, stddev = statistics.sigma_clipped_statistics(box, sigma=3.0, # Sigma 3.0 for clipping is what photutils uses in detect_threshold #sigma_level = 1.5 # I once tried to investigate why some clear peaks were not detected, did not have time .. threshold = median + (sigma_level * stddev) # Convolve the box with the given kernel, if any if kernel is not None: box = convolve_fft(box, kernel, normalize_kernel=True) # Find peaks #threshold = detect_threshold(box, snr=2.0) # other method (snr corresponds to sigma_level as I use it above) peaks = find_peaks(box, threshold, box_size=5, mask=self.background_mask) # For some reason, once in a while, an ordinary list comes out of the find_peaks routine instead of an # Astropy Table instance. We assume we need an empty table in this case if type(peaks) is list: peaks = Table([[], []], names=('x_peak', 'y_peak')) # Initialize a list to contain the peak positions positions = [] # Loop over the peaks for peak in peaks: # Calculate the absolute x and y coordinate of the peak x_rel = peak['x_peak'] y_rel = peak['y_peak'] x = x_rel + self.cutout.x_min y = y_rel + self.cutout.y_min # Check whether the peak position falls in the box and then add it to the list peak_position = PixelCoordinate(x, y) if self.cutout.contains(peak_position): # Add the coordinates to the positions list positions.append(peak_position) else: print("DEBUG: peak position", peak_position, "falls outside of box with shape", box.shape) # If exactly one peak was found, set the self.peak attribute accordingly if len(positions) == 1: self.peak = positions[0] # Return the list of peak positions return positions
def construct_epsf(imdata, mean): peaks_tbl = find_peaks(imdata, threshold=20.0) peaks_tbl['peak_value'].info.format = '%.8g' for i in range(len(peaks_tbl)): print(i, peaks_tbl['x_peak'][i], peaks_tbl['y_peak'][i]) #rem_indA = [0,1,3,4,5,6,8,9,11,12,13,16,84,85,86,87,91,92,99,102] #rem_indB = [0,1,3,4,5,6,8,9,11,12,13,15,16,17,24,25,61,62,73,78,84,85,86,87,91,92,99,102] #rem_indC = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,8,9,10,11,12,13,15,16,17,22,23,24,25,61,62,71,73,77,78,84,85,86,87,91,92,94,96,99,102] #rem_indVIS = [2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,12,13,14] #rem_indD = [3,5] #rem_indVIS2 = [0,1,2,7] #rem_indE = [22,23,24,25,27,28,29] #rem_indF = [11,12,13,15,16,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26] #rem_indG = [9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28] #rem_indH=[4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13] #rem_indI = [4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18] #rem_indJ = [0,1,2,3,4,5,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,22,25,27,28,29,30,33,34,36,37,38,39] #rem_indK = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,13,14,15,23,24,25,26,29,30,31,33,34,35] #rem_indL = [4,5,6,7,8,10,11,12,13] #rem_indM = [5,6,7,8,9,10,11,13,14,15,16,18,27,29] #rem_indN = [4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,13,14,15,16,17,19,20,21] #peaks_tbl.remove_rows([rem_indM]) plt.figure() plt.scatter(peaks_tbl['x_peak'], peaks_tbl['y_peak'], c='k') plt.imshow(imdata, vmin=-0.2, vmax=2., origin='lowerleft') stars_tbl = Table() stars_tbl['x'] = peaks_tbl['x_peak'] stars_tbl['y'] = peaks_tbl['y_peak'] mean_val, median_val, std_val = sigma_clipped_stats(imdata, sigma=2.0) imdata -= median_val nddata = NDData(data=imdata) stars = extract_stars(nddata, stars_tbl, size=20) epsf_builder = EPSFBuilder(oversampling=4, maxiters=3, progress_bar=False) epsf, fitted_stars = epsf_builder(stars) hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU( hdul = fits.HDUList([hdu]) hdul.writeto('Serpens3/epsf.fits') return stars, epsf
def find_sources_experimental(self): """ This function ... :return: """ kernel = self.star_finder.kernel._array result = match_template(self.frame, kernel, pad_input=True) #plotting.plot_box(result) #y, x = np.unravel_index(np.argmax(result), result.shape) #source = Source.around_coordinate(self.frame, Coordinate(x,y), radius=5, factor=1.3) #source.plot() #from ...core.basics.distribution import Distribution #distribution = Distribution.from_values(result.flatten()) #distribution.plot() from photutils import find_peaks mask = Mask(self.galaxy_finder.segments) + Mask( self.star_finder.segments) peaks = find_peaks(result, 0.8, box_size=5, mask=mask) index = 1 self.segments = Frame.zeros_like(self.frame) # Loop over the peaks for peak in peaks: # Calculate the absolute x and y coordinate of the peak x = peak['x_peak'] y = peak['y_peak'] coordinate = Coordinate(x, y) source = Source.around_coordinate(self.frame, coordinate, radius=5, factor=1.3) self.segments[source.y_slice, source.x_slice][source.mask] = index index += 1
def find_sources_experimental(self): """ This function ... :return: """ # Inform the user"Finding sources based on template matching ...") kernel = self.kernel._array result = match_template(self.frame, kernel, pad_input=True) #plotting.plot_box(result) #y, x = np.unravel_index(np.argmax(result), result.shape) #source = Source.around_coordinate(self.frame, Coordinate(x,y), radius=5, factor=1.3) #source.plot() #from ...core.basics.distribution import Distribution #distribution = Distribution.from_values(result.flatten()) #distribution.plot() from photutils import find_peaks mask = Mask(self.galaxy_segments) + Mask(self.star_segments) peaks = find_peaks(result, 0.8, box_size=5, mask=mask) index = 1 self.segments = Frame.zeros_like(self.frame) # Loop over the peaks for peak in peaks: # Calculate the absolute x and y coordinate of the peak x = peak['x_peak'] y = peak['y_peak'] coordinate = Coordinate(x,y) source = Detection.around_coordinate(self.frame, coordinate, radius=5, factor=1.3) self.segments[source.y_slice, source.x_slice][source.mask] = index index += 1
def get_photometry(image, mask=None, gain=4., pos=(dx_stamp, dx_stamp), radii=10.): sigma_clip = SigmaClip(sigma=3., iters=2) bkg_estimator = MedianBackground() bkg = Background2D(image, (10, 10), sigma_clip=sigma_clip, bkg_estimator=bkg_estimator) print '\tBackground stats: %f, %f' % (bkg.background_median, bkg.background_rms_median) data = image - bkg.background # bkg_err = np.random.normal(bkg.background_median, # bkg.background_rms_median, image.shape) if False: plt.imshow(data, cmap='viridis', interpolation='nearest') plt.colorbar() # error = calc_total_error(image, bkg_err, gain) back_mean, back_median, back_std = sigma_clipped_stats(data, mask, sigma=3, iters=3, cenfunc=np.median) print '\tBackground stats: %f, %f' % (back_median, back_std) tbl = find_peaks(data, np.minimum(back_std, bkg.background_rms_median) * 3, box_size=5, subpixel=True) print tbl tree_XY = cKDTree(np.array([tbl['x_peak'], tbl['y_peak']]).T) dist, indx = tree_XY.query(pos, k=1, distance_upper_bound=5) if np.isinf(dist): print '\tNo source found in the asked position...' return None position = [tbl[indx]['x_centroid'], tbl[indx]['y_centroid']] print '\tObject position: ', position apertures = [CircularAperture(position, r=r) for r in radii] phot_table = aperture_photometry(data, apertures, mask=mask, method='subpixel', subpixels=5) for k, r in enumerate(radii): area = np.pi * r ** 2 phot_table['aperture_flx_err_%i' % k] = np.sqrt(area * bkg.background_rms_median ** 2 + phot_table['aperture_sum_%i' % k] / gain) phot_table.remove_columns(['xcenter', 'ycenter']) phot_table['xcenter'] = position[0] phot_table['ycenter'] = position[1] return phot_table
def get_centroid(data): mean, median, std = sigma_clipped_stats(data, sigma=3.0) threshold = median + (10.0 * std) tbl = find_peaks(data, threshold, box_size=5) #limit location of x and y based on quick look image half=data.shape[1]/2 xlim = [i for i,(j,k) in enumerate(zip(tbl['x_peak'],tbl['y_peak'])) if half-20 < j < half+20 and 200 < k < 800] try: for idx in xlim: #get index of brightest source within the limit if tbl['peak_value'][idx] == max(tbl[xlim]['peak_value']): #import pdb; pdb.set_trace() x_max, y_max = int(tbl['x_peak'][idx]), int(tbl['y_peak'][idx]) except: x_max, y_max = 100,100 print('no centroid') return (x_max, y_max)#tuple
def optimize_m(t_ini, f_ini, alpha_ini, sig_curr): #keeping in mind that minimize requires flattened arrays grad_fun = lambda tg: -1 * grad_lnpost(tg, f_ini, alpha_ini, sig_curr) res = scipy.optimize.minimize( lambda tt: -1 * lnpost(tt, f_ini, alpha_ini, sig_curr), t_ini, # theta initial jac=grad_fun, method='L-BFGS-B', bounds=[(1e-5, 10)] * len(t_ini)) tt_prime = res['x'] print(res['nit']) w_final = tt_prime.reshape((n_grid, n_grid)) print(w_final) #pick out the peaks using photutils thresh = detect_threshold(w_final, 3) tbl = find_peaks(w_final, thresh) positions = np.transpose((tbl['x_peak'], tbl['y_peak'])) w_peaks = np.zeros((n_grid, n_grid)) w_peaks[positions] = w_final[positions] return w_peaks
def BuildEPSF(filter='Ks'): """Builds the effective PSF used for the photometry. Currently uses the SCAO PSF from SimCADO. """ src =, filter_name=filter, spec_type='M0V') image = img.MakeImage(src, exposure=1800, NDIT=1, view='wide', chip='centre', filter=filter, ao_mode='scao') # PSF_AnisoCADO_SCAO_FVPSF_4mas_EsoMedian_20190328.fits peaks_tbl = phu.find_peaks(image, threshold=135000., box_size=11) peaks_tbl['peak_value'].info.format = '%.8g' # for consistent table output # make sure the positions are correct (use the exact ones) peaks_tbl['x_peak'] = src.x_pix peaks_tbl['y_peak'] = src.y_pix positions = (peaks_tbl['x_peak'], peaks_tbl['y_peak']) apertures = phu.CircularAperture(positions, r=5.) # extract cutouts of the stars using the extract_stars() function stars_tbl = apta.Table() stars_tbl['x'] = peaks_tbl['x_peak'] stars_tbl['y'] = peaks_tbl['y_peak'] mean_val, median_val, std_val = apy.stats.sigma_clipped_stats(img_data, sigma=2.) img_data -= median_val # subtract background nddata = apy.nddata.NDData(data=img_data) stars = phu.psf.extract_stars(nddata, stars_tbl, size=170) # build the epsf epsf_builder = phu.EPSFBuilder(oversampling=4, maxiters=5, progress_bar=False) epsf, fitted_stars = epsf_builder(stars) # save the epsf with open(os.path.join('objects', 'epsf-scao-fv.pkl'), 'wb') as output: pickle.dump(epsf, output, -1)
def build_epsf(image_num): size = 7 hsize = (size - 1) / 2 peaks_tbl = find_peaks(Reduced_Image_Data[image_num], threshold=750.) x = peaks_tbl['x_peak'] y = peaks_tbl['y_peak'] mask = ((x > hsize) & (x < (Reduced_Image_Data[image_num].shape[1] - 1 - hsize)) & (y > hsize) & (y < (Reduced_Image_Data[image_num].shape[0] - 1 - hsize))) stars_tbl = Table() stars_tbl['x'] = x[mask] stars_tbl['y'] = y[mask] nddata = NDData(data=Reduced_Image_Data[image_num]) stars = extract_stars(nddata, stars_tbl, size=10) #nrows = 5 #ncols = 5 #fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=nrows, ncols=ncols, figsize = (15, 15), squeeze = True) #ax = ax.ravel() #for i in range(nrows*ncols): #norm = simple_norm(stars[i], 'log', percent = 99.) #ax[i].imshow(stars[i], norm = norm, origin = 'lower', cmap = 'gray') epsf_builder = EPSFBuilder(oversampling=8, maxiters=20, progress_bar=False) epsf, fitted_stars = epsf_builder(stars) #norm = simple_norm(, 'log', percent = 99.) #plt.imshow(, norm = norm, origin = 'lower', cmap = 'viridis') #plt.colorbar() return epsf
def plot_composites(pdata,outfolder,contours,contour_colors=True, calibration_plot=True,brown_data=False,paperplot=False): ### image qualities fs = 10 # fontsize maxlim = 0.01 # limit of maximum ### contour color limits (customized for W1-W2) color_limits = [-1.0,2.6] kernel = None ### output blobs gradient, gradient_error, arcsec,objname_out, obj_size_kpc, background_out = [], [], [], [], [], [] ### begin loop fig = None for idx in xrange(len(pdata['objname'])): if paperplot: if ('NGC 4168' not in pdata['objname'][idx]) & ('NGC 1275' not in pdata['objname'][idx]): continue ### load object information objname = pdata['objname'][idx] fagn = pdata['pars']['fagn']['q50'][idx] ra, dec = load_coordinates(objname) phot_size = load_structure(objname,long_axis=True) # in arcseconds ### load image and WCS try: if brown_data: ### convert from DN to flux in Janskies, from this table: # img1, noise1 = load_image(objname,contours[0]), None img1, noise1 = img1*1.9350E-06, noise1*(1.9350e-06)**-2 img2, noise2 = load_image(objname,contours[1]), None img2, noise2 = img2*2.7048E-06, noise2*(2.7048E-06)**-2 ### translate object location into pixels using WCS coordinates wcs = WCS(img1.header) pix_center = wcs.all_world2pix([[ra[0],dec[0]]],1) else: img1, noise1 = load_wise_data(objname,contours[0].split(' ')[1]) img2, noise2 = load_wise_data(objname,contours[1].split(' ')[1]) ### translate object location into pixels using WCS coordinates wcs = WCS(img1.header) pix_center = wcs.all_world2pix([[ra[0],dec[0]]],1) if (pix_center.squeeze()[0]-4 > img1.shape[1]) or \ (pix_center.squeeze()[1]-4 > img1.shape[0]) or \ (np.any(pix_center < 4)): print 'object not in image, checking for additional image' print pix_center, img1.shape img1, noise1 = load_wise_data(objname,contours[0].split(' ')[1],load_other = True) img2, noise2 = load_wise_data(objname,contours[1].split(' ')[1],load_other = True) wcs = WCS(img1.header) pix_center = wcs.all_world2pix([[ra[0],dec[0]]],1) print pix_center, img1.shape except: gradient.append(None) gradient_error.append(None) arcsec.append(None) kpc.append(None) objname_out.append(None) continue size = calc_dist(wcs, pix_center, phot_size, ### convert inverse variance to noise = (1./**0.5 = (1./**0.5 ### build image extents extent = image_extent(size,pix_center,wcs) ### convolve W1 to W2 resolution w1_convolved, kernel = match_resolution(,contours[0],contours[1], kernel=kernel,data1_res=px_scale) w1_convolved_noise, kernel = match_resolution(,contours[0],contours[1], kernel=kernel,data1_res=px_scale) #### put onto same scale, and grab slices data2, footprint = reproject_exact(img2, img1.header) noise2, footprint = reproject_exact(noise2, img1.header) img1_slice = w1_convolved[size[2]:size[3],size[0]:size[1]] img2_slice = data2[size[2]:size[3],size[0]:size[1]] noise1_slice = w1_convolved_noise[size[2]:size[3],size[0]:size[1]] noise2_slice = noise2[size[2]:size[3],size[0]:size[1]] ### subtract background from both images # identify background pixels. # background is any pixel consistent within X sigma of background! sigma = 3.0 if paperplot: sigma = 5.0 mean1, median1, std1 = sigma_clipped_stats(w1_convolved, sigma=sigma,iters=10) background1 = img1_slice < (median1+std1) img1_slice -= median1 mean2, median2, std2 = sigma_clipped_stats(data2, sigma=sigma, iters=10) background2 = img2_slice < (median2+std2) img2_slice -= median2 #### calculate the color flux_color = convert_to_color(img1_slice, img2_slice,None,None,contours[0],contours[1], minflux=-np.inf, vega_conversions=brown_data) ### don't show any "background" pixels! background = background1 | background2 flux_color[background] = np.nan ### plot colormap count = 0 if paperplot: if fig is None: fig, axall = plt.subplots(1,2, figsize=(12,6)) fig.subplots_adjust(right=0.8,wspace=0.4,hspace=0.3,left=0.12) cb_ax = fig.add_axes([0.83, 0.15, 0.05, 0.7]) ax = np.ravel(axall[0]) else: ax = np.ravel(axall[1]) count = 1 vmin, vmax = -0.4,1.05 else: fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,2, figsize=(12,6)) vmin, vmax = color_limits[0], color_limits[1] ax = np.ravel(ax) img = ax[0].imshow(flux_color, origin='lower',extent=extent,vmin=vmin,vmax=vmax,cmap='plasma') if not paperplot: cbar = fig.colorbar(img, ax=ax[0]) elif count == 0: cbar = fig.colorbar(img, cax=cb_ax) cbar.set_label('(W1-W2) [Vega]', fontdict={'fontsize':18}) ax[0].set_xlabel(r'$\Delta$(arcsec)') ax[0].set_ylabel(r'$\Delta$(arcsec)') ### plot W1 contours if not paperplot: plot_contour(ax[0],np.log10(img2_slice),ncontours=20) ### find image center in W2 image, and mark it # do this by finding the source closest to center tbl = [] nthresh, box_size = 20, 4 fake_noise2_error = copy.copy(noise2_slice) bad = np.logical_or(np.isinf(noise2_slice),np.isnan(noise2_slice)) fake_noise2_error[bad] = fake_noise2_error[~bad].max() while len(tbl) < 1: threshold = nthresh * std1 # peak threshold, @ 20 sigma tbl = find_peaks(img2_slice, threshold, box_size=box_size, subpixel=True, border_width=3, error = fake_noise2_error) nthresh -=2 if nthresh < 2: nthresh = 20 box_size += 1 ''' center = np.array(img2_slice.shape)/2. idxmax = ((center[0]-tbl['x_peak'])**2 + (center[1]-tbl['y_peak'])**2).argmin() fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1, figsize=(6,6)) ax.plot(tbl['x_peak'][idxmax],tbl['y_peak'][idxmax],'x',color='red',ms=10) ax.imshow(img2_slice,origin='lower') plot_contour(ax, np.log10(img2_slice),ncontours=20) ''' ### find size of biggest one imgcenter = np.array(img2_slice.shape)/2. idxmax = ((imgcenter[0]-tbl['x_centroid'])**2 + (imgcenter[1]-tbl['y_centroid'])**2).argmin() center = [tbl['x_centroid'][idxmax], tbl['y_centroid'][idxmax]] ### find center in arcseconds (NEW) center_coordinates = SkyCoord.from_pixel(imgcenter[0],imgcenter[1],wcs) x_pos_obj = SkyCoord.from_pixel(center[0],imgcenter[1],wcs) y_pos_obj = SkyCoord.from_pixel(imgcenter[0],center[1],wcs) xarcsec = x_pos_obj.separation(center_coordinates).arcsec if center[0] < imgcenter[0]: xarcsec = -xarcsec yarcsec = y_pos_obj.separation(center_coordinates).arcsec if center[1] < imgcenter[1]: yarcsec = -yarcsec #xarcsec = (extent[1]-extent[0])*center[0]/float(img2_slice.shape[0]) + extent[0] #yarcsec = (extent[3]-extent[2])*center[1]/float(img2_slice.shape[1]) + extent[2] ax[0].scatter(xarcsec,yarcsec,color='black',marker='x',s=50,linewidth=2) ### add in WISE PSF wise_psf = 6 # in arcseconds start = 0.85*extent[0] if not paperplot: ax[0].plot([start,start+wise_psf],[start,start],lw=2,color='k') ax[0].text(start+wise_psf/2.,start+1, '6"', ha='center') ax[0].set_xlim(extent[0],extent[1]) # reset plot limits b/c of text stuff ax[0].set_ylim(extent[2],extent[3]) else: ax[0].set_xlim(-65,65) ax[0].set_ylim(-65,65) ### gradient phys_scale = float(1./WMAP9.arcsec_per_kpc_proper(pdata['z'][idx]).value) if objname == 'CGCG 436-030': center[1] = center[1]+1.5 yarcsec += px_scale*1.5 grad, graderr, x_arcsec, back = measure_gradient(img1_slice,img2_slice, noise1_slice, noise2_slice, background, ax, center, tbl['peak_value'][idxmax], (xarcsec,yarcsec), phys_scale,paperplot=paperplot) obj_size_phys = phot_size*phys_scale if not paperplot: ax[1].text(0.05,0.06,r'f$_{\mathrm{AGN,MIR}}$='+"{:.2f}".format(pdata['pars']['fagn']['q50'][idx])+\ ' ('+"{:.2f}".format(pdata['pars']['fagn']['q84'][idx]) + ') ('+"{:.2f}".format(pdata['pars']['fagn']['q16'][idx])+')', transform=ax[1].transAxes,color='black',fontsize=9) ax[1].axvline(phot_size, linestyle='--', color='0.2',lw=2,zorder=-1) else: ax[0].text(0.98,0.94,objname,transform=ax[0].transAxes,fontsize=14,weight='bold',ha='right') ax[0].text(0.98,0.88,r'$\nabla$(2 kpc)='+"{:.2f}".format(grad[1]),fontsize=14,transform=ax[0].transAxes,ha='right') gradient.append(grad) gradient_error.append(graderr) arcsec.append(x_arcsec) obj_size_kpc.append(obj_size_phys) objname_out.append(objname) background_out.append(back) print objname, back # I/O outname = outfolder+'/'+objname+'.png' if paperplot: outname = outfolder+'/sample_wise_gradient.png' if (not paperplot) | (count == 1): if not paperplot: plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig(outname,dpi=150) plt.close() out = { 'gradient': np.array(gradient), 'gradient_error': np.array(gradient_error), 'arcsec': np.array(arcsec), 'obj_size_brown_kpc': np.array(obj_size_kpc), 'objname': objname_out, 'background_fraction': np.array(background_out) } if not paperplot: pickle.dump(out,open(outfile, "wb"))
def get_most_confident_outputs(img_filename, patch_center_row, patch_center_col, confident_th, gpu_id): patch_size = 64 center = (patch_center_col, patch_center_row) x_tmp = int(center[0] - patch_size / 2) y_tmp = int(center[1] - patch_size / 2) confident_connections = {} confident_connections['x_peak'] = [] confident_connections['y_peak'] = [] confident_connections['peak_value'] = [] root_dir = './gt_dbs/MassachusettsRoads/test/images/' img =, img_filename)) img = np.array(img, dtype=np.float32) h, w = img.shape[:2] if x_tmp > 0 and y_tmp > 0 and x_tmp + patch_size < w and y_tmp + patch_size < h: img_crop = img[y_tmp:y_tmp + patch_size, x_tmp:x_tmp + patch_size, :] img_crop = img_crop.transpose((2, 0, 1)) img_crop = torch.from_numpy(img_crop) img_crop = img_crop.unsqueeze(0) inputs = img_crop / 255 - 0.5 # Forward pass of the mini-batch inputs = Variable(inputs) if gpu_id >= 0: inputs = inputs.cuda() p = {} p['useRandom'] = 1 # Shuffle Images p['useAug'] = 0 # Use Random rotations in [-30, 30] and scaling in [.75, 1.25] p['inputRes'] = (64, 64) # Input Resolution p['outputRes'] = (64, 64) # Output Resolution (same as input) p['g_size'] = 64 # Higher means narrower Gaussian p['trainBatch'] = 1 # Number of Images in each mini-batch p['numHG'] = 2 # Number of Stacked Hourglasses p['Block'] = 'ConvBlock' # Select: 'ConvBlock', 'BasicBlock', 'BottleNeck' p['GTmasks'] = 0 # Use GT Vessel Segmentations as input instead of Retinal Images model_dir = './results_dir/' modelName = tb.construct_name(p, "HourGlass") numHGScales = 4 # How many times to downsample inside each HourGlass net = nt.Net_SHG(p['numHG'], numHGScales, p['Block'], 128, 1) epoch = 130 net.load_state_dict( torch.load(os.path.join( model_dir, os.path.join(model_dir, modelName + '_epoch-' + str(epoch) + '.pth')), map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage)) if gpu_id >= 0: net = net.cuda() output = net.forward(inputs) pred = np.squeeze( np.transpose( output[len(output) - 1].cpu().data.numpy()[0, :, :, :], (1, 2, 0))) mean, median, std = sigma_clipped_stats(pred, sigma=3.0) threshold = median + (10.0 * std) sources = find_peaks(pred, threshold, box_size=3) if visualize_graph_step_by_step: fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2) axes[0].imshow(img.astype(np.uint8)) mask_graph_skel = skeletonize(mask_graph > 0) indxs = np.argwhere(mask_graph_skel == 1) axes[0].scatter(indxs[:, 1], indxs[:, 0], color='red', marker='+') axes[0].add_patch( patches.Rectangle((x_tmp, y_tmp), patch_size, patch_size, fill=False, color='cyan', linewidth=5)) img_crop_array = img[y_tmp:y_tmp + patch_size, x_tmp:x_tmp + patch_size, :] axes[1].imshow(img_crop_array.astype(np.uint8), interpolation='nearest') tmp_vector_x = [] tmp_vector_y = [] for ii in range(0, len(sources['peak_value'])): if sources['peak_value'][ii] > confident_th: tmp_vector_x.append(sources['x_peak'][ii]) tmp_vector_y.append(sources['y_peak'][ii]) axes[1].plot(tmp_vector_x, tmp_vector_y, ls='none', color='red', marker='+', ms=25, markeredgewidth=10) axes[1].plot(32, 32, ls='none', color='cyan', marker='+', ms=25, markeredgewidth=10) if visualize_evolution: if iter < 20 or (iter < 200 and iter % 20 == 0) or iter % 100 == 0: plt.figure(figsize=(12, 12), dpi=60) plt.imshow(img.astype(np.uint8)) mask_graph_skeleton = skeletonize(mask_graph > 0) indxs_skel = np.argwhere(mask_graph_skeleton == 1) plt.scatter(indxs_skel[:, 1], indxs_skel[:, 0], color='red', marker='+') plt.axis('off') plt.savefig(directory + 'iter_%05d.png' % iter, bbox_inches='tight') plt.close() indxs = np.argsort(sources['peak_value']) for ii in range(0, len(indxs)): idx = indxs[len(indxs) - 1 - ii] if sources['peak_value'][idx] > confident_th: confident_connections['x_peak'].append(sources['x_peak'][idx]) confident_connections['y_peak'].append(sources['y_peak'][idx]) confident_connections['peak_value'].append( sources['peak_value'][idx]) else: break confident_connections = Table([ confident_connections['x_peak'], confident_connections['y_peak'], confident_connections['peak_value'] ], names=('x_peak', 'y_peak', 'peak_value')) return confident_connections
boxsize = 20 for i in range(n_real): realID = i+n_start'image_fsub1_'+str(realID)+'.fits')'image_sie_'+str(realID)+'.fits') image=image_fits[0].data ## smoothing kernel=convolution.Gaussian2DKernel(beam) image=convolution.convolve(image,kernel) mean,median,std=sigma_clipped_stats(image,sigma=3.0) threshold=median+(20*std) peaks=find_peaks(image,threshold,box_size=5) # w/ convolve #print peaks x_pix,y_pix = np.array(peaks['x_peak']),np.array(peaks['y_peak']) f_img = np.array(peaks['peak_value']) if (len(x_pix)==4): x_img,y_img = x_pix-x_pix[img_idx],y_pix-y_pix[img_idx] ## ------ Gaussian fit ## img cut gaus2d = models.Gaussian2D(amplitude=1., x_mean=0, y_mean=0., x_stddev=1.,y_stddev=1.) fit_g = fitting.LevMarLSQFitter()
bcatall['dec'], fwhm_small=small_k, fwhm_big=big_k) except:'Problems with dwarf filter') # Create done file f = open(donefile, 'w') f.write(host) f.close() sys.exit() # find peaks small_k = 2.0 mn, med, std = stats.sigma_clipped_stats(clipped, sigma=3.0, iters=5) nsigma = 2.5 tbl = find_peaks(clipped, med + nsigma, box_size=small_k * 2) + ' peaks found') if len(tbl) == 0: # Create done file f = open(donefile, 'w') f.write(host) f.close() sys.exit() # add ra & dec positions of peaks found a, b = extent[:2] xvec = np.arange(a, b, (b - a) / clipped.shape[1]) a, b = extent[2:] yvec = np.arange(a, b, (b - a) / clipped.shape[0]) # Not enough pixels in density image
def A3d(data, **kwargs): which = kwargs.get('chosen_by', 'prox') data_sum = np.nansum(data, axis=0) Npixels = kwargs.get('N_pixels_max', data_sum.shape[0] * data_sum.shape[1] / 2.) sigma = kwargs.get('sigma', 2.) data_sum_noneg = np.copy(data_sum) data_sum_noneg[data_sum_noneg <= 0.] = 0.0 bkg2D = Background2D(data_sum_noneg, data_sum_noneg.shape, filter_size=(2, 2), sigma_clip=SigmaClip(sigma=3., iters=2), bkg_estimator=MedianBackground()) bkg = np.unique(bkg2D.background) tbl = find_peaks(data_sum, threshold=bkg) x0 = int(data[int(data.shape[0] * 2 / 3)].shape[1] / 2.) y0 = int(data[int(data.shape[0] * 2 / 3)].shape[0] / 2.) dist = np.array([]) for i in range(len(tbl['x_peak'])): dist = np.append( dist, np.sqrt((x0 - tbl['x_peak'][i])**2 + (y0 - tbl['y_peak'][i])**2)) if which == 'prox': chosen = np.where(dist == min(dist))[0] if len(chosen) > 1: for i in chosen: vec_chos = np.array( [tbl['peak_value'][i], tbl['peak_value'][i]]) chosen = np.where(tbl['peak_value'] == max(vec_chos))[0] elif which == 'mxpeak': chosen = np.where(tbl['peak_value'] == max(tbl['peak_value']))[0] cx = int(tbl['x_peak'][chosen]) cy = int(tbl['y_peak'][chosen]) aperture = np.zeros_like(data_sum) aperture[cy, cx] = 1. c = 1 x = cy y = cx for n in count(start=1, step=1): if n > data_sum.shape[0] and n > data_sum.shape[1]: break if n % 2: x += 1 try: if data_sum[x, y] >= sigma * bkg: try: A0 = aperture[x + 1, y] == 1 except: A0 = False try: A1 = aperture[x - 1, y] == 1 except: A1 = False try: A2 = aperture[x, y + 1] == 1 except: A2 = False try: A3 = aperture[x, y - 1] == 1 except: A3 = False if A0 or A1 or A2 or A3: aperture[x, y] = 1 c += 1 if c >= Npixels: break except: pass for i in range(n): y -= 1 try: if data_sum[x, y] >= sigma * bkg: try: B0 = aperture[x + 1, y] == 1 except: B0 = False try: B1 = aperture[x - 1, y] == 1 except: B1 = False try: B2 = aperture[x, y + 1] == 1 except: B2 = False try: B3 = aperture[x, y - 1] == 1 except: B3 = False if B0 or B1 or B2 or B3: aperture[x, y] = 1 c += 1 if c >= Npixels: break except: pass for i in range(n): x -= 1 try: if data_sum[x, y] >= sigma * bkg: try: C0 = aperture[x + 1, y] == 1 except: C0 = False try: C1 = aperture[x - 1, y] == 1 except: C1 = False try: C2 = aperture[x, y + 1] == 1 except: C2 = False try: C3 = aperture[x, y - 1] == 1 except: C3 = False if C0 or C1 or C2 or C3: aperture[x, y] = 1 c += 1 if c >= Npixels: break except: pass else: x -= 1 try: if data_sum[x, y] >= sigma * bkg: try: D0 = aperture[x + 1, y] == 1 except: D0 = False try: D1 = aperture[x - 1, y] == 1 except: D1 = False try: D2 = aperture[x, y + 1] == 1 except: D2 = False try: D3 = aperture[x, y - 1] == 1 except: D3 = False if D0 or D1 or D2 or D3: aperture[x, y] = 1 c += 1 if c >= Npixels: break except: pass for i in range(n): y += 1 try: if data_sum[x, y] >= sigma * bkg: try: E0 = aperture[x + 1, y] == 1 except: E0 = False try: E1 = aperture[x - 1, y] == 1 except: E1 = False try: E2 = aperture[x, y + 1] == 1 except: E2 = False try: E3 = aperture[x, y - 1] == 1 except: E3 = False if E0 or E1 or E2 or E3: aperture[x, y] = 1 c += 1 if c >= Npixels: break except: pass for i in range(n): x += 1 try: if data_sum[x, y] >= sigma * bkg: try: F0 = aperture[x + 1, y] == 1 except: F0 = False try: F1 = aperture[x - 1, y] == 1 except: F1 = False try: F2 = aperture[x, y + 1] == 1 except: F2 = False try: F3 = aperture[x, y - 1] == 1 except: F3 = False if F0 or F1 or F2 or F3: aperture[x, y] = 1 c += 1 if c >= Npixels: break except: pass if which == 'prox': no_chosen = np.where(dist != min(dist))[0] elif which == 'mxpeak': no_chosen = np.where(tbl['peak_value'] != max(tbl['peak_value']))[0] for k in no_chosen: ncy = int(tbl['x_peak'][k]) ncx = int(tbl['y_peak'][k]) aperture[ncx, ncy] = 0 try: aperture[ncx + 1, ncy] = 0 except: pass try: aperture[ncx, ncy + 1] = 0 except: pass try: aperture[ncx - 1, ncy] = 0 except: pass try: aperture[ncx, ncy - 1] = 0 except: pass try: aperture[ncx + 1, ncy + 1] = 0 except: pass try: aperture[ncx + 1, ncy - 1] = 0 except: pass try: aperture[ncx - 1, ncy - 1] = 0 except: pass try: aperture[ncx - 1, ncy - 1] = 0 except: pass try: aperture[ncx - 1, ncy + 1] = 0 except: pass try: aperture[ncx - 1, ncy - 1] = 0 except: pass return aperture, c
def find_pinholes_regular(fname, sname, fdarkff, fdark, fff, files, ref_shape, size, threshold, fwhm, fitshape, range_psf, sigma=2., oversampling=4, maxiters=3): """Finds and fits regullary spread pinhole positions with a ePSF in a FITS image. Parameters ---------- fname : str Folder name of the input fits files. sname : str Folder name of the returned found and matched pinhole positions (txt files) fdarkff : string Location of the dark images for the flat field images. fdark : string Location of the dark images for the raw images. fff : string Location of the flat field images. files : (1, 2)-shaped int array File range to create a median image ref_shape : (1,2)-shaped array Number of reference stars in x and y direction [x, y]. size : int Rectangular size of the ePSF. Size must be an odd number. threshold : float The absolute image value above which to select sources. fwhm : float The full-width half-maximum (FWHM) of the major axis of the Gaussian kernel in units of pixels. fitshape : int or length-2 array-like Rectangular shape around the center of a star which will be used to collect the data to do the fitting. Can be an integer to be the same along both axes. E.g., 5 is the same as (5, 5), which means to fit only at the following relative pixel positions: [-2, -1, 0, 1, 2]. Each element of fitshape must be an odd number. range_psf : (1, 4)-shaped int array Position range to compute epsf [xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax] sigma : float Number of standard deviations used to perform sigma clip with a astropy.stats.SigmaClip object. oversampling : int or tuple of two int The oversampling factor(s) of the ePSF relative to the input stars along the x and y axes. The oversampling can either be a single float or a tuple of two floats of the form (x_oversamp, y_oversamp). If oversampling is a scalar then the oversampling will be the same for both the x and y axes. maxiters : int The maximum number of iterations to perform. Returns ------- positions_sort : (N,2)-shaped array Found and matched positions of the pinholes. ref_positions : (N,2)-shaped array Matched reference grid positions. """ #Load the sample of fits images entries = os.listdir(fname) data_col = np.array([fits.getdata(fname + '/' + entries[files[0]], ext=0)]) for k in range(files[0], files[1]): data_col = np.append(data_col, [fits.getdata(fname + '/' + entries[k], ext=0)], axis=0) #Data reduction: Darc current + Flatfield + bias data_col = data_correction(data_col, fdarkff, fdark, fff) #Claculate median image data_full = np.median(data_col, axis=0) data = data_full[range_psf[2]:range_psf[3], range_psf[0]:range_psf[1]] #Find peaks in data peaks_tbl = find_peaks(data, threshold=threshold) peaks_tbl['peak_value'].info.format = '%.8g' #Load data around found peaks hsize = (size - 1) / 2 x = peaks_tbl['x_peak'] y = peaks_tbl['y_peak'] mask = ((x > hsize) & (x < (data.shape[1] - 1 - hsize)) & (y > hsize) & (y < (data.shape[0] - 1 - hsize))) stars_tbl = Table() stars_tbl['x'] = x[mask] stars_tbl['y'] = y[mask] #Calculate mean, median, std mean_val, median_val, std_val = sigma_clipped_stats(data, sigma=sigma) data = data - median_val #Find pinholes and create ePSF nddata = NDData(data=data) stars = extract_stars(nddata, stars_tbl, size=size) epsf_builder = EPSFBuilder(oversampling=oversampling, maxiters=maxiters, progress_bar=False) epsf, fitted_stars = epsf_builder(stars) #Use ePSF to find precise locations of pinholes daofind = DAOPhotPSFPhotometry(crit_separation=30, threshold=threshold, fwhm=fwhm, psf_model=epsf, fitshape=fitshape, aperture_radius=12, niters=1) #Get positions sources = daofind(data_full) for col in sources.colnames: sources[col].info.format = '%.8g' pos_full = np.transpose((sources['x_fit'], sources['y_fit'])) #Plot found pinholes apertures = CircularAperture(pos_full, r=10) norm = ImageNormalize(stretch=SqrtStretch()) fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.set_title('Pinhole Positions') ax.set(xlabel='x [pixel]', ylabel='y [pixel]') ax.imshow(data_full, cmap='Greys', origin='lower', norm=norm) apertures.plot(color='blue', lw=1.5, alpha=0.5) ax.legend(['#pinholes = ' + str(len(pos_full[:, 0]))], loc='lower left', prop={'size': 12}) #Find central position xcent = (np.max(pos_full[:, 0]) + np.min(pos_full[:, 0])) / 2 ycent = (np.max(pos_full[:, 1]) + np.min(pos_full[:, 1])) / 2 #Find positions at the edges to set base positions for linear transformatio to match pinholes with reference grid distance = (pos_full[:, 0] - xcent)**2 + (pos_full[:, 1] - ycent)**2 pins = len(distance) sort_distance = np.partition(distance, (pins - 4, pins - 3, pins - 2, pins - 1)) maxpos = pos_full[distance == sort_distance[pins - 1]] maxpos = np.append(maxpos, pos_full[distance == sort_distance[pins - 2]], axis=0) maxpos = np.append(maxpos, pos_full[distance == sort_distance[pins - 3]], axis=0) maxpos = np.append(maxpos, pos_full[distance == sort_distance[pins - 4]], axis=0) b01 = maxpos[maxpos[:, 1] < ycent] b23 = maxpos[maxpos[:, 1] > ycent] posbase = np.array(b01[b01[:, 0] < xcent]) posbase = np.append(posbase, b01[b01[:, 0] > xcent], axis=0) posbase = np.append(posbase, b23[b23[:, 0] < xcent], axis=0) print(posbase) #Sort positions by matching with reference grid positions_sort, ref_positions = sort_positions_regular( pos_full, posbase, ref_shape) text = np.array([ positions_sort[:, 0], positions_sort[:, 1], ref_positions[:, 0], ref_positions[:, 1] ]) text_trans = np.zeros((len(positions_sort[:, 0]), 4)) #Transpose text matrix for k in range(0, 4): for l in range(0, len(positions_sort[:, 0])): text_trans[l][k] = text[k][l] #Save data as txt file np.savetxt( sname + '.txt', text_trans, fmt='%1.9E', delimiter='\t', header= ' x-measured y-measured x-reference y-reference', comments='') return positions_sort, ref_positions
def get_sources(detection_frame, mask=False, sigma=5.0, mode='DAO', fwhm=2.5, threshold=None, npix=4, return_segm_image=False): """ Main method used to identify sources in a detection frame and estimate their position. Different modes are available, accesible through the ``mode`` keyword : * DAO : uses the :class:`photutils:photutils.DAOStarFinder` method, adapted from DAOPHOT. * IRAF : uses the :class:`photutils:photutils.IRAFStarFinder` method, adapted from IRAF. * PEAK : uses the :func:`photutils:photutils.find_peaks` method, looking for local peaks above a given threshold. * ORB : uses the :func:`ORB:orb.utils.astrometry.detect_stars` method, fitting stars in the frame * SEGM : uses the :func:`photutils:photutils.detect_sources` method, segmenting the image. The most reliable is SEGM. Parameters ---------- detection_frame : 2D :class:`~numpy:numpy.ndarray` Map on which the sources should be visible. mask : 2D :class:`~numpy:numpy.ndarray` or bool, Default = False (Optional) If passed, only sources inside the mask are detected. sigma : float (Optional) Signal to Noise of the detections we want to keep. Only used if threshold is None. In this case, the signal and the noise are computed with sigma-clipping on the deteciton frame. Default = 5 threshold : float or 2D :class:`~numpy:numpy.ndarray` of floats (Optional) Threshold above which we consider having a detection. Default is None mode : str (Optional) One of the detection mode listed above. Dafault = 'DAO' fwhm : float (Optional) Expected FWHM of the sources. Default : 2.5 npix : int (Optional) Only used by the 'SEGM' method : minimum number of connected pixels with flux above the threshold to make a credible source. Default = 4 return_segm_image : bool, Default = False (Optional) Only used in the 'SEGM' mode. If True, returns the obtained segmentation image. Returns ------- sources : :class:`~pandas:pandas.DataFrame` A DataFrame where each row represents a detection, with at least the positions named as ``xcentroid``, ``ycentroid`` (WARNING : using astropy convention). The other columns depend on the mode used. """ if mask is False: mask = np.ones_like(detection_frame) if threshold is None: mean, median, std = sigma_clipped_stats( detection_frame, sigma=3.0, iters=5, mask=~mask.astype(bool)) #On masque la region hors de l'anneau threshold = median + sigma * std #On detecte sur toute la frame, mais on garde que ce qui est effectivement dans l'anneau if mode == 'DAO': daofind = DAOStarFinder(fwhm=fwhm, threshold=threshold) sources = daofind(detection_frame) elif mode == 'IRAF': irafind = IRAFStarFinder(threshold=threshold, fwhm=fwhm) sources = irafind(detection_frame) elif mode == 'PEAK': sources = find_peaks(detection_frame, threshold=threshold) sources.rename_column('x_peak', 'xcentroid') sources.rename_column('y_peak', 'ycentroid') elif mode == 'ORB': astro = Astrometry(detection_frame, instrument='sitelle') path, fwhm_arc = astro.detect_stars(min_star_number=5000, r_max_coeff=1., filter_image=False) star_list = astro.load_star_list(path) sources = Table([star_list[:, 0], star_list[:, 1]], names=('ycentroid', 'xcentroid')) elif mode == 'SEGM':'Detecting') segm = detect_sources(detection_frame, threshold, npixels=npix) deblend = True labels = segm.labels if deblend: # while labels.shape != (0,): # try: #'Deblending') # # fwhm = 3. # # s = fwhm / (2.0 * np.sqrt(2.0 * np.log(2.0))) # # kernel = Gaussian2DKernel(s, x_size = 3, y_size = 3) # # kernel = Box2DKernel(3, mode='integrate') # deblended = deblend_sources(detection_frame, segm, npixels=npix, labels=labels)#, filter_kernel=kernel) # success = True # except ValueError as e: # #warnings.warn('Deblend was not possible.\n %s'%e) # source_id = int(e.args[0].split('"')[1]) # id = np.argwhere(labels == source_id)[0,0] # labels = np.concatenate((labels[:id], labels[id+1:])) # success = False # if success is True: # break try:'Deblending') # fwhm = 3. # s = fwhm / (2.0 * np.sqrt(2.0 * np.log(2.0))) # kernel = Gaussian2DKernel(s, x_size = 3, y_size = 3) # kernel = Box2DKernel(3, mode='integrate') deblended = deblend_sources( detection_frame, segm, npixels=npix) #, filter_kernel=kernel) except ValueError as e: warnings.warn('Deblend was not possible.\n %s' % e) deblended = segm'Retieving properties') sources = source_properties(detection_frame, deblended).to_table() else: deblended = segm'Retieving properties') sources = source_properties(detection_frame, deblended).to_table()'Filtering Quantity columns') for col in sources.colnames: if type(sources[col]) is Quantity: sources[col] = sources[col].value sources = mask_sources(sources, mask) # On filtre df = sources.to_pandas() if return_segm_image: return deblended.array, df else: return df
def center(s_post, gal_cat, image_wcs, search_box_width): # centroid of the gal_cat # search box width = width of the search box around the signpost in arcmin. (5' x 5' BOX) # image_wcs = WCS of the image where objects are detected. # Search box PIX_SCALE = 0.000239631 * 3600 # arcsec/pixel ; 0.000239631 degrees/pixel for IRAC-ch2 (SDWFS Survey) wid_arcsec = search_box_width * 60 # arcsec wid_pixels = int(wid_arcsec / PIX_SCALE) # in pixels init_x, init_y = image_wcs.wcs_world2pix( s_post[0], s_post[1], 0) # initial center estimate to draw box xmin, xmax = int(init_x - (wid_pixels / 2.0)), int( init_x + (wid_pixels / 2.0)) # boundaries ymin, ymax = int(init_y - (wid_pixels / 2.0)), int( init_y + (wid_pixels / 2.0)) # boundaries # Galaxy catalog in image pixel coordinates galpix = convpix(gal_cat, image_wcs) # objects in pixel coordinates x_pixels, y_pixels = galpix[:, 0], galpix[:, 1] # 2D-histogram on the grid in the search box binstep = 5.0 # pixels, grid resolution wght = np.asarray(gal_cat['ch2']) # weights: irac ch2[4.5 um] flux, uJy xedges, yedges = np.arange(xmin, xmax + binstep, binstep), np.arange(ymin, ymax + binstep, binstep) h, xedges, yedges = np.histogram2d(x_pixels, y_pixels, bins=(xedges, yedges), weights=wght) # Smoothing the 2D histogram of the galaxies in the search box size = int(round( (np.shape(h)[0]) / 4.0)) # kernel size : at least ~ 4 times smaller stdev_ker = size / 4.0 # size = 4-sigma gauss_kernel = Gaussian2DKernel(x_stddev=stdev_ker, y_stddev=stdev_ker, x_size=size, y_size=size) # kernel smoothed_data_gauss = convolve_fft(h.T, gauss_kernel) # convolution/smoothing # Peak of the histogram x_org, y_org = (xedges[0] + xedges[1]) / 2.0, ( yedges[0] + yedges[1]) / 2.0 # origin of bin-coordinate fp_m = find_peaks(smoothed_data_gauss, 0, npeaks=1) # 1 peak with max value xbin_peak, ybin_peak = fp_m['x_peak'][0], fp_m['y_peak'][ 0] # x, y positions of the peak x_p, y_p = (x_org + xbin_peak * binstep), ( y_org + ybin_peak * binstep) # conversion to pixel coordinates peak_fk5 = image_wcs.wcs_pix2world(x_p, y_p, 0) # Centroid of the image moments cen_pos = centroid_com(smoothed_data_gauss) cenx, ceny = (x_org + cen_pos[0] * binstep), (y_org + cen_pos[1] * binstep) centre = image_wcs.wcs_pix2world(cenx, ceny, 0) return centre, peak_fk5
def centroid_fit(x, y, data, reference=None, rssframe=None, galaxyid=None, microns=True, circular=True): #** reference,rssframe,galaxyid added """Fit the x,y,data values, regardless of what they are and return some useful stuff. Data is an array of spectra""" working_dir = rssframe.strip('sci.fits') # Smooth the data spectrally to get rid of cosmics data_smooth = np.zeros_like(data) for q in range(np.shape(data)[0]): # data_smooth[q,:]=utils.smooth(data[q,:], 11) #default hanning smooth data_smooth[q, :] = median_filter(data[q, :], 15) # Now sum the data over a large range to get broad band "image" data_sum = np.nansum(data_smooth[:, 200:1800], axis=1) data_med = np.nanmedian(data_smooth[:, 200:1800], axis=1) #** New masking method starts ———————————————————————————————————————————————— from scipy.ndimage.filters import gaussian_filter from astropy.stats import sigma_clipped_stats from photutils import find_peaks # Parameter initializations x0, y0 = x - np.min(x), y - np.min(y) # image x,y xc, yc = (np.max(x) - np.min(x)) / 2. + np.min( x), (np.max(y) - np.min(y)) / 2. + np.min(y) # central pixel width = 85. # default gaussian filtering size checkind = 'None' # for check list img = np.zeros((np.max(x0) + 1, np.max(y0) + 1)) # rss image x_good, y_good, data_sum_good = x, y, data_sum # good fibres to use tx, ty, trad = xc, yc, 1000 #target x,y centre and masking radius (1000 means no masking) if not os.path.exists( working_dir + '_centroid_fit_reference/' ): # path to save centre of reference frame & checklist os.makedirs(working_dir + '_centroid_fit_reference') # Load fibre flux to image for i in range(len(x0)): img[x0[i], y0[i]] = data_sum[i] # Gaussian filtering img1 = gaussian_filter( img, sigma=(width, width), order=0, mode='constant') # width = diameter of a core in degrees/microns # Find peaks mean, median, std = sigma_clipped_stats(img1, sigma=3.0) threshold = median + std tbl = find_peaks(img1, threshold, box_size=105) # Case1: If no peaks are found, masking is not applied. Actually I don't find any. if tbl == None: checkind = 'nopeak' elif (len(tbl) < 1): checkind = 'nopeak' # Case2: A single peak is found elif (len(tbl) == 1): checkind = 'single' dist = (tbl['y_peak'] + np.min(x) - xc)**2 + (tbl['x_peak'] + np.min(y) - yc)**2 # separation between a peak and centre if (dist < (310)**2): # Single peak near the centre tx, ty, trad = tbl['y_peak'] + np.min(x), tbl['x_peak'] + np.min( y), 105 * 2 # y_peak is x. yes. it's right. else: # When a peak is near the edge. High possibility that our target is not detected due to low brightness for k in range( 1, 100 ): # repeat until it finds multiple peaks with reduced filtering box width = width * 0.98 img3 = gaussian_filter( img, sigma=(width, width), order=0, mode='constant', cval=np.min( img)) # width = diameter of a core in degrees/microns mean, median, std = sigma_clipped_stats(img3, sigma=3.0) threshold = median + std * 0.1 tbl = find_peaks(img3, threshold, box_size=width) #find peaks if tbl == None: continue if ( len(tbl) == 1 ): # only a single peak is found until maximum iteration (=100) tx, ty, trad = tbl['y_peak'] + np.min( x), tbl['x_peak'] + np.min( y ), 1000 # fibre masking is not applied (trad = 1000) checkind = 'single_edge' if (len(tbl) > 1 ): # multiple peaks are found, go to Case3: multiple peaks checkind = 'multi_faint' break # Case3: When there are multiple peaks elif (len(tbl) > 1): if checkind is not 'multi_faint': checkind = 'multi' xx, yy = tbl['y_peak'] + np.min(x), tbl['x_peak'] + np.min( y) # y_peak is x. yes. it's right. # The assumption is that dithering is relatively small, and our target is near the target centre from the (1st) reference frame if reference is not None and rssframe != reference and os.path.exists( working_dir + '_centroid_fit_reference/centre_' + galaxyid + '_ref.txt') != False: fileref = open( working_dir + '_centroid_fit_reference/centre_' + galaxyid + '_ref.txt', 'r') rx, ry = np.loadtxt(fileref, usecols=(0, 1)) coff = (xx - rx)**2 + ( yy - ry )**2 # If not reference frame, the closest object from the reference else: coff = (xx - xc)**2 + ( yy - yc )**2 # If reference frame, the closest object from the centre tx, ty = xx[np.where(coff == np.min(coff))[0][0]], yy[np.where( coff == np.min(coff))[0][0]] # target centre xx, yy = xx[np.where(xx * yy != tx * ty)], yy[np.where( xx * yy != tx * ty)] osub = np.where( ((xx - tx)**2 + (yy - ty)**2 - np.min((xx - tx)**2 + (yy - ty)**2)) < 0.1) # the 2nd closest object trad = np.sqrt( (xx[osub] - tx)**2 + (yy[osub] - ty)**2 ) / 2. # masking radius = (a separation btw the target and 2nd closest object)/2. if (trad > 105 * 2): # when masking radius is too big trad = 105 * 2 if (trad < 105 * 1.5): # when masking radius is too small trad = 105 * 1.5 # Use fibres only within masking radius gsub = np.where(np.sqrt((x - tx)**2 + (y - ty)**2) < trad) if len(gsub) < 5: tdist = np.sqrt((x - tx)**2 + (y - ty)**2) inds = np.argsort(tdist) gsub = inds[:5] x_good, y_good, data_sum_good = x[gsub], y[gsub], data_sum[gsub] # Save the target centre of reference frame if reference is not None and rssframe == reference: ref = open( working_dir + '_centroid_fit_reference/centre_' + galaxyid + '_ref.txt', 'w') try: ref.write(str([0]) + ' ' + str([0])) except: ref.write(str(tx) + ' ' + str(ty)) ref.close() #** New masking method ends ———————————————————————————————————————————————— # Use the crude distributed centre-of-mass to get the rough centre of mass com = utils.comxyz(x_good, y_good, data_sum_good) #**use good data within masking # Peak height guess could be closest fibre to com position. dist = (x - com[0])**2 + ( y - com[1])**2 # distance between com and all fibres. # First guess at width of Gaussian - diameter of a core in degrees/microns. if microns == True: sigx = 105.0 core_diam = 105.0 else: sigx = 4.44e-4 core_diam = 4.44e-4 # First guess Gaussian parameters. if circular == True: p0 = [ data_sum[np.sum(np.where(dist == np.min(dist)))], com[0], com[1], sigx, 0.0 ] #print "Guess Parameters:", p0 #here elif circular == False: p0 = [ data_sum[np.sum(np.where(dist == np.min(dist)))], com[0], com[1], sigx, sigx, 45.0, 0.0 ] #print "Guess Parameters:", p0 # Fit two circular 2D Gaussians. gf = fitting.TwoDGaussFitter( p0, x_good, y_good, data_sum_good) #** use good data within masking amplitude_mic, xout_mic, yout_mic, sig_mic, bias_mic = gf.p fitting.fibre_integrator(gf, core_diam) # fibre integrator #### gaussian fitting # Make a linear grid to reconstruct the fitted Gaussian over. x_0 = np.min(x) y_0 = np.min(y) # dx should be 1/10th the fibre diameter (in whatever units) dx = sigx / 10.0 xlin = x_0 + np.arange(100) * dx # x axis ylin = y_0 + np.arange(100) * dx # y axis # Reconstruct the model model = np.zeros((len(xlin), len(ylin))) # Reconstructing the Gaussian over the proper grid. for ii in range(len(xlin)): xval = xlin[ii] for jj in range(len(ylin)): yval = ylin[jj] model[ii, jj] = gf.fitfunc(gf.p, xval, yval) amplitude_mic, xout_mic, yout_mic, sig_mic, bias_mic = gf.p # print('gx,gy final',xout_mic,yout_mic) #test return gf.p, data_sum, xlin, ylin, model
def find_peaks(imagename, ext=1, outname='default', threshold=40.0, box_size=24.0, border_width=5.0): #, footprint=footprint, mask=mask, # border_width=border_width, npeaks=npeaks, subpixel=subpixel, # error=error, wcs=wcs): """ Extends `photutils.find_peaks`. Parameters ---------- imagename : string Name of the FITS file. ext : int The extension of the FITS file to read. outname : string Name of the output coordinate file. If "default", becomes, "<imagename>.coo." threshold : float Default of "40.0." box_size : float Default of "24.0." border_width : float Default of "5.0." Returns ------- coo_tab : astropy.Table Table containing the coordinates. References ---------- """ # Fetch function metadata. current_params = locals() func_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name # Read in FITS file. hdulist = data = hdulist[ext].data hdulist.close() coo_tab = photutils.find_peaks(data=data, \ threshold=threshold, \ box_size=box_size, \ border_width=border_width) #footprint=footprint, \ #mask=mask, \ #npeaks=npeaks, \ #subpixel=subpixel, \ #error=error, \ #wcs=wcs) # Create basename for out file. if outname == 'default': baseoutname = imagename + '.coo' else: baseoutname = outname # Check whether file already exists. If yes, append number. fileoutname = baseoutname i=1 while os.path.isfile(fileoutname): fileoutname = baseoutname fileoutname += ('.' + str(i)) i += 1 write_out_photfile(fileoutname, coo_tab, current_params, func_name) return coo_tab
def build_ap_list(data, start_aps = None, radius = 3.0, automatic_mode=True, interactive_mode=False, lam = None, save_plot = None, ): ''' Detects local maxima in an image, and allows the manual inspection of the result. This function finds local maxima in 2-D array, and then offers the user the ability to check/modify the found peaks manually. It associate a fixed circular aperture to each peak (individually modifiable manually), used later to extract the integrated s pectra of these areas. :Args: data: 2-D numpy array The raw data from which to find maxima. start_aps: list of list [default: None] A pre-existing list of apertures. radius: int [default: 3.0] The default radius of the apertures associated with the local maxima detected automatically. automatic_mode: bool [default: True] Whether to detect peaks and assign apertures automatically or not. interactive_mode: bool [default:True] Whether to inspect the apertures manually or not. lam: float [default: False] The wavelength of the data, to be added to the plot title if set. save_plot: string [default: None] If set, the name of the file used to save the final aperture selection. :Returns: out: 2-D numpy array The array of apertures with shape (n,3), where n is the total number of apertures (1 per row), defined by (x,y,r) its center and radius (in pixels). :Notes: If start_aps are provided, then automatic_mode is False. ''' mean, median, std = sigma_clipped_stats(data, sigma=3.0, iters=5) # I tried to play with daofind at some point, with some limited success. # It is very sensitive to varying background, and was not ideal to find HII regions # at the core of galaxies. # The next lines is left here for possible future usage, and remind me that I tried. # sources = daofind(data, fwhm=5.0, threshold=1.*std) # For now, these parameters are fixed. Until I see whether playing with them at the # user level can help or not. threshold = (1.0 * std) #myf = np.array([[0,1,1,1,0], # [1,1,1,1,1], # [1,1,1,1,1], # [1,1,1,1,1], # [0,1,1,1,0]]) if not(start_aps) and automatic_mode: # Find the local peak in the data. tbl = photutils.find_peaks(data, threshold, box_size=5, subpixel=False) xs = tbl['x_peak'] ys = tbl['y_peak'] rs = np.zeros(len(xs))+radius elif start_aps: # User provided us with apertures already. No need to start from scratch xs,ys,rs = zip(*start_aps) else: xs = np.zeros(0) ys = np.zeros(0) rs = np.ones(0) # Start the plotting plt.close(90) fig = plt.figure(90, figsize=(10,8)) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(1,1, height_ratios=[1], width_ratios=[1]) gs.update(left=0.05, right=0.95, bottom=0.08, top=0.93, wspace=0.02, hspace=0.03) ax = plt.subplot(gs[0,0]) # Note, I will here be working in pixel space for simplicity. No need to bother # with WCS coefficient for now. ax.imshow(data, cmap='Greys', origin='lower', norm=LogNorm(), vmin=1, interpolation='nearest') # Plot the peaks, and make them pickable ! line, = ax.plot(xs, ys, ls='none', color='tomato', marker='+', ms=10, lw=1.5, picker=4) # Plot the associated apertures, but DON'T make them pickable. # Construct the size of the apertures associated with each peak, using the # default value from the user. # TODO: be smarter, and find the best aperture size for each peak. # E.G. 2D gaussian fitting ? # Also for now, just use a Circle my_ap_scatter(ax, xs, ys, rs, facecolor='none',edgecolor='tomato') # Now, the 1-line black magic command that deals with the user interaction if interactive_mode: apmanager = ApManager(fig, ax, line, rs) ax.grid(True) ax.set_xlim((-10,np.shape(data)[1]+10)) ax.set_xlabel(r'x [pixels]', labelpad = 10) ax.set_ylim((-10,np.shape(data)[0]+10)) ax.set_ylabel(r'y [pixels]', labelpad = 10) ax.set_title(r'$\lambda$:%.2f' % lam) if interactive_mode: print ' Starting interactive mode:' print ' Aperture radius: 3 pixels' print ' [left-click] : add an aperture' print ' [right-click] : remove an aperture' print ' [u]+cursor on plot: larger aperture ' print ' [d]+cursor on plot: smaller aperture ' # A little trick to wait for the user to be done before proceeding while True: letter = raw_input(' [m] to save and continue, [zzz] to NOT save and '+ 'crash (maybe). \n') if letter in ['m','zzz']: break else: print ' [%s] unrecognized !' % letter line.remove() plt.savefig(save_plot+np.str(lam)+'.pdf',bbox_inches='tight') plt.close() if letter =='m': return zip(apmanager.xs, apmanager.ys, else: return False else: line.remove() plt.savefig(save_plot+np.str(lam)+'.pdf',bbox_inches='tight') plt.close() return zip(xs,ys,rs)
precision_patch = np.zeros(254, np.float32) recall_patch = np.zeros(254, np.float32) retina_img = + config_type + '/img_%02d_patch_%02d_img.png' % (idx, idx_patch)) pred = np.load(results_base_dir + config_type + '/epoch_1800/img_%02d_patch_%02d.npy' % (idx, idx_patch)) axes[0, config_id].imshow(retina_img) mean, median, std = sigma_clipped_stats(pred, sigma=3.0) threshold = median + (10.0 * std) sources = find_peaks(pred, threshold, box_size=3) positions = (sources['x_peak'], sources['y_peak']) axes[2, config_id].imshow(pred, interpolation='nearest') axes[2, config_id].plot(sources['x_peak'], sources['y_peak'], ls='none', color='red', marker='+', ms=10, lw=1.5) gt_img = + config_type + '/img_%02d_patch_%02d_gt.png' % (idx, idx_patch)) mean_gt, median_gt, std_gt = sigma_clipped_stats(gt_img, sigma=3.0)
from astropy.visualization import simple_norm from photutils import datasets hdu = datasets.load_simulated_hst_star_image() data = from photutils.datasets import make_noise_image data += make_noise_image(data.shape, type='gaussian', mean=10., stddev=5., random_state=12345) from photutils import find_peaks peaks_tbl = find_peaks(data, threshold=500.) from astropy.table import Table stars_tbl = Table() stars_tbl['x'] = peaks_tbl['x_peak'] stars_tbl['y'] = peaks_tbl['y_peak'] from astropy.stats import sigma_clipped_stats mean_val, median_val, std_val = sigma_clipped_stats(data, sigma=2., iters=None) data -= median_val from astropy.nddata import NDData nddata = NDData(data=data) from photutils.psf import extract_stars stars = extract_stars(nddata, stars_tbl, size=25) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt nrows = 5 ncols = 5
def center(iter_no, s_post, member_indices, apr, plotmap): mem = gcat[ member_indices] # gcat = The galaxy catalog of which the overdensities are being computed. """ Member Galaxy Locations in Pixel Space """ galpix = convpix(mem, w) x = galpix[:, 0] y = galpix[:, 1] """ Configuring Pixel Space""" init_x, init_y = w.wcs_world2pix(s_post[0], s_post[1], 0) # initial estimate to draw box PIX_SCALE = imagefile[0].header[ 'CDELT2'] * 3600.0 # "/pixel ---> 0.000239 deg/pixel, IRAC/bootes if apr <= 2.0: wid_arcsec = 302 # ~5'x5' region around the signpost elif 2.0 < apr <= 5.0: wid_arcsec = 716.5 # ~12'x12' else: wid_arcsec = 898 # ~15'x15' wid_pixels = int(wid_arcsec / PIX_SCALE) # ~350x350 pixels/ 830x830 /1040x1040 xmin, xmax = int(init_x - (wid_pixels / 2.0)), int( init_x + (wid_pixels / 2.0)) # boundaries ymin, ymax = int(init_y - (wid_pixels / 2.0)), int(init_y + (wid_pixels / 2.0)) """ 2D-Histogram & Smoothing """ binstep = 5.0 # 10 pixel ~ 8.62 " wght = np.asarray( gcat[member_indices]['ch2_flux']) # weights: irac ch2[4.5 um] flux xedges = np.arange(xmin, xmax + binstep, binstep) yedges = np.arange(ymin, ymax + binstep, binstep) h, xedges, yedges = np.histogram2d(x, y, bins=(xedges, yedges), weights=wght) xmid = [(xedges[ik] + xedges[ik + 1]) / 2.0 for ik in range(len(xedges) - 1)] ymid = [(yedges[ij] + yedges[ij + 1]) / 2.0 for ij in range(len(yedges) - 1)] size = int(round((np.shape(h)[0]) / 4.0)) # kernel size : at least ~ 4 times smaller stdev_ker = size / 4.0 # size = 4-sigma gauss_kernel = Gaussian2DKernel(x_stddev=stdev_ker, y_stddev=stdev_ker, x_size=size, y_size=size) # kernel smoothed_data_gauss = convolve_fft( h.T, gauss_kernel) # convolution/smoothing max_sm_val = max(smoothed_data_gauss.flatten()) """ Finds Peak """ x_org, y_org = (xedges[0] + xedges[1]) / 2.0, ( yedges[0] + yedges[1]) / 2.0 # origin of bin-coordinate fp_m = find_peaks(smoothed_data_gauss, 0, npeaks=1) # 1 peak with max value xbin_peak, ybin_peak = fp_m['x_peak'][0], fp_m['y_peak'][ 0] # x, y positions of the peak x_p, y_p = (x_org + xbin_peak * binstep), ( y_org + ybin_peak * binstep) # conversion to pixel coordinates peak_pix = (x_p, y_p) ra_p, dec_p = w.wcs_pix2world(peak_pix[0], peak_pix[1], 0) peak_fk5 = (ra_p, dec_p) """ Centroid from Image Moments """ cen_pos = centroid_com(smoothed_data_gauss) cenx, ceny = (x_org + cen_pos[0] * binstep), (y_org + cen_pos[1] * binstep) ra_c, dec_c = w.wcs_pix2world(cenx, ceny, 0) centre = (ra_c, dec_c) """ Plots """ if plotmap == 'ON': fgm = plt.figure() ax = fgm.add_subplot(111) # ax_b.imshow(smoothed_data_gauss, extent=[xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax], cmap='jet') cntf = ax.contourf( xmid, ymid, smoothed_data_gauss, cmap='Blues', levels=[lt for lt in np.arange(0.10, max_sm_val + 0.02, 0.02)]) ax.scatter(x, y, marker='o', color='red', s=5) ax.scatter(cenx, ceny, marker='s') ax.scatter(x_p, y_p, marker='^') ax.scatter(init_x, init_y, marker='o', color='lime') fgm.colorbar(cntf) fgm.savefig(catdir + 'clump_plots/' + str(iter_no) + '_map.png', format='png', dpi=100) plt.close(fgm) return centre, peak_fk5
def get_most_confident_outputs(img_id, patch_center_row, patch_center_col, confident_th, gpu_id, connected_same_vessel): patch_size = 64 center = (patch_center_col, patch_center_row) x_tmp = int(center[0] - patch_size / 2) y_tmp = int(center[1] - patch_size / 2) confident_connections = {} confident_connections['x_peak'] = [] confident_connections['y_peak'] = [] confident_connections['peak_value'] = [] root_dir = './gt_dbs/DRIVE/' img = os.path.join(root_dir, 'test', 'images', '%02d_test.tif' % img_id)) img = np.array(img, dtype=np.float32) h, w = img.shape[:2] if x_tmp > 0 and y_tmp > 0 and x_tmp + patch_size < w and y_tmp + patch_size < h: img_crop = img[y_tmp:y_tmp + patch_size, x_tmp:x_tmp + patch_size, :] img_crop = img_crop.transpose((2, 0, 1)) img_crop = torch.from_numpy(img_crop) img_crop = img_crop.unsqueeze(0) inputs = img_crop / 255 - 0.5 # Forward pass of the mini-batch inputs = Variable(inputs) if gpu_id >= 0: inputs = inputs.cuda() p = {} p['useRandom'] = 1 # Shuffle Images p['useAug'] = 0 # Use Random rotations in [-30, 30] and scaling in [.75, 1.25] p['inputRes'] = (64, 64) # Input Resolution p['outputRes'] = (64, 64) # Output Resolution (same as input) p['g_size'] = 64 # Higher means narrower Gaussian p['trainBatch'] = 1 # Number of Images in each mini-batch p['numHG'] = 2 # Number of Stacked Hourglasses p['Block'] = 'ConvBlock' # Select: 'ConvBlock', 'BasicBlock', 'BottleNeck' p['GTmasks'] = 0 # Use GT Vessel Segmentations as input instead of Retinal Images model_dir = './results_dir_vessels/' if connected_same_vessel: modelName = tb.construct_name(p, "HourGlass-connected-same-vessel") else: modelName = tb.construct_name(p, "HourGlass-connected") numHGScales = 4 # How many times to downsample inside each HourGlass net = nt.Net_SHG(p['numHG'], numHGScales, p['Block'], 128, 1) epoch = 1800 net.load_state_dict( torch.load(os.path.join( model_dir, os.path.join(model_dir, modelName + '_epoch-' + str(epoch) + '.pth')), map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage)) if gpu_id >= 0: net = net.cuda() output = net.forward(inputs) pred = np.squeeze( np.transpose( output[len(output) - 1].cpu().data.numpy()[0, :, :, :], (1, 2, 0))) mean, median, std = sigma_clipped_stats(pred, sigma=3.0) threshold = median + (10.0 * std) sources = find_peaks(pred, threshold, box_size=3) indxs = np.argsort(sources['peak_value']) for ii in range(0, len(indxs)): idx = indxs[len(indxs) - 1 - ii] if sources['peak_value'][idx] > confident_th: confident_connections['x_peak'].append(sources['x_peak'][idx]) confident_connections['y_peak'].append(sources['y_peak'][idx]) confident_connections['peak_value'].append( sources['peak_value'][idx]) else: break confident_connections = Table([ confident_connections['x_peak'], confident_connections['y_peak'], confident_connections['peak_value'] ], names=('x_peak', 'y_peak', 'peak_value')) return confident_connections image=image_fits[0].data image_or=image ## smoothing kernel=convolution.Gaussian2DKernel(5) image=convolution.convolve(image,kernel) # get image size img_size=image.shape[0] print img_size mean,median,std=sigma_clipped_stats(image,sigma=3.0) threshold=median+(20*std) peaks=find_peaks(image,threshold,box_size=5) print peaks ''' ## throw out source peak # by distance to center center=img_size/2 dist_center=np.sqrt((peaks['x_peak']-center)**2+(peaks['y_peak']-center)**2) print dist_center idx=list(dist_center).index(np.min(dist_center)) threshold=np.min(peaks['peak_value'][idx]) peaks=find_peaks(image,threshold,box_size=5) print peaks #print len(peaks['x_peak'])
def get_photometry(image, mask=None, gain=4., pos=(dx_stamp, dx_stamp), radii=10., sigma1=None, alpha=None, beta=None, iter=0): print iter sigma_clip = SigmaClip(sigma=3., iters=2) bkg_estimator = MedianBackground() bkg = Background2D(image, (10, 10), sigma_clip=sigma_clip, bkg_estimator=bkg_estimator) print '\tBackground stats: %f, %f' % (bkg.background_median, bkg.background_rms_median) data = image - bkg.background # bkg_err = np.random.normal(bkg.background_median, # bkg.background_rms_median, image.shape) if False: plt.imshow(data, cmap='viridis', interpolation='nearest') plt.colorbar() # # error = calc_total_error(image, bkg_err, gain) if True: back_mean, back_median, back_std = sigma_clipped_stats(data, mask, sigma=3, iters=3, cenfunc=np.median) print '\tBackground stats: %f, %f' % (back_median, back_std) tbl = find_peaks(data, np.minimum(back_std, bkg.background_rms_median) * 3, box_size=5, subpixel=True) if len(tbl) == 0: print '\tNo detection...' return None tree_XY = cKDTree(np.array([tbl['x_centroid'], tbl['y_centroid']]).T) if iter == 0: d = 9 else: d = 5 dist, indx = tree_XY.query(pos, k=2, distance_upper_bound=d) print tbl print dist, indx if np.isinf(dist).all(): print '\tNo source found in the asked position... ', print 'using given position...' position = pos # return None else: if len(tbl) >= 2 and not np.isinf(dist[1]): if tbl[indx[1]]['fit_peak_value'] > \ tbl[indx[0]]['fit_peak_value']: indx = indx[1] else: indx = indx[0] else: indx = indx[0] position = [tbl[indx]['x_centroid'], tbl[indx]['y_centroid']] else: position = pos print '\tObject position: ', position apertures = [CircularAperture(position, r=r) for r in radii] try: phot_table = aperture_photometry(data, apertures, mask=mask, method='subpixel', subpixels=5) except IndexError: phot_table = aperture_photometry(data, apertures, method='subpixel', subpixels=5) for k, r in enumerate(radii): area = np.pi * r ** 2 phot_table['aperture_flx_err_%i' % k] = np.sqrt(sigma1**2 * alpha**2 * area**beta + phot_table['aperture_sum_%i' % k][0] / gain) phot_table.remove_columns(['xcenter', 'ycenter']) phot_table['xcenter'] = position[0] phot_table['ycenter'] = position[1] return phot_table
if star == 'V0473_Lyr': x_1 = 2100 x_2 = 2450 y_1 = 1700 y_2 = 2300 if star == 'RR_Lyr': x_1 = 0 x_2 = 4090 y_1 = 0 y_2 = 4090 for image_name in files[0:1]: image = fits.getdata(star + "/" + image_name, ext=0) data = image[x_1:x_2, y_1:y_2] tbl = find_peaks(data, 300, box_size=50) pe = np.array(tbl['peak_value']) pe_x = np.array(tbl['x_peak']) pe_y = np.array(tbl['y_peak']) peaks = np.array((pe_x, pe_y, pe)).T peaks = peaks.tolist() peaks = sorted(peaks, key=lambda t: t[2], reverse=True) positions = (peaks[0][0], peaks[0][1] ) #[peaks[0][0], peaks[0][1]], [peaks[1][0], peaks[1][1]] apertures = lambda r: CircularAperture(positions, r=r) phot_table = lambda r: aperture_photometry(data, apertures(r)) rad = [0.0] numcounts = [0.0] noise = 10000 i = 0 while (noise >= 5000):
def find_pinholes_irregular(fname, freference, sname, fdarkff, fdark, fff, files, size, threshold, fwhm, fitshape, MAX_CONTROL_POINTS, PIXEL_TOL, range_psf, sigma=2., oversampling=4, maxiters=3, MIN_MATCHES_FRACTION=0.8, NUM_NEAREST_NEIGHBORS=5): """Finds and fits irregularly spread pinhole positions with a ePSF in a FITS image. Then matches them to the reference positions. Parameters ---------- fname : str Folder name of the input fits files. freference : str File name of the reference positions (txt file). sname : str Folder name of the returned found and matched pinhole positions (txt files). fdarkff : string Location of the dark images for the flat field images. fdark : string Location of the dark images for the raw images. fff : string Location of the flat field images. files : (1, 2)-shaped int array File range to create a median image size : int Rectangular size of the ePSF. Size must be an odd number. threshold : float The absolute image value above which to select sources. fwhm : float The full-width half-maximum (FWHM) of the major axis of the Gaussian kernel in units of pixels. fitshape : int or length-2 array-like Rectangular shape around the center of a star which will be used to collect the data to do the fitting. Can be an integer to be the same along both axes. E.g., 5 is the same as (5, 5), which means to fit only at the following relative pixel positions: [-2, -1, 0, 1, 2]. Each element of fitshape must be an odd number. MAX_CONTROL_POINTS : int The maximum control points (stars) to use to build the invariants. PIXEL_TOL : int The pixel distance tolerance to assume two invariant points are the same. range_psf : (1, 4)-shaped int array Position range to compute epsf [xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax] sigma : float Number of standard deviations used to perform sigma clip with a astropy.stats.SigmaClip object. oversampling : int or tuple of two int The oversampling factor(s) of the ePSF relative to the input stars along the x and y axes. The oversampling can either be a single float or a tuple of two floats of the form (x_oversamp, y_oversamp). If oversampling is a scalar then the oversampling will be the same for both the x and y axes. maxiters : int The maximum number of iterations to perform. MIN_MATCHES_FRACTION : float (0,1] The minimum fraction of triangle matches to accept a transformation. If the minimum fraction yields more than 10 triangles, 10 is used instead. NUM_NEAREST_NEIGHBORS : int The number of nearest neighbors of a given star (including itself) to construct the triangle invariants. Returns ------- s_list : (N,2)-shaped array Found and matched positions of the pinholes. t_list : (N,2)-shaped array Matched reference grid positions. """ #Load the sample of fits images entries = os.listdir(fname) data_col = np.array([fits.getdata(fname + '/' + entries[files[0]], ext=0)]) for k in range(files[0] + 1, files[1] + 1): data_col = np.append(data_col, [fits.getdata(fname + '/' + entries[k], ext=0)], axis=0) #Data reduction: Darc current + Flatfield data_col = data_correction(data_col, fdarkff, fdark, fff) #Claculate median image data_full = np.median(data_col, axis=0) pos_full = np.array([[0, 0]]) data = data_full[range_psf[2]:range_psf[3], range_psf[0]:range_psf[1]] #Find peaks in data peaks_tbl = find_peaks(data, threshold=threshold) peaks_tbl['peak_value'].info.format = '%.8g' #Load data around found peaks hsize = (size - 1) / 2 x = peaks_tbl['x_peak'] y = peaks_tbl['y_peak'] mask = ((x > hsize) & (x < (data.shape[1] - 1 - hsize)) & (y > hsize) & (y < (data.shape[0] - 1 - hsize))) stars_tbl = Table() stars_tbl['x'] = x[mask] stars_tbl['y'] = y[mask] #Calculate mean, median, std mean_val, median_val, std_val = sigma_clipped_stats(data, sigma=sigma) data = data - median_val #Find pinholes and create ePSF nddata = NDData(data=data) stars = extract_stars(nddata, stars_tbl, size=size) epsf_builder = EPSFBuilder(oversampling=oversampling, maxiters=maxiters, progress_bar=False) epsf, fitted_stars = epsf_builder(stars) #Use ePSF to find precise locations of pinholes daofind = DAOPhotPSFPhotometry(crit_separation=30, threshold=threshold, fwhm=fwhm, psf_model=epsf, fitshape=fitshape, aperture_radius=12, niters=1) #Get positions sources = daofind(data_full) for col in sources.colnames: sources[col].info.format = '%.8g' pos = np.transpose((sources['x_fit'], sources['y_fit'])) pos_full = np.append(pos_full, pos, axis=0) pos_full = pos_full[1:] #Plot found pinholes apertures = CircularAperture(pos_full, r=10) norm = ImageNormalize(stretch=SqrtStretch()) #Plot found pinholes fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.set_title('Pinhole Positions') ax.set(xlabel='x [pixel]', ylabel='y [pixel]') ax.imshow(data_full, cmap='Greys', origin='lower', norm=norm) apertures.plot(color='blue', lw=1.5, alpha=0.5) ax.legend(['#pinholes = ' + str(len(pos_full[:, 0]))], loc='lower left', prop={'size': 12}) #Sort positions by matching with reference grid positions_sort = pos_full ref_positions = np.genfromtxt(freference, skip_header=0) transf, (s_list, t_list) = find_transform(positions_sort, ref_positions, MAX_CONTROL_POINTS, PIXEL_TOL, MIN_MATCHES_FRACTION, NUM_NEAREST_NEIGHBORS) text = np.array([s_list[:, 0], s_list[:, 1], t_list[:, 0], t_list[:, 1]]) text_trans = np.zeros((len(s_list[:, 0]), 4)) #Transpose text matrix for k in range(0, 4): for l in range(0, len(s_list[:, 0])): text_trans[l][k] = text[k][l] #Save data as txt file np.savetxt(sname + '.txt', text_trans, fmt='%1.9E', delimiter='\t', comments='', header='x-measured y-measured x-reference y-reference') return s_list, t_list
gt_base_dir = './results_dir/gt_test' results_base_dir = './results_dir/results' idx_patch = 2 for idx in range(start_img,start_img+num_images): print(idx) config_type = '_connected' retina_img = + config_type + '/img_%02d_patch_%02d_img.png' %(idx, idx_patch)) plt.imshow(retina_img) pred = np.load(results_base_dir + config_type + '/epoch_1800/img_%02d_patch_%02d.npy' %(idx, idx_patch)) mean, median, std = sigma_clipped_stats(pred, sigma=3.0) threshold = median + (10.0 * std) sources = find_peaks(pred, threshold, box_size=3) positions = (sources['x_peak'], sources['y_peak']) pos_x_vector = [] pos_y_vector = [] for ii in range(0,len(sources['peak_value'])): if sources['peak_value'][ii] > 20: pos_x_vector.append(sources['x_peak'][ii]) pos_y_vector.append(sources['y_peak'][ii]) plt.scatter(pos_x_vector, pos_y_vector, marker='+', color='blue', s=100, linewidths=10) plt.axis('off')