コード例 #1
def handleChatInvite(server, user, packet):
    ref = packet.getNumber(DATA_CHATID, 0)
    uid = packet.getNumber(DATA_UID, 0)
    chat = server.getChat(ref)
    who = server.getUser(uid)

    if not who:
        raise HLException("Invalid user.")
    if not chat:
        raise HLException("Invalid chat.")
    if uid == user.uid:
        # Ignore self invitations.
    if chat.hasInvite(who):
        # Ignore all invitations after the first.
    if not chat.hasUser(user):
        raise HLException("You are not in this chat.")
    if chat.hasUser(who):
        # The specified user is already in the chat.


    # Send the invitation to the specified user.
    invite = HLPacket(HTLS_HDR_CHAT_INVITE)
    invite.addInt32(DATA_CHATID, chat.id)
    invite.addNumber(DATA_UID, user.uid)
    invite.addString(DATA_NICK, user.nick)
    server.sendPacket(invite, who)
コード例 #2
def handleChatJoin(server, user, packet):
    ref = packet.getNumber(DATA_CHATID, 0)
    chat = server.getChat(ref)

    if not chat:
        raise HLException("Invalid chat.")
    if not chat.hasInvite(user):
        raise HLException("You were not invited to this chat.")

    # Send a join packet to everyone in the chat.
    join.addInt32(DATA_CHATID, chat.id)
    join.addNumber(DATA_UID, user.uid)
    join.addString(DATA_NICK, user.nick)
    join.addNumber(DATA_ICON, user.icon)
    join.addNumber(DATA_STATUS, user.status)
    if user.color >= 0:
        join.addInt32(DATA_COLOR, user.color)
    for u in chat.users:
        server.sendPacket(join, u)

    # Add the joiner to the chat.

    # Send the userlist back to the joiner.
    list = packet.response()
    for u in chat.users:
        list.addBinary(DATA_USER, u.flatten())
    list.addString(DATA_SUBJECT, chat.subject)
    server.sendPacket(list, user)
コード例 #3
ファイル: files.py プロジェクト: dcwatson/phxd
def handleFileUpload(server, user, packet):
    dir = parseDir(packet.getBinary(DATA_DIR))
    name = packet.getString(DATA_FILENAME, "")
    size = packet.getNumber(DATA_XFERSIZE, 0)
    # options = packet.getNumber(DATA_XFEROPTIONS, 0)

    path = buildPath(user.account.fileRoot, dir, name)
    if os.path.exists(path):
        raise HLException("File already exists.")
    if (not user.hasPriv(PRIV_UPLOAD_ANYWHERE)) and (
            path.upper().find("UPLOAD") < 0
            or path.upper().find("DROP BOX") < 0):
        raise HLException(
            "You must upload to an upload directory or drop box.")

    # Make sure we have enough disk space to accept the file.
    upDir = buildPath(user.account.fileRoot, dir)
    info = os.statvfs(upDir)
    free = info.f_bavail * info.f_frsize
    if size >= free:
        raise HLException("Insufficient disk space.")

    file = HLFile(path)
    xfer = server.fileserver.addUpload(user, file)
    xfer.total = size

    reply = packet.response()
    reply.addNumber(DATA_XFERID, xfer.id)
    if file.exists():
        reply.addBinary(DATA_RESUME, file.resumeData().flatten())
    server.sendPacket(reply, user)
コード例 #4
def handleLogin(server, user, packet):
    login = HLDecode(packet.getBinary(DATA_LOGIN, HLEncode("guest")))
    password = HLDecode(packet.getBinary(DATA_PASSWORD, b""))

    # Check for temporary and permanent bans.
    reason = server.checkForBan(user.ip)
    if reason:
        raise HLException("You are banned: %s" % reason, True)

    # Load and configure the account information.
    user.account = server.database.loadAccount(login)
    if not user.account:
        raise HLException("Login is incorrect.", True)
    if user.account.password != hashlib.md5(password.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest():
        raise HLException("Password is incorrect.", True)

    # Handle the nickname/icon/color stuff, broadcast the join packet.
    handleUserChange(server, user, packet)
    user.valid = True
    user.account.lastLogin = datetime.now()

    dispatcher.send(signal=user_login, sender=server, server=server, user=user)

    info = packet.response()
    info.addString(DATA_SERVERNAME, conf.SERVER_NAME)
    info.addNumber(DATA_UID, user.uid)
    server.sendPacket(info, user)
    logging.info("[login] successful login for %s", user)
コード例 #5
def handleUserInfo(server, user, packet):
    uid = packet.getNumber(DATA_UID, 0)
    who = server.getUser(uid)

    if not who:
        raise HLException("Invalid user.")

    fmt = "nickname: %s\r     uid: %s\r   login: %s\rrealname: %s\r address: %s\r    idle: %s\r"
    idle = formatElapsedTime(time.time() - who.lastPacketTime)
    info = fmt % (who.nick, who.uid, who.account.login, who.account.name, who.ip, idle)
    info += "--------------------------------\r"
    num = 0
    for xfer in server.fileserver.transfers:
        if xfer.owner == uid:
            info += str(xfer) + "\r"
            num += 1
    if num < 1:
        info += "No file transfers.\r"
    info += "--------------------------------\r"

    reply = packet.response()
    reply.addNumber(DATA_UID, who.uid)
    reply.addString(DATA_NICK, who.nick)
    reply.addString(DATA_STRING, info)
    server.sendPacket(reply, user)
コード例 #6
ファイル: account.py プロジェクト: dcwatson/phxd
def handleAccountDelete(server, user, packet):
    login = HLDecode(packet.getBinary(DATA_LOGIN, b""))
    acct = server.database.loadAccount(login)
    if not acct:
        raise HLException("Invalid account.")
    server.sendPacket(packet.response(), user)
    logging.info("[account] %s deleted by %s", login, user)
コード例 #7
ファイル: files.py プロジェクト: dcwatson/phxd
def handleFolderCreate(server, user, packet):
    dir = parseDir(packet.getBinary(DATA_DIR))
    name = packet.getString(DATA_FILENAME, "")
    path = buildPath(user.account.fileRoot, dir, name)
    if os.path.exists(path):
        raise HLException("Specified directory already exists.")
    os.mkdir(path, conf.DIR_UMASK)
    server.sendPacket(packet.response(), user)
コード例 #8
def handleFileMove(server, user, packet):
    oldDir = parseDir(packet.getBinary(DATA_DIR))
    newDir = parseDir(packet.getBinary(DATA_NEWDIR))
    name = packet.getString(DATA_FILENAME, "")

    oldPath = buildPath(user.account.fileRoot, oldDir, name)
    newPath = buildPath(user.account.fileRoot, newDir, name)

    if not os.path.exists(oldPath):
        raise HLException("Invalid file or directory.")
    if os.path.exists(newPath):
        raise HLException("The specified file already exists in the new location.")

    file = HLFile(oldPath)

    server.sendPacket(packet.response(), user)
コード例 #9
def handleIconGet(server, user, packet):
    uid = packet.getNumber(DATA_UID, 0)
    info = server.getUser(uid)
    if not info:
        raise HLException("Invalid user.")
    icon = packet.response()
    icon.addNumber(DATA_UID, info.uid)
    icon.addBinary(DATA_GIFICON, info.gif)
    server.sendPacket(icon, user)
コード例 #10
def handleFileList(server, user, packet):
    dir = parseDir(packet.getBinary(DATA_DIR))
    path = buildPath(user.account.fileRoot, dir)

    if not os.path.exists(path):
        raise HLException("The specified directory does not exist.")
    if not os.path.isdir(path):
        raise HLException("The specified path is not a directory.")
    if (not user.hasPriv(PRIV_VIEW_DROPBOXES)) and (path.upper().find("DROP BOX") >= 0):
        raise HLException("You are not allowed to view drop boxes.")

    reply = packet.response()
    files = os.listdir(path)
    for fname in files:
        if conf.SHOW_DOTFILES or (fname[0] != '.'):
            # Only list files starting with . if SHOW_DOTFILES is True.
            file = HLFile(os.path.join(path, fname))
            reply.addBinary(DATA_FILE, file.flatten())
    server.sendPacket(reply, user)
コード例 #11
ファイル: utils.py プロジェクト: dcwatson/phxd
def certifyIcon(data):
    if len(data) > conf.MAX_GIF_SIZE:
        raise HLException("GIF icon too large.")
        return False

    # try to make sure the icon data is a 232x18 pixel GIF
        import Image
        import StringIO
        im = Image.open(StringIO.StringIO(data))
        if im.format != 'GIF':
            raise HLException("Icon must be in GIF format.")
        if im.size != (232, 18):
            raise HLException("GIF icon must be 232x18 pixels.")
    except ImportError:
    except IOError:
        return False

    return True
コード例 #12
ファイル: files.py プロジェクト: dcwatson/phxd
def handleFileSetInfo(server, user, packet):
    dir = parseDir(packet.getBinary(DATA_DIR))
    oldName = packet.getString(DATA_FILENAME, "")
    newName = packet.getString(DATA_NEWFILE, oldName)
    comment = packet.getString(DATA_COMMENT, "")

    if (oldName != newName) and (not user.hasPriv(PRIV_RENAME_FILES)):
        raise HLException("You cannot rename files.")

    oldPath = buildPath(user.account.fileRoot, dir, oldName)
    newPath = buildPath(user.account.fileRoot, dir, newName)

    if not os.path.exists(oldPath):
        raise HLException("Invalid file or directory.")
    if (oldPath != newPath) and os.path.exists(newPath):
        raise HLException("The specified file already exists.")

    file = HLFile(oldPath)

    server.sendPacket(packet.response(), user)
コード例 #13
ファイル: account.py プロジェクト: dcwatson/phxd
def handleAccountRead(server, user, packet):
    login = packet.getString(DATA_LOGIN, "")

    acct = server.database.loadAccount(login)
    if not acct:
        raise HLException("Error loading account.")

    reply = packet.response()
    reply.addBinary(DATA_LOGIN, HLEncode(acct.login))
    reply.addBinary(DATA_PASSWORD, HLEncode(acct.password))
    reply.addString(DATA_NICK, acct.name)
    reply.addInt64(DATA_PRIVS, acct.privs)
    server.sendPacket(reply, user)
コード例 #14
def handleUserInfoUnformatted(server, user, packet):
    uid = packet.getNumber(DATA_UID, 0)
    who = server.getUser(uid)

    if not who:
        raise HLException("Invalid user.")

    reply = packet.response()
    reply.addNumber(DATA_UID, who.uid)
    reply.addString(DATA_NICK, who.nick)
    reply.addString(DATA_LOGIN, who.account.login)
    reply.addString(DATA_STRING, who.account.name)
    reply.addString(DATA_IP, who.ip)
    server.sendPacket(reply, user)
コード例 #15
ファイル: files.py プロジェクト: dcwatson/phxd
def handleFileDelete(server, user, packet):
    dir = parseDir(packet.getBinary(DATA_DIR))
    name = packet.getString(DATA_FILENAME, "")
    path = buildPath(user.account.fileRoot, dir, name)
    if not os.path.exists(path):
        raise HLException("Specified file or directory does not exist.")
    if os.path.isdir(path):
        if not user.hasPriv(PRIV_DELETE_FOLDERS):
            raise HLException("You are not allowed to delete folders.")
        # First, recursively delete everything inside the directory.
        for (root, dirs, files) in os.walk(path, topdown=False):
            for name in files:
                os.unlink(os.path.join(root, name))
            for name in dirs:
                os.rmdir(os.path.join(root, name))
        # Then delete the directory itself.
        if not user.hasPriv(PRIV_DELETE_FILES):
            raise HLException("You are not allowed to delete files.")
        file = HLFile(path)
    server.sendPacket(packet.response(), user)
コード例 #16
def handleUserKick(server, user, packet):
    uid = packet.getNumber(DATA_UID, 0)
    ban = packet.getNumber(DATA_BAN, 0)
    who = server.getUser(uid)

    if not who:
        raise HLException("Invalid user.")

    me_login = user.account.login.lower()
    you_login = who.account.login.lower()

    if not user.hasPriv(PRIV_KICK_USERS):
        # users without kick privs can disconnect themselves or their ghosts as long as they are not guests
        if (me_login != you_login) or (me_login == "guest"):
            raise HLException("You do not have permission to disconnect users.")
    if (me_login != you_login) and who.hasPriv(PRIV_KICK_PROTECT):
        raise HLException("%s cannot be disconnected." % who.nick)

    if ban:
        server.addTempBan(who.ip, "Temporary ban.")

    server.sendPacket(packet.response(), user)
    logging.info("[kick] %s disconnected by %s", who, user)
コード例 #17
ファイル: account.py プロジェクト: dcwatson/phxd
def handleAccountCreate(server, user, packet):
    login = HLDecode(packet.getBinary(DATA_LOGIN, b""))
    passwd = HLDecode(packet.getBinary(DATA_PASSWORD, b""))
    name = packet.getString(DATA_NICK, "")
    privs = packet.getNumber(DATA_PRIVS, 0)

    if server.database.loadAccount(login):
        raise HLException("Login already exists.")

    acct = HLAccount(login)
    acct.password = hashlib.md5(passwd.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
    acct.name = name
    acct.privs = privs

    server.sendPacket(packet.response(), user)
    logging.info("[account] %s created by %s", login, user)
コード例 #18
ファイル: account.py プロジェクト: dcwatson/phxd
def handleAccountModify(server, user, packet):
    login = HLDecode(packet.getBinary(DATA_LOGIN, b""))
    pw_data = packet.getBinary(DATA_PASSWORD, b"")
    name = packet.getString(DATA_NICK, "")
    privs = packet.getNumber(DATA_PRIVS, 0)

    acct = server.database.loadAccount(login)
    if not acct:
        raise HLException("Invalid account.")

    acct.name = name
    acct.privs = privs
    if pw_data != "\x00":
        acct.password = hashlib.md5(
    server.sendPacket(packet.response(), user)
    # server.updateAccounts( acct )
    logging.info("[account] %s modified by %s", login, user)
コード例 #19
def handleFileDownload(server, user, packet):
    dir = parseDir(packet.getBinary(DATA_DIR))
    name = packet.getString(DATA_FILENAME, "")
    resume = HLResumeData(packet.getBinary(DATA_RESUME))
    # options = packet.getNumber(DATA_XFEROPTIONS, 0)

    path = buildPath(user.account.fileRoot, dir, name)
    if not os.path.exists(path):
        raise HLException("Specified file does not exist.")

    file = HLFile(path)
    xfer = server.fileserver.addDownload(user, file, resume)
    dataSize = file.size() - resume.totalOffset()

    reply = packet.response()
    reply.addNumber(DATA_XFERSIZE, xfer.total)
    reply.addNumber(DATA_FILESIZE, dataSize)
    reply.addNumber(DATA_XFERID, xfer.id)
    server.sendPacket(reply, user)
コード例 #20
ファイル: files.py プロジェクト: dcwatson/phxd
def handleFileGetInfo(server, user, packet):
    dir = parseDir(packet.getBinary(DATA_DIR))
    name = packet.getString(DATA_FILENAME, b"")

    path = buildPath(user.account.fileRoot, dir, name)
    if not os.path.exists(path):
        raise HLException("No such file or directory.")

    file = HLFile(path)
    d = datetime.fromtimestamp(os.path.getmtime(path))

    info = packet.response()
    info.addString(DATA_FILENAME, name)
    info.addNumber(DATA_FILESIZE, file.size())
    info.addNumber(DATA_FILETYPE, file.getType())
    info.addNumber(DATA_FILECREATOR, file.getCreator())
    info.addBinary(DATA_DATECREATED, HLEncodeDate(d))
    info.addBinary(DATA_DATEMODIFIED, HLEncodeDate(d))
    info.addString(DATA_COMMENT, file.getComment())
    server.sendPacket(info, user)
コード例 #21
 def _checkperm(signal, sender, *args, **kwargs):
     user = kwargs.get('user', None)
     if user and not user.hasPriv(perm):
         raise HLException("You do not have permission to %s." % action)
     return handler_func(*args, **kwargs)