コード例 #1
	def setup(self):
		# create a test tree
		t = Tree()
		a = t.add_root ({'title': 'A'})
		b, br = t.add_node (a, {'title': 'B'})
		c, br = t.add_node (a, {'title': 'C'})
		d, br = t.add_node (b, {'title': 'D'})
		e, br = t.add_node (b, {'title': 'E'})
		f, br = t.add_node (c, {'title': 'F'})
		g, br = t.add_node (c, {'title': 'G'})
		self.tree = t
コード例 #2
ファイル: test_analysis.py プロジェクト: agapow/Py-phylo-core
	def setup(self):
		# make up a dummy tree to test upon
		from phylo.core.tree import Tree
		t = Tree()
		a = t.add_root ({'title': 'A'})
		b, br = t.add_node (a, {'title': 'B'})
		c, br = t.add_node (a, {'title': 'C'})
		d, br = t.add_node (b, {'title': 'D'})
		e, br = t.add_node (b, {'title': 'E'})
		f, br = t.add_node (c, {'title': 'F'})
		g, br = t.add_node (c, {'title': 'G'})
		self.tree = t
		# record the nodes for later convenience
		self.nodes = dict ([(n.title, n) for n in t.nodes])
コード例 #3
	def setup (self):
		Build a tree that starts from root, radiates to ABC and DE and thence to AB (and
		A & B) and D and E.
		Our tree is:
		- root
			- ABC
				- AB
					- A
					- B
				- C
			- DE
				- D
				- E
		t = Tree()
		r = t.add_root ({'title': 'root'})
		node_abc, b = t.add_node (r, {'title': 'ABC'})
		node_de, b = t.add_node (r, {'title': 'DE'})
		node_ab, b = t.add_node (node_abc, {'title': 'AB'})
		node_c, b = t.add_node (node_abc, {'title': 'C'})
		node_a, b = t.add_node (node_ab, {'title': 'A'})
		node_b, b = t.add_node (node_ab, {'title': 'B'})
		node_d, b = t.add_node (node_de, {'title': 'D'})
		node_e, b = t.add_node (node_de, {'title': 'E'})
		# record for use in test functions
		self.tree = t
		self.nodes = {}
		for n in [r, node_a, node_b, node_c, node_d, node_e, node_ab, node_abc, node_de]:
			self.nodes[n.title] = n
コード例 #4
def test():
	Some code to walk the script through its paces.
	# make a tree
	from phylo.core.tree import Tree
	t = Tree()
	r = t.add_root ({'title': 'root'})
	nabcd, b = t.add_node (r, {'title': 'ABCD'})
	nef, b = t.add_node (r, {'title': 'EF'})
	nab, b = t.add_node (nabcd, {'title': 'AB'})
	ncd, b = t.add_node (nabcd, {'title': 'CD'})
	na, b = t.add_node (nab, {'title': 'A'})
	nb, b = t.add_node (nab, {'title': 'B'})
	nc, b = t.add_node (ncd, {'title': 'C'})
	nd, b = t.add_node (ncd, {'title': 'D'})
	ne, b = t.add_node (nef, {'title': 'E'})
	nf, b = t.add_node (nef, {'title': 'F'})
	from Bio.SeqRecord import SeqRecord
	from Bio.Seq import Seq
	from Bio.Align import MultipleSeqAlignment
	seqdata = [
		['A', 'XYGT'],
		['B', 'AYGT'],
		['C', 'ACGT'],
		['D', 'ACGT'],
		['E', 'ACGT'],
		['F', 'ACGT'],
	srs = [SeqRecord (Seq (x[1]), id=x[0], name=x[0]) for x in seqdata]
	aln = MultipleSeqAlignment (srs)
	return t, aln
コード例 #5
ファイル: test_tree.py プロジェクト: agapow/Py-phylo-core
	def setup (self):
		Build a tree that starts from root, radiates to AB, CD. EF and then
		A to F. 
		t = Tree()
		r = t.add_root ({'title': 'root'})
		nab, b = t.add_node (r, {'title': 'AB'}, branch_props={'title': 'root-AB', 'distance': 1.0})
		na, b = t.add_node (nab, {'title': 'A'}, branch_props={'title': 'A-AB', 'distance': 1.1})
		nb, b = t.add_node (nab, {'title': 'B'}, branch_props={'title': 'B-AB', 'distance': 1.2})
		ncd, b = t.add_node (r, {'title': 'CD'}, branch_props={'title': 'root-CD', 'distance': 1.3})
		nc, b = t.add_node (ncd, {'title': 'C'}, branch_props={'title': 'C-CD', 'distance': 1.4})
		nd, b = t.add_node (ncd, {'title': 'D'}, branch_props={'title': 'D-CD', 'distance': 1.5})
		nef, b = t.add_node (r, {'title': 'EF'}, branch_props={'title': 'root-EF', 'distance': 1.6})
		ne, b = t.add_node (nef, {'title': 'E'}, branch_props={'title': 'E-EF', 'distance': 1.7})
		nf, b = t.add_node (nef, {'title': 'F'}, branch_props={'title': 'F-EF', 'distance': 1.8})
		self.tree = t
コード例 #6
 def setup(self):
     # create a test tree
     t = Tree()
     a = t.add_root({'title': 'A'})
     b, br = t.add_node(a, {'title': 'B'})
     c, br = t.add_node(a, {'title': 'C'})
     d, br = t.add_node(b, {'title': 'D'})
     e, br = t.add_node(b, {'title': 'E'})
     f, br = t.add_node(c, {'title': 'F'})
     g, br = t.add_node(c, {'title': 'G'})
     self.tree = t
コード例 #7
    def setup(self):
		Build a tree that starts from root, radiates to ABC and DE and thence to AB (and
		A & B) and D and E.
		Our tree is:
		- root
			- ABC
				- AB
					- A
					- B
				- C
			- DE
				- D
				- E
        t = Tree()
        r = t.add_root({'title': 'root'})
        node_abc, b = t.add_node(r, {'title': 'ABC'})
        node_de, b = t.add_node(r, {'title': 'DE'})
        node_ab, b = t.add_node(node_abc, {'title': 'AB'})
        node_c, b = t.add_node(node_abc, {'title': 'C'})
        node_a, b = t.add_node(node_ab, {'title': 'A'})
        node_b, b = t.add_node(node_ab, {'title': 'B'})
        node_d, b = t.add_node(node_de, {'title': 'D'})
        node_e, b = t.add_node(node_de, {'title': 'E'})

        # record for use in test functions
        self.tree = t
        self.nodes = {}
        for n in [
                r, node_a, node_b, node_c, node_d, node_e, node_ab, node_abc,
            self.nodes[n.title] = n
コード例 #8
 def setup(self):
     # make up a dummy tree to test upon
     from phylo.core.tree import Tree
     t = Tree()
     a = t.add_root({'title': 'A'})
     b, br = t.add_node(a, {'title': 'B'})
     c, br = t.add_node(a, {'title': 'C'})
     d, br = t.add_node(b, {'title': 'D'})
     e, br = t.add_node(b, {'title': 'E'})
     f, br = t.add_node(c, {'title': 'F'})
     g, br = t.add_node(c, {'title': 'G'})
     self.tree = t
     # record the nodes for later convenience
     self.nodes = dict([(n.title, n) for n in t.nodes])
コード例 #9
ファイル: adhoc.py プロジェクト: agapow/Py-phylo-core
# create a test tree
from phylo.core.tree import Tree
t = Tree()
a = t.add_root ({'title': 'A'})
b, br = t.add_node (a, {'title': 'B'})
c, br = t.add_node (a, {'title': 'C'})
d, br = t.add_node (b, {'title': 'D'})
e, br = t.add_node (b, {'title': 'E'})
f, br = t.add_node (c, {'title': 'F'})
g, br = t.add_node (c, {'title': 'G'})

for n in t.nodes:
	print n
	print t.node_children (n)

コード例 #10
ファイル: adhoc.py プロジェクト: agapow/Py-phylo-core
# create a test tree
from phylo.core.tree import Tree

t = Tree()
a = t.add_root({'title': 'A'})
b, br = t.add_node(a, {'title': 'B'})
c, br = t.add_node(a, {'title': 'C'})
d, br = t.add_node(b, {'title': 'D'})
e, br = t.add_node(b, {'title': 'E'})
f, br = t.add_node(c, {'title': 'F'})
g, br = t.add_node(c, {'title': 'G'})

for n in t.nodes:
    print n
    print t.node_children(n)
コード例 #11
ファイル: test_tree.py プロジェクト: agapow/Py-phylo-core
class TestNodeAccessors(object):
    def setup(self):
		Build a tree that starts from root, radiates to AB, CD. EF and then
		A to F. 
		Our tree is:
		- root
			- ABC
				- AB
					- A
					- B
				- C
			- DE
				- D
				- E
        t = Tree()
        r = t.add_root({'title': 'root'})
        node_abc, b = t.add_node(r, {'title': 'ABC'})
        node_de, b = t.add_node(r, {'title': 'DE'})
        node_ab, b = t.add_node(node_abc, {'title': 'AB'})
        node_c, b = t.add_node(node_abc, {'title': 'C'})
        node_a, b = t.add_node(node_ab, {'title': 'A'})
        node_b, b = t.add_node(node_ab, {'title': 'B'})
        node_d, b = t.add_node(node_de, {'title': 'D'})
        node_e, b = t.add_node(node_de, {'title': 'E'})

        # record for use in test functions
        self.tree = t
        self.nodes = {}
        for n in [
                r, node_a, node_b, node_c, node_d, node_e, node_ab, node_abc,
            self.nodes[n.title] = n

        self.solo_tree = Tree()

    def teardown(self):

    def test_neighbours(self):
        neighbours = [
            ['ABC', ['root', 'AB', 'C']],
            ['AB', ['ABC', 'A', 'B']],
            ['A', ['AB']],
            ['B', ['AB']],
            ['DE', ['root', 'D', 'E']],
            ['D', ['DE']],
            ['E', ['DE']],
            ['root', ['ABC', 'DE']],
        for r in neighbours:
            n = self.nodes[r[0]]
            names = [ne.title for ne in self.tree.node_neighbours(n)]
            assert are_lists_equal(names,
                                   r[1]), "'%s' is not '%s'" % (names, r[1])

        # test the odd case of a tree with a single node
        solo_node = self.solo_tree.nodes[0]
        print self.solo_tree.node_neighbours(solo_node)
        assert (self.solo_tree.node_neighbours(solo_node) == [])

    def test_children(self):
        children = [
            ['ABC', ['AB', 'C']],
            ['AB', ['A', 'B']],
            ['A', []],
            ['B', []],
            ['DE', ['D', 'E']],
            ['D', []],
            ['E', []],
            ['root', ['ABC', 'DE']],
        for r in children:
            print "Testing %s ..." % r
            n = self.nodes[r[0]]
            print "Node is %s ..." % n
            names = [ne.title for ne in self.tree.node_children(n)]
            assert are_lists_equal(names,
                                   r[1]), "'%s' is not '%s'" % (names, r[1])

        # test the odd case of a tree with a single node
        solo_node = self.solo_tree.nodes[0]
        assert (self.solo_tree.node_children(solo_node) == [])

    def test_parents(self):
        parents = [
            ['ABC', 'root'],
            ['AB', 'ABC'],
            ['A', 'AB'],
            ['B', 'AB'],
            ['DE', 'root'],
            ['D', 'DE'],
            ['E', 'DE'],
            ['root', None],
        for r in parents:
            n = self.nodes[r[0]]
            node = self.tree.node_parent(n)
            if node:
                node = node.title
            assert (node == r[1]), "'%s' is not '%s'" % (node, r[1])

        # test the odd case of a tree with a single node
        solo_node = self.solo_tree.nodes[0]
        assert (self.solo_tree.node_parent(solo_node) == None)

    def test_is_tip(self):
        nodes = [
            ['ABC', False],
            ['AB', False],
            ['A', True],
            ['B', True],
            ['DE', False],
            ['D', True],
            ['E', True],
            ['root', False],
        for r in nodes:
            assert (self.tree.is_node_tip(self.nodes[r[0]]) == r[1])

        # test the odd case of a tree with a single node
        solo_node = self.solo_tree.nodes[0]
        assert (self.solo_tree.is_node_tip(solo_node))

    def test_is_internal(self):
        nodes = [
            ['ABC', True],
            ['AB', True],
            ['A', False],
            ['B', False],
            ['DE', True],
            ['D', False],
            ['E', False],
            ['root', True],
        for r in nodes:
            assert (self.tree.is_node_internal(self.nodes[r[0]]) == r[1])

        # test the odd case of a tree with a single node
        solo_node = self.solo_tree.nodes[0]
        assert (self.solo_tree.is_node_internal(solo_node) == False)

    def test_is_root(self):
        nodes = [
            ['ABC', False],
            ['AB', False],
            ['A', False],
            ['B', False],
            ['DE', False],
            ['D', False],
            ['E', False],
            ['root', True],
        for r in nodes:
            assert (self.tree.is_node_root(self.nodes[r[0]]) == r[1])

        # test the odd case of a tree with a single node
        solo_node = self.solo_tree.nodes[0]
        assert (self.solo_tree.is_node_root(solo_node))

### END ####################################################################
コード例 #12
ファイル: test_tree.py プロジェクト: agapow/Py-phylo-core
    def setup(self):
		Build a tree that starts from root, radiates to AB, CD. EF and then
		A to F. 
        t = Tree()
        r = t.add_root({'title': 'root'})
        nab, b = t.add_node(r, {'title': 'AB'},
                                'title': 'root-AB',
                                'distance': 1.0
        na, b = t.add_node(nab, {'title': 'A'},
                               'title': 'A-AB',
                               'distance': 1.1
        nb, b = t.add_node(nab, {'title': 'B'},
                               'title': 'B-AB',
                               'distance': 1.2
        ncd, b = t.add_node(r, {'title': 'CD'},
                                'title': 'root-CD',
                                'distance': 1.3
        nc, b = t.add_node(ncd, {'title': 'C'},
                               'title': 'C-CD',
                               'distance': 1.4
        nd, b = t.add_node(ncd, {'title': 'D'},
                               'title': 'D-CD',
                               'distance': 1.5
        nef, b = t.add_node(r, {'title': 'EF'},
                                'title': 'root-EF',
                                'distance': 1.6
        ne, b = t.add_node(nef, {'title': 'E'},
                               'title': 'E-EF',
                               'distance': 1.7
        nf, b = t.add_node(nef, {'title': 'F'},
                               'title': 'F-EF',
                               'distance': 1.8
        self.tree = t
コード例 #13
ファイル: test_tree.py プロジェクト: agapow/Py-phylo-core
class TestNodeAccessors (object):
	def setup (self):
		Build a tree that starts from root, radiates to AB, CD. EF and then
		A to F. 
		Our tree is:
		- root
			- ABC
				- AB
					- A
					- B
				- C
			- DE
				- D
				- E
		t = Tree()
		r = t.add_root ({'title': 'root'})
		node_abc, b = t.add_node (r, {'title': 'ABC'})
		node_de, b = t.add_node (r, {'title': 'DE'})
		node_ab, b = t.add_node (node_abc, {'title': 'AB'})
		node_c, b = t.add_node (node_abc, {'title': 'C'})
		node_a, b = t.add_node (node_ab, {'title': 'A'})
		node_b, b = t.add_node (node_ab, {'title': 'B'})
		node_d, b = t.add_node (node_de, {'title': 'D'})
		node_e, b = t.add_node (node_de, {'title': 'E'})
		# record for use in test functions
		self.tree = t
		self.nodes = {}
		for n in [r, node_a, node_b, node_c, node_d, node_e, node_ab, node_abc, node_de]:
			self.nodes[n.title] = n
		self.solo_tree = Tree()
	def teardown (self):
	def test_neighbours (self):
		neighbours = [
			['ABC', ['root', 'AB', 'C']],
			['AB', ['ABC', 'A', 'B']],
			['A', ['AB']],
			['B', ['AB']],
			['DE', ['root', 'D', 'E']],
			['D', ['DE']],
			['E', ['DE']],
			['root', ['ABC', 'DE']],
		for r in neighbours:
			n = self.nodes[r[0]]
			names = [ne.title for ne in self.tree.node_neighbours (n)]
			assert are_lists_equal (names, r[1]), "'%s' is not '%s'" % (names, r[1])
		# test the odd case of a tree with a single node
		solo_node = self.solo_tree.nodes[0]
		print self.solo_tree.node_neighbours(solo_node)
		assert (self.solo_tree.node_neighbours(solo_node) == [])

	def test_children (self):
		children = [
			['ABC', ['AB', 'C']],
			['AB', ['A', 'B']],
			['A', []],
			['B', []],
			['DE', ['D', 'E']],
			['D', []],
			['E', []],
			['root', ['ABC', 'DE']],
		for r in children:
			print "Testing %s ..." % r
			n = self.nodes[r[0]]
			print "Node is %s ..." % n
			names = [ne.title for ne in self.tree.node_children (n)]
			assert are_lists_equal (names, r[1]), "'%s' is not '%s'" % (names, r[1])
		# test the odd case of a tree with a single node
		solo_node = self.solo_tree.nodes[0]
		assert (self.solo_tree.node_children(solo_node) == [])
	def test_parents (self):
		parents = [
			['ABC', 'root'],
			['AB', 'ABC'],
			['A', 'AB'],
			['B', 'AB'],
			['DE', 'root'],
			['D', 'DE'],
			['E', 'DE'],
			['root', None],
		for r in parents:
			n = self.nodes[r[0]]
			node = self.tree.node_parent (n)
			if node:
				node = node.title
			assert (node == r[1]), "'%s' is not '%s'" % (node, r[1])
		# test the odd case of a tree with a single node
		solo_node = self.solo_tree.nodes[0]
		assert (self.solo_tree.node_parent(solo_node) == None)
	def test_is_tip (self):
		nodes = [
			['ABC', False],
			['AB', False],
			['A', True],
			['B', True],
			['DE', False],
			['D', True],
			['E', True],
			['root', False],
		for r in nodes:
			assert (self.tree.is_node_tip (self.nodes[r[0]]) == r[1])
		# test the odd case of a tree with a single node
		solo_node = self.solo_tree.nodes[0]
		assert (self.solo_tree.is_node_tip(solo_node))
	def test_is_internal (self):
		nodes = [
			['ABC', True],
			['AB', True],
			['A', False],
			['B', False],
			['DE', True],
			['D', False],
			['E', False],
			['root', True],
		for r in nodes:
			assert (self.tree.is_node_internal (self.nodes[r[0]]) == r[1])
		# test the odd case of a tree with a single node
		solo_node = self.solo_tree.nodes[0]
		assert (self.solo_tree.is_node_internal(solo_node) == False)
	def test_is_root (self):
		nodes = [
			['ABC', False],
			['AB', False],
			['A', False],
			['B', False],
			['DE', False],
			['D', False],
			['E', False],
			['root', True],
		for r in nodes:
			assert (self.tree.is_node_root (self.nodes[r[0]]) == r[1])			
		# test the odd case of a tree with a single node
		solo_node = self.solo_tree.nodes[0]
		assert (self.solo_tree.is_node_root(solo_node))

### END ####################################################################