def choose_action(tree: str, action_name: str, optional: str = None): if action_name in ["--update", "-u"]: update(tree) elif action_name in ["--show", "-sh"]: phy_tree: PhyTree if re.match(r'[\S]*\.newick$', tree): phy_tree = load_tree(tree) elif re.match(r'\([\S ]+\}\;$', tree): phy_tree = PhyTree() try: phy_tree.parse_string(tree) except ValueError as e: print(e) exit() else: print("Post tree as a filename or string") exit() visualize_tree(phy_tree.get_newick()[0]) elif action_name in ["--create", "-c"]: create(tree) elif action_name in ["--random-tree", "-r"]: if optional is None: random_tree(tree) else: random_tree(tree, int(optional)) elif action_name in ["--cut"]: cut(tree) else: print("Wrong name function")
def test_add_leaf_append_group(self): old_tree = "(({A},{B}){A B},{C}){A B C};" new_tree = "(({A},{B},{X}){A B X},{C}){A B C X};" olf_phy, new_phy = PhyTree(), PhyTree() olf_phy.parse_string(old_tree) new_phy.parse_string(new_tree) olf_phy.add_to_group("X", "{A B}") old_newick, new_newick = olf_phy.get_newick(), new_phy.get_newick() compare_nodes(self, old_newick[0], new_newick[0])
def modify(file_name: str, tree: PhyTree): finished = False while not finished: print("Tree has following groups:") print(tree.get_nodes()) print("Add leaf:") node = input() if re.match(r"[{} ]", node): print("Leaf name can not include {, }, and space") continue print(f"Add leaf '{node}' to group:") group = input() if not re.match(r'[{}]', group): print("Target group has to be enclosed by {} brackets") continue current_structure = dumps(tree.get_newick()) try: tree.add_to_group(node, group) except ValueError as e: print(e) tree.parse_string(current_structure) finished = ask_if_finished()