コード例 #1
def main() -> None:
    "Runs all tests and some more."


    # A quick check on total order without defining a type nor theory nor model
    v_sems, chain_sems = vchain_posets_semantics_example()
    x, y = var("x"), var("y")
    totally_ordered = forall(x, forall(y, (x <= y) | (y <= x)))
    assert totally_ordered(*chain_sems) and not totally_ordered(*v_sems)
        f"[V]\t� ⊨ {totally_ordered}[�⃗] ≡ {totally_ordered(*v_sems)}"
        f"[Chain]\t� ⊨ {totally_ordered}[�⃗] ≡ {totally_ordered(*chain_sems)}"
コード例 #2
ファイル: phyrst_test.py プロジェクト: mateosss/phyrst
def test_model_exploration():
    "Looks for examples of certain models of up to three elements in a given theory"
    ttype = Type([], [], ["r"], {"r": 2})
    theory = Theory([], ttype)
    r = Expression.expr_mappings(ttype)[0]
    x, y = var("x"), var("y")
    phi = exists(x, forall(y, r(x, y)))
    psi = forall(y, exists(x, r(x, y)))

    for l in [1, 2, 3]:  # universe sizes
        relpairs = tuple(it.product(range(l),
                                    range(l)))  # possible 2-element relations
        for k in range(len(relpairs) +
                       1):  # k: amount of pairs in the relationship
            rels = it.combinations(relpairs, k)  # relationships with k pairs
            for rel in rels:
                interpretation = {"r": lambda x, y, rel=rel: (x, y) in rel}
                model = Model(theory, range(l), interpretation)
                satisfies_phi = model.eval(phi)
                satisfies_psi = model.eval(psi)
                if satisfies_psi and not satisfies_phi:
                    pass  # Example found. Do something like print its r relationship
                assert not satisfies_phi or satisfies_psi  # phi => psi
    return True
コード例 #3
ファイル: phyrst_test.py プロジェクト: mateosss/phyrst
def _test_quantification(universe: Universe, interpretation: Interpretation,
                         assignment: Assignment) -> bool:
    "Tests quantified expressions for a poset, in particular posets and related properties"
    sems = universe, interpretation, assignment
    x = var("x")
    y = var("y")
    z = var("z")
    w = var("w")
    zero = const("0")
    reflexiveness = forall(x, x <= x)
    transitivity = forall(
            forall(z, (((x <= y) & (y <= z)) >> (x <= z))),
    antisimetry = forall(x, forall(y, (((x <= y) & (y <= x)) >> (x == y))))
    zeromin = forall(x, zero <= x)
    onlythree = exists(
                ((~(x == y) & ~(x == z) & ~(y == z))
                 & forall(w, (w == x) | (w == y) | (w == z))),
    assert reflexiveness(*sems)
    assert transitivity(*sems)
    assert antisimetry(*sems)
    assert zeromin(*sems)
    assert onlythree(*sems)
    return True
コード例 #4
ファイル: phyrst_test.py プロジェクト: mateosss/phyrst
def test_boole_algebra_model() -> bool:
    "This test builds a boolean algebra model from the ground up and checks some of its properties"

    # Type definition
    constnames = ["0", "1"]
    funcnames = ["s", "i", "c"]
    relnames = ["<="]
    arities = {"s": 2, "i": 2, "c": 1, "<=": 2}
    ttype = Type(constnames, funcnames, relnames, arities)
    zero, one, s, i, c, leq = Expression.expr_mappings(ttype)

    # Theory definition
    x, y, z = var("x"), var("y"), var("z")

    reflexivity = forall(x, x <= x)
    transitivity = forall(
        x, forall(y, forall(z, ((x <= z) & (z <= y)) >> (x <= y))))
    antisimetry = forall(x, forall(y, ((x <= y) & (y <= x)) >> (x == y)))
    poset_axioms = [reflexivity, transitivity, antisimetry]

    sisbound = forall(x, forall(y, (x <= s(x, y)) & (y <= s(x, y))))
    slowbnd = forall(
        x, forall(y, forall(z, ((x <= z) & (y <= z)) >> (s(x, y) <= z))))
    iisbound = forall(x, forall(y, (i(x, y) <= x) & (i(x, y) <= y)))
    iuppbnd = forall(
        x, forall(y, forall(z, ((z <= x) & (z <= y)) >> (z <= i(x, y)))))
    lattice_axioms = [sisbound, slowbnd, iisbound, iuppbnd]

    min0 = forall(x, s(zero, x) == x)
    max1 = forall(x, s(one, x) == one)
    scomplement = forall(x, s(x, c(x)) == one)
    icomplement = forall(x, i(x, c(x)) == zero)
    dist1 = forall(x, forall(y, forall(z,
                                       i(x, s(y, z)) == s(i(x, y), i(x, z)))))
    boole_axioms = [min0, max1, scomplement, icomplement, dist1]

    axioms = poset_axioms + lattice_axioms + boole_axioms
    theory = Theory(axioms, ttype)

    # Model definition
    universe: Universe = [
        set(), {1}, {2}, {3}, {1, 2}, {1, 3}, {2, 3}, {1, 2, 3}
    interpretation: Interpretation = {
        "0": set(),
        "1": {1, 2, 3},
        "s": lambda x, y: x | y,
        "i": lambda x, y: x & y,
        "c": lambda x: x ^ {1, 2, 3},
        "<=": lambda x, y: x.issubset(y),
    model = Model(theory, universe, interpretation)

    # Check valid sentences
    dist2 = forall(x, forall(y, forall(z,
                                       s(x, i(y, z)) == i(s(x, y), s(x, z)))))
    assert model.eval(dist2)

    # Define an assignment and its variables
    assignment: Assignment = {"x1": {1}, "x2": {2}, "x12": {1, 2}}
    x1, x2, x12 = var("x1"), var("x2"), var("x12")

    # Check valid formulas given an assignment
    phi = s(x1, x2) == x12
    psi = leq(x1, x12)
    assert model.eval(phi, assignment)
    assert model.eval(psi, assignment)

    # Check the value of a term given an assignment
    t = i(x1, s(x1, x2))
    assert model.eval(t, assignment) == {1}

    return True
コード例 #5
ファイル: phyrst_test.py プロジェクト: mateosss/phyrst
def test_nary_names() -> bool:
    "Tests expressions with n-ary functions"
    universe: Universe = range(42, 53)
    assignment: Assignment = {}
    interpretation: Interpretation = {
        "0": min(universe),
        "clamp": lambda x, a, b: max(a, min(x, b)),
        "max": max,
        "min": min,
        "<=": lambda x, y: x <= y,
    arities = {"clamp": 3, "max": 2, "min": 2, "<=": 2}
    sems = universe, interpretation, assignment

    ttype = Type(["0"], ["clamp", "max", "min"], ["<="], arities)
    o, clamp, maxx, minn, leq = Expression.expr_mappings(ttype)
    zero: Expression = cast(Expression, o)

    x, y, z = var("x"), var("y"), var("z")
    minworks = forall(x, forall(y, (minn(x, y) <= x) & (minn(x, y) <= y)))
    maxworks = forall(x, forall(y, (x <= maxx(x, y)) & leq(y, maxx(x, y))))
    clampworks = forall(
        x, forall(y, forall(z,
                            clamp(x, y, z) == maxx(y, minn(x, z)))))
    clampbounds = forall(
            forall(z, (y <= z) >>
                   ((clamp(x, y, z) <= z) & (y <= clamp(x, y, z))))),
    zmin = forall(x, zero <= x)
    assert minworks(*sems)
    assert maxworks(*sems)
    assert clampworks(*sems)
    assert clampbounds(*sems)
    assert zmin(*sems)

    return True