def get_trial_info(subject, inputs, outputs, recompute, logpath): """Extract trial information from Presentation log files and BrainVision marker files. 1. trial type {high threat, low threat} 2. start baseline (seconds) 3. cue (seconds) 4. stimulus (seconds) """ save_path = Path(individualize_path(outputs["save_path"], subject, expand_name=True)) if save_path.exists() and not recompute: # only recompute if requested print(f"Not re-computing {save_path}") return log_path = next(Path(".").glob(individualize_path(inputs["log_path"], subject))) marker_path = next(Path(".").glob(individualize_path(inputs["marker_path"], subject))) df_log = pd.read_csv(log_path, sep="\t", usecols=["CSI", "shock"]) markers = read_annotations(marker_path, ECG_SFREQ_ORIGINAL) cues = markers.onset[markers.description == "Stimulus/S 2"] assert len(cues) == df_log.shape[0], ("Unequal number of trials between" " BrainVision and Presentation files" f" for participant {subject}.") trial_types = df_log["shock"] stimuli = cues + df_log["CSI"] / 1000 baselines = cues - 1 # baseline starts 1 second before cue df = pd.DataFrame({"threat": trial_types, "baseline": baselines, "cue": cues, "stimulus": stimuli}) df = df[(df["stimulus"] - df["cue"]) >= 6] # exclude trials with anticipation windows shorter than 6 seconds df.to_csv(save_path, sep="\t", header=True, index=False, float_format="%.4f")
def get_period_ecg(subject, inputs, outputs, recompute, logpath): """Compute continuous heart period. 1. Compute inter-beat-intervals 2. Interpolate inter-beat-intervals to time series sampled at ECG_PERIOD_SFREQ Hz. """ save_path = Path( individualize_path(outputs["save_path"], subject, expand_name=True)) if save_path.exists() and not recompute: # only recompute if requested print(f"Not re-computing {save_path}") return physio_path = next( Path(".").glob(individualize_path(inputs["physio_path"], subject))) peaks = np.ravel(pd.read_csv(physio_path, sep="\t", header=None)) # Compute period in milliseconds. period = np.ediff1d( peaks, to_begin=0 ) / ECG_SFREQ_DECIMATED * 1000 # make sure period has same number of elements as peaks period[0] = period[ 1] # make sure that the first element has a realistic value # Interpolate instantaneous heart period at ECG_PERIOD_SFREQ Hz. Interpolate up until the # last R-peak. duration = peaks[-1] / ECG_SFREQ_DECIMATED # in seconds nsamples = int(np.rint(duration * ECG_PERIOD_SFREQ)) period_interpolated = interpolate_signal(peaks, period, nsamples) pd.Series(period_interpolated).to_csv(save_path, sep="\t", header=False, index=False, float_format="%.6f") if not logpath: return fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1, sharex=True) sec = np.linspace(0, duration, peaks[-1]) ax.vlines(sec[peaks[:-1]], ymin=min(period), ymax=max(period), label="R-peaks", alpha=.3, colors="r") sec = np.linspace(0, duration, nsamples) ax.plot(sec, period_interpolated, label=("period interpolated between R-peaks at" f" {ECG_PERIOD_SFREQ}Hz")) ax.set_xlabel("seconds") ax.legend(loc="upper right") fig.savefig(logpath, dpi=200) plt.close(fig)
def preprocess_ecg(subject, inputs, outputs, recompute, logpath): """Preprocessing of raw ECG from BrainVision files. 1. downsample from 2500Hz to 500Hz 2. flip inverted signal """ save_path = Path( individualize_path(outputs["save_path"], subject, expand_name=True)) if save_path.exists() and not recompute: # only recompute if requested print(f"Not re-computing {save_path}") return physio_path = next( Path(".").glob(individualize_path(inputs["physio_path"], subject))) raw =, preload=False, verbose="error") ecg = raw.get_data(picks=ECG_CHANNELS).ravel() sfreq =["sfreq"] assert sfreq == ECG_SFREQ_ORIGINAL, (f"Sampling frequency {sfreq} doesn't" " match expected sampling frequency" f" {ECG_SFREQ_ORIGINAL}.") # Decimate the ECG from original sampling rate to 500 HZ. decimation_factor = int(np.floor(sfreq / ECG_SFREQ_DECIMATED)) ecg_decimated = decimate_signal(ecg, decimation_factor) # Flip the inverted ECG signal. ecg_inverted = invert_signal(ecg_decimated) pd.Series(ecg_inverted).to_csv(save_path, sep="\t", header=False, index=False, float_format="%.4f") if not logpath: return fig, (ax0, ax1) = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=1, sharex=True) sec = np.linspace(0, len(ecg) / sfreq, len(ecg)) ax0.plot(sec, ecg, label=f"original ({sfreq}Hz)") ax0.set_xlabel("seconds") ax0.legend(loc="upper right") sec = np.linspace(0, len(ecg_decimated) / ECG_SFREQ_DECIMATED, len(ecg_decimated)) ax1.plot(sec, ecg_decimated, label=f"downsampled ({ECG_SFREQ_DECIMATED}Hz)") ax1.plot(sec, ecg_inverted, label=f"flipped ({ECG_SFREQ_DECIMATED}Hz)") ax1.set_xlabel("seconds") ax1.legend(loc="upper right") fig.savefig(logpath, dpi=200) plt.close(fig)
def get_peaks_ecg(subject, inputs, outputs, recompute, logpath): """Detect R-peaks in ECG. 1. Detect R-peaks 2. autocorrect artifacts in R-peaks detection. """ save_path = Path( individualize_path(outputs["save_path"], subject, expand_name=True)) if save_path.exists() and not recompute: # only recompute if requested print(f"Not re-computing {save_path}") return physio_path = next( Path(".").glob(individualize_path(inputs["physio_path"], subject))) ecg = np.ravel(pd.read_csv(physio_path, sep="\t", header=None)) # Detect R-peaks. peaks = ecg_peaks(ecg, ECG_SFREQ_DECIMATED) # Correct artifacts in peak detection. peaks_corrected = correct_peaks(peaks, ECG_SFREQ_DECIMATED, iterative=True) # Save peaks as samples. pd.Series(peaks_corrected).to_csv(save_path, sep="\t", header=False, index=False, float_format="%.4f") if not logpath: return fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1) sec = np.linspace(0, len(ecg) / ECG_SFREQ_DECIMATED, len(ecg)) ax.plot(sec, ecg) ax.scatter(sec[peaks], ecg[peaks], zorder=3, c="r", marker="+", s=300, label="uncorrected R-peaks") ax.scatter(sec[peaks_corrected], ecg[peaks_corrected], zorder=4, c="g", marker="x", s=300, label="corrected R-peaks") ax.set_xlabel("seconds") ax.legend(loc="upper right") fig.savefig(logpath, dpi=200) plt.close(fig)
def remove_outliers_period_ecg(subject, inputs, outputs, recompute, logpath): """Remove outliers from heart period series.""" save_path = Path( individualize_path(outputs["save_path"], subject, expand_name=True)) if save_path.exists() and not recompute: # only recompute if requested print(f"Not re-computing {save_path}") return physio_path = next( Path(".").glob(individualize_path(inputs["physio_path"], subject))) period = np.ravel(pd.read_csv(physio_path, sep="\t", header=None)) # Remove outliers based on absolute cutoffs. Those cutoffs have been chosen # based on the visual inspection of all heart period time series data. The # cutoffs have been set such that they preserve the data as much as possible # (when in doubt don't flag a period as outlier). min_period = 60000 / HR_MAX max_period = 60000 / HR_MIN abs_outliers = np.where((period < min_period) | (period > max_period)) # Median filter period with absolute outliers removed. period_without_abs_outliers = period.copy() period_without_abs_outliers[abs_outliers] = np.median(period) kernel = int(np.rint(ECG_PERIOD_SFREQ * RUNNING_MEDIAN_KERNEL_SIZE)) if not kernel % 2: kernel += 1 period_trend = median_filter(period_without_abs_outliers, size=kernel) # Remove outliers based on relative cutoffs. rel_threshold = MAD_THRESHOLD_MULTIPLIER * median_absolute_deviation( period_without_abs_outliers) upper_rel_threshold = period_trend + rel_threshold lower_rel_threshold = period_trend - rel_threshold period_masked_outliers = ma.masked_where( (period < lower_rel_threshold) | (period > upper_rel_threshold), period) assert period_masked_outliers.size == period.size pd.Series(ma.filled(period_masked_outliers, fill_value=np.nan)).to_csv(save_path, sep="\t", header=False, index=False, float_format="%.6f", na_rep="NaN") if not logpath: return fig, (ax0, ax1) = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=1, sharex=True) sec = np.linspace(0, period.size / ECG_PERIOD_SFREQ, period.size) ax0.plot(sec, period) ax0.fill_between(sec, upper_rel_threshold, lower_rel_threshold, color="lime", alpha=.5) ax0.plot(sec, period_trend, c="lime") ax1.vlines(sec[period_masked_outliers.mask], period_masked_outliers.min(), period_masked_outliers.max(), colors="fuchsia") ax1.plot(sec, period_masked_outliers) ax1.set_xlabel("seconds") fig.savefig(logpath, dpi=200) plt.close(fig)
def get_sway_bb(subject, inputs, outputs, recompute, logpath): """Compute body sway metrics. 1. anterior-posterior (back-forth) sway 2. medio-lateral (left-right) sway 3. sway radius 4. total sway path """ save_path = Path( individualize_path(outputs["save_path"], subject, expand_name=True)) if save_path.exists() and not recompute: # only recompute if requested print(f"Not re-computing {save_path}") return physio_path = next( Path(".").glob(individualize_path(inputs["physio_path"], subject))) cop = pd.read_csv(physio_path, sep="\t", header=0) n_samples = int( np.rint(BB_MOVING_WINDOW * BB_SFREQ_DECIMATED)) # width of rolling window in samples # Compute body sway. ap_sway = cop.loc[:, "ap_filt"].rolling(window=n_samples, min_periods=1, center=True).std() ml_sway = cop.loc[:, "ml_filt"].rolling(window=n_samples, min_periods=1, center=True).std() # Compute moving average of the center-of-pressure's radial displacement. cop_avg = cop.rolling(window=n_samples, min_periods=1, center=True).mean() cop_demeaned = cop - cop_avg radius = cop_demeaned.loc[:, "ap_filt"].combine( cop_demeaned.loc[:, "ml_filt"], cop_radius) radius_avg = radius.rolling(window=n_samples, min_periods=1, center=True).mean() # Compute sway path. ap_path = np.ediff1d(cop.loc[:, "ap_filt"], to_begin=0)**2 ml_path = np.ediff1d(cop.loc[:, "ml_filt"], to_begin=0)**2 total_path = np.sqrt(ap_path + ml_path) pd.DataFrame({ "ap_sway": ap_sway, "ml_sway": ml_sway, "radius": radius_avg, "path": total_path }).to_csv(save_path, sep="\t", header=True, index=False, float_format="%.4f") # NaNs are saved as empty strings if not logpath: return sec = cop.index / BB_SFREQ_DECIMATED fig0, ax = plt.subplots() ax.set_title(f"moving window of {BB_MOVING_WINDOW} seconds") ax.set_xlabel("seconds") ax.set_ylabel("sway (mm)") ax.plot(sec, ap_sway, label="anterior-posterior sway") ax.plot(sec, ml_sway, label="medio-lateral sway") ax.legend(loc="upper right") fig1, (ax0, ax1) = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=1, sharex=True) ax0.set_title("COP") ax1.set_title( f"COP demeaned with moving window of {BB_MOVING_WINDOW} seconds") cop.set_index(sec).plot(ax=ax0) cop_demeaned.set_index(sec).plot(ax=ax0) fig2, ax = plt.subplots() ax.plot(sec, radius, label="radial displacement of COP") ax.plot(sec, radius_avg, label="radial displacement of COP averaged over" f" moving window of {BB_MOVING_WINDOW} seconds") ax.legend(loc="upper right") fig3, ax = plt.subplots() ax.set_xlabel("seconds") ax.set_ylabel("mm") ax.set_title("Sway path length") ax.plot(sec, total_path) fig0.savefig(logpath.with_name( + "_fig0"), dpi=200) plt.close(fig0) fig1.savefig(logpath.with_name( + "_fig1"), dpi=200) plt.close(fig1) fig2.savefig(logpath.with_name( + "_fig2"), dpi=200) plt.close(fig2) fig3.savefig(logpath.with_name( + "_fig3"), dpi=200) plt.close(fig3)
def preprocess_bb(subject, inputs, outputs, recompute, logpath): """Preprocessing of raw balance board channels from BrainVision files. 1. downsample from 2500Hz to 32Hz 2. transform to millimeter unit (board displacement) """ save_path = Path( individualize_path(outputs["save_path"], subject, expand_name=True)) if save_path.exists() and not recompute: # only recompute if requested print(f"Not re-computing {save_path}") return physio_path = next( Path(".").glob(individualize_path(inputs["physio_path"], subject))) raw =, preload=False, verbose="error") bb = raw.get_data(picks=BB_CHANNELS) sfreq =["sfreq"] assert sfreq == BB_SFREQ_ORIGINAL, (f"Sampling frequency {sfreq} doesn't" " match expected sampling frequency" f" {BB_SFREQ_ORIGINAL}.") # Decimate the four balance board channels from original sampling rate to # BB_SFREQ_DECIMATED HZ. Note that MNE's raw.apply_function() cannot be used since it # requires the preservation of the original sampling frequency. decimation_factor = int(np.floor(sfreq / BB_SFREQ_DECIMATED)) bb_decimated = decimate_signal(bb, decimation_factor) # Assuming that the participant has been off the board at some time, # calculate the empty board value: For each channel, take the mean of a # consecutive chunk of data of at least 10 seconds duration that is below # the minimum value + std. bb_mins = bb_decimated.min(axis=1) + bb_decimated.std(axis=1) bb_minsconsecutive = np.zeros((bb_mins.size, 2)).astype(int) bb_empty = np.zeros(bb_mins.size) min_duration = int(np.ceil(BB_SFREQ_DECIMATED * BB_MIN_EMPTY)) for i in range(bb_mins.size): begs, ends, n = consecutive_samples(bb_decimated[i, :], lambda x: x < bb_mins[i], min_duration) assert begs.size > 0, (f"Did not find {BB_MIN_EMPTY} consecutive" " seconds of empty board values.") # Find longest chunk and save its beginning and end. longest = n.argmax() beg = begs[longest] end = ends[longest] bb_empty[i] = bb_decimated[i, beg:end].mean() bb_minsconsecutive[i, 0] = beg bb_minsconsecutive[i, 1] = end # Calculate weight of the participant. bb_chansum = np.sum(bb_decimated, axis=0) # collapse sensors across time axis bb_chansum_empty = bb_empty.sum() bb_subjweight = np.median(bb_chansum) - bb_chansum_empty assert bb_subjweight > bb_chansum_empty, (f"Subject {bb_subjweight} is not" " heavier than empty board" f" ({bb_chansum_empty}).") # Transform sensor data to millimeter unit. bb_mm = np.subtract(bb_decimated, bb_empty.reshape(-1, 1)) bb_mm = bb_mm / bb_subjweight # scale by subject weight bb_mm = bb_mm * (BB_BOARDLENGTH / 2) # express in mm pd.DataFrame(bb_mm).T.to_csv( save_path, sep="\t", header=[ "BB1", "BB2", "BB3", "BB4" ], # transpose to change from channels as rows to channels as columns (preserves ordering of channels) index=False, float_format="%.4f") if not logpath: return fig, (ax0, ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(nrows=3, ncols=1, sharex=True) sec = np.linspace(0, bb_decimated.shape[1] / BB_SFREQ_DECIMATED, bb_decimated.shape[1]) colors = plt.rcParams['axes.prop_cycle'].by_key()['color'] channames = ["PR", "PL", "AL", "AR"] for chan in range(bb_decimated.shape[0]): color = colors[chan] channame = channames[chan] ax0.plot(sec, bb_decimated[chan, :], c=color, label=f"{channame}") ax0.axvspan(xmin=sec[bb_minsconsecutive[chan, 0]], xmax=sec[bb_minsconsecutive[chan, 1]], ymin=bb_decimated[chan].min(), ymax=bb_decimated[chan].max(), color=color, alpha=.2, label="empty") ax0.hlines(y=bb_empty, xmin=0, xmax=sec[-1], colors=colors[:bb_mins.size], linestyles="dotted", label="empty") ax0.legend(loc="upper right") ax1.plot(sec, bb_chansum) ax1.axhline(y=bb_subjweight, c="r", label="subject weight minus board weight") ax1.legend(loc="upper right") ax1.set_xlabel("seconds") for chan in range(bb_mm.shape[0]): color = colors[chan] channame = channames[chan] ax2.plot(sec, bb_mm[chan, :], c=color, label=f"{channame}") ax2.legend(loc="upper right") ax2.set_xlabel("seconds") ax2.set_ylabel("millimeters") fig.savefig(logpath, dpi=200) plt.close(fig)
def get_cop_bb(subject, inputs, outputs, recompute, logpath): """Compute center of pressure time series. 1. combine preprocessed balance board channels to time series of anterior- posterior (forth-back) displacement and medio-lateral (left-right) discplacement 2. Filter displacement time series """ save_path = Path( individualize_path(outputs["save_path"], subject, expand_name=True)) if save_path.exists() and not recompute: # only recompute if requested print(f"Not re-computing {save_path}") return physio_path = next( Path(".").glob(individualize_path(inputs["physio_path"], subject))) bb = pd.read_csv(physio_path, sep="\t", header=0).to_numpy() ap = (bb[:, 2] + bb[:, 3]) - (bb[:, 0] + bb[:, 1] ) # anterior-posterior displacement ml = (bb[:, 0] + bb[:, 3]) - (bb[:, 1] + bb[:, 2] ) # medio-lateral displacement ap_filt = butter_bandpass_filter(ap, BB_FILTER_CUTOFFS[0], BB_FILTER_CUTOFFS[1], BB_SFREQ_DECIMATED) ml_filt = butter_bandpass_filter(ml, BB_FILTER_CUTOFFS[0], BB_FILTER_CUTOFFS[1], BB_SFREQ_DECIMATED) pd.DataFrame({ "ap_filt": ap_filt, "ml_filt": ml_filt }).to_csv(save_path, sep="\t", header=True, index=False, float_format="%.4f") if not logpath: return sec = np.linspace(0, bb.shape[0] / BB_SFREQ_DECIMATED, bb.shape[0]) fig0, (ax0, ax1) = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=1, sharex=True) ax0.plot(sec, ap, label="anterior-posterior displacement") ax0.plot(sec, ap_filt, label="filtered anterior-posterior displacement") ax0.set_ylabel("millimeter") ax0.legend(loc="upper right") ax1.plot(sec, ml, label="medio-lateral displacement") ax1.plot(sec, ml_filt, label="filtered medio-lateral displacement") ax1.set_ylabel("millimeter") ax1.set_xlabel("seconds") ax1.legend(loc="upper right") fig1, ax = plt.subplots() ax.plot(ap_filt, ml_filt) ax.set_xlabel("anterior-posterior displacenment (mm)") ax.set_ylabel("medio-lateral displacenment (mm)") fig0.savefig(logpath.with_name( + "_fig0"), dpi=200) plt.close(fig0) fig1.savefig(logpath.with_name( + "_fig1"), dpi=200) plt.close(fig1)