def get_part_image(path, path1): text = open(path1).read() # text = re.sub(u"[\x00-\x08\x0b-\x0c\x0e-\x1f]+", u"", text) display = False root = ElementTree.fromstring(text) imageFilename = os.path.join(path, root[1].attrib['imageFilename']) image = np.where(io.imread(imageFilename) > 220, 1, 0) image_copy = copy.copy(image) row, col = image.shape img = np.zeros((row, col)) total_x, total_y = [], [] for i, textRegion in enumerate(root[1]): listx = [] listy = [] for j, pnt in enumerate(textRegion[0][:-1]): x = int(pnt.attrib['x']) y = int(pnt.attrib['y']) x = 0 if x < 0 else x x = col if x > col else x y = 0 if y < 0 else y y = row if y > row else y listx.append(x) listy.append(y) if (display): im1, im2, image, flag = isolate_character(image, listy, listx) if (flag == 1): p1 = plt.subplot(211) p1.set_title("原始图像") p1.imshow(image_copy) p2 = plt.subplot(223) p2.set_title("分割后的第一部分") p2.imshow(im1) p3 = plt.subplot(224) p3.set_title("剩余图像") p3.imshow(im2) else: print("无法切分") total_x.append(listx) total_y.append(listy) print(image_copy.shape) total_image = isolate_character(image_copy, total_y, total_x, isdisplay=False) k = len(total_image) p = np.zeros(k) tk = plt.subplot(2, 1, 1) tk.set_title("整体切分图像,及分割后的基元部件") tk.imshow(image_copy) for i in range(k): plt.subplot(2, k, (k + i + 1)).imshow(total_image[i]) pass
def get_part_image(XmlFile, isDisplayPart=False, isAlterXml=False): global count_file text = open(XmlFile, encoding='utf-8').read() # text = re.sub(u"[\x00-\x08\x0b-\x0c\x0e-\x1f]+", u"", text) root = ET.fromstring(text) imageFilename = os.path.join(path_image, root[-1].attrib['ImageFileName']) image = None try: image = np.where(io.imread(imageFilename) > 220, 1, 0) except FileNotFoundError: print('File:', imageFilename, "Not Found") print('File:', XmlFile, "Not Found") plt.subplot(111) return -1; image_copy = copy.copy(image) image_copy_1 = copy.copy(image) row, col = image.shape total_x, total_y = [], [] point_x, point_y = [], [] for i, textRegion in enumerate(root[-1]): listx = [] listy = [] if (len(textRegion[0]) % 2 == 0): index = len(textRegion[0]) else: index = -1 for j, pnt in enumerate(textRegion[0][:index]): x = int(pnt.attrib['x']) y = int(pnt.attrib['y']) x = 0 if x < 0 else x x = col - 1 if x > col else x y = 0 if y < 0 else y y = row - 1 if y > row else y listx.append(x) listy.append(y) point_x.append(x) point_y.append(y) if (isDisplayPart): im1, im2, image, flag = isolate_character(image, listy, listx) if (flag == 1): p1 = plt.subplot(211) p1.set_title("原始图像") p1.imshow(image_copy) p2 = plt.subplot(223) p2.set_title("分割后的第一部分") p2.imshow(im1) p3 = plt.subplot(224) p3.set_title("剩余图像") p3.imshow(im2) else: print("无法切分") total_x.append(listx) total_y.append(listy) # if(len(total_x) < 3): # count_file = count_file + 3 # else: # count_file = count_file + len(total_x) + 1 # return print(image_copy.shape) total_image, alter_x, alter_y = isolate_character(image_copy, total_y, total_x, isDisplayPart) print(alter_x) print(alter_y) print(imageFilename.split("\\")[-1].replace('chos lugs-pan chen blo chos kyi rgyal mtshan gsung', '')) print(' ', len(alter_x) * 2, ' VS ', len(point_x)) print(point_x) print(point_y) if (not isAlterXml): k = len(total_image) # if k > 2: # return for i in range(k): row_each, col_each = np.array(total_image[i]).shape if(row_each < 10 or col_each < 10): continue count_file = count_file + 1 plt.subplot(2, k, (k + i + 1)).imshow(total_image[i]) # plt.text(20,20,"fff") p = np.zeros(k) tk = plt.subplot(2, 1, 1) tk.plot(point_x, point_y, "r.") # tk.plot([y for x in alter_y for y in x], [y for x in alter_x for y in x], "r.") tk.set_title(str(imageFilename.split("\\")[-1].split(".")[0]) + ",Pt:" + str(len(point_x))) tk.imshow(image_copy_1) else: fileName = root[-1].attrib['imageFilename'] imageHeight = str(int((row - 30) / 3 + 0.5)) imageWidth = str(int((col - 30) / 3 + 0.5)) alterXml(fileName, [imageHeight, imageWidth, alter_point(alter_y), alter_point(alter_x)], Alter_Xml_path) row, col = image_copy_1.shape image_copy_1 = (image_copy_1 * 255).astype(np.uint8) new_img = np.zeros((int((row - 30) / 3 + 0.5), int((col - 30) / 3 + 0.5))) new_img = cv2.resize(image_copy_1, (int(col / 3 + 0.5), int(row / 3 + 0.5)), interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC)[ 5:-5, 5:-5] io.imsave(os.path.join(Alter_Xml_path, fileName), new_img) # shutil.copyfile(imageFilename,os.path.join(Alter_Xml_path,fileName)) print("save file:" + os.path.join(Alter_Xml_path, fileName))
def get_part_image(XmlFile, isDisplayPart=False, isAlterXml=False): text = open(XmlFile, encoding='utf-8').read() # text = re.sub(u"[\x00-\x08\x0b-\x0c\x0e-\x1f]+", u"", text) root = ET.fromstring(text) imageFilename = os.path.join(path_image, root[-1].attrib['ImageFileName']) image = None try: image = np.where(io.imread(imageFilename) > 220, 1, 0) except FileNotFoundError: print('File:', imageFilename, "Not Found") return -1 image_copy = copy.copy(image) image_copy_1 = np.where(image > 0, 0, 1) print(imageFilename) row, col = image.shape img = np.zeros((row, col)) total_x, total_y = [], [] point_x, point_y = [], [] for i, textRegion in enumerate(root[-1]): listx = [] listy = [] if (len(textRegion[0]) % 2 == 0): index = len(textRegion[0]) else: index = -1 for j, pnt in enumerate(textRegion[0][:index]): x = int(pnt.attrib['x']) y = int(pnt.attrib['y']) x = 0 if x < 0 else x x = col if x > col else x y = 0 if y < 0 else y y = row if y > row else y listx.append(x) listy.append(y) point_x.append(x) point_y.append(y) if (isDisplayPart): im1, im2, image, flag = isolate_character(image, listy, listx) if (flag == 1): p1 = plt.subplot(211) p1.set_title("原始图像") p1.imshow(image_copy) p2 = plt.subplot(223) p2.set_title("分割后的第一部分") p2.imshow(im1) p3 = plt.subplot(224) p3.set_title("剩余图像") p3.imshow(im2) else: print("无法切分") total_x.append(listx) total_y.append(listy) print(image_copy.shape) total_image, alter_x, alter_y = isolate_character(image_copy, total_y, total_x, isDisplayPart) print(alter_x) print(alter_y) print(imageFilename) print(' ', len(alter_x) * 2, ' VS ', len(point_x)) print(point_x) print(point_y) if (not isAlterXml): # print(alter_x) # print(alter_y) # print(' ',len(alter_x) * 2,' VS ',len(point_x)) # print(point_x) # print(point_y) k = len(total_image) # if not(k == 1): # total_x, total_y = [], [] # point_x, point_y = [], [] # return 0 # for i in range(k): # plt.subplot(2,k,(k + i + 1)).imshow(total_image[i]) # # plt.text(20,20,"fff") # p = np.zeros(k) tk = plt.subplot(1, 1, 1) # tk.plot(point_x,point_y,"r") # tk.plot([y for x in alter_y for y in x], [y for x in alter_x for y in x], "r^", linewidth=8.0) tk.plot([alter_y[0][0][0]], [alter_x[0][0][0]], 'rv', linewidth=4.0) tk.plot([alter_y[0][0][1]], [alter_x[0][0][1]], 'r^', linewidth=4.0) tk.plot([0, 75], [24, 24], 'b.-', linewidth=4.0) # tk.set_title(str(imageFilename.split("\\")[-1].split(".")[0]) + ",Pt:" + str(len(point_x))) tk.imshow(image_copy_1, cmap='gray') else: fileName = root[-1].attrib['imageFilename'] imageHeight = str(row) imageWidth = str(col) alterXml(fileName, [ imageHeight, imageWidth, alter_point(alter_y), alter_point(alter_x) ], Alter_Xml_path)
def show_point(file): global totalpoint img = io.imread(file, as_grey=True) tt = (get_outline( fill_image((get_fileter_image( adjunction_image(np.where(img / 255 > 0.9, 1, 0))))))).astype(np.uint8) img_filter = get_fileter_image( adjunction_image(np.where(img / 255 > 0.9, 1, 0))) fill_img = fill_image( (get_fileter_image(adjunction_image(np.where(img / 255 > 0.9, 1, 0))))) skelenton_image = skeletonize(fill_img) end_pointx, end_pointy = end_point(skelenton_image) # plt.subplot(211).imshow(fill_img) # pp = plt.subplot(212) # pp.imshow(skelenton_image) # pp.plot(end_pointy, end_pointx, 'r.') # # row, col = tt.shape # get_line(tt) horizontal_projection = np.sum(tt[:int(col / 2), :], axis=1) horizontal_projection_t = horizontal_projection[4:-4] index_zero = np.where(horizontal_projection_t < 2) index = np.where( horizontal_projection == np.max(horizontal_projection))[0][0] if (len(index_zero[0]) != 0): print("change index position") index = index_zero[0][0] + 4 # print(horizontal_projection) print('基线位置: ', index) pointx, pointy = [], [] vewol_point = [] if (col <= 80): corners = cv2.goodFeaturesToTrack((tt).astype(np.uint8), 30, 0.2, 7) else: corners = cv2.goodFeaturesToTrack((tt).astype(np.uint8), 30, 0.001, 0.05, blockSize=4) """ 1.8 skeleton water: 71.97 outline: feature point 20,0.25,7 SVM 0.85 81.33 11859-5461 feature point 20,0.30,7 SVM 0.85 79.72 11180-5353 feature point 20,0.20,7 SVM 0.85 82.44 12751-5535 feature point 20,0.20,7 SVM 0.85 82.23 12151-5521 alter-col 1.4 skeleton water: 67.887 the best result of outline: feature point 20,0.20,7 SVM 0.85 78.41 12151-5265 alter-col """ print(row, col, '行列') corners = np.int0(corners) for item in corners: x, y = item.ravel() #, (x, y), 3, [0, 255, 255], -1) print(x, 'total', int(col / 3 + 0.5 + 2)) if ((x <= int(col / 3 + 0.5) or x >= int(col / 3 * 2 + 0.5 - 2)) and col <= 80): print(x, 'now x id') continue if ((x <= int(col / 4 + 0.5) or x >= int(col / 4 * 3 + 0.5)) and col > 80): continue point_flag = True if (tt[y][x] == 0): y, x = alter_point(tt, y, x) vewol = 0 for i in range(len(end_pointx)): if ((end_pointy[i] - x) * (end_pointy[i] - x) + (end_pointx[i] - y) * (end_pointx[i] - y) < 25) and (abs(y - index) >= 3): point_flag = False break elif (((end_pointy[i] - x) * (end_pointy[i] - x) + (end_pointx[i] - y) * (end_pointx[i] - y) > 25) and (index - y >= 2)): vewol = vewol + 1 if (len(end_pointx) == vewol): vewol_point.append([x, y]) if (not point_flag): continue if (abs(y - index) < 3 and not (total_point(tt, y, x) > 3) or y < index): continue pointx.append(x) pointy.append(y) alter_pointx, alter_pointy = alter_index_points(tt, index) pointx = pointx + alter_pointx pointy = pointy + alter_pointy alter_pointx, alter_pointy = alter_index_points(tt, index + 1) pointx = pointx + alter_pointx pointy = pointy + alter_pointy alter_pointx, alter_pointy = alter_index_points(tt, index + 2) pointx = pointx + alter_pointx pointy = pointy + alter_pointy alter_pointx, alter_pointy = alter_index_points(tt, index + 3) pointx = pointx + alter_pointx pointy = pointy + alter_pointy pointx, pointy = del_near_point(pointx, pointy) if (len(pointx) == 0): print("MDZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ") for item in corners: x, y = item.ravel() #, (x, y), 3, [0, 255, 255], -1) point_flag = True if (tt[y][x] == 0): y, x = alter_point(tt, y, x) if (abs(y - index) < 3 and not (total_point(tt, y, x) > 3)): continue if (x <= int(col / 3 + 0.5 + 1) or x >= int(col / 3 * 2 + 0.5 - 1) and col < 80): continue if (x <= int(col / 4 + 0.5 + 2) or x >= int(col / 4 * 3 + 0.5 - 2) and col >= 80): continue if (3 < abs(y - index) < 8): pointx.append(x) pointy.append(y) print('vewol: ', vewol_point) if (len(vewol_point) > 0): new_vewol = judge_vowel(img_filter, index, vewol_point) if (len(new_vewol) > 0): print('newwol: ', new_vewol) for i in range(len(new_vewol)): pointx.append(new_vewol[i][0]) pointy.append(new_vewol[i][1]) position_point = get_position(skelenton_image, pointx, pointy) if (len(pointx) < 1): print("can't find feature point!") return 0 result_point = find_segmention_point(adjunction_image(img), index, pointy, pointx, position_point) print(pointx) print(pointy) print(position_point) # wrfile.write(os.path.basename(file) + ',') # for i in range(len(result_point)): # wrfile.write(str(result_point[i][1] - 3) + ' ' + str(result_point[i][0] - 3) + ' ' # + str(result_point[i][3] - 3) + ' ' + str(result_point[i][2] - 3) + ',') # wrfile.write('\n') result_pointx, result_pointy = [], [] yyy, xxx = [], [] for result in result_point: yy, xx = [], [] if (result[0] > result[2]): result[0] = result[0] - 2 result[2] = result[2] - 4 else: result[0] = result[0] - 4 result[2] = result[2] - 2 yy.append(result[0]) yy.append(result[2]) xx.append(result[1] - 3) xx.append(result[3] - 3) yyy.append(result[0]) yyy.append(result[2]) xxx.append(result[1] - 3) xxx.append(result[3] - 3) result_pointy.append(yy) result_pointx.append(xx) rr, cc = line(result[0], result[1] - 3, result[2], result[3] - 3) img[rr, cc] = 0 p2 = plt.subplot(211) p2.imshow( fill_image( get_fileter_image(adjunction_image(np.where(img / 255 > 0.9, 1, 0))))) p2.imshow(img) # print(corners) p1 = plt.subplot(212) p1.plot([1, col - 1], [index, index]) if (col <= 80): p1.plot([int(col / 3 + 0.5), int(col / 3 + 0.5)], [0, row - 1], label[0]) p1.plot([int(col / 3 * 2 + 0.5), int(col / 3 * 2 + 0.5)], [0, row - 1], label[0]) else: p1.plot([int(col / 4 + 0.5), int(col / 4 + 0.5)], [0, row - 1], label[0]) p1.plot([int(col / 4 * 3 + 0.5), int(col / 4 * 3 + 0.5)], [0, row - 1], label[0]) for i in range(len(result_point)): p2.plot([result_point[i][1], result_point[i][3]], [result_point[i][0], result_point[i][2]], 'b.-') p2.imshow(adjunction_image(img)) p1 = plt.subplot(111) p1.imshow(np.where(skelenton_image > 0, 0, 1), cmap='gray') p1.plot([pointx[0], pointx[2]], [pointy[0], pointy[2]], 'r^', linewidth=8.0) p1.plot([pointx[1]], [pointy[1]], 'rv', linewidth=8.0) plt.axis('off') total_image, alter_x, alter_y = isolate_character(img / 255, result_pointy, result_pointx, False) print(len(total_image)) k = len(total_image) # for i in range(k): # row_each, col_each = np.array(total_image[i]).shape # if (row_each < 10 or col_each < 10): # continue # plt.subplot(2, k, (k + i + 1)).imshow(total_image[i]) # # plt.text(20,20,"fff") # p = np.zeros(k) tk = plt.subplot(1, 1, 1) plt.axis('off') tk.plot([xxx[1], xxx[2], xxx[5]], [yyy[1], yyy[2], yyy[5]], 'rv', linewidth=4.0) tk.plot([xxx[0], xxx[3], xxx[4]], [yyy[0], yyy[3], yyy[4]], 'r^', linewidth=4.0) tk.imshow(np.where(img > 240, 0, 1), cmap='gray')