コード例 #1
def learnMMMF(y, c):
	n,m = y.shape
	n_obs = np.count_nonzero(y)
	obs = np.nonzero(y)

	prob = pic.Problem()    #create a Problem instance

	# vars
	A = prob.add_variable('A', (n,n))
	B = prob.add_variable('B', (m,m))
	X = prob.add_variable('X', (n,m))

	t = prob.add_variable('t', 1)
	e = []
	for i in range(n_obs):

	# constraints
	prob.add_constraint(((A & X)//(X.T & B)) >> 0)
	prob.add_constraint(pic.diag_vect(A) <= t)
	prob.add_constraint(pic.diag_vect(B) <= t)
	for i in e:
		prob.add_constraint(i >= 0)

	for x in enumerate(zip(obs[0], obs[1])):	# each observation
		ind = x[0]
		i, a = int(x[1][0]), int(x[1][1])

		prob.add_constraint((y[i,a] * X[i,a]) >= (1 - e[ind]))

	# objective
	prob.set_objective('min', t + c * pic.sum(e))

	# solve
	time_start = time.clock()
	prob.solve(verbose=1, solver='sdpa', solve_via_dual = False, noduals=True)
	time_end = time.clock()

	ORIG = mat
	MATLAB = matlab
	PYTHON = X.value

コード例 #2
def learnMMMF(y, c):
    n, m = y.shape
    n_obs = np.count_nonzero(y)
    obs = np.nonzero(y)

    prob = pic.Problem()  #create a Problem instance

    # vars
    A = prob.add_variable('A', (n, n))
    B = prob.add_variable('B', (m, m))
    X = prob.add_variable('X', (n, m))

    t = prob.add_variable('t', 1)
    e = []
    for i in range(n_obs):

    # constraints
    prob.add_constraint(((A & X) // (X.T & B)) >> 0)
    prob.add_constraint(pic.diag_vect(A) <= t)
    prob.add_constraint(pic.diag_vect(B) <= t)
    for i in e:
        prob.add_constraint(i >= 0)

    for x in enumerate(zip(obs[0], obs[1])):  # each observation
        ind = x[0]
        i, a = int(x[1][0]), int(x[1][1])

        prob.add_constraint((y[i, a] * X[i, a]) >= (1 - e[ind]))

    # objective
    prob.set_objective('min', t + c * pic.sum(e))

    # solve
    time_start = time.clock()
    prob.solve(verbose=1, solver='sdpa', solve_via_dual=False, noduals=True)
    time_end = time.clock()

    ORIG = mat
    MATLAB = matlab
    PYTHON = X.value

    print(MATLAB - PYTHON)
コード例 #3
    def setUp(self):
        # Set the dimensionality.
        n = self.n = 4

        # Primal problem.
        self.P = P = picos.Problem()
        self.X = X = P.add_variable("X", (n, n), "integer")
        P.set_objective("max", X | 1)
        P.add_constraint(picos.diag_vect(X) == 1)
        # The following constraint is necessary because PICOS does not support
        # integer symmetric matrices via a variable type.
        P.add_constraint(X == X.T)
        P.add_constraint(X >> 0)
コード例 #4
ファイル: maxcut.py プロジェクト: 84monta/OR
 def solve_picos(self):
     p = pic.Problem()
     X = p.add_variable('X', (self.n, self.n), 'symmetric')
     gL = nx.laplacian_matrix(self.G, weight='w', nodelist=self.G.nodes)
     gL = gL.toarray().astype(np.double)
     L = pic.new_param('L', 1 / 4 * gL)
     p.add_constraint(pic.diag_vect(X) == 1)
     p.add_constraint(X >> 0)
     p.set_objective('max', L | X)
     print('bound from the SDP relaxation: {0}'.format(p.obj_value()))
コード例 #5
    def setUp(self):
        # Set the dimensionality.
        n = self.n = 4

        # Primal problem.
        self.P = P = picos.Problem()
        self.X = X = P.add_variable("X", (n, n), "symmetric")
        P.set_objective("max", X | 1)
        self.CT = P.add_constraint(picos.diag_vect(X) == 1)
        self.CX = P.add_constraint(X >> 0)

        # Dual problem.
        self.D = D = picos.Problem()
        self.mu = mu = D.add_variable("mu", n)
        self.Z = Z = D.add_variable("Z", (n, n), "symmetric")
        D.set_objective("min", mu | 1)
        D.add_constraint(1 - picos.diag(mu) + Z == 0)
        D.add_constraint(Z >> 0)
コード例 #6
ファイル: SDP.py プロジェクト: Zarrathustra/pySymStat
def solve_SDP(f, grp_irreducible_rep):

    num_quats = f.shape[0]
    num_elems_grp = f.shape[2]
    num_irreducible_reps = grp_irreducible_rep.shape[0]

    d, is_all_real = irreducible_rep_analyze(grp_irreducible_rep)

    # convert grp_irreducible_rep into picos parameters dim and rho.

    ## dim
    dim = [pic.new_param('d[{k}]'.format(k = k), x) for k, x in enumerate(d)]

    ## rho
    rho = [[pic.new_param('rho[{k}, {g}]'.format(k = k, g = g), x) for g, x in enumerate(y)] for k, y in enumerate(grp_irreducible_rep)]

    # convert grp_irreducible_rep and f inot picos parameters C

    C = num_irreducible_reps * [None]

    for k in range(num_irreducible_reps):

        Ck = np.zeros((num_quats * d[k], num_quats * d[k]), dtype = np.float64 if is_all_real else np.complex128)

        for (i, j, g), _ in np.ndenumerate(f):
            Ck[i * d[k] : (i + 1) * d[k], j * d[k] : (j + 1) * d[k]] += f[j, i, g] * grp_irreducible_rep[k, g].conj().transpose()

        Ck *= (d[k] / num_elems_grp)

        C[k] = pic.new_param('C[{k}]'.format(k = k), Ck)

    # declare PICOS problem
    problem = pic.Problem()

    # construct variables X.
    # note that X[0] is fixed by constraints.
    # so we only construct X[1] .. X[K-1].

    X = num_irreducible_reps * [None]

    for k in range(1, num_irreducible_reps):

        X[k] = problem.add_variable('X[{k}]'.format(k = k), \
                                    (num_quats * d[k], num_quats * d[k]), \
                                    vtype = 'symmetric' if is_all_real else 'hermitian')

    # add constraints

    # add semi-positive defineness constraint
    problem.add_list_of_constraints([X[k] >> 0 for k in range(1, num_irreducible_reps)])

    # add identity matrix constraint
    problem.add_list_of_constraints([pic.diag_vect(X[k]) == 1 for k in range(1, num_irreducible_reps)])

    # add NUG relaxed constraints
    for (i, j, g), _ in np.ndenumerate(f):

        if is_all_real:

            problem.add_constraint(pic.sum([dim[k] * \
                                            pic.trace(rho[k][g] * X[k][i * dim[k] : (i + 1) * dim[k], \
                                                                       j * dim[k] : (j + 1) * dim[k]]) \
                                            for k in range(1, num_irreducible_reps)]) >= -1)


            problem.add_constraint(pic.sum([dim[k] * \
                                            pic.trace(rho[k][g] * X[k][i * dim[k] : (i + 1) * dim[k], \
                                                                       j * dim[k] : (j + 1) * dim[k]]) \
                                            for k in range(1, num_irreducible_reps)]).real >= -1)

            problem.add_constraint(pic.sum([dim[k] * \
                                            pic.trace(rho[k][g] * X[k][i * dim[k] : (i + 1) * dim[k], \
                                                                       j * dim[k] : (j + 1) * dim[k]]) \
                                            for k in range(1, num_irreducible_reps)]).imag >= 0)
            problem.add_constraint(pic.sum([dim[k] * \
                                            pic.trace(rho[k][g] * X[k][i * dim[k] : (i + 1) * dim[k], \
                                                                       j * dim[k] : (j + 1) * dim[k]]) \
                                            for k in range(1, num_irreducible_reps)]).imag <= 0)

    # set objective

    if is_all_real:

        obj = pic.sum([pic.trace(C[k] * X[k]) for k in range(1, num_irreducible_reps)])
        problem.set_objective('min', obj)

        obj = pic.sum([pic.trace(C[k] * X[k]) for k in range(1, num_irreducible_reps)]).real
        problem.set_objective('min', obj)

        problem.add_constraint(pic.sum([pic.trace(C[k] * X[k]) for k in range(1, num_irreducible_reps)]).imag >= 0)
        problem.add_constraint(pic.sum([pic.trace(C[k] * X[k]) for k in range(1, num_irreducible_reps)]).imag <= 0)

    # solve

    problem.set_option('verbose', 0)

    problem.solve(solver = 'cvxopt')

    # get X

    X[0] = np.ones((num_quats, num_quats), dtype = np.float64 if is_all_real else np.complex128)
    for k in range(1, num_irreducible_reps):
        X[k] = np.array(X[k].value, dtype = np.float64 if is_all_real else np.complex128)

    return X
コード例 #7
def find_max_cut(graph, positions):
    # Move G to LCF notation.
    G = nx.convert_matrix.from_scipy_sparse_matrix(graph)
    pos = {i: positions[i] for i in range(len(positions))}

    # Generate edge capacities.
    c = {}
    for e in sorted(G.edges(data=True)):
        capacity = 1
        e[2]['capacity'] = capacity
        c[(e[0], e[1])] = capacity
        c[(e[1], e[0])] = capacity

    # Convert the capacities to a PICOS expression.
    cc = pic.new_param('c', c)

    # Set source and sink nodes for flow computation.
    s = 16
    t = 10

    # Set node colors.
    N = len(positions)
    node_colors = ['lightgrey'] * N
    node_colors[s] = 'lightgreen'  # Source is green.
    node_colors[t] = 'lightblue'  # Sink is blue.

    # Define a plotting helper that closes the old and opens a new figure.
    def new_figure():
            global fig
        except NameError:
        fig = pylab.figure(figsize=(11, 8))

    # Plot the graph with the edge capacities.
    nx.draw_networkx(G, pos, node_color=node_colors)
    labels = {
        e: '{} | {}'.format(c[(e[0], e[1])], c[(e[1], e[0])])
        for e in G.edges if e[0] < e[1]
    nx.draw_networkx_edge_labels(G, pos, edge_labels=labels)

    # Make G undirected.
    G = nx.Graph(G)

    # Allocate weights to the edges.
    for (i, j) in G.edges():
        G[i][j]['weight'] = 1

    maxcut = pic.Problem()

    # Add the symmetric matrix variable.
    X = maxcut.add_variable('X', (N, N), 'symmetric')

    # Retrieve the Laplacian of the graph.
    LL = 1 / 4. * nx.laplacian_matrix(G).todense()
    L = pic.new_param('L', LL)

    # Constrain X to have ones on the diagonal.
    maxcut.add_constraint(pic.diag_vect(X) == 1)

    # Constrain X to be positive semidefinite.
    maxcut.add_constraint(X >> 0)

    # Set the objective.
    maxcut.set_objective('max', L | X)

    # print(maxcut)

    # Solve the problem.

    # print('bound from the SDP relaxation: {0}'.format(maxcut.obj_value()))

    # Use a fixed RNG seed so the result is reproducable.

    # Perform a Cholesky factorization.
    V = X.value
    for i in range(N):
        for j in range(i + 1, N):
            V[i, j] = 0

    # Do up to 100 projections. Stop if we are within a factor 0.878 of the SDP
    # optimal value.
    count = 0
    obj_sdp = maxcut.obj_value()
    obj = 0
    while (count < 100 or obj < 0.878 * obj_sdp):
        r = cvx.normal(20, 1)
        x = cvx.matrix(np.sign(V * r))
        o = (x.T * L * x).value
        if o > obj:
            x_cut = x
            obj = o
        count += 1
    x = x_cut

    # Extract the cut and the seperated node sets.
    S1 = [n for n in range(N) if x[n] < 0]
    S2 = [n for n in range(N) if x[n] > 0]
    cut = [(i, j) for (i, j) in G.edges() if x[i] * x[j] < 0]
    leave = [e for e in G.edges if e not in cut]

    # Close the old figure and open a new one.

    # Assign colors based on set membership.
    node_colors = [('lightgreen' if n in S1 else 'lightblue')
                   for n in range(N)]

    # Draw the nodes and the edges that are not in the cut.
    nx.draw_networkx(G, pos, node_color=node_colors, edgelist=leave)
    labels = {e: '{}'.format(G[e[0]][e[1]]['weight']) for e in leave}
    nx.draw_networkx_edge_labels(G, pos, edge_labels=labels)

    # Draw the edges that are in the cut.
    nx.draw_networkx_edges(G, pos, edgelist=cut, edge_color='r')
    labels = {e: '{}'.format(G[e[0]][e[1]]['weight']) for e in cut}
    nx.draw_networkx_edge_labels(G, pos, edge_labels=labels, font_color='r')

    # Show the relaxation optimum value and the cut capacity.
    rval = maxcut.obj_value()
    sval = sum(G[e[0]][e[1]]['weight'] for e in cut)
        'SDP relaxation value: {0:.1f}\nCut value: {1:.1f} = {2:.3f}×{0:.1f}'.
        format(rval, sval, sval / rval),

    # Show the figure.

    return S1, S2