コード例 #1
bufferAMin = (ctypes.c_int16 * maxSamples)(
)  # used for downsampling which isn't in the scope of this example
bufferBMax = (ctypes.c_int16 * maxSamples)()
bufferBMin = (ctypes.c_int16 * maxSamples)(
)  # used for downsampling which isn't in the scope of this example

# Set data buffer location for data collection from channel A
# handle = chandle
# source = PS4000a_CHANNEL_A = 0
# pointer to buffer max = ctypes.byref(bufferAMax)
# pointer to buffer min = ctypes.byref(bufferAMin)
# buffer length = maxSamples
# segementIndex = 0
# mode = PS4000A_RATIO_MODE_NONE = 0
status["setDataBuffersA"] = ps.ps4000aSetDataBuffers(chandle, 0,
                                                     maxSamples, 0, 0)

# Set data buffer location for data collection from channel B
# handle = chandle
# source = PS4000a_CHANNEL_B = 1
# pointer to buffer max = ctypes.byref(bufferBMax)
# pointer to buffer min = ctypes.byref(bufferBMin)
# buffer length = maxSamples
# segementIndex = 0
# mode = PS4000A_RATIO_MODE_NONE = 0
status["setDataBuffersB"] = ps.ps4000aSetDataBuffers(chandle, 1,
                                                     maxSamples, 0, 0)
コード例 #2
bufferAMax = np.zeros(shape=sizeOfOneBuffer, dtype=np.int16)
bufferBMax = np.zeros(shape=sizeOfOneBuffer, dtype=np.int16)

memory_segment = 0

# Set data buffer location for data collection from channel A
# handle = chandle
# source = PS4000A_CHANNEL_A = 0
# pointer to buffer max = ctypes.byref(bufferAMax)
# pointer to buffer min = ctypes.byref(bufferAMin)
# buffer length = maxSamples
# segment index = 0
# ratio mode = PS4000A_RATIO_MODE_NONE = 0
status["setDataBuffersA"] = ps.ps4000aSetDataBuffers(
    chandle, ps.PS4000A_CHANNEL['PS4000A_CHANNEL_A'],
    bufferAMax.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_int16)), None,
    sizeOfOneBuffer, memory_segment,

# Set data buffer location for data collection from channel B
# handle = chandle
# source = PS4000A_CHANNEL_B = 1
# pointer to buffer max = ctypes.byref(bufferBMax)
# pointer to buffer min = ctypes.byref(bufferBMin)
# buffer length = maxSamples
# segment index = 0
# ratio mode = PS4000A_RATIO_MODE_NONE = 0
status["setDataBuffersB"] = ps.ps4000aSetDataBuffers(
    chandle, ps.PS4000A_CHANNEL['PS4000A_CHANNEL_B'],
    bufferBMax.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_int16)), None,