コード例 #1
ファイル: pid_control.py プロジェクト: ulkesh11/gaitech_edu
def callback(data):
    global alive_1
    global vel
    ###PID parameter to be tuned for simulation and real drone
    max_val = 0.8  #maximum value of command velocity
    min_val = -0.8  #minimum value of command velocity
    p_x = PID(2.5, 0.5, 1.2)  #parameters P, I and D. Tune it accordingly
    p_x.setPoint(0.5)  #set point for cmd_vel, range is 0 - 1. 0.5 is center
    pid_x = p_x.update(data.x)  #update value
    pid_x = clamp(pid_x, min_val, max_val)  #clamp value
    vel.twist.linear.x = pid_x  #update vel value to be published
    p_y = PID(2.5, 0.5, 1.2)
    pid_y = p_y.update(data.y)
    pid_y = clamp(pid_y, min_val, max_val)
    vel.twist.linear.y = pid_y
    p_z = PID(3.0, 0.5, 1.2)
    if data.z > 0.95 and data.z < 1.05:
        pid_z = 0
        pid_z = p_z.update(data.z) / 5
        pid_z = clamp(pid_z, min_val, max_val)
    vel.twist.linear.z = pid_z
    alive_1 += 1
    vel.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
コード例 #2
  def __init__(self):

    # Allow the simulator to start

    # When this node shutsdown

    # Set the rate
    self.rate = 100.0
    self.dt = 1.0 / self.rate

    # Getting the PID parameters
    gains = rospy.get_param('/velocity_controller_node/gains', {'p_xy': 1, 'i_xy': 0.0, 'd_xy': 0.0, 'p_z': 1, 'i_z': 0.0, 'd_z': 0.0})
    Kp_xy, Ki_xy, Kd_xy = gains['p_xy'], gains['i_xy'], gains['d_xy']
    Kp_z, Ki_z, Kd_z = gains['p_z'], gains['i_z'], gains['d_z']

    # Display incoming parameters
    rospy.loginfo(str(rospy.get_name()) + ": Lauching with the following parameters:")
    rospy.loginfo(str(rospy.get_name()) + ": p_xy - " + str(Kp_xy))
    rospy.loginfo(str(rospy.get_name()) + ": i_xy - " + str(Ki_xy))
    rospy.loginfo(str(rospy.get_name()) + ": d_xy - " + str(Kd_xy))
    rospy.loginfo(str(rospy.get_name()) + ": p_z - " + str(Kp_z))
    rospy.loginfo(str(rospy.get_name()) + ": i_z - " + str(Ki_z))
    rospy.loginfo(str(rospy.get_name()) + ": d_z - " + str(Kd_z))
    rospy.loginfo(str(rospy.get_name()) + ": rate - " + str(self.rate))

    # Creating the PID's
    self.vel_x_PID = PID(Kp_xy, Ki_xy, Kd_xy, self.rate)
    self.vel_y_PID = PID(Kp_xy, Ki_xy, Kd_xy, self.rate)
    self.vel_z_PID = PID(Kp_z, Ki_z, Kd_z, self.rate)
    # Get the setpoints
    self.x_setpoint = 0
    self.y_setpoint = 0
    self.z_setpoint = 0

    # Create the current output readings
    self.x_vel = 0
    self.y_vel = 0
    self.z_vel = 0  

    # Create the subscribers and publishers
    self.vel_read_sub = rospy.Subscriber("/uav/sensors/velocity", TwistStamped, self.get_vel)
    self.vel_set_sub = rospy.Subscriber('/uav/input/velocity', Vector3 , self.set_vel)
    self.att_pub = rospy.Publisher("/uav/input/attitude", Vector3, queue_size=1)
    self.thrust_pub = rospy.Publisher('/uav/input/thrust', Float64, queue_size=1)

    # Run the communication node
コード例 #3
    def __init__(self):
        # Init the ROS node
        self._log("Node Initialized")

        # On shutdown do the following

        # Set the move goal
        self._true_yaw = 0
        self._desired_yaw = None
        self._desired_yaw_wait_count = 1

        # Set the rate
        self.rate = 30.0
        self.dt = 1.0 / self.rate

        # Out of range param
        self.out_of_range_value = rospy.get_param(
            rospy.get_name() + '/out_of_range_yaw', 30)
        self.use_starting_yaw = rospy.get_param(
            rospy.get_name() + '/use_starting_yaw', True)

        # Get the PID
        gains = rospy.get_param(rospy.get_name() + '/gains', {
            'p': 10.0,
            'i': 0.0,
            'd': 0.0
        Kp, Ki, Kd = gains['p'], gains['i'], gains['d']
        self.yaw_controller = PID(Kp, Ki, Kd, self.rate)

        # Display the variables
        self._log(": p - " + str(Kp))
        self._log(": i - " + str(Ki))
        self._log(": d - " + str(Kd))
        self._log(": Out of range - " + str(self.out_of_range_value))

        # Init the drone and program state
        self._quit = False

        # Create the publishers and subscribers
        self.yaw_pub = rospy.Publisher("/uav1/input/yawcorrection",
        self.debug_desired_pub = rospy.Publisher("/debug/DesiredYaw",
        self.debug_actual_pub = rospy.Publisher("/debug/ActualYaw",
        self.out_of_range_pub = rospy.Publisher(
            "/uav1/status/yaw_out_of_range", Bool, queue_size=10)
        self.true_yaw_sub = rospy.Subscriber("/vicon/ANAFI1/ANAFI1",
                                             TransformStamped, self._getvicon)
        self.set_yaw_sub = rospy.Subscriber(
            "/uav1/input/vicon_setpoint/yaw/rate", Float32,
コード例 #4
    def __init__(self):

        # Allow the simulator to start

        # When this node shutsdown

        # Set the rate
        self.rate = 100.0
        self.dt = 1.0 / self.rate

        # Getting the PID parameters
        stable_gains = rospy.get_param(
            '/position_controller_node/gains/stable/', {
                'p': 1,
                'i': 0.0,
                'd': 0.0
        Kp, Ki, Kd = stable_gains['p'], stable_gains['i'], stable_gains['d']

        # Display incoming parameters
            str(rospy.get_name()) +
            ": Launching with the following parameters:")
        rospy.loginfo(str(rospy.get_name()) + ": p - " + str(Kp))
        rospy.loginfo(str(rospy.get_name()) + ": i - " + str(Ki))
        rospy.loginfo(str(rospy.get_name()) + ": d - " + str(Kd))
        rospy.loginfo(str(rospy.get_name()) + ": rate - " + str(self.rate))

        # Creating the PID's
        self.position_PIDs = [PID(Kp, Ki, Kd, self.rate) for _ in range(3)]

        # Get the setpoints
        self.setpoints = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 3.0], dtype=np.float64)

        # Create the current output readings
        self.current_position = np.zeros(3, dtype=np.float64)

        # Create the subscribers
        self.gps_sub = rospy.Subscriber("uav/sensors/gps", PoseStamped,
        self.pos_set_sub = rospy.Subscriber("uav/input/position", Vector3,

        # Create the publishers
        self.vel_set_sub = rospy.Publisher('/uav/input/velocity',

        # Run the control loop
コード例 #5
    def __init__(self):
        # Initial setpoint for the z-position of the drone
        self.initial_set_z = 30.0
        # Setpoint for the z-position of the drone
        self.set_z = self.initial_set_z
        # Current z-position of the drone according to sensor data
        self.current_z = 0

        # Tracks x, y velocity error and z-position error
        self.error = axes_err()
        # PID controller
        self.pid = PID()

        # Setpoint for the x-velocity of the drone
        self.set_vel_x = 0
        # Setpoint for the y-velocity of the drone
        self.set_vel_y = 0

        # Time of last heartbeat from the web interface
        self.last_heartbeat = None

        # Commanded yaw velocity of the drone
        self.cmd_yaw_velocity = 0

        # Tracks previous drone attitude
        self.prev_angx = 0
        self.prev_angy = 0
        # Time of previous attitude measurement
        self.prev_angt = None

        # Angle compensation values (to account for tilt of drone)
        self.mw_angle_comp_x = 0
        self.mw_angle_comp_y = 0
        self.mw_angle_alt_scale = 1.0
        self.mw_angle_coeff = 10.0
        self.angle = TwistStamped()

        # Desired and current mode of the drone
        self.commanded_mode = self.DISARMED
        self.current_mode = self.DISARMED

        # Flight controller that receives commands to control motion of the drone
        self.board = MultiWii("/dev/ttyUSB0")
コード例 #6
    def __init__(self):
        # Init the ROS node
        self._log("Node Initialized")

        # On shutdown do the following

        # Set the rate
        self.rate = 15.0
        self.dt = 1.0 / self.rate

        # Init the drone and program state
        self._quit = False
        self._infollowmode = False

        # Used to keep track of the object
        self.object_center_x_arr = None
        self.object_center_y_arr = None
        self.object_size_arr = None
        self.object_arr_length = 5

        self.image_size = None

        # PID Class to keep the person in view
        a_gains = rospy.get_param(rospy.get_name() + '/gains', {
            'p_alignment': 0.25,
            'i_alignment': 0.0,
            'd_alignment': 1.0
        d_gains = rospy.get_param(rospy.get_name() + '/gains', {
            'p_distance': 1.0,
            'i_distance': 0.0,
            'd_distance': 0.0
        alignment_Kp, alignment_Ki, alignment_Kd = a_gains[
            'p_alignment'], a_gains['i_alignment'], a_gains['d_alignment']
        distance_Kp, distance_Ki, distance_Kd = d_gains['p_distance'], d_gains[
            'i_distance'], d_gains['d_distance']

        # Display the variables
        self._log(": Alignment p - " + str(alignment_Kp))
        self._log(": Alignment i - " + str(alignment_Ki))
        self._log(": Alignment d - " + str(alignment_Kd))
        self._log(": Distance p - " + str(distance_Kp))
        self._log(": Distance i - " + str(distance_Ki))
        self._log(": Distance d - " + str(distance_Kd))

        # Create the controllers
        self.distance_controller = PID(distance_Kp, distance_Ki, distance_Kd,
        self.alignment_controller = PID(alignment_Kp, alignment_Ki,
                                        alignment_Kd, self.rate)

        # Init all the publishers and subscribers
        self.move_pub = rospy.Publisher("/uav1/input/beforeyawcorrection/move",
        self.drone_state_sub = rospy.Subscriber("uav1/input/state", Int16,
        self.bounding_sub = rospy.Subscriber("darknet_ros/bounding_boxes",
                                             BoundingBoxes, self._getbounding)
        self.camera_sub = rospy.Subscriber("/mixer/sensors/camera", Image,
コード例 #7
    def __init__(self):

        # Allow the simulator to start

        # Run the shutdown sequence on shutdown

        # Getting the PID parameters
        gains = rospy.get_param('/angle_controller_node/gains', {
            'p': 0.1,
            'i': 0,
            'd': 0
        Kp, Ki, Kd = gains['p'], gains['i'], gains['d']

        # Set the rate
        self.rate = 100.0
        self.dt = 1.0 / self.rate

        # Display incoming parameters
            str(rospy.get_name()) +
            ": Launching with the following parameters:")
        rospy.loginfo(str(rospy.get_name()) + ": p - " + str(Kp))
        rospy.loginfo(str(rospy.get_name()) + ": i - " + str(Ki))
        rospy.loginfo(str(rospy.get_name()) + ": d - " + str(Kd))
        rospy.loginfo(str(rospy.get_name()) + ": rate - " + str(self.rate))

        # Creating the PID's
        self.rpy_PIDS = [PID(Kp, Ki, Kd, self.rate) for _ in range(3)]

        # Create the setpoints
        self.rpy_setpoints = np.zeros(3, dtype=np.float64)
        self.thrust_setpoint = 10

        # Create the current output readings
        self.rpy_readings = np.zeros(3, dtype=np.float64)

        # Check if the drone has been armed
        self.armed = False

        # Create the subscribers
        self.imu_sub = rospy.Subscriber("/uav/sensors/attitude", Vector3,
        self.att_sub = rospy.Subscriber("/uav/input/attitude", Vector3,
        self.thrust_sub = rospy.Subscriber("/uav/input/thrust", Float64,
        self.armed_sub = rospy.Subscriber("/uav/armed", Bool,
        self.yaw_sub = rospy.Subscriber("/uav/input/yaw", Float64,

        # Create the publishers
        self.rate_pub = rospy.Publisher('/uav/input/rateThrust',

        # Run the control loop
コード例 #8
ファイル: angle_controller.py プロジェクト: sk8wt/fastsim
    def __init__(self):

        # Allow the simulator to start

        # Run the shutdown sequence on shutdown

        # Getting the PID parameters
        gains = rospy.get_param('/angle_controller_node/gains', {
            'p': 0.1,
            'i': 0,
            'd': 0
        Kp, Ki, Kd = gains['p'], gains['i'], gains['d']

        # Getting the yaw flag
        self.no_yaw = rospy.get_param('/angle_controller_node/no_yaw', False)

        # Set the rate
        self.rate = 100.0
        self.dt = 1.0 / self.rate

        # Display incoming parameters
            str(rospy.get_name()) +
            ": Launching with the following parameters:")
        rospy.loginfo(str(rospy.get_name()) + ": p - " + str(Kp))
        rospy.loginfo(str(rospy.get_name()) + ": i - " + str(Ki))
        rospy.loginfo(str(rospy.get_name()) + ": d - " + str(Kd))
        rospy.loginfo(str(rospy.get_name()) + ": rate - " + str(self.rate))

        # Creating the PID's
        self.rollPID = PID(Kp, Ki, Kd, self.rate)
        self.pitchPID = PID(Kp, Ki, Kd, self.rate)
        if self.no_yaw:
            self.yaw_output = 0.0
        self.yawPID = PID(Kp, Ki, Kd, self.rate)

        # Create the setpoints
        self.roll_setpoint = 0
        self.pitch_setpoint = 0
        self.yaw_setpoint = -1.57
        self.thrust_setpoint = 10

        # Create the current output readings
        self.roll_reading = 0
        self.pitch_reading = 0
        self.yaw_reading = 0

        # Check if the drone has been armed
        self.armed = False

        # Publishers and Subscribers
        self.rate_pub = rospy.Publisher('/uav/input/rateThrust',
        self.imu_sub = rospy.Subscriber("/uav/sensors/attitude", Vector3,
        self.att_sub = rospy.Subscriber("/uav/input/attitude", Vector3,
        self.thrust_sub = rospy.Subscriber("/uav/input/thrust", Float64,
        if self.no_yaw:
            self.yaw_sub = rospy.Subscriber("/uav/input/yaw", Float64,

        # Run the communication node
コード例 #9
import sys
import signal

import yaml

# stefie10: High-level comments: 1) Make a class 2) put everything
# inside a main method and 3) no global variables.

landing_threshold = 9.
initial_set_z = 0.13
set_z = initial_set_z
init_z = 0
smoothed_vel = np.array([0, 0, 0])
alpha = 1.0
ultra_z = 0
pid = PID()
first = True
error = axes_err()
cmds = [1500, 1500, 1500, 900]
current_mode = 4
set_vel_x = 0
set_vel_y = 0
errpub = rospy.Publisher('/pidrone/err', axes_err, queue_size=1)
modepub = rospy.Publisher('/pidrone/mode', Mode, queue_size=1)
flow_height_z = 0.000001
reset_pid = True
pid_is = [0,0,0,0]
last_heartbeat = None

cmd_velocity = [0, 0]
cmd_yaw_velocity = 0
コード例 #10
    def __init__(self):

        # Allow the simulator to start

        # When this node shutsdown

        # Set the rate
        self.rate = 100.0
        self.dt = 1.0 / self.rate

        # Getting the PID parameters
        stable_gains = rospy.get_param(
            '/position_controller_node/gains/stable/', {
                'p': 1,
                'i': 0.0,
                'd': 0.0
        Kp_s, Ki_s, Kd_s = stable_gains['p'], stable_gains['i'], stable_gains[

        # If the speed is set to unstable waypoint
        Kp = Kp_s
        Ki = Ki_s
        Kd = Kd_s

        # Display incoming parameters
            str(rospy.get_name()) +
            ": Lauching with the following parameters:")
        rospy.loginfo(str(rospy.get_name()) + ": p - " + str(Kp))
        rospy.loginfo(str(rospy.get_name()) + ": i - " + str(Ki))
        rospy.loginfo(str(rospy.get_name()) + ": d - " + str(Kd))
        rospy.loginfo(str(rospy.get_name()) + ": rate - " + str(self.rate))

        # Creating the PID's
        self.pos_x_PID = PID(Kp, Ki, Kd, self.rate)
        self.pos_y_PID = PID(Kp, Ki, Kd, self.rate)
        self.pos_z_PID = PID(Kp, Ki, Kd, self.rate)

        # Get the setpoints
        self.x_setpoint = 0
        self.y_setpoint = 0
        self.z_setpoint = 3

        # Create the current output readings
        self.x_pos = 0
        self.y_pos = 0
        self.z_pos = 0

        # Create the subscribers and publishers
        self.vel_set_sub = rospy.Publisher('/uav/input/velocity',
        self.gps_sub = rospy.Subscriber("uav/sensors/gps", PoseStamped,
        self.pos_set_sub = rospy.Subscriber("uav/input/position", Vector3,

        # Run the communication node
コード例 #11
    def __init__(self):
        # Initialize the current and desired modes
        self.current_mode = Mode('DISARMED')
        self.desired_mode = Mode('DISARMED')

        # Initialize in velocity control
        self.position_control = False

        # Initialize the current and desired positions
        self.current_position = Position()
        self.desired_position = Position(z=0.3)
        self.last_desired_position = Position(z=0.3)

        # Initialize the position error
        self.position_error = Error()

        # Initialize the current and desired velocities
        self.current_velocity = Velocity()
        self.desired_velocity = Velocity()

        # Initialize the velocity error
        self.velocity_error = Error()

        # Set the distance that a velocity command will move the drone (m)
        self.desired_velocity_travel_distance = 0.1
        # Set a static duration that a velocity command will be held
        self.desired_velocity_travel_time = 0.1

        # Set a static duration that a yaw velocity command will be held
        self.desired_yaw_velocity_travel_time = 0.25

        # Store the start time of the desired velocities
        self.desired_velocity_start_time = None
        self.desired_yaw_velocity_start_time = None

        # Initialize the primary PID
        self.pid = PID()

        # Initialize the error used for the PID which is vx, vy, z where vx and
        # vy are velocities, and z is the error in the altitude of the drone
        self.pid_error = Error()

        # Initialize the 'position error to velocity error' PIDs:
        # left/right (roll) pid
        self.lr_pid = PIDaxis(kp=10.0,
                              control_range=(-10.0, 10.0))
        # front/back (pitch) pid
        self.fb_pid = PIDaxis(kp=10.0,
                              control_range=(-10.0, 10.0))

        # Initialize the pose callback time
        self.last_pose_time = None

        # Initialize the desired yaw velocity
        self.desired_yaw_velocity = 0

        # Initialize the current and  previous roll, pitch, yaw values
        self.current_rpy = RPY()
        self.previous_rpy = RPY()

        # initialize the current and previous states
        self.current_state = State()
        self.previous_state = State()

        # Store the command publisher
        self.cmdpub = None

        # a variable used to determine if the drone is moving between disired
        # positions
        self.moving = False

        # a variable that determines the maximum magnitude of the position error
        # Any greater position error will overide the drone into velocity
        # control
        self.safety_threshold = 1.5

        # determines if the position of the drone is known
        self.lost = False

        # determines if the desired poses are aboslute or relative to the drone
        self.absolute_desired_position = False

        # determines whether to use open loop velocity path planning which is
        # accomplished by calculate_travel_time
        self.path_planning = True
コード例 #12
    def __init__(self):

        # Allow the simulator to start

        # When this node shutsdown

        # Set the rate
        self.rate = 100.0
        self.dt = 1.0 / self.rate

        # Getting the PID parameters
        gains = rospy.get_param('/velocity_controller_node/gains', {
            'p_xy': 1,
            'i_xy': 0.0,
            'd_xy': 0.0,
            'p_z': 1,
            'i_z': 0.0,
            'd_z': 0.0
        Kp_xy, Ki_xy, Kd_xy = gains['p_xy'], gains['i_xy'], gains['d_xy']
        Kp_z, Ki_z, Kd_z = gains['p_z'], gains['i_z'], gains['d_z']

        # Display incoming parameters
            str(rospy.get_name()) +
            ": Launching with the following parameters:")
        rospy.loginfo(str(rospy.get_name()) + ": p_xy - " + str(Kp_xy))
        rospy.loginfo(str(rospy.get_name()) + ": i_xy - " + str(Ki_xy))
        rospy.loginfo(str(rospy.get_name()) + ": d_xy - " + str(Kd_xy))
        rospy.loginfo(str(rospy.get_name()) + ": p_z - " + str(Kp_z))
        rospy.loginfo(str(rospy.get_name()) + ": i_z - " + str(Ki_z))
        rospy.loginfo(str(rospy.get_name()) + ": d_z - " + str(Kd_z))
        rospy.loginfo(str(rospy.get_name()) + ": rate - " + str(self.rate))

        # Creating the PID's
        self.vel_PIDs = [PID(Kp_xy, Ki_xy, Kd_xy, self.rate) for _ in range(2)]
        self.vel_PIDs.append(PID(Kp_z, Ki_z, Kd_z, self.rate))

        # Get the setpoints
        self.setpoints = np.zeros(3, dtype=np.float64)

        # Create the current output readings
        self.vel_readings = np.zeros(3, dtype=np.float64)

        # Reading the yaw
        self.yaw_reading = 0

        # Create the subscribers
        self.vel_read_sub = rospy.Subscriber("/uav/sensors/velocity",
                                             TwistStamped, self.get_vel)
        self.vel_set_sub = rospy.Subscriber('/uav/input/velocity', Vector3,
        self.sub = rospy.Subscriber('/uav/sensors/attitude', Vector3,

        # Create the publishers
        self.att_pub = rospy.Publisher("/uav/input/attitude",
        self.thrust_pub = rospy.Publisher('/uav/input/thrust',

        # Run the control loop
コード例 #13
    def __init__(self):
        # Init the ROS node
        self._log("Node Initialized")

        # On shutdown do the following 

        # Set the rate
        self.rate = 30.0
        self.dt = 1.0 / self.rate

        # Init the drone and program state
        self._quit = False
        self._innavigationmode = False
        self._gatefound = True

        # Used to compute the total mass of gate in each part of the image
        self.upper_left_mass  = 0
        self.upper_right_mass = 0
        self.lower_left_mass  = 0
        self.lower_right_mass = 0

        # Used to switch navigation mode from full gate to close gate navigation
        self.close_gate_navigation = False

        # Holds the center of the image:
        self.camera_center_x = None
        self.camera_center_y = None

        # Used to keep track of the object
        self.gate_center_x_arr = None
        self.gate_center_y_arr = None
        self.object_arr_length = 10

        # PID Class to navigate to the gate
        gains = rospy.get_param(rospy.get_name() + '/gains', {'p': 1.0, 'i': 0.0, 'd': 0.0})
        Kp, Ki, Kd = gains['p'], gains['i'], gains['d']
        self.z_controller = PID(Kp, Ki, Kd, self.rate)
        self.y_controller = PID(Kp, Ki, Kd, self.rate)

        # Display the variables
        self._log(": p - " + str(Kp))
        self._log(": i - " + str(Ki))
        self._log(": d - " + str(Kd))

        # Create the bridge
        self.bridge = CvBridge()

        # Variable to check if movement is allowed
        self.allow_movement = True

        # Variable to tell the algorithm if we can see the whole gate or only partial gate
        self.full_gate_found = False
        self.full_gate_ever_found = False

        # Used to store the current gates area (used as a metric for distance to gate)
        self._gate_area = 0

        # Define the upper and lower bound
        lb = rospy.get_param(rospy.get_name() + '/lower_bound', {'H': 0, 'S': 0, 'V': 40})
        ub = rospy.get_param(rospy.get_name() + '/upper_bound', {'H': 20, 'S': 200, 'V': 200})
        self.lower_bound = (lb["H"], lb["S"], lb["V"])
        self.upper_bound = (ub["H"], ub["S"], ub["V"])

        # Init all the publishers and subscribers
        self.move_pub           = rospy.Publisher("/uav1/input/beforeyawcorrection/move", Move, queue_size=10)
        self.drone_state_sub    = rospy.Subscriber("/uav1/input/state", Int16, self._getstate)
        self.image_sub          = rospy.Subscriber("/mixer/sensors/camera", Image, self._getImage)
        self.allow_movement_sub = rospy.Subscriber("/uav1/status/yaw_out_of_range", Bool, self._getOutOfRange)

        # Publish the image with the center
        self.img_pub = rospy.Publisher("/gate_navigation/sensors/camera", Image, queue_size=10)
コード例 #14
    x += dx

    return x

im_count = 0

x1 = x0 + 0.0
x2 = x0 + 0.0
x3 = x0 + 0.0
spring_history = np.zeros((2, steps))
noise_history = np.zeros((2, steps))
pid_history = np.zeros((2, steps))
pid = PID(dt)

target = np.ones(steps)
target[:100] = 0
target[100:300] = -5.0
target[300:500] = 10.0
target[500:] = 0

for t in range(steps):

    x1 = transition(x1, 0, noise[t])
    # x3 = transition(x3, control, noise[t])
    control = pid.control(x3[0], target[t])
    x3 = transition(x3, control, noise[t])
    # spring_history[:,t] = x1.ravel()
    noise_history[:, t] = x1.ravel()