def test_pid(P=0.2, I=0.0, D=0.0, L=100): """Self-test PID class .. note:: ... for i in range(1, END): pid.update(feedback) output = pid.output if pid.SetPoint > 0: feedback += (output - (1/i)) if i>9: pid.SetPoint = 1 time.sleep(0.02) --- """ pid = PID(P, I, D) pid.SetPoint = 0.0 pid.setSampleTime(0.01) END = L feedback = 0 feedback_list = [] time_list = [] setpoint_list = [] for i in range(1, END): pid.update(feedback) output = pid.output print output if pid.SetPoint > 0: feedback += output # (output - (1/i))控制系统的函数 if i > 9: pid.SetPoint = 10 time.sleep(0.01) feedback_list.append(feedback) setpoint_list.append(pid.SetPoint) time_list.append(i) time_sm = np.array(time_list) time_smooth = np.linspace(time_sm.min(), time_sm.max(), 300) feedback_smooth = spline(time_list, feedback_list, time_smooth) plt.figure(0) plt.plot(time_smooth, feedback_smooth) plt.plot(time_list, setpoint_list) plt.xlim((0, L)) plt.ylim((min(feedback_list) - 0.5, max(feedback_list) + 0.5)) plt.xlabel('time (s)') plt.ylabel('PID (PV)') plt.title('TEST PID') plt.ylim((1 - 10.5, 1 + 10.5)) # plt.ylim((1-0.5, 1+0.5)) plt.grid(True)
except Exception as e: #print str(e) continue #rospy.sleep(1) #Wait a second for a first goal to come in. #continue #Do the actual control here! x = localGoal.pose.position.x y = localGoal.pose.position.y theta_err = atan2( -y, x) #different coordinate systems. Here x=1,y=0 is straight ahead. #phi = -1.0*theta_err phi = angle_pid.update(theta_err, t_now.to_sec()) phi = max(min(phi, 1.5), -1.5) #maximum hardware turning rate for turtlebot print angle_pid.debug() if hypot(x, y) > .05: v = .3 else: v = 0 phi = 0 #print("localx:",x,"localy:",y) #(v,phi) = CalculateWheelVelocity(-y,x) #Positive X is forward in the robot's frame, -y is right #rospy.spin() move_cmd = Twist() move_cmd.linear.x = v move_cmd.angular.z = phi pub.publish(move_cmd)