コード例 #1
def php_format_to_strftime_format(fmt):
    replacements = {
        'd': '%d',
        'D': '%a',
        'j': '%d',
        'l': '%A',
        'w': '%w',
        'z': '%j',
        'W': '%W',
        'F': '%B',
        'm': '%m',
        'M': '%b',
        'n': '%m',
        'y': '%Y',
        'Y': '%y',
        'g': '%I',
        'G': '%H',
        'h': '%I',
        'H': '%H',
        'i': '%M',
        's': '%S',
        'e': '%Z',
        'O': '%z',
        'c': '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ'
    return multi_replace(fmt, replacements)
コード例 #2
def php_format_to_strftime_format(fmt):
    replacements = {
        "d": "%d",
        "D": "%a",
        "j": "%d",
        "l": "%A",
        "w": "%w",
        "z": "%j",
        "W": "%W",
        "F": "%B",
        "m": "%m",
        "M": "%b",
        "n": "%m",
        "y": "%Y",
        "Y": "%y",
        "g": "%I",
        "G": "%H",
        "h": "%I",
        "H": "%H",
        "i": "%M",
        "s": "%S",
        "e": "%Z",
        "O": "%z",
        "c": "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ",
    return multi_replace(fmt, replacements)
コード例 #3
ファイル: posts.py プロジェクト: germanschnyder/PieCrust2
 def buildPageFactory(self, path):
     if not path.startswith(self.fs_endpoint_path):
         raise Exception("Page path '%s' isn't inside '%s'." % (
                 path, self.fs_endpoint_path))
     rel_path = path[len(self.fs_endpoint_path):].lstrip('\\/')
     pat = self.PATH_FORMAT % {
             'year': 'YEAR',
             'month': 'MONTH',
             'day': 'DAY',
             'slug': 'SLUG',
             'ext': 'EXT'}
     pat = re.escape(pat)
     pat = multi_replace(pat, {
             'YEAR': '(\d{4})',
             'MONTH': '(\d{2})',
             'DAY': '(\d{2})',
             'SLUG': '(.*)',
             'EXT': '(.*)'})
     m = re.match(pat, rel_path)
     if m is None:
         raise Exception("'%s' isn't a proper %s page path." % (
                 rel_path, self.SOURCE_NAME))
     return self._makeFactory(
コード例 #4
ファイル: jinjaengine.py プロジェクト: ronCYA/PieCrust2
def php_format_to_strftime_format(fmt):
    replacements = {
            'd': '%d',
            'D': '%a',
            'j': '%d',
            'l': '%A',
            'w': '%w',
            'z': '%j',
            'W': '%W',
            'F': '%B',
            'm': '%m',
            'M': '%b',
            'n': '%m',
            'y': '%Y',
            'Y': '%y',
            'g': '%I',
            'G': '%H',
            'h': '%I',
            'H': '%H',
            'i': '%M',
            's': '%S',
            'e': '%Z',
            'O': '%z',
            'c': '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ'}
    return multi_replace(fmt, replacements)
コード例 #5
ファイル: assetor.py プロジェクト: ludovicchabant/PieCrust2
    def _cacheAssets(self):
        if self._cache_map is not None:

        source = self._page.source
        content_item = self._page.content_item
            assets = source.getRelatedContents(content_item, REL_ASSETS)
        except NotImplementedError:
            assets = None

        self._cache_map = {}
        self._cache_list = []

        if assets is None:

        app = source.app
        root_dir = app.root_dir
        asset_url_format = app.config.get('site/asset_url_format')
        if not asset_url_format:
            raise Exception("No asset URL format was specified.")

        page_uri = self._page.getUri()
        pretty_urls = app.config.get('site/pretty_urls')
        if not pretty_urls:
            page_uri, _ = os.path.splitext(page_uri)

        uri_build_tokens = {
            '%path%': None,
            '%filename%': None,
            '%page_uri%': page_uri

        for a in assets:
            name = a.metadata['name']
            if name in self._cache_map:
                raise UnsupportedAssetsError(
                    "An asset with name '%s' already exists for item '%s'. "
                    "Do you have multiple assets with colliding names?" %
                    (name, content_item.spec))

            # TODO: this assumes a file-system source!
            uri_build_tokens['%path%'] = \
                os.path.relpath(a.spec, root_dir).replace('\\', '/')
            uri_build_tokens['%filename%'] = a.metadata.get('filename')
            uri = multi_replace(asset_url_format, uri_build_tokens)

            self._cache_map[name] = _AssetInfo(a, uri)

        stack = app.env.render_ctx_stack
        cur_ctx = stack.current_ctx
        if cur_ctx is not None:
            cur_ctx.render_info['used_assets'] = True
コード例 #6
ファイル: assetor.py プロジェクト: qman1989/PieCrust2
def build_base_url(app, uri, rel_assets_path):
    base_url_format = app.env.base_asset_url_format
    rel_assets_path = rel_assets_path.replace('\\', '/')

    # Remove any extension since we'll be copying assets into the 1st
    # sub-page's folder.
    pretty = app.config.get('site/pretty_urls')
    if not pretty:
        uri, _ = os.path.splitext(uri)

    base_url = multi_replace(base_url_format, {
        '%path%': rel_assets_path,
        '%uri%': uri

    return base_url.rstrip('/') + '/'
コード例 #7
ファイル: scaffolding.py プロジェクト: thhgcn/PieCrust2
    def run(self, ctx):
        if not hasattr(ctx.args, 'source'):
            raise Exception("No source specified. "
                            "Please run `chef prepare -h` for usage.")

        app = ctx.app
        source = ctx.args.source
        metadata = source.buildMetadata(ctx.args)
        factory = source.findPageFactory(metadata, MODE_CREATING)
        path = factory.path
        name, ext = os.path.splitext(path)
        if ext == '.*':
            path = '%s.%s' % (
        if os.path.exists(path):
            raise Exception("'%s' already exists." % path)

        tpl_name = ctx.args.template
        extensions = self.getExtensions(app)
        ext = next(
                    lambda e: tpl_name in e.getTemplateNames(ctx.app),
        if ext is None:
            raise Exception("No such page template: %s" % tpl_name)

        tpl_text = ext.getTemplate(ctx.app, tpl_name)
        if tpl_text is None:
            raise Exception("Error loading template: %s" % tpl_name)
        title = (metadata.get('slug') or metadata.get('path') or
                 'Untitled page')
        title = make_title(title)
        tokens = {
                '%title%': title,
                '%time.today%': time.strftime('%Y/%m/%d'),
                '%time.now%': time.strftime('%H:%M:%S')}
        tpl_text = multi_replace(tpl_text, tokens)

        logger.info("Creating page: %s" % os.path.relpath(path, app.root_dir))
        if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(path)):
            os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(path), 0o755)

        with open(path, 'w') as f:
コード例 #8
ファイル: assetor.py プロジェクト: qman1989/PieCrust2
def build_base_url(app, uri, rel_assets_path):
    base_url_format = app.env.base_asset_url_format
    rel_assets_path = rel_assets_path.replace('\\', '/')

    # Remove any extension since we'll be copying assets into the 1st
    # sub-page's folder.
    pretty = app.config.get('site/pretty_urls')
    if not pretty:
        uri, _ = os.path.splitext(uri)

    base_url = multi_replace(
                '%path%': rel_assets_path,
                '%uri%': uri})

    return base_url.rstrip('/') + '/'
コード例 #9
ファイル: scaffolding.py プロジェクト: kinow/PieCrust2
    def run(self, ctx):
        if not hasattr(ctx.args, 'source'):
            raise Exception("No source specified. "
                            "Please run `chef prepare -h` for usage.")

        app = ctx.app
        source = ctx.args.source
        metadata = source.buildMetadata(ctx.args)
        factory = source.findPageFactory(metadata, MODE_CREATING)
        path = factory.path
        name, ext = os.path.splitext(path)
        if ext == '.*':
            path = '%s.%s' % (name, app.config.get('site/default_auto_format'))
        if os.path.exists(path):
            raise Exception("'%s' already exists." % path)

        tpl_name = ctx.args.template
        extensions = self.getExtensions(app)
        ext = next(
            filter(lambda e: tpl_name in e.getTemplateNames(ctx.app),
                   extensions), None)
        if ext is None:
            raise Exception("No such page template: %s" % tpl_name)

        tpl_text = ext.getTemplate(ctx.app, tpl_name)
        if tpl_text is None:
            raise Exception("Error loading template: %s" % tpl_name)
        title = (metadata.get('slug') or metadata.get('path')
                 or 'Untitled page')
        title = make_title(title)
        tokens = {
            '%title%': title,
            '%time.today%': time.strftime('%Y/%m/%d'),
            '%time.now%': time.strftime('%H:%M:%S')
        tpl_text = multi_replace(tpl_text, tokens)

        logger.info("Creating page: %s" % os.path.relpath(path, app.root_dir))
        if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(path)):
            os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(path), 0o755)

        with open(path, 'w') as f:
コード例 #10
ファイル: jekyll.py プロジェクト: germanschnyder/PieCrust2
    def convertConfig(self, app, src_path):
        logger.debug("  Converting configuration file.")
        with open(src_path, 'r', encoding='utf8') as fp:
            config = yaml.load(fp)

        if 'site' not in config:
            config['site'] = {}
        config['site']['related_posts'] = []
        config['site']['posts_fs'] = 'flat'
        config['site']['templates_dirs'] = ['includes', 'layouts']
        config['site']['tag_url'] = 'tags/%tag%'
        if 'permalink' in config:
            permalink = config['permalink']
            if permalink == 'date':
                permalink = '/:categories/:year/:month/:day/:title.html'
            elif permalink == 'pretty':
                permalink = '/:categories/:year/:month/:day/:title/'
            elif permalink == 'none':
                permalink = '/:categories/:title.html'

            # TODO: handle `:categories` token.
            post_url = multi_replace(
                    {':year': '%year%', ':month': '%month%', ':day': '%day%',
                        ':title': '%slug%', ':categories': ''})
            post_url = post_url.replace('//', '/').strip('/')
            config['site']['post_url'] = post_url
        if 'exclude' in config:
            if 'baker' not in config:
                config['baker'] = {}
            config['baker']['ignore'] = list(map(
                    lambda i: '^/_%s/' % re.escape(i)))
        if 'jinja' not in config:
            config['jinja'] = {}
        config['jinja']['auto_escape'] = False
        if 'markdown' in config:
            if not isinstance(config['markdown'], dict):
                logger.warning("Discarding markdown setting: %s" %
                del config['markdown']

        with open(os.path.join(app.root_dir, 'config.yml'), 'w') as fp:
            yaml.dump(config, stream=fp)
コード例 #11
ファイル: compass.py プロジェクト: germanschnyder/PieCrust2
    def _maybeActivate(self, pipeline):
        if self._state != self.STATE_UNKNOWN:

        config = self.app.config.get('compass')
        if config is None or not config.get('enable'):
            logger.debug("Compass processing is disabled (set "
                         "`compass/enable` to `true` to enable it).")
            self._state = self.STATE_INACTIVE

        logger.debug("Activating Compass processing for SCSS/SASS files.")
        self._state = self.STATE_ACTIVE

        bin_path = config.get('bin', 'compass')

        config_path = config.get('config_path', 'config.rb')
        config_path = os.path.join(self.app.root_dir, config_path)
        if not os.path.exists(config_path):
            raise Exception("Can't find Compass configuration file: %s" %
        self._args = '%s compile --config "%s"' % (bin_path, config_path)

        frameworks = config.get('frameworks', [])
        if not isinstance(frameworks, list):
            frameworks = frameworks.split(',')
        for f in frameworks:
            self._args += ' --load %s' % f

        custom_args = config.get('options')
        if custom_args:
            self._args += ' ' + custom_args

        out_dir = pipeline.out_dir
        tmp_dir = os.path.join(pipeline.tmp_dir, 'compass')
        self._args = multi_replace(
                {'%out_dir%': out_dir,
                    '%tmp_dir%': tmp_dir})

        self._runInSite = False
        self._runInTheme = False
コード例 #12
    def _maybeActivate(self, pipeline):
        if self._state != self.STATE_UNKNOWN:

        config = self.app.config.get('compass')
        if config is None or not config.get('enable'):
            logger.debug("Compass processing is disabled (set "
                         "`compass/enable` to `true` to enable it).")
            self._state = self.STATE_INACTIVE

        logger.debug("Activating Compass processing for SCSS/SASS files.")
        self._state = self.STATE_ACTIVE

        bin_path = config.get('bin', 'compass')

        config_path = config.get('config_path', 'config.rb')
        config_path = os.path.join(self.app.root_dir, config_path)
        if not os.path.exists(config_path):
            raise Exception("Can't find Compass configuration file: %s" %
        self._args = '%s compile --config "%s"' % (bin_path, config_path)

        frameworks = config.get('frameworks', [])
        if not isinstance(frameworks, list):
            frameworks = frameworks.split(',')
        for f in frameworks:
            self._args += ' --load %s' % f

        custom_args = config.get('options')
        if custom_args:
            self._args += ' ' + custom_args

        out_dir = pipeline.out_dir
        tmp_dir = os.path.join(pipeline.tmp_dir, 'compass')
        self._args = multi_replace(self._args, {
            '%out_dir%': out_dir,
            '%tmp_dir%': tmp_dir

        self._runInSite = False
        self._runInTheme = False
コード例 #13
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: zaxebo1/PieCrust2
def _setup_app_environment(app, env):
    from piecrust.uriutil import multi_replace

    tokens = {
        '%root_dir%': app.root_dir}

    for k, v in env.items():
        varname = k
        append = False
        if k.lower() == 'path':
            append = True
            v = os.pathsep + v
        elif k.endswith('+'):
            varname = k[:-1]
            append = True

        v = multi_replace(v, tokens)

        if append:
            logger.debug("Env: $%s += %s" % (varname, v))
            os.environ[varname] += v
            logger.debug("Env: $%s = %s" % (varname, v))
            os.environ[varname] = v
コード例 #14
    def _doRun(self, ctx):
        import time
        from piecrust.uriutil import multi_replace
        from piecrust.sources.fs import FSContentSourceBase

        if not hasattr(ctx.args, 'source'):
            raise Exception("No source specified. "
                            "Please run `chef prepare -h` for usage.")

        app = ctx.app
        tpl_name = ctx.args.template
        extensions = self.getExtensions(app)
        ext = next(
                lambda e: tpl_name in e.getTemplateNames(app),
        if ext is None:
            raise Exception("No such page template: %s" % tpl_name)
        tpl_text = ext.getTemplate(app, tpl_name)
        if tpl_text is None:
            raise Exception("Error loading template: %s" % tpl_name)

        source = ctx.args.source
        content_item = source.createContent(vars(ctx.args))
        if content_item is None:
            raise Exception("Can't create item.")

        config_tokens = {
            '%title%': "Untitled Content",
            '%time.today%': time.strftime('%Y/%m/%d'),
            '%time.now%': time.strftime('%H:%M:%S')
        config = content_item.metadata.get('config')
        if config:
            for k, v in config.items():
                config_tokens['%%%s%%' % k] = v
        tpl_text = multi_replace(tpl_text, config_tokens)

        logger.info("Creating content: %s" % content_item.spec)
        mode = 'w' if ctx.args.force else 'x'
        with source.openItem(content_item, mode) as f:

        # If this was a file-system content item, see if we need to auto-open
        # an editor on it.
        editor = ctx.app.config.get('prepare/editor')
        editor_type = ctx.app.config.get('prepare/editor_type', 'exe')
        if editor and isinstance(source, FSContentSourceBase):
            import shlex
            shell = False
            args = '%s "%s"' % (editor, content_item.spec)
            if '%path%' in editor:
                args = editor.replace('%path%', content_item.spec)

            if editor_type.lower() == 'shell':
                shell = True
                args = shlex.split(args)

            import subprocess
            logger.info("Running: %s" % args)
            subprocess.Popen(args, shell=shell)
コード例 #15
ファイル: scaffolding.py プロジェクト: zaxebo1/PieCrust2
    def _doRun(self, ctx):
        import time
        from piecrust.uriutil import multi_replace
        from piecrust.sources.fs import FSContentSourceBase

        if not hasattr(ctx.args, 'source'):
            raise Exception("No source specified. "
                            "Please run `chef prepare -h` for usage.")

        app = ctx.app
        tpl_name = ctx.args.template
        extensions = self.getExtensions(app)
        ext = next(
                lambda e: tpl_name in e.getTemplateNames(app),
        if ext is None:
            raise Exception("No such page template: %s" % tpl_name)
        tpl_text = ext.getTemplate(app, tpl_name)
        if tpl_text is None:
            raise Exception("Error loading template: %s" % tpl_name)

        source = ctx.args.source
        content_item = source.createContent(vars(ctx.args))
        if content_item is None:
            raise Exception("Can't create item.")

        config_tokens = {
            '%title%': "Untitled Content",
            '%time.today%': time.strftime('%Y/%m/%d'),
            '%time.now%': time.strftime('%H:%M:%S')
        config = content_item.metadata.get('config')
        if config:
            for k, v in config.items():
                config_tokens['%%%s%%' % k] = v
        tpl_text = multi_replace(tpl_text, config_tokens)

        logger.info("Creating content: %s" % content_item.spec)
        mode = 'w' if ctx.args.force else 'x'
        with source.openItem(content_item, mode) as f:

        # If this was a file-system content item, see if we need to auto-open
        # an editor on it.
        editor = ctx.app.config.get('prepare/editor')
        editor_type = ctx.app.config.get('prepare/editor_type', 'exe')
        if editor and isinstance(source, FSContentSourceBase):
            import shlex
            shell = False
            args = '%s "%s"' % (editor, content_item.spec)
            if '%path%' in editor:
                args = editor.replace('%path%', content_item.spec)

            if editor_type.lower() == 'shell':
                shell = True
                args = shlex.split(args)

            import subprocess
            logger.info("Running: %s" % args)
            subprocess.Popen(args, shell=shell)
コード例 #16
 def resolvePath(self, path):
     path = multi_replace(path, {'%theme_dir%': self.theme_dir})
     return os.path.join(self.root_dir, path)