コード例 #1
def main():
    Main function of PanDA Pilot 2.
    Prepare for and execute the requested workflow.

    :return: exit code (int).

    # get the logger
    logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    # print the pilot version

    # define threading events
    args.graceful_stop = threading.Event()
    args.abort_job = threading.Event()
    args.job_aborted = threading.Event()

    # define useful variables
    args.retrieve_next_job = True  # go ahead and download a new job
    args.signal = None  # to store any incoming signals
    args.signal_counter = 0  # keep track of number of received kill signal (suicide counter)
    args.kill_time = 0  # keep track of when first kill signal arrived

    # read and parse config file

    # perform https setup
    https_setup(args, get_pilot_version())

    # initialize InfoService
        # check if queue is ACTIVE
        if infosys.queuedata.state != 'ACTIVE':
            logger.critical('specified queue is NOT ACTIVE: %s -- aborting' %
            raise PilotException("Panda Queue is NOT ACTIVE")
    except PilotException as error:
        return error.get_error_code()

    # set the site name for rucio  ## is it really used?
    environ['PILOT_RUCIO_SITENAME'] = infosys.queuedata.site

    # set requested workflow
    logger.info('pilot arguments: %s' % str(args))
    logger.info('selected workflow: %s' % args.workflow)
    workflow = __import__('pilot.workflow.%s' % args.workflow, globals(),
                          locals(), [args.workflow], -1)

    # execute workflow
        exit_code = workflow.run(args)
    except Exception as e:
        logger.fatal('main pilot function caught exception: %s' % e)
        exit_code = None

    return exit_code
コード例 #2
def main():
    logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
    logger.info('pilot startup - version %s' % VERSION)

    args.graceful_stop = threading.Event()

    https_setup(args, VERSION)

    if not set_location(args):
        return False

    logger.info('workflow: %s' % args.workflow)
    workflow = __import__('pilot.workflow.%s' % args.workflow, globals(),
                          locals(), [args.workflow], -1)
    return workflow.run(args)
コード例 #3
import sys
import time

from pilot.eventservice.communicationmanager.communicationmanager import CommunicationRequest, CommunicationResponse, CommunicationManager
from pilot.util.https import https_setup
from pilot.util.timing import time_stamp

if sys.version_info < (2, 7):
    import unittest2 as unittest
    import unittest

logging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stderr, level=logging.DEBUG)
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

https_setup(None, None)

def check_env():
    Function to check whether cvmfs is available.
    To be used to decide whether to skip some test functions.

    :returns True: if cvmfs is available. Otherwise False.
    return os.path.exists('/cvmfs/atlas.cern.ch/repo/')

class TestESCommunicationRequestResponse(unittest.TestCase):
    Unit tests for event service communicator Request and Response.