def nps_finder_tp_cluster(image_file, z_extent, filter_kernel, min_sep): files, metadata = preprocessor.data_org(tifdir) columns = ('x', 'y', 'z', 'a_total', 'intensity', 'particle', 'com_dist', 'trial') all_parts = pd.DataFrame([], columns=columns) for i in range(0, len(files)): print(i) print(files[i]) frames = pims.TiffStack('./tifs/' + folders[m] + '/tifs/' + files[i]) # nps = np.array(frames[::2]) # nuclei = np.array(frames[1::2]) features = tp.batch(nps[:], diameter=filter_kernel, separation=min_sep) # Option to add a mass cut # features = features[features['raw_mass'] > 0] if len(features) == 0: features['particle'] = [] if len(features) == 1: features['particle'] = 1 elif len(features) > 1: # Clustering to eliminate maxima that are too close together positions = features[['x', 'y', 'frame']].values # Distance matrix is n-particles x n-particles in size - reckon it gives the interparticle separation # This gives the upper triangle of the distance matrix dist_mat = dist.pdist(positions) link_mat = hier.linkage(dist_mat) # fcluster assigns each of the particles in positions a cluster to which it belongs cluster_idx = hier.fcluster(link_mat, 5, criterion='distance') features['particle'] = cluster_idx n_parts = np.unique(features['particle'].values) values_clustered = [] for j in n_parts: current = features[features['particle'] == j] if len(current) > z_extent: norm = np.sum(current['raw_mass']) x_av = np.mean(current['x']) y_av = np.mean(current['y']) # z-value is the intensity-weighted value z_av = np.sum(current['raw_mass'] * current['frame']) / norm a_total = np.sum(current['size']) # Geometric cut-off to particle size if a_total > 1: values_clustered.append( [x_av, y_av, z_av, a_total, norm, j]) columns_clustered = ('x', 'y', 'z', 'a_total', 'intensity', 'particle') particles_clustered = pd.DataFrame(values_clustered, columns=columns_clustered)
def main(): frequencies = np.zeros(28) displacement = np.zeros(28) error = np.zeros(28) i = 0 k = 0 directory = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + '/Samples/' for filename in os.listdir(directory): tempStr = '' print('i') if ('Hz' in filename): displacement[k], error[k] = Find_Gauss_Intersect( pims.TiffStack('./Samples/' + filename)[0]) i = 0 while (filename[i] != 'H'): tempStr += filename[i] i += 1 frequencies[k] = int(tempStr) k += 1 save = open('Data.txt', 'w') for i in range(0, 28): save.write( str(frequencies[i]) + '\t' + str(displacement[i]) + '\t' + str(error[i]) + '\n') save.close() plt.errorbar(frequencies, displacement, yerr=error, xerr=5, fmt='none', label='Raw Data') plt.xlabel("Frequency of Rotating Mirror(Hz)") plt.ylabel("Pixel Position (pixel)") coef, cov = np.polyfit(frequencies, displacement, 1, cov=True) print(cov) newEquation = np.poly1d(coef) fitData = newEquation(frequencies) plt.plot(frequencies, fitData, label='Linear Fit') plt.title("Slope = " + str(coef[0])) plt.legend() print(cov)
def __init__(self, dir_path): self.imgSeq = pims.TiffStack(dir_path) # this is what Trackpy uses self.img = io.imread(dir_path, plugin='tifffile') # self.__normalize_img() self.shape = self.img.shape meta = dir_path.split('/')[-1].split('_') = meta[0] self.coverslip = meta[1] self.exp = meta[2] = meta[3] self.exposure = meta[4] self.frames = meta[5][0:-4] self.fname = dir_path.split('/')[-1][0:-4]
def stackloader(filename, dir_in='', plot=True): # Load up a stack - assumes that PLA signal on channel 1, DAPI on channel 2 if dir_in == '': data = pims.TiffStack('./' + filename) if dir_in != '': data = pims.TiffStack(dir_in + filename) # This may need removing to run on the Mac / non-Conda Python # data = data[0] nuclei = np.array(data[1::2]) nps = np.array(data[::2]) z_size, y_size, x_size = np.shape(nps) nrows = ncols = // nrows + 1) # print z_size, nrows, ncols if plot == True: fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows, ncols, figsize=(3 * ncols, 3 * nrows)) for n in range(z_size): i = n // ncols j = n % ncols axes[i, j].imshow(nuclei[n], interpolation='nearest', cmap='gray') for ax in axes.ravel(): if not (len(ax.images)): fig.delaxes(ax) fig.tight_layout() plt.close() return nuclei, nps, nrows, ncols
def cell_detect(file, var, opt): print('Detecting cells') # # load, run object detection and track (then clean up) raw_frames = pims.TiffStack(file, as_grey=True) # load # only analyse n frames if var['frames_keep'] is not 0: raw_frames = raw_frames[0:var['frames_keep']] # object detect cellsdf = tp.batch(raw_frames, var['diameter'], minmass=var['minFluroMass'], separation=var['separation'], engine='numba', max_iterations=1, characterize=False, noise_size=var['noise_smooth']) # remove brightest objects cellsdf = cellsdf.drop(cellsdf[cellsdf.mass > var['maxFluroMass']].index) if opt['plot_inter_static']: annotate_args = {"vmin": 0, "vmax": 200} # Tweak styles plt.ion() fig_dims = np.multiply(0.01, raw_frames[0].shape) mpl.rc('figure', figsize=(fig_dims[1].astype(int), fig_dims[0].astype(int))) mpl.rc('image', cmap='gray') # plot final particles chosen plt.figure() tp.annotate(cellsdf[cellsdf.frame == var['frame_plot']], raw_frames[var['frame_plot']], imshow_style=annotate_args) plt.title('Particles included in analysis' '(at t=' + str(var['frame_plot']) + ')') plt.draw() plt.pause(0.001) return cellsdf, raw_frames
def predict_videos(path, num_videos): videos = os.listdir(join(path)) pred_videos=[] for i in range(num_videos): pims_sequence = pims.TiffStack(join(path, videos[i]), process_func=None) frames = np.stack([frame.copy() for frame in pims_sequence], axis=2) pred_frames=np.zeros((768,768,frames.shape[2])) for j in range(frames.shape[2]): aux=frames[:, :, j] aux = resize_image(aux, [768, 768]) patches = split_image(aux, (256,256)) patches = patches.reshape(patches.shape+(1,)) resultado = model.predict(patches, verbose=2) resultado = np.uint8(np.argmax(resultado, axis=3)) imagen = reconstruction(resultado, (768, 768)) pred_frames[:, :, j] = imagen pred_videos.append(pred_frames) return pred_videos
return args.boundaries_fn, args.tif_fn if __name__ == '__main__': ### Parse command line arguments boundaries_fn, tif_fn = parse_command_line_args() ### Load data all_boundary_pts = np.load(boundaries_fn) try: cell_label = re.findall(r'\d+', boundaries_fn)[0] except IndexError: cell_label = -1 frames = pims.TiffStack(tif_fn) frame = frames[0] ### smooth and plot cell trajectory ### masks = [grid_points_in_poly(frame.shape, pts) for pts in all_boundary_pts] centers = np.array([regionprops(mask)[0].centroid for mask in masks]) # estimate initial velocity via regression on first few timepoints init_pts = 5 vx0, _, _, _, _ = linregress(range(init_pts), centers[:init_pts, 0]) vy0, _, _, _, _ = linregress(range(init_pts), centers[:init_pts, 1]) initial_state = np.array([centers[0, 0], centers[0, 1], vx0, vy0]) # smooth the cell center positions position_noise = 15.0 # higher noise -> heavier smoothing smoother = KalmanSmoother2D(position_noise, position_noise)
from pims import Frame # In[ ]: import trackpy import trackpy.diag trackpy.__version__ #trackpy.diag.dependencies() # In[ ]: shot = 235 pic = 18333 v = pims.TiffStack( '/Users/pinghanchu/Documents/Git/Data/Shot{}/Shot{}_Cam_{}.tif'.format( shot, shot, pic)) size = len(v) v0 = tp.bandpass(v[0], 0, 300, threshold=5, truncate=4) imsave( "/Users/pinghanchu/Documents/Git/Data/Shot{}/Clean_Data_Shot{}_Cam_{}/FrameL0.tif" .format(shot, shot, pic), v0) zero = tp.bandpass(v[300], 0, 300, threshold=5, truncate=10) - v0 zero[zero > 0] = 0 zero[zero < 0] = 0 a = zero b = zero comb_index = 1 run_range = int(size / comb_index) for iv1 in range(0, run_range): b = zero
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import pandas as pd from pandas import DataFrame, Series import pims import trackpy as tp from uncertainties import ufloat T = ufloat(293,1) eta = 1/1000 a = ufloat(0.00000099, 0.00000003) frames = pims.TiffStack('C:/Users/Ewout van der Velde/Downloads/Untitled4.tif', as_grey=False) f = tp.locate(frames[-250:], 21, invert = True, minmass=1000) f.head() plt.figure() tp.annotate(f, frames[0]) fig,ax = plt.subplots() ax.hist(f['mass'], bins=40) f = tp.batch(frames[-100:], 21, minmass = 1000, invert=True) t = tp.link_df(f, 5, memory=3) t.head()
def input_to_highlighted_png(input_file_name, dist_0=0, use_green_channel=True, **kwargs): '''if a blue figure is returnd, check that vmin == - vmax''' #get frame number, frm, for a given file_name # from cv2 import drawMarker lst = input_file_name.split('.') assert(len(lst)>2) frm = int(eval(lst[-2])) #only consider frames with a history, so that we may calculate optical flow if frm>1: out = None else: return False os.chdir(kwargs['data_dir']) df = pd.read_csv(kwargs['cluster_dir']) #raw dic frames frames = pims.TiffStack_libtiff(kwargs['dic_dir']) # compute outward flow os.chdir(kwargs['tmp_dir']) current, previous, previous_previous = load_data(input_file_name) # current = current[...,1].astype('uint8') # previous = previous[...,1].astype('uint8') # previous_previous = previous_previous[...,1].astype('uint8') current = current.astype('uint8') previous = previous.astype('uint8') previous_previous = previous_previous.astype('uint8') flow = compute_flow(current, previous, previous_previous, **kwargs) position = df.loc[df.frame==frm][['x','y']].values.T area_channel = current.copy() flow_radial = compute_flow_out(flow, position, area_channel = area_channel, frm=frm, **kwargs) image = get_image(frames, frm) if use_green_channel: #get the green channel os.chdir(kwargs['data_dir']) imgs = pims.TiffStack(kwargs['fret_dir']) input_array = imgs[frm] green_channel = get_green_channel_from(input_array, baseline = 1000, x_shiftby = 0, rotateby = 0)#, x_shiftby = 2, rotateby = 15) boo=~np.isfinite(green_channel) green_channel[boo]=0. image[...,1] *= green_channel/4+1 image[...,0] /= green_channel/4+1 image[...,2] /= green_channel/4+1 # flow_out = flow_radial[...,1] flow_in = flow_radial[...,0] # lograt_ = get_lograt_out(-1.*flow_in, area_channel, baseline = 0.01) # lograt_[boo] = 0. signal = -1.*flow_in #lograt_ #set signal values in distances within a distance dist_0 to zero r0 = dist_0/kwargs['lamda'] #pixels # if of is None: of = OpticalFlowClient(dt=kwargs['dt']) # kwargs['of'] = of rhat,rmat = of.get_r_hat_mat(position) boo = rmat<r0 signal[boo] = 0. fig = highlight_flow_bwr(image, signal, vmin = kwargs['vmin'], vmax = kwargs['vmax'], figsize = (10,10), mydpi = 512/10) #save fig as .png in tmp2 if input_file_name.find('tmp/preprocessed_snapshot')==-1: return False save_marked_fig_dir = input_file_name.replace('tmp/preprocessed_snapshot','tmp2/highlighted_snapshot') assert(save_marked_fig_dir != input_file_name) #if ^this assert fails, check that input_file_name is an absolute directory # save_figure(fig, save_marked_fig_dir=save_marked_fig_dir) img_fn = save_marked_fig_dir # fig.tight_layout() plt.subplots_adjust(left=0, right=1, top=1, bottom=0) fig.savefig(img_fn, dpi = 512/10) plt.close() return img_fn
def my_input_file_name_to_highlight(input_file_name, dist_0=0, use_green_channel = True, **kwargs): '''if a blue figure is returnd, check that vmin == - vmax''' #initialize for a given frame dt = kwargs['dt'] lamda = kwargs['lamda'] worker = Worker(lamda=lamda, dt=dt) of = worker.optical_flow_client() dis = worker.dis_client() asserting = worker.asserting #get frame number, frm, for a given file_name lst = input_file_name.split('.') assert(len(lst)>2) frm = int(eval(lst[-2])) #only consider frames with a history, so that we may calculate optical flow if frm>1: out = None else: return False # import the aggregate's trajectory os.chdir(kwargs['data_dir']) df = pd.read_csv(kwargs['cluster_dir']) position = df.loc[df.frame==frm][['x','y']].values.T #raw dic frames frames = pims.TiffStack_libtiff(kwargs['dic_dir']) # file_name = f"{tmp_folder}/preprocessed_snapshot.{int(frm)}.png" if asserting: assert ( os.path.exists(input_file_name) ) #import from a folder of preprocessed frames stored as .png's current, previous, previous_previous = load_input_grayscale_data_second_order(input_file_name) #convert to grayscale uint8 (as required by dis.calc *sad face* ) current = current.astype('uint8') previous = previous.astype('uint8') previous_previous = previous_previous.astype('uint8') try: #compute the flow (redunant) current_flow = dis.calc(previous_previous, previous, flow = None) new_flow = dis.calc(previous, current, flow = current_flow) except Exception as e: current = current[...,0].astype('uint8') previous = previous[...,0].astype('uint8') previous_previous = previous_previous[...,0].astype('uint8') current_flow = dis.calc(previous_previous, previous, flow = None) new_flow = dis.calc(previous, current, flow = current_flow) # compute the flow_out and the flow_in flow_radial = calc_sharp_optical_flow(img=current,img_before=previous, position = position, dt=dt, frm = frm, area_channel = current, img_before_before = previous_previous, of=of) flow_out = flow_radial[...,1] flow_in = flow_radial[...,0] area_channel = current.copy() image = get_image(frames, frm) if use_green_channel: #get the green channel os.chdir(kwargs['data_dir']) imgs = pims.TiffStack(kwargs['fret_dir']) input_array = imgs[frm] green_channel = get_green_channel_from(input_array, baseline = 1000, x_shiftby = 0, rotateby = 0)#, x_shiftby = 2, rotateby = 15) boo=~np.isfinite(green_channel) green_channel[boo]=0. image[...,1] *= green_channel/2+1 fig = highlight_flow_bwr(image, flow_in, kwargs['vmin'], kwargs['vmax'], figsize = (10,10), mydpi = 512/10) #save fig as .png in tmp2 if input_file_name.find('tmp/preprocessed_snapshot')==-1: return False save_marked_fig_dir = input_file_name.replace('tmp/preprocessed_snapshot','tmp2/highlighted_snapshot') assert(save_marked_fig_dir != input_file_name) #if ^this assert fails, check that input_file_name is an absolute directory # save_figure(fig, save_marked_fig_dir=save_marked_fig_dir) img_fn = save_marked_fig_dir fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig(img_fn, dpi = 512/10) plt.close() return img_fn